How do you cut drywall? How to cut drywall correctly. How and with what to cut metal tiles? Tips for choosing a tool How to cut better

Today, plasterboard is widely used in construction and renovation. You can work with this material yourself. However, you should first find out how to cut drywall so that no difficulties arise during the repair process. Below are the basic ways of working and the tools you will need.

Cutting tools

How do you cut drywall? To cut it, there are special devices that

are quite expensive. They are used in enterprises where work with drywall is carried out on a large scale. For home use, you can use available tools that can be found in every home.

First of all, you need to mark the sheet of drywall so that you can cut it straight. This is done using a tape measure, a simple pencil and a long ruler.

Several tools can be used to cut the material. So, how to cut drywall:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • construction knife;
  • jigsaw.

Used in rooms with high humidity moisture resistant drywall. It differs from ordinary material by the presence of antiseptic additives in its composition. Some people have a question about how to cut it. It is not much different from ordinary material. It can be easily recognized by its green color. When cutting it, you can use the same tools. Let's tell you in more detail how to work with each of them.

The best way to cut drywall

Differs from the one used to saw wood, with a thinner blade

blades. With its help, drywall is cut very easily. The edges of the material remain smooth and have virtually no jagged edges. The sheet of material must be placed on some support and cut along the marked line.

A construction knife with a sharp double-sided blade can easily cut a thick sheet of drywall. To make the edge of the sheet even, you should first draw a marking line and attach a metal ruler to it. An incision is made along it with a knife. If the drywall is thin enough, you can replace the construction knife with a regular stationery knife, which is used for paper.

A jigsaw is convenient for making shaped cuts. When working with drywall, it is recommended to purchase files with fine teeth, which are used for metal.

How to cut drywall correctly

There are several useful tips that will make your work easier:

  • Drywall is a flexible material. To avoid breaking it during operation, you need to place the sheet on a stable, flat surface.
  • When cutting a large sheet, you should do it gradually.
  • There should be no moisture in the workplace, otherwise the material will become wet and unsuitable for use.
  • Which side you cut the drywall from is not so important. However, it is best to make the cut on the surface on which it will be attached to the wall.
  • When cutting the profile, do not worry about uneven edges. They will subsequently be covered with a sheet of drywall.
  • When working with the material, you should understand that it can crumble a lot and create dust. Be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory system.

Cutting along straight lines

First you need to lay the drywall on a flat horizontal surface and

mark on both sides of it the lines along which the cut will be made. After this, a metal ruler is applied to them and pressed with your hand. We take the knife in the other hand and draw it along the line several times to make the cut deeper.

Some people think that they can do it just fine without a ruler. However, you should not neglect it. It is quite difficult to make an even cut without it. Of course it is possible, but you will have to take the time to get a neat edge. With a ruler, everything is done much faster.

When the cuts become deep enough, a sheet of drywall should be placed on its edge and tapped on the back side. Typically, several weak blows lead to a break in the drywall sheet along the line. Now all that remains is to cut the cardboard layer with a knife.

Shaped cutting

There are situations when you need not a straight cut, but a curved or round one.

For example, if you are making an arch or hole under lighting. In this case, it is best to use a jigsaw.

They need to work slowly, drawing clearly along the intended lines. The saw should be narrow with small teeth. It must work at high speed. If you cut carefully, the edge will be smooth.

If you don't have a jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw or a construction knife and a hammer. Make deep cuts strictly according to the markings. Place the drywall on a flat, recessed surface so that it sits underneath the hole you are cutting. Now hit this place with a hammer. After the unwanted part falls off, turn the drywall over and cut off the excess paper.

Edge processing

When drywall is cut, its edges should be slightly aligned so that there is no

Jagged and chipped. This can be done using sandpaper. Gently go over all the edges until they are smooth.

The final stage of preparing the material includes its fascia. To do this, you need to cut off a few millimeters of gypsum from each edge (about two-thirds of the sheet thickness). The chamfer is removed with a plane or knife at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

After installing the drywall, all gaps between the sheets of material must be filled with putty. When the seams are dry, you can begin painting the surface or wallpapering it.

How to cut a profile

Drywall sheets are attached to a special profile. It is made of metal
for maximum structural strength. How to cut You can cope with this work using:

  • hacksaws for metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal scissors.

It is not recommended to use a grinder at home because it produces a lot of sparks. will be quite enough. They are able to easily cut iron without creating unnecessary debris and shavings.

The profile can be cut into small pieces. Afterwards it will not be visible. The main thing is to screw the profile well to the wall or other surface to ensure the strength of the entire structure.

Working with drywall is quite simple. Due to this, it is in great demand for indoor use. Now that you have learned how to cut drywall, you can independently change your apartment beyond recognition without spending money on professional finishers.

The process of laying metal tiles on the roof is not at all complicated, and therefore most home owners take on the task themselves. But in order for the effect to live up to expectations, it is necessary to take into account certain factors when working with this material. You also need to know how to cut metal tiles so that the cut area does not cause problems, such as corrosion, which can ruin the appearance of the coating.

Ideally, it is better to do without trimming metal tile sheets at all, since most manufacturers offer cutting of the material according to the client’s dimensions. However, it is possible to lay the covering without adjustment only on completely even slopes, without vertical superstructures and valleys. But in practice this happens extremely rarely, so even before starting work, it is worth determining how to cut metal tiles correctly in order to purchase the necessary working tools in advance.


Cutting metal tiles not only requires careful handling of the tool, but is also accompanied by appropriate conditions for such work. The material must be laid on a surface that will preserve the safety of the coating and protect it from abrasions and scratches.

Marking of cutting zones should be done with a soft construction marker and in no case should the use of sharp objects, screwdrivers, blanks, etc. be allowed for this purpose. Before you begin the process of cutting metal tiles, you need to take care of a stable and reliable base on which the sheet of this material will be located. This could be a mounting table, an improvised support, or other similar structures.

How can I cut the material?

Don't know how to cut metal tiles? The answer to this question is specific - to cut the material, you must choose a tool that does not cause heating and destruction of the polymer and lower protective shell of the coating. This type of device includes:

  • Electrically driven nibblers. You can take either an individual tool or a special attachment for a drill.
  • Hand-held metal scissors.
  • Electric circular saw.
  • A jigsaw with a file designed for working on thin metal.
  • Hand saw with fine-toothed blade. To cut metal tiles with a hacksaw, you will need to equip a workbench. In addition, it is worth considering that this tool cannot be used when making curved cuts.

Some craftsmen prefer to work with a saw; accordingly, they have a question: is it possible to do this and how to cut metal tiles? A hand-held circular saw with a wheel designed for aluminum is suitable for this.

When working with the above-mentioned devices, the polymer film does not heat up; therefore, the protective properties are violated only in the cut area. In order to protect the roof, it is recommended to treat the cut area with anti-corrosion paint immediately after cutting.

Working with nibblers

Metal tiles have a certain profile, which is quite difficult and inconvenient to cut with ordinary metal scissors. It is easier to use electric nibblers for these purposes; moreover, they are convenient for cutting not only in a straight line, but also for performing curved cutting. In addition, after using this device, a burr does not form on the cut of the metal tile, and the speed is much higher.

Tip: the maneuverability of nibblers depends on the length of the die holder; the longer it is, the more convenient it is to cut.

Other types of electric shears for metal work

Are you thinking about how to properly cut metal tiles? In addition to nibblers, the following types of tools can be used to work with this material:

  • Nibblers. They are used for cutting not only metal tiles, but also corrugated sheets and material made from several components, for example, ventilation ducts or pipes. The principle of their operation is to cut out a small piece of metal with each stroke. You can start the process either from the edge or from the middle of the workpiece; in the second case, you will first need to drill an opening with a drill to start cutting.
  • Electric blades. Their cutting surface is two single-edged knives. The first of them is static, the other is movable, and in the middle a sheet of metal is placed under them. This device can only be operated from the open edge; sharp turns of lines cannot be made. There is no waste left after cutting with knife scissors.

Slotted scissors

This tool can be used to make neat cuts of absolutely any shape. Thanks to the head open type The sheet does not deform when cut, and no burr remains at the cut site. Slotted shears easily cope with colored and black metal tiles, as well as with various material coatings. The advantage of slotted scissors is that they can be used when shaped cutting is necessary.

At the very beginning, slotted electric shears were intended for installing ventilation structures, but later roofing specialists began to use them in the process of laying out metal roof coverings.

It is worth noting that if the main task of the work is high quality, then slotted scissors are the ideal tool.

Now you know the answer to the question of how to cut metal tiles. Professionals give the following advice when working with scissors - no matter what method you use for cutting metal tiles, you must immediately remove shavings and sawdust from the coating that have arisen during the work process. The fact is that they rust quickly and can cause a lot of damage. appearance roofs. To remove sawdust, use a brush with flexible bristles.

Electric jigsaw or hacksaw

Cutting metal tiles with a jigsaw is the most affordable and proven method. Working with this tool does not require special skills; besides, there is an electric jigsaw or hacksaw in almost every home.

The disadvantage of the saw is that it cannot be used to perform figured cutting; this will require more advanced tools.

The movement of a jigsaw is no less high-quality than that of cutting shears, but cutting will require much more time. A jigsaw with special attachments can be used on any profiled metal sheets.

Cutting with a special drill attachment

The next tool that will do the job well is a drill attachment for cutting metal tiles. It comes in addition to any electrical appliance of this type. The part consists of a punch and a matrix, which are inserted under a sheet of metal tiles during operation. When the device is turned on, the punch moves and cuts out a strip from the top of the sheet.

It should be understood that working with this tool is not easy and requires certain skills and an understanding of how the system works. It is recommended to practice on scraps before starting work. The width of the cut at the nozzle is 3 mm.

The drill attachment can be used to cut the following materials:

  • Stainless steel up to 0.8 mm thick.
  • Zinc coated steel, copper, iron sheets and brass up to 1.5 mm thick.
  • Aluminum up to 2 mm thick.

Before work, the attachment must be fixed in the drill chuck; this will activate the device. The operating principle of this device is similar to the operation of electric cutting scissors, but it can make both straight and shaped cuts.

Why you can’t use a grinder for metal tiles

Most novice craftsmen attempt to cut metal tiles with a grinder, since almost every craftsman has this tool in their suitcase, and working with it is quite simple. But in any manual describing the process, it is noted that cutting the material with an angle grinder is not allowed.

In addition, if the buyer tries to cut the metal tiles with a grinder, he will lose the right to return the goods under warranty due to the fact that the use of this tool is a gross violation of the instructions. To make it clearer why manufacturers insist so much on following the rules for cutting metal tiles, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the structure of the material:

  • The basis of the composition is very thin steel (from 0.4 to 0.7 mm).
  • A zinc protective coating is applied to the steel.
  • The next layer is passivating. It is required for additional protection of the sheet from corrosion and increases adhesion between the main and outer coatings.
  • The metal tile sheet is covered on top polymer material, and below - with protective varnish.

To work with a grinder, abrasive discs are used, which heat up the work surface very much during the process, in addition, sparks fly from under the disc. All this adversely affects the polymer layer - it melts, and the lower layer of material is burned out. Sparks flying from under the disk can strike the surface of the material and cause pinhole defects.

Subsequently, the metal tiles will quickly deteriorate due to the fact that the protective layer has been damaged, rusty spots will appear on the surface, and after a while the roof will begin to leak completely.

To make the process easier, please note the following:

  • To cut metal tiles in the longitudinal direction, it is better to use hand-held metal scissors or a hacksaw.
  • When it is necessary to cut at an angle, you should use a circular saw.
  • Do not use abrasive tools on metal tiles.
  • After completing the process (regardless of the type of tool), it is necessary to treat the cut area with facade paint.
  • Or lay the material in such a way that the cut point is under the top sheets.


From the above it follows that the question of how to cut metal tiles is quite important. Violation of the rules may lead to loss of warranty and damage to roofing covering. Despite the large selection of tools for cutting material, you should still calculate the laying in such a way that cutting is required to a minimum.

Good afternoon. Now I'm 20 years old and I'm still alive. In the period from 18 and a half to 19 years old - for six months - I played with life - I tried to cut myself over and over again, but I always fell short - I didn’t have enough to take a decisive step, but even without this symbolic cut I couldn’t live even a few days. For my 19th birthday, everything was planned - I wanted to sit with the guests just to say goodbye to everyone, and then leave - like go for a walk, but in reality get drunk, take pills and freeze on the street because it was the end of spring and it was very cold . At that time, a website was created on which there was a farewell to everyone, an explanation of why I was doing this, what exactly I was doing, the truth was written on all those questions in the answers to which I had told lies. Everything was prepared.
But... it was hard, or rather I wanted to be with someone close and open, and not playing a fairy tale - how life is so bad and I went to visit a friend, at first they just talked - they talked and then I told her everything in plain text - all my plans ... - she was not just in shock, but generally sat and was silent, then she cried, and at first I didn’t understand why she was behaving this way. I was sure that everyone would just be sad and forget in a couple of days, but apparently in real life everything is not like that.
After my words, we sat in silence for a long time, then she spoke fragments of phrases - I arrived home in no condition and just waited for the 10 days remaining until the invented date.
That day, from the very morning, this friend controlled me - she simply interfered with my plans - I understood that if I went against her in front of her eyes, she would tell everyone and then everyone would worry, but I didn’t want that, so I just sat there all day , then there were several more minor vein cuts, and then there was one serious one, but again they managed to come and provide help..
Since then, everything seems to have been forgotten - it even became good. I was advised to take up an activity, any activity at that, just so that I wouldn’t have a free minute - I got busy - now my day is scheduled literally by the hour, sometimes by the minute, but what happened... it comes back again - every day I remember how it was 4 years ago I talked to a psychologist that I was afraid to die, although there was no reason then - it was just thoughts, I write on Dairy that I don’t want to die... at the same time I am again looking for links to old sites, where everything is gloomy and pessimistic, where many ways are written on how to realize what you want .
I don't really want to - I don't want to!!! but I can’t stop - I cancel everything I’m doing - I sit down in some ruined deserted courtyard - I drink, smoke and think about what to say, what to write in farewell and whether it’s worth it. Starting from March 8, 2007 until mid-summer 2007, 5 relatives died - five! and three among my acquaintances - it was unreal - I felt one hundred percent what people feel when someone passes away. I was sure that I would never think about suicide again, but not much time has passed, and again I look at my wrist for half a day, although the old scars have not yet gone away, and I already want to add new ones. I don’t know what to do and I have no one to talk to, because no one will understand - only a few understood the first time, now no one understands. I don’t want to die, but I also can’t cope with the desire to cut my hands. sometimes I even just go into the kitchen and there is a knife - and immediately the thoughts come again, and if I also need to cut bread, then for me it’s just a test, until it’s enough to apply the blade and feel its coldness on my hand, but something inside demands to act further, but I don’t want to - I don’t want to repeat the mistake again, I don’t want to ruin the life of myself or my loved ones - what should I do? tell..

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dela-vie, age: 20/06/29/2008


The fact is that with your previous suicide attempts you gave demons power over yourself. They are the very “something inside” that wishes you death. This is described in detail on your website.
Being busy is a good thing, but the first and most important thing that will help you is sincere repentance and church confession of the sin of suicide, which you have attempted.
This will certainly help you.

Brother, age: 41 / 06/29/2008

Hello! One film was shown on TV about a year ago, (I really didn’t watch it myself) where the Japanese explored the water, took 2 three liter jars, they poured the same water and put it in the same place for like a month. They spoke good words to one jar and after a certain time the water in it turned green. And they scolded the other one and said bad things, and in this jar the water turned rotten and yellow.
So why am I talking about this, you will not get rid of the idea of ​​suicide until you stop feeding it with the same depressive energy. Maybe there is no one to tell you good words of love every day, so try to warm yourself from the inside. Inside, everyone’s heart is full of love, but sometimes there is no opportunity for it to manifest itself. And once you warm yourself, you can give warmth and joy to others. Well, at least instead of looking at the scars, look at the sky, at the Sun, take an example from it, its light is inexhaustible, because it gives warmth and joy: D
I wish you happiness! Write!

Tolik, age: 22/06/29/2008

I agree with Brother that it is the demons that inspire obsessive thoughts in you, and only confession, prayer and conversation with an Orthodox priest can defeat them. Don't give them the power to destroy you! This is the only way to defeat them! God help you!

Love, age: 20 / 30.06.2008

Here are a couple of good parables

Parable "The Ring of Solomon"

Once upon a time there lived wise king Solomon. But, despite his wisdom, his life was not calm.
And one day King Solomon turned to the court sage for advice with the request:
“Help me - there are a lot of things in this life that can make me angry. I am very subject to passions, and this really bothers me!”
To which the sage replied:
“I know how to help you. Put this ring on and the phrase “THIS SHALL PASS” is engraved on it. When you feel great anger or great joy, look at this inscription and it will sober you up. In this you will find salvation from passions!
As time passed, Solomon followed the advice of the Sage and found peace.
But the moment came and one day, as usual, looking at the ring, he did not calm down, but on the contrary, he lost his temper even more.
He tore the ring off his finger and wanted to throw it further into the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some kind of inscription on the inside of the ring.
He looked closer and read:

Parable "Two Wolves"

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:
- There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.
The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:
- Which wolf wins in the end?
The old man smiled and answered:
- The wolf you win always wins
you feed.

Good luck! Write!

Tolik, age: 22 / 30.06.2008

Dear dela-vie!
You are asking us for advice. As one character in Dumas’s book (Athos) said, people ask for advice only in order not to follow it, and if they follow it, then so that they have someone to blame later... But nevertheless, support is something what is so often and fatally lacking. You are doing the right thing in thinking about your loved ones. Think about whether your “deliverance” is worth their torment until death. And you won’t get freedom... you will get EMPTINITY. And pain from memories that you will NEVER be able to bury you. NEVER. And add to this your thoughts that those who love you are suffering terribly there on earth... and you will NEVER be able to be with them, hug them, hold them close, talk to them, make them feel better their fate... I myself am a loser - my hands are scarred, I was pulled out of the noose 2 times. On the third I realized THIS and got out myself. So think, or better yet, feel it. Is your MOMENTARY whim worth MANY YEARS of pain???

Blade-in-Darkness, age: 19/06/30/2008

There is no need to focus on yourself. Around you, thousands of people are dying from incurable diseases, and in orphanages, thousands of children suffer from a lack of maternal love and emotional deprivation. Think, maybe you could help them with something (get a job as a nurse in an oncology hospital or in an orphanage) .Think about this carefully and talk to your local priest about this topic.

Max, age: 25 / 07/01/2008

Brother, .. everything is much simpler here on the site. I wrote, read, some comments not the first time, but in life... in life you have to be strong - you have to open up 100% and be ready to listen and not just listen, but accept what they say, and sometimes..
Thank you for your advice in sincere repentance.

Tolik, .. just thank you!
you told me the truth that I rejected

Blade-in-Darkness, harshly written - very... makes you think well and for a long time
please: you are not a failure.
just... just don't think like that to yourself please

Max, you are right about other people who are even worse off. To work with children with serious diagnoses, you need to be very, very strong yourself. Unfortunately, I'm not that strong yet. my activity now is precisely working with children, though with ordinary ones who go to school, walk in the yard - we come up with games and come to the courtyards inviting the children to play the prepared game - and they are happy and we, me personally, are distracted from everything, because it is difficult to ensure that all children have a good time and everyone likes the proposed game. I don’t know if this is what you meant, but I’m probably not ready for other forms of interaction yet, or rather, I’m not ready to try to start. Yes, and I like this activity.

Love, apparently yes, apparently this is the only way out
thoughts: I accidentally missed your message, probably just because... it’s difficult to do.

dela-vie, age: 20 / 07/01/2008

Good afternoon,

You've probably encountered computer viruses. Evil spirits behave in approximately the same way: they insert their ideas and images into a person’s consciousness.
The battle that evil spirits are waging with you is like a fencing tournament. Your enemy makes an injection, and another injection, this time deeper. And you don't resist.
Your task is to deflect attacks with the rapier of the mind. Let's say there is a vague fear of a knife. Put a mental cover on the knife and make an effort to immediately close this plot with the knife. The head is yours after all, you control it. If you are still offered to put the blade to your body, well, put it mentally (in the case)
To cutting board. Never apply a blade to the body and generally do not transfer this struggle from the purely mental area to the area of ​​action. This is in your power, because the will is yours, the muscles are also yours. Do not give them into slavery to all evil spirits! Then the level of security will increase.
However, you know, these demons are so cunning and boring that we humans cannot completely overcome them on our own. You need to ask for help, say at least in a mental whisper: “Lord, have mercy.”

P.S. Avoid privacy.

Princess N, age: 46 / 07/06/2008

A lot of good things have been written here, I agree with everyone. I want to add something of my own. Imagine for a moment that you cut your veins “more severely than usual” and got an infection. They saved you and everything was ok, you just had to cut off your hand. To the elbow. Right. And then I fell in love and here is the wedding. You are standing in a carved dress, a veil, your beloved, guests around and you are the most beautiful. But without an arm up to the elbow. Right. The one on which the ring is put. Rings are served. in the left hand there is a bouquet. Where should I put it? And anyway, everyone is staring...
Life is wonderful. But it can hit everyone. Fight. Be smart. Sometimes it affects me too. Then I sober myself up loudly, talking to myself.
And 20 years is wonderful :) And don’t sit at home, go out for a walk. You will succeed :) Good luck :)

Julia, age: 22 / 07/07/2008

Princess N, thanks for the advice, although it’s not entirely clear how to manage thoughts. In a normal state they are mine, but if desired, they no longer obey

Julia, thank you for this tremendous support!

dela-vie, age: 20 / 07/08/2008

Rules for dealing with bad thoughts:

We must fight all bad and dangerous thoughts.
It’s better to fight right away, before the thought has time to get stronger and become insolent.
The strongest weapon in this fight is prayer.
You also need to think about how to defeat the thought. This technique helps me: modify dangerous thoughts into similar, but safe ones (this applies, first of all, to figurative ideas).

Save me, God!

Princess N, age: 46 / 07/12/2008

Dear dela-vie!

Harsh, but true. And the loser is more likely in quotes, because 3 times I never accomplished my plan... and, you know, I don’t regret it. And I agree with Yulia about the infection. I study at a medical institute, where they tell and show such nightmares about infections... here’s another piece of advice: try to apply not scars to yourself, but stripes with a red felt-tip pen on your hand. A small psychological trick, but they say it works for some. A kind of ritual bloodless scarification. This will make it easier to fight your illness... And don’t stop fighting, your life and the fate of your family are in your hands. Take advantage of this while you have the opportunity, because nothing lasts forever and no one lasts forever! And perseverance and loyalty to you.

Blade-in-the-darkness, age: 19/07/23/2008

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The popularity of the material is due not only to its low cost, but also to its ease of processing. In this article we will look at how to properly cut corrugated sheeting so as not to damage its protective zinc and polymer layer. For cutting you will need ordinary tools, many of which are likely to be found in any home. Since the corrugated sheet weighs little, it can be sawed right on the spot.

Features of the process and material

Rolled metal with stiffeners in the form of waves, squares or trapezoids is made of steel and aluminum with a thickness of 0.3-1.2 mm. Thick sheets marked “C” (wall) are used mainly for the construction of fences. Load-bearing corrugated sheet“N” and roofing “PK” are more suitable for arranging canopies and roofs. The “NS” brand is universal and is used for covering the roofs of buildings and structures and erecting fences.

Despite the ease of processing, when cutting profiled sheets it is necessary to adhere to certain rules so as not to disturb the surface of the galvanization and special protective film. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate and begin to rust.

What is the best way to cut corrugated sheets? Power tools:

It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Depending on the specific task: material thickness, cut line shape and installation features, different types tools. Much depends on personal preferences.


Long term exposure high temperatures causes the greatest harm to the galvanized surface of corrugated sheets. The polymer or paint coating can also peel off from the material during heating above 200-250°C. The use of gas-cutting equipment, as well as grinders with conventional discs, for processing corrugated sheets is extremely undesirable. Indeed, in the process of peeling and even burning of the coating, edge corrosion quickly appears - lateral cracks at the ends of the sheets.

Abrasive discs are capable of heating metal up to 600°C. For acrylic, polyurethane or PVC coatings, they are dangerous and fly out for quite a long time. long distance sparks from under the disk. Plus, after cutting with ordinary discs, burrs remain on the metal that will need to be removed. And the tool makes a lot of noise when cutting.

Cutting with a grinder is allowed only with the use of cutting discs with finer teeth. The edges after processing are quite smooth, with minimal damage to the coating. However, even in this case, in order to avoid the appearance of pockets of corrosion, you should be extremely careful and avoid overheating and sparking. By the way, there is much less noise when cutting with cutting discs.

Disc for cutting corrugated sheets with a grinder

To work with profiled sheets, you need to purchase a special disk of small thickness (no more than 1.0-1.6 mm) made of carbide metal. It is intended specifically for cutting profiled sheets. The edge after processing is more accurate. Some specialists with diamond-coated discs can easily process a pack of corrugated sheets with a thickness of 10 sheets at once.


If you don’t have other tools at hand, you can use a jigsaw to cut a small amount of material with a profile height of up to 20-25 mm. With a high wave it will tear the canvas. And the tool itself can quickly fail.

Before starting work, the sheet is fixed on the table (ordinary sawhorses are also suitable) so that the edge is suspended 10 centimeters from the surface. It is more convenient to use a jigsaw with a laser pointer - the line will be smoother. It is pressed tightly against the sheet and cut along a pre-designated line. To avoid injuries, you only need to hold the corrugated sheet, and not completely lean on it.

It is more difficult to cut a large amount of corrugated sheeting with a jigsaw, so professional roofers use it mainly to obtain shaped cuts. Such an adjustment may be necessary when laying the roof in areas adjacent to smoke or ventilation pipes. It will take much more time to obtain long longitudinal lines using it than when working with an angle grinder.

Important! Just as in the case of an angle grinder, the jigsaw should not be set at high speeds. Otherwise, the corrugated sheeting will simply burn out.

Electric shears for metal

Working with them when processing thin 1-mm metal is quite convenient - they are not inferior in speed to an angle grinder. With some skill, in a short time, electric scissors can cut a sufficient amount of material both in a straight line and along curved lines.

However, tin snips often curl the edges. Therefore, after processing, you may need to straighten the sheets using a mallet. If it is not at hand, the edge is trimmed with a regular hammer, after placing a wooden spacer.

Perfect option for cutting - nibblers. Essentially, this is a miniature punch press. Since the cut line goes in two directions at once, the corrugated sheet is not deformed. You can even start work from the middle of the sheet. To avoid burrs, before starting work, adjust the scissors so that the tool is turned at 90° to the line being cut. However, the tool is not cheap, and it is used mainly by professionals.

Electric circular saw

Speed hand saw 2 times less than that of an angle grinder, so the metal almost does not melt during processing. With this power tool you can cut quite a large amount of material in a short time.

An electric saw, just like a grinder, must be equipped with a disk for cutting corrugated sheets - they are sold in all hardware stores. A special cutting table will also be needed. When working, you should act carefully - the saw produces a large amount of chips, which can fly off at any moment. If you have no experience working with it, it is better not to undertake cutting corrugated sheets.

Advice! To adjust the profile, you can use a drill attachment. It is quite capable of cutting small sizes of corrugated sheets in hard-to-reach areas.

Hand tools for corrugated sheets

In addition to power tools, there are also hand tools. They are difficult and slow to work with, but hand tools have their advantages. They may well be useful for small amounts of work or the need for a neat cut.

Hacksaw for metal

Professionals often use this tool for cutting profiled sheets. Of course, working with it is a little more time-consuming. But cutting with a hacksaw has many advantages:

  • the cuts are perfectly smooth, without chips and do not require additional processing;
  • it can cut even the thickest sheets without any problems;
  • there is no need to lay a cable to the installation site - in this case there will be no need for electricity;
  • a hacksaw is safer than any power tool, and a non-professional can work with it - the likelihood of injury is much less;
  • Great physical strength is not required when working: it is quite possible to cut roofing sheets with your own hands.

To work, you will need a table and devices for fixing sheets. Otherwise, you will have to hire an assistant who will hold the corrugated sheet.

Important! Use a hacksaw to make straight cuts only. Curvilinear lines are best done with scissors.


With this tool it is possible to make cuts of any shape, including curved ones. But a manual jigsaw is much smaller in size than a hacksaw, so it will take a long time to cut. Perhaps it can only be useful for processing short curved sections. As with the jigsaw, the limitation is the wavelength. With a profile over 25 cm, the edges will be cut unevenly and will look torn.

Metal scissors

This tool may be needed to obtain curved cuts. It can also be used for processing a small number of thin-walled corrugated sheets. However, in any case, the cutting process will be longer than when working with a power tool.

The only advantage of metal scissors is the complete preservation of the coating during processing. But it is better to use them as an additional tool if edge processing across the wave is required. The ideal option is slotted scissors. Punching and knife cutters do not have a special head that allows for an accurate cut.

How to protect cut edges from corrosion?

Even if special tools are used, the edge of the corrugated sheet after cutting requires additional processing to protect it from oxidation. To do this, you can coat the edges of the sheets with a special compound (mastic or primer) or paint the cut lines with anti-corrosion paint, similar in shade to the color of the protective layer.

Many installers cannot determine how to cut metal tiles correctly. Today there are many opinions that do not always truthfully reflect the essence of this process. First of all, it should be taken into account that metal tiles are roofing material, which consists of galvanized metal coated with various protective coatings. For this reason, most traditional cutting methods can negatively affect the subsequent operation of the roofing. If you use cutting methods not recommended by the metal tile manufacturer, all warranty obligations are automatically canceled.

It is worth knowing that the most acceptable option is to order cutting directly from the manufacturer, who has everything necessary tool and specialists. But due to the presence of installation difficulties discovered directly during the installation of the roof, this method alone will not work.

How to preserve the protective layer

To know how to cut metal tiles correctly, you should clearly understand its design. Metal tiles in most cases consist of the following components:

  • galvanized corrugated sheet of thin metal;
  • polymer protective layer;
  • paint layer.

When carrying out the technological cutting operation, deformation of the paint and polymer layer should be avoided. In the future, this leads to the appearance of pockets of corrosion, which subsequently spread to the entire sheet of metal tiles. For this reason, when working with a tool, the following factors dangerous to roofing material should be avoided:

  • sparks that can burn protective coatings down to the metal;
  • mechanical bending, which leads to cracking of the protective coating.

One of the most frequently asked questions from roofers starting their professional activities is whether it is possible to cut metal tiles with a grinder? The answer, of course, will be negative, this is associated with a high risk of damage to the protective layers of paint and polymer coating when operating this power tool.

It is worth knowing that some “craftsmen” use an angle grinder (grinder) to cut metal tiles, after which they paint the cut line and claim that the protective properties of the material have been completely restored. After treatment with a grinder, the likelihood of corrosion is very high, so almost all manufacturers prohibit its use when installing their products.

Features of choosing a cutting tool

Most manufacturers indicate in their recommendations what can be used to cut metal tiles. This list includes the following tools:

  • hand saw for cutting metal;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • electric nibblers;
  • circular saw with carbide teeth.

In his work, each installer independently chooses which tool to cut, which in most cases depends on the volume of work and the complexity of the cut.

To decide which is better to cut metal tiles, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the cutting pattern and the volumes that need to be completed. Thus, large sheets of roofing material are best processed with a circular saw, nibbler or jigsaw. It is better to make pieces for drip or junctions with scissors or a hacksaw for cutting metal.

A circular saw must have a disk with teeth; an abrasive one will not work in this case. The ease of use of a circular saw is determined by its high productivity, which is very convenient when installing a large roof area. One of the main inconveniences is that working with a circular saw can only be done on a hard surface of the ground. For this reason, it will not be possible to adjust the roofing material “in place” with its help.

Cutting metal tiles with a jigsaw is one of the most available ways make cutting. For this purpose, it is necessary to stock up on a large number of fine-toothed jigsaw files. Cutting metal tiles with a jigsaw is significantly slower circular saw, but there is good opportunity perform technological operations directly on the roof. Another significant disadvantage of a jigsaw is the increased consumption of files, which very quickly wear off on the metal tiles.

Nibblers belong to the class of expensive professional power tools. They allow you to cut metal tiles without creating any defects. The speed of operation and the ability to be used both on the ground and on the roof make electric nibblers one of the most optimal solutions this issue. The only drawback of this instrument– this is its considerable price, which starts from $500.