Heated outdoor shower – country comfort in any weather. Do-it-yourself water heater: design, materials, assembly, installation Do-it-yourself instantaneous water heater for shower

Making a instantaneous water heater with your own hands is a great idea if you suffer from a lack of hot water in the summer or want to organize a shower in your country house. You can make the flower yourself, because it is quite simply designed. What you need for work and what stages you have to go through, you will find out in the article.

Flow-through heater device

We wrote in detail about how the boiler works in the article “”.

Let's list the main components and consider the principle of operation. The body of the device is equipped with a flow-through heating element, which is placed in a protective flask, so it is practically not subject to scale. The water passes through the heater, reaching the optimal temperature. The advantage of doing this is that you can get hot water at any time.

To create an electric water heater, the most important thing is to purchase a heating element. You have two options:

  • Simple - buy a new item in the store. It is important to choose the right power: a regular network will not withstand more than 5 kW, but for a summer house it is better to take 3-4 kW.
  • Make a homemade heating element.

What you will need to make the heater:

  • Spiral (heating element).
  • Copper tube for making a protective case.
  • Two steel tubes with ½ diameter thread.
  • Steel sheet 3 mm thick.
  • Nichrome wire.
  • Heat-resistant glue.
  • Anti-corrosion paint.
  • Gas-burner.
  • Welding machine.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.
  • Metal brush.
  • Sharp core.
  • Electrodes.
  • Hammer.

How to make a heating element yourself:

  • Twist a spiral from a copper tube. Make at least three turns at a distance from each other.

When twisted, the tube may crumple at the bends. To avoid this, we recommend filling the cavity with sand and sealing the edges with plugs.

  • Wind the wire tightly around the tube so that there are no gaps between the turns. Secure the ends with heat-resistant glue.
  • To obtain more power, the spirals are powered in parallel. With sequential power supply, heating will be worse.
  • The element is then placed in a copper tube and sealed.

To accurately produce electrical appliance, you need to calculate the materials.

Calculation for the manufacture of direct-flow heating elements

It is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the future heater, how much wire and copper pipes will be required.

How much wire might you need? To take a shower with normal pressure and water heating, the power must be at least 5 kW. From the calculations below you can see the current strength:

P=IxU; I=P/U=5000 W/220V=23 A

Therefore, take care in advance about normal wiring in the room. It is better to use a thick cable. Now calculate the indicators using this formula:

R (maximum resistance is 1.1 Ohm x mm²/m) = p (wire resistance) x L/S (sectional area).

How to find out the cross-sectional area? Calculation method only:

S= πr² = 3.14x0.5²=0.8 mm²

Wire length:

L= 8.8/1.4=6.2 m

Divide this number by the number of turns of the heating element.

Let's say the tube dimensions are 10 mm and the thickness is 1 mm. When winding wire in parallel, the distance between the turns should be 2 mm.

How to assemble a flow-through heater yourself

Before you begin assembly, prepare all the parts. The metal needs to be cleaned of rust; for this, a drill with a brush attachment is used. Keep in mind that the diameter of the sheet must exceed the dimensions of the heating element flask.

Mark the places on the sheet where the spiral will be located. Use a drill with a drill diameter larger than the heater leg. Make holes for attaching bolts. Make holes along the end of the product with a core. They should be located strictly in the middle.

Make two sketches using an angle grinder. Follow the diagram and markings. In the second option, holes are not needed. The result will be the lower and upper parts of the device. Then proceed like this:

  • Connect the part with the holes and the heating element bulb. Make sure that all connections are tight, then weld the parts to each other.
  • Make sure that the length of the flask does not exceed the size of the spiral by more than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, you need to shorten it.
  • Make two holes in the pipe for water supply, top and bottom.
  • Weld the pipe sections so that the non-threaded side faces the bulb.

For mechanical heating to work, the temperature must be adjusted. Therefore, install a thermostat next to the heating element. It is better to install the start button on the surface of the tank.

  • Weld the two housings that were cut from the sheet.
  • Install a grounding bolt inside the chamber.
  • Connect the device to water and run it to test.
  • Inspect how tightly the parts are soldered and whether there are any leaks.
  • If everything is in order, you should turn off the device, prime and paint the surface with anti-corrosion paint.

If desired, you can organize gas or wood heating of water. But then it is better to make a storage-flow housing.

A simple homemade device is not safe, so you need to constantly monitor its operation, control the flow of water so that the heating element does not work in vain. After all, this technique does not have protective sensors.

A self-made water heater with your own hands is an excellent alternative to expensive equipment. Installation and installation of a homemade water heater is not difficult. Its advantage is to receive required quantity economical hot water for domestic needs residential premises at minimal cost. Folk “Kulibins” use several sources of water heating in the manufacture of homemade water heaters. This is an electric heating element, solar energy, heat from a heating boiler. Let's take a closer look at how to create a homemade storage water heater.

  • 1 Boiler powered by an electric heating element
    • 1.1 Stages of installing a water heater
    • 1.2 Features of arranging a gas cylinder for a water heater
      • 1.2.1 Thermal insulation and fasteners
  • 2
    • 2.1 Water heater made from polyethylene bottles
  • 3 Conclusion

Boiler powered by electric heating element

A homemade electric water heater is a system that independently heats water. Its design consists of a container with a heating element installed inside, which is responsible for supplying heat. The water in the container is heated by the temperature of the heating element to the required level. As one of the additional options to your preference, you can also use a parallel connection of the boiler to the heating system of the house.

Stages of water heater installation

To make a water heater, you need to perform a number of basic works step by step.

  1. Prepare a special container.
  2. Make a coil.
  3. Next, carry out thermal insulation work.
  4. Assemble a water heater with your own hands.
  5. Connect the heating element.
  6. Set up a supply system cold water.
  7. Lay out pipes for hot water and install water intake taps there.

Components and working equipment you will need:

  • Copper coil or tubular heat exchanger;
  • Nut size 32 mm;
  • Plastic pipes;
  • Welding machine;
  • Nitro primer./li>

The main tank for a water heater can be made of:

  • Aluminum alloy;
  • Of stainless steel;
  • Ordinary steel that has undergone external anti-corrosion treatment.

The ideal option here would be a stainless steel water container, which is more reliable and durable. For a country house option, a 50 liter gas cylinder capacity is perfect.

Features of arranging a gas cylinder for a water heater

In the case of a gas cylinder, it is better to take it new and without a valve. To apply an anti-corrosion coating in the form of a nitro primer to the inner surface of a gas cylinder, the container must be cut using welding machine. Then clean the inside of this structure, prime it and weld it back together.

Afterwards, you need to cut two holes in the container. One will be located on top of the body of the water tank, and will be used to drain hot water. The second is installed from below to ensure the flow of cold water. To ensure the normal functioning of a homemade water heater, ball valves are installed at each outlet. At the cold water inlet to the water heater, the supply pipe is equipped with a check valve to prevent water from flowing out of the tank.

To obtain an indirect type heater and use it from heating system, by welding, in addition to the cold and hot water outlets, two additional holes are made for mounting the heat exchanger, where one pipe will be adjacent to the other.

A 32 mm nut with internal thread is welded to the place where the heating element is installed, where the factory brass valve was previously screwed in. It is advisable to purchase the heating element itself with a power of 1.2 or 2 kW with a thermostat and an electrical signaling sensor.

This creates an indirect heating boiler, or something similar to it, where water is heated. At the same time, the main design element is gas cylinder, and the design of the water heater is not that complicated.

Thermal insulation and fasteners

To reduce heat losses, a thermal insulation layer is laid outside the water heater. Here you can use:

  • Ordinary polyurethane foam;
  • Izolon;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Foam film.

Some craftsmen recommend using a foil backing under the laminate for this purpose, wrapping it around the water heater like a thermos. The insulation is secured with glue or wire. To increase the efficiency of the water heater, it is advisable to insulate its entire body.

To arrange the mounting on top part special ears are welded on the cylinder, and a metal corner is installed on the wall where they will be fixed.

A solar water heater is the most common, cost-effective, almost traditional way to obtain hot water in the country in the summer. Such a water heater is not difficult to manufacture, so many can make it with their own hands. To install it you need to have or purchase:

  • Large capacity for storage tank from 100 or more liters;
  • Plastic PVC pipes to fill the container and supply water to the summer shower;
  • 20 mm steel angles or 50 mm square sections wooden blocks for a frame for a storage tank.

It is better to use large polyethylene barrels as containers, as they are the lightest, most convenient and durable material. They are placed with your own hands in a sunny place protected from the wind. Most often, the roof of a summer shower is chosen for the installation location.

For better heating, the storage tank is painted black. On the leeward side, many install protective screens made of boards with reflective materials such as foil near the storage tanks. In this case, the sun's rays, reflected, will additionally fall on the water heater, thereby increasing the heating of the water in it. In hot weather 200 liter barrel

by the evening it can produce water at a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees in a storage water heater.

Water heater made from polyethylene bottles Installation of a water heating system from conventional plastic bottles

  • You can do it yourself during the day. They equip a storage tank. Their number directly depends on the desired capacity. In addition, for installation you will need:
  • Inexpensive sealant; Connecting plastic PVC
  • pipes;
  • Electric drill;

Two valve or ball valves.

Before you begin, you need to prepare all the bottles for installation. To do this, a hole is drilled in the bottom of each bottle, equal in diameter to its neck. Then the neck of another is inserted into the hole in the bottom of one bottle, the neck of the third is inserted into the bottom of the last, and so on up to 10 bottles for one “battery”. The number of such “batteries” is not limited. All joints are treated with sealant to ensure a reliable connection. Then the prepared modules are placed on the southern slope of the roof, ideally on the internal waves of slate. Afterwards the output of each section is connected to plastic pipe

, which is located perpendicular to them. The insertion of each section of the modules is carried out in a similar way to the installation of bottles in a “battery” with subsequent sealing of all connecting connections.

The performance of such a simple DIY solar water heater is pretty decent. To take a shower, one person will need 100 liters of water. Taking into account the family's need for hot water, you can roughly calculate the size of the water module.

On a summer day, in clear weather, the energy of the sun can heat 60 liters of water almost to boiling in an hour, but this never happens due to large heat losses. In practice, we don’t need this, but in clear weather the sun can heat the volume of water in the installed modules to 40 -45 degrees 2 or 3 times during the day. Therefore, this hot water is quite enough for the household and economic needs of a family in a summer cottage.


The trend of rapidly rising prices for energy resources forces many to look for cheap and alternative sources for their needs. Free source heat on Earth is the Sun.

Today, many people strive to use at least part of this natural benefit for themselves in any way, while receiving significant savings on traditional hot water supply.

Based on existing conditions, many strive to equip their homes with home-made water heaters and create comfortable conditions for their family with minimal investment in heating water.

It is difficult to imagine modern life in the country without the usual comfort. A heated country shower will help maintain the required level of hygiene and comfort for those who love country holidays or work in the country on weekends. A simple shower already significantly increases the level of comfort for personal plot. In order to maximize the level of comfort, a summer shower for a dacha with heated water will help; it can be used in any weather, thanks to insulation and a fenced off dressing room.

There are quite a lot of methods for equipping country shower cabins with heated water on your property, properly equipping it, starting from a custom design and its turnkey installation at a specialized enterprise and ending with the purchase of individual components and independent performance of all work from sketches and markings to installation towel holders and soap dishes.

If someone is completely satisfied with the average water temperature, so as not to get a cold when using a regular garden shower, then for some it is fundamentally important to have warm shower with the ability to adjust the heating temperature. Based on this, it is necessary to consider all the common summer and all-season models with their pros and cons in order to make it easier to choose the best option.

  • Titanium. A country shower, equipped with forced heating, can be equipped with wood or coal titanium. This method allows you to get hot water, regardless of weather conditions. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to install an expander that will help ensure the circulation of water - cold water will go down into the heat exchanger, and warm water will rise into the tank.

The category of especially dangerous includes equipment whose work is directly related to open fire, and if you do not have the necessary experience, it is better not to try to make a heated country shower with your own hands using a boiler, titanium or stove. The optimal solution in this case it will be to buy already finished design with relevant certificates and quality assurance. But even in this case there are serious drawbacks that relate to safety.

In order to avoid fire, it will be necessary to install asbestos or thermal insulation protection. In order to install titanium inside a shower stall, you will need to carefully select the material that will be used to construct the walls, floor and ceiling. If a decision is made on external placement, then care must be taken to fence the titanium or stove to prevent children from approaching them.

  • Electric heating. One of the most convenient methods of heating is electricity, of course, if you take all the necessary safety measures during assembly of the structure. The disadvantages of such heating include a serious load on the network, which comes from heating elements or a conventional one-kilowatt boiler (this option can be used when limited budget). When designing a country shower with a similar heating method, it is necessary to optimize the electrical network in advance to obtain warm water.

Important: any electrical equipment (no matter lighting or heating) must be installed in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations: all cables, switches and sockets must be waterproof, and in addition must be equipped with reliable grounding for better protection.

  • Solar panels. Arrangement of a country shower with heating using a vacuum solar collector quite an expensive pleasure. Panels with vacuum pipes are storage water heaters. The principle of their work is to use the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, rather than its heat, to generate thermal energy. You can buy equipment for such a shower, but if you have special knowledge and skills, you can make such a heated tank with your own hands.

Correct operation directly depends on the selection (it is necessary to take into account the load recommended by the manufacturer) and the quality of the equipment itself capable of heating water. Based on these data, it is worth concluding that you should not save on purchasing equipment, since it may turn out that the money was wasted.

Preparing a site for installing a shower

The choice of location plays a major role not only when installing a solar shower, but also for other types of showers. If you install a country shower in an open, sunny place, this will allow the shower stall to dry out faster, and if you also make an open riser (such as, for example, a drainage ditch), this will avoid the “eternal puddle” even during frequent use of the cabin.

Before starting work, you also need to decide on the drainage method - this detail can have a significant impact on the entire structure, for this it is necessary to provide for everything during the design, so as not to correct the finished structure later.

The most popular types of drainage in country shower, perhaps, the following can be attributed:

  • the simplest is direct drainage onto the ground or into a ditch through a drainage hole or cracks in the floor;
  • using a pipeline through a sump or drainage hole in the floor and transporting them to the sewer;
  • use of a septic tank.

Based on these removal methods dirty water Based on the availability of materials, conditions and budget, you can create a huge number of options.

The project is the most important part of the construction of a shower house

Before you start building even the simplest cabin or shower for a summer house made of polycarbonate with a dressing room, you need to think through a project that will allow you to avoid serious mistakes. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to think about the end result and build on this topic.

The total height of the structure should not be more than 3 meters, since a person should be able to freely raise his arms up. You also need to remember about space. When in the shower stall, movements should not be limited.

During the construction of the shower, the following characteristics must be followed:

  • the dimensions of the booth should not be less than 1×1 m;
  • You must remember that you will need to allocate space for clothes.

When building a warm shower in the country with your own hands, you need to take into account a small area that can lead to the destruction of the entire structure. To strengthen the structure, you can erect pile foundation, this will make it more reliable and durable.

Pile foundations are quite popular in construction due to their good reputation. A modern pile foundation is quite in demand, since its price is much lower than that of its “brothers”, and in terms of quality it is in no way inferior to them.

In order to build this foundation, it is necessary to use pipes whose diameter is 100 mm. For them, holes are drilled in the ground to such a depth that the pipes protrude 15-30 cm above the ground.

How to install a heated shower in the country?

The work on erecting a country summer shower consists of the following stages:

  1. Making a foundation (if the foundation is piled, you will need to drill holes for it in the ground, for a filler foundation, dig a small pit).
  2. Installation of the frame (horizontal and vertical posts) and the upper ceiling for mounting the tank.
  3. Hanging on one of the vertical door supports.
  4. The frame must be sheathed with the selected material, which will act as walls.
  5. If there is such a need, you can thermally insulate the entire structure and install a roof over the tank space (only necessary if forced heating is available).
  6. Installation of the tank and heating equipment, reflectors, protective film (it all depends on what type of heating was chosen).
  7. Hanging hooks, shelves and hangers.

In cases with ready-made options, it is worth mentioning the plastic country shower with a water heater.

Recommendations for choosing a ready-made heated country shower

Before purchasing a tank for a heated country shower, you need to study what requirements apply to it:

  • profitability - low cost, but also appropriate quality;
  • environmental friendliness - the materials used to make a heated country shower should not harm human health;
  • fire safety is a mandatory requirement, if the shower is heated using electricity, all contacts and connections must be of high quality and reliable, taking into account fire safety standards;
  • comfort - being in the shower should not cause inconvenience, and the size should be convenient for swimming;
  • modernity - this requirement is imposed on the design of the purchased one, since it must fit into the overall picture.

When choosing a purchased shower, you must be guided by the volume and shape of the tank, the choice of which is characterized by personal preferences. There are models with and without booths. It is possible to install various add-ons, such as automatic heating and water drainage, various hygiene devices and additional nozzles.

Additional options for a purchased heated country shower include:

  • indicator responsible for the level of filling of the tank with water;
  • shutdown timers and heating devices;
  • devices for filling and draining water;
  • thermostats.

Tens can be located at the lower, central and middle levels.

There are pedal options and showers equipped with separate changing rooms, their difference lies in the price, the latter are more expensive, but also more convenient.

Convenience during installation is another requirement for a heated shower, and since the shower is purchased, its installation and connection should take a maximum of three hours.

The shower stall should have a window or mesh elements through which light and air can penetrate, killing mold and mildew.

In the case where electrical wiring is to be installed in a country shower, it is necessary to remember basic safety rules when carrying out electrical work. The shower is a place with high humidity, so it is necessary to take into account all the nuances:

  1. In order to make it more convenient to use the shower, it is recommended to replace the iron tray with plastic drains. Their advantage is that air circulates well and water does not stagnate.
  2. Thermal insulation is one of the main requirements for the normal operation of an insulated shower. For such purposes, polystyrene foam is most often used. This material is great for places with high humidity and is quite easy to install. To achieve tightness, the womb is covered with an additional thick film. A room with this type of thermal insulation will be quite warm and comfortable. For year-round use of the shower, the entire structure must be insulated.
  3. The most common mistake when installing a heated shower is installing a loose door and thick walls. As a result, due to poor ventilation, various fungi and mold begin to spread.
  4. To prevent electric shock, operating the shower while the heating element is on is strictly prohibited.
  5. If you carefully monitor and maintain proper water levels, this will help extend the life of your heater. Turning on the heater without water can cause it to simply explode. Repair of this type of product is not provided.

In order to create comfort while bathing in a country shower, heating the water is essential. A warm water at heart, truly a real treasure for avid lovers of country holidays and summer residents.

Sometimes a homemade water heater is a great option to save on the necessary expensive equipment. It can be used as a temporary option in case of breakdown of old equipment, or on a permanent basis, for example, V country houses , where the need for hot water is seasonal. Of course, for constant water supply in a private house or apartment, it is best to use factory systems. The manufacture and installation of a homemade device for heating water does not require special experience; anyone can make it. The main thing is availability required material and tools for work. So, how to make a water heater with your own hands?

Of course, self-made pressure storage water heaters, designed by yourself, will be more convenient to use. But their assembly requires additional investment and knowledge. Such systems must be equipped circulation pump to maintain a pressure of 1 atm or connect to a water supply system already installed in the house.

If the budget is limited and there is no opportunity to purchase such additional equipment, or there is no water supply system in the house at all, you should pay attention to the non-pressure option. You can make such a water heater with your own hands from an ordinary bucket or large-capacity pan. The main thing is to mount such a device higher so that water runs out of it under the influence of gravity. But you will have to constantly monitor the filling of the storage tank and the water temperature.

Since it is difficult to provide a mixing system in such a homemade device, you should initially heat the water no higher than 40 degrees.

What to make a storage tank from

Before making a water heater, you need to decide on the design features of the future boiler. Most often, this is a storage tank with a heating element installed inside it, which is responsible for heating the water.

For a storage tank, it is better to choose containers made of corrosion-resistant metal. The most suitable options: stainless or enameled steel, high-quality plastic, aluminum. You can also use iron tanks, but they will have to be pre-treated with a special protective composition, which minimizes rust formation. Otherwise, the water passing through such a heating device may not be suitable for domestic needs.

For homemade storage water heaters They use a variety of containers; an example is a gas cylinder. This is a fairly convenient tank in size, shape and strength.

How to make a water heater from a gas cylinder

Ideally, a new vessel will be purchased for this. If this is not possible, use a used cylinder. To get rid of the smell of gas, it should be carefully treat with nitro primer and rinse the inner surface. To do this, the cylinder will have to be cut first and then welded again.

It is worth paying special attention that before performing work that will involve violating the integrity of the cylinder, it must be filled with water to prevent the possibility of an explosion.

Tools and materials:

  • welding machine and drill for metal;
  • metal-cutting tool for applying threads (die);
  • screwdrivers and gas wrench;
  • empty gas cylinder;
  • heating element with thermostat;
  • insulating composition for heating element (lubricant or tow);
  • metal eyeliners;
  • nut, safety and check valves;
  • fasteners for fixing the finished boiler.

Manufacturing instructions.

The DIY water heater is almost ready. Now the completed device can be filled with water and checked for leaks. If all is well, you can connect the heating element and use the device.

Economical DIY water heater

The constant increase in electricity tariffs forces many consumers to switch to saving mode. A good option is a DIY storage boiler powered by solar energy.

To make it you will need:

  • large volume storage tank (100-200 liters);
  • PVC pipes and hoses for water supply;
  • fasteners.

Instructions on how to make an economical boiler for a summer cottage:

  • holes are made in the storage barrel for the pipes;
  • hoses are connected to them;
  • the capacitive tank is installed in a sunny place protected from the wind;
  • water supply is organized (this can be a hose connected to the water supply);
  • conclusion is made to the tap or outdoor shower.

Under the influence of sunlight, the water in the barrel heats up and can be used for your needs. This practical option for organizing a summer shower on your own garden plot. Often such barrels are installed directly on the roof of various buildings. In order to make the most of natural energy and achieve maximum efficiency from such a device, next to the reservoir in which the water is located, reflective elements(for example, the remains of a foil backing for a laminate), or the tank itself should be painted a dark color.

If desired, anyone can make a water heater with their own hands. The main thing is to think ahead design features equipment, select suitable materials and secure the water heating system.