DIY chipboard door. Do-it-yourself doors - a variety of door designs and their production (119 photos). Insulation of a wooden door

As you know, the situation on our planet is getting worse every year. It is for this reason that most people strive to create an environmentally friendly environment at least in their own home. clean atmosphere using natural materials. , fully satisfying the needs of people. It has proven itself especially well in such house design elements as windows and doors. To get started you need to know how to make doors from wood.

Wooden doors still do not lose their popularity

In conditions modern world does not pose any particular problems, because all parts, tools and components are sold ready-made. This also applies to doors and windows. The assortment is so wide that everyone can choose what will best suit the facade of the house and financial capabilities. But as the assortment grows, the price also increases, and when starting a renovation, every owner wants to reduce their costs.

An excellent solution for people who want to save money is to make a door with their own hands. At first glance, this may seem like a very funny idea, because you need experience and special skills, but in fact there is nothing complicated about it, you just need to be precise and patient.

Safe entry into the premises with your own hands

Few people know how to make doors from wood, so they often turn to stores for ready-made products. Further performance characteristics directly depend on the strength of the wood and its species. Tree varieties are also selected for specific premises. Some breeds are better suited for outbuildings, others - for interior doors, and, accordingly, others - for the main entrance to the house. The doors differ in appearance, and different manufacturing technologies are used.

There are several types of doors:

  • panel;
  • paneled;
  • solid solid doors;
  • with stained glass insert.

Door manufacturing technology varies depending on its purpose.

In most cases, a canvas with impact-resistant stained glass is used between room openings, and blind ones are used for external doors. Glass or stained glass inserts are decorated with artistic forging, which, in addition to being decorative, also has a protective function. Panel construction canvas is most often used for.

Doors are also divided among themselves according to the number of door leaves into:

  • single-field;
  • double-field;
  • one-and-a-half poles.

One and a half floors are externally a structure consisting of one wide canvas and another narrower one. Single-leaf and double-leaf, respectively, consist of door leaves of the same size.

Preparing for work

You now know how to make wooden doors yourself; the front door is made according to the same principle. For the manufacture, unlike interior ones, they use not a slab, but an array, and the space between the two slabs is insulated. Mineral wool is most often used for insulation. Fillers for external doors, in addition to thermal insulation, will provide owners with... If you want to enhance the protection of the room, in addition to insulation, you can place inside the “sandwich” a metal sheet approximately 2 mm thick. This is the method used to make wooden armored doors.

The final stage

When the frame is installed and the canvas has dried, the final work is carried out, namely, they are attached to the hinges, a place for the lock is cut out and it is installed. It is also very important to choose the right fittings, because they play an important role in the functionality of your doors. A strong door leaf is only 50% of the protection of your home, the remaining 50% is a reliable lock. The front door must be equipped with two locks, the main one - a safe, and an additional one. When making a door, you shouldn’t skimp on locks, because in reality: what’s the use of entrance doors if they don’t have a lock.

Proper design of your door will highlight the beauty of the interior

Having carefully read the above instructions, you have probably already convinced yourself that making a door from wood is a completely feasible task that even a non-professional can do. By deciding to make a door yourself, you will not only save your cash, but you can also demonstrate your hidden talents and abilities. Such a complex design, made by hand, will definitely be appreciated by others.

With a minimum of effort, you get an inexpensive, unique and one-of-a-kind entry door with the desired quality and design.

Strength of character lies not in the ability to break through walls, but in the ability to find doors. And even better, not only be able to find them, but also be able to create these doors. This article will talk about how to realize your power in everyday life and how to make a door with your own hands.

How to prepare

It would seem that the modern market is so wide that you can find a door of any shape, size and quality. But this is not always the case. Especially when it comes to something exclusive, a special type of wood, spectacular stained glass, or an extraordinary shape. Buying a standard factory design is boring and mediocre. And making a door with your own hands is not a difficult task at all, especially if you have a suitable canvas, a pair skillful hands and some time.

However, in order to make a beautiful and high-quality door yourself, you need to first study the subtleties and nuances of the material, evaluate the complexity of the technology and calculations, and identify the pitfalls when installing it.

First you need to prepare all the materials and tools that you will need for the job. After all, the final result is influenced not only by the quality of the raw materials themselves, but also by the quality and reliability of the auxiliary tools and materials that were used during the assembly and installation of the door. And for this you will need:

  • milling machine with manual mechanism. It is used to process a wooden product, give it a shape, and grind the groove elements;
  • circular saw with manual mechanism;
  • Bulgarian. In this case it will be used to sand wood;
  • screwdriver for door installation;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • hammer;
  • pencil or marker.

Regardless of what type of product needs to be made, be it interior doors, entrance doors, or doors for a country shed, the same technology is used for all. Therefore, after studying this article, you can easily make homemade doors for any needs. In addition to the tools, you will also need the material itself. Typically, an array is selected from different breeds wood: oak, ash, birch, larch, pine.

Some prefer exotic species: mahogany, wenge, beech. The choice depends on personal preferences, the type of room and the overall concept of the interior.

When making a structure with your own hands, you need to take into account that the wooden canvas will require pre-treatment, especially for hard wood. When choosing a wooden panel, you need to focus on ensuring that the wood is even and smooth. There should be no cracks or holes from knots. The selected board is first dried in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of about 25 ° C.

You can dry it outside, but only in dry weather, preferably in summer time middle zone Russia. Depending on the type of wood and its initial condition, drying the canvas can take up to ten days.

Popular models

Before you start making doors, you need to think about what type they will be (hinged or sliding), decide on the shape and design. The most important characteristics of all doors are functionality and appearance , because they will become an integral element of the interior.

Let us characterize the main models:

  • Very popular today sliding doors. A door of the “compartment” type can be either single-leaf or with two leaves. Sliding doors on casters - an alternative to the usual options with hinged doors, especially if the issue of saving space is pressing. There are two types of sliding doors: with bottom tracks and with top tracks. Thus, using a mechanical system with lower guides, the door “walks” on built-in rollers, reducing the load on the walls.

Such a fastening system sliding door It is advantageous to use for thin partitions in apartments.

  • Among compartment doors designs with a hinged mechanism are especially popular. Hinged sliding doors are usually made of glass, due to its lighter weight compared to solid wooden counterparts. In addition to the fact that this type of door also takes up little space in the apartment, another advantage is that its glass surface perfectly transmits light into the room. This option is very appropriate if a major renovation of the Khrushchev building is planned in order to free the already small area of ​​the apartment from unnecessary structures.

  • Book door, like a sliding door, helps to preserve usable space in the apartment. Its folding design consists of two separate panels, interconnected so that when opened, one part fits onto another of the same kind, without cluttering the interior. They are often placed in dressing rooms and in bedroom bathrooms.

  • Accordion door- another option for small apartments. Compared to swing doors, such doors can save up to two meters of space. This type of product can be used in any interior. The design of accordion doors is varied. There are even interesting options with intricate stained glass windows.

  • Everyone knows paneled doors remain popular to this day due to their aesthetic characteristics. The design of a paneled door differs from a regular one in that the inside door frame additional thinner sheets are inserted. Thus, even the most boring door can be made very original using inserts with textured patterns or carvings. The area of ​​use of these doors is not only office rooms, but also residential buildings and apartments.


A standard hinged door consists of several parts:

  • door frame;
  • door leaves;
  • fasteners;
  • castle;
  • frames in the form of platbands.

If the fabric of the product is not a monolithic solid board, but has several components, it is necessary to clarify what they will be made of and what their functional purpose is. The frame of the structure is the frame. It determines the main dimensions of the product, gives it rigidity and shape. The outer visible part of the canvas is represented by the covering. In this capacity they can serve not only wooden panels, but also plastic profiles or stained glass windows.

If the task is to make an entrance door, then you need to take care of the insulation, which is placed inside, under the casing.

This article will provide information on how to independently make a door of the simplest design with a hinged fastening mechanism, without insulation and complex cladding options such as glass decorative elements and carved panels.


Seven times measure cut once. This proverb will be more appropriate than ever when self-production doors. Indeed, the final result will depend on how correctly the measurements are taken. And there is no need to figure out which parts need to be measured. All the main parameters have long been known; you just need to write them down on a piece of paper and measure them using a regular construction tape.

It is imperative to measure:

  • door width (distance from the left to the right edge of the door);
  • door height (distance from the floor to the top point);
  • width of the doorway;
  • thickness of the doorway;
  • opening slope (if there are distortions);
  • evenness (identify elements whose size differs from the main one).

When determining the width of the product, it is recommended to measure the distance between the side parts of the opening near the floor, in the center of the opening and at the upper border of the opening and find the average value. If necessary, if these values ​​differ, the opening can be trimmed.

For an interior door, the width is usually 80-90 cm, for an entrance door - 90-120 cm. The height of the door is determined by the height of the opening and is approximately 200-210 cm. Measurements are taken with the same tape measure from the floor to the top point of the doorway.

You should take into account the fact if the apartment does not yet have flooring, then the measured height will not be entirely accurate, so First, it is recommended to finish the floor work so that all parameters of the future door are taken into account correctly. When determining the height of the door, measurements are also taken at three points (far left, center and far right).

The thickness of the doorway is measured similar to the width of the door. You just need to take into account that the width of the frame will be slightly larger, since it is necessary to leave a distance between the door and the frame for the door to move freely. And yet, when forming the box, you should remember that its width should be several centimeters less than the measured width of the opening, since during installation it is necessary to leave technological voids.

The thickness of the doorway is measured at six points (thickness at the bottom, middle, top for the left edge and the same positions for the right edge). This parameter will depend on the thickness of the wall into which the door will be mounted. For the entrance it is usually larger than for the interior, but there are exceptions. Here you should also pay attention to the presence of non-standard dimensions of the opening thickness. In this case, it is necessary to provide extras that will compensate for this moment.

In order to simplify the installation of the structure, it is necessary to first determine the evenness of the opening. Using a building level, check the vertical of the opening (at three points) and the diagonal. Using a tape measure, measure the distance inside the opening diagonally, from the top corner to the bottom, for each side. Both values ​​should be approximately equal. In case of strong deviations, not only the appearance of the structure will deteriorate, but the reliability of the fastening system will also be called into question.

After the basic parameters have been measured, they move on to correcting unevenness and distortions. To do this, these places are plastered or the excess is cut off using a grinder. Ideal option may be leveling the opening using plasterboard sheets.

Eliminating deficiencies identified during the measurement of product dimensions will certainly have a positive impact on further work and eliminate many unpleasant moments during installation.


Modern market oversaturated various options doors made of various materials. However, wood remains traditional. Due to its high quality indicators, as well as the property of being perfectly combined with wooden furniture And parquet board, wooden doors have become more in demand, especially in the interiors of apartments and country houses.

In addition to their aesthetic characteristics, wooden products have a number of other advantages: strength of the material, ease of processing, ability to retain heat, good sound insulation, and environmental friendliness.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the choice fell on a wooden door, then all other parts should also be made of wood (frame, trim, extensions).

The disadvantages of wood include easy flammability, the ability to absorb moisture and expand, and, of course, high cost.

The most popular, but not the easiest to manufacture, are paneled doors. It is better to use ready-made cutters as internal inserts, since cutting them yourself is labor-intensive work. On the construction market you can purchase a set of routers for a future door. To save on material, The door leaf can be made from boards, instead of a wide monolithic leaf.

If you need to make a door to a country shed or a bathhouse, you can use even cheaper materials. A good alternative to solid wood would be a plywood door. This is a fairly durable material; during its manufacture, sheets of peeled veneer are glued together so that the fibers of one sheet are perpendicular to the fibers of the other. The outer layers of plywood are covered with veneer made from aspen, pine or larch (these types of veneer have good strength and aesthetic appearance).

Products made from lining - also inexpensive option. The advantage of this material is that in order to make a door, it is not necessary to use factory lining; you can make separate profiles from scrap materials.

In addition to natural materials, synthetic polycarbonates are widely used. It is advantageous to choose this material for making a door when it is expected that the structure will be affected by adverse weather conditions (humidity, temperature). But if previously polycarbonate was used to make greenhouses, now it is easily used for entrance doors, the main thing is to provide a reliable base and insulation.

If desired, you can build a structure from other polymers. Often they make an aluminum frame with plexiglass inserts. It looks quite stylish, but these materials are quite expensive.

How to make a door frame?

Before you start assembling the door frame, you need to study its structure. So, the door frame consists of four main parts: two pillars (its longest parts), a threshold and a top crossbar (short parts). First, measure the length of the racks. In the case of using a threshold, it is equal to the length of the door plus 2-3 centimeters for the gap on each side. If there is no threshold, then instead of a gap at the bottom, add 15-20 centimeters. This will ensure the door moves freely from the floor.

The measured values ​​are drawn on the canvas and each stand is cut out with a special knife.

The crossbar and threshold are identical components. Their length consists of the width of the door, the same two gaps and the thickness of the frame. The measured dimensions are transferred to a wooden canvas and one or two elements are cut out, depending on the need for the threshold. Grooves are cut out in the top crossbar of the box, marking the lines where the posts intersect with the top crossbar, and these areas are carefully cut out with a jigsaw on each side.

Once all the grooves have been cut, the posts and crossbar are aligned on the floor to ensure they fit together. After this, the cut parts are thoroughly sanded with sandpaper, eliminating all unevenness and roughness. When all the elements of the box are ready, you can start assembling.

In order to assemble the structure, you will need a drill or screwdriver. A 2-3 millimeter drill is inserted into the screwdriver and holes are drilled in the aligned corners of the future box. These holes will keep the material intact when screwing screws into them. Use a Phillips drill to drive screws into each hole. The door frame is almost ready.

To make sure that the frame is made correctly, you need to place it on the floor and put the selected door leaf inside, assessing the presence of gaps between them. It is worth noting that if the task is to make a sliding structure yourself, then you need to take into account its distinctive mechanism. When opened, such a door will move to the side, like a pencil case (to drive into the wall or lie on it), therefore, when forming the box, you should provide a groove for the door in one of the racks.

How to make the door itself: step-by-step instructions

Now let's look at how to make the door itself. For outbuildings, the door will be a simple shield made of separate boards fastened together with wooden straps. Interior wooden doors should have a more aesthetic appearance; simple frames are not applicable here.

The work should be carried out on a carpentry stand or on a table that will allow the product to be completely placed on it.

To form door leaf use tongue-and-groove boards with grooves (you can also cut the grooves yourself). The thickness of the boards should be from 2.5 to 4 centimeters, depending on whether it will be an interior door or an entrance door. The prepared boards are placed in a shield. If tongue and groove boards are taken, then the grooves on the outer boards are removed using a circular saw.

The boards are glued together with wood glue, and the pattern of the annual rings must be observed (they must lie in the same direction so that the finished product does not show an imbalance). The door blank is placed in a vice to align the elements more tightly, and the glue is allowed to dry. After that, the entire surface of the canvas is passed through a milling machine, paying special attention to joints and uneven fragments.

If the thickness of the boards is not sufficient to use the door as an entrance, then you can glue the boards in two layers. Such a door will be quite massive and heavy.

Next we move on to designing the finished shield. Using a stencil, transfer the design onto a wooden canvas, first with a pencil. Using a router with a manual mechanism, the design is carefully cut out, changing cutters. The finished drawing and the canvas itself should be treated with sandpaper, then blotted with a special antiseptic solution. If the door is an entrance door, then it must be treated with moisture-resistant agents and flame retardants. This way it will last much longer.

How to insert?

The places where the hinges will be located are marked on the door frame. Marks are also made on the door leaf in appropriate places. To do this, place it in a vertical position, with the top facing the side where the hinges are attached. On the reverse side, mark the location of the lock. First, the door is placed in the frame, the markings are checked, the location of the lock tongue on the frame is marked, then the hinges are inserted, then they are applied to the door and to the frame, and drilled with a drill. The tongue is carefully cut out with a jigsaw.

To install correctly door lock, it is first applied to the installation site on the product, circled, and all necessary technological holes are marked with dots. After the installation depth of the lock has been determined, it is placed in the marked place and screwed. Now that all the parts are ready, you need to install them correctly.

First we insert the door frame into the opening. We level it and secure it with wedges. You can adjust a box already mounted in the wall by hitting the wedges with a hammer. Then dowels and screws are inserted into the holes drilled in the wall and frame. And lastly, the most important thing is the assembly of the door and frame.

It is better to perform this operation together in order to avoid injuries, since the door leaf is a heavy structure. Holding the door suspended, we secure the hinges with self-tapping screws.

After the assembly of the main parts is completed, you can move on to the platbands. It’s easier to buy ready-made ones in the store or make them yourself using wooden blanks 1-1.5 cm thick and a simple jigsaw. Each edge of the casing is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and adjusted to length. Finished products are secured at the level of the box using wood glue or small nails.

In general, the work of installing a door, with a competent approach and high-quality materials, will take no more than two days. And the above recommendations can be used to make doors from other materials, changing only some tools.


Finishing will help give the finished product a finished look. You can also do it yourself; this is a more pleasant and less complicated job than installing and assembling the door itself. Door finishing can be done as follows:

  • painting the door;
  • varnish coating;
  • wallpapering or decorative film;
  • decoupage;
  • insertion of mirrors and colored glass;
  • fabric lining;
  • application of techniques for aging wood.

Wood is a traditional material used for making furniture, interior parts, and finishing materials. The tree is distinguished by its magnificent appearance, environmental friendliness, and ease of processing. Many interior details, such as entrance or interior doors, are often made of natural wood. Finished products It is quite expensive and not every person can pay a tidy sum for natural doors. If you really want to, you can decorate the room with your own hands by making interior doors from wood.

As practice shows, it is quite difficult to make doors from natural wood yourself. You need to take into account a lot of nuances, have high-quality and well-dried material, and professional tools. Jigsaw and hand saw When making doors from solid wood, you can’t get by; you need a whole set of tools.

  1. Milling electric car and a set of shaped cutters. This tool is needed for a whole range of work: turning profiles on door parts, making groove joints on some elements.
  2. A circular saw that will be used to cut wood.
  3. Angle grinder with wheels for grinding and polishing wood.
  4. A screwdriver, which will be useful when assembling all the door elements.
  5. Measuring tools: tape measure, angle, caliper, level.
  6. Hammer and mallet.

Nuances that may arise when working with solid wood

  1. Even well-dried wood can absorb moisture in a few days in a damp and cold room. This most often leads to the formation of fibers on the treated surface, misalignment and deformation of parts.
  2. Drying wet wood must be done gradually, at a certain temperature, otherwise the material will tear along the fibers and large cracks will appear.
  3. In open sunlight, uncovered finishing materials the wood quickly darkens and visually ages.
  4. Wood is a fairly soft material. When struck, chips and depressions form on it, spoiling the appearance.

Video - Making doors with your own hands

Each work on creating a door must be carried out in stages.

If the board was purchased with bark, then using a circular saw you need to clean the side ends. The door structure requires 4 boards with a width of 15 cm. Two must have a length of at least 200 cm, the remaining two form the width of the door leaf. The standard door has a width of 80 cm, the smaller version is 70 cm. Having decided on the dimensions of the door leaf, you can begin processing the wood.

This is followed by processing the surfaces of the boards. For this work, an angle grinder with a sanding disc is used. When polishing wood, you need to carefully clean every centimeter of the surface, otherwise the fibers will ruin the entire appearance when painting. You don't have to touch the ends.

The second stage is processing the ends using a milling cutter. The corners of wooden blanks are processed using chamfers; it is important to slightly round them and not give them a round shape. Next, using a narrow chamfer, grooves are cut in 2 ends, identical in length and width of the boards. This groove must match the width of the pre-laminated particle board purchased. It is optimal to purchase material with a thickness of 15-16 mm. The groove on the long end of the board should be driven exactly in the middle. Cutting depth 2 cm.

The next stage is processing all the narrow ends of the boards. For this work you need Circular Saw. With its help, the ends of the boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. You can measure the angle using a protractor. It is important to cut the corners so that when assembled, the long and short top boards form the letter P. The bottom board should also fit together with the side boards.

The middle of the door, the so-called panel, is cut out of the laminated board, which not only reduces material costs, but also becomes a decoration of the structure.

The dimensions of the laminated workpiece are calculated quite simply. If the width of the processed boards is 15 cm, and the width of the door is 80 cm, then the insert made of laminated material should be 54 cm. 50 cm for the visible surface, and 2 cm for shrinkage in the grooves at the ends of the boards. The height is calculated exactly like this. The height of a standard door is 200 cm, the boards along the edges of the leaf are 15 cm, which means that the height of the laminated board should be 174, where 4 cm goes to the grooves. Total: the size of the laminated material blank should be 174 by 54 cm.

Test assembly of the structure

In order to make sure that the entire door structure is made correctly, all parts match completely, fit into the grooves, there are no gaps or distortions, you need to carry out preliminary assembly without using glue and eurobolts. To do this, all the elements are connected, the laminated board is carefully seated in the grooves using a wooden mallet.

If everything is done correctly, you can start drilling holes for mounting hardware. To do this, fasteners are drilled into the assembled structure, into the upper and lower grooves on both sides. The length of confirmations must be at least 7 cm.

After the holes for the fasteners are drilled, the door structure needs to be disassembled. Ahead is the installation of fittings and application of the finishing coating. Experts do not recommend drilling holes for handles and locks in assembled door, this can damage the laminated coating of the insert, thereby ruining the appearance of the door leaf.

Locks with handles do not need to be inserted right away; you just need to drill holes for them in the wood. After this you can start final assembly designs. A little glue is poured into the grooves intended for shrinking the laminated board insert. Then the laminated panel is inserted into the grooves and seated using a wooden mallet. A few drops of PVA glue are poured into the holes for the fasteners and the confirmations are screwed in. The canvas is ready.

Video - Making doors from solid wood

For this work, you can use a variety of paints and covering materials. It all depends on individual preferences. But before you coat the wood, it needs to be prepared.

For this you need wood putty. The material is selected by color. If, for example, the door is planned to be painted in Wenge color, then the putty for sealing seams, chips and other defects should be dark.

After the drying oil has dried, you can begin painting the door leaf, after first gluing masking tape to those places that will not be painted. In our case, we need to cover the laminated panel from paint.

There are several rules to follow when painting doors.

  1. Paint is applied to large areas of the canvas using a roller, hard to reach places a brush comes into play.
  2. To prevent the brush from fading and leaving hairs on the painted surface, it must first be soaked in cold water.
  3. The ends of the doors are painted first.
  4. It is customary to start painting the canvas from the top, moving the brush or roller from left to right.
  5. For an ideal result, you need to apply 2-3 layers of covering material.
  6. You should not put too much paint on a brush or roller; in this case, drips will form and there will be an overconsumption of material.
  7. You need to remove the masking tape when the paint has not yet hardened. If it dries, the tape may come off with some of the paint on it.

After painting, you need to let the canvas dry for several days. After this, you can begin installing the fittings and installing the door in the doorway.

Installing a door is a process no less labor-intensive and complex than its manufacture. To form a door frame, you need profile bars, which are assembled into a structure similar to the letter P. The bars, like the platbands, must be painted in the same color as the door leaf.

In the corners, the connection of the side beams and the top lintel must be made accurately and carefully, otherwise the box will warp. All assembled structure is inserted into the doorway and attached to the anchor. The gaps between the wall and the frame are foamed polyurethane foam. In the future, these visual defects will be hidden by the platband.

The next stage of work is attaching the hinges to the door leaf. You also need to attach counter hinges to the door frame. It is important that the location of the fittings completely coincides, otherwise you will have to cut the hinges in a new way, ruining the appearance of the canvas or box.

The painted door already has a lock cut into it; after it is placed on the hinges, you need to cut a hole in the door frame for the lock. The trim is attached, hiding all the imperfections, and the door is ready with your own hands.

Login to any modern apartment and in interior spaces decorate the doors. Buying them today is not a big problem, since manufacturers of door structures offer a large selection of models not only for entrance doors, but also for interior doors. They differ in:

  • sizes;
  • thickness of the door leaf;
  • finishing option.

If your plans include overhaul in your apartment, during which you are going to replace all the doors, then, naturally, your costs will be quite serious.

However, you can save a lot on door structures if you make them yourself. To make this possible, it is necessary purchase materials in advance to create these products, and in addition, during work you must strictly follow the technology of their manufacture.

How to make a door with your own hands?

Any product cannot be made without using the necessary materials. They must be of high quality. Only in this case ready product will serve for a long time. For the manufacture of wooden door The following materials will be required:

Even if you do not have the necessary experience in carpentry, even in this case you can make a wooden door with your own hands. In this job there's nothing complicated. The most important thing is to know the technology for performing the work. As for the tools for the work, you will need a small amount of them, and you won’t have to buy anything, since the manufacturing process uses tools that are in the arsenal of any owner.

If you use more complex tools during work, this will allow you to create a high-quality product, which in its characteristics will be in no way inferior to door structures from large manufacturers.

Manufacturing of door leaf

On initial stage need to determine the dimensions of the door leaf. They largely depend on such a parameter as the size of the door frame. If the box is already ready, you need to measure its internal size and subtract 4 millimeters from the result obtained. The gap between the door leaf and the frame should not exceed 2 mm.

If the box has no threshold, then the gaps at the top should be 2 mm, and at the bottom they should be 10 mm.

For a door product that is installed in a bathroom or toilet, you must leave gap equal to 10-15 mm. This must be done to ensure normal ventilation in the room. At the top of the box, the gaps should be 2 mm.

Fabric making process

To make a door with your own hands, you need to prepare two edged boards. Their thickness should be 30 mm. You also cannot do without a fiberboard sheet when making a product. It’s worth choosing the material good quality, which has no cracks or deformation. In this case door structure finishing will be completed without any problems.

  1. It is necessary to cut the prepared fiberboard sheet so that you get two equal elements. They must be the same size as the door.
  2. The horizontal and vertical lines should be checked, for which it is necessary to use a building level. It will also help ensure that right angles are maintained.
  3. If there are curvatures on the door frame, and there are no strict right angles, then in this case, when created, the door leaf should follow the shape of the frame. This method is used in cases where the deviations in the corners are minor. Then, by adjusting the door leaf, you can create a high-quality door structure and eliminate the need to replace the door frame.

Making a door frame

Then we move on to the next stage of manufacturing the door frame. To create it you need to prepare board 25 mm thick and 150 mm wide. For the frame, you must use a dry board, which should not be damaged, and there should be no mold on its surface. It is optimal if a pine board is used to create this door element, since the wood of this tree is less susceptible to rotting than others.

After this, two parts of this board are sawed off. The resulting blanks must be sized to match the height of the door. Then three parts are cut out, equal in size to the width of the door.

Middle block may be slightly smaller. This condition must be met, since in this case high strength of the frame will be ensured. This is also necessary for installing a lock or latch on the door.

The bars can have the same width. If you want to give it a more original look the product being created, then bars of various thicknesses can be used for the frame.

In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to assemble it with your own hands according to a certain pattern. This will reduce the time needed to make a wooden door and avoid mistakes in the process of creating it.

Wooden door assembly diagram

First, one is laid on the floor fibreboard blank. It should lie on the floor with its smooth side.

It is advisable to lay thick paper under the workpieces, which will prevent damage to the floor covering. Next, two pillars of the door frame are laid on the fiberboard blank. Three transverse bars prepared earlier are then placed on them.

The installation of these bars should be done at the ends of the lying frame posts. The parts must be connected in such a way that the end result is a rectangle. When this is done, align the outer edges of the frame with the fiberboard blank.

Then you need to decide where the top of the product will be located and where its bottom will be. Then you need to decide the issue with glazing: will it be present in the door design or will you do without it. If the master decides to arrange it, then it is necessary to understand what dimensions it will have. After this, one more important question needs to be resolved: where the lock and door handle will be located. If you plan to install a door product with a mortise lock, then the thickness of the door frame bars should be more than 30 mm.

Depending on what size glass will be installed in the door, cross beam mounted below or above 5 cm from their location. Compliance with an angle of 90 degrees is ensured by using a building level.

Having completed this, create marks on the boards in the places where they intersect. Performing this action is necessary so that the structural elements can be connected to each other. After this, marks are made on the boards with a pencil so that when assembling the products they are not mixed up.

Marks must also be made on the fiberboard, so that later you will know how to position the frame boards. They are outlined from the inside. Performing this procedure is necessary in order to mark the place where glue will later be applied.

Then markings are made on all transverse boards, with the exception of the middle one. Four points are marked on them, in which holes with a diameter of 3 mm will then be drilled. After this, the boards must be removed and cuts made for connections.

Now it is necessary make a spike, which will be a straight overlay with cutting out half the thickness of the board. When all tenon connections have been made, it is necessary to install the parts in their places. Their installation must be carried out in such a way that protrusions are excluded.

Then you can proceed to assembling the door leaf on a flat plane, which will avoid deformation of the product.

Holes also need to be created in the upper part of the frame, after which the accuracy of right angles is checked. Next, the screws are tightened.

Now they're starting apply adhesive composition on the top plane of the frame. In addition, they need to cover the top part of the fiberboard. Its installation is carried out from above. The result is a structure that consists of two sheets of fiberboard and wooden frame, located in the middle. To ensure that the sizing is carried out without flaws, a weight is placed on it. It is necessary to place a sheet of fiberboard on the glued products, and then place a load on top of it. When the adhesive composition hardens, the load is removed. The manufacturing of the doors can be considered complete.

Now you just need to do decorative design created design. The finish on each side of the door product may be different. When choosing a door cladding option, you first need to focus on the interior of the room. If you wish, you can insulate the doors. This is extremely important in cases where the door being created will be used as an entrance. In accordance with the design of the premises choose a finish for a door product. It can be painted, varnished or faced with another material.


If you need a wooden door for an apartment or room, you don’t have to buy it in a store. You can make it yourself even if you have no experience. Buy necessary materials for carrying out work. They must be of high quality, since the durability of the product depends on this. Before carrying out work, you should familiarize yourself with the work technology. By following the steps in the product creation process, you can produce a reliable product that will serve long years and will become a wonderful decoration for the interior of your home.

On the market entrance doors are presented in a huge assortment, but it is quite difficult to purchase high-quality interior furniture. The supply in most cases is limited to synthetic products. They are attractive in appearance, but the quality, and often environmental friendliness, leave much to be desired. Assemble wooden interior door maybe a master to order, but the cost is impressive.

For these reasons, some people wonder: is it possible to make it yourself without special qualifications? If a number of conditions are met, then the matter is quite realistic even for a beginner.

Varieties - which option to choose?

The main material for the manufacture of interior doors is wood and synthetics that can replace it. Locks, hinges and handles are metal. Sometimes glass is used as a decorative insert. On the base it is fixed in grooves or secured with glazing beads. Wooden product usually covered with paint or varnish. Decorative processing with a special film or veneer is also used.

In terms of design and perfection, the most common type of interior doors is with panels. The manufacturing technology is similar to a construction set: a frame is made from thick solid wood, and thin inserts are mounted in the middle. They are installed in grooves made in the sidewalls and crossbars of the door leaf. The panels have different kind- it all depends on the skill and preferences of the manufacturer.

Such designs have good sound insulation and low weight. The device is quite complex; making an interior door with panels without sufficient experience in carpentry is very problematic, even if you thoroughly study all the instructions. A beginner should not opt ​​for a paneled door. There are other types, easier to manufacture, which, if the technology is followed, turn out no worse.

This type includes panel doors that have a frame that is covered with plywood or MDF on both sides. The space between them is filled with glass wool, foam plastic, shavings or left empty. The design has important advantages:

  • high quality with ease of manufacture;
  • cost savings;
  • universal purpose - installed with equal success at the entrance to any room.

Most of the doors in the apartments are hinged and open to the side. They consist of two valves, usually equal in size, or only one. Less often, some parts are made larger, others narrower. There are few installation options: the structure opens to the left or to the right. When space is limited, this property turns into a disadvantage, since a lot of usable space is taken away.

For such cases, a pendulum version is used, when the door opens in both directions. It's clean technical solution, which can be used with any design. Despite all the advantages and conveniences that this method provides, it is not widely used. Among the owners of living space, the leader is the traditional swing door and, as an alternative, the sliding door.

It opens like a compartment door. The canvas moves along special guides and goes behind the wall or is hidden inside in an equipped pencil case. The last option is especially effective. This design in many cases serves as a sliding partition. It is used for zoning space when part of the room needs to be separated and, if necessary, combined again.

Tools for work and materials

Previously, craftsmen worked on the door for several days. At their disposal were hacksaws, planes, chisels, which were driven solely by muscles. Now they have been replaced by electric tools, which significantly reduce the time and effort spent on making a structure at home. They plus high-quality material are half the success, and the second is skill and diligence.

Basic operations of a hand router

To make an interior door with your own hands, you will need to have at your disposal:

  1. 1. Manual milling machine. It is necessary to give a profile look to the components of the door. It is also used to make groove connections.
  2. 2. Portable or stationary circular saw. Used to perform important work - cutting boards. If you do it across with a hacksaw, then along it is problematic.
  3. 3. Grinder with grinding wheel. You can put the attachment on a drill, but the work in this case is less effective. The purpose is to bring the tree to perfect condition.
  4. 4. Screwdriver - helps to connect the parts of the door leaf. If such a tool is not available, use a screwdriver, but you will have to work hard with it.
  5. 5. Various small things like a mallet, hammer, chisel, corner. You will need a measuring set: tape measure, ruler, cord, pencil.

You will need few materials. The main one is dry boards 40×100 (150) mm. For a double door frame you will need a maximum of 6 meters. If the inserts are also made of this material – more. The length is taken with a reserve - something will be spent on cutting the ends. Instead of wood, laminated chipboard is often used for panels.

For panel doors, in addition to boards, other materials are used. Polystyrene foam or cardboard honeycombs are used as door leaf filler. They are light in weight, which is important during operation. The noise level is reduced and sounds are absorbed. Thermal insulation properties also increase, but for interior designs it doesn't play a significant role. Watch the video about its production.

To do sliding door, use plasterboard with a thickness of 9.5 or 12.5 mm. Manufacturing is simple:

  • install a frame made of metal profile 50×25 mm;
  • sew up on both sides with gypsum plasterboards;
  • prime and sand the surface;
  • finishing is done with painting, wallpaper, tiles, and plaster.

Fiberboard is used for cladding. The material is a decorative coating, but in itself it looks unattractive. Additional finishing with paints or special films is required. They immediately function as the finishing element of an MDF panel; the plywood will have to be modified a little.

Laminated chipboard sheets are also used as cladding. Their surface is distinguished by a wide choice of colors and imitation of natural wood. This material is very popular. The use of laminated chipboard strengthens the structure and makes it more rigid.

Measuring, marking and making cuts

To determine the parameters of the door frame and leaf, the configuration of the product, measurements are taken. When the opening is no wider than 0.8 m, the door is single-leaf. For large dimensions, you will need to make two canvases. This will give beautiful view, will reduce the load on the hinges. For the frame, subtract 2 cm from the results obtained, and the gaps will be filled cement mortar or polyurethane foam.

The dimensions of the door leaf are calculated from the door frame. Measure from the selected quarters, then subtract 3 mm from the results obtained (up to 15 mm in height). This is necessary to create a gap so that the door can open freely. The box is not necessarily made in width equal to the thickness of the wall. The beam may be narrower, the space will be closed by additional space.

Stages of manufacturing a paneled door

By this time everything is clear about the design: it will be a panel or panel door. The latter is easier to do; some complex operations are not performed. In any case, you need to make a harness, and to do this, mark the material and make cuts. A very careful approach is needed because mistakes often cannot be corrected. They adhere to the law: measure, mark, check, once again make sure it’s correct - you can cut.

When the values ​​are transferred to the board, add 1 cm for adjustment. If the sawing turns out to be uneven, it is possible to correct it. When the result is positive the first time, the excess is removed. To transfer lines to the other side of the board, use a square. The angle is exactly 90°, so the initial marking is completely repeated. It is necessary to cut the vertical profiles and cross members to length.

Next, if a paneled door is planned, grooves are made in these parts using a router - exactly in the middle along the entire length. Their width is equal to the thickness of the panel - usually for a product made of chipboard 16 mm, and their depth is 15–20 mm. For a panel structure, this step is skipped.

The most important point is marking and sawing out the connection elements. Recommended methods for beginners: half a tree if the door is a panel door and a spike into the socket when it is paneled. The second option requires particularly high precision. The place for the eye is marked exactly in the center, holes are drilled, and cleaned with a chisel. The parameters are 0.5 mm smaller than the dimensions of the spike. For it, the thickness is equal to ⅓ of the board, and the length is the entire width of the rack.

Sequence of making connections

To make a corner connection of the panel door trim, align the ends of the parts. On the upper side of one, draw a line perpendicular to the edges, retreating to the width of the second. They repeat the same thing with her. Use a thicknesser to mark half the thickness, saw off across, then carefully lengthwise or remove the excess with a chisel.

Half-tree connection

With a paneled door it is more difficult: vertical profiles are cut from the groove at an angle of 45° using a shaped cutter or plane. On the crossbars, in order to make tenons, a counter slot is made inward, also at 45°. This operation is difficult for beginners, but it gives a more beautiful look. A possible lightweight option is to not make bevels on the boards; instead, curly beads are placed on both sides of the panels. How to make a paneled door - watch the video.

Assembly and decoration of the door structure

When all the parts are ready, preliminary installation is carried out. This means that they are connected dry without glue, and if confirmats are used, then they are only baited, but not tightened. Check the parameters of the canvas and make adjustments if necessary. When everything comes together, they begin to assemble the door. The spikes and sockets are coated with adhesive and inserted into one another, hammering with a mallet.

A clamp is used to seal joints

There should be no gaps at the joints. If there are any, compact them further. The ideal device in this case is weims. These are special carpentry clamps for adjusting the door structure. If you don't have them, you can do it yourself. A metal corner is installed on a flat surface, and another corner is installed parallel to it at a distance that is greater than the width of the canvas. A cloth is laid between them to adjust the joints, and wedges are tapped.

The cladding is attached to the assembled frame of the panel door. The sheet is cut to size and placed on the frame. For connection, glue is used, additionally nails or screws. If the material is finished coated, care must be taken not to damage it. The voids are tightly filled with polystyrene foam or cardboard honeycombs - this will give additional strength. Cover with a second sheet.

The decor of the door leaf is one of the important points; poor-quality production will negate all the efforts made. Before finishing, the surface is sanded to remove irregularities. Places with visible defects are covered with wood putty of the appropriate shade and treated with a grinder. Move parallel to the fibers. For decoration, methods are used that differ in materials and complexity of execution:

  • painting;
  • toning;
  • lamination.

Painting is carried out after thorough sanding and dust removal. The paint is applied with a brush, roller or spray. Using the latter option allows you to obtain the highest quality surface. There are many subtleties here; not everyone is able to work with such a tool: drips or pimples appear. You should be able to prepare the composition of the desired consistency and correctly use it in several layers.

It is a little easier to do tinting, for which you use stain, mordant or acrylic paint. The wood takes on a new color. When the desired shade is achieved, varnishing is carried out. To give the surface a gloss, apply 4 layers. After drying, each is sanded with fine sandpaper to remove lint.

Lamination is called pasting with film or veneer. The door preparation is carried out in the same way. Cutting the material - with an allowance of 3 cm. Place it on a canvas pre-lubricated with glue. Level it from the middle, expelling the air, and if that fails, pierce the bubble with a needle. The excess is carefully trimmed with a knife.