Combined houses made of laminated veneer lumber. Advantages of houses made of combined timber. Pricing for timber houses

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are beautiful and durable buildings that have advantages wooden houses. But at the same time they do not have the disadvantage of buildings made of rounded logs or timber natural humidity. The process of building a house takes less time; the façade does not require complex decorative finishing, but unique appearance The design will be the envy of friends and neighbors.

Let's take a closer look at why houses made of laminated veneer lumber are good, and the projects and prices for buildings will help you choose suitable option.

Features of the building material

Glued laminated timber is a type of lumber that consists of several longitudinally glued wooden lamellas with perpendicular fibers. For gluing, special adhesive compositions are used that have a minimum level of formaldehyde emission.

The timber is made from coniferous wood. Pine or spruce is used, less often cedar. Some manufacturers use cedar for production, but the price of a house made of laminated veneer lumber - cedar - will be as high as possible.

Thanks to the multilayer structure, the material in question acquires special properties in comparison with timber of natural moisture or logs. The most important advantages of the material are:

  • Minimum shrinkage coefficient - for its production, pre-dried boards (lamellas) are used, so after construction, during the operation of the house, the building exhibits minimal shrinkage. Thanks to this interior decoration you can start after the walls and roof have been erected;
  • No cracks - gluing of timber lamellas is carried out using resins with high adhesive ability under high pressure. In this case, the boards are arranged in a special way, which completely eliminates cracking (especially through cracking) of the timber during operation. You can be sure that throughout the life of the house, “cold bridges” will not appear in the walls, reducing the thermal insulation properties of the walls.
  • Shape stability - due to the perpendicular arrangement of wood fibers in finished product As the boards are used and lose moisture, the timber retains its original shape. Therefore, the building does not warp, and cracks do not form in the walls between the crowns.

If you want to start construction, laminated veneer lumber is almost best option from existing ones. You can verify this yourself by familiarizing yourself with the advantages and features of these buildings.

Advantages of houses made of laminated veneer lumber

Cottages and dachas from this building material have the following advantages:

  1. Beautiful appearance. Buildings made of laminated veneer lumber look much more impressive than private cottages finished clinker bricks, mineral plaster and others similar materials. There is no need to use additional finishing of the facade; it is enough to cover the timber with compounds that protect from precipitation and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The timber is natural material, therefore does not cause harm to human health and is safe for the environment. Bonding is carried out using special resins that have a minimum level of emission of harmful substances. Timber made from coniferous wood releases phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on health and fill the room with a special “coniferous” aroma.
  3. Energy efficiency. Wood itself has a minimal thermal conductivity coefficient. Therefore, the walls do not require additional insulation using polystyrene foam, stone wool, or polyurethane foam. This reduces the cost of the construction process and makes the facade beautiful, since the timber is not covered with insulation.
  4. Long service life. The maximum service life of a house made of laminated veneer lumber is 50 years or more. The technology is quite new, so there is no information about the longest period of operation of the house. However, timber has better characteristics than rounded logs, and houses made from it last 100, 200 or more years.
  5. Fire safety. Unlike conventional wooden buildings, the material in question is glued together under high pressure and temperature, which increases its density. It is also treated with fire retardants at the factory. Thanks to this, the wood does not ignite when in contact with an open fire and does not support combustion well. During construction, specialists place the wiring in protective casings, which reduces the chance of fire.
  6. Simplicity of finishing. In most cases, the internal and external surfaces of the walls do not require decorative finishing, as they are beautiful in themselves. It is enough to cover them with protective compounds. Finishing is only appropriate in sanitary rooms to avoid exposure to moisture on the surface of the wood.
  7. Breathability. This is one of the most important advantages of the design. Unlike houses insulated with foam plastic, as well as frame-type buildings, laminated veneer lumber does not prevent air infiltration through the walls. Thanks to this, the level of humidity in the room is regulated naturally, there is no need to install powerful ventilation systems with fans.
  8. High load-bearing capacity with low weight. The timber can withstand significant loads, making it possible to use fewer load-bearing elements for multi-story buildings. This reduces the cost of the structure and speeds up its construction, allowing you to effectively plan the internal space.
  9. Protection against biocorrosion. During the manufacturing process of timber, it is treated with antiseptics, which eliminates the appearance of mold, mildew and other microorganisms on the surface of the walls. Wood does not rot, thereby increasing the lifespan of the house.
  10. Ease of construction. The structures are erected according to a pre-developed project from prepared house kits. Assembly is reminiscent of working with a construction set; fastening is done using special fittings. In some places, “moving” fastenings are installed to adjust the size and shape of the building in case of shrinkage.
  11. No gaps between the crowns. Glulam may have tongues and grooves on the top and bottom of each member. This is necessary for tightly joining the crowns to each other. They eliminate the possibility of gaps appearing between the crowns, which impair the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

Please note that when purchasing timber and ordering construction services, you must use the services of trusted companies. Violation of the technology for manufacturing lumber and constructing a cottage leads to the fact that the lamellas delaminate and cracks appear between the crowns. Which negates all the advantages of the design.

The most important question that interests those who want to build a house from laminated veneer lumber is the price. The final estimate depends on many factors, which we will discuss below.

Pricing for timber houses

The cost of a turnkey laminated timber house is calculated individually when ordering the development of a project or the construction of a cottage. The price is influenced by the following factors:

  • Construction area - the more spacious the cottage, the more material will be needed for its construction. The purchase of laminated veneer lumber and its installation will entail additional costs, which will affect the cost.
  • Number of floors – two-story houses require stronger load-bearing walls and the installation of interfloor ceilings, so multi-story residential buildings will cost you more than single-story ones.
  • Complexity of the project - the price of a house made of laminated veneer lumber depends on the complexity of the chosen cottage. Simple rectangular shapes are easier to make than complex designs, which also affects pricing.
  • Foundation type - the type of foundation is selected depending on the type of soil, personal wishes, number of floors and area of ​​the building. The simplest option is pile or columnar foundation, however, it is possible to build houses on a strip or slab foundation. The latter options are more reliable, but more expensive.
  • Utility networks inside the building - price may vary depending on complexity and length utility networks(plumbing, sewerage, electricity, heating) inside the house. Regardless of the cost of the house, our specialists fully comply with the requirements of GOST and Law No. 123-FZ when installing engineering systems.
  • Interior finishing - the amount that will have to be spent on building a cottage made of laminated veneer lumber directly depends on the type of interior finishing materials used. But the advantage of timber houses is that in most cases there is no need to do complex finishing. Wooden walls beautiful in themselves.

Construction companies build various wooden houses from laminated veneer lumber - prices, in addition to the listed factors, depend on the chosen project. What should you consider in this case?

Wooden cottage projects

What is good about laminated timber - house designs made from this material allow you to implement even the most daring design ideas. Before starting to build a house, you can take one of three paths:

  1. Use a standard project. Documentation is usually available on the construction company’s website or other resources on the Internet. Cottages made of laminated veneer lumber, the designs of which are taken from standard documentation, are the cheapest. But this does not take into account the personal wishes of the customer.
  2. Order an individual project of a house made of laminated veneer lumber on a turn-key basis. In this case, during construction, all wishes regarding style, number of floors, area, availability of terraces and verandas will be included. But since the development of the project requires complex engineering calculations, this option will require significant financial costs.
  3. Use a standard project with modifications to suit your needs. The best option in order to get a home that suits you, but without spending a lot of money. The contractor's engineers will make the necessary changes to the design documentation. There is no need to do basic calculations, which reduces the cost of the design process.

Do you like laminated veneer lumber? Projects of beautiful and affordable houses are presented on our website. Study them and choose the one that suits you. Or use the help of our consultants.

Order construction services

The Stroy Cottage company will build a turnkey laminated timber cottage for you in the shortest possible time and at an affordable cost. We guarantee the quality of lumber, as well as compliance current SNiP, GOST, SanPiN, as well as Fire Safety Regulations.

To get advice on building a house and placing an order, call our consultants at the phone number listed on the website.

Technologies wooden house construction Over time, they develop and take on progressive forms, as the pace and realities of life force creators to look for new ways to improve comfortable living. The main qualities will forever remain heat capacity and environmental cleanliness of housing. Combining these advantages, manufacturers offer their potential customers combinations of monolith and wood, as well as an absolute innovation - combined timber. More about this below.

The essence and advantages of the material

The combined product consists of glued lamellas, similar to luxury pressed wood. But the layer between the elements is extruded polystyrene foam - best insulation in your class. The advantages of the new building material are obvious:

  1. Lightening the object as a whole. If we take into account that laminated wood is quite heavy and requires special foundation conditions and other nuances, then houses made of combined timber are two times lighter in comparison with the same project without the participation of a weightless layer. This is a great benefit if you want to build a house of any number of floors or reduce the cost of the structure due to a simple shallow foundation.
  2. Ecology. The raw material includes expanded polystyrene, which does not interact with moisture, does not emit toxic substances in a calm state, is odorless, harmless to the environment, and is not interesting to rodents. Therefore, the combination of wood and styrene can be considered ecological. If we talk about glue, then its amount is small and insignificant - it does not threaten allergy sufferers.
  3. Heat capacity of the object. Based on the fact that a 5 cm layer of polystyrene is equivalent to 2.5 m brickwork, then, we can say, houses made of combined insulated timber are the only ones that do not need additional insulation.

From the last point it follows that an additional advantage of innovation is the external and internal appearance. Wood with its structure remains at the forefront of design techniques. Since no additional finishing is required, the owner will receive a truly traditional house - the pattern of different species is unique, and there is no longer any need to hide it behind decorative coverings.

Combined buildings - monolith and wood

Not new, but also at the peak of popularity, construction is houses combined from blocks and timber. The bottom - ground floor and first floor are made of cellular foam concrete, the second tier and roof space are made of wood, respectively. The advantages are as follows:

The material has some disadvantages - poor interaction with moisture if low-quality blocks are used. The need for cladding - some options are unpresentable. But, nevertheless, projects of such houses receive well-deserved attention.

Construction of houses from combined timber. Combination of wood and foam concrete

The construction of the described objects requires an understanding of the processes. Standalone device possible at all stages. Therefore, below are given detailed descriptions each option.

Warm laminated timber:

  • As in any construction, the process begins with design. By contacting the design office for a layout option or with your own sketches, the future owner will receive detailed advice and comments. But, most importantly, everything will be documented and permissions obtained.
  • Build houses combined from laminated veneer lumber follows the same pattern as everyone else - choosing a foundation, erecting walls, rafter system, finishing. Due to the fact that construction is simplified by the lack of insulation, speed increases and there is no need for a deep monolith.

Therefore, the basis for such objects may well be piles or a shallowly buried tape. These options are given a short time to shrink, after which there is no need to delay the construction of walls.

  • Load-bearing structures are carried out with mandatory compaction with inter-crown material, that is, as if it were an ordinary log house. Upon completion, the house is left to shrink, and then caulking is carried out. These measures are designed to prevent drafts from entering the resulting gaps when the soil moves.
  • It remains to be worked out rafter system. All elements can also be made of insulated timber. Recommended mansard roofs- they will create usable space and will receive additional insulation due to the material.

Finishing refers to the painting of timber with varnish or other film compositions designed not only to preserve the youth of the wood, but also to protect it from any damage - biological or fire.

Combined buildings - foam block and timber:

Depending on the design, such houses have an impressive foundation. They are used for heavy architecture or problematic soils.

The advantages of a monolith are the ability to arrange basements for autonomous communications - a well pump or a boiler room. The work comes down to the correct organization and layout of the first monolithic floor:

  • Getting settled strip foundation significant depth. In addition to protection from freezing, he will have to bear the load of blocks - although they are light, their large number and dimensions require a stable platform.

Reinforcement, shock-absorbing cushions, and high formwork are required. After hardening, the concrete must be tarred and insulated. Objects – combined houses Foam block timber necessarily needs protection from moisture.

  • Installing foam blocks is not difficult. Laying should begin by removing the corners. The colored fishing line serves as a guide. The first 5-6 rows must be checked with a level.
Through a row, the surface of the blocks is reinforced by gating and inserting reinforcing bars so that the intersection occurs at the joints. The walls are built to the intended height - 2.5 m.
  • The last row of blocks should have reinforcement installed and the surface should be tarred. Now comes the turn of wood, it needs protection from condensation, which will certainly arise due to temperature differences from different surfaces.
  • Further, the construction of the second floor is no different from the ordinary one - crowns with a mandatory seal are installed, ceilings and joists are laid, and a subfloor is laid.
  • There are many options for roofs, but for a house made of combined timber, simple ones are recommended - pitched, attic. With their shape they will not burden the entire structure.

Well, as can be seen from what has been written, innovation is quite real for independent work. All processes have been described many times and if the instructions are followed exactly, they do not pose a problem.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are a modern, aesthetic and reliable type of housing, which is increasingly preferred. Such structures are a smart compromise between reliability, functionality and beauty and provide owners with positive emotions from their use.

Advantages of houses made of laminated veneer lumber

Timber is a universal material that has a number of significant advantages in addition to ease of use during the construction of structures. Houses made of timber have the following advantages:

  • aesthetics;
  • low cost;
  • Possibility of use immediately after installation. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber have a low percentage of shrinkage (no more than 0.5%), which means you don’t have to wait until you start using them;
  • resistance to external influences: moisture, rotting, mechanical damage.

In addition, the great popularity of houses made of timber is due to the ease of construction of structures and the possibility of operation in a short period after completion of work.

Construction stages

The construction of a turnkey laminated timber house is carried out in several stages:

  • selection and approval of the project. The design of such a house can be standard or individual. It should be kept in mind that the implementation individual project takes longer;
  • construction of the foundation. The foundation can be either strip or pile-screw, depending on the type of terrain, soil and relief;
  • installation of walls and roof. Carried out after the foundation has settled. The construction of walls and roofs is a responsible job that requires precision and professionalism.

After completing all these stages, the finishing of the structure is carried out - external and internal.

Our offer

The catalog of WoodHouse LLC presents a large selection of projects for houses made of laminated veneer lumber. From us you can buy a house made of laminated veneer lumber at affordable price. In our catalog you can study projects of houses made of laminated veneer lumber, prices and choose the appropriate option. If you have any questions, leave a request on the website or contact our specialist by phone. We will give you detailed advice and help you choose optimal solution. If necessary, changes can be made to any of the standard projects. Also, especially for you, we will be able to develop an individual solution taking into account all your requirements and build a house from laminated veneer lumber, which for many years will delight you with its reliability and aesthetics.

Our company offers the service of constructing houses from laminated veneer lumber in any part of Moscow, as well as the region.