Is an outdoor toilet needed in a private house? Country toilets. Water closet - comfortable bathroom

Every summer resident wants to provide the most comfortable living conditions on his site. One of the main conditions is the presence of a toilet. Therefore, this structure can be considered the main one and, as a rule, it is build the very first on an empty garden plot.

The simplest option- This is an ordinary pit with a stall installed on top, but such a typical wooden toilet has two significant disadvantages: strong smell And the need for periodic cleaning of the toilet.

Therefore, today we will try to discuss how to make a toilet for a summer house without smell and pumping out sewage.

Regular toilet

A typical country toilet with cesspool

A standard village pit toilet cannot exclude unpleasant odors and requires periodic cleaning or relocation to a new location. But with the right arrangement you can reduce these negative factors to a minimum.

  • Firstly, it is advisable to do bigger hole. Many people dig a hole up to 2 meters deep and even more. 🙂 This significantly delays the moment when cleaning the pit is necessary. Some toilets with a large pit, when living seasonally in a country house, and even more so when visiting only on weekends without a large number of people, work for up to 20 years! And to prevent the pit from crumbling, some summer residents put concrete rings there.
  • Secondly, the pit should be located behind the toilet. That is, the booth is not placed directly in the center of the pit, but as if in front of it with a slight approach. The seat with the hole is located in the rear part of the toilet stall.
  • And thirdly, you definitely need to do good extraction from the pit. If there is constant draft in the exhaust pipe, there will be no smell in the stall due to proper ventilation of the toilet. The exhaust pipe is located behind the cabin and runs from the top of the pit to a level above the cabin by about half a meter. The air is drawn out through the hood and enters the pit through the hole in the toilet. At the same time, the cabin always has clean fresh air from the street, and there is almost no smell.

Nowadays they often sell ready-made toilets for summer cottages - wooden cabins. Which only need to be installed on the pit and the toilet is ready for use. The installation of the toilet itself does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is to place the booth level and fasten it securely.

Powder closet

Homemade powder closet for the dacha

This outdoor toilet in a country house without a cesspool.

It works in a similar way to a peat dry closet.

A container for waste (usually a bucket) is placed under the seat, and after defecation sprinkle the waste with sawdust, ash, peat or peat from a special container using a scoop.

The waste container itself is periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Plastic toilet for a summer residence

Standard portable plastic toilet

This option is often used in various street cafes and at various events with large crowds of people in the open air. It is a plastic cabin with a waste container, into which a special container with chemicals for processing and disinfection of sewage.

Requires periodic cleaning. There are companies that replace such booths.

This option has the right to life within summer cottage, but is not very popular.

Toilet inside the house

Bucket toilet

Plastic bucket toilet

Perhaps this is the simplest option for a toilet in the country. Different from regular baby potty the presence of a full seat with a lid.

It is advisable to place a disposable bag inside, which should then be thrown away. But many people don’t do this and simply wash the bucket-toilet. The package must be durable and not leak.

This bucket is often used as night toilet. During the day, an outdoor closet is used, but at night it is too lazy and cold to go outside, so such a bucket is brought into the house. Popular with the older generation of summer residents.

Biotoilet based on microorganisms

Dry toilet-bucket

This is a bucket toilet 2.0 :), that is, a more advanced unit that does not emit an unpleasant odor. Can also be used indoors. Periodically requires backfilling with special biomass with bacteria that process waste. A special removable container allows you to pour already processed waste into the garden as fertilizer.

Peat dry closet

Peat toilet for a summer residence

One of the types of dry closets, where waste is sprinkled with peat from a special tank. Therefore there is almost no smell. This type of toilet is also called Finnish toilet.

To the toilet It is advisable to connect ventilation.

The operating principle of a peat toilet is as follows: waste is sprinkled with peat, then liquid waste is poured into a special container, or drain hole, and solid waste with peat must be periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Finnish peat toilets have recently become very popular among summer residents. The most popular models: Ekomatic, Piteco, Biolan.

Chemical based portable toilet

Portable toilet

Another option for a bucket toilet. But in this case waste is processed by a special mixture of chemical reagents, which is poured inside. Just like a dry closet with bacteria does not have a bad smell, but unlike it in this case Do not pour recycled waste onto garden beds because they are not harmless.

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closet

Outwardly similar to a portable dry closet, but unlike it, it is not mobile and requires connection to engineering systems.

The operating principle is that solid waste is separated from liquid waste, dried and transferred to a special container.

The liquid component is drained into the sewer (an underground drainage pit is sufficient without a full-fledged septic tank).

In addition, a ventilation connection is required to eliminate odor.

At its core is almost a regular toilet, but is used in cases where it is not possible to arrange a full-fledged sewerage system.

Full bathroom

Country bathroom in the house

Perhaps this most the best option For country house , but also dearest.

It requires a separate room in the house and engineering communications. A toilet is installed in the bathroom, to which water supply is supplied. The toilet is drained either into a drainage pit or into a septic tank.

  • Drain pit will require periodic pumping of waste using a sewer truck.
  • Septic tank does not require pumping, or requires it much less often, since it processes waste in several containers.

In addition to the complexity of arranging a separate bathroom, you should also remember that a house with a bathroom requires heating in winter period , otherwise at sub-zero temperatures you can defrost the water supply and toilet.

As a last resort, it is possible to drain the entire system for the winter and fill the toilet with non-freezing liquid.

But all difficulties are compensated by ease of use, so this option has become increasingly common in dachas, even in small houses.

Warm toilet in the country

Many summer residents are increasingly traveling to their dachas in winter. This is due to the fact that country roads began to be cleaned more often in winter, and the accessibility of the site has improved. A significant role in this belongs to those who have chosen for themselves year-round accommodation in the country. It is not uncommon to see full-fledged residential buildings in the country.

Outdoor heated toilet

It’s cold in winter, and the question arises of how to arrange warm toilet in the country.

If the toilet is inside the house, then the issue is resolved by itself - the bathroom will be warm.

What about the outdoor toilet? But this issue is also solvable.

  • First of all, winter The toilet in the country can be insulated. For example, use extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). It is inexpensive, holds heat well and is not afraid of moisture. In an insulated toilet, the temperature is always higher than outside. Yes, and basic protection from the wind will already create more comfortable conditions in the outdoor toilet in winter.
  • Secondly, you can heat the toilet. Yes, yes, don't laugh. Many people do this. Any heat source can be installed in an outdoor toilet. It could be electric heater and a heater using some kind of fuel. As a result, the cabin becomes warm and cozy on long winter evenings. 🙂

Which option should I choose?

What should you consider when choosing one option over another? The following factors should be considered:

Waste volume

Try to figure out how often you will use the toilet? How many people Will he go to the restroom? The volume of waste and, accordingly, the method of its disposal greatly depend on this. This is perhaps the main factor influencing the choice of toilet.

Depth of groundwater

At high level groundwater Pit latrines and, in some cases, septic tanks are excluded.

Check the groundwater level in the spring.


How much are you willing to spend for arranging a toilet? There are options from the cheapest to super expensive septic tanks. It all depends on your wallet and wishes.


Any toilets require waste disposal Sooner or later. Think about all this in advance when choosing one or another toilet option. You must understand how to clean your toilet, how difficult and expensive it is.


Most often, the design of a “place for reflection” is shelved. Usually this is a simple and unpretentious design (it’s good that it doesn’t get blown away by a gust of wind), consisting of wooden house and a cesspool. However, there are enthusiasts who approach this issue creatively, with soul and create a real masterpiece on their site, bringing the country bathroom closer. In today's review we will tell you what a country toilet can be and what technical solutions will be able to make it comfortable, and your care for it the least tiring.

As you have probably noticed, closets in the country can come in different forms: in the form of a house, a cabin, a booth, with or without fences, with or without cesspools. With certain carpentry and plumbing skills, building a comfortable bathroom in your dacha will not be difficult. Moreover, modern technologies make it possible to create a toilet without constructing a cesspool. How? Let's consider the options.

Advice! If your house is equipped with a water supply network and sewerage system, then the easiest option is to build a so-called “water closet”. The entire drainage system is installed inside the house, and the toilet itself is installed outside, which will free up space in the country house and get rid of foreign odors.

The water closet can only be used during the warm season. In winter, the water in the tank will simply freeze

Peat toilet: an option for everyone

An interesting type of toilet where waste must be covered with peat. For this purpose, a container with peat mass is specially installed next to the tank.

Important! It is advisable to connect ventilation to the toilet.

Such toilets have recently become increasingly popular: models such as Ekomatic, Piteco, Biolan are already familiar to most “advanced” summer residents. The liquid part is simply drained into a special tank, which must be emptied.

ecomatic dry closet

dry closet biolan

Powder-closet: the fastest in speed of assembly and installation

The powder closet can be installed in any corner or area. There is no need to dig a cesspool for it; just use a simple bucket or other container.

The entire structure also consists of a toilet seat where the toilet stand is installed

For repeated use, the waste is sprinkled with ordinary wood shavings. Ready-made designs equipped with a special mechanism for sprinkling.

Advice! Typically, this design is used in areas where, due to the groundwater level, it is impossible to dig a full-fledged cesspool. However, if you want to use the powder closet not outdoors, but indoors or in a closed perimeter, then it is better to provide a ventilation system.

Dry toilet: expensive but effective

Typically, a fairly expensive system is used in street cafes or in crowded places. However, there are also more compact designs that are quite suitable for country house. The principle of operation of a dry closet is simple. Chemicals are pumped into a special container where sewage enters, which work on the principle of treatment facilities.

The containers require cleaning, so you will have to “splurge” on periodic maintenance of the dry closet.

Country bucket toilet: simple and cheap

An even simpler version of a country closet. One of the most accessible and inexpensive. It works on the principle of a night vase, just a little larger in volume. A disposable bag is usually placed inside. Sometimes they don’t do this and simply disinfect the container after each use. These bucket toilets are very common in nursing homes. After all, very often it is difficult for older people to get to the bathroom on their own due to their age. A country bucket toilet can be an excellent replacement for an outdoor toilet during the cold season.

Chemical toilet: an interesting odorless toilet option

Variation of the bucket toilet. However, in this case, the waste cannot be used as a waste product, since it has already reacted with chemicals and can be dangerous for feeding plants.

Toilet in the country with a cesspool: a classic of country life

A classic country bathroom is an outdoor toilet with a dug cesspool. What designs do craftsmen come up with to turn a classic latrine into interesting element decor!

There are two types:

  • Option 1. Non-portable cesspool: a waste pit is built with a concrete base and equipped with filters so that the waste does not disturb the ecosystem of the site.

  • Option 2. Cesspool with a portable house. After filling one hole, it is preserved, pumped with special substances for rotting, and covered metal sheets. And the house is moved to another place, where a new closet is being dug.

Backlash closet: a universal solution for home and street

Such a toilet can be installed even in the absence of a sewerage system. This is an improved version of the classic cesspool. Such a system necessarily requires installation, but without the usual sewage system.

The advantages of such a toilet are that at first glance they are no different from a regular one. All odors are tightly hidden inside the container.

Important! The cesspool from the toilet towards the general storage tank goes with a slight expansion, and the bottom must be made with a slope.

Country toilet with shower: ideal for hot weather

This is a more expanded version of the water closet, the only difference is that it is equipped not only with a toilet, but also with a shower, possibly or a washbasin. This is a full-fledged open-air.

Which toilet is better to choose for a summer house: with or without a cesspool?

Of course, everything depends on financial capabilities. Sometimes the option with a cesspool will be ideal, in some cases you can get by with a bucket.

As we have already said, a cesspool is not suitable for every summer cottage. In this case, you can use other alternative ways and solutions.

Types of toilet models for country toilets

Do not place it in an outdoor toilet under any circumstances. The fact is that under the weight of the entire structure, taking into account the weight of a person, the wooden base of the toilet may not withstand it. This is why it is better to use a porcelain and plastic toilet. Before choosing a toilet, think about whether a simpler option for a country house building will suit you. require mandatory connection to water supply systems and drainage structures.

Provide pipe branches from all water points in advance. For example, a water closet provides for the drainage of sewage into a septic tank or cesspool.

Advice! A homemade tank requires mandatory sealing of the joints, usually these are concrete rings 100 - 150 mm thick; after they are created, the hatch is covered with a slab or sheet, which can be removed if necessary to pump out the wastewater using a sewer truck.

Plastic and ceramic toilet

The most versatile toilet of all is plastic. It is quite light, but at the same time durable. You can cut the bottom in yourself if you need to install it directly above the septic tank. They are also easy to wash, there are the most different variants colors and shapes.

Ceramic toilets are a little more expensive, but they also look more solid. Domestic models cost on average about 2,000 thousand rubles.

Which is better to buy a country toilet for an outdoor toilet?

  • There must be fastenings at the bottom of the device, otherwise it will be problematic to install it on;
  • the device should be as light as possible and the mechanisms should be simple;
  • The hole at the bottom should be wide to make it easier to clean.

What means can you use to eliminate odor in a country toilet with a cesspool?

In almost every version of a country toilet it is necessary to arrange a forced toilet, perhaps except for chemical ones. That is why it is better to take care of this at the stage of planning the closet.

If the ventilation pipe was not initially provided, then you can install it yourself. To do this, use a regular pipe or a piece of metal pipe; it is important to strengthen it into the cesspool. And bring the second half to the roof of the toilet, the edge should protrude. IN warm time years, the sun will heat the pipe, and it will begin to work like an exhaust hood .

Important! Under no circumstances should bleach be added to cesspools or peat toilets! It will kill all the necessary bacteria that are working hard to break down the waste.

bioactivator biosept

They are quite simple to use: the product must be diluted in water according to the instructions, poured into a cesspool, and then the bacteria will work independently without your help.

We list the most popular names:

  • "Intavir";
  • "Successful";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Sanex";
  • "Micropan";
  • "Doctor Robik";

The main advantage of using such products is their environmental friendliness, safety for the soil, as well as an additional deodorizing effect.

How to choose a place for an outdoor toilet for a summer house in accordance with regulations

When choosing the location of a country toilet, it is important to consider many factors. This is, first of all, the proximity to natural sources water, wells. Sanitary buildings should be located no closer than 25 meters to the water source.

If the terrain of the site is complex, then it is best to place the cesspool in a lowland rather than on a hill, otherwise the runoff may spread into the soil of the entire site.

Install the toilet away from residential buildings, including neighbors, as a gust of wind can carry an unpleasant “aroma” out the window to your neighbors.

Advice! If you plan to use a sewer truck to clean the wastewater, place the cesspool closer to the entrance

If your site has a high level, any manipulations with digging cesspools are extremely contraindicated. Otherwise, you risk destroying the harvest and spoiling it. In this case, the only solution may be a sealed storage container.

Country toilet projects - drawings with dimensions and photos

We propose to study the most interesting, in our opinion, drawings of country plumbing buildings, the implementation of which will not be difficult.

Previously, there was complete certainty with dachas. If the owner was not a responsible leader or a member of a creative union with regalia and titles, then we were talking about a plot of 4 or 6 acres in a dacha cooperative and a small garden house"no amenities" And the country toilet in most cases was a free-standing “birdhouse” above the cesspool. And although such dachas now exist and flourish (in the spring and summer in the literal sense of the word), the summer resident is no longer the same - he prefers comfort and does not want to give up his habits even outside the city.

When the aesthetic component is higher than the functional one Source

Features of arranging a toilet in the country

Such an important aspect as the arrangement of a country toilet has a mandatory regulatory framework. Including an article in the code of administrative violations, according to which the discharge of fresh sewage into compost or a well without a bottom is regarded as a fact of “damage to the earth” (the same as the use of a leaky cesspool).

According to the standards, there are three ways to collect, neutralize and remove sewage at the dacha:

  • local (local) treatment facilities;
  • using cesspool devices;
  • non-sewered methods followed by composting.

We have already decided that building a toilet in a country house in a “classical” outhouse form is not practiced in a modern country house. As a result, all attention should be paid to arranging a more civilized and modern organization of the “latrine”.

A modern country toilet can be located both inside the house and outside Source

Popular solutions

The disadvantage of a separate cabin, which is called a “yard amenity”, is the seasonality of use. That is, you can use it in warm weather, but not when it gets cold. And what to do in cases where in late autumn and winter the dacha is used as a place for a country weekend getaway - fishing, barbecue, etc.? Especially if a family is leaving - women and children. Therefore, such dachas require a warm toilet that would be heated along with the house. And there are several such options:

  • autonomous “winter” sewerage plus water supply;
  • backlash-closet;
  • dry closet

Autonomous sewerage

This type of “country toilet” has the same design schemes as country house permanent residence. And to reduce the load on wastewater treatment plants It is recommended to separate wastewater into “gray” and “black”.

“Grey” drains are those that enter the sewer system from the kitchen or bathroom, and “black” drains are those from toilets.

A system without waste separation simplifies the organization of country sewerage, but increases maintenance costs Source

There must be provision for draining water from the system when the dacha is uninhabited in cold weather. And the most “problematic” part of this procedure is the water seals, from which the water will not drain by gravity. There is an option to maintain the air temperature by the heating system at +7 °C - many modern gas and electric boilers have a “freeze protection” function. But the disadvantages of such a system are obvious:

  • large initial investments during the construction phase;
  • significant costs for maintaining the system in working order;
  • dependence on the stability of the power supply (in the absence of owners, if the network fails in winter, the system may freeze and the pipes may burst).

This option makes sense if the family budget allows such costs or the dacha is located close to the city and is used often (as a country house).

Backlash closet

IN classic version Not far from the wall of the house, behind which the bathroom is located (almost underneath it), there is a cesspool.

Diagram of a classic backlash closet when the exhaust pipe is next to the chimney in the same channel. This increases draft and improves air quality in the toilet room Source

It is impossible to equip a backlash closet as a combined bathroom in a city apartment. A toilet with a flush and a water seal is rarely used in this case - there is water in the outlet “elbow” plus excess liquid, which leads to unscheduled pumping. And the discharge from the sink and shower is classified as gray waste, and can be discharged into a filter trench or well with sand and gravel backfill. If we take into account that the backlash closet has an inherent smell, then the “conveniences” have to be divided for this reason.

Inside the dacha, it is better to separate such a toilet with a vestibule or a corridor, and inside it is necessary to provide ventilation - a separate pipe (ventilation duct) for the pit and a forced one for the room, or install a window with a window for ventilation. By the way, the window will also be a source of natural light, and to ensure privacy, the glass can be frosted or blinds installed.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer construction installation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Video description

To see what a backlash closet is, watch the video:

There are certain recommendations for pit placement. It is better to place it on the north side of the house or in the shade of trees. And away from front door, palisade, lawns for children, benches, gazebos and summer kitchen. Of course, the hatch of a classic cesspool must be sealed, but the process of pumping out the contents itself is not always accurate.

Attention. The construction of a cesspool must be agreed upon at the stage of the dacha toilet design with local authorities for the protection of groundwater and the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Water closet

This is a simplified version of “autonomous sewerage”, but without cleaning Wastewater(the most expensive part of the system).

In the modern version, the cesspool is replaced by a large plastic container (up to 20 m3) with three holes (for fan pipe, ventilation and pumping) – storage septic tank. Of course, you have to dig a hole here too, but you don’t have to build it from prefabricated reinforced concrete rings or bricks, or pour concrete into formwork for a monolithic structure. And then also install a concrete floor on the ground, plus it is necessary to carry out reliable and complex waterproofing of the entire structure so that “black” drains do not get into the ground, and vice versa - seasonal high water does not fill the hole.

A modern storage septic tank is better than a cesspool Source

The septic tank cannot simply be buried in the ground - it must have a solid foundation so that it is in a stable position.

To reduce the one-time portion of water, you can use toilets with a tank capacity of 4 liters and an economy mode of 2 liters. And in this case, a 2 mÂł tank can withstand from 500 to 1000 flushes, which is quite enough for a month of permanent residence for a family of three (subject to separation of wastewater).

The only problem that remains is the winter freezing of water in the water seal. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. fill in “anti-freeze”, which is used in cars for washing windows;
  2. pump out water with a syringe for technical fluids or for changing oils (standard volume up to 0.5 l);

With this syringe you can pump out water from the water seal in several steps. Source

For septic tanks with biological sewage treatment, the use of “aggressive” liquids is undesirable. Although the volume is small, the microorganisms that neutralize sewage will partially die.

Regardless of the method of arranging a cesspool, the inconvenience of maintenance is the same - you need to periodically call a sewer truck. And also provide for its entry into the site and platform at such a distance from the tank hatch that the suction hose reaches almost to the bottom of the pit.

Dry toilet

There are several important different systems, which can be combined under this name, but not all of them are suitable for a summer residence.

  • First "dry" dry toilet has been known for a long time - this is a powder-closet.

The simplest powder closet Source

But if earlier craftsmen were looking for schemes for self-made, then now it is much easier to choose a ready-made factory kit, and then buy consumables for it. The difference from the classic one is compactness, a more “active” powder (which speeds up the process of composting waste), a sealed lid, a separate pipe for removing gases released during the processing of feces, and the almost complete absence of a “constant” odor.

This type of toilet is quite popular in dachas, since it does not require connection to water supply and electricity, and as a result, you can end up with pure organic fertilizer.

The device is simple - a toilet seat, under it there is a reservoir for feces, which, as you use the toilet, is sprinkled with peat from a separate or upper container (like a tank, but with a rotary handle).

Factory peat dry closet already with an exhaust pipe Source

IN modern models Not just peat chips are used, but a mixture “enriched” with microorganisms. When the bottom tank is full, it is emptied into a compost pit, where fertilizer for the beds is formed over a couple of years.

There are two disadvantages – manual cleaning and “performance”. With a large number of visits, peat may not always have time to absorb all the liquid - and although it is already quite clean after processing, it must be drained from the lower tank. Therefore, it is better to build a toilet of this design separately from the country house.

There are also two advantages - free fertilizer and no cesspool.

Video description

For a clear overview of the choice of dry toilets for your dacha, watch the video:

  • Electric dry toilets. In this species, as a result of work, the “waste products” are divided into two phases – liquid and solid. The liquid enters the evaporator, and the solid component is burned or dried to a “mummified” state and collected in a special container, which is emptied into a compost pit - and this needs to be done much less frequently than for a peat dry closet.

For normal operation, two conditions are necessary - the presence of electricity and the installation of a ventilation pipe from the “combustion chamber”. There is only one drawback - high cost. But if you compare the prices with designer models of conventional toilets, they are not so significantly different.

The electric dry closet is the easiest to maintain and does not require consumables Source

  • For chemical dry toilets There are two types of reagents - formaldehyde and ammonium. The first essentially stops the biological decomposition of feces and “kills” the odor, but it is toxic. The second regent is used in septic tanks, and it processes wastewater without the presence of air, although with frequent use the process simply does not have time to reach the formation of compost mass.

Chemical toilets are only good when there is a nearby company that services them. Disposal of the contents of the tank must be carried out by their employees.

Chemical toilets have portable models - they can be transported in the trunk of a car Source

They also produce dry toilets that use drugs using special bacteria to process sewage. But microorganisms obtained as a result of genetic engineering and “grown” artificially do not create compost that would be suitable for fertilizer. And they, along with their contents, must be handed over for recycling.

The procedure for installing a country toilet-cubicle

The easiest way to build a toilet in a summer cottage is to buy a ready-made cabin made of wood, corrugated sheet or plastic.

Even inside a yard toilet you can provide a modern level of comfort Source

Then there are two options for further action: make a cesspool or install one of the dry closet models.

A cesspool can be of two types: concrete (or brick) and based on a large container similar to a septic tank, but with its own “working” holes.

The classic cesspool over which the cabin stands is an anachronism, because the smell in the cabin will always be there. In this case, it is better to use a water closet design - with a sealed container and a toilet with a water seal. And at a dacha for seasonal residence, the tank can be connected to the summer water supply.

Ready-made models of toilet stalls can be found to suit every taste Source

Conclusion - which is better to choose?

Despite the abundance of country toilet projects on the Internet with drawings of cabins for every taste, it is better to buy a ready-made one - the difference in money is small, especially considering the wholesale and retail prices for building materials. And if there is no model that matches your desires or landscape design, that is, there is also a custom manufacturing service.

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A toilet in a country house or how to find a way out when there is none

In our house, like everyone else in the area, the problem of recycling sewage is solved simply: it flows into a shambo - a cesspool without a bottom. Since all the plots are quite large, and the drinking water supply is centralized, there are no problems with space for the pit.

Our city friends also decided to make a comfortable toilet in country house where they go all year round and suffer from the lack of usual amenities. Especially when it’s night, frost or bad weather outside.

And then the question arose before them: where to place such a pit in a small area? After all, there is a water well right there, and vegetables and fruits grow, for which such a neighborhood is contraindicated. And burying a sealed container in the ground means calling a sewer truck every month, which is very expensive (considering the remoteness of the site from civilization), and in winter it is simply impossible.

Two plus two equals... five

Deciding to explore everything possible options How to make a warm toilet in the country and choose the most suitable one, we, together with our comrades yearning for convenience, discovered that there are many of them. I will describe all that are worthy of attention, as well as my friends’ arguments against most of them.

Two quick and inexpensive ways to get yourself into a lot of trouble

Who doesn’t want to spend little, do it quickly and still get great results? But this either does not happen, or happens as an exception. However, first we began to look for the most inexpensive options. And quite expectedly, we discovered the following popular solutions:

  • Liquid dry toilet. Outwardly it looks like a plastic box with a lid. It consists of two parts: a lower reservoir for collecting waste and a toilet seat. A liquid preparation containing live bacteria is poured into the tank, processing waste and turning it into an odorless liquid. It can be safely poured into compost or directly onto the beds. We’ll talk about the disadvantages later, but the advantages of this device definitely include mobility: you can build a house for a dry closet in the country and install it there, and take it into the house at night or for the winter.

  • Peat dry closet. It resembles a regular one and is installed permanently. But it is connected not to the water supply and sewerage, but to ventilation duct, or the exhaust pipe for odor removal is specially arranged. Instead of water, the “tank” contains peat, which, when “flushed,” covers excrement, absorbs liquid and participates in the mineralization of waste, turning it into fertilizer. They are disposed of in a compost heap or immediately poured under bushes and trees. You can also build a toilet house for such a toilet, but you won’t take it home. Therefore, it is better to immediately install it in place.

In addition to the simplicity and speed of installation of a dry closet and its relative cheapness, the advantages also include the absence of problems with waste disposal: they are dumped into compost and will also serve as a natural fertilizer for the beds.

But both of these options were categorically rejected for one simple reason: the need to frequently empty the storage tank. In the case of a liquid design, this would have to be done almost every day, depending on the frequency of visits to the dacha.

The peat one needs to be emptied less often, since it has a larger volume, but this is also not much pleasant. Especially in winter.

Our comrades work at the airport, and it’s closer to their dacha than to a city apartment, so for them the dacha is a second home, where after work they want to relax and not do not-so-pleasant things.

Nevertheless, dry toilets deserve the attention of those who rarely visit a country house or live there only during the warm season.

Two difficult and long ways to get rid of the problem forever

You can buy a dry toilet, bring it, put it in place and use it right away, but you must clean it constantly and regularly. We needed an option that would allow us to completely forget about such a need and create “urban” conditions at the dacha.

Preferably with the possibility of installing a shower cabin and a washing machine. Therefore, modern waterless devices were dismissed without regret.

Everything is in order with the water supply: there is a well on the site with pumping station. You only need to solve the sewage problem, and you can install a full-fledged bathroom in the house.

Again we consider two standard methods:

  • Shambo or cesspool without a bottom with filtration of liquid into the ground. It's like ours. The walls of the well are made of concrete rings or brickwork, the bottom is filled with coarse gravel. Using the same preparations with live bacteria once or twice a year allows you to avoid calling the vacuum cleaners, or at least do this once every few years. Since they turn everything into liquid and clean the walls and bottom of the chambo well from silt deposits, you don’t have to worry about pumping for a very long time.

  • Septic tank. Consists of two containers dug into the ground. The instructions for its construction also provide for the use of chemical or biological decomposition of excrement and other solid waste in the first sealed container. From it, liquid waste flows through a pipe into a filter well, and from there it seeps into the ground or is discharged into a drain.

In both cases, all wastewater from plumbing fixtures is collected in the house at one point and discharged to a receiver through a sewer pipe running underground below its freezing level.

And again, both options are not suitable for us due to the small size of the plot in which “food” grows everywhere. According to sanitary standards, the distance from the septic tank or cesspool to the water source should be at least 20 meters, and to plantings and fruit trees used for food - 5 meters. The same amount - to the border with the neighboring plot. So in our case there was no way to withstand them.

A septic tank would be suitable, since waste in a sealed container cannot penetrate the soil, but to install it, it would be necessary to dig up half of the site, damaging trees and bushes, and destroying paths. So if you are just starting to build Vacation home and improve the area, plan for “conveniences” right away, there will be fewer problems in the future.

And we had to “look for the fifth corner.” That is, some other option, in which all the initial data and wishes of the owners of the dacha would be taken into account. And such a solution, which is a kind of mix of all the described methods, was found.

The need for invention is cunning

At the dacha, in addition to the indoor toilet, you also definitely need an outdoor toilet, so as not to drag dust and dirt into the room if it suddenly gets “stirring” while digging, weeding or watering. Should we also look for a place for it? No, excuse me.

Having organized a collective brainstorm, we found a simple but very successful solution, and then we all implemented it with our own hands. I'll describe it in order.

  • We bought three meter-long concrete rings;
  • They dug a hole a little over three meters deep and with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the rings;
  • Coarse gravel with a layer thickness of 15-20 cm was poured into the bottom of the pit and rings were installed without sealing the joints between them. Moreover, they made holes in the bottom one;

  • The space between the walls of the well and the soil was also covered with gravel;
  • A plastic container was lowered into the well, making only one small hole in the upper part of the wall;
  • The sewer pipe was removed from the house so that the drain from it was located above a plastic container filled to the hole with water with a biological product containing live bacteria dissolved in it;
  • The well was covered with a concrete lid with two holes - large and small. And on it they installed an outdoor toilet with a country toilet exactly above the large hole. A small pipe with a lid was inserted into the small one to check the liquid level in the well.

How it works? It’s very simple: all human waste from the house and street toilet goes straight into a container with an active liquid, which decomposes and disinfects it.

So that the concentration of the solution remains working, and the not yet “digested” feces do not overflow, a hole is made through which only liquid can pour out. The distance from it to the top edge allows you to flush the toilet several times in a row or take a shower.

The processed liquid pouring out from the internal container without solid inclusions enters the well and seeps into the lower layers of the soil through the bottom. Only in the spring, during a flood, does the water rise a maximum of half a meter (checked with a long rod through an inspection pipe), but quickly finds a way out through holes in the walls.

Of course the concentration of active substances in the plastic barrel must be maintained at, otherwise the system will not work as it should. This is also done very simply: a small amount of the biological product is periodically poured into the toilet and flushed. A one and a half liter bottle is enough for 1-3 months: in summer, when permanent residence, spend more, less in winter.

Over the past two years there have been no problems using the system. But if you suddenly need to pump out liquid from a plastic container, this can be done through a wide and straight hole in the country toilet.

After all the work was completed, a nice “corner of thoughtfulness” appeared on the site, planted on three sides with flowers. And, what’s nice, there is no unpleasant odor in it even in the heat - Bioclever works just fine. And even more so in the house.

And you don’t have to worry about soil contamination, or think about when it’s time to empty the tank or pump out the well. In any case, it hasn't happened so far.



Built in Soviet years In private houses, the amenities familiar to modern people are missing: at best, the housing has a cold water supply and a sewerage system for discharging liquid waste. There are usually no toilets with toilets there, as well as many other things. It is not difficult to install plumbing, but, unfortunately, in such buildings the project did not provide for either a bathroom or a bathroom, as well as the corresponding utilities.

Therefore, solving the problem of how to make a toilet in a private house of an old building can be quite problematic. It will be necessary not only to find a suitable place, but also to connect sewerage and water to it and provide ventilation in the bathroom. As a rule, for ventilation you can install a hood in the toilet in a private house, and this will be enough.

Choosing a toilet location in a private house

The ideal place for arranging a future toilet is considered to be a ready-made room similar to a small storage room. It is advisable that it be located closer to the drain well.
When the toilet location is on the other side, the volume increases necessary work, respectively, and expenses. As an option, you can consider arranging a combined bathroom in a small room, installing plumbing fixtures in it that will fit: a bathtub, a toilet, a washbasin, a shower stall, etc.
Things are much more complicated when there is no suitable premises. Then to install the toilet you should find a free corner. There is nothing wrong with the fact that such a place can only be in the kitchen. In this case, a homemade toilet is fenced off with a solid partition, and the entrance is made by cutting through it from the adjacent room, so unpleasant odors will not interfere. In this case, you can use materials such as chipboard, lining, drywall, etc. Read also: "".

Soundproofing material is placed between the layers of cladding, and then the use of the bathroom will not disturb the residents. The partition should be built after the installation of utilities is completed, since plumbing work difficult to produce in limited space.

Sewerage installation in a private house

Depending on the type of transportation of sewage and waste, sewerage can be:
  • pressure (forced);
  • non-pressure (gravity flow).
The pressure structure uses a fecal pump to move waste. As for gravity drainage, it occurs due to the slope of the pipes (more details: ""). If you have not yet decided how to make a toilet in a private house, you can use any option depending on the circumstances.

Gravity sewer system

The effective operation of such a structure can be ensured if the slope parameters are strictly observed - it must be constant and uniform throughout the entire length of the pipe. Most often, when installing a bathroom in a private house with your own hands, they allow you to create a slope that is too steep. The fact is that the very fast movement of drains does not allow them to fill the pipe completely and for this reason the inner surface is poorly washed.

In the case when the slope is less than permissible, the speed of the flow slows down and this point is a big drawback (read: ""). It is necessary to ensure such a ratio between the filling of the pipe and the speed of sewage movement so that self-cleaning occurs during its operation. Otherwise, a coating will appear on the inner surface of the pipeline, preventing drainage and contributing to the formation of blockages.

The use of this device leads to the fact that waste waste can move from bottom to top, despite the fact that the cross-section of the pipes is reduced significantly. Fecal pumps designed for domestic needs are distinguished by their compact size, aesthetic appearance, and the ability to pump liquid several meters in the vertical direction and tens of meters horizontally. Toilets with a built-in pump are available for sale.

Construction device

For laying sewerage in the house good choice are polypropylene pipes, which are durable, lightweight and able to withstand temperatures up to 95 degrees without deformation. The last advantage is useful when connecting to this area washing machine or someone will pour boiling water down the toilet.

Plastic sewerage is easy to assemble, as if it were a children's construction set. Installation begins from the lowest point, for which the next element is inserted into the socket of the previous part, but before that, sealant for plastic pipes, which is intended for such work, is applied to the end of the fitting or pipe.

This is necessary both to prevent leaks and to facilitate installation work. The fact is that with such a diameter of pipes, joining is not easy - it requires considerable effort. When the ends of the element are lubricated, the work happens much faster. When installing sewerage, you should avoid using right-angle bends, and a 90° turn can be performed using two 45° bends and thereby reduce the inhibition of fluid flows.

If you need to shorten a long section of pipe, use a hacksaw. To secure the structure, use clamps on studs or clips (the latter products look more presentable).
Before each turn, at the bottom of the risers and at the point where the sewer exits outside the house, inspections should be installed. If there is a need to merge a new plastic pipe with an old cast iron product, the connection is sealed using a special rubber cuff.

If there is a basement or room under the toilet for which the interior is important, then a horizontal section of the pipe can be placed in them under the surface of the ceiling.

This solution has obvious advantages:

  • there is no need to go around corners, since the pipes will be laid along the shortest route, and this will save materials and time, and therefore money;
  • sewer pipes will not take up space at the bottom of the room.
The elements that make up the pressure sewer are connected together by welding or using flanges. Depending on the characteristics of the fecal pump, the diameter of the pipes can vary between 20-40 millimeters. Laying can be done both from the outside and under the floor or in a wall groove.

How to make a sewer outside

The design of the toilet involves laying the outer part of the sewer in a trench, the depth of which depends on the climate in the region. In this case, different pipes are used - from asbestos, cement, cast iron, plastic and ceramics. The most popular are plastic products.

External non-pressure sewerage is equipped with a constant slope in the direction of drainage equal to 2%. To accomplish this, a sand cushion about 20 centimeters thick is poured onto the bottom of the trench.

Toilet installation

  1. Usually, in our own homes, the floors are made of wood, so before making a toilet in a private house, they should be leveled, strengthened and laid with linoleum. If the neck of the pipe is located above the toilet outlet, it needs to be raised. The podium can be made from a wide board or pieces of timber. If installation is planned on a concrete floor (for example, on ground floor), then brick and cement will be required.
  2. Most often, the connection to the sewer can be made directly: a cuff with an O-ring is inserted into the pipe, and the toilet outlet is inserted into it. In cases where this is not possible, use a plastic eccentric or corrugated cuff.
  3. Connecting to a fecal pump will not cause difficulties, since the inlet on it is located at a standard height, and everything that is necessary for docking is available.
  4. After the toilet is installed in the place intended for it, and making sure that it is securely connected to sewer pipe, mark the holes. Then the plumbing is moved aside and the floor is drilled. A set of fasteners is usually included with the toilet. It consists of self-tapping screws, plastic dowels, washers and decorative caps.

    The toilet is returned to the place prepared for it and checked how level it is using a building level. If necessary, level the base by placing a solid object. After completion of the work, the resulting gap is filled with cement.

  5. The plumbing fixture is secured with self-tapping screws, placing soft washers under the caps.
The junction with the pipe and cuff should be syringed using silicone sealant. Do the same with the base of the toilet so that water does not flow under its bottom. Now all that remains is to connect the water to the drain tank. As a rule, a coaxial hose is used for connection, placing a tap in front of it.

As a result, a well-appointed bathroom will certainly improve the quality of life of the household.