How to arrange a sports corner? How to install a sports corner for children in an apartment with your own hands for the development of a child Do-it-yourself sports corner drawings with dimensions

Children are our everything. For them we are ready to create best conditions accommodation. Particular attention is paid to the comprehensive development of the child. After all, parents want their children to receive everything they need at every stage of their lives. Physical education also plays an important role, which is the key to a child’s development. That is why most children are sent to sports clubs, dances and other clubs. However, it is possible not to send children to such institutions. It is enough to make a children's sports corner in your room or home. This is a kind of sports section that will be located at home. You will always know how and what your child is doing.

Still, the question arises: how to make a sports corner for a child at home? This is exactly what we will look at in our article. To make things easier, corresponding photos and drawings will be shown. If you have children, this information will be very relevant.

A gym for a child at home - is it necessary or not?

Children's sports corners for the home are quite popular and have been used for many years. They are comfortable and practical. The child will be glad that he will have his own corner in the apartment or house where he can play sports. And it doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, because the house will always be warm and cozy. Just give children space, and their imagination will develop as it pleases. On average, a sports corner at home for children will occupy 2 m2 or more.

Let's look at the factors that speak in favor of making it in your home or apartment:

  1. A child can actively develop any time he wants. This could be morning, lunch or evening.
  2. The child will spend time not only fun, but also beneficial for his health. In addition, when receiving guests, the children will not disturb the adults, having their own corner.
  3. Children will be able to develop coordination of movements and develop their vestibular apparatus. The cardiovascular system improves.

As you can see, the presence of this corner in the room will only benefit both children and parents. The only negative is that the corner takes up space and can be dangerous for children. But, this is how to submit it. After all, the room still has a corner for children’s games. As for falls from the structure, it is enough to simply place mats on the floor to protect those playing.

I would like to note that parents can buy a ready-made corner and install it in a suitable place, or they can make a children’s sports corner with their own hands. It will be cheaper, but you will need to have manufacturing instructions, drawings, materials, tools and free time. And some skills in working with wood are also welcome. However, before moving on to the instructions, you should consider the requirements for a children's sports corner.

Features of the corner and requirements for it

Everything that concerns children should be safe and not harm their health. And here there are several points that are taken into account when creating a children's corner. Let's start with the fact that all structural elements must be reliable, strong and durable. All parts are connected to each other securely so that when playing sports the child does not fall and injure himself. In addition, the wall or other elements must be secured to the floor or wall.

The second point concerns the finishing of products. All paints and varnishes or other compounds that will be used in the future for processing wood or metal should not emit toxic substances. Children will constantly be in contact with the elements, so their safety must be appropriate. Well, as we mentioned above, it is important to take care of mats and soft surfaces.

If we conclude, it is not difficult to create such a sports corner. It is only important to choose a suitable place and follow the instructions. Let’s say right away that to accommodate all the elements of the corner you will need at least 2 m2 and an additional 1 m2 of free space around for games and unhindered movement.

But the next question arises: what is included in the sports corner? To create a functional corner in the apartment, you cannot do without:

  • Swedish wall;
  • small horizontal bar/bars;
  • gymnastic rings;
  • swing or rope ladder;
  • soft sports mat on the floor.

Below is shown what a full-fledged complex for children should look like.

Thanks to this set of sports elements, you can make a complete structure so that your child develops and leads an active lifestyle. Now let's look at how to create a corner with your own hands.

Creation of a Swedish wall

It is the main element, without which not a single sports corner in the apartment can do. The Swedish wall takes up little space, is functional and easy to create with your own hands.

Tools and materials

Here's what you'll need to create a wall bars:

With this set you can create a Swedish wall. But, you also need a product layout. DIY children's sports corner drawings.

Manufacturing technology step by step

Now let's start with the DIY manufacturing process:

That's all, the staircase is ready. To complete it, all that remains is to create a horizontal bar for it.

Making a horizontal bar for the wall

While the varnish is drying on the ladder, you can create a horizontal bar. You can buy it and install it on the wall, or create it yourself. We will make the horizontal bar a stationary part of the stairs.

Here's what you'll need for the job:

  • two wooden boards, the size of which is 600x250x50 mm. This is not a standard, so the size can be customized. These will be the side bars to which the horizontal bar itself is attached;
  • crossbar - 2 pcs., length 60 cm, diameter 4 cm (so that the child can hold on comfortably). Again, the length is selected depending on the size of the wall. For example, if its width is 50 cm, you need to add another 10 cm (5 cm width of the sides);
  • the same wood glue;
  • 12 bolts, nuts and washers;
  • wrench;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill screwdriver.

Creating a horizontal bar in stages

The Swedish wall is ready. We will install it later.

Note! Making the rings is a little more difficult. It is much easier to buy them and install them in the right place. However, below is a video on how to make them yourself.

Making a Rope Ladder

The last thing we will do for the home sports corner is a rope ladder. This is a useful detail, as it allows you to develop the child’s coordination and strengthens his spine and shoulder girdle. That's why we recommend doing it.

Tools and materials

Now let's consider necessary tools and materials:

  • round slats made of wood (you can use mop handles);
  • strong rope, at least 6 m, it depends on the desired height;
  • drill-driver;
  • sandpaper;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • rings made of brass or duralumin to secure the product at the end of the slats.

Basically, you need wooden sticks and strong rope. They can be used to make a wonderful staircase.

Step-by-step creation of a staircase

Installing a ready-made sports corner

Now that you have made a sports corner with your own hands, you can install it. As stated at the beginning of the article, it will be installed on spacers. To bring this to life, these same spacers are screwed into the upper and lower parts of the wall bars, the structure is installed in the right place and the spacers are screwed in to the limit. This way the sports corner will be absolutely motionless.

Note! Spacer quality better time Check from time to time by tightening the nuts. This also applies to the bolts in the sidewalls that hold the horizontal bar to the wall.

If you need to perform installation in a different way, you can do this:

  1. If the wall is made of brick, then the sports corner is secured with dowels.
  2. If the wall is made of concrete, then the sports corner is secured with anchors.
  3. At plasterboard walls Only spacers are used.

That's all, all that remains is to buy the mats and install them in their places. Then you can minimize all injuries to the child. Children's sports corner for an apartment photo.


A children's room with a sports corner is every child's dream. We looked at the benefits of having a sports corner. And if you work with your head, hands and brains, you will get a durable, reliable and functional product for children to play with. When working, you only need to remember that this is a sports corner for children. Therefore, its creation is a responsible matter. But as a result, you will receive a lot of joy and appreciation from your child.

This is especially true for families with growing children. The intellectual development of a child is of great importance, but it should not interfere with physical development. Full physical training is, first of all, health, which also ensures normal brain activity.

In other words, without physical development it is impossible to achieve proper operation brain and all other organs and systems of the body. Many parents try to send their children to sports clubs and clubs. This is a very correct decision, but having your own sports corner at home is perfect option for the constant physical improvement of the young organism.

Organizing a space for sports in a city is quite difficult, but still possible. This is facilitated by the wide range of modern designs and simulators available for sale. All these devices differ in:

  1. dimensions;
  2. functionality;
  3. placement method;
  4. cost.

Main types of home sports corners

If the owner of an apartment is planning to design a sports corner (see photo below), he must first become familiar with the types of similar structures and study the range offered by different manufacturers.

The choice of a sports complex depends on:

  • apartment size;
  • geometric features of the room;
  • the amount that the apartment owner is willing to donate for the purchase of sports equipment.

Ideas for decorating a gym at home

Unfortunately, most modern apartments disadvantaged in square meters, and, as a rule, has dimensions of no more than 10 m 2. But this should not be a reason to refuse to install sports equipment. Even in a very small room you can build a miniature sports corner.

  • Option one. A Swedish wall is installed in ceiling hoops are mounted, a basketball hoop is mounted on the wall. Additionally, you can hang a punching bag. Such a composition will take up no more than 1 m2, which will in no way affect the rest of the children’s area.
  • Option two is more advanced and involves using transformable furniture, which can simultaneously be a sports element and perform the function , , . Such furniture saves space well, and its modern design means that it fits perfectly into any interior.

For owners of an apartment with a large children's room, it is much easier to decorate a sports corner with their own hands. The absence of restrictions in square meters provides great opportunities, including the equipment of an entire sports complex. In addition to the main attributes, horizontal stairs, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, and various exercise equipment (treadmill, bicycle, etc.) are placed here.

Of course, such a sports corner will require significant financial investments, but the reward for the parents’ efforts will be the health and cheerful laughter of their children.

Advice. By using your own imagination or inviting a professional designer to your home, you can design a children's sports corner in a specific theme, for example, a jungle or a pirate ship.

Home gym for adults

Adults love to play sports just as much as children. Moreover, exercise on sports equipment is necessary to maintain good physical shape, strengthen muscles and skeletal bones. With insufficient motor activity, the muscles atrophy, and the person feels powerless. Hence all age-related diseases and poor health.

The advantage of the metal complex is that it is much easier to assemble than a wooden sports corner. And there will never be splinters on your hands.

Interior and decor features

A sports room in the house, like any other, requires an appropriate interior and decoration. When designing this area, designers recommend and try to use as much as possible. Since everything here symbolizes health, the presence of synthetic finishing materials would be inappropriate.

It is better to decorate the walls of the gym cork panels, and make the floor from natural wood or cover it. In order not to suffer from the impressive weight of exercise equipment and constant dynamic loads, sports equipment should be installed on special podiums. In addition to practicality, it is also an additional decorative factor.

A distance of 30 cm should be maintained between the walls and sports equipment (except for the wall bars). If we are talking about a large sports corner, it makes sense to put a locker for clothes and towels, and floor scales here.

Gymnastic exercises and training on simulators are best done in the presence of musical accompaniment. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing a player. But a portable player with headphones can easily replace it. Those who do not consider themselves music lovers may want to listen to literary works or study foreign language, master any training.

What should a home gym be like? There should be enough light, but it should not irritate the eyes. Too bright lamps will have a tiring effect on the body.

You can equip a sports corner not only in an apartment; it is suitable for this.

The prototype of the wall bars is an ordinary utility ladder. It was invented by Finnish peasants, and it got its name because Finland was then under Swedish rule. But that's not the point. The important thing is that even the simplest exercises on the wall bars (see figure below) allow you to completely avoid health disorders due to a sedentary lifestyle. Only the Scandinavians could think of such a use for stairs: winters in Fennoscandia are long and harsh. The land is not very fertile, the agricultural season is short, and there are also exorbitant taxes. Without winter auxiliary crafts it is impossible to survive at all. It was in no way possible to lie on the stove in winter, and in the spring to yawn and stretch for a long time before harnessing Sivka-Burka to the plow.

The simplest exercises on the wall bars

The conditions of modern urban life place approximately the same demands on the physical condition of people, but for different reasons. And a do-it-yourself wall bars are not a complicated product; There are options that can be made at home in 2-3 hours, see below. But the wall bars are still a sports equipment, and not household equipment or household utensils, so it must be made in compliance with certain, albeit simple, rules. Which ones - this is what is discussed in this publication.

Primary requirements

For simple exercises on the wall bars, you can tie an ordinary ladder to an eaves or ceiling beam, as the Finns of old did. But the Swedish wall is for an expanded and complete complex physical exercise already arranged differently.

The dimensions of the sports and fitness wall bars should be as follows:

  1. Span along the crossbars (crossbar length) – 800-900 mm;
  2. For home and children's wall bars, if there is not enough space in the room, it is possible to reduce the length of the crossbars to 600 mm;
  3. The distance between the axes of the crossbars in height is 150 mm;
  4. If only a limited circle of adults will exercise on the wall, the distance between the axes of the crossbars in height can be increased to 220-260 mm depending on the size of the users. The range of 150-220 mm is anatomically and physiologically “deaf”, it will be inconvenient to practice;
  5. Crossbar diameter 40 mm for adults and 24-30 mm for children of different ages(for more details, see the materials on setting up a home sports corner);
  6. The distance of the bottom crossbar from the floor is 150-220 mm;
  7. Number of crossbars – 12-18 for adults and 10-15 for children;

Even with the simplest exercises at a slow pace, the sports equipment is subject to dynamic loads that greatly exceed the weight of those exercising. Static loads from children are less, and dynamic loads relative to the child’s body weight are greater than from adults. Therefore, the Swedish wall for a full range of exercises for adults must withstand for 20 minutes without disturbing its own structure and attachment to building structures a load suspended from the middle of any of the crossbars (or, upon commissioning and annual inspection, to all of them in turn) a load weighing:

  • 180 kg – for a full range of regular exercises for adults in 2-3 or more shifts daily.
  • 150 kg - at home or for children's sports competitions.
  • 120 kg - children's home.

Almost like an ancestor

Technologically, the wall bars can be made of wood, metal and durable plastic. The wooden one is nice to handle. The steel one is more suitable for an enhanced set of exercises with emphasis, see below. Plastic - for children of preschool and primary school age. Let's start with a wooden wall bars, as the least labor-intensive and universal.

Drawings of a typical wooden wall bars are given in pos. 1 pic. The crossbars will be made from cuttings for garden tools made of oak, beech, hornbeam, etc. hard, dense, fine-grained wood without defects. Since they are not always exactly round in cross-section, you need to grind the ends of the cuttings cut to size to a diameter of 35 mm (pos. 2) in any carpentry shop with a lathe or in a metal lathe. Groove length – 20 mm; the depth of the hole is the same. This will allow you to select holes for cuttings in the bowstrings using the most common Forstner furniture drill, the so-called. looped (but see also below).

For the bowstrings (sidewalls) of a home wall bars, an ordinary building board without defects that weaken its overall strength will do. Cross-cut without rot and mold, small knots that do not fall out are acceptable. Fastening the crossbars - at the end using a self-tapping screw or confirmat (furniture screw) 6x80 (item 3). It is highly desirable immediately after drilling holes for metal fasteners, but before installing it, glue the PVA parts together without holding them until they are tack-free, this will greatly increase the overall strength and reliability of the wall, see below. That is: we assemble the wall dry, tie it together with something, e.g. rope, drill installation holes for hardware, disassemble everything, apply PVA to the joints, assemble it, tie it together with steel. While the glue has not dried, we check and correct the overall evenness and along the horizon (so that the “propeller” does not work out).

We’ll talk about fastening the projectile tightly later, but in general, a typical wall bars are quite strong in themselves and, using hooks made of steel 40x4 or 30x6 (item 4), can be suspended on a traverse (rod, item 5) installed in the spacer between the walls. or a low (flat) U-shaped bracket from a pipe from 40x2. To the bracket you need to weld thrust bearings - “nickels” each under 3-4 self-tapping screws of 6-8 mm in propylene dowels. It is forbidden to brick the ends of the supporting bracket into the wall! It will definitely loosen! Assembly - lying on supports with alignment in a plane and the horizon on a dry or, better, on a plaza - a flat surface covered with film. Recessing the steel part of the hardware into the load-bearing wall (in addition to the thickness of the finish):

  • In concrete - from 60 mm.
  • In brick - from 70 mm.
  • In wood - from 90 mm.

Note: how to make a simple wall bars like this wooden stairs, see also video below.

Video: example of making a simple Swedish wall

Details and options

The most seemingly un-homely operation - turning the ends of the crossbars - in fact usually does not cause any difficulties. In any tool store or iron bazaar they will tell you where there is a lathe nearby, where they can turn the crossbars inexpensively before your eyes. Perhaps the seller himself will do this. Much more difficulties arise when searching for material for bowstrings and choosing a method for attaching the projectile to supporting structures. Also - how to place a hanging gymnastic bar (horizontal bar) on the wall and handrails for hand-support exercises (they are often called a support, a manual support, or, less commonly, half-bars). The stop and horizontal bar have become indispensable accessories of the home wall bars; often make it an integral part.


A regular construction board for wall bars will not work without a choice: it is not designed for such a large number of points of concentrated load. The seller will either allow you to choose or not, and most likely there will be nothing to choose from: lumber of the highest standard (and this is what is needed for sports equipment) is selected by the manufacturer when sawing and goes on sale at a price that is several times more expensive. Glue strings from plywood? It is labor-intensive and not at all cheaper - plywood is also expensive compared to industrial wood.

However, there is a way to strengthen the required degree cheap packing plywood. It also allows you to make bowstrings for a wall bars from completely waste waste. You will have to spend no less labor on gluing, but the costs will hardly be more than buying ordinary boards. And strength finished product will be more than from selected ones of the highest standard.

This method is pre-impregnation of plywood blanks with a water-polymer emulsion (WPE). This inexpensive, harmless, safe and easy-to-use material completely eliminates delamination of the crappy plywood and increases its strength several times. In addition, there is no need for an expensive and highly specialized Forstner drill - all the holes are through, they can be drilled even with a hand brace using an ordinary feather drill for wood. 3-4 liters of VPE is more than enough for a wall bars.

For a wall where adults regularly practice, the thickness of the internal parts of the bowstrings should be increased to 28-32 mm; then all layers can be assembled from pieces fitted end to end. The complete “technical map” of the assembly is as follows:

  1. Prepare the crossbars (see above);
  2. The plaza is being prepared;
  3. They prepare loads for oppression;
  4. Cut and adjust the pieces for the internal parts. Don't forget to number or mark which one connects to which one;
  5. All workpieces are impregnated with EPE on 2 sides;
  6. The blanks are immediately laid in layers on the plaza without waiting for complete drying and glued together;
  7. Having laid and leveled the pieces of the first layer, apply the next PVA onto and onto the mating surfaces of the pieces;
  8. Without waiting for the glue to dry to a tack, lay the 2nd layer on top of the first;
  9. Repeat paragraphs. 7 and 8 until the workpiece is of the required thickness;
  10. Place pressure on the workpiece - at least 5-6 weights of 2 kg evenly along the length;
  11. Using a metal square, the ends of the ribs of the workpiece are trimmed, and the “creeped” pieces are corrected;
  12. According to paragraphs. 4-11 re-glue the second string blank;
  13. After 3-4 days (to dry the workpieces) they drill through holes under the crossbars;
  14. External bowstring linings are prepared (impregnated with EPE), glued under pressure onto the internal parts and the entire package is fastened with small self-tapping screws (the distance from the edges of the strings is 20-25 mm);
  15. Assemble the projectile dry and drill installation holes for fastening the crossbars;
  16. Coat the sockets under the crossbars with PVA and assemble the projectile on the plaza without waiting for the glue to dry;
  17. Align the structure on a plane (remove the “propeller” if it is found) and fasten it with 6x45 self-tapping screws for a children’s wall in Fig. or 6x60 for an adult;
  18. Dry the wall lying on the plaza for 5-7 days. It is highly advisable to load it in the corners so that it does not lead.

Typesetting option

Another option for a convenient and quite economical, although quite labor-intensive wall bars for an apartment is a modular and collapsible combined one in the doorway: bowstrings made of ordinary planks or 15 mm plywood, steel crossbars made of pipes, crossbar earrings - oak, beech, hornbeam.

Drawings of a collapsible Swedish wall in a doorway are shown in the figure:

Since there are already 32 points of attachment to the supporting structure, the fasteners are small, 3 mm self-tapping screws; their penetration into the door jamb is from 20 mm. The crossbars must be made of steel: wooden ones, not included in the overall strength scheme, will not hold up. Fixing the earrings on the crossbars is done with M4-M6 screws with countersunk heads. The diameter of the parts of the crossbars for adults to grip can be increased by putting plastic covers on them, for example. from 2-3 layers of heat-shrinkable tube (HERE); This will also increase the roughness of the crossbars to “wooden”.

The advantage of this wall bars is that by removing some of the bars, you can perform exercises with a wide swing of your legs. Disadvantages - the passage is blocked during the exercises, the door jamb is damaged and appearance opening. In addition, it is impossible to obtain an optimal crossbar height spacing of 150 mm, while 240 mm is close to the maximum permissible.

Horizontal bar and stop

A simple crossbar for pulling up and holding the angle with your legs in weight significantly expands the functionality of the wall bars. A children's wall bars without a horizontal bar generally lose most of their developmental qualities. It’s easy to add a simple staircase wall with a hanging bar holder for pull-ups and other static exercises (without sudden movements).

Drawings of a wall bars with a wooden hanging horizontal bar holder are shown in Fig. (the upper holder bracket is at the top right; the lower one is at the same place below).

Other options for the mounted horizontal bar and manual stop for the wall bars are shown in the following. rice.:

The manual emphasis allows already very experienced and physically developed users to practice on the wall bars, pos. 4 and 5. For a wooden hinged stop, you need to take a tree that is ideally homogeneous without defects, especially durable species: teak, etc. The dimensions of the hand rest mounted on the wall bars are given on the right in Fig.

However, the most functional are hand stops combined with the crossbar, see another figure:

The main structural materials of the load-bearing parts are pipe 40x2, corrugated pipe 60x60x2. For jibs, couplers and blades of cap grips - professional pipe 60x(20-30)x1.5 or (on the right) pipe 20x1.5. For hooks there is also a 30x6 strip. “Cape” on the wall bars on the right in Fig. it is the most functional, but it is not certified for sports equipment for general use: hooks in the user’s area of ​​action pose a risk of injury.

Note: the forward movement of the horizontal bar crossbar is 60-65 cm.

A stationary (tightly attached) horizontal bar on a wall bars is required for moderate intensity or intense exercise by adults, especially since it does not prevent children from using the hanging horizontal bar, or adults from using the palm rest. However, in this case, fastening the horizontal bar consoles (brackets holding the crossbar) with 3 or 4 bolts (pos. 1 and 2 below in the figure) is a gross mistake, as are parts made of clearly defective wood (shown by red arrows in pos. .2). Fastening with a square is permissible if the sockets for the bolts are through screws, and the projectile parts are made of high-quality laminated hard wood, pos. 3. In any other case, the centrally symmetrical fastening may collapse “all of a sudden” if the permissible load is exceeded or due to fatigue.

It is best to attach a stationary horizontal bar to the wall bars on gussets made of plywood with a thickness of 24-32 mm. The scarves are attached to the bowstrings with at least 4 through bolts M10-M12, pos. 4. Gussets can be re-glued from plywood as described above. If there are at least 4 layers of the workpiece (6 mm plywood), then the pieces for assembling the layers are suitable from approx. 100x150 mm. The main thing is that the seams in the layers do not coincide and converge in parallel no closer than 5 thicknesses of plywood.

Fastening straight consoles made of high-quality wood with a wedge using 5 bolts is somewhat less reliable. It loosens faster than a scarf, but is not capable of sudden destruction: first it loosens, which will be noticeable.

Metal wall bars

It is recommended to practice on a metal wall bars for people who are strong and have mastered fairly complex exercises (see at the end). Their palms are more grippy than those of beginners, and advanced users create greater loads. In this case, the step of installing the crossbars in height is taken closer to the maximum possible in accordance with one’s anthropometry.

Drawings of 2 versions of the wall bars made of metal (mainly male and female) are given in Fig; “Women’s” sizes on the right – in cm.

Bowstrings and crossbar consoles here and there - professional pipe 80x40x3. Crossbars – pipe 40x2. Spacers-"legs" for mounting to the wall - professional pipe 40x40x2. It would not hurt to make struts from the same pipe for the consoles of the right version: then welding can be done using conventional welding with a consumable electrode from a portable welding machine.

Note: how to make a metal wall bars at home, also see the video:

Video: metal wall bars with horizontal bar and parallel bars

Wall mount

It is wrong to fasten the wall bars to the wall with steel corners and self-tapping screws, as amateur craftsmen often do. As soon as one corner breaks due to metal fatigue (which is most likely just during training), the entire fastening can come off at once. Fastening an adult wall bars to a load-bearing wall is possible at 4 or 6 points. It is advisable to attach the nursery at 2 points, see below.

At 4 points, the wall bars are fastened with thrust bearings on 3-4 screws in dowels each, see above. This mount is mainly for people of light weight (up to 70 kg). The lower pair of thrust bearings is located in the middle between the first and second crossbars, and the upper one - between the 2nd and 3rd from above.

When fastening to 6 points, the bottom two are located closer to the floor, but not less than 0.75 of the width of the bowstring from its lower edge. If, say, the string is 150 mm wide, then the distance of the lower attachment points from the floor is 100 mm. The upper points are marked in the middle between the last and penultimate crossbars, and the middle ones - in the middle between the lower and upper ones, but so that they also fall in the middle of the distance between the crossbars.

A Swedish wall with 6 points is usually secured with anchor bolts from M10, but the diameter along the body of the bolt is no more than 1/3 of the thickness of the bowstring and no more than 1/2 of its thickness for the head with a washer. Stepped through holes are drilled in wooden bowstrings for bolts and washers. The depth of the larger hole (under the head) is half the width of the bowstring. Smooth holes are drilled in steel bowstrings for the body of the bolt. Recessing anchors into a load-bearing wall (in addition to the thickness of the finish):

  • In concrete - from 100 mm.
  • In brick - from 110 mm.
  • In wood – from 130 mm.

For children

It has already been said above that the static loads from children on the wall bars are low, but dynamic children can create incredible ones. And they will climb the wall en masse, and even fight on it. At the same time, the height of the children's wall bars is quite small, 140-160 cm. Accordingly, the arm of the lever tending to tear the projectile from the wall will also be smaller.

Secondly, children grow up. When the baby outgrows the nursery wall, it will need to be replaced with a “real” one or removed. It is highly desirable that no or minimal renovation of the children’s room is needed. And at the same time, the children's wall bars, while in use, should remain in place like a glove, no matter what its owners do on it.

Based on all this, the wall bars for children need to be firmly fixed in the load-bearing wall at 2 points. How to ensure sustainability? In two ways: into the space between the wall and the upper fastener or against the dead center between the wall and the floor. In the latter case, the upper fasteners serve only as clamps (stoppers) that keep the projectile from tipping over. This does not at all reduce the requirements for its reliability.

Note: an alternative option is a children's wall bars that actively absorb dynamic loads, see below.

In spades

To fasten the children's wall bars into the spacer, the elasticity of the structure is used. In this case, the bowstrings must be straight, strong and stable in transverse directions, i.e. thick enough: wooden thick from 30 mm; glued plywood – from 24 mm.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. rigid pads 3-4 mm thick are temporarily attached to the heels of the bowstrings;
  2. the projectile is placed firmly on the floor at the installation site;
  3. on the load-bearing wall, holes for self-tapping screws in dowels are marked in place, see above;
  4. The heel pads are removed and the wall is attached to the wall. Her heels will be hanging in the air;
  5. thrust bearings are prepared from microporous rubber with a thickness 2 mm greater than the thickness of the temporary gaskets;
  6. one person uses a pair of pry bars to pry up the lower crossbar at the very bowstrings and lift the projectile up (item 4 in the figure);
  7. an assistant lubricates the rubber bearings with mounting glue and slips bowstrings under the hanging heels;
  8. the first worker removes the pressure from the prybars.

After an hour and a half, even a physically strong adult is unlikely to be able to move or tear off the projectile.

Point blank

Fastening a children's wall bars point-blank at 2 points has proven its worth more reliable than fastening in space It does not require an assistant to perform it, damages the load-bearing wall and floor less, and also allows you to give the projectile a playful look. The point-blank mount operates on the principle of a lever stuck at a dead point. Therefore, its upper attachment points must be absolutely rigid in all 3 planes, and the bowstrings must be somewhat curved. The thickness of the board bowstrings is from 24 mm; plywood impregnated with HPE from 16 mm, i.e. plywood bowstrings can be solid, not re-glued.

The conditions for the reliability of this method of fastening are, firstly, the supporting surfaces must fit into a right angle (highlighted in red in the figure below). To make the wall and floor rub less, thin silicone gaskets are glued to the supporting surfaces (rubber leaves marks). Secondly, the toes of the heels of the bowstrings must protrude forward at least a distance equal to the distance of the axes of the crossbars from the load-bearing wall. If novice athletes are very nimble and playful, it is better to move the toes of the heels forward by half the extension of the horizontal bar or more, i.e. by 25-30 cm. Third: fastening to the wall - with anchor bolts from M8. Laying anchors in the wall from 80 mm, from 90 mm and from 100 mm for concrete, brick and wood, respectively.

However, take a closer look at what is on the right in Fig. The similarity is only external, but the power scheme turns out to be completely different. Due to the inevitable gaps in the fastening of the “ear” brackets to the bowstrings, such a projectile must be attached to the wall at 4 points, which is less reliable and spoils its appearance.

On self-absorption

A plastic wall bar for adults is a very, very questionable question. Household plastics do not withstand static loads well and quickly get tired of them. Special ones (for example, carbon fiber) are very expensive and, when overloaded, are prone to sudden destruction. But a children's wall bars made of polyisopropylene (simply propylene) are very good decision, because propylene perfectly absorbs dynamic loads. You just need to attach the propylene children's wall bars to the wall like an adult, at 3 or 4 points on M6-M8 anchors with 90, 100 or 120 mm embedded in the wall for concrete, brick and wood. How to assemble a wall bars from soldered propylene water supply parts, see next. plot.

A children's room should not only be beautiful, but also functional. It is within your power, dear parents, to create a real fairy-tale island for your child, in which the child will develop comprehensively and learn about the world around him.

Children are very active, so a playground for outdoor games is more of a necessity than a luxury. School activities or kindergarten not enough for active children, and it is not always possible to go outside for a walk (changeable weather, poor health and other factors). According to doctors, a child who plays sports not only has better developed bones and muscles, but also improves brain function and internal organs are formed correctly.

The best way to strengthen a child’s health and direct his energy in the right direction is to equip a small, but full-fledged sports corner in the room.

Space optimization

A home mini-gym can be placed even in a small child’s room, especially since many sports elements can easily be hidden in drawers or on shelves. For example, for a fitball, you can provide a special mount (you can buy it, or you can make it from two transverse slats), the horizontal bar is easiest to install in a corridor or doorway (if desired, you can make it removable, on special hooks). Jump ropes, dumbbells, weights, balls can easily be hidden in a cabinet, but large elements - wall bars, rings, slides, punching bags should be stationary.

It makes no sense to offer ready-made drawings of corners, since each room has its own dimensions and features.

However, you can find a little space in almost every apartment: you can buy a children’s complex or make it yourself. Purchased products are mostly collapsible, they include the following elements: ladder, rope, trapeze and gymnastic rings. Other accessories - bars, slides, swings, punching bags, basketball hoops and so on are purchased separately.

Installation and selection criteria

There are three types of wall bars: L-shaped, U-shaped, T-shaped. The first option is the most compact, but other configurations allow you to arrange a corner with swings, parallel bars and other paraphernalia. The height of most purchased products is from 2.4 to 3 meters, the occupied area varies from 0.5 to 4 sq.m.

The ladder is mounted between the ceiling and the floor in a spacer, at least at 4 fixation points, all bolts must have protective caps, check the quality of the simulator fastenings. The walls are made of wood and metal. Wooden exercise machines should be rounded, smooth, without roughness, the crossbars should be at least 30 mm thick, the distance between the steps should be about 25 cm. Give preference to varnished wood - it will last longer. Such exercise machines can withstand up to 80 kg. Metal complexes are more durable, their maximum load is 100 kg. Please note that the horizontal bar and frame should be made of stainless steel, and the wooden fragments should not be rough or too brittle.

Safety first! You need to lay gymnastic mats on the floor under the apparatus - they can be bought at any sports store. If the equipment is made of metal, the vertical bars should be wrapped with soft cloth so that the athlete does not accidentally hit his head. There should be no furniture with sharp corners near the mini-sports ground; the complex should not be placed near a window or in a draft. At first, insure your child; for small children it is better to buy ladders that are adjustable in height so that the child does not climb too far. For exercise equipment, you can allocate a place on the balcony or loggia, having previously insulated it.

crazy hands

To make a wall bars with your own hands you will need:

  • 6 rounded cuttings for a shovel (they should be without knots and smooth);
  • Two wooden beams, 5x14 cm, choose the length of the beam depending on the height of the ceilings in the apartment;
  • 6 iron corners and screws - they will be used to attach the ladder to the wall;
  • Good construction adhesive;
  • Sandpaper, saw, drill, saw, plane, rings, thick rope or rope, belts, cable, gymnastic mats.

Completing of the work

Cut the beam with a saw to the height of the ceilings, process it with a plane and sandpaper. Make 10-12 holes in each beam for the crossbars (use a screwdriver with an appropriate bit).

The purchased cuttings are sawn in half - they will play the role of crossbars; they need to not only be inserted into the holes, but also glued well.

Corners are screwed to the bars and crossbars are inserted. Make markings on the wall and ceiling for fastenings and mount the structure.

You can also make a horizontal bar from two small bars and two crossbars; it should protrude forward from the wall by 60-70 cm, screwed to the base with screws. To attach the gymnastic rings you will need a cable and straps - they can be tied to one of the crossbars. For a rope ladder, it is better to choose a rope with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, the steps are made of wood, with a diameter of 35-40 mm. The distance between the steps is 20 cm, the width of the surface is at least 40 cm, so that the child can move freely along the stairs. Holes for the rope are drilled in the rungs; each step is fixed at the bottom with knots (necessarily at the same level) to prevent deformation.

To prevent the wood from cracking, metal rings can be attached to the ends of the steps (they can be made from duralumin or steel pipe the required diameter). The sports rope must be strong; it is fixed with knots on both sides.

Making the complex will not take much time, but your child will get a lot of pleasure and undoubted health benefits!

A children's sports corner occupies an important place in a child's room. This is where your baby will spend most of his free time. Give the child the opportunity to get used to healthy image life as early as possible is the natural desire of every parent.

Having such a corner in your home will help radically change your child’s lifestyle; he will be able to study there independently without taking up your time. A child who has been climbing ropes and hanging from rings since childhood will not be afraid of horizontal bars and crossbars at school.

So, when you decided to give your child a home mini-gym, you were faced with the question: how to make a children's corner? However, only you can know how to make a sports corner that will ideally fit into the dimensions and interior of the room, what shape it should be and what sports equipment it should be equipped with. Your child probably has some wishes regarding the future sports complex, which you will also need to listen to.

What do you need?

First of all, you need to decide on the constituent elements. Not a single sports corner is complete without a wall bars. To make it you will need:

Two wooden beams 5x14x300 cm. According to standards, the length of the beams is three meters. But if your ceilings are of different sizes, appropriate beams are selected for them.

5 or 6 cuttings per shovel. They can be purchased at hardware stores or at the same place where you will buy the timber. When purchasing, make sure that they are even and smooth and free of knots.

4 or 6 iron corners and screws for mounting the wall bars.

Stock up on glue; many people choose the popular “Moment”.

Prepare the tools you have: saw, drill with a round hole bit, sandpaper different types rudeness


Gymnastic mats

Let's get started

1. First, adjust the timber to the height of your ceiling.

2. Treat the timber with a plane and sandpaper for smoothness. Make 10 holes in each beam, into which the crossbars will then fit. If the ceiling height is approximately three meters, then there should be 11 or 12 holes. The second crossbar from above should be made a little deeper than all the others. The diameter of the holes must correspond to the diameter of the cuttings so that they fit tightly and do not scroll. The cuttings are sawn in half.

4. Then place the wall on the floor and glue the crossbars. When the glue is dry, attach
structure to the wall. What is a Swedish wall without a horizontal bar? A horizontal bar is easy to make. You need two small timber made of wood and two crossbars, which are fastened according to the scheme discussed above. The horizontal bar should protrude forward by 60 cm. The horizontal bar is attached to the wall bars with screws.

Gymnastic rings easy to make from rings and pendants from belts and cables, with which they are attached from the supporting crossbars of the frame. A rope ladder can be constructed from two ropes or ropes with a diameter of up to 10 mm with wooden steps 45 cm long and 35 mm in diameter attached to them. The distance between steps is 20 cm.

Ladder. To make a spacer ladder, you need wooden sidewall bars with a length of at least 2 m and a width of 5 and a thickness of 2 cm. At their ends (at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ends) we drill holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm for mounting pins. In addition to the holes for the mounting pins, drill holes with a diameter of 25 mm in them every

15 cm along the entire length of the bars. After this, we turn 10 round pieces on a woodworking machine. wooden slats 45 long and 2.5 cm in diameter we insert into the holes of the side bars located opposite each other. The spacer ladder can be suspended between two buildings. If you take 2 buildings of the same height, then it will be parallel to the floor, but you can make it inclined. The spacer ladder is connected to the body using fastening pins 60 cm long and 10-12 mm in diameter, made of steel rod or tube and inserted so that they pass through holes in the sides of the ladder and holes in the walls of the body.

Rope-ladder consists of two ropes or ropes with a diameter

up to 10 mm. with attached to them wooden steps 45 cm long, 35 mm in diameter each. The distance between the steps is 20 cm, the width of the working part of the ladder (the steps between the ropes is 38-40 cm, and the length is determined by the height of the frame and is approximately 1.8-2 m. In each step, at a distance of 24 mm from both ends, holes with a diameter of 10 are drilled mm. Then it is strung on ropes and fixed with knots at the top and bottom (necessarily at the same level!) to eliminate the possibility of movement. To prevent the steps from cracking during operation, metal rings of the appropriate diameter (from steel or duralumin pipe) must be placed on their ends. The children's corner may also have a sports rope. For safety, it is recommended to lay a soft mat on the floor, which will prevent possible bruises.

And so, a handmade children's corner decorates the child's room. How much joy and happiness the baby gets from such a wonderful gift! A children's sports corner is the best purchase for the health and full development of a child. Movement, tone and muscle activity will have a positive effect on immunity and the formation of a growing child's body. Let your baby grow up healthy and athletic!