What color of furniture to choose for a small kitchen. Kitchen set design for a small room Kitchen set for a small kitchen cabinet layout

A small kitchen is a rather problematic space. However, with the right approach, it can be furnished stylishly and functionally. Moreover, just with the help the right furniture, interesting design moves and optimal layout can make the kitchen not only cozy, but also visually much more spacious.

Small cozy kitchen in light colors

Choosing furniture for a small kitchen

Owners of a small kitchen cannot afford to be careless when choosing furniture. They should be guided not only by their taste and desires, but also take into account the appropriateness of the selected items in a small room. First of all, you need to decide what furniture is needed and what will only take up usable space. Thus, you can save a significant part of the area already on initial stage.

The space in the kitchenette should be used rationally

The kitchen must have:

  • Furniture used for storing dishes and food. The best option is to purchase a set with many ergonomic drawers and cabinets - floor-mounted and wall-mounted. It is acceptable to use other storage systems. The main thing is to think about how to rationally place them in the kitchen and use them most optimally before purchasing. You don't have the luxury of a half-empty drawer, so every element needs to work 100%. But don't forget about appearance. If you decide to purchase separate systems rather than a single set, they should fit well visually.
  • Technique. The minimum required is a refrigerator and a stove. The next level is dishwasher and microwave. This is followed by a double boiler, a multicooker, and an electric meat grinder. After this come a blender, toaster, coffee machine, juicer, pancake maker, waffle iron, etc. Everyone, even the smallest household appliance, takes up a certain space, remember this before purchasing it.
  • Work area. A place intended for cooking. Usually this is a countertop based on the lower cabinets of the kitchen unit. However, it can be successfully replaced by a bar counter, in which you can also place drawers for storing dishes.
  • Dining area. Most often, apartments with a kitchenette do not have a separate dining room, so you have to eat in the same room. The minimum set required is a table and a couple of chairs. Further, the number and size of items depends on the size of the family.

Bar counter in a small kitchen

Deciding on a kitchen set

The set will help optimize space and solve many pressing issues.

On modern kitchens it is practically irreplaceable:

  • is a convenient and functional storage system;
  • may contain built-in equipment for which there is no need to allocate a separate area;
  • solves the problem with the working surface.

Built-in household appliances in a compact kitchen set

It is most preferable to make a set to order. In this case, you need to pay maximum attention to the design project. You should know not only the sizes of everyone components, but also visually represent them. It is advisable to distribute the purposes of drawers and cabinets at the planning stage.

When ordering cabinets you should consider:

  • Drawers are more convenient than shelves. They slide out, and the hostess has access to the entire surface, while the distant zones of the shelves are rarely used even by 50%.
  • Cellular storage systems. Optimize space in drawers and especially on shelves. If it is permissible to use systems with soft walls in drawers, then on shelves there are only hard structures - so that they can be removed.
  • Three shelves are better than two. If you know in advance that oversized items and kitchen items will be stored in a particular cabinet, then instead of two high shelves or drawers, it is better to make three lower ones. This way you will avoid the formation of voids at the top of the shelves. However, you should not make the distance between them less than 20 cm.
  • Vertical pencil cases. Narrow long pencil cases take up little space, but are very roomy.

It is preferable to choose glossy facades for a small kitchen. They will add light to the room and make it visually much more spacious. Glass and mirror inserts will contribute to the same tasks.

Glossy facades can visually expand the space

You should not assume that if there is little space in the kitchen, you need to install only sets with small cabinets there. On the contrary, it is advisable to install large cabinets with many compartments that can accommodate almost everything kitchen utensils. Accordingly, the rest of the space will be freed up.

Deciding on a table and chairs

A table and chairs are an element of the decor where you may have to sacrifice your design pretensions. Furniture of complex shape, bulky and heavily decorated, alas, is not for miniature kitchens. It will not only take up a lot of space, but also visually eat up space. Two main principles when choosing tables and chairs for such a room are laconicism and practicality.

Dining area in a small kitchen

This does not mean that you have to sacrifice external characteristics. Now there is a huge selection of stylish, modern and interesting mini-tables. An excellent option for a miniature kitchen would be transformable furniture. A sliding or folding table will take up minimal space. It can be laid out only for meals, and the rest of the time, unnecessary furniture will not take up space.

Transformable table:

  • can be attached to the wall;
  • can be pulled out from the kitchen unit.

Compact table by the window

If you opt for traditional models, it is better to place the table in the corner, since there should be at least 40 cm behind the seated person. Chair + 40 cm is a noticeable area for a small room. In any case, the furniture should be without sharp corners - there is no place for them in the kitchenette.

Traditional table with rounded corners good decision for a small kitchen

It is advisable to choose furniture in light colors. A glass tabletop would be an excellent design solution, but it requires special care. Chairs should also adhere to minimalism. Be simple, without additional decorative elements. However, this does not prevent them from becoming bright accent details in the kitchen environment.

Table with glass top

Often, owners of small kitchens replace chairs with stools. Perhaps this best option, considering that with the current assortment you can choose very interesting and stylish models.

Stools take up much less space in a small kitchen

Bar counter - style in a small kitchen

A modern solution to the problem of lack of space will be a bar counter. Bulky design that requires a lot of space is an outdated stereotype . Essentially, a stand is a tabletop on a support. It can be massive and wide, or it can be narrow and miniature. This option would fit perfectly in a kitchenette.

A bar counter in a small kitchen is the best option for saving space

Traditionally, there are two ways to place a rack - perpendicular or parallel to the wall. Remember that for small kitchens only the second option is suitable. The first will only further aggravate the problem of shortage of free space.

An original and appropriate solution would be to place the counter near the window sill. In this case, they can be decorated in the same style and you will get another surface where, for example, a microwave oven will fit perfectly. In addition, the window wall usually remains unused, and this way you will have more options for using the remaining walls.

Bar counter located by the window

If you install a bar counter with a cabinet, you will add another storage system. But sitting behind such a structure will become less comfortable. To save space, you can install a retractable bar counter; it will hide very compactly in the kitchen unit.

Bar counter with cabinet in a small kitchen

Is there room for a kitchen corner in a small kitchen?

The kitchen corner by its very presence gives the room a cozy and homely atmosphere. However, what if the kitchen is very small? There is no need to give up a soft sofa. If the family is large, it will even help save space, no matter how surprising it may sound. A corner sofa will take up less space than a large number of chairs. And, naturally, it will be much more convenient for household members.

The kitchen corner is an excellent alternative to chairs for a large family.

Learning the correct placement

A miniature kitchen can be compared to Tetris: all the details of the furnishings must fit each other perfectly. Here you need to take into account not only the comfort for the hostess, but also the most suitable option placement of all items. You need to start with careful planning. It is necessary to draw up several design projects and choose the most suitable one. One of the main criteria for a suitable project will be the absence of voids.

Mini kitchen where every centimeter matters

Be sure to use in a small room:

  • corners;
  • full height walls:
  • window sills

Miniature kitchen with a functional window sill

Mini kitchen layout options:

  • Linear. All furniture is located along one wall. In this case, the headset is installed first, and everything else comes later.
  • Double row. The kitchen filling is located along two opposite walls. One for a set, the other for a dining group/bar counter and several cabinets (if there is room left for them).
  • U-shaped. The window sill and two walls adjacent to its wall are actively involved.

Linear kitchenette layout

With the latter option, you need to start planning from the window sill. It can be used as:

  • surface for installing low storage systems;
  • tabletop (the table can be limited by the window sill or smoothly extend beyond it);
  • work surface (a tabletop intended for kitchen work is installed);
  • placement household appliances.

U-shaped kitchenette layout

Depending on what role the window sill will take on, the two remaining walls will be laid out.

What color furniture to choose for a kitchenette

The color palette is one of the main tools in visually expanding space. It will help a small kitchen seem more spacious and comfortable. You should pay attention not only to the choice of shade of walls, floors and ceilings, but also to the color scheme of furniture. Remember that the main “savior” of small rooms is light colors.

Miniature kitchen in light colors

When choosing the color of furniture, you need to focus on the overall color scheme kitchens. They shouldn't be discordant.

The following colors will help not only visually enlarge the space, but also make it more comfortable:

  • beige;
  • light olive;
  • light golden;
  • pastel orange.

Cozy small kitchen in beige color

Furniture should differ from the surrounding environment by at least a few tones so as not to blend in with it. If the owner of a small kitchen wants to see pieces of furniture in black or other dark shades, only dotted inclusions are acceptable.

There may be a little more items in bright colors, but the quantity is also very limited. For example, bright yellow canary-colored facades are not suitable for a small room, or the rest of the color will have to be thought out very carefully. But chairs of the same color will be appropriate and will become bright, appropriate accents in the kitchen design.

Kitchen with furniture olive color, diluted with a juicy and bright apron

One way or another, a small kitchen is not a death sentence. You can and should work with it, making it cozy stylish room, where the whole family can happily accommodate.

Perhaps there is not a single housewife in this world who does not dream of seeing her kitchen not only functionally convenient, but also as attractive and cute as she herself. The kitchen is the pride and place of reign of every woman, but what to do if the entire kitchen kingdom fits into a “handkerchief” of up to 8 sq.m.? Exactly! Plan the correct and convenient arrangement of furniture and think in advance about what kitchen color to choose for a small kitchen.

Color will help expand the kitchen without remodeling

If remodeling the walls in a small kitchen is not the main task overhaul(combination with the living room, use of the balcony area, etc.), then it is worth considering design options with a play of the colors of the walls and furniture, resorting to a small visual illusion, in which you can get a visual increase in the kitchen kingdom.

Any woman knows that light colors visually expand the space (figure), blurring the boundaries, while dark colors, on the contrary, make even large objects less noticeable. But a black square in the middle of a white field tenaciously attracts the eye (remember Malevich!) and does not give rest to the eye, therefore, of the dark colors in the design for a small space limited by kitchen walls, it is more logical to use “darkened” - pastels.

As a bonus, at the final stage of our design project, we can easily afford to add a couple of bright, rich stains and strokes to the interior to contrastly emphasize the bright cleanliness of the updated kitchen.

White-white-white color...

The ideal color of purity is white. But the kitchen, where the walls and interior items are boiling white, resembles a surgical ward rather than a cozy kitchenette, and this design looks downright boring. In addition, keeping such a kitchen in perfect order is quite difficult for the housewife.

If this color of the walls and furniture is fundamentally important, then try to “dilute” it with variations of pearl, cream, silver, ivory or beige. These colors can be chosen not only as wall coverings, but also for kitchen façade panels, dishes and curtains, and furniture colors.

Spring in the kitchen on a white base

If you decide to color combination white and other colors, then here you can dream up: white is the ideal neighbor for anyone! Bright, rich, local colors are an excellent choice, but we have already agreed to focus on bedding.

The first in line will, of course, be pearl gray - in combination with white - the color of true nobility and discreet design of walls and furniture. True, this design will not give the kitchen the desired freshness; it is better to turn to spring blues, yellows and green flowers. The freshest, most juicy shade of spring green will, of course, be light green.

Advice! A design made in white in combination with light green in a kitchen interior will enliven, refresh and expand a small room, giving it a “spring fragrance”.

White and light green. Which one is bigger?

The right of dominance can be assigned to any of these selected colors; using them as the main covering of walls or the main color for furniture will not spoil the impression, given that all shades of green give rest to the eyes and reduce psychological stress, and white sets you in a peaceful mood and stimulates the appetite , which is important for the kitchen.

Flower placement options

It is not at all necessary to paint the walls with a white and lime mattress! You can bring one color or another into the interior using glossy surfaces of walls and facades, reflective mirror panels and airy curtains, and choose furniture and fittings in the kitchen in appropriate colors.

Advice! Healthy herbs growing on the windowsill in white flower pots can successfully serve as a white and lime decor.

Another solution: place these colors on the doors of the set in a checkerboard pattern and “dilute” their rows with transparent facades. Can be done top part The wall cabinets and shelves are set in pure white (light green), and the lower cabinets are covered with light green (white) panels.

Changing the kitchen apron

A beautiful colored kitchen apron will also help to “revive” a small kitchen - a traditionally tiled area of ​​the wall behind the sink and stove, under the wall cabinets. You can repeat the white and light green colors when laying the tiles of a new backsplash, but it is much more interesting to repeat the color of the floor on the wall.

Another design - they threw it off. This is a large slab of tempered glass, on which photo printing is applied in a special way, and the design on the glass can be made according to your order in the colors and tones you desire.

Floors in a spring kitchen

To maintain a feeling of freshness and space, you should choose the color of sand or wild stone. Tiles or linoleum of an unobtrusive light gray color will only set off the shade of light green. A floor painted in the same light green color in a richer tone than pastel will look juicy and unusual.

Advice! When choosing a floor color, remember: dark green, bright mint or marsh brown will “eat up” all the freshness of the resulting space in a small kitchen.

Lighting in a bright kitchen

To highlight the designer spring, it is worth taking care of the right lighting that can highlight our design. Buy a chandelier in the form of a flower bouquet or replace the old lampshades with others, interspersed with lush green and other bright colors, standing out favorably on the white ceiling and playing with colored highlights on the gloss of the furniture.

You can completely abandon the chandelier, replacing it with spotlights that will be reflected in the glass panels, giving the white and lime green kitchen a festive look, and creating the impression of dew drops scattered everywhere.

  • Want to add color to your kitchen and make it look even bigger? Make several horizontal stripes of orange, yellow or scarlet: and the kitchen literally “opens up”.
  • Do you want to “raise” your ceilings? Stripes of olive or pistachio color, located vertically - at your service!

To keep the kitchen from being “cold”

If you are happy with the “lime on white” color of the walls and you are not a fan of avant-garde furniture, add a couple of vases with a bright pattern, designer original lamps or sconces, or modular picture on the wall. good design solution– color screen, when part of a wall or one wall is completely contrasting or with a pattern.

Selecting furniture

Considering that we already have the kitchen set in place, we must try to install it in the remaining space necessary furniture: dining table, chairs, etc. So that this furniture fits into new interior harmoniously, you should not only think about their correct placement, but give them the right color. What it will be - white, light green, sand - is up to you, but in any case the color should be glossy and fit into the design of the room.

Advice! Good opportunity do not give the small spring kitchen the appearance of a cluttered room - transparent table surfaces and chairs made of transparent plastic.

Classic white kitchens (2 videos)

Using white in kitchen design (41 photos)

Many people mistakenly think that only a large kitchen can be cozy. In fact, even a small space can be transformed into a spacious, comfortable and functional room. To properly organize a small kitchen, it is enough to know the basic rules for choosing a set. This will help visually expand the existing square meters, beautifully place accents, highlight work area, as well as highlight the individual features of the room. Our article will help you decide on the right set for a small kitchen space.

Furniture layout for a small kitchen

Before you start choosing your favorite decorative items, soft corners and other elements for the kitchen, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main types of layout. The most good options For a small area, corner and single-row designs are considered. Each fits easily into small spaces, leaving plenty of room for a dining area.

Corner layout

This type of placement of the headset is divided into L-shaped and U-shaped. The first option is suitable for any room, regardless of the shape of the furniture, length or area of ​​the room. This is a versatile, compact and rational look for a small kitchen. U-shaped placement includes perpendicular placement of walls and furniture along them. The design looks laconic and stylish, but will fit more optimally into a small, medium-sized kitchen than into a minimalist version. The advantages of a corner layout include the functional use of the corner, zoning the kitchen into a working and dining area, the ability to install different cabinets (with closed or open shelves), and an aesthetic appearance.

Single row layout

It is often called linear or straight because cabinet furniture is arranged in this order. Simple placement optimizes and saves space for the dining part of the kitchen. Externally, the space looks flatter and simpler compared to the corner option. The price for a single-row layout is much lower. The absence of islands allows you to place furniture in the most different types and forms. It is also worth noting the important fact that this type of kitchen will fit into any style solution: from classic design to modern modernity.

Which facades are suitable for a small kitchen?

In order for a small kitchen to turn into a cozy, warm corner, you need to know everything not only about the correct layout and types of furniture, but also about the options for facades that will best decorate a small room. For example, decorative milling can slightly overload the kitchen, making it even more miniature, but a smooth matte surface will emphasize the overall design without narrowing it visually.

Experts consider one of the best options for a small kitchen to be a set with facades made of MDF material, which can be combined with enamel, acrylic or plastic. This coating gives a beautiful glossy shine and also skillfully hides small stains, fingerprints and water drops.

A good alternative MDF facades can become chipboard sets with a film surface. They can be either maximally glossy or more matte. They are famous for their strength, durability, reasonable price, as well as an abundance of aesthetics in the form of imitation metal, wood, and stone.

A glass facade will also look great in a small kitchen. The only drawback is that it is better to use this technique not for all working cabinets, but only for those that will be located for decorating the kitchen (due to the openness of the contents).

If you follow small, proven rules for the rational use of every square meter, then you will create the kitchen of your dreams, which can only be called “cozy.” We will tell you about the main tips for optimizing a small kitchen space:

1. Make a detailed plan for the placement of not only the headset, but also decorative elements, in order to know in advance how this or that thing will look in the interior, whether it will clutter the space and whether it will fit into the overall interior design.

2. Consider using open shelves. Due to the simple design, the space will seem lighter and more spacious than it actually is.

3. Use lifting structures and sliding doors.

4. Avoid furniture with unusual convex shapes. To optimize a small kitchen, it is best to use standard classic products.

5. Say no to too many decorative elements. They will not only attract unnecessary attention, but will also visually reduce the area. It is best to focus on a few things that can simultaneously perform a functional and aesthetic role. For example, interesting containers, fruit vases or handmade dishes.

6. Instead of the usual bulky table, you can use a roll-out or sliding design.

7. Wall cabinets will look very organic against the background of other compact furniture.

8. Try to follow conciseness in the arrangement of furniture, its shape and design.

9. Don’t deviate from the general style direction. You can emphasize it the right kind headset, several decorative elements or textiles.

10. For maximum space rationalization, install a sink in a corner unit. It will significantly save work space and use a free corner.

11. Look to neutral shades for flooring and wall coverings. Variegated colors can visually “narrow” the kitchen, which is very undesirable in our case.

12. It is best to choose lighting that is built-in and multifunctional. Small bright LEDs will look much more harmonious in a small kitchen than large floor lamps and a large chandelier.

Set for a small kitchen - photo

The collection of photos that we have put together for you will help you delve deeper into the topic of optimizing a small space and will clearly show the options for layouts, facades and furniture in the interior of a wide variety of kitchens. Enjoy watching!

Small kitchens are not uncommon in new buildings and Soviet-style houses. Their owners face a problem rational use usable space. By choosing the right kitchen set for a small room, you can radically transform its appearance. Use each square meter to the maximum - not an easy task, but quite solvable.

A small kitchen can be cozy, comfortable and beautiful

Design options for kitchen units for a small room (selection of photos)

When arranging a room, not only aesthetics and an abundance of sophisticated household appliances are important. The practicality and ergonomics of furniture mechanisms should be taken into account. Each family member should feel comfortable and free.

Modern design projects help you choose the right layout, which will give the room not only comfort, but also visually increase the space.

The most ergonomic is considered to be the L-shaped headset, located along two adjacent walls. In this case, the dining table is placed in the opposite corner of the kitchen

To better understand modern trends, it’s worth looking at photos of samples of kitchen sets for a small kitchen on the World Wide Web.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a kitchen unit?

The kitchen is a special place in every apartment, which brings family members together for daily meals and tea. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing furniture. It should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also be functional in terms of use. In conditions limited space doing this is extremely problematic. Many owners are faced with a dilemma: to sacrifice treasured meters or part of the headset.

To properly optimize the kitchen space, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan for the placement of not only the furniture, but also all decorative elements

Correct delimitation of furniture zones will relieve apartment owners from this headache. First of all, you should consider the shape of the room.

Square shape

It is most rational to use corner option headset. The corner is an ideal base for creating the so-called “working triangle”. With this arrangement, the storage, preparation and cooking areas will be harmoniously separated by a refrigerator, sink and stove. Moreover, everything you need will be within walking distance. It is better to place the dining group opposite the modules closer to the window. Preference should be given to an oval or round table shape.

Rounded countertops help organize space conveniently, especially in small rooms

If there is not enough space for a dining group, you can use the window and window sill to your advantage. There are two options here:

  1. Use a wide tabletop as a dining area.
  2. An excellent option is a folding table above the battery.


The linear layout of the room is the most simple option. There are no islands or protrusions, which create additional design inconveniences. There are two types of furniture arrangement:

Irregular shape

In such a room there are niches and podiums. At first glance, this seems to make the task much more difficult. In fact, all these indentations and protrusions are very useful. You can successfully integrate a refrigerator, pencil case, etc. into them.

An example of a successful kitchen layout with a non-standard shape, where a table with a transparent tempered glass top was chosen to visually lighten the space

When choosing a kitchen set, you should pay attention to your personal desires. It is necessary to understand what function the room will perform.

  • Those who like to pamper their household with delicacies should give preference to models with an abundance of shelves, cabinets, and bedside tables.
  • For fans of “food to order,” it is advisable to limit yourself to a minimum set of furniture accessories.
  • If the room serves as a place for receiving guests and family gatherings, you should pay attention not only to the preparation and storage area, but also to allocating sufficient space for the dining group.

For more information on successful headset design, see the article below.

Fashionable color solutions for sets for small rooms

To visually expand the space of a room, it is not necessary to remodel. It is enough to choose the right color scheme.

Correctly selected colors will visually increase the size of the kitchen

The trend is a combination of cold and warm shades, light and dark tones. And, of course, classic white is beyond competition. All these fashion trends fit perfectly into modern furniture complexes. Bright, rich colors are popular now. But you need to be careful with them. In a small room, it is not appropriate to use flashy colors throughout the entire set. It is enough to highlight one or more drawers, as well as add contrasting decorative elements. It is not recommended to make the top line darker than the bottom line. This will give the room a chaotic look, creating an “inverted triangle” effect.

A set with facades to match the walls will literally “dissolve” in the kitchen interior

The choice of color is a purely personal matter for everyone. But it’s worth remembering a few rules that will help you not to spoil an already miniature room, but, on the contrary, will make it spectacular.

  • "The Law of Three Colors" Now he often uses not 3, but 5 colors. The principle is based on a combination of shades in different proportions. The main color occupies more than half of the interior elements. Details (handles, decor) are allocated less than a tenth of the total color palette. It is important to choose the right color combination so as not to disrupt the overall style of the room.
  • The choice of color depends on the lighting. If the place does not have enough natural light, the emphasis should be on warm colors. In rooms facing the sunny side, it is better to avoid pastel shades. As you know, they are very dynamic and force attention. Therefore, the headset may seem bulky. In this case, you should focus on cool colors: violet, lilac, turquoise, blue, gray. If the windows face north, it is preferable to use shades of red, yellow, and orange.

Advice. Unique is white. It includes tones from soft vanilla to discreet ivory. It can be used in the manufacture of any kitchen set.

  • Optical illusion. To create the illusion of a “wide kitchen”, just add a few horizontal lines bright color on the facades. To visually increase the height of a room, vertical lines of cool shades are used.

Horizontal lines on the facades of the furniture will make the kitchen visually wider

Which facades are suitable for a small kitchen?

Facades are the front part, which largely determines the appearance of the headset. The overall style of the interior depends on their type. High demands are placed on these furniture elements. They should be not only beautiful, but also practical. Resistance to external factors (shocks, scratches), temperature changes and humidity is something that is worth paying close attention to.

The choice of facades is largely determined by the style direction of the kitchen interior

In fact, there are few types of facades: natural wood, plastic/acrylic, painted, film, veneered.

Furniture made of wood looks expensive, but is bulky. From the point of view of visual perception, this option should not be considered in a compact room.

Smooth painted facades are well suited for a kitchen in a modern style

The following options are suitable for a small kitchen:

  • Glossy acrylic or painted facade. The best solution for small size. The elements are coated with a special protective varnish that adds shine to the product. Due to this, a reflection effect is created. Even the smallest kitchen will add depth to the space and make it seem a little larger. Matte doors are easier to care for, but they will not give the impression of expanding the area.
  • Film facades. The best alternative to natural wood and veneer. The price is several times lower, but also less durable. Due to the variety of decors and millings, you can choose a good option, eliminating clutter with unnecessary details.
  • Frame facades. Framed glass doors are becoming increasingly popular. First of all, it's cheap. On the other hand, it is practical. They look no worse than MDF facades. When ordering furniture, it is better to give preference to frosted glass. It will hide the contents of the cabinets from prying eyes, giving airiness and lightness to the room. It's a good idea to choose sandblasted glass facades.
  • Lakobel facades. Many people prefer this type for its simplicity and conciseness. They are glass elements painted on the outside on a machine with special enamel.

Regarding the practicality of facades, it is better to give preference to glossy light models. If the design has a dark bottom, then it is more profitable to beat it with texture.

Glossy facades will visually increase the size of the kitchen

Matte models should be treated with skepticism. Not only are they easily soiled, but they won’t visually expand the space in any way. And an unsuccessfully chosen color will only aggravate the situation. The most win-win option is facades without complex milling and textures.

What styles of kitchen units are unacceptable in a small area?

It is possible to “open up” the space with the help of the right style. It must meet the principles of symmetry and proportionality.

It is definitely worth opposing the classical elements of Baroque and Empire style. Volumetric furniture modules will create an uncomfortable atmosphere. Even the correct soft outlines of the facades will not help.

The luxury inherent in classic interiors simply cannot be “shoved” into a limited space

The rustic country style is also not best option. It is replete with natural materials, bulky cabinets, stylized antique utensils.

Bar counter in a small kitchen

A bar counter is a win-win option for a small kitchen. IN modern projects often found instead of a table. Indeed, it is very convenient when every centimeter counts. It is usually located instead of a window sill or serves as its continuation. It looks very impressive in the loft style.

For a loft-style kitchen, the bar counter can be made from roughly processed wood

A compact bar counter mounted on the wall can replace a dining table in a very narrow kitchen

Sometimes the bar counter is used as decoration. In small rooms this method is rarely used. It is appropriate to use if there is no full-fledged dining area.

Which style to choose for a small kitchen

The style in the headset is closely related to color. For each of them there are unspoken rules for choosing colors.

  1. Provence. When designing a complex in the Provencal style, it will not be possible to avoid various ornaments, curlicues, and decorative accessories. They will take up extra centimeters of already limited space. You should be extremely careful when choosing filling systems. The advantage of this style is the pastel color palette.

    To decorate a small kitchen in Provence style, you should not choose large patterns; it is better to choose designs with small flowers on a light background

  2. Loft. A rather specific style due to its brick-brown palette, open communications, and rough-looking furniture. A big advantage is the presence of spacious drawers for supplies.

    To prevent a small loft-style kitchen from looking too gloomy, you should abandon dark colors

  3. Scandinavian style. Imbued with restraint and freedom. Preferred colors are light, delicate tones. Its main rule is functionality in everything. The presence of retractable elements, closers, and many shelves makes it one of the most suitable for a small room.

    Scandinavian interior combines functionality and minimalism

  4. Hi-tech. Involves the use of a large number of glossy surfaces, display cases, and mirrors.

    High-tech will appeal to neat people who can competently organize their own space

  5. Minimalism. The most successful style. The absence of unnecessary details allows you not to overload the interior. The smooth surfaces of the facades seem to be a continuation of the walls of the room. Simplicity and clarity of lines give the image rigor and correctness in detail.

    The compactness of the elements and restraint of colors will save space while accommodating all the necessary items

Whatever style you choose, it is important to understand that the abundance of decor, exquisite front fittings, curved legs, stands, balusters, pilasters, columns will add massiveness. If you really want to use classical styles, it is better to consider their simplified variations - neoclassics.
By adhering to these rules, there is every chance of creating a very nice little environment.

A small kitchen is not a death sentence. By placing the right accents, you can turn even the tiniest room into a cozy and ergonomic nest.

  • Tall spacious cabinets. It's no secret that the kitchen stores things that are used a couple of times a year. It is most convenient to place them at the very top so as not to create unnecessary clutter.
  • Instead of hinges - retractable and lifting mechanisms. Helps save precious space.
  • The window sill is a food preparation area. A tabletop on the windowsill saves work surface. At the same time it can also serve as a dining area.
  • Corner sofa instead of chairs. A great option for small apartment. Takes up minimal space; there is a small storage organizer under the seat.

Retractable cutting boardgreat solution for a small kitchen

Types of furniture for a small kitchen

Having decided on the shape of the headset, you need to understand the types. The headset includes:

  • wall cabinets;
  • floor cabinets;
  • cabinets.

Pay attention! The depth should be as low as possible and the height as high as possible. The room will not be overloaded with useless elements, and the storage of equipment and utensils will be organized.

It is important not to include more than 10 modules in a furniture complex. The presence of a large number of cabinets and cabinets will significantly reduce their capacity, and, consequently, functionality.

Wall cabinets up to the ceiling will accommodate more items and eliminate dust accumulation

In conditions of saving space, you should think through everything to the smallest detail. It is appropriate to use internal drawers, additional dividers, stands, hanging systems in cabinets, and pull-out baskets. These special designs will allow for correct zoning.

Some models kitchen corners Built-in drawers for storing kitchen utensils

Kitchen sets for a small kitchen they differ in the type of opening:

  1. Swing. The most impractical option. Open doors take up a lot of space. The exception is the pencil case.
  2. Folding. Used in upper modules. The doors open upward using mechanical and gas elevators. Reliable, perfect for miniature rooms.
  3. Retractable. Like the previous one, the mechanism is indispensable in a tiny kitchen. There is no clutter in the drawers thanks to the opening system.

The retractable design will save you from having to rummage in the depths of the closet, which is sometimes quite difficult to reach, especially in the bottom line

Any housewife dreams not only of a comfortable, but also stylish kitchen. There she spends most of her time. Therefore, this room is designed to satisfy not only gastronomic needs, but also cause aesthetic satisfaction and be beautiful.

Before making a purchase, it is useful to study photos of small kitchen sets of different styles on the Internet.

Video about the main mistakes in creating a small kitchen design

This issue of choice is especially relevant for Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, where there is nowhere to turn around. What to do with the refrigerator if it doesn't fit? What to do with a column if a cupboard for dishes would be perfect in its place, but now there is no space?

We will consider these and many other questions in our review. We will look at the most successful and interesting options interiors for small kitchens.

What are the basic furnishings needed in every kitchen?

You can’t fit a lot in a small kitchen, of course. Let’s say, if you live in a house from Brezhnev’s times, then you can’t even dream of a dishwasher, because there will be no space left for more important things.

What should there be, without which it will be very uncomfortable in the kitchen?

  • Kitchen countertop
  • Cabinets that can hold dishes
  • Cooking plate
  • Dishwasher
  • Fridge
  • Dining table

All. Nothing more is needed. But, after all, you want to conveniently install an electric kettle and install a dishwasher... And sometimes washing machine, because if in a Khrushevka the kitchen is only 6 square meters, then the bath is only 2 meters.

How can this be?

Yes, it’s very simple: look carefully around and don’t lose sight of a single free centimeter. Use the entire surface rationally, and choose universal furniture.

For example, why put a seating area in the kitchen without opening niches? You can fit a lot in them, thereby freeing up space for installing a washing machine.

Or, why put this corner at all, if you can get by with a bar counter that you will have instead of a window sill?

In general, there are a lot of options and, believe me, with the right approach, even the smallest kitchen can look very decent and be comfortable.

Color is of great importance. But we will talk about this below in more detail.

Kitchen sets with closed cabinets

A row of closed cabinets below and a row of wall cabinets - this is the most standard kitchen furniture to date. IN ready-made solutions As a rule, cabinets for built-in appliances are not intended; they come in small blocks, like a construction set.

Of course, if you really want to, you can use such furniture in an original way, but more often it happens that the kitchen looks too ordinary. But you have many places where you can place equipment, dishes, and cereals.

Getting it out, however, is not always convenient! It would be much better to store the same cereals right in plain sight, in large glass jars. But, if you have hung the cabinets on top, then there is nowhere to place a shelf for such a purpose.

Kitchen units with open shelves

In Europe, kitchens are now gaining more and more popularity, where the lower part is standard, and the top is ordinary long shelves, in a couple of rows. In fact, it is much more convenient and functional than the standard we are used to.

Open space makes the room feel freer. Also, on these shelves the jars that we talked about above and utensils intended for cooking are perfectly located. But here you need to take into account this point: if your dishes do not shine with beauty and cleanliness, then it is better to keep them away from prying eyes and take them out when necessary.

And if everything is beautiful, then the question of which set to choose should not arise. Of course, this option is better than the first. It takes up less space, is inexpensive, and at the same time stylish.

Homemade headsets

Rather than buying cheap kitchen sets that will fall apart in three years and look dull, it is better to try making furniture yourself.

Kitchens made by yourself do not need to be literally planed and sawed out. Construction stores now have everything and even more to assemble modular furniture(accessories and parts).

You only need to take a sheet of fiberboard in order to assemble the inner box of the kitchen, mark it and give it right there for trimming. They will also seal the edge for you there. All that remains is to collect.

Doors for cabinets also do not need to be made; they are ready-made, and in almost any color and size. The prices for these modules are quite affordable and if you assemble the kitchen yourself, the final price will be half that of a finished set.

There is no need to look for examples of such cuisines. Go and see for yourself and find the perfect combination.

Bar counter in a small kitchen

The bar counter can be placed in two places in a small kitchen: under the window sill and instead of the wall that stands between the kitchen and living room.

You don’t have to completely knock out the wall, but only free a part. It will look great, the kitchen area will become more spacious, since there will be no need to install a dining table.

Behind the bar counter, which stands between, four people can fit at once. But the problem may be different. By freeing up the kitchen, you make the living room uncomfortable for the person who sleeps there.

Households will go to the kitchen at night, during the day the sound of operating equipment and the smells of cooked food (not always pleasant) will be heard from there. Therefore, this option is good if the living room serves as a living room and not a bedroom.

Where to put the refrigerator if it doesn't fit?

If you have a goal to install after all dishwasher, it often turns out that the refrigerator is simply in the way. And in general, it gets in the way in tiny kitchens.

Taking it out far is not an option, therefore, if we are talking about, then we can only advise one thing: put it in a closet, which is adjacent to the kitchen and serves as a storage room for preservation. In almost every Khrushchev the location is like this, therefore, the idea is quite universal.

The only thing I would like to emphasize is that there is no need to leave the door on it, otherwise it will be inconvenient to get to the refrigerator. It is much better to hang some kind of curtain that will harmonize with the textiles on the windows. And this is not a woman’s version, but “Provence”, so you know (this is us in case you doubt it).

Where to put the gas water heater?

A kitchen geyser is an unattractive sight. But that's not so bad. The bad thing is that it takes up too much space. And the point here is not even the size, but the fact that there should be no cabinets around it (for safety reasons).

This means that if your kitchen is very small, and there are too many dishes and small appliances, then geyser can be moved to the bathroom. True, running here and there to set things on fire is not very comfortable, but it will free up a lot of space. And the soot won’t spoil the ceiling as much.

And, frankly speaking, there is nowhere to run in the Khrushchev building. Just take a couple extra steps.

Optimal color solutions for small kitchens

For a small kitchen, any colors of furniture are suitable. One thing is important here - the color of the “substrate”, that is, the walls. They are the basis, and the color of the kitchen set will depend on what color you painted them.

In general, it makes no difference what color furniture you prefer. Dark tones are also acceptable (they do not look bulky and, visually, do not take up much space), light colors are also acceptable.

Even a red set in a small kitchen will look very interesting, even bright green. But keep in mind that this will then be the second background color according to the laws of gamma distribution, which we will write about below.

The color scheme is extremely important for a small kitchen. If you paint the walls in a bright or dark color, then it will automatically look even cramped.

At all, ideal option wall colors – white. Absolutely everything looks good against such a neutral background: flooring, paintings, decor, dishes. The white wall both expands and is a wonderful backdrop for everything else.

But you won’t be satisfied with white people alone. You need to choose some second color for it, which will also be an important background reflection.

According to all laws, only three colors “get along” best in a room, where one of them is the main one (60%), the second is auxiliary (30%) and the third is an accent (10%). For example, wood is best suited as a second color to white walls, which is usually used in cladding the kitchen facade.

But the third color, the most important, can be anything with these two dominant colors. Be it red, be it blue or be it green.

It looks very simple, but cozy and tasteful.

What kitchen styles are unacceptable in a small area

Color is good. But there is also style. What exactly is suitable for a small kitchen - we have already said - simplicity. Now let’s focus your attention on which styles will look simply caricatured in a small area.

A square and small kitchen will look very bad if you decide to decorate it in the Art Nouveau style, which implies chic, spaciousness and the absence of strict geometry.

Classics, neoclassics - also bypassed. This will be a parody, not a classic interior, therefore, it is better to refrain from it.

Provence and eclecticism are also not very good, since these styles require a large number of additional decorative elements, and since you won’t have anywhere to place them, it still won’t look good.

Still, the best thing is minimalism and moderation.

Successful examples of sets in a small kitchen

It is one thing to understand theoretically, and another to see visually. In this block we will show you what a kitchen set for a small kitchen looks like in real photos.

Please note that some photos show mini equipment. That is, small refrigerators instead of ordinary ones, small cooking surfaces. All this saves space.

As you can see, kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings can look very interesting!

A kitchen with an area of ​​8-9 sq.m can hardly be called very small for our country. Of course, by the standards of the Mediterranean with their areas, this is small, but for us and for Europe it is quite familiar.

This photo shows the design of a kitchen set for a small kitchen, which is slightly larger than a Khrushchev-era building.

And here is an example, which are also very popular in this area.

Our review has come to an end, you have seen various kitchen sets for a small kitchen, learned how to select them and much more. We hope that our material was useful to you!