Requirements for boiler rooms in a private house. Boiler room in a private house: arrangement of a room for a gas boiler Plan of a gas boiler room for a private house

November 18, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing work and installation floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Today we will figure out how a boiler room is finished - in a wooden house, a building made of brick or blocks. You will receive solutions that can be implemented on your own and there is no need to pay for the labor of builders, especially since in this room the requirements for the quality of work are much lower.

Workflow Description

Before finishing a boiler room in a private house, you need to decide on the materials you will use. We will figure out what is needed for the floor, walls and ceiling, and also consider the basic requirements for windows and structures.


This part of the room experiences the highest loads, so the best option for finishing it is porcelain stoneware or floor tiles. To work we need a certain set of materials:

  • Tiles in the right quantity, the color is not important, the main thing is that the material is durable and wear-resistant;
  • Tile adhesive, it is best to use compounds with increased fixation to ensure strong fastening of the elements to the surface;

Choose options made no more than 3 months ago, since over time the composition loses its properties, and if it is stored in improper conditions, it will begin to harden due to absorbed moisture;

  • In order for the seams to be perfectly even, it is necessary to use spacer crosses. For the floor, it is best to take options with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm;

  • To ensure the reliability of the surface and protect the base from moisture, a special grout should be used. She may have different color, but it is best to choose those options where dust and dirt are less visible.

To do the work yourself, you will need:

  • Container for diluting glue with a capacity of 10 liters or more;
  • Drill with mixer attachment for heavy mixtures;
  • Toothed smoother with a tooth size of 8-10 mm. You can use a notched trowel with the same tooth. The width of the tool should be no more than 300 mm;

  • Long and short level for plane control;

  • Rubber mallet weighing 500 g;

  • A tile cutter or grinder with a ceramic disc for cutting tiles. The holes are made with a special annular drill or a ballerina drill.

The instructions for carrying out the work are simple, it is only worth noting that you must have a base in the form cement screed, it is both reliable and practical.

Do not forget that the boiler (if you have a floor-standing one) should stand on a height of 15-20 cm so that it does not flood if the system leaks, and less dust gets into it from the floor.

Let's move directly to the workflow:

  • First of all, you need to clean the surface from dust and debris. Carefully sweep everything off the floor so that the glue adheres as best as possible; before laying the ceramics, the screed can be slightly moistened, this has a positive effect on the strength of the connection;
  • Then check the floor using a level, differences should not be more than 5 mm, but if the unevenness is large, then it is better to additionally level the base using a self-leveling compound; the smoother the floor, the easier it is for you to work;

  • Work begins from the most visible place so that the trimmed elements do not catch the eye. First, prepare the adhesive composition, after which it needs to be applied to a small area of ​​the floor using a trowel or spatula. Then the layer is leveled with a notched trowel, it allows you to distribute the composition evenly over the entire plane and remove excess solution;

  • The first tile is placed in the corner, it is located with a slight indentation from the walls, while checking whether the surface is even along the entire length of the wall and whether the row will not rest against it further. The tile is carefully laid, after which its position is checked using a level and adjustments are made if necessary;

  • Then the next tile is laid so that the seam is even, crosses are placed between the elements along the edges. After this, the plane is checked; the level must be located on two tiles at the same time. If necessary, adjustments are made to the position of the ceramics, after which work can continue in the same way;

  • Laying is carried out in a similar way further, I advise you to do the work in two stages, in the first you need to lay all the solid tiles. Don’t forget to check the level; after finishing work, you should leave the room for a day so that the adhesive composition hardens and you can walk on the surface;

  • The next day, measurements are taken, after which you can begin marking the tiles and cutting them. Cutting is done with a small margin so that the elements do not rest against the wall, gluing is done in the same way, the main thing is to control the level so that the surface is perfectly flat;

  • After finishing the work, you need to leave the boiler room for another day, then you can start grouting the joints. To do this, prepare a jointing solution, which fills all the joints. The application is first carried out in the transverse direction in order to fill all the seams as best as possible, and then the spatula is passed along the joints to level the grout layer and remove excess from the surface;

  • The next day, the surface needs to be cleaned of grout; for this, take a damp sponge, which is used to carefully treat the entire floor. It is better to carry out the procedure in two stages - first remove the bulk of the dirt, and then wash the floor until it is perfectly clean, at which point this part of the work can be considered successfully completed.


Now let's figure out how to decorate the walls in the boiler room. I will tell you about the three main options that are suitable in this case, and you choose the one that suits your case best.

First, let's look at this option: plastering, this type of work can be either preparatory for finishing, or the main one, when the plaster is simply painted.

To work we need the following:

  • Plaster composition - it is worth using a special heat-resistant option, and here Knauf Sockelputz is the best choice. The mixture has good performance properties and fits well on the surface, while its price is affordable and amounts to about 250 rubles per bag weighing 25 kg;

  • To treat walls, you will need a deep penetration primer based on acrylic;

  • Special guides for plaster - beacons. They can have different heights, but we don’t need a very thick layer, and 6-8 mm beacons are enough.

We need the following from tools and accessories:

  • A container for mixing the composition and a drill with a mixer;
  • The composition is applied to the wall with a trowel or spatula;

  • Rule length up to 250 cm;

  • To level the surface, a special grater is used, you can use a foam version or a tool with a sponge, it all depends on when to work. I will tell you about the option with a sponge, which is used to wipe down the wall one and a half to two hours after application;

  • If you will paint the surface, then at the same time purchase paint and a roller; if not, then this is not necessary.

The work is quite simple:

  • To begin with, surfaces are cleaned of dust and debris; if there are bitumen and other stains on them, they must be removed. If you have brick or block masonry and the mortar sticks out in places, then you should carefully beat it off with a pick-hammer;
  • Then you need to apply a primer to the surface, everything is simple here, the composition is applied to all surfaces to be finished using a roller or brush;

  • The placement of beacons is done as follows: first, dowels are inserted along the edges of the wall at the top and bottom and screws are screwed in so that they stick out above the surface, a cord is pulled between them to set the reference point for the plane of the future wall. After this, a plaster solution is prepared, which is poured along the line where the lighthouse is located, after which the element is glued and leveled;

Do not forget that the width of the beacons should be 20-30 cm less than the width of the rule, so that it is convenient for you to work.

  • The plaster solution is being prepared; all proportions of the components and the order of their mixing are indicated on the packaging. The composition is thrown onto the walls with a trowel or something else, try to evenly fill the space between the beacons so that you don’t have to remove too much excess;

  • Alignment is carried out using a rule; the tool is carried out from the bottom up, relying on previously placed beacons. The plaster is leveled, excess, if any, is immediately removed from the tool. If necessary, the composition is added to individual areas, after which the leveling is repeated, resulting in a smooth surface;

  • After 2-3 hours, when the surface has dried, you can start grouting it. The work is done using a grater with a sponge; it is pre-wetted in warm water, after which surface treatment begins. Grouting is done in a circular motion; it is important to remove small irregularities and make the surface more even.

If you decide to paint the plaster, then the work must be done after a couple of days to allow the surface to dry. For work it is better to use vapor-permeable water-emulsion compositions.

Often glued to plaster ceramic tiles, I will not consider this process in detail, since it is very similar to the floor work described above. But there are still certain differences, and I’ll tell you about them:

  • Wall tiles are used for cladding; they are thinner and lighter, which simplifies the work. It is also better to use thinner crosses on the walls; personally, I use the 2-3 mm option, as they are the most universal;
  • The work begins with placing a plank around the perimeter, which is placed at the height of one tile from the floor. The easiest way is to use a drywall profile for these purposes; a line is drawn, after which the guides are attached using dowels; do not forget to check their position with a level. This preparation option allows you to lay the tiles very evenly;

  • The work starts from the plank, row by row the ceramics are laid out on the surface, crosses are placed in the seams, and the vertical is checked using a level. In this case, you don’t need to wait a day to secure the cut elements, everything can be done in one go, because you can’t walk on the surface necessary;

  • The next day, when the glue has hardened, you can remove the plank and lay out the first row; if necessary, the elements are trimmed. As a result, you get a perfect wall without distortions. Grouting of joints is done in the same way as with floor coverings.

The third finishing option is the use of fire-resistant plasterboard; this material is easily distinguished by its characteristic colors. I will talk about the option of gluing sheets, since this is the easiest way to attach them to a smooth plastered wall.

Material Description
Drywall We will use a fire-resistant version with a thickness of 12.5 mm, the sheets have a size of 2.5-1.2 meters, based on this the required amount of material is calculated. As for the cost, one sheet will cost you 370-400 rubles
Drywall adhesive Gypsum mounting adhesive “Knauf Perflix”, it is characterized by high quality of fastening and ease of use. A package weighing 30 kg will cost you about 300 rubles
Primer To ensure high-quality adhesion, the base must be treated with a deep penetration strengthening compound. Any options will do
Finishing materials To strengthen the seams, serpyanka mesh is used, and as for finishing, I personally use heat-resistant cement putty “ByProc SPF-570”. The composition is sold in bags of 25 kg and costs about 380 rubles per package

The workflow in this case will look like this:

  • The surface is cleaned of dust and debris, and solution build-ups, if any, are removed so as not to interfere with the alignment of the sheets. Next, a primer is applied, it is important to properly treat the surfaces, since glue will lie on them, and if the absorption of the material is uneven, the fastening will be unreliable;
  • Next, prepare the adhesive composition, remember that it hardens quite quickly - in 30-40 minutes, so you need to stir as much solution as you can use in half an hour. It is important to mix the components thoroughly and achieve the optimal consistency - like thick sour cream;

  • The composition is applied to the back of the sheet so that you understand how the mass is distributed; below is a diagram. That is, there is no need to spread the entire surface; slides of mortar about 50 mm high are made at the distance shown in the figure, this is enough to ensure reliable fastening;

  • Next, the sheet is glued; under its lower part it is worth placing something 10 mm thick to leave a deformation gap. The sheet is carefully pressed against the surface and leveled using a level; it is important not to press the material too hard at once, so that you don’t have to tear it off later;

  • After finishing the work, you can start sealing the seams; to do this, sickle tape is glued to them and putty is applied. After the joints have dried, you can treat the entire surface, the layer should be 2-3 mm, this is quite enough;

  • Lastly, the surface is rubbed with a sanding block with sandpaper or P120 mesh, primed and painted in any color.


Some people leave the ceiling unfinished, but, firstly, it is not very beautiful, and secondly, all communications are visible, of which there are usually many on top. Therefore, I will tell you how to finish a ceiling using plasterboard, this is the simplest and most reliable option.

It doesn’t matter whether the finishing of a gas boiler room in a residential building, a room for a solid fuel or diesel boiler is being carried out, this solution is universal and suitable for all such objects.

We need the following materials:

  • You can use fire-resistant plasterboard, or you can use regular plasterboard, it is also resistant to combustion, and under a layer of heat-resistant putty the resistance will increase significantly. It is better to use material with a thickness of 12.5 mm, it is much more reliable than conventional 9 mm ceiling plasterboard;
  • The frame must be made of a metal profile; in this case, wood disappears as a combustible material. A guide and supporting profile is used, as well as dowels and screws for assembling the frame and fastening plasterboard sheets. If the distance from the ceiling is large, then you will need not standard straight hangers, but adjustable elements;

  • To reinforce the joints you need a serpyanka mesh, and for finishing the same heat-resistant putty as in the case above.

Now let's look at the workflow, it consists of several operations:

  • First, you need to use a regular or laser level to draw a line for attaching the wall profile along the perimeter of the boiler room. For marking, you can use a regular construction pencil or tapping cord;

  • Next, you need to mark the points at which the holes for the dowels will be drilled; fasteners with a diameter of 6 mm are most often used for fastening; the drill on the hammer drill should be the same. The holes are made 5-10 mm deeper than the length of the dowels so that dust and debris do not interfere with a strong fastening;
  • The profile is placed on the surface, after which the dowel is first inserted into the holes until it stops, and then the impact screw is driven in;

  • Then you need to mark the position of the main profile; it should be located in increments of 40 or 60 cm. The hangers are placed along a line every 50 cm, they are fastened with two 6x40 mm dowels;

  • When the hangers are secured, you can begin fixing the main profile; first, it is inserted into the wall frame and fixed in it with self-tapping screws. After this, the hangers are bent to the profile, the plane of the structure is set and fastened with the help of bugs. There is no need to cut off the excess ends of the hangers; they can simply be bent to the sides;

  • If necessary, you can insulate the space with fire-resistant insulation (for example, basalt wool). It is simply placed into the cavity, and the bent ends of the hangers serve to fix it;
  • The fastening of plasterboard sheets is done using 3.5x25 mm self-tapping screws; when working, it is better for you to call a couple of assistants, since holding the material and fastening it at the same time is an impossible task for one person. Self-tapping screws are located in increments of 15 cm around the perimeter and 20 cm in the middle;

  • The surface of the drywall should be primed. After the base has dried, you can start gluing the sickle mesh and puttying the joints, everything is the same as when working on the walls;
  • Lastly, the surface is puttied; after the ceiling has dried, it can be sanded and painted. You don’t need any special beauty in the boiler room anyway, so you can practice here to make everything perfect in the house.

Windows and doors

The boiler room must have a window, the size of which is determined simply: for every 10 cubic meters of volume there must be 0.3 square meters glazing. Most often small structures are installed, there are only two options:

  • Plastic structures, their advantages are reliability and attractive appearance. The main disadvantage is the high price;

  • Wooden windows are much cheaper, and their characteristics are almost the same as plastic ones. The only negative is that they need to be painted periodically to protect the material from moisture.

As for doors, most often there are two of them - one goes out onto the street, and the other into the house. You can do without the second option, but then you will always have to go to the furnace across the street, which is not very convenient. The requirements for the doors are simple:

  • The external structure must be weather-resistant and have a secure locking system to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the premises. The easiest way to put inexpensive option made of metal;

  • The door leading into the house must be fire-resistant; this is the option that needs to be installed. The structure is made of metal and filled with a special material that provides long-term resistance to open fire.


Now you know how to conduct finishing work in the boiler room, and what materials will be required for this. The video in this article will help you understand the process even better, and if you have any questions on the topic, write them in the comments under the review, we will analyze them in detail.

When planning the construction of a house, you need to accurately and in advance select a place for arranging the boiler room. During a major reconstruction or redevelopment of a house, the question of where the boiler room will be located in a private house is a priority. Proper arrangement of the heating system, a reliable, practical and economical boiler will make the microclimate in the house comfortable and cozy for many years.

The question of where to place the boiler room in a built house can be somewhat problematic. The fact is that the old layout of the house does not always allow the installation of a boiler room in compliance with all current standards and safety requirements. But these rules should not be violated in order to avoid major troubles in the future.

A boiler room means a specially equipped room in the house, or a separate room for installing a heating system. This is also a whole complex of heating devices and systems designed to provide the entire house with heating and hot water. The article discusses in detail all necessary conditions and stages of installation of a boiler room in a private house.

Heating equipment can be installed both inside the house and in an attached room. This is an important stage in the preparation of reconstruction or construction, which is decided in the first stages. The issue of placement is decided in each individual case, based on the capabilities of the owner of private property. The best solution- This is a boiler room mounted in a separate building.

A heating boiler will be installed in the boiler room, which directly serves as a heat generator. The type of boiler depends on the type of fuel used.

It is the type of boiler used that determines all the regulatory parameters required for the room, as well as the correct installation of the ventilation grille, system and chimney. It should be noted that the installation of electric boilers does not require a separate room; they can be installed in any room.


Once again, it should be said that placing a boiler room in a constructed building is much more difficult than in the case where the room was determined in advance.

Types of boiler rooms are determined based on their location in relation to the house:

  1. Freestanding. Equipment installed in such a room is connected to the house using utilities. This arrangement is the most correct, since it is possible to install any type of boiler here. At the same time, its operation will not create inconvenience for residents.
  2. Attached. Such boiler rooms are installed in an extension to the house. The advantage is the possibility of installing a boiler room close to any building.
  3. Built-in. In this case, all boiler room equipment is installed directly inside the house. At the stage of designing a house, the room is located in such a way as to simplify the laying of communications to all rooms. Here you should take into account the fact that the boiler room will require additional, increased noise insulation. For example, boilers with forced-air burners make quite a lot of noise and, if there is insufficient sound insulation, will interfere with the environmental friendliness of the house.

Installation of heating equipment in the house must be carried out in accordance with SNiP. This should be done by specialists in this field.

Norms and requirements

Regardless of the type of room, when installing heating, water heating equipment and utilities, you should adhere to standard requirements and standards. The requirements for the boiler room differ somewhat depending on the type of fuel used and the type of boiler. Details of the SNiP documentation can be found on the Rostechnadzor website. Also, exact information is indicated by the manufacturer in the documentation and instructions supplied with the heating boiler.

General requirements and standards for the arrangement of boiler rooms of all types:

  • It is prohibited to place more than two boilers in one room.
  • Storage of flammable and explosive substances in the premises is prohibited.
  • The walls must be concrete or brick; floor – concrete (can be covered with metal sheet). The floors and walls should be tiled; surfaces may be coated with non-flammable mineral plaster.
  • The heating boiler should not be adjacent to the walls on either side. Free space between the walls and the boiler is necessary for safety reasons and for necessary maintenance and repair work.
  • Ventilation system and the chimney must be calculated correctly, in accordance with the power and parameters of the heating boiler.
  • A door that opens outward must be installed at the entrance to the boiler room. The door must be made of fire-resistant material.

General requirements for the placement of heating boilers:

  1. The boiler can be located in any separate room on any floor of the house. Including in basements and semi-basements.
  2. The location of the heating boiler in the kitchen is possible regardless of the installed gas stove. The power of the unit should be no more than 60 kW. The total power is individual system heating should be no more than 150 kW (including hot water supply system).
  3. When installing a boiler room in an extension, or in a basement or basement, the total power of the entire individual heating system is no more than 350 kW.
  4. The internal dimensions of the boiler room must comply with the following standards: ceiling height in the boiler room from 2.5 m; The minimum room volume is 15 m3. Plus, for every 1 kW of boiler power, 0.2 m3 should be added.
  5. A prerequisite for installing a heating boiler is the installation of a ventilation system. Ventilation can be calculated based on the area of ​​the room. Calculations are made according to the formula, based on the calculation of fresh air intake of 3 m3/s per 1 m2. This is a general calculation and is done without taking into account the number of people living in the house.
  6. A kitchen room with an installed boiler must have a window with a window. The door must be raised above the floor, or a grille must be installed in its lower part for fresh ventilation.

Basic requirements for the premises when installing boilers with a power of up to 150 kW:

  • Such heating boilers can be installed in a separate room: in an extension, in the basement, on any floor of the house. Basic standards:
  • The area and height of the room must be convenient for servicing the equipment. Room volume from 15 m3.
  • The boiler room must be separated from adjacent rooms by reflective walls. The fire resistance limit is 0.75 hours. The fire spread limit across the structure is zero.
  • The room in which the boiler is installed must have good ventilation and a properly equipped chimney. The ventilation hole of the air duct has a cross-section of 150 x 200 mm.
  • If there is no ventilation hole under the door, a gap of 2 cm is left for natural ventilation. In this case, ventilation is carried out through a window in the window.
  • The doors of the boiler room and adjacent rooms must open outward.

Device and circuit

The heating system consists not only of a boiler and pipes; there are other important devices and communications that allow the system to function effectively.

Important components:

  • A heating boiler is a heat generator. The coolant is heated by the combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber of the boiler. Heat from pipes and radiators enters the room.
  • The water heater tank (boiler) serves to provide the residents of the house with hot water. Inside such a tank there is a tube with a heated coolant circulating through it, which in turn heats the water in the boiler.
  • The distribution manifold is designed for the most convenient distribution and circulation of coolant in all devices of the heating system. The distribution manifold consists of a hydraulic distributor, circulation pump, combs. The collector also maintains the temperature of the coolant.
  • An expansion tank is necessary to compensate for the increase in pressure in the system when the coolant is heated.
  • The safety group is able to protect the heating circuit from excess pressure and removes excess air. Includes: safety valve, pressure gauge, air vent.
  • The make-up system monitors the decrease in coolant pressure in the system due to evaporation or some other leaks.
  • Pipelines, shut-off valves used to shut off the flow of a medium.
  • The chimney is installed to remove combustion products from the boiler to the street. The efficiency and safety of the heating boiler and system directly depends on the accuracy and quality of installation and calculation of the chimney.
  • Automation is electronic device, designed for complete control of the entire boiler room. Ensures clear, coordinated operation of all components of the hot water supply and heating system.

It should be noted that all of the listed equipment for the boiler room is mandatory. The exception is the boiler, this is due to the fact that not all individual autonomous boiler rooms are designed for hot water supply.

Diagram of a gas boiler room in a house

Some additional conditions and nuances:

  • Gas boiler houses have special requirements due to their increased explosion hazard.
  • Electrical equipment of gas boiler houses is removed outside the premises. The lamp must be sealed. Hidden electrical wiring is laid in steel pipes.
  • Boiler houses operating on liquid or solid fuels are not subject to such stringent requirements as gas boiler houses. But electrical wiring in the room must be hidden. Lighting devices must be protected with a metal mesh.
  • If the boiler room is installed in a separate building, then it is necessary to supply water to it, sewer pipe(to drain emergency drains) and take care of insulation of communications passing from the boiler room to the house.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the design and installation of a heating system is one of the labor-intensive, complex and expensive engineering works in construction individual house. From correct installation depends on the efficiency of the system, safety, service life and comfortable living.

Comfortable living in a private house is impossible without such benefits of civilization as hot water and. But to get them, you need to put in a lot of effort. Especially if you plan to make your home completely autonomous - in this case, you cannot do without a special boiler room where heating and water storage devices will be located. Proper arrangement of this room is the key not only to properly functioning utility networks, but also to your safety, so we further suggest you figure out what requirements are put forward for the organization of a boiler room: dimensions, norms for equipment placement, connection diagrams - a theoretical assistant and a photo are for your attention.

Boiler room location

First, let's look at the definitions. By boiler room we mean a technical room with a whole range of special equipment, which is designed to organize hot water supply in the house. In parallel, the same complex is responsible for heating. That is why, taking into account its multifunctionality, it is more appropriate to call the room a boiler room, although both names are common in everyday life. There are three variations in the location of the boiler room.

  • The first is inside the house: in the basement or basement, or in a remote room on the first floor.
  • The second is in a special extension: the boiler room is built close to the house, mainly from the bathroom side.

For the boiler room you need to allocate a separate room

  • The third is in a separate building: the heating system is installed in a separate building, which is connected to the main house via communications.

Advice. The recommended option for locating the boiler room is in a separate building: due to the remoteness of technical equipment from living rooms, households are provided with maximum safety and comfort.

Boiler room equipment

The uninterrupted operation of the boiler room, and, accordingly, the provision of hot water and heating to the house, is impossible without a whole set of special devices and communication elements. The mandatory components of the system include:

  • The boiler is the main heat generator. It is here that the coolant is heated, which is subsequently supplied to the boiler and heating devices. Based on the source of heat energy, boilers are divided into five types: electric, gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel and combined.
  • Boiler – water heater tank. Inside the container there is a tube through which the hot coolant moves - it transfers heat to the water in the boiler, thereby heating it to the required temperature.
  • Distribution manifold - pump, hydraulic distributor and comb. This unit ensures the distribution and uninterrupted circulation of the coolant throughout all elements of the working system.
  • Hydraulic accumulator - expansion tank: compensates for the increase in pressure during the heating of the working coolant.
  • Safety devices - air vent, safety valves, pressure gauge: protect the system from excess air and excess pressure.

Boiler room equipment

  • Automation - various types electronic devices, which are designed for coordinated control of all components of the heating and water supply system.
  • Chimney - outlet pipe: discharges into external environment combustion products of working fuel. There is no urgent need for a chimney only if it is used in a boiler room.
  • A set of shut-off valves designed to quickly shut off the flow of coolant in case of emergency situations.

Basic requirements for a boiler room

All requirements for the arrangement of a boiler room can be divided into two categories: those relating to the room itself and the equipment. Let's start with the first ones.

The boiler room must have a large area - at least 6 sq.m. The minimum volume of the room is 15 cubic meters. The ceiling height should be 2.5 m or more. These requirements are determined not only by safety measures, but also by the ease of maintenance of the heating and hot water system - it is important to ensure free access to all pipes and appliances.

The walls of the boiler room are made only of fire-resistant materials - concrete or brick. The floor is made of concrete. For finishing cladding of both walls and floors, it is recommended to use embossed tiles. An acceptable alternative for walls is non-combustible mineral plaster. If the boiler room is installed directly in the house or in an extension to it, it must be separated from neighboring residential premises by reflective walls made of material with a zero fire spread limit. The door of the boiler room must be fireproof. It is recommended that it opens outwards.

Important! It is necessary to connect a sewer pipe to the boiler room - it is needed for the unhindered drainage of emergency wastewater.

A ventilation system must be organized in the boiler room. If it is not possible to install special fans, you should take care of natural ventilation - make a 15x20 cm hole in the upper zone of the room.

Hardware requirements

When installing equipment in a boiler room, you should remember the following rules:

  • There should not be more than two heating boilers in the room.
  • The minimum distance between large appliances (boilers and boilers) is 70 cm.

Maintain minimum distances when installing devices

  • Neither the heating boiler nor the boiler should be adjacent to the surface of the walls on either side - there must be free space between the appliances and the walls.
  • If the boiler room is located on the ground floor of the house, the total power of the system equipment should not exceed 150-200 kW, and if in an extension, in a semi-basement or basement - 350 kW. In the case of boiler rooms in individual buildings, such strict standards are not provided.
  • Electrical wiring must be covered. The best option is to hide it in special steel pipes.
  • Lamps must be covered with metal mesh housings.

As you can see, the arrangement of a boiler room, or boiler room, in a private house requires compliance with many standards - starting from dimensions technical room and ending with its equipment. Violation of these requirements is fraught with major troubles, so take into account all the nuances if you want to get a truly effective and secure system heating and water supply of your home.

Boiler room in a private house: video

  • Consultations of professional specialists. We will assist in the selection optimal option boiler equipment for a private home and its installation diagrams. If necessary, we will carry out design work
  • We use only equipment and consumables certified for Russia, which are offered at special anti-crisis prices
  • All modern requirements to a boiler room in a private house are carried out in accordance with SNiP without fail. We have all the permits necessary for this type of work. We are licensed to sign a tripartite Agreement (Act of Distribution of Responsibilities) with the gas industry
  • Qualified engineers, as well as installation teams trained and equipped with professional tools
  • The company bears full warranty obligations. We also produce maintenance gas and other heating equipment during the warranty and post-warranty periods

Basic elements of a boiler room for a home

The boiler room of a private house consists of the following main elements:

  1. Heating boiler
  2. Boiler Equipment Safety Group
  3. Expansion tank
  4. Piping of boiler equipment - pipes, air defenses, pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.
  5. Manifold, hydraulic separator (optional)
  6. Pumping equipment (optional)
  7. Smoke removal and ventilation networks (subject to the use of equipment emitting combustion products)
  8. Automatic controls (optional)

In addition to the main components described above, it is necessary to provide other components. If you plan to use a boiler with one circuit, then the task arises of placing a water heater (boiler) for the hot water supply circuit. Although the water heater does not belong to the heating circuit, it is nevertheless most often installed in the boiler room together with the main heating equipment.

The use of a boiler entails the mandatory installation of a boiler safety group and an expansion tank for the domestic hot water system. And also, possibly, additional pumps.

Thus, in the room being equipped it is necessary to provide space not only for placing the main boiler equipment, but also for the optional one indicated above.

Requirements for a boiler room in a private house

The requirements for the premises of a private boiler room, as well as for the technology for installing equipment in this room, are clearly stated in SNiP. The main ones are:

Requirement Parameter
Minimum permissible ceiling height 2.5 m
Boiler room area in a private house more than 6 m2
Room cubic capacity more than 15 m3
The distance of the boiler room of the built-in boiler room from the entrance to private house More than 12 m
Fire resistance of boiler room walls adjacent to the house More than 0.75 hours
Minimum window size

0.03 m2 / 1m3 room

Ventilation system Mandatory availability
Cross-section of inlet openings 0.01 m2 / 10 kW boiler power
Height of the podium for a floor-standing boiler More than 50 mm
Minimum distance from the boiler to combustible materials More than 400 mm
Minimum area near the “face” of the boiler More than 1 m2
Door to the boiler room

Availability. Mandatory opening outwards

Easy access to gas valves Availability
Boiler grounding Availability
Sewage systems Availability
  • There are also some requirements for the rooms in which a solid fuel boiler is installed. The distance between such a boiler and the wall closest to it must be at least 10 cm. There is also a requirement for the required minimum window area in such rooms. Namely, for every kilowatt of the boiler’s calculated thermal performance it is necessary to provide more than 8 sq. see glazing. The chimney must have the same transverse diameter along its entire length and, if possible, contain as few turns as possible. If you plan to install a boiler that uses coal or wood as fuel, then the area of ​​the room in which it is installed must be more than 8 m2
  • Electrical wiring in the premises in question must comply with PUE standards. If an electric boiler is intended to be used, then its conductive terminals must be grounded
  • The installation of a boiler room that runs on diesel fuel involves placing a large (volume 1.5 m3 or more) metal thick-walled fuel tank in the ground in the immediate vicinity of the building. A tank is installed in the boiler room itself, into which fuel enters from an underground reservoir. It is necessary to ensure unobstructed access to this reservoir

In addition to those listed, there are also a huge number of bottlenecks and nuances that must be taken into account when achieving high level the final result.

In cooperation with ViDstroy Engineering, you become the owner of a safe, reliable and technically functional boiler house that meets all SNiP requirements!

Send a request for calculation

Smoke removal system

If the installation of a boiler room in a private house is based on a boiler in which fuel is burned, then care must be taken to organize an effective smoke removal system. When designing and installing a chimney, a number of conditions must be taken into account. Here are some of them:

  • The chimney must be installed above the roof level. This is done to ensure a sufficient level of traction.
  • The most commonly used materials for making chimneys are stainless steel, ceramics, various types fireproof plastics. It is recommended to install a chimney designed as a sandwich. In this case, insulation is located between two layers of the main material. With this option, much less condensate forms on the surface of the pipe.
  • If the chimney is installed outside the house, it must be securely fixed. The most common ways to solve this issue are to attach it with clamps of the required size to the wall of the house or place it in a brick pipe.
  • It must be remembered that the channel intended for smoke removal must be equipped with hatches or revisions. These holes are necessary for cleaning the internal space through them. chimney from exhaust combustion products.

Options for placing a boiler room in relation to a private house

At the installation locationA boiler room intended for a private home can be:

Built into the house

In this case, the boiler room is located in one of the rooms of the house, which is prepared in advance according to the rules of SNiP.

From the point of view of the cost of arrangement, this is the most attractive option, but it is not always applicable. A boiler room built into a private house is not advisable for use when using gas boiler, equipped with an atmospheric burner (open combustion chamber).

Also, this option is not advisable when using equipmentrunning on diesel fuel. It is quite noisy and can cause discomfort to people living in the house. In addition, when using liquid fuel equipment,in the room where it is located and, possibly, in the adjacent rooms there will be a persistent smell of diesel fuel.

Boiler room attached to a private house

It is a separate building adjacent to the heated house, i.e. has at least one common wall with him. If there is a door leading directly from the house to the boiler room, then it should be covered on both sides with non-combustible material.

When the attached boiler room is in direct contact with the living quarters of a private house, it is necessary to ensure a minimum noise level. Why is the boiler room soundproofed? Carrying out noise insulation work is not mandatory and is not declared by SNiP. But having completed it, you will reduce extraneous noise in the house arising from the operation of the boiler, and thereby increase the comfort of your stay.

Separate from the house

This version of the boiler room provides for the presence of a structure remote from the heated private house that complies with SNiP, and the placement of the necessary boiler equipment in it. In this case, the boiler room equipment is connected to the heating system of a private house using engineering communications - heating mains.

In most situations this is the most suitable solution. Using it makes it possible to use equipment of absolutely any type and any power. This solution will not cause any discomfort to the people living in the house and does not violate the rules of SNiP.

The main disadvantage of a boiler room separate from a private house is the increase in the creation budget. In some cases, very significant. The cost is affected by the need to construct a new building, as well as, use of heating mains.

Block-modular boiler house (BMK)

It is a container with a full-fledged boiler room inside. It is a convenient solution for organizing temporary heating. Also, the BMK can be used as a backup option in case of breakdown of the main equipment.

Its main advantage is mobility. BMKs have become widespread and are successfully used mainly at commercial or industrial facilities. But such boiler rooms are also applicable in private homes.

BMKs can be of different designs, including mobile versions on a chassis.

The boiler room in the house is a complex engineering and technical solution!

We always optimize the composition of the equipment to suit the Customer’s needs, thereby minimizing the cost without losing reliability and required functionality!

A boiler room in a private house is an important engineering object in the planning structure of a country estate. If it is designed incorrectly, representatives of gas services will not give permission to connect to the main pipeline and operate the equipment.

This is faced by those customers who independently develop the layout of their future home. As a rule, they allocate space for a boiler room on a residual basis. But without complying with the standards prescribed by law, it will be impossible to obtain permission from the gas distribution organization.

A boiler room in a private house is sometimes called a “furnace room” or “boiler room.” A heat generator is installed in the room for heating and supplying residents with hot water. The units have one or two heating circuits. The first type of equipment is designed for heating, the second combines both functions at once. Read also a useful article about it prepared by our authors.

With equipment power up to 60 kW, there is no need to allocate a separate room for the boiler room. This is permitted by regulation. The boiler can be placed in the kitchen if the conditions for ventilation, glazing and room size are met.

More powerful thermal units are installed in special rooms equipped in accordance with SNiP requirements. It is advisable to entrust their design to professionals who take into account all regulations.

Regulatory documents

A boiler room in a private house is an object of increased explosion and fire hazard. The standards provide for measures aimed at increasing the reliability of these premises and preventing accidents and destruction building structures in case of gas leak.

When designing and installing gas heating, we are guided by:

  • instructions MDS 41.2-2000 for the placement of boilers;
  • SNiP 2.04.08-87 clause 6.29-48;
  • SP 41-104-2000 chapter 4;
  • SP 42-101-2003 clause 6.17-25;
  • SP 62.13330.2011 paragraph 7;
  • SP 60.13330.2012 clause 6.6;
  • SP 55.13330.2011 clause 6.12.

The standards have been developed for boiler houses where the source of thermal energy is automated factory-made units. They are designed for a maximum coolant temperature of 115°C and a network pressure not exceeding 1 MPa. For use of equipment on site Russian Federation Rostechnadzor issues a special permit.

Rules and regulations for installing a gas boiler in a private house

The norms regulate constructive solutions and layout when placing gas equipment in country estates:

Boilers are not allowed to be installed in a room with a height below 2.5 m. The minimum combustion volume is regulated - 15 m³. With these characteristics, the area of ​​the technical room is 6 m². The recommended size for ease of maintenance of the heat generator is 7-10 m².

If additional equipment is installed in the room or the room is used for domestic purposes (laundry, ironing), the area is increased to 12 m².

The boiler room in a private house is fenced off from neighboring rooms by walls or partitions made of non-combustible materials. The finish should also not support combustion.

In wooden houses classified as high fire hazard objects, the boiler is installed at a distance of 400 mm from the walls. This restriction applies to wood furniture and other flammable items.

If screens made of asbestos cardboard covered with roofing steel are used, the distance can be reduced by 2 times. In this case, the condition must be met - the protection is 25 mm away from easily combustible structures and extends beyond the horizontal dimensions of the equipment by 150 mm, and beyond the top surface by 300 mm.

Natural lighting is a mandatory standard for boiler rooms. The standards do not limit the height of windows or dictate their geometric shape. The glazing area is calculated taking into account the volume of the room. It is 0.03 m² per 1 m³ of boiler room.

For a room with a volume of 15 m³, the required glazing size is 0.45 m². This is the area of ​​the average opening 60x80 cm. The norm does not provide for good lighting. Clearance is needed to absorb the shock wave during a possible explosion and preserve building structures from destruction.

With a glass thickness of 3 mm, its minimum area is 0.8 m², with 4 mm - 1 m², with 5 mm - at least 1.5 m².

The boiler room provides natural ventilation and smoke removal. Depending on the model of the unit, it may be forced. The chimney pipe is brought to a level above the roof level.

The location of the boiler room is taken into account in the space-planning solution of the house. All technical rooms are located on the north or east side. It is better to plan living rooms in the southern and western parts of the building.

The boiler room provides for the supply of water and the possibility of its removal when draining from the system. It is prohibited to install an electrical panel nearby so as not to cross electrical wiring and water communications.

Boiler room

Gas equipment is connected directly to the boiler room. Relative to the house, furnaces can be located:

  • inside - built-in;
  • nearby on a separate foundation - attached;
  • at some distance - separate.

Depending on the location, the premises are subject to certain requirements aimed at ensuring safety during operation.


According to SNiP, gas equipment with a power of up to 350 kW is allowed to be installed inside the house. Boilers up to 60 kW can be placed in any room. As a rule, this is a kitchen or domestic premises. More powerful heat generators are located on the first or ground floors, in the basement.

The ceiling in the room should not be lower than 2.5 meters. Ventilation is calculated to replace air three times within an hour, that is, the cross-section of the ventilation ducts should ensure the rate of natural circulation of an amount of air equal to triple the volume of the room.

The size of the window opening minus the sashes must meet the explosion safety requirements. In accordance with it, the area of ​​easily removable structures, in this case glazing, is calculated from the condition of 0.03 m² per 1 cubic meter of room.

Important. Enclosing partitions are made of materials with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours. The spread of flame through structures is not allowed.

When the power of the heating unit is over 150 kW, the room is equipped with a separate exit. Regardless of the characteristics of the boiler, a passage along the front of at least 1 m is left.

Attached premises

An attached boiler room with heating units with a power of up to 350 kW is placed along the blank wall of the house. Set aside at least 1 meter from the nearest door or window opening. The furnace structure should not be rigidly adjacent to the foundation, walls and roof of a residential building.

The material for the walls of the boiler room is selected taking into account the minimum fire resistance limit - 0.75 hours. The structures should not burn or support combustion.

The height of the boiler room inside is at least 2.5 m. The equipment is placed so that it is convenient to service it. The size of the free area in front of the boiler is 1x1 meter.

The attached premises are equipped with a separate exit to the outside. The door should open to the street.

Natural light is a must. The glazing area is at least 0.03 m³ per 1 m³. The hood must support three hourly air exchanges.

The door leading to a residential building is made of fireproof materials. It must comply with the third type of fire safety.

Installing a gas boiler in the kitchen

When installing a gas stove, water heater and boiler with a power of up to 60 kW in the kitchen, the following requirements are imposed on the room:

When installing gas-using equipment, they are guided by the manufacturer’s passport. The walls must be made of fireproof materials, and the distance to the unit must be at least 20 mm.

It is allowed to install boilers near walls made of combustible materials, provided that the surface is protected with a 3 mm thick asbestos sheet and roofing steel or plaster. In this case, at least 30 mm should be removed from the enclosing structures. The insulation is extended beyond the dimensions of the equipment in height and width by 10 and 70 cm.

The floors under the boiler also protect against fire. Sheets of asbestos and metal are laid on them so that their boundaries exceed the dimensions of the body and protrude by 10 cm on all sides.

Requirements for free-standing combustion chambers

Separate boiler houses are built for powerful heat generators, the operation of which requires an enhanced safety regime.

Requirements for furnaces built separately from a residential building:

The premises are equipped with concrete floors or covered with fireproof finishing. For equipment weighing over 200 kg, a reinforced base with a height of 15 cm is prepared.

Heated water enters the house through an insulated pipeline with low heat loss. A free-standing furnace does not take up the usable space of the house, is safe to use and does not disturb the architectural appearance of the building. Can be used for heating a group of buildings, for example, a house, a bathhouse and a greenhouse.

Requirements for doors

Two types of doors are used in furnace rooms:

  • external without reinforcement for access to the street;
  • internal fire protection for communication with residential premises.

External doors should be easy to break off their hinges in the event of an explosion. Then the energy will be directed outward and cause less destruction than with a rigidly and firmly fixed canvas. But in any case, you need to protect the premises from strangers who could enter and damage expensive equipment.

Interior doors are designed to contain flames in a fire for 15 minutes. Type 3 fabrics with a fire resistance limit of EI 15 comply with the standard. They retain their integrity and thermal insulation properties for a period of time sufficient for the evacuation of people from the house and the arrival of rescue services.

Important. The width of external doors is at least 80 cm. They must open to the street.

Boiler room ventilation

The requirements for a boiler room in a private house are very strict regarding ventilation. Combustion products formed when burning fuel are dangerous to humans. Inhalation of carbon monoxide leads to severe poisoning. High concentrations cause paralysis and even death.

Gas leaks in the network create a danger of explosion. Methane, propane and butane are heavier than air. They accumulate in the lower level of the room. That is why it is recommended to install gaps near the floor under the outer door or exhaust openings in the wall covered with gratings to remove hazardous substances. For every 10 kW of unit power, 0.01 m² of cross-sectional area of ​​the supply channel is required.

Natural ventilation, recommended by the standard, includes supply and exhaust ducts to replace the air in the room. Their area is calculated based on the triple volume of the room and selected using special tables, diagrams or using online calculators.

For every 10 kW of power, 0.01 m² of cross-sectional area of ​​the supply channel is required.

Combustion products are discharged through a chimney or a coaxial pipe built into the wall. In the first case, the cross-section of the channel must correspond to the diameter of the boiler pipe. The optimal shape is a circle or oval.

The chimney walls protect against condensation. Warm air, moving through the pipe, cools, which leads to the precipitation of water vapor in the form of dew. In winter, the moisture freezes and the channel narrows. This contributes to the deterioration of the removal of combustion products.

Protection against condensation is carried out by lining the chimney or installing a stainless steel pipe inside. Angles and turns must be smooth, and the joints of channel elements must be sealed.

Important. To ensure good draft in the chimney, the top of the pipe is placed 500 mm above the roof ridge, provided that the distance from the parapet to the duct is no more than 1.5 m.

In other cases, the ventilation duct may be lower. Separate smoke removal systems are installed for the two units.

Boiler rooms for solid and liquid fuel boilers

The following types of liquid and solid fuels are used to heat residential buildings:

  • coal;
  • fuel oil;
  • gas oil, gasoline;
  • diesel fuel;
  • working off;
  • kerosene;
  • wood waste, pellets, firewood;
  • oil shale;
  • peat;
  • petrol;
  • vegetable or machine oils.

As a rule, floor-standing units are designed for the use of solid or liquid fuel. Loading requires fairly large chambers, and after combustion, waste is generated. Therefore, such boilers are less compact than gas boilers.

When building a boiler room in a private house with your own hands, you must comply with the same requirements as for gas boiler rooms, but with some additions:

  • solid fuel and liquid boilers cannot be installed in residential premises due to strong odor or dust, an extension or a separate furnace room must be installed for this purpose;
  • To install a floor-standing boiler, a concrete foundation with a thickness of at least 50 mm is installed.
  • there must be easy access for loading, cleaning the boiler, repairing and replacing parts;
  • there must be at least 2 m from the place where the fuel is placed to the nearest wall;
  • It is advisable to place the chimney closer to the ridge to create good draft;
  • smoke exhaust is arranged through a chimney in the main wall or a pipe outside the house, and it should not coincide with the window openings;
  • the chimney is made of a sandwich pipe with insulation and an internal heat-resistant layer of steel or brick;
  • you cannot build an attic or living room above the boiler room;
  • In the room where gas equipment is installed, flammable materials and chemicals that emit flammable vapors must not be stored.

To prevent dust from accumulating in the boiler room, which adversely affects the operation of the equipment, a supply opening is installed at a height of 30 cm from the floor, and an exhaust opening is located under the ceiling. Ventilation of the room should be natural.

You can quickly build a boiler room in a private house with your own hands if you use ready-made modular structures. During their production, all standards and requirements are taken into account.

A mini-boiler house can operate on any type of fuel and heat a residential building or cottage. The structure is installed on a monolithic or prefabricated foundation, connected to heating system buildings. When using gas, the project must be agreed upon with the gas distribution organization.