How to make a heated shower. We build with our own hands: a shower room without a pallet Choosing waterproofing materials for a shower cabin

A shower in the country is a great way to ensure a comfortable country rest. At the same time, maximum amenities can be obtained at minimal cost if the shower cabin for the dacha is built with your own hands. It remains only to determine a few important points.

It is difficult to imagine your favorite cottage without two things - a hammock and a summer shower. With the first one, everything is simple and you don’t have to rack your brains for a long time. But the creation of an analogue of a shower room in nature, although it gives a huge scope for imagination, can be fraught with a number of difficulties.

An outdoor shower can be built from almost any material available to you.

Therefore, before starting the purchase of building materials, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main structural elements of the shower, the nuances of construction and the possible variations of shower cabins, because not everyone will be able to fully meet the requirements of the family and fit into a certain budget.

Summer shower design

Usually, Summer shower- This is a frame structure of a square or rectangular shape, which is installed on a prepared base and covered with any convenient material. Mounted on top of the cab storage tank with or without hot water.

An example of preparing a drawing for a summer shower

The drawing of a summer shower largely depends on the requirements that are placed on it. This can be an ordinary shower cabin measuring 100x100 cm and 2.5 m high, or a more practical building with a dressing room. It is mandatory to organize a water drainage system and support for the frame.

In this case, there is no need to make a full-fledged strip foundation. As a support, usually 4 metal pipes, recessed into the ground by 1 m at the corners of the building, act. For better stability, they are concreted. Placed on top of metal or wooden beams, on which a drain pan is installed and the frame is attached. On the upper trim, the rafters are strengthened, a layer of waterproofing is laid and a tank is installed.

Main stages of construction

The process of building a shower cabin can be divided into several stages:
Choice of location;

  • The device of the drainage system and foundation;
  • Construction and sheathing of the frame;
  • Installation and connection of the tank;
  • Cabin arrangement.

Where to build a shower

To build a shower, choose a non-shaded place located on a hill

There should be no drafts in the area where the shower will be located. It is better if direct sunlight hits the tank throughout the day. The shower should be located some distance from country house. And in order to ensure a normal flow of water, it is located at the highest point of the landscape.

Arrangement of a drain for a summer shower

The issue of water drainage can be solved in several ways, the main thing is not to make a swamp out of your own garden. Drains can be diverted to a filtration well, from where they will gradually seep into the ground. Or equip the filtration field. The way to organize such cleaning in summer cottages is often the distribution of water through channels, for example, between beds.

Waste water from the shower can be drained in an open or closed way. An open drainage system, also known as an ordinary ditch, can be made if the soil is sufficiently moisture resistant and the water flow is small. Sometimes the walls of the channel need to be further strengthened.

Drainage options for a country shower

When constructing drains with your own hands, it is important to ensure that the slope of the channel is 0.5-1 centimeter / 1 meter. A closed outlet differs only in that the water leaves through pipes dug underground. Usually, a closed-type drain is equipped if the water goes to an autonomous treatment plant.

Advice! To improve soil drainage near the shower, you can plant a few moisture-loving plants. Green spaces will not only decorate the landscape, but also protect the area around the shower from waterlogging. This is especially true in the case of open drainage.

What material to choose for the walls

You can sheathe the frame in the shower with any moisture-resistant material, it can be:

  • Film or tarpaulin;
  • Wood;
  • Fiberboard, OSB;
  • Plexiglas;
  • Metal profile;
  • Slate;
  • Shower room made of polycarbonate.

Any of the selected finishing materials is fixed on the frame with self-tapping screws. A film shower cabin is sometimes called seasonal or disposable; it is neither durable nor durable.

The walls of the shower can be built from the material that you like and can afford

The tree looks very beautiful, but needs special processing and is not the cheapest material.

The best option may be a shower cabin made of polycarbonate. Working with it does not cause any particular difficulties even for beginners, variations color solutions huge, and the reliability and durability of the material is quite consistent with the consumer level. The thickness of the polycarbonate for the shower should be 8-16 mm.

shower tank

Installing a water tank on a shower

There are no special requirements for water tanks. But there are a number of recommendations that will help you choose the best option.

  • A metal container will heat up faster under the sun, and a plastic one is more durable because it is not subject to corrosion and is much lighter, which will significantly reduce the load on the frame.
  • The volume of the tank is selected individually, if on average, it will take 30-50 liters per day per person.
  • Usually, the tank is painted black, it absorbs heat better, therefore, the water will heat up faster.
  • The container must be closed with a lid, otherwise dust and debris will enter the water.
  • Before installation on the frame in the tank, a branch for the crane is cut out. For a summer shower, stores sell shower sets, they include: a tube, a watering can, a faucet and special fittings. It is important that the hole in the tank matches the diameter of the parts of the selected kit.

Installation of a tank and a drain for a shower head

  • A practical solution would be to install a tank with built-in temperature and water level sensors.

Advice! Recently, supports are often installed around the perimeter of the tank, which are then sheathed with polycarbonate. This creates a greenhouse effect. The tank is not blown by the wind, the water in it heats up faster and keeps the temperature longer.

Shower in the country with heated water: ways of arranging

A shower cabin for a summer residence can be made with water heating, which does not depend on
sun rays. The most common option is the installation of heating elements. They can be installed on most tanks with your own hands.

Scheme: water heating tank device

You can also organize water heating using gas boiler low power or a boiler, but their installation in accordance with the safety requirements in the country may not be possible.

Another option - solar panels. They are glass boxes, inside which a greenhouse effect is created around the coil, and the water heats up even on a cloudy day.

Do-it-yourself shower arrangement

On the floor in the shower cabin, usually, a wooden grate (wooden pallet) is laid or tiled. You can also install a factory shower tray, acrylic, plastic or metal. A door for a summer shower is usually made from the same material as the walls. If the shower room is with a dressing room, it can be fenced off with a moisture-proof curtain. Don't forget about lighting. During the day, the light in the cabin should pass through the window, which is often located directly under the ceiling.

Equipment options for outdoor shower trays

You can also stretch the electrical wiring to the shower and connect the lamp; in this case, special attention is paid to the insulation of the wires. Anything can be an additional complete set of a summer shower: shelves, soap dishes, hooks for clothes and towels. Lots of interesting ideas you can see in the photo of ready-made shower cabins, and some of them can rightly be called a decoration of the dacha.

Building a summer shower: video

Project soul in the country: photo

Full-fledged shower boxes, which can be found in any hardware store, are far from always convenient to use. Limping quality, small internal dimensions, high price. In this article, we will tell you in detail and show how to make a shower cabin with your own hands: from installing a pallet and drain, to installing doors and tiling.

Such a cabin (shower corner) will be cheaper, better and more convenient!

Shower cabins come in several types, for example, the most popular options are - a flat drip tray or a simple floor drain. In this case, it will be possible to freely enter the booth for children and the elderly. The space in the bathroom in the apartment will increase significantly in size and the space will take on a different look.

In a narrow room, a built-in cabin of suitable dimensions would be an excellent option, for the device of which you only need curtains or glass doors. It is inexpensive, practical and convenient.

Shower cabin without tray (tile tray)

When planning a water treatment site, please note that using shower trays is not always the most rational solution. Even at the repair stage, making a shower with a tile tray is much easier and more reliable.

Showers located in fitness centers can serve as an example. The same floor can be made in a private house or in the country. When installing a drain ( professionals call it a ladder) a sewer pipe is brought to the place of installation of the ladder, the border of the shower room is lined with bricks, and its inner part is poured with concrete and waterproofed.

Advantages of this shower option:

  1. convenient cleaning of the floor surface after a shower;
  2. Maximum reliability of all elements and plumbing (we select it ourselves);
  3. the possibility of stumbling somewhere is reduced to “no”;
  4. the ability to choose any size of the cabin in accordance with the room.

See also: with photos and comments about convenience.

Use of flat shower trays in the floor

Shower trays are an alternative option. It is cheaper, but at the same time - not so convenient and reliable. You can choose a shower base with low sides, including acrylic ones.

The location of the sewer pipe will depend on where the drain hole is located on the pallet. Therefore, you need to take care of laying communications (water and sewer pipes) in advance.

The installation process will not cause any particular difficulties. There are adjustable legs under the base.

Ready-made shower trays are a simpler option, but some will find it less aesthetic and convenient. Such pallets are sold in almost any plumbing store, they are easy to install and do not require special knowledge during installation.

Benefits of prefabricated pallets:

  1. easy and quick installation with prefabricated parts;
  2. pallet height adjustment with legs;
  3. the use of a special border for sealing joints;
  4. Possibility of installation on wooden floor, with preliminary protection from moisture.

The disadvantages include: an outdated appearance, not reliable materials that can sag and even break over time.

Instructions for self-assembly

Shower cabin technology with my own hands happens in stages. In progress installation work, it is very important to comply with all requirements for the reliability of communications and waterproofing.

Brick pallet

Before installing the pallet itself, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work with the base. If a concrete screed has not been previously made in the room, it must be done. After the rough screed dries, the place intended for the location of the pallet must be treated with waterproofing. It is usually treated in 2 layers with an interval of 4-6 hours.

Some use a polymer film as a waterproofing material, but this is fundamentally wrong. It is better to give preference to bituminous mastic. The insulation technology involves applying the material not only to the base of the floor, but also to the walls in places of wetting ( therefore, you need to take care of this even at the repair stage, before laying the tiles on the walls).

After that, experts recommend once again forming a screed, and re-waterproofing. It is important to leave 1-2 centimeters in height from the drain point, because. in the future, it will be necessary to form a finishing screed and finish it with tiles.

Multi-layered work makes it possible to provide high level leakage protection, to the rooms below. Also, in this case, resistance to the formation of fungi, mold, and other harmful microorganisms increases.

  • to create more comfortable operating conditions, at the first stages of creation, it is worth taking care of heating. It can be represented by a floor heating system, under a rough screed, or a sheet of expanded polystyrene. In the latter case, it should be borne in mind that the entire structure will rise in level by several centimeters.
  • each stage must be accompanied by geometric checks;
  • strengthening the base can be done with a metal mesh embedded in the screed.

After the screed and waterproofing are dry, you can start pouring the self-leveling mixture. This layer is also primed and waterproofed. It is on the quality of this layer that all the characteristics of the structure depend.. To achieve maximum performance, attention should be paid to the corners, and the seam around the drain.

The solution of the filler floor must be made a little thicker than usual in order to be able to form a slope towards the drain.

According to standard technology, the sides of the pallet have a height of one brick, but if desired, they can be made higher. The main thing is to ensure that in the process of taking a shower, the water does not exceed the height of the fence.

Plum formation

  • observance of a slope of 3 degrees, in the area where the drain is connected to the sewer pipes. This angle size is sufficient to ensure optimal water flow rate, while minimizing the risk of blockages and water stagnation.
  • tightness of all connecting elements;
  • for the drain system, it is better to give preference to high-quality plastic pipes and fittings, as they are not subject to corrosive processes and external influences;
  • rigid fixation of the drain ladder. Concrete pouring is carried out only after the reliability of the system fastening has been checked.

Pallet tiling

The technique of laying tiles in a pallet is not much different from the standard finish, but there are some features. First of all, they relate to the choice of adhesive mixture. It must meet all the criteria for moisture resistance. The same parameters must correspond to the material for processing the seams.

Tiling technology:

  • the beginning of laying occurs from the corner;
  • the application of the adhesive solution is carried out with a notched trowel in order to achieve the necessary evenness;
  • the mixture is applied to the base, not to the tile;
  • fixing the tile occurs by pressing it to the base;
  • alignment is carried out by tapping with a mallet;
  • special crosses provide the same thickness of the seams.

Often, mosaic tiles are chosen for home-made booths, because. it makes it easier to work with corners and smooth transitions.

Glass walls and doors

After all work on the formation shower tray with your own hands, you can proceed to fixing the walls and doors of the future design. To do this, in building stores, you must initially select the elements that are optimal in size.

Manufacturers present a wide range of glass walls and doors:

  • faceted - products whose edges have an original shape, due to the use special technology processing;
  • curved - stencil glass;
  • stained glass - ready product glued together from elements of different sizes and colors;
  • The easiest to install are swing doors. Their installation does not require special knowledge and complex fittings. Complete with glass doors there are already loops, so you just need to correctly install their supporting parts on the wall.

    In this process, it is very important to take appropriate measurements so that the door does not cling to the pallet, or a gap does not form ( against the wall, and between the door and the edge of the pallet). Having measured the distance from the edges of the door to the center of the hinges, these dimensions must be transferred to the walls. After that, using a drill, holes are made in the marked areas.

    Upon completion of all work, the supporting part of the hinge is screwed into the wall, so that the pin is located with the open part up. This arrangement is necessary for the smooth putting on of the doors.

    A warm floor in the shower is not at all a luxury item, but a necessity. As a rule, an electric underfloor heating is installed. Moreover, you can do the installation yourself, it is important to prepare necessary equipment and arm yourself with photos, videos and diagrams.

    • 1 Why is there a warm floor in the shower
    • 2 Types of underfloor heating
      • 2.1 Budgetary and economical TP
        • 2.1.1 Features
      • 2.2 Budget TP with fast heating
      • 2.3 Fast heating and easy installation
    • 3 Popular myths

    Why is there a warm floor in the shower

    It would seem that the bathroom is such a room where the "warm floor" system is not required. However, this is not entirely true. The presence of TP allows you to get rid of many urgent problems for the bathroom:

    • Helps inhibit the growth and development of fungus, mold;
    • Eliminates excess moisture;
    • Allows you to protect against colds due to a sharp exit from a hot bath into a cold room;
    • Provides increased comfort while taking a shower.

    It is important to note that the TP can be installed both on the entire floor, and separately in the shower cabin area without a pallet. The choice is yours.

    Types of underfloor heating

    In fact, all types of TS installed for the shower can be undressed depending on what requirements the consumer has for the system:

    • Financially affordable system with an economical mode of operation;
    • Budget underfloor heating with fast heating;
    • efficient heating and easy installation systems.

    So let's consider each of the presented options separately in order to understand their features, advantages and disadvantages.

    Budget and economical TP

    These include systems that use single-core and twin-core cable sections mounted in a coupler. Compared to heating mats, the costs will be 20-30 percent less.

    In this case, the cable can be installed freely, regardless of the size of the room. It is easier to arrange this system for arranging separate zones than if mats are used. Therefore, if you want to make TP only in the shower area, there will be no problems.


    1. To get higher power per 1 sq.m., the cable pitch should be no more than 6 centimeters. This is true for those cases when the warm floor acts as the only heating system.
    2. Reducing the cost of the system can be achieved by purchasing cheap single-core type cables.
    3. It is better to lay in a screed, as this will allow you to make an additional layer of thermal insulation under the screed. Thus, you will save on electricity consumption.
    4. To mount the cable, it is necessary to fill in the screed, the thickness of which will be about 3-5 centimeters. The floor will warm up in 90-120 minutes.
    5. If thermal insulation is not planned, then it is better to use thin cables or heating mats mounted in tile adhesive. So heating will be carried out much faster.

    Budget TP with fast heating

    In this case, your choice is thin heating sections that are mounted in tile adhesive.

    Laying takes place according to the same principle as in the case of laying in a screed. Only here you are already using tile adhesive. Please note that it is impossible to use a layer of heat-insulating material.

    By installing such a system, you can provide floor heating in 15-20 minutes.

    Fast heating and easy installation

    Not everyone wants to mess around with complex floor heating systems, so they opt for the simplest ones in terms of installation.

    For showers, it is important to use heating mats that are installed in tile adhesive. Compared to using cable, mats are faster and easier to work with. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the cost of mats is approximately 30 percent higher than the price tags for cable. The floor heating time is about 20 minutes or even less.

    As you can see, the systems can be different, and their choice depends on the wishes and requirements of each individual consumer.

    One way or another, it is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to install a warm floor for the shower. For example, in order to take care of the health of children or to increase the level of comfort of staying inside a given room.

    Popular myths

    As practice shows, people are afraid to use TP for bathrooms for two reasons. But both are pure fiction. And now we will explain why.

    1. Electricity under your feet in a room with high humidity. Roughly speaking, a person is afraid that he will be shocked. You should not be afraid of this, since the heating cables are made with several layers of polymer insulators. Plus, they are grounded, protected by screens. In the upper layers of insulation, which is made of PVC, the coating is designed in such a way that moisture does not penetrate inside. Add to this a layer of the screed itself, tile adhesive and tiles. As a result, electricity won't even get close to your feet. In order to finally convince yourself of the security of the system, do not spare the money for a good cable and a double screen on it.
    2. High power consumption. The second common myth is that the underfloor heating system consumes a lot of electricity, and therefore you have to pay a lot of money for its use. But in fact, to warm the floor laid ceramic tiles, you don't have to use a lot of energy. Due to thin layers, heating is carried out quickly. Plus, the systems are equipped with a thermostat, all transformer substations have switches. That is, you turn on the heating when necessary, then turn it off. Believe me, the figures in the receipts for paying for electricity after installing the "warm floor" system will not change. But the level of comfort when taking a shower will increase significantly.

    Well, the warm floor has every right to be present even in the shower. This makes water procedures more comfortable, there is no strong temperature drop when leaving the water. Plus, TP additionally affects the safety of an attractive interior. It's no secret that moisture has a devastating effect on even the highest quality Decoration Materials, furniture and plumbing.

    Of course, it is better to entrust the installation of such a system to specialists of the appropriate profile. They will pick up optimal materials, calculate the necessary parameters and perform the work at the highest level.

    Cramped plastic showers are gradually leaving the bathrooms of our apartments and houses, giving way and once leading positions to a new word in home shower interior design. Today, a shower without a pallet is becoming more than just interesting, often minimized and maximally functional device of a cabin without a pallet allows you to throw a pile of plastic out of the bathroom and make it more comfortable and spacious.

    What is the secret of a shower cabin without a pallet

    Most lovers of new ideas who have built a shower cabin without a pallet in their house do not just celebrate Beautiful design new soul, many of the problems associated with the operation of the old system are gone forever. The new design of the shower cabin has become much more convenient and safer to use thanks to three main innovations:

    • Instead of a slippery acrylic tray raised 15-20 cm above the tiles, in the shower of the new design, a person stands directly on the floor;
    • The functions of collecting water flowing onto the floor are performed by the floor surface of tiles laid with a drainage slope in the direction of the drain or sewer;
    • Instead of uncomfortable curtains, sliding doors or shower screens without a tray, a more aesthetic and practical glass railing is used.

    All communications, water supply and drain pipes are hidden in the concrete of the walls and floor, under the tiling and double waterproofing.

    Important! Simple, at first glance, the installation of a shower cabin without a pallet in practice turns out to be a rather complex structure that requires high-quality and careful planning and installation of all structural elements.

    Often, floor drains are supplemented with built-in heating of the "warm floor" type. Such a device becomes especially useful for showers. country houses in which heating and water heating is carried out using coal or wood stoves or boilers.

    Shower cubicle without tray

    If the laying of cold and hot water supply pipes hidden under the tile has been used for a long time, and any competent person familiar with the installation can build a wiring according to this scheme plastic pipes in the wall channel, then it is better to entrust the assembly and installation of a drain drain for a tile pallet to professionals.

    The main problems that one has to face in the process of planning and installing a shower structure are as follows:

    1. To install a drain, it is necessary either to redo and lower the level of sewer pipes in the house, or to raise the surface of the shower floor by 10-15 cm and equip it with side skirts that prevent water from spilling throughout the bathroom;
    2. In the process of using a shower without a tray, a large amount of water can scatter in the form of splashes and drops of water throughout the room, so a corner location is most often chosen for a shower;
    3. If in a plastic booth polycarbonate walls took over most of the splashes and spilling water, then in the new design, water flows fall on the wall tiles. Therefore, a very high quality waterproofing of a shower without a tray, laid directly under concrete screed tile bases.

    In addition to the above, you will need to make the correct slope of the tile and maintain the angle of inclination of the drain pipe of the water seal. The drain itself has double waterproofing and a special flange mount that ensures a stable drain position even under the weight of a very heavy person.

    Features of the design and design of a shower cabin without a pallet

    Eliminating the use of a bulky plastic tray in the shower and using a floor-mounted water drain system has allowed a completely different look at the design and decoration of the shower compartment. First of all, the shower space has become open and transparent, even if translucent partitions are installed, a small glass and tile structure will look much sleeker and more attractive than an acrylic and polycarbonate box.

    Layout diagrams of a shower without a pallet in the interior of a bathroom and an apartment

    In the process of developing and designing the appearance of showers without a pallet, several solutions were developed that can be called classic, widely used in the arrangement of cabins for apartments and private houses.

    For example, a fairly effective solution is to use mosaics and small tiles for finishing the walls and floors of the shower compartment. Such a cladding scheme makes the floor less slippery and eliminates the need for special safe silicone gratings or mats.

    Advice! Making the floor in the shower more safe can be simpler and accessible way, for example, install a grate made of polished wood, oak or walnut.

    The surface of the wood polished and exposed with a waterproof varnish will reduce slipping and at the same time serve as a heat insulator if the shower room does not provide for the arrangement of a warm floor.

    The design of the floor drain can be made in the form of a recess in the floor or be retrofitted with side walls, as in the photo. This is the most rational solution for building a shower cabin in a small bathroom for a standard-plan apartment.

    Very often, designers try to hide a shower cabin without a pallet in a dedicated niche. Even if there are no niches in the layout of the room, they are equipped with additional walls and false partitions.

    A relatively new solution in the arrangement of shower cabins is the use of ceiling water dividers. Eliminating wall structures reduces water consumption and at the same time reduces the spread of drops and foam around the shower.

    Forms and methods of arranging a shower enclosure without a pallet

    To protect the space of the room from flying drops of water, sheet glass, cast polycarbonate or ordinary silicone shower curtains are most often used. This technique allows you to visually increase the light filling of a relatively small space of the shower cabin and make it more comfortable.

    When using glass partitions to enclose shower cabins without a tray, an inherent drawback of this kind of solution is manifested - the remnants of soapy water and salts are very clearly visible on a clean transparent glass surface. Therefore, shaded, frosted or textured glass will be more practical.

    In private houses, a shower compartment without a pallet is often equipped with a transparent ceiling, or the room is complemented small window. This solution eliminates the need for additional lamps and light sources.

    Often the most daring designers generally turn out to be shower enclosures made of glass without a pallet.

    This solution makes sense for relatively small or combined bathrooms, where the use of a glass partition is not always justified. This is not to say that such a solution is very convenient, since flying spray can flood the room and make the floor wet and slippery even with the most careful use of the shower. Therefore, for apartment options, it would be more preferable to install at least the simplest through glass partition without a back wall.

    This layout option allows you to block the main direction in which water drops mainly scatter, the absence of side panels makes it possible to effectively dry the surface of the tile and glass from water residues with a blowing draft. Often this scheme is used for the simplest shower designs that do not produce a large amount of steam supersaturated with moisture.

    Corner or fully enclosed showers in this sense lose to open fencing schemes, so often a cabin sealed on three sides with glass panels has to be retrofitted with its own ventilation system.

    It is worth mentioning that fully enclosed showers without a tray have their advantages. For example, such a design can be installed even in a living room, in a studio apartment, where most of the space is designed as one large room. In addition, in a closed shower without a tray, you can install a steam generator for a steam room or equip a massage shower.


    Today, a shower room without a pallet is de facto becoming the standard of a comfortable modern living quarters. Most of the apartments and houses of the new layout are designed taking into account the wiring and arrangement of communications for the floor drain option, without the use of special podiums or bumpers. Even if the owners of the apartment decide to move the shower cabin from the bathroom to any other place, it will be quite easy to do this due to the low level of the drain in sewer pipe. For apartments of the old layout, it is almost impossible to perform such a re-equipment without a cardinal and expensive re-laying of communications.

    Country life attracts with the opportunity to enjoy fresh air and unity with nature. Outside the city, everything is fine, except for the difficulties with taking hygiene procedures. Agree, it would be nice to make a summer heated shower with your own hands to solve this problem?

    This option will help increase the comfort of staying in the country, but at the same time it will not greatly affect the family budget. We will show you how to realize this idea.

    The article details the best Constructive decisions and technology for the construction of booths. Effective help will be helpful tips on the choice of materials required in construction, the arrangement of drains, simple and fast heating of water. The information presented is supported by photo and video applications.

    The comfort and ease of use of the design depends on how well the outdoor shower is designed. The task of a zealous owner is to build an economical, easily designed and at the same time the most functional shower equipped with heating.

    The easiest option to perform is an open shower.

    An outdoor outdoor shower is a frame-folding block or a modular container, one of the walls of which is adjacent to the main building

    When choosing this arrangement option, the tank is installed on the load-bearing wall of the building, positioning it in such a way that the sun's rays fall on it at a right angle.

    Do you prefer closed designs that are convenient to use both in warm time year, and in the cold months? Build a stationary outdoor shower with a simple heating system. It may represent frame structure or major building.

    The main advantage of this solution is that in warm weather the water in the tank is heated by sunlight, and in cold months with the help of a heating element.

    Traditionally, when building a shower, in which there is enough space for an adult to bathe, they are guided by the following parameters:

    • height- 2-3 m;
    • width- 1.5 m;
    • length- 1.9-2 m.

    The indicated dimensions are convenient for the construction of a structure made of wooden boards. Taking into account the thickness of the walls in the finished form, the structure in terms of area is approximately 2 * 1.5 m, of which an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 sq. m, and under the locker room - 60 * 40 cm.

    When using boards standard sizes the material is consumed practically without residues.

    In addition to wooden boards, the following are most often used as building materials for the construction of cabins:

    • polycarbonate sheets;
    • moisture resistant plywood;
    • sheet metal;
    • flat slate;
    • lining;
    • brick.

    When choosing a facing material, it is important to focus on the exterior of the site so that the building harmoniously complements the already created architectural ensemble.

    Polycarbonate shower cubicle:

    Image Gallery

    Purchase of necessary materials

    In addition to the manufacture or purchase of a heating tank, it is necessary to purchase plastic water pipes D 50 mm. It is convenient to use a flexible silicone hose for water supply.

    To equip a system of materials, you will also need:

    • gutter reinforced with metal mesh;
    • float valve;
    • divider.

    To make a foundation pour during the arrangement cesspool, you will need cement with markings from M150 and above. The drain can be covered with waterproofing roll materials or hydroglass.

    For the manufacture of a wooden floor in the shower, it is best to use a tongue-and-groove board "forty", treated with a water-polymer emulsion or oil white.

    For the final finish and arrangement of the bathroom, you will need paint for exterior and internal works, capacious shelves for bathroom accessories and hooks for clothes

    For the construction of the structure you will need the following tools:

    • building level;
    • roulette;
    • corner;
    • screwdriver;
    • self-tapping screws.

    For preliminary marking of the territory, it is also necessary to stock up on a skein of twine and wooden pegs.

    Instructions for building a summer shower

    There are no particular difficulties in building a summer shower on your own in the country. The only stumbling block for a novice master may be the question of how to mount a heated tank and how to organize a waste disposal system.

    Step 1: Carrying out preparatory work

    The amount of work involved in site preparation depends on the type of structure being built. If you plan to build a temporary frame structure, to prepare the base, it is enough to remove a 15-centimeter layer of earth from the marked area, and then level the bottom of the dug "pit" and fill it with sifted sand.

    When installing the shower stall on strongly heaving soils in order to reduce the risk of its tipping over, the thickness of the non-porous "cushion" of gravel and sand should be increased to 30-40 cm.

    When constructing a wooden pouring floor over gravel, be prepared for the fact that while swimming you will experience some discomfort due to a slight draft

    Are you planning to build a capital country shower with heating? For its construction will require laying the foundation. The depth of the foundation depends on the type of materials used. For example, for a brick building, a foundation deepened by 30-40 cm is quite enough.

    The laying of the foundation is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Territory marking. To create the right foundation, wooden stakes are hammered in at the outer corners of the future building and string is pulled between them.
    2. Digging a "pit". A layer of soil is removed from the marked area, deepening, depending on the type of building, by 15-40 cm.
    3. Site preparation for laying pipes. Dig trenches and level the bottom in such a way as to ensure unhindered flow of waste water in the direction of the drain pit.
    4. Installation of drain and discharge pipes. A reinforced gutter is installed on a leveled and compacted bottom, not forgetting to maintain the angle of inclination.
    5. Pouring with concrete mortar. To create an even base, pouring is carried out using a level and guides.

    For interior decoration choose facing materials with increased moisture resistance: pvc film, linoleum, plastic. When choosing wood paneling the surface must be treated with drying oil and painted.

    To make the adoption of hygiene procedures more convenient and safe, a grate knocked together from wooden boards is installed on the floor, on top of which a rubber mat is laid.

    The grid is assembled from wooden slats size 30-50 mm. Wood preparation is the same. If you want to increase its resistance to shoe wear, treat the material with an acrylic compound used for repairing bathtubs.

    It is advisable to separate the changing room and the bathing area with a curtain made of waterproof textile fabric or PVC film.

    If desired, both the inner and outer walls of the facing material can be painted and decorated with drawings. original design will turn the shower not only into a place for taking water procedures, but also into decorative element suburban area.

    Additional interesting options garden shower arrangements are suggested in these articles:

    1. The summer heated shower is ready. To prevent stagnant water, it is advisable to operate the shower at regular intervals. Before a long break in use, so that the sediment does not clog the watering can, it is recommended to empty the tank completely.