Which submersible pump for a well is better: criteria and recommendations on how to choose the right submersible pump. Submersible pumps for a well: which one is better to choose, types and features of well pumps Submersible pump for a well top 10

Security country house water is probably always the primary task when creating, even if not comfortable, but simply acceptable, minimal necessary conditions even temporary residence in it. Well, if the house is considered as the main place of residence of the family throughout the year, then the presence of a constantly and stably operating source of water generally becomes a prime necessity. Conventional water supply networks in country villages are not found everywhere, so you often have to rely on autonomous sources.

Often the only possible source on a site becomes a traditional well, and the owners are left to organize the transportation of water from it to the points of consumption. A rocker with buckets on the shoulders of a slender housewife is very beautiful in pictures and in feature films about peasant life, but is absolutely divorced from current reality. Modern homeowners come to the aid of a variety of pumping equipment that can solve their water supply problems. In this publication, the emphasis will be on how to choose the right submersible pump for a well, so that the household’s need for clean water for a variety of needs is fully met.

Advantages of submersible well pumps

Providing the house with water from a nearby well can be done using a surface pumping station or a submersible pump. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, which should definitely be taken into account when developing a housing water supply scheme. In this publication, let’s take surface-type equipment out of the equation and talk only about submersible equipment.

One of the solutions to the water supply issue is a stationary pumping station

submersible pump

If Vacation home is a permanent place of residence, if there is an isolated noise-proof room, if the parameters of the well meet certain requirements, then the pumping station can become optimal solution water supply issue. However, it is obvious that there are too many “ifs”, and in order not to make a mistake, read the information posted in the special publication of our portal.

Why in some cases is it the submersible pump that becomes optimal choice?

  • They are almost always limited in terms of the depth of water suction - usually this value is within the range of 7 ÷ 8 meters. If we add to this the horizontal section of the pipeline from the well to the station itself, then the actual depth may be even less. This often forces one to incur additional expenses to create and equip a caisson for a pumping station in the immediate vicinity of the well. With submersible pumps this is not a problem.

  • Submersible well pumps, unlike surface ones, will not annoy owners with noise during operation.
  • Submersible well pumps are always less “capricious” in terms of the quality of the pumped water - most of them are able to cope with fine suspensions, which are very likely in well conditions.
  • If the flow of the water source is sufficient, the risk of overheating the pump drive is minimal - it is constantly in a cool water environment and is additionally cooled by the pumped flow.
  • With submersible pumps, it is easier to organize monitoring of the water level in the well - special float automatics installed on many modern models, will take it upon himself.

  • The use of surface pumping stations imposes special requirements on the tightness of the water intake pipe. The slightest leak in the connections, completely invisible to the eye, will inevitably lead to air leaks. By definition, a submersible pump has nowhere to suck air from.
  • If there is a need to leave your home unattended for a long period, then removing and removing the submersible pump will be easier than, for example, dismantling the pumping station from the caisson or the room allocated to it.

In a word, they have many advantages, so on forums dedicated to the water supply of private houses, you can find numerous recommendations for owners of houses with a well to give preference to them.

Submersible pumps also have disadvantages:

  • For their operation, it is necessary to provide a power supply line from the house to the well, and to monitor the impeccable condition of the cable insulation.
  • Coordination of the automation that controls the operation of the entire water supply system of the house will be somewhat more difficult (for pumping stations some control and monitoring elements are already provided in the design itself).
  • A submersible pump is more vulnerable from the point of view of ensuring its safety. In other words, it is easier to “steal” it in the absence of the owners of the house.

Of course, no matter what pump is chosen, its installation does not solve the problem at all (unless, of course, we are talking only about watering the garden) - the creation of a rather complex automated system is required, but this is a topic for separate consideration.

Autonomous water supply from a well

In order for the water supply to be carried out without interruption, at any time of the year, when creating an autonomous water supply system, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. – read in a separate publication of the portal.

Main types of submersible well pumps

Modern submersible pumps for wells are classified into four types based on their operating principle: vibration, centrifugal, vortex and screw.

Vibration pumps

These pumps are among the most inexpensive and simple in design.

Despite the fairly wide range of devices of this type, they all have approximately the same design and even look very similar to each other. Sometimes the parameters are completely the same, and the only difference is in the pump manufacturer.

The basic structure and principle of operation can be better seen in the diagram:

This is always a metal body of vertical design, consisting of halves of approximately equal height, with halves of different configurations (item 1). Between the two parts of the housing there is an elastic seal (item 2), which is guaranteed to seal the internal cavity of the device and, in addition, acts as a kind of damper, significantly reducing the level of vibration created by the pump. The housing halves are firmly connected using fastening screws (item 3).

The entire “electrical part” is located in the lower half of the device. The power cable (item 4) is connected to it in reliable insulation. The electromechanical part is very simple. This is a coil with a ferromagnetic core, and when current is passed through it, an electromagnetic field is created. Since the supply voltage is variable, the magnetic field lines change their direction 50 times per second (50 Hz). To ensure complete electrical safety and increase the durability of the coil, it is completely filled with a dielectric compound (item 6). Even an accidental ingress of water into the lower part of the housing should not cause short circuits in the turns.

Above the coil there is a massive steel anchor (item 7). The alternating electromagnetic field either attracts it to itself or repels it in the opposite direction. Due to the fairly high frequency of change of direction, this movement is more like the vibration of an armature together with the rod connected to it (item 8) in a certain amplitude range, limited by the design of the pump.

An elastic membrane (item 9) and a piston are attached to the rod at the top of the pump. When the armature moves downwards, a vacuum is created in the pump chamber, due to which water flows through the intake holes in the upper part of the housing (item 11). When the anchor moves upward, in the compression phase, the outlet of water to the outside is blocked by the valve (pos. 12), and it has only one path left - through the outlet pipe (pos. 13) and further, along the hose attached to it, up to the water collection points.

In the upper part of the housing there is a hole, eye or ring (pos. 14) for securing a cable, by which the pump is lowered into the well and suspended at the required height in the water column.

As you can see, the device is simple, completely eliminating the presence of rotating or rubbing components. This also determines the low price of such pumps.

However, such devices also have very significant disadvantages:

  • Despite the presence of an elastic damper between the halves of the housing, when the pump operates, quite strong vibration waves are created that are transmitted to the surrounding aquatic environment. This phenomenon can cause cloudy water in wells that are not too deep, but this is not even the worst thing. Constant vibration impact on the unprotected walls of a well or borehole can lead to their gradual destruction. Therefore, it is recommended to use such pumps only in sources that have strong walls, for example, made of concrete rings.
  • This pump does not like water with small contaminants - solid particles will interfere with the tight fit of the valves.
  • The design of the vibration pump does not imply the presence of automation or water level sensors. This means that you will either have to buy such devices additionally, or make sure that the pump is always submerged.
  • The operation of the pump is quite noisy, and this can be felt even though it is immersed in water.
  • Judging by the reviews in the forums, vibration still lives up to its definition of “friend and foe”, and pumps of this type usually “do not last too long”, despite the assurances of the manufacturers. The use of vibration pumps is justified by the fact that their low cost makes it quite possible to regularly replace them with new ones.

  • Vibrating pumps are capable of creating good water pressure, but they do not have high performance.

From the above, the conclusion suggests itself that the pump vibration type will be an inexpensive and effective solution if used to provide water country house in summer and for. To consider it as a serious water supply device for country housing with permanent residence of the owners would probably be a great exaggeration.

Screw Submersible Pumps

These types of pumps are not very common, but they are still worth considering.

The principle of pumping water with pumps of this type is based on the rotation of the “Archimedean screw” - in order to imagine this, you can remember how an ordinary manual meat grinder works.

Auger (item 1) complex geometric shape connected to the electric drive by a shaft (item 2).

Rotation occurs in the cavity of the stator (item 3), which also has a rather complex geometry and is usually made of elastic material (rubber-based). The turns of the rotor-screw are adjacent to the stator machines. During rotation, the volume of water that is in the formed cavities is pushed forward into the outlet pipe. Interestingly, the configuration of the screw and stator is chosen in such a way that the total volume of liquid in the progressively moving cavities always remains the same. This ensures a very smooth, stabilized output pressure.

pump ZUBR

Advantages of screw pumps:

  • High rates of generated stable pressure.
  • Low noise and vibration levels during operation.
  • Of all the submersible well pumps, screw ones are the most resistant to water pollution, since such a scheme was generally developed for pumping viscous technical liquids.

However, the disadvantages of such pumps make their use very limited:

  • High levels of generated pressure “coexist” with very low pump performance.
  • Screw pumps have the lowest efficiency, apparently due to the abundance of rubbing units.
  • The same reason - the presence of friction units, reduces the wear resistance of pumps, that is, they require regular repair and maintenance work, and most often - with the replacement of worn out elements.

So, screw pumps are probably more suitable for production environments, where fine adjustment generated pressure and its stability. Despite the fact that household models are produced specifically for wells or boreholes, it cannot be said that they have become widespread.

Centrifugal pumps for wells

This type of submersible pump is the most common and popular, as it meets most of the requirements for such equipment.

The working body in pumps of this type is a wheel with blades, located in a special chamber, with a liquid inlet in the center and an outlet pipe at the periphery.

The rotation of the wheel with blades, provided by an electric drive, creates powerful centrifugal force vectors - the incoming water is thrown radially from the center to the outer walls of the chamber. As a result, a rarefaction zone is created in the center, and an area of ​​high pressure is created at the periphery (this is clearly shown in the illustration by a color change from blue to red). This creates a powerful flow of water.

There can be several such chambers installed in cascade, which naturally increases the pressure (water column) created by the pump.

Pumps of this type have high performance indicators - they are able to lift water from very significant depths without losing their performance. Their work is low-noise and is not accompanied by any significant vibration.

Such pumps are especially characterized by a very wide variety of models with different characteristics - the performance and generated pressure can vary by changing the diameter of the working chambers and their number. There is always the opportunity to choose a model for the existing water source - from surface wells to very deep wells.

The disadvantage of such pumps can be considered the complexity of the design, which also predetermines a fairly high price for such equipment.

The centrifugal design allows many pumps to operate with moderately contaminated water - this should be indicated in the product data sheet.

Vortex submersible pumps

There is another category of submersible pumps - vortex type. In general, such devices are very similar in design and principle of operation to centrifugal ones. However, the special shape of the impeller and chamber contributes not only to the creation of centrifugal forces, but also the resulting turbulent accelerations of the pumped liquid. This significantly increases the operational capabilities of the equipment.

Interestingly, the design of such pumps is even somewhat simpler than standard centrifugal ones, which makes them lower in cost. This can be considered a clear advantage. Such devices operate almost silently and without vibration. Another important point is that a vortex-type pump is not afraid of the ingress of a certain amount of air along with the pumped water - for technological purposes, such equipment is even used for pumping liquid dispersed compositions saturated with gases.

In addition, the widespread use of pumps of this type is limited by their not very “outstanding” durability - in these indicators they are significantly inferior to centrifugal ones.

Basic parameters for choosing a submersible pump for a well

Before you go shopping for a well pump, the future owner must clearly understand several important points:

  • What are the main purposes of using the pump - will it be used only for gardening and household purposes, or will it become the main supplier of water to supply the entire house.
  • Based on the first point, what quantitative need for water should be provided by the pump, and what should be the pressure created.
  • It is important to have an accurate idea of ​​the depth of the well and the thickness of the water layer in it, not only static, but also dynamic, that is, with active water intake. Ideally, you need to know the debit of a well - that is, the amount of water entering it per unit time. The distance of the well from the house or proposed water collection points must be taken into account.
  • It is important to have information about the quality of water in the well, the degree of its turbidity, and the condition of the soil at the bottom. Visual observations may not be sufficient for this, and more in-depth laboratory analysis will be required.

Don't forget about the water filtration and purification system!

The analysis will help in drawing up a scheme for the necessary water treatment in cases where the well becomes the main source of water for a permanently inhabited house. Which ones are necessary in certain cases - read in a separate publication on our portal.

So, when choosing a submersible pump for a well, the following criteria are evaluated:

  • Electrical parameters of the pump. Although these values, from the point of view of assessing the operational capabilities of the equipment, are rather reference values, their consideration is necessary to create an appropriate power line that will be able to withstand the load. It may be necessary to provide a dedicated machine for the pump. In addition, some pumping equipment (in particular, centrifugal type) are very demanding on voltage stability, so if there are problems in the electrical networks, you will also have to install a stabilizer.
  • The most important quantity when choosing is the water pressure created by the pump, which is usually indicated in meters of water column. For reference, the value of 10 meters of column is approximately equal to 1 technical atmosphere or 1 bar.

The pressure created by the pump must ensure both the lifting of water from depth and its delivery to the points of consumption that are the most remote or maximally raised above ground level. In this case, horizontal sections of pipes must also be taken into account - due to hydraulic resistance, pressure losses also occur on them. In addition, the diameter and even the material of the pipes matter - in metal resistance always higher.

Naturally, at the final point of consumption, the pressure must be such as to ensure comfortable use of water, that is, at least 1.5 ÷ 2 atmospheres. Some instruments and devices may require larger values ​​- all this is taken into account when preliminary calculating the required indicator. This is usually solved by installing a hydraulic accumulator.

  • The next most important quantity is the performance of the device, that is, its ability to pump the required amount of water per unit of time (liters per second, cubic meters per hour, etc.)

Here the calculation is based on the number of water consumption points and their average consumption. Moreover, it is usually calculated so that the pump can cope even with short-term peak consumption, in that unlikely, but still possible situation when all points are involved.

If the pump will be used only for watering the garden, then the calculation is completely different - based on the area of ​​the plot, required quantity water and duration of watering.

Makita pump

Calculators for calculating the required productivity are also given in the appendix to the article.

  • An important selection parameter is the size of the pump. If for a well the diameter of the device does not play as important a role as for, then the height, on the contrary, becomes of paramount importance - here everything depends on the height of the water layer. The pump should be suspended so as to remain submerged in water, but at the same time not be located closer to the bottom than the manufacturer recommends, so as not to cause the concept of turbidity.
  • The permissible contamination of water with solid inclusions must be taken into account - usually this parameter is indicated in technical documentation. For wells with shallow depths and silted bottoms, it would be more advisable to purchase a pump with an upper water intake. If Prior is demanding on the purity of the pumped water, then it is better to purchase a model equipped with an intake duct, which is always maintained at a certain depth using a float device. Typically, such pipes are equipped with additional filtering devices.
  • Of course, the operation of the pump will be much calmer if it is equipped with a float water level sensor - this prevents air suction in cases where, for some reason, the water flow has exceeded the well's flow rate.
  • The pump body must be made of high-quality material that is not subject to corrosion and does not reduce the nutritional quality of the water. Different pumps may use cast iron or stainless steel (which, of course, affects the cost of the product). Recently, high-strength plastic has become increasingly used.
  • The mass indicator of the device is important for organizing a reliable suspension of the pump in the water column. Many models are immediately equipped with cables or cords of the required level of tensile strength.

  • You should estimate the length of the power cable - this will help you decide in advance where you will have to install the connection point.
  • Pay attention to the additional options of the pump and its completeness. Here, important parameters can be considered the presence of degrees of protection against overheating and idling. Many models are immediately equipped with check valves and mechanical water purification filters. It is very successful if the device kit immediately includes the necessary fittings (fittings, couplings, etc.) to connect the pump to the intake pipe.
  • An important selection parameter is always the brand of the product and its cost. The pump is usually purchased with the expectation of long-term operation, so it is better to purchase high-quality equipment famous manufacturers– “Grundfos”, “DAB”, “Pedrollo”, “Wilo”, “Metabo”, “Marina-Speroni”, “QUATTRO ELEMENTI”. Among domestic manufacturers, you can safely give preference to the “Dzhileks” equipment - the product range includes a special “Vodomet” line specifically for wells. Good reviews deserve well pumps of the brands “Aquarius”, “Elitech”, “Caliber”, “Belamos” and others.

In any case, no matter which model is chosen, it is worth assessing the manufacturer’s warranty obligations and, preferably, the degree of network development service of this brand in your region.

In order for the dug well to function together with an autonomous water supply system and be a reliable help for the owners, you will need to select and install a water pump. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this. However, it is easy for an inexperienced person to get confused by the variety of water pumps on the market.

They differ not only in price, manufacturer and quality. Are of great importance specifications, which potential buyers should better familiarize themselves with before visiting a specialized store.

Selection options

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a pump, you need to find out a few very important points for yourself:

  • check the depth of the well shaft and the length of the water supply or hose (if we are talking about watering the garden);
  • determine the productivity and power of water pressure;
  • settle on a certain mode of use (it can be regular or seasonal);
  • choose the purpose of use - watering, car washing, household needs, and so on.

Inexpensive vibration-type models that are easy to install and remove are quite suitable for seasonal use. Constant operation of the water supply system requires the use of an expensive submersible pump - more powerful and reliable. This must be taken into account if you are going to dig.

Experts recommend installing submersible pumps in wells with a depth of 8 meters or more, even if they are used in seasonal mode.

Working conditions

An incorrectly installed or selected pump will not operate normally. Therefore, before purchasing, take into account all the conditions in which the device is intended to be used.

Among them:

  • exact depth mark (distance from the surface of the earth to the very bottom of the well);
  • dynamic level - the parameter refers to the water level when the pump is running (that is, to the distance between the water surface and the ground surface);
  • the static level takes into account the same distance, but with the pump turned off for a long time;
  • water column height;
  • required pressure (calculated by summing the depth of the well and the length of the water supply system - usually the standard pump setting is 25 meters).

Based on all the listed characteristics, you can easily select a pump by checking the technical characteristics according to the passport attached to it. First of all, you should pay attention to the rated power. It is better not to take into account the maximum values ​​in order to avoid mistakes, because the device will not always be able to work with the maximum load.

Main types

Devices of this type are classified according to two main parameters.

By method of water intake:

  • work on the surface (surface type);
  • work at depth (submersible type).

Based on the operating principle:

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal.

Surface pumps are installed near the well or in a room specially designated for this purpose. A hose of the required length is mounted on the pump inlet valve, the other end of which is immersed in water. Small pumps of this type have a float design - they are installed on a foam tray that can be lowered directly into the water. The pump will float and supply water.

Units of this type have several main advantages:

  • acceptable price;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages include:

  • ability to work at a depth of up to 8 m inclusive;
  • damage due to accidental air intake.
Submersible or deep-well pumps – the best choice for wells deeper than 8 meters.

The devices have a sealed housing and are not afraid of moisture.


  • sufficient power;
  • silent operation;
  • long service life.


  • high price;
  • impossibility of use in a shallow well (the minimum distance from the pump to the bottom must be at least one meter).

Vibration pumps are most often installed on the surface, since when working inside a well, the device can adversely affect the rings - over time, they become covered with microcracks and begin to collapse.


  • low cost;
  • ease of operation.


  • inability to install in a well shaft;
  • work at depths up to 8 meters;
  • short service life;
  • damage when drawing in air.

Centrifugal pumps have a complex structure inside, consisting of a support shaft and disks with blades. When the pump operates, a difference in pressure occurs, and centrifugal force pushes water into the pipe.

Advantages of the device:

  • work at a depth of more than eight meters;
  • noiselessness;
  • reliability and power.


  • high price;
  • cannot be installed in shallow wells - the pump picks up silt and sand from the bottom.

Installation Features

For surface-type pumps, a caisson chamber is installed next to the well. In winter it is insulated. The water pipeline is laid below the freezing point of the soil in the region. Before starting work, water must be poured into the housing. A check valve is placed on the pipe to prevent the outflow of water, and a mesh filter protects from sand.

Installation of deep-well pumps usually begins with connecting plastic pipes, to which it is attached with insulating tape electrical cable device.

A cable is inserted into the safety loop. The entire structure is lowered into the water. The pipe coming from the pump is connected by a coupling to the water supply, the cable is plugged into a socket, and the cable is attached to the brackets of the upper concrete ring in the well. Lowering the device while holding the cable is prohibited!

Model overview

“Baby” fully lives up to its name. This is a lightweight and compact pump designed for watering vegetable gardens. It is not recommended to use it for working with permanent water supply. The maximum pressure of the device is 40 meters.

The average price is from 1,240 to 1,900 rubles.

  1. This model has several varieties. There are pumps with upper and lower water intake. The latter type has thermal protection. It is very comfortable. If the device overheats, it will turn off on its own.
  2. If you buy, pay attention to the length of the electrical cord! There is an option with 10 and 40 meters of cable length.
  3. It is very easy and quick to repair. Replaced the filter - and back into operation. We've been using it for the sixth year in a row.

"Vodoley" is the leader in sales among domestic submersible pumps. Equipped with a reliable centrifugal system. Capable of raising water to a height of up to 47 meters. Used in industry, for extinguishing fires, watering gardens and supplying water to private homes.

Cost from 1,600 to 6,600 rubles.

  1. This pump can work not only in a well, but also in a well. Moreover, it fits in a diameter of 12 centimeters.
  2. Convenient and reliable unit. This is not the first year we have been using it. Never let me down. Our water supply is 48 meters.
  3. Manufacturers offer several basic models to choose from (and each has its own the lineup). You can choose the one that suits the owners best. All pumps are powerful, lightweight and compact.

“Rucheyok” is a small-sized vibration-type pump with a water intake in the upper part of the housing. Nominal pressure up to 40 meters. Used for watering. Immersion in water up to 5–7 meters is allowed.

Price from 700 rubles.

  1. Not a bad budget pump. Completely satisfies our needs. Used only in summer for watering beds.
  2. We noticed that when the voltage in the network drops, the work changes - the pump pumps less. So far this is the only flaw noticed.
  3. Indeed, the pump can be drowned... if you don’t mind the well. They didn’t dive to 7 meters, but at 3 meters it worked without interruption.

"Gileks Jumbo 60/35N" - refers to surface-type pumps. Capable of working at depths of up to 9 meters. It has a fairly powerful pressure - the nominal value is 35 meters. Used for irrigation and water supply.

The average price is 5,000 rubles.

  1. The main thing in this model is the presence of protection against dry running. Used together with a well and a regular tank. If the water in the tank ran out unnoticed by us, the pump turned off.
  2. It is noisy, it is better not to install it in the house. But overall there are no complaints. At the outlet we get a pressure of up to 3 bar. Enough for a shower and household appliances.
  3. We use it together with a hydraulic accumulator. The pump is installed separately in the barn. Capable of pumping up to 5 atmospheres, but we reduced this figure manually so that the devices do not wear out. It is very convenient that all automation is already installed by the manufacturer.

GRUNDFOS SQ 1-35 is a powerful submersible pump with a centrifugal water supply system. Compact and light in weight. Diameter 8 centimeters. Ideal for supplying drinking water to any autonomous water supply system. Rated power 47 meters.

When solving the problem of water supply using a well, you need not only to build it correctly. It is also necessary to choose a suitable pump for it.

Our article will tell you how to choose pumps for wells.

Criteria for choosing a pump for a well

To figure out how to choose well pumps correctly, you must first decide on the selection criteria.

They will be as follows:

  1. Purposes and frequency of use - if you plan to use the pump for some narrow purposes and do it irregularly, then you should not buy an expensive model. For example, for watering a small personal plot An inexpensive “Rucheek” or “Malysh” device will be quite sufficient. And to provide year-round water to all residents of the house, it is worth looking at more powerful models;
  2. Performance - when solving the problem of how to choose a pump for a well, you need to determine the volume of water required to meet your needs. In this case, you should take into account all water intake points - these are all taps, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. For the calculation, the amount of water that can be consumed at a time is taken;
  3. Water pressure is another parameter that cannot be ignored when talking about how to choose a well pump. This criterion indicates the maximum height to which the device can deliver water. You should choose those devices in which this value is slightly higher than the value that you require. This is due to the need to overcome pipe resistance;
  4. Type of equipment - all types of devices have certain design features that must be taken into account when giving preference to one type or another.

Pay close attention to the performance of the product.
If the device turns out to be less powerful than required, this will lead to various problems during its operation.
In particular, filling large containers with water will take much longer than you would like.

Types of well pumps

All these devices can be divided into surface and submersible according to the type of placement. According to their design features, they are divided into centrifugal and vibration. Let's take a closer look at these types.

Surface type

These units are installed at some distance from the water source, which makes them quite popular among owners country houses. After all, such devices can be installed directly in the house, and this greatly simplifies their maintenance.

When thinking about how to choose pumps for a well, Russian buyers often make their choice in favor of brands such as CALPEDA (Italy), WILO (Germany), GRUNDFO (Denmark). Russian products are also in demand, for example, products from the company “Dzhileks”.

It should be noted that such devices are capable of lifting water from a depth of no more than 9 meters. This is their disadvantage, because of which summer residents may prefer another type of device - submersible.

Submersible type

Such devices are placed in a well, directly in the water column. During operation, they are cooled by the flow of water passing through them. Because of this, you cannot turn on such a pump without water, as it may fail.

In addition to this disadvantage, submersible machines also have a number of advantages:

  • reliability of design;
  • simplicity of the device;
  • the ability to supply water from great depths.

Among such devices, a separate subtype is distinguished - these are well devices. They are characterized by more efficient cooling and tolerance to the presence of solid impurities in the water.

When thinking about how to choose submersible pumps for wells, we recommend taking a closer look at products from the WILO, LOWARA and NOCCHI brands. They perform well during operation, distinguished by their quality and reliability.

Centrifugal type

Devices of this type are equipped with a wheel with blades placed inside the body. It is rotated by an electric drive, which creates a centrifugal force that pushes water into the pipeline.

The disadvantage of such a pump is its extreme demands on water quality. The presence of even small impurities in it will inevitably lead to failure of the device. As for the advantages, these include high performance and ease of operation.

Related articles:

Vibration type

The devices related to it are characterized by the absence of an electric motor. Its function is performed by electric and vibration magnets.

Thanks to its simple design, this device is very reliable and can last for a very long time. Another advantage is its low price. This is why vibration pumps have become so widespread.

Optimal technical parameters of well pumps

Now it’s time to consider how to choose a submersible pump for a well or another type of device with optimal technical parameters.


This parameter is measured in watts (Watt) or kilowatts (kW). It is an indicator of the volume of water pumped per unit of time. The more points of consumption, the greater the power should be.

It is not worth purchasing a unit with maximum power, as this will lead to unnecessary waste of money.
For the needs of a small family, a device with a power of 250-350 W will be sufficient.


This is the amount of water that a well pump can lift in a certain time. The unit of measurement in this case is cubic meter per hour (m³/h). For a family of three, a device with this figure of 4.2 m³/h will be quite sufficient.

Maximum head

For good water supply from the well, sufficient pressure in the pipes is necessary. It's called pressure.

The following instructions will help determine its optimal value:

  1. to the depth of the well we add the horizontal distance, that is, the length of the ground hose or pipe;
  2. for every 10 meters of the resulting gap we add 1 meter - this is the pressure loss during transportation;
  3. We add another 20% to the resulting figure - this will be the final result.


Having made a well with your own hands, you need to select and install a suitable pump in it. To select the right device, you must first decide on the specific purposes and expected frequency of its use. This will help you choose the type of pump, as well as its specific model with optimal technical parameters.

If you find it difficult to select a product, watch the video in this article. It will help resolve your doubts.

Today, it is not difficult to find submersible pumping equipment for an autonomous water supply system in a country house or country house: such devices are offered at modern market in a wide variety of types and models. Having decided to purchase a submersible pump for a well or a well, many future users are wondering: which type of equipment will be able to fully satisfy the requirements for it, ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of the water supply system, and not create any special problems with maintenance and repair. In order to choose a suitable submersible pump model for pumping water from a well, you should take into account a number of factors, as well as understand the design, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages pumping equipment various types.

Reasons for popularity

To service wells located on the territory of a personal plot, both submersible and surface water pumps can be used. Which pump is best to choose and install for pumping water from an underground source should be decided in a particular case, but quite often experts recommend paying attention to submersible type devices.

The high popularity of submersible pumps for wells is determined by a whole list of their advantages. So, in comparison with surface pumps, submersible pumps for wells have the following advantages.

  1. Using a deep well pump, you can pump out water from even very deep underground sources and transport it through a pipeline system over a considerable distance. If you use surface water pumps, then you can use them to service only those wells whose depth does not exceed 8–9 meters. Naturally, the rather low pressure of the liquid medium, which is created by household surface-type pumps, does not allow them to transport water over significant distances and along a horizontal section of the pipeline.
  2. During operation, submersible well pumps create a minimal amount of noise, which cannot be said about surface-type devices.
  3. Deep pumps for wells are more suitable for pumping contaminated water, which contains silt inclusions, fine sand and clay.
  4. Since the cooling of submersible well pumps is ensured by the liquid medium they pump, it is quite difficult to overheat such equipment if the well has a good flow rate.
  5. A submersible well pump, installed directly in the thickness of the pumped liquid medium, can be equipped with float switches that allow you to control the water level in the well, and also provide automatic switching on and off of the equipment in cases where this level reaches critical values.
  6. When installing and operating submersible well pumps, the tightness of the intake pipe is not subject to such high requirements as in the case of using surface equipment.
  7. A well submersible pump is much easier to dismantle and place in a special place for storage, which is especially important in cases where a country house or cottage has to be left unattended for a long time.

When deciding which pump is best for a well, you should also study the disadvantages of submersible equipment.

  • To connect submersible pumps for a well to the electrical network, you need a high-quality and, accordingly, expensive cable with double insulation.
  • When using submersible devices to service wells, it is somewhat more difficult than when using surface pumping stations to coordinate the functioning of the automation elements that control the operation of all components of the water supply system.

Design, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages

According to their design and operating principle, submersible pumps for wells and boreholes are divided into four types of devices:

  • vibration pumps for wells and boreholes;
  • screw hydraulic machines;
  • centrifugal type devices;
  • vortex type submersible pumping equipment.

To decide on the choice of a submersible pump for a well (which one is better), you should understand design features, the operating principle and scope of application of each type of such equipment.

Vibration pumps

A vibration pump for a well is the most cost-effective option for equipping an autonomous water supply system. Distinctive feature vibrating hydraulic machines is simple in design, in which there are no rotating parts, which makes such equipment reliable and easy to operate, and facilitates its maintenance and repair.

The element that drives the vibrating water pump for a well is not an electric motor, but an inductance coil. Its core when passing an alternating electric current along the turns of the wire and the creation of a magnetic field, it attracts and repels the armature of the device with a certain periodicity. The movement of the armature through the connecting rod is transmitted to the elastic membrane and the piston, which also begins to perform reciprocating movements (vibrations), which ensures the drawing of water pumped from the well into the working chamber of the equipment, as well as its subsequent pushing into the pressure line.

The body of the vibration pump, always made of metal, consists of two parts, the junction of which is sealed with sealing elements.

Among the advantages of vibration pumps, in addition to simplicity of design and fairly high reliability, we should highlight their low cost, as well as the ability to create a good pressure of the liquid medium in the pipeline system they serve.

Vibrating type submersible hydraulic machines have a number of disadvantages.

  • These hydraulic machines do not have high productivity.
  • When operating in the thickness of a liquid medium pumped from a well, such devices create vibration waves in it, which makes the water in the lower part of the underground source cloudy if its walls are not protected by concrete rings. In addition, vibrations of the liquid medium contribute to the destruction of unprotected walls of wells.
  • Pumps of this type are not very suitable for dirty water, which contains inclusions of sand and small pebbles. The presence of contaminant inclusions in the pumped water prevents a tight fit of the equipment valves.
  • If you decide to choose a vibration pump for your well, keep in mind that models of such equipment are not equipped with automatic elements, so you will have to purchase them additionally or monitor the operation of the device yourself.
  • A vibration-type pump creates quite a lot of noise, although it is located in the thickness of the water layer.

The life of a vibration pump is often short-lived, but the simplicity of its design allows you to carry out repairs yourself

Vibrating pumps, taking into account their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, are installed in repaired and cleaned wells and are used in cases where high demands are not placed on the performance of pumping equipment. There are many different models of pumping equipment on the modern market, so the question of which vibration pump is better is quite relevant. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that most models practically do not differ from each other in technical characteristics, so you need to focus on the rating of the manufacturers of this equipment.

Screw pumps

Screw-type submersible electric pumps are used very rarely to equip wells, but given the functionality and characteristics of such devices, they deserve consideration.

The main design element of screw-type hydraulic machines is a screw, which is mounted on a shaft connected to the shaft of the drive electric motor. Rotating in the inner chamber of the pump, such a screw, with its protruding screw part, captures water entering the working chamber through the inlet and moves it to the pressure pipe.

Let's consider the advantages that distinguish screw pumps for wells and wells.

  • The use of screw pumps allows you to create a good flow pressure of the pumped liquid medium in the pipeline system, the value of which is always stable.
  • The noise level created during operation of such a pump is minimal.
  • Screw pumps are the best equipment for dirty water, which may contain even fairly large grains of sand. What is noteworthy is that screw pumps were specially designed to work with viscous media and dirty water.

The reasons for the rather limited use of screw-type submersible hydraulic machines are that such devices are characterized by a number of significant disadvantages:

  • low productivity;
  • the lowest efficiency among submersible pumps, which is explained by the presence in the design of such devices of a large number of rubbing elements;
  • intense wear of parts due to a large number of friction units, which leads to frequent repairs.
Due to the above disadvantages, screw pumps have the lowest rating among submersible household pumping equipment.

Centrifugal pumps

The most popular type of pumping equipment used for autonomous water supply systems for private houses and cottages is a centrifugal pump for a well or borehole.
The main working element of such equipment is a wheel, on the outer surface of which curved blades are fixed. When the impeller rotates inside the working chamber, the blades capture the liquid there and begin to move with it. Thus, a centrifugal force begins to act, which throws the liquid towards the walls of the working chamber, where excess pressure is created, ensuring that the liquid medium is pushed into the pressure line. When these processes occur, a vacuum of air is created in the central part of the chamber, which ensures the suction of a new portion of the liquid medium through the inlet pipe.

Centrifugal devices are among the best submersible pumps for wells. This is related to the following.

  1. Working according to the principle described above, centrifugal pumps are capable of generating a liquid flow with powerful pressure, which allows them to be used for pumping water even from very deep underground sources and transporting it through a pipeline system over considerable distances.
  2. Such pumps also have impressive performance.
  3. During operation, centrifugal hydraulic machines create a minimal amount of noise.
  4. A wide variety of models of centrifugal pumping equipment offered on the modern market makes it possible to select a pump of this type that will optimally meet the required parameters.

Among the disadvantages of centrifugal pumps, the following should be noted:

  • complexity of the design and, accordingly, maintenance and repair;
  • quite high cost;
  • significant reduction in service life when used for pumping contaminated liquid media.

Vortex pumps

Vortex-type submersible pumps operate on a principle similar to centrifugal devices, but differ from them in a simpler design. Such devices also have an impeller with blades of a special configuration, and special grooves are made on the inner walls of their working chamber. This design allows not only to influence the pumped liquid with centrifugal force, but also to impart turbulent acceleration to its flow. Thus, vortex-type pumping equipment creates a fluid flow with even more powerful pressure and pumps it with even greater productivity than centrifugal devices.

Other advantages of vortex-type submersible pumps include:

  • lower price than for centrifugal devices;
  • enough simple design, facilitating them Maintenance and repairs;
  • almost complete absence of noise and vibration during operation;
  • the ability to effectively pump liquid media that contain a certain amount of air or any other gas, which allows the use of such equipment not only for domestic, but also for technological purposes.

The disadvantages of vortex-type equipment, which do not allow us to call it the best pump for a well, include:

  • inability to work with liquid media that contain even a small amount of solid inclusions;
  • not too long, when compared with centrifugal-type devices, service life.

In order not to constantly encounter problems in the functioning of the autonomous water supply system that arose due to malfunctions in the operation of pumping equipment, you should know how to choose the right submersible pump for a well. The pump you choose will operate efficiently and will not require frequent maintenance or repair if you answer the questions below before purchasing it.

  • What problems will the water supply system need to solve for which a well pump is purchased? Such tasks, in particular, may be the use of water for household needs and work household appliances, watering the garden, washing the car, etc.
  • How deep will the pump go into the well to pump out water? You should also take into account the thickness of the water layer in the well and its flow rate, so as not to constantly encounter the problem of incorrect operation of the pump, which has taken all the water from the underground source.
  • What is the degree of contamination of the water at the source? Knowing this information will help you accurately determine which submersible pump would be better suited for a well.
After answers to all of the above questions have been received, we can say that the problem of a submersible pump for a well (which one to choose from a number of models) has been solved.

The choice of pump for a well is carried out according to such parameters as:

  1. the flow pressure of a liquid medium that a pump can create to ensure its lifting from a certain depth of an underground source and transportation through a pipeline to all water intake points;
  2. productivity, indicating how much water per unit time the pump can supply to the water supply system;
  3. the degree of water contamination with which the selected device is capable of working;
  4. material of manufacture of the pump body and its internal elements (these characteristics affect the durability of the device, as well as the quality parameters of the water that it will supply to the pipeline system);
  5. availability of additional options, automation and protection elements;
  6. drive motor power;
  7. electrical parameters, dimensions and weight;
  8. the brand name under which the pump is manufactured, as well as the warranties provided by the manufacturer.

Having decided which submersible pump suits you best in terms of basic parameters, choose a model with some margin in pressure and performance. This is explained by the fact that any of the elements of the water supply system creates hydraulic resistance, which is quite difficult to take into account when performing preliminary calculations. That is why, by choosing a pump whose technical characteristics slightly exceed the calculated values ​​of the parameters of the water supply system, you will definitely not encounter the problem of its ineffective operation.

Following the recommendations described above, you can decide on how to choose a pump for a well yourself. However, when choosing a submersible pump, it is worth consulting with a specialist from the selling organization, from whom it is advisable to obtain information about which service centers in your region carry out maintenance and repair of the equipment you choose.