Combine blue and orange wallpaper. Orange color in the interior - combinations and design options. Orange wallpaper for the bedroom

Orange is the most warm color in the palette, and it’s not even that it’s not warmer, it’s just that it will always remain that way, regardless of presentation and combination with other colors. It is possible, of course, to make it a little less or hotter by playing with its shades, but if other colors, depending on the design, can be either warm or cold, then orange (as well as blue, by the way) never change their temperature position. Therefore, this interior is perfect for cold climates; in any damp or cool weather, the orange interior will be warm and sunny. But it is worth considering that if the window of the room faces the sunny side, and even more so if the climate is hot, then here with orange you need to be careful, otherwise there is a risk of making the interior too hot. Although this will not scare lovers of the tropics.

Of course, this sunny color will fill any interior with a charge of energy and good mood, which is perfect for the kitchen, it will be a great start to the day.

Of course, orange motifs are also good for other rooms, especially if you skillfully combine them with other colors and shades.

Combined with white

The sunniest mood will be in an orange and white interior. It is the color that emphasizes the expressiveness and brightness of orange. A lush and festive atmosphere, charged with inexhaustible energy, will always reign here. Ideal for .

It’s also good to use these two colors in the bathroom: the purity and sterility of white will be recharged with the energy of orange and invigorate in the morning.

For a children's room, the use of this union will have a beneficial effect on the child's development. The room will be cozy and fun for the baby, but not too much, since white will still slightly neutralize the intensity of orange, which is very good for children, otherwise it will lead to hyperactivity and inability to concentrate.

Regarding the bedroom, we can say that the orange color will envelop you in a pleasant and soft coziness and a feeling of comfort, invigorating in the morning, but so that you can easily fall asleep at night, it is better to add white color.

In general, everything is based on temperature balance. The orange interior itself is very warm, but adding white color can make it more moderate. And, accordingly, the more orange, the warmer the atmosphere and, conversely, the more white, the calmer it is. The latter, by the way, is more suitable for living rooms, since to receive people with different temperature preferences, it is better to choose a neutral environment and add a little warmth to it in the form of orange accents.

In alliance with the tree

From time immemorial it has been a symbol of comfort and harmony, but, in addition to this, it also has the ability to balance the activity of the orange range of colors. And the result is a very harmonious environment, filled with natural naturalness.

The tree can be in a similar tone to orange, or much darker than it, or both, the main thing is that it will always be comfortable here. That is, this is such a harmonious union that any shades of wood will suit perfectly. In addition, there is no need to add other colors, they will only spoil the gorgeous image, except for a little white as an accent.

Duet with green

When you see green-orange interiors, the image of an orange tree immediately comes to mind. It is this natural association that ensures that this duet is often used to decorate rooms that seem to be filled with this sour-sweet taste, covered with lush greenery. By the way, for some, this combination may resemble a tangerine, which will be sweeter - this is a matter of taste. But what’s good about this color combination is that it’s more comfortable and unobtrusive, unlike, for example, a combination with red.

But by varying the shades, you can make the interior not so rich and bright, which would be too tiring, for example, for a children's room. This is also a good combination for children, since everything connected with nature has a positive effect on them, but it is preferable to choose calmer shades, especially for hyperactive children.

In the kitchen, green and orange motifs will encourage a good appetite. Feng Shui experts believe that if there is a lot of green in the kitchen, you will want to eat more salads, and this is healthy. You can guess from yourself that the presence orange color encourages the consumption of oranges and tangerines, this is also very useful, the main thing is not to cause allergies.

Orange and brown (chocolate)

This is a very harmonious and balanced combination. It is suitable for people who want to make their interior warm, cozy, but also energetic. There will be no disharmony in such an interior, and it doesn’t matter what shades of orange are taken, they all fit perfectly with chocolate.

They often go with rich orange chocolate color, which reaches a glossy black. It looks a little strict, but respectable. In this option, it is worth adding light surfaces, perhaps a grayish tint. And the use of black not only in this case, but also, in general, with a brown-orange color scheme is not advisable, this will lead to a compatibility conflict.

Despite the positivity of orange, few decide to make it dominant in the interior - after all, it is very warm, even in conjunction with neutral colors such as. But do not forget that there are softer shades that, even as a background, will not make the room too bright. And brown will further soften the energy of orange.

But there are other options, for example, making only one wall orange, and the others in brown shades. The room will be warm and calm at the same time.

Another option would be to use orange accents in a brown interior. Brown will very well emphasize, but will not enhance the influence of orange.

A soft union with a pastel palette

The pastel palette itself is characterized by calm and tranquility, and when it is combined with some bright colors, you get a cozy interior with notes of a cheerful mood and some temperature preference. In a duet of orange and pastel palettes, the room will become moderately warm; cheerful and cheerful, but also within reason.

For lovers of an active lifestyle, this option for placing accents is suitable: orange walls and furniture (beige is classified as a pastel palette). So what does this give us? It’s impossible to sit still in the orange interior; you want to do something all the time: walk around, jump, vacuum. This color charges with a huge flow of energy. But so that you can sometimes relax, sit down or lie down on a beige sofa and you will immediately feel better. A conversation with friends in the living room with this design will be active, fun, but not overloaded or tiring.

But for the bedroom it is undesirable to choose such an interior design. It is better to make the walls in a calm design, otherwise there will be problems with sleep. You can get a good mood and a boost of energy by making your curtains orange. Especially in the morning, when the sun passes through them, the room will be filled with enchanting light.

Orange and blue - a rarity in the interior

Lately, this color combination is rare. But I would like to point out that this union is perfect for children's rooms, where an obvious temperature conflict does not create an imbalance, but, on the contrary, brings both colors into harmony. That is, the room is neither cold nor hot, but fresh and comfortable. True, provided that blue or light blue is presented in a soft form.

And in other rooms you can use a rich shade of blue; orange will only benefit from this. In this combination, it will acquire saturation itself. This has already become a rule among designers: against the background or in combination with dark blue or dark blue, any shade of orange (even the palest) will become brighter and richer. By the way, this principle only works in this setting of roles, and if you replace dark blue with dark green or, then the result will be different.

And if you take bright or even for “neighborhood”, then the intensity of orange will decrease. The room will no longer be so bright, but the warmth and positivity will remain.

There is one more subtlety when working with orange-blue and interiors. The color of the furniture should not match the color of the walls, they will simply merge. Of course, you need to maintain the tonality, but it is better if different tonal transitions or contrast effects are used. That is, if the walls are orange, then make the furniture in orange, but lighter or darker, and in blue. This way you can achieve compatibility and clearly define the boundaries of objects.

In ancient times, knights used this combination as a symbol of valor and honor. But now everything is different. In our time, this union is personified with Halloween (celebrating the transition from the light part of the year to the dark). Just as this combination is used in nature by poisonous reptiles and insects, it is used by people to warn of danger: markings, road signs, and so on. As for the interior, the orange and black combination is too aggressive, but it can be used by daring and self-confident people. As well as creative and dynamic individuals whom it will stimulate.

It is optimal to use the union of these colors on. But this duet is strictly contraindicated for children's rooms; it has an overstimulating effect on them.

So, any interior can be refined and made sunny and joyful with the help of orange, but you can play with temperature sensations by combining it with other colors.

Orange and its combinations

Orange color in the interior should be used with caution, because it is a very energetic color. It has a large variety of shades: from defiantly bright shades to soft apricot tones. But it is believed that the main use of orange in the interior is accentuation. This means that this color is more often used for accessories and textiles than for painting walls and furniture. By introducing orange color as accents, you can achieve the desired result - it makes the room more cheerful, warmer, and more active. When using orange shades, you need to be careful, because this color tends to displace all colors. The amount of orange color will determine how noticeable the color of objects of a different color will be.
The design rule says that orange color will be good in rooms such as the kitchen, dining room, children's room, office (home office). For rooms where you can rest and relax, for romantic bedrooms, as well as for very hot and very bright rooms, orange is not a very suitable color. The orange color, and all its shades, is very good for correcting room imperfections. It should be used for rooms whose windows face north and where it is always dark and cool, because it can compensate for the lack of sun and create a joyful mood. But in small rooms, for wall decoration, it should not be used, because it tends to visually bring objects closer.
When we talk about the color orange in the interior, this implies the use of not only pure color, but also all its shades. For wall decoration, it is recommended to use complex shades of this color. The orange-peach color is quite popular, which is associated with freshness. It is quite warm and cheerful, but less active and energetic than orange, and will ideal option for bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms.
The shades of orange are numerous, because only in combination with brown does it give such complex shades as terracotta, ocher, copper, mahogany. These shades are preferred for creating oriental-style interiors and will be good for living rooms, bedrooms and offices.
If you take a children's room, then it would be preferable to use a light tangerine shade, but pumpkin and apricot are ideal for the kitchen and dining room. Honey color can be considered the most optimal for any room; it can be used almost everywhere.
It is quite difficult to choose the right shade for a combination of orange. When choosing, the main thing to remember is that orange does not have cold shades. It is very warm, so it does not go well with cold colors, if combined only with their warm shades.
There are several colors that orange will pair very well with. These colors include white, green, cream and gray, but in combination with purple, hot pink and black there will be difficulties, here you need to remember that this combination is not suitable for everyone. If you decide on an extravagant combination, then designers recommend diluting it with the presence of other colors, which is also not easy. When choosing shades, focus on the color wheel: combine shades that are in the same inner circle.

The interior of the spacious living room is designed in cold pastel colors, and the use of orange allows you to make the room warmer and more cheerful.

A successful combination of bright orange and black in the interior will allow you to express your individuality, and by adding original elements to the interior, you can get a room with a warm and kind atmosphere.

A beautiful combination of shades of orange and yellow harmonizes perfectly with white and creates an atmosphere of cheerfulness in the room and enhances creativity.

The bedroom interior is made in white and dark tones, and small orange accents will fill the room with harmony and happiness.

A bold combination of juicy orange and crystal white makes the room bright and sunny, and juicy green as an accent will make the room even cozier.

The interior of the room is a bit like oriental style design, and the different shades of orange combine beautifully with each other and add harmonious notes to the design.

orange color combination in the interior. 50 options

Using juicy orange in the bathroom interior will be very appropriate, because it will allow you to quickly restore vitality after a busy day at work.

Using this color scheme in the dining-living room, you can free yourself from the feeling of depression, and at the same time increase vitality and improve digestion.

The interior of the relaxation room is made in cool tones, to make the interior warmer and softer, small bright orange elements were added.

A bold design idea to combine bright orange and rich red in the interior simply transformed the dull room and added a unique flavor to it.

The bright, cheerful and joyful interior of the room is subdued by calmer design elements, which will create harmony and will not allow the owner of such a room to be sad and bored.

The predominant color in the interior of a children's room located in the attic is soft orange, which in combination with white gives the room a gentle but very cheerful look.

The bright and non-standard interior of the living room will not leave anyone indifferent, and the presence of contrasting elements in the design will emphasize the individual character of its owner.

The orange color of the kitchen perfectly complements the sky blue color of the walls, which overall gives harmonious combination, and fills the room with light.

For the interior of a children's room, the orange color will be very useful, and its derivatives will only enhance the overall impression of happiness and joyful revitalization.

The combination of cream, orange and gray is quite justified from a psychological point of view, because such a combination of colors balances and neutralizes the activity of orange, which will have a beneficial effect.

The interior of this room shows a smart combination of bright orange and darker shades, and the contrasting brown will brighten the room.

A room decorated in orange and green tones has its own natural charm, and the presence of white only enhances the brightness of the orange, making the room sunnier.

The interior of the living room is decorated in light colors, which visually makes the room larger, and orange curtains highlight the window, making it voluminous and tangible.

orange color combination in the interior. 50 options

The interior of the room is filled with the natural charm of orange and blue, which will add a festive and joyful mood to the room, and skillful lighting will make the room stylish and sunny.

If you place accents correctly in the room, using the color orange, you can fill the living room with light, warmth and a feeling of optimism and genuine joy.

The interior of the living room is done in classic black and white, and a small amount of orange will give the overall look an elegant and festive look.

Light walls go perfectly with dark wood furniture, and muted orange curtains will add coziness and unique charm to the interior, and unusual lighting will make the interior softer and warmer.

Bright, fresh and extravagant - this is the epithet that can be given to the interior of this bedroom, but orange against a beige background will not cause irritation, as it will balance it out.

Orange furniture in such an interior will be a wonderful addition to the color scheme of the room, which will make you feel cozy and comfortable there.

The soft orange color of the walls harmonizes perfectly with original design, and the ottoman, unusual shape, With classic lamps will turn the room into a paradise for relaxation.

A beautiful orange carpet will be appropriate in the interior of a room designed in white tones, and small sofa cushions in bright colors will help you settle in comfortably and add coziness.

The combination of white and orange in the interior of such a room will go well together and create pleasant associations with warmth, and the plant will enliven the interior and add freshness.

An amazing kitchen set in orange that harmonizes perfectly with white cabinets and the terracotta color of the walls.

A non-standard solution in combination with the original color of the kitchen makes this room not only attractive in appearance, but also fills it with special energy and meaning.

The office is equipped in an original manner, all accessories in the interior are selected in the same style, and a soft and fluffy carpet will add harmony and comfort to the atmosphere.

The designers used different shades of orange to decorate the interior, which gave the room a very warm and festive look, and small elements and accessories will make it unique.

Large, spacious and very stylish kitchen, is the embodiment of the dream of any housewife, and the noble gray built-in appliances will add elegance to the entire interior.

A bold color scheme combined with original design elements creates a rather interesting interior for a living room or dining room.

The interior uses warm shades of orange and yellow, which harmonizes wonderfully with crystal white, and creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and original lamps will add softness to the design of the room.

The very delicate color of the walls harmonizes beautifully with the richer tone of the colored curtains, which, in combination with plain ones, simply transform this room, and photos of relatives bring back joyful memories.

Roughly processed wooden beams look advantageous against the backdrop of elegant furniture and make the interior of the rooms original, and wall engravings will make it complete.

In the interior of the spacious kitchen, contrasting colors were used, which could not only emphasize the orange color of the furniture, but also highlight the work surface.

The design uses bold solutions, which makes the interior of such a bedroom a little brutal and aggressive, but the yellow curtains perfectly extinguish this aggression, and the soft light of the lamps creates a cozy atmosphere.

Soft and calm shades of orange were used in the interior of such a bedroom, and the abundance of colors provides a beautiful contrast, which in combination with textiles will make the room very cozy.

Noble gray goes well with the orange color of the walls, which looks quite original and makes the room quite cozy.

The central place in the room is occupied by a modern glass table and a large orange pouf, which attracts attention and makes the room warm, cozy and cheerful, and the abundance of white visually expands the space.

How nice is the living room, decorated in muted orange and white, and bright curtains will help highlight the window, which will visually expand the space and make the room very cozy.

A bedroom in this style is ideal for country house or cottage, and bright color elements in the interior design will make your vacation unforgettable, and your impressions colorful and vibrant.

A large number of original accessories were used in the interior, which made the room unique, and the use of warm and soft shades in the interior made it possible to add coziness to the room.

The use of a large number of warm colors of blue and orange in the living room interior makes the room modern and extravagant, and accessories give the interior a special charm and exclusivity.

The ceiling and walls are painted warm and delicate colors, which will allow the room to have a joyful and sunny look, and furniture of a contrasting color will add a little severity to the design, which will ultimately make the interior quite extravagant.

Shades of yellow and orange will be an ideal solution for decorating a children's room, and appliqué and the presence of toys will make the room truly joyful and sunny.

The swamp color of the furniture in combination with the original design of the walls and floor will make the living room interior a little mysterious, and a bright spot in the form of orange design elements will add warmth and softness to the interior.

Using warm shades of blue in combination with various shades of orange you can achieve harmony in the interior, and by adding a few original accessories you can turn the room into a designer masterpiece.

White, beige and orange, what could be better for the interior of a bedroom, and adding some original elements in the form of lamps, lamps, it will turn out cute and gentle.

orange color combination in the interior. 50 options

If choosing wallpaper for you is more than just the process of purchasing wall materials, then the choice of shade should depend on how it transforms the space. One of the most cheerful and emotional coverings that will charge the interior with energy and fill it with bright colors is orange wallpaper for walls.

Orange wallpaper even has a lot of useful qualities: they invigorate, warm, and even calm and provide perfect comfort.

Why orange wallpaper is becoming increasingly popular in the market finishing materials? This success is associated with the richness and contrast of the orange hue, its closeness to natural palettes, as well as its versatility: orange accents will transform absolutely any room in your home.

Features of orange shades

In addition to the listed properties, we can highlight many more advantages of using orange wallpaper in the interior.

Experts say that this color and its shades have calming and relaxing properties, promote well-being, affect concentration and develop creativity.

In addition, warm tones like orange fit harmoniously into many styles, from classical to modern.

Take a look at the photo of orange wallpaper: you probably noticed that this color can be embodied in a variety of tones and, depending on brightness and saturation, have different effects on the perception of the interior.

Soft orange shades close to peach will create a charming and delicate atmosphere in the bedroom, and bright and colorful tangerine-colored elements will emphasize the solemnity of the living room.

Advice: The perception of orange color largely depends on the degree of lighting in the room. If you want to emphasize the sunny brightness of this shade, do not cover the windows with dark curtains and try to use as many lamps as possible.

One of the interesting features of wallpaper in orange tones can be considered the ability to displace other shades in the interior.

Bright accents of this color, no matter how many they are used in the design, will always attract all the attention. Therefore, you should not use additional bright colors in the room, otherwise it will look contradictory.

Let's find out what shades can be matched with orange wallpaper for walls.

Combination of shades

What wallpaper goes with orange wallpaper? It is not difficult to answer this question, since shades of orange can be combined with tones of different saturations.

In combination with a cold palette, the orange color will be muted; when combined with light shades, it will become the main accent. and other bright colors will emphasize the emotionality and energy of the interior, so you should be careful with this design.

Advice: an interior with orange wallpaper for the walls will be harmonious if you use light shades in at least some areas of the room. They will balance the color scheme and make your room more delicate and soft.

A room with orange wallpaper will look stylish and original in combination with many colors:

Many more interesting color solutions They will make your room more energetic, bold and cheerful, or, conversely, calm and emphasize a light and relaxed atmosphere.

Wall design in different rooms

Since orange wallpaper can play a different role in a space, decide in advance what goals you plan to achieve in the process of creating your design.

Bright colors in the kitchen

Bright orange wallpaper is very often used to decorate the kitchen. In such an interior orange background awakens appetite and energizes, therefore it can be found both in the dining area and in the cooking area.

As the family gathers around the dining table, the role of the orange shade in creating home comfort is difficult to overestimate.

A kitchen with orange wallpaper can be decorated with furniture of any shade. A light set will refresh the interior and make it juicier, brighter and warmer. Dark furniture, on the other hand, will darken the orange hue, making the room appear more subdued.

Anyway, useful properties the orange tint will not be lost, especially if bright lamps create accents on the walls.

As for the style of the room, orange wallpaper in the kitchen look most harmonious in modern design.

Simple shapes, a minimum of intrusive accessories, compactness and simplicity of design will allow you to focus exclusively on the brightness of the orange hue.

Wallpaper of this color will become the main decoration of your room in any weather, because it will personify a warm and sunny summer, and it doesn’t matter whether you choose patterned coverings or go with plain options.

Living room: tasteful wall decor

Orange wallpaper can also be used as a background in the living room. Since this room is intended for family gatherings and receiving guests, you can use bright color around the entire perimeter of the room, without worrying about his psychological perception.

The only factor you should pay attention to is the size of the room.

Advice: If your living room is small, avoid using dark or too bright orange colors. A light background close to peach will look more interesting and harmonious in your room.

Bright orange colors can be found on all walls only if the room is well lit and the furniture does not clutter the space. In this case, it is better to make the floor as light as possible in order to calm the riot of bright colors in the design.

Coverings with bright patterns and designs can be used as accents in the area next to the sofa, TV or fireplace.

Orange wallpaper with flowers, geometric shapes, strict lines, classic-themed patterns and other images will draw attention to the main area of ​​your living room and set the color tone for the entire space. This style is ideal for active and energetic people.

Wall decoration in the bedroom

Use orange shades carefully in the bedroom: if the interior is too bright and saturated, you will not be able to relax. Bright orange wallpaper in the bedroom It is recommended to glue only on the wall behind the bed.

Most often, an orange palette of light shades, close to peach, is used in the bedroom interior.

Delicate wallpaper of this type can be hung on each wall, and accents can be emphasized through bright textile elements in the design.

Orange tones can also be present in a child's bedroom. Orange wallpaper in the nursery for babies should be light enough. Bright accents can be created in the play area with other richly colored wall coverings.

In the recreation area, give preference to light and delicate tones, and decorate the rest of the interior details in light shades.

Don't think that this color is only suitable for the little ones. As your child grows up, he will form his own color preferences. But we are ready to assure you that children’s orange wallpaper looks impressive and harmonious in the rooms of both boys and girls: you just need to complement the interior with other color details.

Spectacular hallway

Orange wallpaper for the walls in the hallway interior is quite bold, but good option. Bright shades will make this room lighter, and

To ensure a cozy perception of bright color range, curtains should be chosen based on their impact on the lighting in the room. It's better if they are light and airy fabrics.

Thick materials can also be used as curtains, but they should not form accents. In general, it is better not to use bright colors in the window area in such interiors. It is advisable to design massive curtains made of opaque textiles in delicate white, beige, and pinkish tones.

The color of the curtains can repeat the shade present in the patterns.

Light and light curtains will always look perfect under orange wallpaper: they are in harmony with furniture of any style and color, do not cause discomfort and do not affect the perception of the space of the room.

If you want to attract maximum attention to the window area, opt for dark curtains, but ensure that there are other light accents in the interior that balance the bright design.

Orange wall coverings are always bright, stylish and interesting, and home interior they will become the main source of cheerfulness and inspiration. There is no need to doubt the wide possibilities of these colors: it is better to see in practice their powerful impact.

Orange interior

Orange is the second color of the spectrum, located between red and yellow and including both of these colors. Therefore, it has their main characteristics: the passion and activity of red and the calmness and cheerfulness of yellow. Orange is the color of the holiday, associated with New Year's tangerines, sunny beaches, and fireworks. However, orange can be used not only for decorating holiday venues, but also for home interiors. Are you ready to bring a little orange holiday fun into your home? Then let's get to know it interesting color closer.

Orange color: main characteristics

  • Orange color is always warm, it does not have cold shades.
  • Orange color in the interior helps improve mood, which has been confirmed by psychologists.
  • The orange color in the interior excites and activates – these properties it inherited from the red color. However, orange is not as aggressive as red, and therefore less likely to cause feelings of irritation and anxiety.
  • From yellow, orange inherited another property: to create a feeling of well-being and happiness.
  • Orange color can visually bring objects closer: orange walls, furniture, accessories.
  • Orange color visually increases the volume of objects: for example, orange will appear more voluminous than green. The volume of the orange room does not visually increase.
  • Orange color is warm, light and even blinding. It’s as if he transfers a part of himself to other objects nearby. So, a room with orange walls may appear creamy, but a mirror in an orange-peach bathroom will create a beautiful reflection, as if magically improving the skin color of the person looking at it.
  • Orange color in the interior stimulates brain function, improves appetite, and increases tone. In addition, orange increases the level of emotionality and encourages conversation.
  • The neighboring colors of orange are red and yellow; the complementary (opposite) color of orange is blue.

Orange color in the interior: main aspects

The amount of orange in the interior

The main use of orange in the interior is accentuation. That is, it is less often used for painting walls and furniture, but more often for accessories, textiles, etc. The introduction of orange accents creates the desired effect - it makes the room more cheerful, warmer, more active, etc., but without having to worry about the pressure of the walls and the irritating effect.

Orange is also used to decorate large surfaces, but here you need to be careful not to cross the line between “invigorates and warms” and “irritates and tires.” Play with shades of orange, combine it with others - and you can enjoy all the benefits orange in the interior .

The power of orange relative to other colors

Orange tends to crowd out all colors. That is, when entering a room, a person will pay attention to orange objects - be it walls, furniture, carpet on the floor or accessories. The more orange, the less noticeable the color of objects of a different color. This needs to be taken into account. If you want, for example, to make an accent in the living room with your beige upholstered furniture, do not overuse the room with orange decoration - paint only one or two walls this color, and place the sofa against a wall of a different color (for example, gray).

Orange color in the interior: in what rooms and styles is it appropriate?

The classic design rule is that orange good in rooms such as kitchen, dining room, children's room,
office (home office). Orange is not suitable for rooms where you relax and unwind, for romantic bedrooms, or for rooms that are too bright and hot.

Room styles in which orange is most often used: retro mid-20th century (60s style), minimalism (including Japanese minimalism), ethnic style (oriental, Mexican, etc.), art deco, avant-garde, pop art. Classic, Empire, Rococo do not accept orange, but the use of terracotta shades obtained by mixing orange and brown is quite acceptable.

Orange color in the interior as a design tool for correcting room deficiencies

It is worth using orange color in the interior of rooms whose windows face north. Where it is almost always dark and cool, orange will compensate for the lack of sun and create a joyful mood. By the way, sometimes it’s enough to hang orange translucent curtains on the windows - and a dark, cold room will immediately be transformed.

Since the orange color, as mentioned above, tends to visually bring objects closer, you should not use orange to decorate walls in small rooms. This property of orange can be used to visually correct the volume of a narrow and tall room. The orange ceiling will visually lower, causing the walls to visually expand.

Shades of orange in the interior

When we talk about orange color in the interior , we mean, of course, not only pure orange, but also its various shades. Standard orange is not often used for wall decoration - usually preference is given to its more complex shades.

Thus, orange-peach color is popular, associated with freshness. It is also warm and cheerful, but not as active and energetic as orange, so it is great for bedrooms, dining rooms, and bathrooms.

Orange and brown give such complex shades as terracotta, ocher, copper, mahogany. These shades are good for living rooms, bedrooms and offices. They are used to create oriental interiors.

A light tangerine shade will be good in a nursery. Pumpkin, apricot - in the kitchen and dining room. Honey - in almost any room.

In a word, speaking of orange color in the interior, you shouldn’t always mean only orange blossom. Orange, like red, has many shades. For large surfaces, choose a less energetic color, smoothed out by other tones, and use pure orange for accentuation: pillows, bed linen, bedspreads, lampshades, vases, etc.

There are many shades of orange:

Orange color in the interior: combination with other colors

What to combine orange with in the interior? It can be difficult to choose the right shade to combine with orange, since the color is not very simple. The main thing is to remember one rule: orange has no cold shades. It is very warm, so it doesn’t go well with cool shades. For example, orange can be combined with blue, but only with its warm shade. Well, now let’s look at all the successful and not so successful ones successful combinations orange with other colors.

Orange and white. Great combination. Orange against white creates an association with the sun. White, though a little
loses in its cold, virgin whiteness, adjacent to orange, but it takes on some of the warmth. At the same time, the brightness of orange is enhanced against the background of white. White and orange are a great combination for a minimalist bathroom, living room and kitchen.

Orange and black. Of course, you can combine orange and black, but this combination turns out to be brutal and aggressive. Against a black background, orange begins to burn, blind, and pulsate. This combination is used for modern futuristic interiors, but designers still recommend diluting it with the presence of other colors - for example, white, red or gray.

Orange and blue. People who are far from working with color often cannot imagine such a combination. In fact, orange and blue are complementary colors that can be very friendly neighbors and create a harmonious combination. One rule is to use warm shades of blue. Delicate blue and orange – what does this remind us of? Of course, the sky is on a clear day. Can such a combination be called unsuccessful if it was intended by nature itself?

The combination of complex shades of blue and orange is also reminiscent of the sea, and is therefore often used to create interiors in a tropical, Mediterranean style, as well as in the style. The orange here, of course, should not be fiery, but rather soft - peach, apricot, etc. This combination is also used for Asian ethnic interiors. It is not for nothing that the combination of shades of orange and blue is so often found in the textiles of the peoples of Asia.

Textiles in ethnic style: a combination of orange and blue

Orange and purple. This is considered to be a very unfortunate combination. Never use it in the interior unless you are a super extravagant person prone to crazy experiments.

Orange and green.
This is also a natural combination, reminiscent of a flowering meadow. And green in combination with orange reminds us of New Year's holidays– joyful and fragrant. When combining orange with green, you need to remember the rule that shades of orange are combined only with warm shades of other colors. So, we select a warm green shade.

This combination is most successful in the kitchen and dining room , as it reminds us of a basket of fruits: peaches, apricots, oranges and soft green apples. Combine these shades: apple green with one of the fruity shades of orange. For example, if you have kitchen furniture with orange facades, make a splashback from pale green tiles. Lay the floor with tiles of the same color. Combine both of these colors in curtains, as well as in chair covers, napkins and decorative items. The walls can be painted in some neutral, but always warm color (for example, cream or light beige).

Orange and cream. Cream color is very calm. With his calmness he will balance the energy of orange. For example, against a white background, orange will begin to “burn”, and against the background of cream, beige and similar shades, on the contrary, it will “go dark” slightly. This combination is often used when decorating walls: for example, 1-2 walls of a room are painted orange, and other walls are painted cream.

Orange and grey. This is also a good combination. A light gray tint, like cream, extinguishes the brightness of orange, slightly neutralizes its activity. Moreover, these colors do not contradict each other, but coexist quite harmoniously. The combination of gray and orange is universal in terms of its impact on the psyche - both energetic and very calm people will feel comfortable in such interiors.

By the way, you can combine orange with cold gray: this combination is used for modern interiors in high-tech style. This alliance is usually used only in kitchens.

Orange and hot pink. No, not the best combination, difficult for the psyche.

A combination of orange with similar shades. This is an option for fans monochrome interiors. You can take several similar shades of orange - darker and lighter - and combine them with each other. For example, pale apricot walls, honey-toned parquet, an orange sofa and wooden furniture warm golden color. Add here accessories in terracotta and other complex shades of red, brown, yellow, and your interior will turn out warm and unobtrusive, reminiscent of an autumn park.

The combination of wall color and furniture upholstery, as well as carpeting

If you choose orange walls, pay attention to upholstered furniture in light green, light blue, beige, light gray and white. In this case, you can choose a carpet or carpet in dark gray, brown, green, blue and even reddish.

If you want to place orange upholstered furniture, paint the walls white, green (if the upholstery is light orange, not bright), light blue, gray.

When choosing shades, focus on the color wheel: combine shades that are in the same inner circle.


Today we will talk about the color orange, with which designers propose to create magnificent interiors because they consider it an excellent means, and my experience of “living with orange” turned out to be extremely positive. I'll try to convince you too)))

“Orange sky, orange sea, orange greens, orange camel...” The words of this “Orange Song” pour like a balm on the souls of orange lovers. A color that has absorbed all the brightest and most positive properties of its “parents” - bright yellow and red.

According to the “expert” of colors and shades, Mars Luscher, orange is the color of joy, vivid impressions and violent emotions. It makes the heart beat faster, gives a good mood and pleases the eye. This is the color of excellent appetite and vigor, carefree children's laughter and inexhaustible energy, soft strength, positivity and eternal celebration!

Orange, unlike red, is active, but not aggressive. He affects us with softness and warmth, he knows how to show a “plus” even in a “minus” and makes us move forward, and only forward! With him, life takes on new colors and becomes brighter, more joyful and fuller.

Modern psychology is also supported by the ancient practice of Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, orange is the color of creativity and freedom, action and optimism. It helps to get rid of fears, melancholy and depression, helps to reveal one's abilities and symbolizes hope for happiness and prosperity.

Orange color is so bright that it can crowd out all other colors and shades. But at the same time, it gets along well with many colors and feels great in any environment, in any interior.

Moreover, orange, like no other, is rich in undertones: juicy orange, tangerine; softer tones - carrot, ripe apricot, pumpkin; brownish-orange - copper, rusty, ocher, dark amber, honey; muted shades of orange - cream, terracotta, soft salmon.

So, let's go through the rooms and see what the interior looks like in orange tones!

Orange color in the kitchen interior

Orange cuisine is the key to a good appetite and good mood since the morning! In such a room it will always be cozy and comfortable. And depending on what colors accompany orange, the kitchen will look fun and playful or stylish and original.

Orange color not only displaces all other colors, but also visually increases the volume of objects and makes them closer. Therefore, the main rule of orange cuisine is balance. An entire kitchen done in orange tones is too much. So you need to decide right away: the walls or the furniture will be bright.

Most often, the facades of an orange kitchen act as an accent. Which ones to choose in this case? What colors go best with orange in a kitchen interior?

The ideal “couple” is orange! An orange with leaves, bright summer sun and lush grass, a flowerbed with marigolds... The most natural combination is one of the most popular when decorating kitchens.

A kitchen set with orange fronts also looks harmonious against a calm background - light gray, silver, milky, ivory, white or a light shade of yellow.

And vice versa, light facades kitchen set look great with orange walls.

The combination of orange and blue-violet shades looks original, bold and extravagant. In this case, bright details will be unnecessary - excessive variegation will give the interior a tacky look.

But an apron in an orange kitchen may well “match” the kitchen. An apron with photo printing will be especially good.

The tabletop in this case can be white, black, gray. IN in some cases Shades of olive and cherry are suitable.

It is worth paying attention to the contrasting combination of orange and black - this kitchen looks simply amazing - stylish and very impressive!

Despite the fact that I am not a fan of the color orange in general, in the interior it gives me pleasure, both to the eyes and to the soul)) The experience of living in a kitchen with orange facades confirms that this is really bright cheerful color can charge you with energy and a sunny mood from the very morning :)

Orange color in the living room interior

Orange color would also be appropriate in the living room. Especially if the room area is rather large and the windows face north.

In this case, orange will warm the room, add sun and warmth to it, and create an atmosphere of comfort and celebration. The whole family will happily gather in the evenings in an orange-colored living room; such a room will welcome guests at home as well.

In the living room, orange is used more often as accents - floor lamps, pillows, paintings, rugs, interior decor.

But, with a certain courage and skill, it is quite possible to increase the amount of this sparkling color. Orange looks best in living rooms decorated in the style of pop art, minimalism, retro (60s era), country, art deco, avant-garde and oriental ethnic style.

To ensure that the living room interior is harmonious and not overloaded, designers recommend choosing complex orange-brown (ochre, terracotta, copper) and soft light shades (peach, pumpkin, honey) for the walls, and dark shades of wood for the floor - an excellent background for an orange carpet !

In this case, upholstered furniture can be chosen in gray, beige or white colors. Orange decorative pillows and a blanket will complement the interior. coffee table with a glass tabletop or a console with twisted legs will also fit perfectly into such an interior.

If you prefer to make a bright accent on the furniture, then the best option there will be an orange sofa. The ideal “background” for it would be walls of white, cream, gray, green and light shades blue. Moreover, the lighter the furniture upholstery, the lighter the shade of the walls should be.

But in the living room we not only had bright accents in the form of orange furniture, but all the walls are covered with wallpaper in orange tones. And, you know, none of the guests ever complained that the color was too bright and boring, but for me it generally seems good: warm and festive.

Orange color in the bedroom interior

Bright and active orange color in the bedroom should be used extremely carefully. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to have problems with sleep: instead of rest and relaxation, you will get a state of nervousness and overexcitation. And if you prefer calmer tones in the recreation area, then pay attention to. Although the orange color for this room can also be played up.

Orange wallpaper in the bedroom interior, at the behest of the designers, acquires softer and more delicate tones of peach and apricot. In combination with beige and golden shades, they create an amazing atmosphere of harmony, warmth and bliss in the bedroom.

As for furniture, shades of dark wood look best when paired with orange.

But you can “play” with accessories. Transparent orange curtains will help you wake up in the morning and smile at a new day (especially if getting up in the morning is a difficult problem for you).

Decorative pillows with a blanket, bed linen, fresh flowers or lamp shades will “support” the clothes for the windows. The main thing is not to overdo it!

Orange color: combination with other colors in the interior

Since orange is an exceptionally warm color that does not have cold shades, designers recommend “mixing” it only with the same warm tones.

The most popular combinations of orange with cream, beige, green, olive, gray, white, and shades of brown.

Orange shades combine interestingly with each other. So peach, pumpkin and apricot look especially elegant if their beauty is emphasized by shades of copper or terracotta.

Despite the “tendency” of orange towards the warm spectrum, it also looks very impressive in combination with cool shades of blue, lilac, etc.

This interior is not for everyone. But for lovers of extravagance and outrageousness, it is ideal!

And in order for you to always have “sun in the house”, it is enough to hang curtains or tulle in any shade of the orange palette on the window and it will immediately seem that there is more light in the room, and the mood will become just as sunny :)