Homemade bread oven Buy, recipe. Brick oven for bread: practical tips for construction Drawings of wood-burning ovens for baking bread

A mini-bakery is a very interesting and exciting type of business which, due to the high population demand for bread and bakery products, is very profitable.

The highest profitability occurs when you bake a lot of different products, and do not bake only bread.

What equipment do we need?

Basic set of equipment for a mini bakery:

  • The most important thing is ovens for mini-bakeries;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • boring cabinet;
  • table for cutting dough;
  • baking trolley;
  • flour sifter;
  • dough sheeter

This is the main equipment for a full cycle of work.

The oven is the most expensive piece of equipment for a bakery and its cost varies greatly, depending on performance, quality and brand.

In general, prices vary greatly. There are ovens different types, but the most popular for mini-bakeries for baking bread are rotary and deck ovens.

Ovens for mini bakeries

The most well-known brands of equipment for mini-bakeries are German brands, for example Miwe, Winkler, WernerPfleiderer. French manufacturers of equipment for mini-bakeries have a very good reputation.

Domestic stoves are much cheaper than, for example, German brands, but the quality is certainly lower. Bread makers producing 1.5 tons of product per day cost from 600 thousand rubles, and German ones cost about 30 thousand euros, but they will serve for a long time and produce products of the highest quality.

Although there are very small ovens that produce a small volume of products, they can be bought for 500-2000 dollars.

Modern construction technologies attractive for business due to their availability and uniqueness. Find out how to profitably use equipment for the production of fiberglass reinforcement.

Read how the machine for producing pallets works on this page. Pallet manufacturing technology does not stand still.

Old car tires are now recycled, for example, into fuel. The page http://buisiness-oborudovanie.com/dlya-pererabotki-musora/oborudovanie-dlya-pererabotki-shin/ talks about tire recycling plants.

Other equipment for mini bakeries

Approximate prices and characteristics for other equipment:

Dough mixing machine, used for kneading dough, from $400 and up.

A boring cabinet, which is needed to ensure that the dough is kept in it at a certain percentage of humidity and temperature.

This is done to improve the characteristics of the dough and loosen it due to the release of carbon dioxide. The dough, in simple terms, is suitable (costs 40 thousand rubles and more depending on the brand).

Dough sheeter MRT-60M

A table for cutting dough, needed for cutting already rolled dough into pieces of various shapes, from 40 thousand rubles, a baking cart - bread is placed on it in tiers in the oven, usually there are 15-18 tiers, costs about 12 thousand rubles.

A flour sifter, used for thoroughly loosening, sifting and removing foreign particles from flour, bakery products, so they turn out more fluffy and tasty, costs about 15 thousand rubles. The dough sheeter is used for precise, constant uniform rolling of dough (20-30 thousand rubles).

If you have the means, you can additionally purchase a dough molding machine for forming dough pieces (about 30-60 thousand rubles), a rounder - quickly and accurately cuts the dough and rounds it into shapes (from 100 thousand rubles), various trays, baking sheets, molds, scales.

The cost of equipment for a full cycle of work is much higher than the cost of equipment for an incomplete cycle. If the baking cycle is incomplete, kneading of the dough is eliminated. Therefore, the cost is several times lower. With an incomplete cycle, you will only need a bread maker, a freezer (about 15 thousand rubles) and a display case for goods (about 30 thousand rubles).

You can buy all equipment not only new, but also used, in order to optimize costs, but of course it’s worth looking at the expiration date and condition of the used equipment.

Get to know the features pvc production sandwich panels and learn about relatively inexpensive ways to manufacture this building material.

Fasteners are in demand everywhere and are therefore produced in huge quantities. On this page, for example, you can learn about an automatic nail production machine.

Production technology in a confectionery mini bakery

For production you will need raw materials: this is, of course, flour, yeast, as well as sugar, salt, vegetable oil, margarine, various additives and flavorings.

The main aspect that you should keep in mind is that flour is a product with a very short shelf life and should always be purchased in small quantities for baking.

Therefore, you need to look for suppliers that meet these criteria.

The workflow goes like this. Most main man, on whom the quality of your products and, accordingly, profit will depend, is a technologist.

Therefore, approach the choice of technologist responsibly. You will also need a salesperson-cashier, a cleaner, and a baker.

Depending on the size of production, the number of people may increase. You will also need an accountant or you can use outsourcing services if your volumes are small and it is expensive to keep a person in a separate position.

Video about mini bakery equipment

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Bread oven for mini-bakery

This construction story is perhaps about my most interesting stove.

Since wood-burning ovens are not very popular among stove makers in our country, we had to rely on the experience of stove makers in Europe, the USA and Canada. There are bread makers various designs. On some sites I saw pictures of muscular giants with a bottom size as much as 4 square meters. meters. In the photo in other bakeries, light, crisp ovens with a hearth of 1 m2. with minimal insulation and wall thicknesses not exceeding 7-9 cm. It turned out that there is a certain relationship between the size of the hearth and the thickness of the walls. So, when increasing the size of the hearth, it is necessary to thicken the walls, the arch and the thickness of the hearth.

It all started with a meeting on the spot, in the future mini-bakery. Around me are bare walls and an ideological customer. The task at first seemed insoluble to me. The ceiling was made of hollow slabs with a maximum load of no more than 400 kg/m2. But it was necessary to install two medium-sized baking ovens. But the weight of such a furnace can exceed ten tons. The idea of ​​how to complete this project did not immediately occur to me. I thought: “What if we put the stoves on a rigidly welded metal truss, and support the edges of the structure on load-bearing support beams in the basement?” And - bingo!!! The customer liked the crazy idea. Has begun brainstorm and project creation. You can see the first sketches that started it all. Further construction of the furnace was spontaneous and was invented on the fly. But this had its own highlight. My friend and I enjoyed this kind of work. And the most important thing is that we received a wealth of experience, which was more valuable to us than payment for our labor.

The base of the baking oven is a metal truss

The metal frame was welded from a 50*50 angle, the lower support was tied to the upper one at an angle of 45*. The supports were fastened together with a 40*40 corner. The weight of the structure is about 400 kg. The design principle was seen on the load-bearing elements of pedestrian bridges over the Moscow Ring Road, railway bridges on the Internet and floors of shopping centers

The oven is traditionally made of brick. In large structures, sometimes solid masonry is replaced with blocks. We decided to make the entire support of the crucible from metal. It turned out much easier this way. And weight was important to us much more than the economic component. Moreover, it turned out to be very technologically advanced. In the future I will also use this principle.

The legs are made of 80*80 pipe.

On top is a frame made from a 50*50 corner. But in the future I will use 63*63. This turns out to be more convenient, since on top there is a support pipe with flat slate Then it fits flush with the corner shelf.

Hearth insulation

The furnace furnace is insulated from all sides, including from below. To insulate the hearth we use foam glass. This material is inert and resistant to high temperatures, but not fire resistant. Two rows of bricks are laid on top of the foam glass.

The working hearth size is 1.4 x 1.4 m (2 m2) in each furnace. From one trench you can perform 3-4 plantings of 36 loaves. To ensure continuity of the process, while one oven bakes bread, the second is heated.

The furnaces of the furnaces are made of fireclay bricks from the Borovichi plant. The hearth, undercut and arch are made of sha-8, and the walls, to lighten the structure, are made of fireclay slabs sha-94. The side walls are almost not involved in baking, and the difference in thickness in this case is not very important. The main thing is to maintain equal thickness of the hearth and roof for uniform heating of the baked product. Otherwise, one side of the bread may burn while the other side is not yet baked. The hearth has two rows: the first leveling one, on which the frame is installed - an element required for baking ovens. Without it, such a stove cannot be assembled, since the shallow vault puts a lot of pressure on the side walls and, without a frame, will push them apart and the vault will collapse.


The stove cover was peeped in one German oven, and made according to the model and likeness. However, now it seems to me that this knot is not fully thought out, and I would move the fold forward. This will solve several problems. Firstly, it will be possible to avoid smoke formation during the combustion process when opening the doors, and overheating of the doors.

Top view of the undercoat.

Bakery oven vaults and insulation

The vaults themselves are made with a small lifting boom. This allows for uniform heating over the entire area of ​​the furnace. The Germans use fireclay floor slabs to achieve this effect. This is simpler, more technologically advanced, but less reliable - the slabs tend to crack, because working hard. In the vault, all the bricks work in compression.

Insulation was carried out with phenol-free wool for food production. And to insulate the side walls and roof it takes about 3 m3. The minimum insulation thickness is 200 mm.

The last layer is foiled and glued with special foil tape.

The stove chimney is made of insulated stainless pipe and runs outside the building.

Cladding and design

The outer frame of the furnace was assembled from a metal profile 20*40, and sheathed with gypsum fiber board for further cladding. The cladding was made with antique Spanish clinker tiles.

Bakery oven doors are almost impossible to buy. There is a certain German company where you can buy a door for a bread machine, but its price will be comparable to other expenses for the oven. Therefore, the doors were made on site. The opening principle is similar to fireplace guillotine cassettes. Counterweights equal in weight to the weight of the door facilitate lifting and make it possible to fix the door in any position. Opening and closing can be done with one finger. Insulating the doors with vermiculite from the inside protects the ferrous metal from excessive thermal loads. During the heating of the baking oven, such doors, of course, heat up, but you can no longer get burned on them.

Immediately behind the doors there is an opening hatch for dumping ash into the box.

The doors have rivets and are made in style steam punk. In general, the stove is made in the style Loft, under the general concept of the future decoration of the bakery.

After the opening of the bakery, you will find the next post about delicious and healthy bread from our oven.

Subscribe and like. Mstislav Izotov was with you, see you soon).


Do you have a desire to open a mini-bakery, but don’t know where to start? Then this article is for you!

Today on the Internet you can find many recommendations for step-by-step organization of a bakery business. However, the vast majority of them (in our opinion) absolutely do not correspond to the realities of modern life. Therefore, in this article the reader will not see the usual, standard instructions and parting words.

We will show you an effective, proven way to open a mini-bakery at home, which will bring real profit after just a few months.

First steps

Almost all “professionals” advise starting your business by registering and finding premises for a bakery. Forget about it. In the best case, your bakery will pay for itself in at least six months; in the worst case, you will go broke.

Strange as it may sound, you should start a baking business by looking for sales points finished products. If you manage to find and “stake out” a place with good traffic, you have already done half the work. Such retail outlets may be the following:

  • Passage place in the market. It is advisable that it be located near the exit.
  • Place (2x2 m) in a grocery store. It is better that the grocery store is not large (paying less rent), but located in a walk-through area.
  • Point(s) in municipal institutions and factories.

After you have agreed on a lease with the management of the enterprise or institution, you can begin organizing bakery production.

Where to begin?

“Make your own business plan” - that’s what’s on top today step by step instructions in recommendation articles on Internet sites. We recommend another method: learn how to bake the entire range of intended products at home.

And don’t rush to purchase equipment. For these purposes, a regular oven is sufficient. Having learned to quickly and correctly perform all cooking procedures using household appliances, you will be able to control the entire production process when you purchase professional equipment.

The range of bakery products that you need to be able to produce must include at least three types of products:

  • Common products: rolls, loaves, bread.
  • Sweets: cakes, pies with sweet filling.
  • Original products: pizza, pie and other products with meat (fish, mushroom) filling.

Later, in the process of selling the goods, you must decide in what volume to produce each of the products.

Manufacturing process

The organization of the production process of a mini-bakery consists of three phases: preparing the premises, purchasing and setting up equipment, searching (or training) for personnel.

Preparing the premises

First of all, to open a bakery you need a suitable premises. The best option- This a private house or the first floor of a multi-story building. To organize a mini-bakery at home, you need about 40 m2 of free space. If the kitchen area is not enough, then you will have to additionally equip the adjacent room.

There are a number of requirements that must be met when arranging production premises:

  • Waterproof floor. The walls are lined ceramic tiles or painted.
  • Hot and cold water supply.
  • Availability of ventilation and/or air conditioning systems.
  • Utility room for storing raw materials.
  • Equipped fire extinguishing system (fire extinguisher).

In this case, all hygiene and sanitation requirements must be observed. It is better to do this right away, since in the future (after registration) you will be visited by various inspection authorities.


First things first initial stage you don't need a whole set of baking equipment. The most expensive appliance needed to produce baked goods will be the oven. The best option- two-section unit. Depending on the brand and model, its cost varies from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. You need a two-chamber oven, since you will need to bake several types of products at the same time.

Other necessary equipment is: tables for cutting and shaping dough, cabinets for storing ingredients (dough, fillings) and finished products. If you have several small rooms, then the oven and baking cabinet are installed in the kitchen, and the rest of the equipment in another room. With the correct distribution of funds, the total cost of baking equipment, furniture and tools will cost 50-60 thousand rubles.


It is impossible to organize and develop a bakery business alone, even at the initial stage. At a minimum, you will need three assistants: a baker, a food processor and a salesperson. It is better to hire personnel with experience in this field of activity. However, if there are none or the employee asks for an exorbitant salary, you can train your friends in the baking business at the initial stage.

Price policy

For successful trading, it is necessary to correctly set prices for the goods being sold. Thus, the cost of bakery products for general use (rolls, loaves) should not exceed that established in stores and supermarkets. Setting higher prices for other products (cakes, pizza, pies) will help compensate for low sales profits.

Further development

Having established production and received your first profit, you can start registering your business. In the Russian Federation you will receive a certificate in three days. However, in the future you will have to go through other mandatory procedures.

It is not recommended to expand production earlier than six months later. During this time, the entrepreneur must accumulate (with proper business management) 300-400 thousand rubles. This money will be required for the purchase of additional professional equipment (150-200 thousand rubles), rent and equipment of production premises, and the arena of new retail outlets.

The main conditions for the further development of the mini-bakery remain the same: search for sales points - expansion of production (equipment, personnel), increase in assortment - documenting all innovations.

Good luck to all aspiring entrepreneurs in organizing this difficult but interesting business!

Section: Production

In this article, anyone who wants to can find out what a brick oven for bread is and get acquainted with all the stages of its construction. You can learn how to build it, how to seal the seams between the bricks on the stove, and how to improve front surface. Also here you will find a lot of interesting information regarding its origin and design.

Wood burning stove made of bricks

Bread - food product, which has an incredibly long history, and each part of the world has its own recipe for baking it. Despite the peculiarities of dough preparation, baking, as well as the wide variety of modern ovens, it is the brick oven that remains the oldest device on which people in all parts of the world and at all times could create aromatic pastries.

  • With the advent of plates having ovens, many stopped cooking in brick ovens. They took up too much space, and modern apartment Its use is completely prohibited due to safety precautions.
  • Despite the great commitment of people to modern electrical appliances, many still prefer to install the good old brick structure in their yard, gazebo, or country house.
  • This can be explained quite simply, because baked goods created by machinery will never be able to surpass the taste characteristics of bread cooked in a wood-burning oven.

Historical information

When people talk about it, a brick oven is associated with ancient times. Such associations arise for a reason, since it is precisely such structures that served as an important kitchen device even among our distant ancestors.

  • From the moment when people learned to grind cereals and subsequently use them as flour, it became necessary to use fire in the preparation of flour products.
  • Scientists still do not know exactly when and how man prepared bread. But obviously, such products were subsequently created on hot stones and looked like flat cakes.
  • Based on the results of a study of the found remains of ancient flat cakes, we can confidently say that man learned to bake more than 8 thousand years ago.

The ancient Egyptians learned to make bread through fermentation. After which this tradition was passed on to other peoples, and the familiar flat cakes took on a new form.

Thanks to such developed civilizations as Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire, ovens also began to change dramatically and acquired a completely new look.

Not everyone found it beneficial and convenient to have a large stone structure, therefore, bakeries began to appear more and more often, to which residents of large and small cities turned to buy fresh baked goods.

And yet, everyone who wanted to cook delicious bread according to own recipe, sought to build brick stoves in his house. At the moment, such a structure cannot be called a necessity, but many people strive to build such a stove in their yard or in a country house in order to always enjoy still-hot delicacies - regardless of weather conditions.

Features and Benefits

A DIY brick stove is very tempting. Many men think about this in order to please their ladies and add another reason to go out of town.

The modern technology market offers a huge range of finished ovens for bread, but they are electric and therefore directly depend on the availability of power. Outside the city, the best baking device would be a self-built pompeika or tonir.

The main advantages of such a device include the following characteristics:

  • Quick heating allows you to save significant time. Baking is quick and hassle-free.
  • A properly designed device guarantees uniform baking of products of any shape.
  • In addition to lean bread, you can make pies with filling. Both vegetable and meat fillings are perfectly baked.
  • Just one kindling is enough for long-term use of the stove.
  • The oven operates in any conditions and at any temperature.
  • Simplicity of design and calculations.
  • Inexpensive Construction Materials. The price of a finished brick structure is much less than the price of electric ovens.
  • Long service life.

Baking bread in a brick oven

Many designs of bread ovens have come to us from various countries around the world. The most common among them are tonir and pompeika.

A tonir came to us from Central Asia - a ceramic stove in the shape of a truncated cone. Dishes are baked in it thanks to the heat given off by the walls of the structure.

Pompeian is a dome-shaped hearth oven that came to us from Italy. It is used not only for baking bread, but also pizza and other dishes.

These are the oldest designs of ovens that were used for preparing flour products. They were taken as the basis for many modern ovens, combining them with each other and adding a barbecue, as well as a grill.

Features of furnaces

The design of the furnace is standard, therefore it practically does not change depending on the choice of one or another type of device.

The classic stove includes the following elements:

  • Firebox or furnace;
  • Six;
  • Mouth;
  • Shield;
  • Chimney;
  • Under.

These are the main components of the furnace design. The photos presented here will help you choose the most suitable design and shape.

Advice! Having chosen the most attractive stove design, you should carefully consider its location. This is necessary so that the structure fits into the landscape and is not cluttered by nearby plants.

How to build a stove

Brick stoves are created simply and quickly enough. They do not require regular maintenance.

  • All that is necessary is to select the right materials, carry out calculations, and carry out the construction in accordance with the instructions.
  • Don't forget about norms and standards. Thus, SNiP II-22-81 * “Stone and reinforced masonry structures” helps the novice engineer calculate a stone structure for compression and resistance.
  • Before starting construction, you need to carry out some geodetic work. Marking the area will only make further work easier.

Advice! The stove should be located on an elevated site, this way the problem of drainage can be solved.

The main calculations relate directly to the dimensions of individual parts of the furnace. Each of them must be stable, and the capacity must satisfy the requirements for the productivity of the structure. All calculations must be written down, after which a furnace design is drawn up.

Required tools and materials

Since the future structure must be in contact with the source of fire, it is worth taking care correct selection materials. GOST 8691-73 “Fire-resistant products” will significantly help with this general purpose. Shape and size."

  • For the construction of furnaces best choice will become fireclay brick, since it is fireproof and has high strength.
  • When choosing a brick for a stove, you should be guided by GOST 390-96 “Fireproof fireclay and semi-acid products for general purpose and mass production.”
  • Thanks to norms and standards, you can create a durable stove with your own hands quickly and without high costs.

All the tools that will be needed during construction are presented in the table:

Photo and name of the instrument Purpose

Necessary for cutting dome bricks. You also need to select special attachments for working with bricks.

Together with the mixer attachment it helps to mix the construction mixture.

Suitable for forming formwork and separating bricks.

For sawing formwork material

For soft splitting of bricks

To protect the eyes and body while working with the tool

Tools will make the work easier, but in addition to them, you still need to purchase high-quality building materials.

To build a structure and process the brick between the wall and the stove, the following materials are needed:

  1. Fireproof fireclay brick;
  2. Stove mixture "Martel";
  3. Mineral wool;
  4. Perlite;
  5. Reinforcement mesh;
  6. Small metal profiles;
  7. Flue pipe;
  8. Boards for formwork;
  9. Supporting boards and bars;
  10. Polyethylene film;
  11. Concrete blocks or ordinary bricks;
  12. Cement;
  13. Sand.

The listed tools and materials are enough to create the bread oven of your dreams.


On the selected site, it is necessary to dig a hole more than 30 cm deep, measuring 1.5x1.5 m. The width of the hole should be greater than the width of the pedestal by about 10 cm from each corner.

A cushion of sand is created, its thickness should reach 15 cm. Then the sand is also compacted due to crushed stone laid and compacted on top of it.

  • A polyethylene film is laid, which provides reliable waterproofing and also simplifies the concreting process.
  • After this, the formwork boards are installed and the reinforcing mesh is laid.
  • Special supports are placed under the mesh. You can buy them at a specialty store, or use wooden blocks. There should be about 4-5 cm between the bottom and the reinforcement.
  • When all preparatory work completed, the concrete mixture is poured. Using a level, the surface is leveled, which then remains to harden for at least a week.

Main part of the furnace

The design of the stove, as mentioned earlier, consists of many parts, therefore it must be erected in several stages:


It is better to build it in the shape of the letter “H”. This way you can evenly distribute the load, while leaving free space for storing equipment and firewood.

Materials can be different: cinder block or brick. If the choice fell on the first option, then the blocks should be laid using the dry method. After laying in rows, reinforcement is inserted into the masonry holes and filled with concrete. The holes are filled with concrete mixture one after another.


When the pedestal is ready, you can move on to the tabletop. To begin with, formwork is arranged. Moisture-resistant plywood is perfect for the bottom. The sides are formed from boards. The thickness of the tabletop can vary within 10-15 cm.

The formwork in the lower part is covered with polyethylene. The reinforcement is placed on supports previously placed on plywood. Concrete is poured, after which the uniformity of filling is checked.

Thermal insulation

After the mixture has completely hardened, you can proceed to the next work. In order to avoid overheating of the pedestal, thermal insulation is installed between it and the floor. Calcium silicate slabs are laid on the countertop.

At the same time, the future outlines of the stove are indicated on the tiles. After this, the tiles and bricks are cut to the desired shape. For the hearth stacked fireclay bricks. Already cut and correctly placed elements are fixed onto the Mortar solution.

Furnace laying

It is performed in several stages:

  • A circle is cut out of plywood, which will serve as a template for the first row of masonry (the circle should be cut into several parts to make removal easier).
  • The vault should have a thickness of 12 cm, so the brick must be sawed using a grinder.
  • When the brick laying is completed, it is worth proceeding with the entrance arch, which is also modeled using plywood semicircles.
  • Many people are interested in how to process brick for a stove so that it is attractive and decorative. To create an attractive appearance of the stove, ceramic products can be treated with specially designed grout and latex-based paint.
  • If it was decided to organize a domed vault, then it is necessary to carefully monitor its formation. If the Russian stove option was chosen, laying the bricks will be much faster and easier.

Advice! Regardless of the type of masonry chosen, it is worth using templates of various shapes. This way you can quickly and most importantly correctly lay out all the rows of bricks.

  • A pipe is installed in a pre-prepared opening and secured using a special solution. It is important to remember that the draft force in the system depends on the chimney pipe.
  • Brick stove grout is divided into two types: cement and epoxy. The choice is up to the stove owner. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to protect the seams and the masonry itself from the harmful effects of the environment.

This short description the process of constructing a stove, for those who want to receive more information, a video is available in this article on the topic: “Do-it-yourself brick stove”, where everything is clearly demonstrated:

For a long time, the heating stove has served in the house not only as a source of heat, but also as a multifunctional device. Brick ovens are valued for preparing amazing dishes at home, including bread and other baked goods. Technologies are moving forward, so building a similar structure in your own private home or country house is not very difficult, so that fresh homemade bread will always be on the table.

Types of brick bread ovens

Electrical devices

Bread ovens are conventionally divided into several types depending on the structure and additional characteristics. It is believed that this type of design is the most cost-effective and convenient to use. Using electric ovens at home is convenient, and the cooking process does not take much time; the operating principle is the same as that of a multicooker. You need to select the desired program and pour the ingredients into the bowl, after a certain period of time pick up ready product.

Wood burning devices

This type is especially relevant for areas where there are problems with the supply of electricity and all cooking and heating occurs due to structures whose combustion is carried out by supplying firewood. A wood-burning baking oven has the following positive aspects:

  • provides a unique taste and aroma of freshly baked sourdough bread;
  • the ability to bake buns and bread in large batches;
  • other dishes are also prepared in bread ovens;
  • The dimensions of a wood-burning structure, as a rule, are not very large, so it can be built in any convenient place.

Brick devices

Bread bakes very quickly in such a building.

Is ideal option For country houses and dachas. Brick kilns allow you to bake bread various types in just half an hour. After completing the process of cooking bread products in a well-melted structure for another 8 hours, you can prepare many other dishes, such as jams, desserts, etc.

General construction rules

The process of building an oven for making bread is not particularly difficult, but all stages are performed sequentially. At the initial stage of construction, it is important for the future owner of the oven to outline the overall dimensions of the building, the combustion door, and also decide on the bread chamber, its volume and capacity. The second important step is to build an ordering scheme. Depending on how the masonry is laid, it will depend appearance and furnace performance. The order is described in detail in diagrams, which are not difficult to find, much less understand the structure of the work from the drawings.

An important part in the construction of a furnace is the calculation of the consumption of materials used.

Which brick to choose?

The quality of a bread oven largely depends on the materials used for the job. All types of bricks have their own characteristics, which are taken into account when laying. It is important to purchase materials taking into account the battle; the reserve volume is about 5-7%. The main types of bricks used in construction are listed in the table:

NameCharacteristicApplication in furnace construction
LodeThe product is distinguished by quality, correct product shapes and a wide palette of colorsUsed for laying out the outer part
VitebskHas smooth edges and fits to sizePlaced on a thin seam during the construction of stoves
PipeBefore using this material, it is recommended to pre-soak it in water.Used for the construction of chimney surfaces
Resistant to internal and external factors
FacingIt is lightweight, which is especially important when lifting material onto the roof of a buildingMost often used for laying pipes above the roof level

Masonry: stages

Foundation and order

The ordering of the structure occurs after the high-quality laying of the foundation.

The bell oven for bread is built on solid foundation so that in the future the structure does not warp or crack. The parameters of the depth, width and length of the base of the building depend, first of all, on the size of the future furnace. It is better to lay the foundation during the construction of the building, otherwise the complexity of the construction work increases several times. Construction stages:

  1. A pit is dug into which crushed stone and sand are poured; after compacting the mixture, cement mortar is poured.
  2. Next, the laying is carried out, all rows must be as even as possible, any deviations are leveled using a building level. Only solid bricks are used.
  3. At this stage, it is important not to miss the moment with dressing the stitches. To prevent the destruction of the structure groundwater, a layer of roofing felt is first laid until it dries completely, only after that the brick ordering is performed.

The idea of ​​baking outdoors in a wood-burning oven is especially romantic. The secrets of building this budget clay oven famous natural builder Ziggy shares with us.

So, let's build a clay oven for baking bread and pizza


The foundation used cinder blocks, some stones and empty bottles to create a working surface at a height of about 80 cm.

Fireproof layer

The insulating layer for beer bottles was mixed with clay mortar and sawdust. We carefully placed 17 refractory bricks on it using sand mortar.

Clay oven dimensions

The diameter of our oven was about 60 cm. This oven can simultaneously fit up to three medium loaves of bread or one or two small pizzas. Despite its small size, the stove can be heated to a temperature of 700 degrees within two hours of burning with good firewood.

Creating an opening

Before assembling the stove dome itself, we made an arched opening using reclaimed red brick and a binder clay-sand mixture.

The doorway is a little narrow, only 12 cm, and you can’t fit a large pizza there, but what kind of pies can be baked there! The dome (nothing more than a 3:1 mixture of sand and clay) is carefully built on top of a sand dome covered with wet newspaper.

Then we took out the sand from there and we got this opening.

Another note on the doorway: it should be 63% of the height of the clay dome. If the height of the stove dome is 40 cm, then the height of the opening is 25 cm. This is done for comfortable operation of the hood in the stove.

Insulation of the dome

On top we plastered the dome with a 6-8 cm layer of sawdust and clay. This layer helps retain heat longer, which allows us to increase the productive operating time of the stove. A clay oven that is intended solely for baking pizza does not require such a layer.

This is basically all about the clay oven. Pretty simple, right?

The entire construction took no more than a week. And most of the time is spent waiting for each stage to dry.

Used for cooking bakery products of various assortment: rolls, loaves, pies, sweet dishes and even pizza.

Furnaces are ideal for optimizing performance large scale production and for home use.

Requirements for ovens for baking bread

Basic requirements for devices intended for baking:

  • fire resistance;
  • tightness;
  • thermal insulation;
  • mechanical strength;
  • efficiency;
  • hygiene;
  • cooking speed products;
  • ergonomics;
  • aesthetics.

Types of baking ovens. Why is wood-burning preferable?

The range of devices is quite wide:

  1. Deck bread maker. Used for making regular bread and other baked goods, most often made from rye and wheat flour. Its design consists of several tiers to which heat is supplied.
  2. Hearth. Used for the preparation of confectionery and products from yeast dough. Most often found in restaurants or in manufacturing. The design feature is the presence of hearths on which the workpieces move, which ensures uniform baking.

Photo 1. Hearth modular bread oven series E from the manufacturer Salva. Equipped with three cameras.

  1. Convection. It prepares not only traditional bread products, but also fish and meat. The device operates on the principle of convection. It is used for both industrial and domestic purposes. Quite easy to operate.
  2. Tunnel. Widely used in large continuous production. Prepare cookies, buns, bread. Equipped with self-cleaning and oil supply systems.
  3. Electric baking oven. It is the most cost-effective and economical. Designed for baking a huge range of products and preparing fish and meat dishes. Automatically maintains optimal baking temperature.
  4. Rotary. Intended exclusively for confectionery products. The main types of dough for such designs are yeast, frozen and butter. The operating principle is based on rotational circulation of hot air.

Photo 2. The process of loading a batch of bread into a large rotary oven from the manufacturer ENKOMAK.

  1. Wood-burning. Products in it are saturated with the aroma of firewood, which increases the cost of the finished product. The most economical, withstands highest temperatures. Considered environmentally friendly. It runs on wood and has many advantages.

Advantages wood stoves:

  • giving natural aroma smoke to the finished product;
  • maintaining performance in the field in the absence of electricity;
  • energy competitiveness.

At home, conventional electrical devices or wood-burning ones are most often used.

Photo 3. A wood-burning oven for baking bread can be installed in the yard; it is more mobile than an electric one.

Construction of a wood-burning stove

The wood stove must have chimney, which will ensure the removal of gases. Her power depends on size and power consumption. The fire affects the coating of the device itself, which transfers heat to the food.

Important! Convenient not only for creating baked goods, but also for heating premises.

Main elements of the device:

  • a heating element;
  • window;
  • belt or conveyor for products;
  • steam humidifier;
  • chimney.


Mainly wood, compressed pallets, fuel briquettes or peat. The advantage of firewood is its long-term heat retention, long-term support of the combustion process and environmental friendliness.

When choosing a wood stove you need to understand purposes of operation and appliances: industrial or home.

Take the economical and more compact version if you are cooking for family. It is unlikely that you need the quantity of products that, for example, a tunnel oven produces.

Pay attention to kitchen area. Some devices take up a lot of space due to their size and the possibility of connecting a chimney.

Depending on the type of oven, it can cook not only bread, pizza, pies and pastries, but also first, second courses, fish or meat.

Useful video

A video showing how a master class on baking bread using a wood-burning oven takes place: from sourdough to finished product.

Bread oven manufacturers

After becoming familiar with the types of furnaces, their capabilities and operation, they move on to choosing a manufacturer.

Market design developers very wide, each of them tries to sell their product as profitably as possible, offering a wide variety of device functions.

But the suppliers listed below managed to conquer the market thanks to high quality and low energy consumption equipment:

  1. ASTerm- the most famous stove manufacturer in Europe. The devices differ in the ratio low price and quality. Often used for baking pizza due to its dome type. The most powerful device of this company is capable of producing up to 195 products per hour.
  2. Furnaces WERZ belong to the environmental class. Using a system from 12 valves, speed baking increases by 50%, which is a significant advantage.
  3. Products Apach equipped mechanical control panels, which facilitates the operation process. They are famous for their versatility and compact structure. An excellent option designed for small bakeries or pastry shops.
  4. Company CASTELLI FORNI already 35 years offers a wide selection of Italian modern stoves. The assembly of structures is carried out at one enterprise.
  5. Furnaces Amborgi came from far away 1939. The manufacturer has preserved old traditions and modern technologies. The structures are made from special fire-resistant materials. Used for pizzerias and restaurants.