The best roofing for a house: features of choosing a coating from A to Z. Types of roofing materials - The best offers from modern manufacturers! (83 photos) Roofing options

Construction never stands still, and every year better and better roofing materials are invented.

In this article you will find a description of the most famous of them. You will be able to evaluate all the pros and cons of each of them and choose the right product for yourself.

What to look for when choosing a roofing covering?

  • Today in construction the following types of roofing materials can be identified:
  • . It is made of ceramics, metal, cement-sand base, bitumen Asbestos cement sheets

  • . They can be flat or wavy. In construction, this material is often called slate. There are two types - standard and euro slate (ondulin) Profiled metal sheets

  • or simply corrugated sheet Sheets of metal

  • different types

  • Membrane roofing


Service life and fire resistance. If you are a reasonable person, then you will never buy roofing material with a service life of a couple of years or use expensive products on temporary structures

  • Soft tiles can last you about 20 years
  • Manufacturers advise coming back for new metal tiles after 15 years. But here the actual period may be less; it’s all about coating the product with polymers
  • Standard tiles typically last up to 30 years. But in reality it collapses much faster. It's about its structure. Although manufacturers provide a guarantee for frost resistance, it is almost impossible to change this material because in most cases destruction occurs due to moisture vapor, but the company will not provide a guarantee for this.
  • The average “life” of slate is 10 years
  • Ondulin will last up to 15 years
  • Metal roofs occupy almost all time ranges, ranging from 40 years to a century. Copper and its alloy with titanium is the most durable product known today. The only thing that scares me off is the price, but if you compare it with the service life, it’s justified
  • The shelf life of slate as a roof is 40 years

IMPORTANT: The service life can be sharply reduced if installed incorrectly or poorly, as well as when already damaged material is laid on the roof.

Most likely, this information will not be enough, and you will want to consider in more detail all types of roofing materials for the roof, then let me tell you this right now.

Ceramic or standard tiles

Roofing materials can be divided into types according to cost, and this roofing will be one of the most expensive, but don’t worry, the cost of roof tiles is often compensated by its aesthetics and durability.

After all, clay is used as a basis in the production of this product. The finished slabs weigh from two kilograms.

A roof made of tiles is very durable, and the manufacturer provides a fairly solid guarantee for such roofing materials.

The service life can be up to 150 years, but this is subject to use good materials in product production and quality installation.

A ceramic roof can be laid in all types of buildings, whether they are made of brick, wood or rubble stone. The main thing is to get within the range of degrees of slope. It is 25-60 o and is considered optimal so that roofing work with tiles is carried out as safely as possible, because materials with such a mass are somewhat demanding of themselves.

  • A roof structure with a slope of less than 22° requires additional measures to ensure ventilation and waterproofing.
  • The slope, which is in the range of 22-60 o, allows for fastening elements using standard methods and materials
  • When the slope reaches 60° or more, then it is worth fixing the roofing materials with screws, and you can find how this is done in the photo on the Internet or in our article

Each construction product has positive and negative qualities, so there is not much about this now.

The advantages include:

  • Easy to install. Despite its heaviness, such a roof is very easy to install and does not require additional costs during operation. All maintenance costs will be associated only with cleaning the gutters and professional preventive inspection
  • High noise protection. Residents with such roofs claim that they can’t even hear raindrops.
  • No possibility of corrosion
  • Fire resistance
  • Frost resistance
  • Wealth of choice color ranges and forms
  • The material itself, due to its porous structure, allows a certain amount of moisture to be removed from the attic space

The disadvantages are the following:

  • Large mass of one element
  • Shingles are a fragile product
  • Additional costs will be required for the installation of reinforced sheathing and waterproofing
  • The cost is quite high

In addition to standard tiles, there is an analogue of tiles in construction, but only a cement-sand mixture is used as the main ingredient. Its use makes it possible to produce a product that is practically no different in appearance, but has less weight. Judge for yourself, the load is on one square meter is approximately 30kg, when the original product has 60kg.

The composition is very simple and includes: sand, some iron oxides (as a dye), cement.

The optimal roof degree for installing this coating is 20-60 degrees. The device and fasteners are made directly onto the sheathing in rows. Nails are used as fastening elements for dressing. To ensure safe operation, I advise you to use rafter legs with a minimum cross-section of 50x150mm.

Cement and sand tiles are quite resistant to solar radiation and are frost-resistant, but, like the original, they are very expensive, and transportation is a complex process.

Bitumen tiles

Flexible roofing materials make asphalt shingles stand out. This product is made from fiberglass and polyester. This tile has modest dimensions of 100x30cm, has a low weight of only 10kg per 1m2, is quite plastic (you can fold it in half with your own hands) and at the same time is resistant to aggressive terrain conditions.

This roofing is suitable for all types of rafter structures where the slope will be more than 12 degrees. It is popular among developers of cottages, private houses and temporary buildings - garages, gazebos.

Durability is the main positive quality of this product. Thanks to its structure, transportation over any distance is possible without the risk of damaging the tiles. Local repairs allow you to replace failed elements with new ones. It has a high level of noise absorption and eliminates the possibility of rotting.

Bituminous shingles are a budget option when compared with their counterparts. It is highly flammable, which makes it unsafe. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, it loses its properties.

Metal tiles

Due to their structure, all types of buildings have different roofs and types. Some roofs have a simple structure and the roofing materials used for this type may not be suitable for more complex structures. Metal tiles are a unique product that allows you to use them on a roof of any complexity.

It doesn’t matter to her whether it’s a shopping center or a small pavilion, a high-rise residential building or an industrial one.

Metal tiles are galvanized steel, similar in appearance to their ceramic counterpart.

As a rule, the surface of such a product is treated with polymer compounds, which allows it to look like a noble roofing covering.

Its installation is carried out on roofs with a slope of more than 15 O. The technological process is quite simple and understandable from the first minutes of work. Used as fasteners roofing screws, which can be freely purchased at a hardware store.

If you are looking for cheap, strong and durable roofing materials, then this is your choice.

Its cost is approximately three times less than standard tiles, and the characteristics differ slightly.

The obvious advantages of such tiles include resistance to mechanical damage, low weight (3 kg per 1 m2), and safety of transportation.

But here you can also highlight bad qualities, and these are: low noise absorption and a large amount of waste during installation.

Asbestos cement boards or corrugated slate

Slate is the most common material in old-type country houses. It is a kind of composite material with a cement base and reinforced with asbestos fibers. Today, such sheets can be found in the form of a rectangular sheet with six waves. As a rule, its size is 120x70cm with a wave height of 2.8cm. Slate is a lightweight material, and the load on the base is only 15 kg/m2.

The work of laying this type of roofing material is done overlapping, and nails with a wide head are used as fasteners. Directly during the installation process, you should not skimp on the waterproofing layer, which is often used as roofing material or glassine.

Today, slate coating is fading into the background, but is still popular for use on temporary buildings.

This is due to the price-quality ratio, which allows you to quickly and inexpensively create a roof, for example, on a barn or garage from gas silicate blocks.

  • TO positive aspects we can easily attribute high strength characteristics, ease of dividing the product into individual elements, and low cost.
  • The disadvantages include fragility, environmental hazards, unsightly appearance and susceptibility to fungi on the slate surface.

Corrugated sheeting as a covering on temporary structures

As you already understood, types of roofing can be completely different, and one of them uses metal. When installing roofs of private houses, these materials are often the priority of developers. But what is causing this excitement? It’s all very simple because corrugated sheeting is produced in completely different sizes and shapes, which allows owners to bring the craziest idea to life. Today, there are three types of profiled sheets: sinusoidal, rounded and trapezoidal. The presence of additional elements in the form of waves on the surface of the material not only simplifies the installation process, but also adds a certain touch of decor.

Corrugated sheeting is widely used on rafter systems with a slope of 10 degrees. The installation of sheets on the surface of the sheathing is carried out after laying the glassine layer. Special self-tapping screws with rubber linings are used as fasteners in order to create a good seal. Their consumption, as a rule, is 8-10 pcs/m2.

The sheets are joined using the “overlapping” technique. The scope of application of this material is very wide, but most often it can be seen in factories, supermarkets, car washes, etc.

  • Ease of installation and low cost are an obvious advantage, but at the same time, corrugated sheeting has high strength and durability. Therefore, such a product can be considered very beneficial for roofing when limited budget and time.

Seam-shaped steel roofing

Surely you know something about what types of roofing materials there are, and you know that they all have an identical installation process - laying and fastening sheets using bolts or self-tapping screws, but some types of seam roofing are created with self-latching elements.

This allows you to get rid of unnecessary tools and will speed up the flooring process several times.

As for ordinary folded sheets, they look like steel plates. Such material can be coated with polymers, which increases the service life, or it can be produced without them. The minimum roof slope is 20 degrees. The joining of individual parts occurs using hooks along the edges of the sheet.

The clamps act as fastening elements to the sheathing, and the folds themselves are rolled up using electromechanical units or manually.

These types of roofing materials are suitable for beautifying churches, estates, industrial buildings, but by looking at photos on the Internet or here on the page, you can be inspired by an interesting idea.

  • The advantages include: fire safety, attractive appearance, elasticity, low weight.
  • The disadvantages include additional costs for insulation and low resistance to dynamic loads.

Copper and aluminum roofing

Roofing materials made of light metals are definitely a good coating, this can be evidenced by multiple positive reviews on construction portals. Among them, aluminum and copper can be distinguished.

Copper sheets are produced by manufacturers in the form of rectangles 70x110cm, weight is 7kg/m2. The aluminum coating will give an even lower pressure and will be 3 kg/m2. The permissible slope for installing such roofs is 15 degrees or more.

Copper and aluminum are quite expensive metals, and, therefore, the roof will not be cheap, but everything is compensated by its service life. After all, for copper this is a period of 150 years.

As for aesthetic properties, at first copper is a fairly aesthetic material and has an attractive appearance, but over time the tones fade and it takes on darker tones.

Please note that when color is lost, the quality of the material remains unchanged. high level, so if this fact does not bother you and you need a durable roof, then this is your choice.

  • The advantages of these roofs are that they do not require any maintenance, are not flammable, are environmentally friendly, and are highly resistant to aggressive precipitation (for example, acid rain).
  • The only downside is the cost. Therefore, if you have the finances, you should pay attention to this type of coverage.

Bituminous slate

Flexible sheets based on cellulose pulp and bitumen are called bitumen slate. The water resistance of this product is very high, so it has found application as a roofing covering. The roof slope for installation of this material must be 5 degrees or more.

Sheet sizes are produced as standard everywhere - 2x1m. This type of slate is widely used by developers of private houses, cafes, and restaurants. This material is highly flexible along the wave, so it can often be found on curved roofing structures, for example, on the dome.

It is worth noting that there will be practically no production waste left from it, because the excess pieces can be used as a substrate for new roof construction.


  • Light weight (5kg/m2)
  • Wide range of colors
  • Easy to install


  • Not durable. If installed incorrectly, strong gusts of wind can damage and distort the material.
  • It is flammable, which is unacceptable in terms of fire safety
  • Low frost resistance

In a modern hardware store, this product can be found at a price of $6 per meter. By the way, some sheets of bitumen slate are self-adhesive. This significantly reduces time installation work and makes these roofing materials higher than standard ones.

Roofing made of slate materials

You've probably heard the concept of shale formations in geography lessons. So, not so long ago, construction workers in European countries for the first time laid this material on the roof of their houses, which entailed the creation of a new revolution in this industry. The ideal slope for this material is 25 degrees.

Elements of this type are created only by hand and the weight is far from small - 25 kg/m 2. Based on such a mass, it can be assumed that the load on the base will be colossal, and, therefore, the sheathing should be made stable. For this, slats with a cross-section of 4x6cm are suitable, and nails (from 100mm) are suitable as fastening elements.

The sheathing pitch is selected strictly individually. It all depends on the size of the layers themselves. Therefore, as a rule, the distance is considered to be slightly less than half the layer. The roofing pie with this type of coating has the appearance of honeycombs, octagons, and fish scales. However, all this does not matter here, and you can try to create your own drawing, for example, a famous logo or painting.

The service life directly depends on your attentiveness, because if you do not notice a crack in the roofing during a routine inspection, you can be left in the cold and soon replace the entire roof. Therefore, if you have damage to some layers, replace them.

Natural materials as a roof over your head

Roofing without purchasing roofing materials is a recent practice that came from Europe. In these countries, the following types of natural materials have long been practiced as roofing:

  • Straw
  • Wood
  • Reed

These types, as a rule, are not used in regular construction. They are used to add their own atmosphere to restaurants by the sea, hotels, various bars and hotels. A sociological survey shows that people are more impressed by natural material, rather than a colorful facade and new lights.

Of course, the cheapest roofing material is roofing material, and the most expensive is rightfully considered an alloy of copper and titanium, but there are some nuances here. If you lay a roof with roofing felt for 100 years, then during this period you will spend about 7-8 times on it. This takes into account the number of repairs and complete replacement of the coating. If you use an alloy, then not only will you not have to repair or replace anything, you will still have 50 years left. Which will certainly pay for such material.

Inexpensive and lightweight roofing materials allow you to cover a temporary structure as quickly as possible and at the same time use a small amount of finance. After all, ease of installation is also one aspect of savings.

As a conclusion, I can say that no matter what roofing materials you use, they should always perform the tasks you set.

There are many designs for which it is permissible to use one type, but completely unacceptable for another. Choose only high-quality products from reliable manufacturers, so that you don’t have to make repairs again later.

The variety of roofs misleads the average person who is inexperienced in construction.

When considering roof options, it is difficult to determine what exactly is needed for a future structure and which one is appropriate to build in a particular case.

In addition, you want the roof to be not only beautiful, but also strong, durable, and meet all requirements. The variety of designs allows architectural designers to turn all the most unpredictable projects into reality.

There are different types of roofs of private houses, we will talk about them now.

A pitched roof is a rectangular plane resting on opposite load-bearing walls.:

  • There is a pitched roof
  • Ventilated;


Design Features Directly depends on the slope. Since the slope of the structure is influenced not only by the finishing coating, but by the peculiarity of climatic conditions, then.

all these values ​​​​should be calculated correctly

An important indicator for the design of any roof is also the total load.

Slope angle

Directly depends on the coating material: coatings differ in their ability to retain snow precipitation.

It is recommended to select materials for covering a pitched roof based on their ability to self-clean from snow. In addition, depending on the natural features, in places where winds prevail, the area is not sufficiently protected by trees,.

it is recommended to change the angle of the slope

Options for a pitched roof truss system WITH:

  • tropic roof structure with one slope can be
  • Sliding;
  • layered;

hanging. Most often performed from wooden elements

for various purposes.

Rafter system of a pitched roof

Installation features

The installation of a single-pitched rafter structure is carried out on the Mauerlat.

If a hanging type frame is being installed, then a truss is first made on the ground. The entire structure is manufactured according to a given template. The roof can be equipped with an insulation system

. To do this, install the elements necessary for a warm roof.

The final covering of the roof is a protective covering material.

Despite the ease of installation and simple design, the lean-to system has its own characteristics.


  • Inexpensive design;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to strong winds.

Repair work during operation at pitched roof It’s not difficult to produce and not too expensive.


  • The need for snow removal;
  • low height of the attic space. The advantages of this type are strength and reliability in terms of resistance to the vagaries of the weather.

Shed roof

Gable roof

The design, which consists of two slopes, is called gable.

Gable structures can be classified according to the location of the slopes:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical;
  • broken;
  • multi-level;
  • gable with a ridge on the slope.

Additionally, other configurations of the two can be designed pitched roofs: broken from one slope, double broken, with extended canopies or extensions.

Design options

Particular attention is paid to the load.

Besides, the angle of inclination is important in accordance with the coating.

Quite simple, with the correct determination of all indicators (angle, roof load, natural load) the roof will be reliable and durable.

Tilt angle

The average amount of snowfall in the region is taken into account when calculating the roof load. Besides, the strength of the wind currents affects the slope of the slope.

With different slopes for different materials, a certain one corresponds. All materials have their own indicators.

Rafter system

It can have a layered, hanging, or combined design.

The rafter structure option is selected based on the span between the external walls. In addition to the rafter beams, the structural elements of the rafter system are: ridge, Mauerlat, crossbar, tie rods, and other elements.

Each of the additional elements distributes the load, fixes or strengthens the more vulnerable parts of the structure.

Rafter system gable roof


When installing a gable roof basic steps need to be followed:

  • Install beams;
  • secure the sheathing;
  • install roofing.

If the rafter legs are lengthened, additional slats are installed under the overhang.

Advantages and disadvantages

The gable roof is the most common roofing model.

This is due to the advantage of this design:

  • Possibility of arranging an attic;
  • there is no need to clear the snow cover yourself;
  • simple project;
  • variety of coatings.


  • Dependence of roof height on span;
  • when arranging an attic room, additional structural reinforcement and arrangement is required window systems and heating elements.

A gable roof is not the most complex structure, and when fully equipped, it is the most in demand.

Gable roof

Hip roof

Represents hipped structure. The slopes consist of triangles and trapezoids.

A modified design of the hip system is called half-hip. There are Dutch and Danish half-hip designs.


The project has quite painstaking calculations, since the design itself is not simple.

Particular attention should be paid to the points:

  • calculate each slope separately;
  • correctly calculate the length of the rafters and ridge;
  • take into account the area of ​​windows and chimneys;
  • calculate the load correctly.


The same material should be used for the frame and ridge beam. This feature must be taken into account in the project.

Project costs should include additional elements and additional details for roofing.

An important indicator for the design of any roof is also the total load.

The slope angle is affected by wind and snow. This type of structure can be arranged at an angle from 5° to 60°. The dependence on natural indicators is directly proportional.

You should remember the features of laying roofing: the recommended performance of each coating directly depends on the angle of the slope.

In addition to the main rafter legs, it consists of elements: a mauerlat, a ridge, slanted legs, and other important parts that provide strength and participate in the distribution of the load.

Hip roof rafter system

Rafter system of a pitched roof

Includes sequence of fastening elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • racks;
  • mowed legs. Next, other elements are installed in order, including the sheathing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hip structures, in addition to their presentable appearance and structural strength has a number of advantages:

  • the slope of the ribs reduces the wind load;
  • Due to the design feature, the area increases, which has a positive effect on heat transfer.

The disadvantages of a hip roof are its complexity and cost..

Hip roof

Mansard (broken) roof

This is a type of construction in which the slopes are refracted with a change in the slope angle of the slope.

An attic sloping roof can have from two to four slopes.

It can be layered or hanging.

The schematic structure of the attic can be in the form:

  • Square;
  • rectangle;
  • a combined figure combining a triangle and a square.

The most common type of broken structure is a gable roof.

Design options

At should be guided by the requirements, which are provided during installation:

  • The roof height should be designed at least 2.2 m;
  • choose materials that are lighter in weight;
  • take into account struts and tightening due to the length of the rafters.

A sloping roof provides for the arrangement of an attic, so it is advisable to use high-quality materials for insulation and ensuring air exchange for the roof.

Tilt angle

When calculating the slope angle, it is necessary to start from the height of the attic.

  • Influence of atmospheric influences;
  • type of roofing.

The best option for a sloping roof with an attic is a project in which the upper slopes are located at an angle of 30°, and the lower ones at an angle of 60°.

Rafter system

IN attic structures the frame is equipped with elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • frame racks;
  • runs. These and other elements create a solid foundation for arranging the attic.

Mansard roof rafter system


When installing the rafter base, one part of the frame is first made, starting with the racks and layered rafters, and then, like it, all the rest.

After installing all the elements, they are fastened with purlins.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a sloping roof is the arrangement of additional premises.

Among the disadvantages sloping roof is its cost Since this requires a lot of materials for insulation, installing special windows is not a cheap pleasure.

But the costs of arranging an attic cannot exceed the construction of an additional extension or increasing the area of ​​the house.

Mansard roof

Flat roof

A structure that is a plane lying on the load-bearing walls of a structure. This system does not have an attic.

Can be exploited or unexploited.

Besides, Depending on the characteristics of the coating, flat systems can be divided into:

  • inversion;
  • green;
  • breathable.

They all have their own characteristics.


At the stage design you should correctly calculate the load of the snow cover, as well as all materials used, and take into account the drainage system.

An important indicator for the design of any roof is also the total load.

The roof must have the necessary. Its angle is up to 5°. This feature contributes to high-quality drainage.

Rafter location options

The flat roof frame includes the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • support bars;
  • plywood or OSB flooring.

Flat roof rafter system


It is important to organize the arrangement of drains. Attention should be paid to the system being used: it is important to choose the right type of flooring and the right layers to ensure a favorable microclimate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flat roofs are positively characterized by price and low labor costs, and the possibility of arranging additional recreation areas is a productive distribution of space.

The disadvantages are: accumulation of snow, inability to determine the condition roofing pie, the need for equipment internal system draining water

Flat roof

Hip roof

It is a system of triangular slopes connected at one vertex.

By features frame structure Hip roofs can be layered or hanging. In addition, tent structures also come in other types.

Design options

The main directions of designing a tent system are:

  • Calculation of slope angle;
  • choice of roofing;
  • calculation of the height of the ridge connection.

An important step is calculating the load on the truss structure. If insulation is assumed, the load of the layers of the cake is calculated.

Tilt angle

The slope of the slopes directly depends on the type of roofing and climatic conditions. Reducing the slope should be done when strong winds prevail at the building site.

Rafter system

The elements of the rafter system of a hip roof are:

  • Mauerlat;
  • floor beams;
  • mowing boards;
  • props.

These and other elements together provide the strength and stability of the frame.

Rafter system hip roof

Rafter system of a pitched roof

Installation of a tent system involves arranging a rafter system and laying an insulation system for the roof.

The rafter system should be erected before installing the ceiling of the building.

Installation of the rafter system begins with the installation of the Mauerlat or strapping. Next, the system is built step by step, starting with rafter boards, installing racks and other elements, ending with trusses and struts.

Advantages and disadvantages

The attractiveness of a hip roof makes you forget about its shortcomings. The disadvantages are the small area for the attic and the complexity of installation. The advantage is the aerodynamic properties and strength of the system.

Hip roof

Multi-gable roof

The complex structure of a multi-gable roof consists of many parts, projections, and elements. Perhaps one of the most complex designs.

They are determined by a combination of certain types of roofs collected together. Roof corners can be pointed or hipped.

Design options

A difficult task for project development, especially if the roofing elements have different configurations. In this case, each element should be calculated separately.

Particular attention should be paid to the rafter system.

  • Use lightweight materials;
  • do not skimp on waterproofing;
  • take care of high-quality beams for the rafters.

The complexity of the project lies in planning the arrangement of window systems.

The structure itself is the covering of the attic of the house, so it is quite durable, practically not subject to atmospheric influence.

Rafter location

The stage of constructing a multi-tongue system is the most difficult stage. Each part must be installed separately. For rafters you should choose only high-quality wood.

The basic part of the structure is the Mauerlat. The remaining structural elements are attached to it: rafter legs, reinforcing beams and supports.

Multi-gable roof rafter system

Rafter system of a pitched roof

In addition to the complexity of installing the roof frame, the multi-gable system has a weak spot, which should be properly protected from moisture: This is the angle of connection of the slopes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a multi-gable roof is originality and attractiveness. But you have to pay in full for such beauty: equipping such a system is an expensive pleasure.

Multi-gable roof

Conical roof

The conical roof structure has the shape of a cone. Enough rare view roofs, since the installation of such systems is carried out on round-shaped houses.

Cone-shaped roofs can be full or incomplete.

Design options

Most often, conical shapes serve as decoration.. They do not carry a functional load. You need to know the diameter of the base of the cone and the length of the slope. When calculating the area of ​​the cone, the amount of materials needed is determined.

An important indicator for the design of any roof is also the total load.

The slope angle of a cone-shaped roof is calculated using the tangent formula. In this case, it is necessary to know the height of the cone and the length of the rafter leg.

Rafter system

The conical roof frame system is a hanging fan type. Additional elements are used: beams, braces, sheathing, additional beams.

Conical roof rafter system


Installation is carried out by laying the rafter legs in the form of a fan. They rest on purlins, as well as a ring element at the top. The base is the mauerlat. Next, the base is assembled in a certain way with the help of additional elements.


Boards as sheathing are not suitable for the cone type. In this case, install flexible types PVC pipes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Resistance to any weather conditions is one of the advantages of a conical roof. Increased strength and originality are the undoubted advantages of this type of roofing.

The complexity of installation, high consumption of materials, and the inability to install an attic due to the lack of windows make it possible to install such systems only to decorate the roof.

Conical roof

Which roof is better

The roof design, first of all, must correspond to the architecture of the building.

The choice of roofing is determined according to factors:

  • Financial opportunity;
  • climate features;
  • individual preferences;
  • the need for an attic.

Before deciding on a home protection option, you should consider different options.

Roof options

Useful video

In this video you will learn what types of roofs there are:

The progress of science and technology constantly generates new materials for construction. New roofing materials are also appearing. The durability and safety of the entire building largely depends on the type and quality of the roof covering. That is why it is so important to take the choice of this building material responsibly.

Main types of roof coverings

To cover the roofs of modern buildings, a variety of building materials are used: hard and soft, profile and flat, piece and roll. All of them are widely used in the construction of urban buildings, country houses and commercial buildings. But to do right choice Regarding a certain type of building, it is necessary to carefully study the properties of each roofing material.

The following types of building materials for roofing can be distinguished::

  • tiles (various types);
  • asbestos-cement materials;
  • metal profiled sheets;
  • sheet metal;
  • membrane roofing;
  • roofing felt;
  • seamed metal sheets.

Each of them has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing a certain type of roof, you should rely on several important parameters and coating properties.

Selection of modern roofing material

The service life of the building directly depends on the choice of modern covering for the house. Experts recommend not to save money and opt for high-quality and durable material. Before you buy a coating, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of its most important parameters.:

And yet, one of the main parameters of a roof is its durability.. To understand such a concept as “service life”, it is necessary to analyze the average service life of the most common roofing materials:

  • slate will last, according to manufacturers, about 10 years;
  • metal tiles will last about 15 years, it all depends on the quality of the coating;
  • ondulin is guaranteed to last 15 years;
  • life span soft tiles no more than 20 years;
  • ordinary tiles can last up to 30 years;
  • slate roofs last about 40 years;
  • metal roofs made of copper and its alloys are practically eternal, however, the price is extremely high.

These time frames are approximate, and, depending on compliance with operating rules, the time frame may be longer or vice versa.

Main types and advantages of tiles

Tile is considered the most popular roofing material. It not only has a long service life, but also an aesthetic appearance. Therefore, this roofing material is chosen for both private housing construction and industrial construction.

Main types of tiles:

The choice of tiles includes various options that will satisfy any consumer. This type of roofing is worthy of attention.

Characteristics and advantages of slate

Asbestos-cement roofing products have gained wide popularity in Russia. In terms of external parameters, it can be either a smooth rectangle or classic slate. Made from cement and asbestos fibers. Quite light material. It exerts a pressure on the roof of only 15 kg/m2. Standard size 120x70 cm, has six waves 2.8 centimeters high. The slate is laid with an overlap. Special slate nails are used for fastening. Before laying slate, it is necessary to lay waterproofing. Slate, due to its relative cheapness, still remains the most popular roof covering in our country.

The advantages of slate include: low cost, ease of cutting, relatively high strength. The disadvantages include: fragility, environmental hazards, unaesthetic appearance and the formation of fungi on the surface during a long period of use.

Basic qualities of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheeting has earned great popularity due to its various shapes and wide range of colors. Today, three types of profiled sheets are produced: sinus-shaped, rounded and trapezoidal. Widespread on rafter roofs with a slope of 10 degrees.

The corrugated sheeting is laid with an overlap, using special self-tapping screws with a rubber washer, which ensures the tightness of the hole. It has a very high price-quality ratio. Widely used in industrial facilities. This type of coating is accessible and easy to install.

Seam-shaped steel roofing

Steel roofing can be found less and less today, but this construction material used in the construction of buildings for general purposes. Seam sheets are made of metal with a polymer coating.

Fastening to the sheathing is done using clamps. The sheets are connected to each other using the electromechanical method. For this purpose, there are hooks along the edges of the sheets. Minimum slope for folds is 20 degrees. When laying metal it is necessary to carry out additional thermal insulation.

Other types of roof coverings

Depending on the type of construction and the wishes of the developer himself, various roofing materials are used. There are a number of practical and at the same time inexpensive types of roof coverings that are not so widely used in our country, but still occupy a worthy place in the construction market:

Whatever roofing materials are used to create the perfect roof, they should always perform the intended purpose.

In order for the roof to fulfill its task, in addition to robust construction frame, an appropriate coating is required - durable, airtight, aesthetic. The use of the wrong roofing material can result in disastrous results - from financial losses caused by continuous repairs, up to serious accidents that occur, for example, as a result of the collapse of the frame. It is also desirable that the roofing material is easy to install - there is less risk of errors. There are different types of roofing materials and they all have characteristics, knowledge of which will help you make the right choice in each specific case.

An important criterion when choosing roofing materials is the complexity of the roof structure. For simple designs, without decorative elements, it is advisable to use various types of sheet roofing, which allows roofing work to be carried out in the shortest possible time. Below are the main types of roofing materials that are most suitable for this purpose.

Metal tiles are a roofing material that is made from galvanized steel sheets 0.4-1.25 mm thick, with an organic coating with a thickness of 25 microns (polyester coatings) to 200 microns (plastoizol). Weight 1 sq.m. coating ranges from 4.2 – 6.5 kg. Products can be supplied in sheets or in modules ( modular metal tiles). A standard module has dimensions of 350-400 mm in length and about 1100 mm in width, and the sheet can reach several meters in length - one sheet of metal tile is on average 6 sq. m. roofs. The service life of metal tiles is 30-50 years.

Metal tiles are used in various industrial facilities and residential buildings, for roofing roofs with an angle of inclination from 9 – 12°. The sheets are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws with special sealing caps. The pitch between the sheathing elements is from 35 to 40 cm, depending on the angle of the roof.

Pros and cons of this type of roofing:

  • advantages - ease of installation, relatively high strength with low weight, wide range of colors, low price;
  • disadvantages - large amount of waste, poor thermal insulation properties.

Profiled sheets are made from the same material as metal tiles and using similar technology, but are used mainly for domestic and industrial purposes, for example, for covering industrial buildings or shops. They produce corrugated sheets of various profiles (trapezoid, wave, etc.) and various colors. Thanks to production technology, this material, with proper installation, can last up to 50 years.

Profiled sheet is durable look roofing material and can be safely used on long roofs. The sheet is attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws with a sealing gasket, on any roof with an inclination angle of 10° or more. At a small angle of inclination, the seams should be treated with sealant.

The relatively low price and ease of installation have made it in demand in a wide variety of construction areas. Among the positive and negative properties of the material, the following should be mentioned:

  • advantages - ease of installation, lightness and high strength of the resulting structure;
  • disadvantages - poor thermal insulation, questionable aesthetics of the finished roof.

Corrugated sheeting, like other sheet metal roofing materials, is characterized by high noise levels, which is why the roof needs additional sound insulation.


To produce ondulin sheets, pulp and paper fibers, purified bitumen and polymer resins are used. Ondulin sheets are painted in various colors with temperature-resistant paint. The material is used as a coating for residential buildings, single- and multi-story buildings, agricultural facilities, as well as public facilities. The sheets have a wavy profile, length – 2000 mm, width – 950 mm. With a sheet thickness of 3.0 mm, its weight is only 6.5 kg. This, as well as the ease of installation, allows you to do the roof yourself.

Ondulin sheets are attached to the sheathing with special nails. Installation on roofs with an angle of 6° is possible, the pitch of the sheathing elements is from 30 cm. The material is easily cut with a regular hacksaw, which simplifies working with it.

For all its attractiveness, ondulin, in addition to its positive properties, also has disadvantages:

  • advantages - resistant to corrosion, maintenance-free, safe for health and the environment, has good sound insulation;
  • disadvantages - low level of fire safety, relatively short service life (up to 25 years).


Asbestos cement sheets, better known as slate, are characterized by high strength and durability. Today, both flat and corrugated slate are on sale, as well as a painted version. Wavy slate There are six, seven and eight waves. Quite a heavy building material, with a length of 1750 mm and a width of 980 - 1130 mm, depending on the thickness it can weigh up to 25 kg.

The slate is mounted on a sheathing made of timber with a cross-section from 50 mm to 75 mm, in increments of 50 cm. If the roof inclination angle is less than 22°, then the sheathing must be reinforced. The slate is secured with special roofing nails.

Pros and cons of slate:

  • advantages - service life of about 40 years, low price, high fire resistance;
  • disadvantages - fragility, low moisture resistance.

Taking this into account, slate can only be used for outbuildings.

This roofing material is made from galvanized sheet steel, 05 and 0.7 mm thick, coated with a protective and decorative color coating. Can have as perfect flat surface, and a wavy or trapezoidal profile, which serves to strengthen long sheets and minimize the effect of deformation that sometimes appears as a result of exposure high temperature. Sheets are available in various widths. The length is selected to the size of a particular slope. On small roofs (with a slope length of up to 10 m), one sheet can cover the entire length.

The roof got its name because of the way the individual elements were connected. The edges running from the eaves to the ridge are connected with a standing seam, and the transverse edges of the roof slope are connected with a rebated seam. The connection can be single or double. During installation, the side edges are joined with a fold, moving from the cornice to the ridge. The panels are secured to the sheathing using special fasteners (clamps).

Seam roofing is used in residential and industrial construction. Her strengths and weaknesses:

  • advantages - high flexibility and low weight, aesthetics, no risk of fire, immunity to low temperatures;
  • Disadvantages - difficulty of installation, noise.

When selecting roofing materials and analyzing their properties, one should take into account the severity of certain atmospheric phenomena in a given region of the country (wind strength, intensity of rain and snow). For example, the roofs of houses in mountainous areas must have a large angle of inclination in order to easily get rid of snow. In areas where strong gusty winds are common, it is advisable to choose heavy types of roofing materials for the roof rather than lightweight metal coverings.

Soft roofing and its varieties

There are several varieties available on the building materials market. soft roof, which has found wide application both on the roofs of industrial buildings and in private construction, especially on roofs with a large number of architectural elements.

Flexible tiles - fiberglass plus bitumen

Bituminous shingles, often also called shingles, flexible tiles, etc., are similar in structure to classic roofing felt. Technically, it differs little from it, since its design also uses a core in the form of a strong base (cellulose, fiberglass or plastic), which is impregnated with bitumen mass and covered with stone chips. Advantage bitumen shingles is the possibility of its installation on roofs of any configuration.

Suitable for most roofs with a slope of 12° or more. If we are talking about the upper boundary, then the roof can be very steep, right up to the vertical planes. Attaches flexible tiles to a continuous sheathing made of plywood or OSB boards. A brief description of:

  • advantages - resistance to negative influence weather conditions, various types of deformation, easy installation, does not require special skills and equipment, good sound insulation, long term services;
  • disadvantages - it is difficult to replace one element, it heats up quickly under the scorching sun, quite a high price.

Roll fused roofing

It consists of two layers of bitumen, between which a supporting base is placed, then a layer of polymer and a mineral coating on top. Polyester, fiberglass or fiberglass is used as a base. The main area of ​​application of rolled roofing materials is industrial construction and buildings for utility purposes. Optimal inclination slope for one layer 9 – 22°, for two layers 3 – 15°.

Roofing strips are fused onto a cleaned surface treated with a bitumen-based primer using a torch. Each strip must overlap the previous one by at least 10 cm. High-quality deposited material can last up to 30 years.

This is perhaps the most budget-friendly roofing option - all types of bitumen-based roll roofing materials are characterized by a low price. The pros and cons of this material are as follows:

  • advantages – good vapor permeability, lightness, environmental friendliness;
  • disadvantages - low fire resistance, not very attractive appearance.

This product is a variety roll materials new generation. PVC, TIP and EPDM membranes are produced. The nominal thickness of the product is 1.80 mm, 2.20 mm and 2.50 mm (in this case, the homogeneous waterproof membrane layer has a thickness of 1.20, 1.50 and 1.80 mm, respectively). Dimensions 2*20 m.

Sealing is carried out by welding with hot air, without the use of additional preparations. Thanks to this, the connection is homogeneous, its strength is higher than the strength of the material itself, and the seam itself retains all the advantages of the base material. The production of materials is carried out in compliance with high environmental standards. If the roof inclination angle is more than 10°, then the membrane is secured mechanically. The main pros and cons of the material:

  • advantages – resistance to mechanical stress, water resistance, ease of installation;
  • disadvantages - increased requirements for the base, exposure to aggressive chemicals.

Self-leveling roofing - applied directly to concrete

Using self-leveling roofing, they create a single (without joints), elastic, light and durable (up to 15 years) coating. To cover flat roofs, bitumen-rubber or polyurethane (polyurethane foam or polyurethane elastomers) masses are used. All of them are supplied ready for use on construction.

Condition for fulfillment good coverage is the appropriate preparation of the base. It must be durable, with a uniform structure; before starting work it must be cleaned, leveled and primed. On flat roofs you can do without reinforcement. If the angle of inclination is more than 2°, then in order to avoid drainage of the mass, the surface is reinforced (with fiberglass tapes, polyamide, polyester or polypropylene mesh). In any case, the use of reinforcement increases the service life of the roof. In addition to its advantages, the material also has some disadvantages:

  • advantages - no seams, perfect fit to the base, ease of use and relatively low price;
  • Disadvantages - increased requirements for the foundation.

Like other building materials, the main types of roofing materials, in addition to their undeniable individual advantages, are not without some disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing a roof covering, you should carefully analyze the conditions in which the building will be used.


The roof of the house protects Vacation home from precipitation. In addition, it maintains the necessary thermal conditions.

Almost all types of roofs are also responsible for decorative functions. Architecture gives all roofs a very important meaning. Often, a non-standard roof decorates the most ordinary country house. But still, the main function of the roof is protection. Therefore, all canopies must comply with established norms and standards. Our article will tell you about all the requirements. Now I would like to talk about terminology.

The roof is the part of the building located on top of its base. She protects interior spaces from moisture penetration, wind and solar radiation. The roof is a complex architectural element. It includes load-bearing structures (rafter system), which are responsible for distributing the roof load and precipitation. It is also an integral part of the roof, protecting the country house from winds, cold and moisture.

The roof is a multi-layer “pie”. It consists of:

  • roofing;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation (one or several layers);
  • vapor barrier material.

The roof is the part of the roof that can be seen from the outside. It is the roof that not only protects the building itself, but also determines its entire architectural and decorative appearance.

But not only the roofing covering affects the roof of the house. Important importance is given to the type of roof - the defining element for the entire building. Today you can find a variety of classic and unusual roofs. This allows you to choose the most suitable option and make a house with a unique design.

Types of house roofs:

  • Flat roofs are the simplest type with a slope of only 3%. They are used in construction apartment buildings and other massive structures. Private houses rarely contain this type of roof, as the design value is almost non-existent. In addition, flat roofs accumulate snow masses, and this in turn leads to increased requirements for the strength of the roof and load-bearing structures;
  • Pitched roofs have a slope angle of 10 degrees or more. An ideal option for building a private house.

Advantages of pitched roofs:

  1. self-purification from various types of sediments;
  2. allow you to arrange an attic or attic room;
  3. the ability to apply design and architectural ideas.

Roof roofing types

This is not a complete list of pitched roofs.

Attention: When designing pitched roofs, provide a main drainage system for water and snow from the roof surface.

Today you can find a range of roofing materials. For example, classic slate is popular. It is used to construct roofs of outbuildings. Modern materials are represented by metal tiles or composite tiles. You can often find plastic roof. Thanks to modern materials, you can equip both reliable and aesthetic plastic tiles. At the same time, the choice of colors is very large.

Used as roof waterproofing various materials, starting from roofing felt and ending liquid rubber. Roofing felt is represented by bitumen for the roof, which is applied to a fabric base. In this regard, roofing felt is a fairly universal material. It is used as a material for flat roofs of warehouses, hangars and residential buildings. Note that initially the roofing material resembled 1x1 meter sheets of cardboard. One side was free, and the other was covered with bitumen.

Of course, such cardboard roofing felt served for a rather limited period. However, it was indispensable if it was necessary to cover the roof in a short time. Today, roofing felts include fiberglass. This allows the material to be used for 20 years without loss of quality. Before laying roofing felt, you need to prepare the surface. It is important to make the roof surface as smooth as possible.

Typical roof components and rafter fastenings

The rafter frame is the basis for the roofing pie.

Pitched roof has a relatively large area. It is even compared to a sail. And this is no coincidence - after all strong wind can easily tear it off or move it some distance.

In both cases, the roof will be damaged. And this is an extra headache for the owner country house. In these conditions, reliable fastening roof to walls will make it stable and durable.

  1. The rafter legs are installed on a beam (mauerlat). It, in turn, is attached to the walls of the structure. To create a Mauerlat you will need a 15x15 cm beam or a 15x10 cm board.
  2. The Mauerlat is attached to the walls. For this, anchor bolts or pre-screwed bolts into the walls are used. For greater reliability, you can tie the timber with burnt reinforcement. Also, the Mauerlat beam is usually connected to adjacent beams.

The result is a strong foundation for the rafter frame and roof. The task of the strapping is to competently redistribute the load on the walls of the building.

Gable roof- device, detailed video:

Lightning protection

When designing and constructing a roof, remember that the ridge is the highest point of the building. In these conditions, you cannot do without lightning protection. Especially if it's a metal roof.

As practice shows, even a small lightning strike on the roof of a building leads to a fire. Moreover, if there are people in the attic or attic, they can also be injured. Helps prevent accidents important process– roof grounding.

Tip: Steel pins act as protection against thunderstorms. Their diameter must exceed 8 mm. The pins are attached along all edges of the roof ridge and on the pipes. The height of the pins must be at least 1 meter above the roof level. In this case, the distance between them should ideally not exceed 12 meters.

  1. The lower ends of the pins usually contain wire that must be welded to them. The diameter of the wire must match the diameter of the down conductor. Special clamps are used to secure the down conductor. The element is attached to the roof and walls of the structure. It is recommended to fix it on the base of the drainpipe.
  2. After fixing and lowering the down conductor to the ground, it is necessary to secure it on a flat surface. To do this, measure a distance of 1 meter from each wall of the building.
  3. Next, a hole half a meter deep is dug, into which three steel pipes. It is recommended to connect them with a pre-welded steel strip.

The pipes act as grounding conductors. But they will not perform their functions without a down conductor. To secure the element you will need bolts. The process of welding the down conductor to the surface of the pipes will also not be superfluous. This grounding scheme will create high-quality protection from thunderstorms. Types don't matter here roofing coverings, such protection should be on every roof of a country house.

Thus, building a house implies compliance with all the rules and regulations for roof cladding. Proper installation of the rafter frame and roofing pie is also important. Creating reliable roof– you are making an investment in the future of your building (read: " "). After all, if you carry out a competent process, you can save on possible repairs of the roof or its elements. Various types roofs differ from each other in their design and type of roofing material. However, all of them should be selected based on practical significance. In other words, it is important to choose not only an aesthetic, but also a reliable roof.