House with a gray roof and white windows. Green roof. Main mistakes and “helpers” when choosing roof color

The first impression that will form about our home, about ourselves, depends on what the appearance of our house will be. But if everything is more or less clear with the style of the rooms, and even a person who doesn’t understand anything about design will find a lot of materials and ready-made ideas for arranging the interior, then what to do with the facade of a private house?

We won't convince you to paint the outside of your house red or light yellow, but we will tell you the secrets of the professionals that will definitely influence your choice!

What can color depend on?

Ideally, the look of your home, both inside and out, should match your personality, preferences and tastes. But it turns out that this is not the only thing that determines the color of the facade.

“The appearance of the façade of a house most often determines the style of its interior; for example, a Victorian-style interior suggests the same design on the outside. It’s another matter when a house or townhouse is located in a cottage community, in which case the developer sets the exterior style, and the house owners have no choice but to adhere to it.

As for the choice of color, designers have the concepts of “feminine”, “masculine” or “neutral” interior, and the same applies to exteriors. So, a young married couple would rather try to choose something light and light. Very often the choice is influenced by memories associated with a joint vacation: they settle on the colors blue, white, sand. Women prefer red and pink, velvety surfaces, graceful decorative elements. Men traditionally choose brown and dark colors, brutal view of the facade of the house. A designer I know recently built himself a house from timber: all the wood is light, but black window frames, inside there is a black floor, red and black furniture. If there is a choice, the color of the house will definitely reflect the character, preferences and even gender of the people living in it,” says Alisa Semenova, designer of the interior studio LOFT&HOME.

Color selection algorithm

So how to choose the color of the facade? “At the initial stage of choosing the exterior of a house, it is very convenient to use special programs or online services that allow you to choose the color of the walls, windows, doors, roof, base of the house and decide whether you like the color combination or not. At the next stage, we recommend visiting a house exhibition [an open-air exhibition where samples are collected finished houses, popular in major cities- approx. author], where you can see the selected color and texture of the material live on samples exhibited by manufacturers.

To make a final decision, it is advisable to paint a piece of wall approximately 0.5x1 meter in size and observe the sample during the day under different lighting conditions, and also, preferably, under different weather conditions - sunny and cloudy. In this case, the selection error will be minimized as much as possible.

As for practicality, light colors fade the least. Burns out the slowest White color. However, it should be remembered that white color may become yellow over time. Thus, the most practical in this case may be a gray, dim color. It does not turn yellow over time and dust is practically invisible on it.

Dark colors look very impressive on facades, especially those with simple architectural forms. However, remember that they fade quickly. The leader in fading is black. If there is a need to use dark colors on the facade of the house, then you should pay attention to the warranty card for the paint, which indicates restrictions on the period of fading. Usually this is 5-7 years for dark colors,” shared Roman Konyakhin, manager of the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

How to paint a plastered facade

When choosing paints for brick and concrete plastered facades, the same principles for choosing colors apply. But besides this, we should remember that our walls need paint not only for beauty. Yes, of course, the facade, and the whole street, where the walls of the houses are painted in bright colors, are pleasing to the eye, but it’s not just about the color. The paint must protect the surface of the facade from destruction: sun, frost, strong winds and unclean air can damage even the most durable materials.

How to paint a wooden house

Of course, paint it wooden house can be “tight” using topcoat paints, for example, wood enamels. But most often in wood construction translucent paints are used - azures, popularly called either impregnations or stains (we previously wrote about the accuracy of the terms).

“For wooden houses it is better to use materials that emphasize the structure of the wood. After all, ultimately, this is why we choose a house made of wood: for its color and texture.

The color option will depend on the chosen color and texture of the roof, the proposed trim, color drainage system, options for finishing the base, the color of window lamination, log/beam exits (cuts at corners and in wall joints), as well as the design of already built buildings on the site, for example, a bathhouse. In our practice, we offer clients a choice of 3-4 standard options for painting a wooden house.

For a house it is better to use 2-3 colors: the first for the facade, the second for the trim, front roof strips and pillars, the third color for the base and balusters.

You also need to understand that wood requires special protection: during operation, it is capable of both gaining moisture from rain and other precipitation, and releasing it under the influence of sunlight.

Most affected by factors external environment are facades located on the sunny side, so they are required to undergo protective treatment first of all after construction; it is also very important to immediately treat the exits of timber or logs, since they are the main points of entry of moisture into the material. We advise clients to use light colors. The fact is that dark surfaces can heat up more, and in comparison with them, light ones are subject to less deformation from the heating-cooling process,” said Anton Shagiev, director of the company for the construction of wooden houses “IZHS-STROY”.

So, the choice of color, as well as the choice between paint and glaze, is yours, the main thing is to use high-quality materials. Owners of wooden houses are more concerned with the question of how to update a façade painted with azure over time: we have already talked about this (here is the link).

To choose the color of the roof of a house that is in harmony with the overall appearance of the building, it is enough to be guided by your taste or ask the opinion of architects or designers. It is also worth paying attention to the teachings of Feng Shui, according to which the choice of roof color directly affects the well-being of the inhabitants of the house.

Energy protection and management

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the roof performs the function of a kind of dome, which physically and spiritually protects those living in the house from atmospheric phenomena. Its second purpose is to control subtle energies, thanks to which:

  • good luck, emotional and financial well-being comes to the house;
  • the physical health of the inhabitants is maintained and strengthened;
  • harmony develops in the relationships of close people with each other.

That is why it is important to carefully consider the choice of roof shape and color roofing. Disharmony becomes an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires and gives rise to various kinds of difficulties.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the color of the roof should match the biofield of the owner of the house (it does not matter whether it is a man or a woman). Only in this case will a harmonious atmosphere reign in the house.

Color influence

According to Feng Shui, the color of the roof of a house can be selected based on the meanings that each color carries, from the point of view of managing subtle energies. In the teachings of Feng Shui, significant attention is paid to the symbolism of color.

Red color: symbol of resurrection, color of life, color of fire. Shades of red can be used when decorating the roof - the color will contribute to a happy life and activity. However, bright red, a rich color, symbolizes fire, which can destroy balance and provoke discord in relationships.

Green color: symbol of hope, new life, harmony and tranquility. A green roof promotes good vitality, mental balance and tranquility. Not only in Eastern teachings, but also in European psychological practice green color is one of the most favorable.

Yellow: health, abundance, wisdom and experience. The inhabitants of a house under a roof of yellow, sunny color will always feel comfort, warmth and coziness. It is important to choose harmonious shades.

Blue color: symbol of sea depth and heavenly heights. In Feng Shui advice on how to choose the color of the roof of a house, you can find a clear indication that the color of the roof should not “fight” with the elements of the sky. Blue color is one of the unfavorable options for roof decoration due to disharmony at the level of subtle energies.

White color: symbol of the divine principle, infinity, eternity. If white color is organic to the head of the house, then it will become ideal option for roofing. In such a house, all inhabitants will be provided with comfort and peace of mind.

Black color: symbolizes change. You should not make this color the predominant color for the roofing, this will contribute to the deterioration of energy flows. In addition, the building itself will look gloomy, which leads to discomfort. At the same time, black color can be successfully used to design roof elements.

Brown color: symbol of constancy, stability. The teachings of Feng Shui warn against using brown in a concentrated pure form; it is recommended to give preference to shades: beige, peach, sand and others.

Before choosing colors and shades, you should become more familiar with the correspondence between color and elements.

Elements and color

When thinking about the question of how to choose the right color for the roof of a house, you can focus on your own preferences, especially since Feng Shui masters practically do not give direct advice, limiting themselves to general recommendations. At the same time, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the principles of choosing a color regarding its belonging to a particular element.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, each color belongs to one of the five elements:

  • Water (blue and black);
  • Tree (green);
  • Fire (red);
  • Metal (white);
  • Earth (brown).

The variety of shades of each color allows you not to be limited to basic colors when choosing a roof design. In addition, the quality and intensity of its influence on energy directly depends on the shades and saturation of the color. It is advisable to choose harmonious shades.

The colors of the Fire element are not quite suitable for the roof; they are overly “active”. Their influence can be weakened by using Earth colors in the design of the roof. In this case, the house will become comfortable for people, primarily for those who occupy leadership positions and are vested with power. The design of many modern roofing collections uses a combination of the colors of the elements of Fire and Earth. This softened palette allows you to create roofs that comply with the traditions of Feng Shui.

The colors of the Water element, black and blue, essentially represent a waterfall of free energy. Since a waterfall is an active downward movement of water, the energy in houses with a blue or black roof is restless, along with it physical, emotional and intellectual forces flow away from the atmosphere of the house, the inhabitants’ activity and vitality decrease, and diseases, including chronic ones, may appear. Residents of houses with a roof the color of the Water element are rarely lucky. Excessive nervous tension affects not only the head of the house, but also the entire household.

Harmonious colors that can be used to decorate a roof, either independently or in combination with each other, include shades of the colors of the elements of Metal and Wood.

It is recommended to add Fire colors to the “earth” shades to get comfortable, safe options for roofing. This is autumn orange, peach, soft scarlet, dark burgundy, sand. The colors of the Earth element are very favorable for the roof of a house, as they symbolically represent the soil on which the family tree grows.

Not only color, but also shape

The shape of the roof of the house is responsible for the relationships within the family. A round roof is a symbol of immortality, infinity - in such a house lost strength is quickly restored and stress is relieved. Pagoda roofs, due to their shape, reflect negative external influences on the family. The pyramid-shaped roof, oriented to the cardinal points, concentrates positive energy in the house. If the roof has the shape of regular triangles, the inhabitants of such a house will have good luck. But the wavy roof is not the best the best choice, since it interferes with any undertakings of the head of the family and household members. A “dented” roof is also a bad option, as it symbolizes discord in relationships within the family.

The positive impact of a correctly chosen roof shape can be enhanced by color. If you decide to choose the color of the roof of your house according to Feng Shui, you should not limit yourself to general recommendations. To deeply analyze the movement of energy in a house and determine the personality traits of its owner, it is necessary to study specialized literature or turn to masters of teaching. This will not only allow you to build comfortable home, but also to create a truly favorable atmosphere in it.

In most cases, private houses are disappointing with their monotony, since the flight of architectural thought ends with a monochromatic house. In general, the buildings have a similar appearance, and their color is approximately the same. However, what will happen if you move away from the banality and create a private house with an original external design, color scheme of the roof and facade, what will attract, and not vice versa? This is exactly what we will talk about, because we need to consider not only possible options color combinations, but also their relevance.

Sun resistance

By experimenting with the colors of the facade, you can transform the house, make it more interesting and attractive in appearance. Using different colors you can increase the aesthetic value of the house, bring your ideas and ideas to life, or give the house semantic significance and load. Correct selection colors can completely change the perception of the building, visually enlarge or reduce the house. By combining a color palette, you can make the house deeper, directed upward, or exactly the opposite, the main thing is to feel the proportion.

How brighter color, the shorter its service life, since it is more susceptible to exposure to sunlight. Black color is the worst option, since it attracts ultraviolet rays the most, which means that its service life is minimal. The best option there will be the use of pastel and light colors that can serve long years. Pure white color looks elegant, but it also cannot look beautiful for a long time, it will quickly begin to fade and turn yellow.

It is best to use gray and its shades - this color does not fade, it does not turn yellow, and dust on such a facade will not be noticeable. Even if the shade changes slightly over time, this will not be a problem.

External perception and form

By using light shades you can make the house visually larger, so using white when decorating the facade of a private house is classic version. Beige, cream, milky shades look boring and faded, they need to be combined correctly. It is best to use dark accents that will set off light colors.

In some countries, houses are painted in bright colors - red, orange, blue and others. Having examined the design of the house, it can be noted that they have elementary forms, small parts are completely absent from the design. In the territory Russian Federation Few people will like such frank experiments, so it is better to abandon them so that the house does not end up looking ridiculous.

If the house has a complex architectural structure, then the application bright colors will be inappropriate. A building with many details will look better in light colors. If bright colors find a place here, it will only be spot-on, acting as accents that highlight individual elements of the house.

Using a light color palette you can visually enlarge the house, while dark colors, on the contrary, will make it more modest. By using warm colors you can visually bring the house closer, and using cold colors you can move it away. In the first case, red is used; among the retreating options, pure is in the lead Blue colour. Blue color can be very interesting option, since when correct use Using artificial light, a house can change its appearance and become green. In general, it should be noted that the more different the characteristics of the colors are, the more difficult it is to combine them in the exterior of the house.

Color combination

You need to be aware that not all colors can be combined. For example, a green house with a red roof will look very ridiculous. The compatibility of colors is determined using various methods, in particular the Luscher method, who developed a special table of color combinations.

According to his technique, white color can be combined with absolutely anything. You will have to tinker with pink, light green and blue, since they don’t go harmoniously with anything.

When building and decorating a private home, most people use a natural color palette: brown, green, beige and yellow. Often they complement each other very well, combine harmoniously and create an attractive exterior. For example, a beige house with brown windows will look very cozy and pleasant, since natural colors and shades unite the house with the surrounding landscape and create a single picture.

Classic combination option

In general, the most profitable and correct option is a combination of dark and light tones. In the classic version, dark shades are used in the roof, and the facade receives a light finish. This option is the most popular and for good reason, because the right contrast is created, a play of colors that creates a presentable appearance for a private home. If the basement or windows of the house receive bright accents, then the house will become completely unique, and its color scheme will attract the attention of passers-by and neighbors.

Another classic option would be a house whose facade and roof have an almost identical color, which may differ only by one or two tones. Thus, the roof and facade create a single picture, the house has a monolithic appearance, but not everyone will like this option, as it may seem boring.

Light top, dark bottom. With this design, the walls will dominate, and the roof will seem to dissolve. For correct external perception, windows and doors must match the color of the roof.

Material Compatibility

How the house will be perceived depends on the materials that will be used to decorate the facade and roof. For example, a wooden house is best combined with reeds or tiles. It is worth noting that all tile options can be suitable, except for metal ones, because they will look out of place, and many architects will be furious with such a combination.

If the house is brick, then it is better to use natural brown or brown tiles for the roof. gray colors. Copper and bitumen roofing, and if the walls have a dark finish, then you can use a seam roof. If plaster was used to decorate the facade of the house, then there are no special requirements for the roof. In this case, the main thing is that the colors of the roof and facade are harmoniously combined.

Paints for the facade are chosen based on the base material that needs to be painted.

All facade paints have increased quality indicators that characterize the durability of the material, its resistance to external factors, strength, and adhesive properties.

Facade coloring compounds do not fade and contribute to the decorative appearance of the building, its neatness and attractiveness.

Classified paints and varnishes for painting the facade according to the composition:

  • . The main component in this composition is acrylic resin, which ensures the elasticity of the paint and the strength of the coating;
  • . Compositions that can combine several main components (acrylic, liquid glass) are nanotechnological compositions of the latest generation;
  • . The main component of the composition is liquid glass, characterized by good vapor permeability;
  • mineral. The basis of such materials is lime and cement. They are characterized by low cost, but are less elastic than other coloring compounds;
  • . There are emulsion and modified ones. Elastic mixtures with good vapor permeability.

In addition to the fact that paints may differ in the presence of binding components, they can be based on the type of solvent:

  • water-soluble. Binders are formed by dissolution in water;
  • on organic solvent elements. The components are bonded by dissolving in alcohol, white spirit, xylene.


For each surface, it is necessary to select the appropriate paint based on the base material and type of dye.

So, for mineral bases it is advisable to use silicate paint, and for and - mineral.

What color is best for painting the facade of a house?

Home decoration largely depends on what shade the house is painted. The most important thing when choosing a color is to be guided by the general style of the surrounding landscape, and personal preferences should be taken into account.

Choosing a paint that is not pleasing to the eye will be a big mistake, since an unpleasant shade will darken the mood and will not bring the proper aesthetic or inner comfort.

A home is not only a refuge, it is an area where a person should feel as comfortable as possible. When choosing paint, it is advisable to use shades that are closest to natural ones: brown, blue, gray, beige, white.

Flashy tones such as bright orange, scarlet, purple, light green contribute to the perception of the house as something toy, not real. Such houses will stand out beautifully against the backdrop of green vegetation, and certainly among nearby buildings. A bright façade is suitable for extravagant and emotional people for whom peace and solitude are not a suitable state.

When choosing a façade paint, it is important to consider the color match with the roof. The sample must be combined: either have contrast, or be in the same color of different shades. It is most appropriate to use the palette in such a way that the facade is lighter (for example, yellow) than the frames of windows, doors, and other prominent parts are darker.

Don't forget about interior design Houses. It must correspond to the external design: then there will be a feeling of complete compliance in style and individuality (more visual photos below).

What colors are in fashion now?

Currently, natural dark shades are becoming the most popular: brown, dark brown, and especially black or matte black. Despite the seemingly harshness of black, it gives the building nobility and elegance.

It is especially preferable to use black for painting wooden houses having large white windows or glass verandas and doors. If you don’t like black, you can use equally popular brown or beige and shades closer to lighter tones.

It's not always worth chasing fashion trends: First of all, the color of the house should bring satisfaction and please the owner’s eye.

Fashion changes much faster than facade painting, so Do not forget about personal preferences and internal feelings.

Methods for selecting colors and combinations of shades

For a building, it is important to select the right color, taking into account its architectural features. Color can emphasize a unique shape, or vice versa - smooth out the emphasis on the specifics of the design.

There are some points to consider that will help you correctly determine the color of your home:

  • Shades of the same color, differing in saturation, look harmonious;
  • it is advisable to use natural paints;
  • It is recommended to use at least two colors when decorating the facade: for protruding parts near the main walls;
  • Light colors are used to visually enlarge the building; more saturated colors are used to emphasize simple forms and the absence of many small elements in the design.

The location of the house should be taken into account: bright colors fade quickly in the sun. Most often, when choosing a palette, colors are used according to the principle: the base is the darkest shade, the roof is a little lighter, the facade is intermediate. In this case, the correspondence of different tones of the same color is observed.

Color combinations

What color can you paint a wooden house?

Houses made of wood are environmentally friendly and create the first impression of a sense of natural intimacy and naturalness. Since the structure itself assumes organicity and naturalness, colors of natural shades will look most effective for a wooden house.

Often wooden houses painted in green, red (brick), brown tones. To emphasize the wood texture, you can use transparent enamels, which will perform a protective function while maintaining the texture.

Have you noticed that our private buildings, in addition to architectural monotony, are also the same in color, something between a delicate “peach” and an unripe “olive”? However, this is neither good nor bad, as they say, felt-tip pens differ in taste and color. Another thing is whether the chosen one suits the house color scheme walls, basement and roof. Let's take a closer look at the relevance of different groups of colors for a private home.

Resistant to fading

The choice of color palette for the design of the facade gives appearance building aesthetic value and a certain semantic significance. Color can enlarge and reduce an object, bring it closer and further away, make it look upward or down-to-earth, bring together disparate parts or completely destroy its integrity.


The richer and brighter the color, the faster it fades. Black, for example, ranks first in terms of fading rate. On light and pastel colors the degree of burnout will be less noticeable. But pure white, despite all the elegance it gives to the facade, quickly turns yellow in the sun. A practical option- gray color, it will not turn yellow, the dust settling on the gray paint is invisible, the shade of gray will change over time, but only slightly.

Visuals and form

Light colors make the building visually larger in size. Therefore, the main color of classical architecture is white. Cream and light beige shades on their own can look faded, so it is better to add darker accents to them in exterior decoration.


Those who have visited the Scandinavian countries could not help but notice how great the rich, bright - red, yellow, orange - facades of their houses look. Upon closer examination, you can also see that the buildings themselves have simple architectural forms, without any small details.


For houses with complex architectural volumes and many different details, it is better to use calmer, lighter colors. You need to use a rich color palette with caution - cheap facade paint fades quickly and after a couple of years a bright red house can turn faded pink.

It has been noticed that colors darken on a light background and lighten on a dark background. The lighter the tone, the more voluminous the object looks; the darker, the smaller. Warm colors are protruding and bring the object closer, cold colors are receding and move away. The most prominent color is open red, the most receding is open blue. The blue color under artificial light may change to green. The more colors differ from each other in their basic characteristics, the more difficult it is to harmonize them.



Not all color combinations look harmonious. For example, it is difficult to imagine a house with orange walls and a green roof. Today there are many techniques that describe the rules for combining colors. One of them, according to the method of psychologist Luscher from Sweden, will allow you to select the most successful color combinations. The following table is compiled according to his recommendations.

2 - colors do not match, 3 - poor compatibility, 4 - average compatibility, 5 - good compatibility

Designers and architects often use the color wheel according to Johannes Itten when developing the exterior appearance of a house.

The Itten circle is based on three colors: blue, red and yellow. The six remaining colors are formed by mixing colors of the first and second order: red-violet, red-orange, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-orange, yellow-green.

Itten Circle Photo:

It is common for humans to use natural colors for their homes: brown, beige, green, yellow, light blue. As a rule, they go well together. For example, a house with a “sand” facade, with dark wooden (or painted Brown color) windows and doors look presentable and cozy. Natural combinations of shades convey subtle nuances of color relationships. Brightness in colors creates contrast - family relationships between colors. They are also called complementary (“complementary”). The love for complimentary flowers is strong in South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc.).

When choosing a general color solution, it is important not to miss the opportunity to diversify the facade using architectural details: columns, arches, decorated trim for windows and doors, floral and geometric patterns, and so on. And color organizes and streamlines all this. Photo:

Additional (complementary) colors are located in the Itten circle opposite each other and form a contrast. The most famous complementary pairs: yellow - purple; Red Green; blue - orange. Such color variations can become more complex: blue-green - red-orange; yellow-orange - blue-violet. Such combinations are characterized by maximum brightness.


For example, in a pair of blue and orange, blue enhances and emphasizes orange, and orange brings out the fullness and richness of blue. When working with more complex and approximate colors (natural), it is much easier to achieve harmony. Bright open contrasting colors are more difficult to combine, but this color combination looks extremely impressive. True, for European perception the contrast may be too bright and incomprehensible.


White color is considered universal and harmonizes with absolutely all colors. Gray is an excellent background for the bright elements of the building - soffits, windows, doors, gutters. Both white and gray colors of the facade go well with the red roof.


Pure red color for the facade is rarely used. Most often you can see a brick shade due to the use of clinker tiles in the cladding.


Blue facades look very interesting when combined with shades of gray, beige and white. The gray roof is like icing on the cake.


The choice of bold ones is black, rusty, purple or dark blue facades. However, the architecture should also correspond to such colors - high-tech styles, cubism.

Classics of the genre


Dark top, light bottom. The most common combination. With this option, light-colored walls contrast in tone with the roof. The house will look even more attractive if it also has other contrasting details, such as windows or a basement.


Tone on tone. When both the roof and the facade practically form one whole, the house looks monolithic and harmonious. Many will say it's boring.


Light top, dark bottom. In this case, the walls dominate and attract attention. The roof seems to dissolve. In this scheme it is important that the roof is supported by the color of the gutters, windows and doors.

Material compatibility

The harmonious appearance of the house also lies in the compatibility of the materials of the walls and roof. For example, for wooden log house ideal natural roofing materials- shingles, reeds, natural tiles. Terracotta shades would also be appropriate - there are models that successfully imitate shingles. Compromise options are modular and composite metal tiles, seam roofing. But the combination of budget metal tiles and wooden walls cause toothache in aesthetes.

WITH brickwork Roofs made of natural tiles are best combined: dark brown, gray, green or burgundy. Metal tiles, bitumen and copper roofing will look quite harmonious. If the walls are finished with dark clinker, then a light gray seam roof will look good.

Plaster facades will suit a roof made of any material that is harmoniously combined in color and style.

Before you take up a paint brush, you should at least use special programs that allow you to “try on” different colors of the roof and walls on a house template.