DIY diesel compressor. DIY air compressor. Compressed air is the true assistant of a true master

Or a workshop.

For assembly we need:

1. Compressor from the refrigerator.

If you remove it from the refrigerator, cut off 30 centimeters of the copper tube; we will need it later.
2. Receiver.

This is a durable container for compressed air. You can make it from an empty freon cylinder, which is used to refill air conditioners. The easiest way to find it is to contact any car service center that provides refilling services for car air conditioners. They throw away empty cylinders.

A red 50 liter propane cylinder is also suitable as a receiver. You can buy it on Avito for 500 rubles.

Next, we will need spare parts from a purchased compressor. You can find them in any large hardware store, in the power tools department.

3. Pressure switch.
4. Pressure regulator.
5. Rapid adapter.
6. Safety valve 10 bar.
7. Pressure gauge from 10 to 12 bar.
8. Moisture separator.
9. Four small wheels.

10. Small things. To make it easier to find parts, we go to any plumbing store and purchase everything from the list.

All parts will need to be connected according to the diagram.

For reliability and tightness of threaded connections, it is advisable to use a special adhesive sealant.

An important detail Our compressor is an air filter.

A very good solution would be to use a classic gasoline filter.

We also buy a vacuum hose at the auto store.

The platform on which the compressor and receiver will be mounted will be made of plywood or chipboard.

We secure the receiver using steel tape.

Let's start assembling.

Drill three holes with a diameter of 10 mm in the receiver.

Using sandpaper to clean the welding area, weld the nipple to the holes.
Let's attach the purchased wheels to the plywood.
We will fix the receiver onto the resulting trolley.
The compressor from the refrigerator is fixed with self-tapping screws.
We put our gasoline filter on the compressor inlet.
We will make the connection through a piece of vacuum hose.

We put a flexible hose on the suction end of the compressor.
The hose should be bitten off in place. The connection to the pipe is made using a worm clamp.

Now we assemble the automation unit.

We screw the pressure switch, safety valve, pressure gauge, and pressure regulator into the hole.
We connect the rapid adapter to the pressure regulator.

The final step is to connect the plumbing elements.

And we attach a pre-assembled automation unit to them.

A piece of copper pipe. Its function is to relieve pressure.
After the compressor pumps air into the receiver, the pressure switch opens the valve through which the pressure in the discharge system is released.

This is done to make it easier to start the compressor, since it will not start under pressure.

We attach the tube at the very end. To do this, you need to expand one end of the tube as in the figure. This can be done using a steel ball and a hammer.

And connect the extended end to the pressure switch.

We connect the second end to the fitting through a vacuum hose.

Our compressor is ready, but in order for it to be sufficient for work performed in the garage, an option was provided for connecting an additional receiver via an oxygen hose.

To do this, in addition to the above, you need to purchase:
Two 50 liter propane tanks.

15 meters of oxygen hose.

Quick-release adapter for hose for connecting pneumatic tools.

Tee for combining cylinders.

Two ball valves for 1/2, 3 fittings for 1/2, a tee for 1/2, worm-type clamps.

Putting everything together, you get a real, big compressor.

Like any mechanism, such a compressor has pros and cons.


First, the assembly cost is 5,500 rubles. Approximately 2 times cheaper than a compressor of the same volume.
The second is the noise from operation, because it is no louder than a refrigerator.

Third, and perhaps most important, is reliability. Since the reliability of Soviet refrigerators is beyond doubt, which means they will last a very long time.

As for compressor automation, it all depends on your choice. After all, the price of the same pressure switch starts from 500 and ends at 3000 rubles.

4. High maintainability. After all, in the event of a breakdown, there will be no problems with spare parts.

Now about the cons.

A private home or garage requires compressed air. But the main problem is that the equipment capable of providing it required amount, has a fairly high cost. At the same time, if the master does not do such work professionally, it makes no sense to spend a lot of money, which means you need to look for more cheap options resolving the issue. One of these is making an air compressor with your own hands from scrap materials. This is exactly what will be discussed in today’s article.


The main component of such equipment is a supercharger, consisting of an electric motor and pistons. However, it is worth immediately noting that compressors can be intended for different purposes. For example, a car device designed to inflate tires is also called a compressor, but it cannot be used to supply air to a spray gun. The thing is that with such a device the air is supplied unevenly, which is unacceptable when painting surfaces. For uniform supply to the spray gun, the device is equipped with a special reservoir - receiver.


Preparing to make your own air compressor

Manufacturing work homemade compressor DIY projects start with the main unit - the supercharger. Therefore, the first step is to decide what will serve as its base. The supercharger can be dismantled not only with different household appliances, which has served its time, but also from the engines of some cars.


Many craftsmen who professionally engage in airbrushing or other work that requires compressed air in small spaces prefer 220 V electric air compressors made by themselves. This is due to their quieter (compared to factory versions) operation.


DIY compressor receiver: what to make it from

Most simple option here you will use a tubeless wheel from a car, but it is worth remembering that the disk will no longer be suitable for travel after modernization. But such a homemade receiver for a compressor is as simple as possible to manufacture, and therefore more acceptable for small volumes of work, such as airbrushing.


If a larger volume of air is required, it is best to use a fire extinguisher or an old one as a receiver when making a compressor with your own hands. gas cylinder.

Supercharger, pressure gauge and other parts

If you plan to use a powerful supercharger dismantled from old equipment, you need to purchase a pressure gauge and an emergency valve that will not allow the pressure in the receiver to rise above the permissible level. As for the simplest compressor from an old wheel, a car device powered by a cigarette lighter and used to inflate tires is quite suitable here. However, such a supercharger can create excess pressure, which will lead to a tire rupture. This situation is very dangerous and is fraught with injuries, sometimes incompatible with life. Therefore, you should never forget about the emergency valve.


Let's consider an example of a simple compressor based on a car electric pump and a tubeless wheel as a receiver.

How to make a simple compressor with your own hands

To operate, you will need to purchase an emergency valve and a pumping fitting (nipple, spool, “nipple”). An additional hole needs to be drilled in the wheel rim for it, just like for the emergency valve. Next, the inflation fitting and valve are installed in their place, and the wheel is assembled. All that remains is to connect a car electric pump to one of the pumping fittings, and to the second the outlet hose for the spray gun or airbrush. Now, after filling the wheel with air, the DIY mini-compressor can be used for its intended purpose.


Making compressors with your own hands using various devices

Homemade compressors can be made using parts from a refrigerator or vacuum cleaner as a base. Such devices, in their manufacture, will not require much labor, and will not consume a lot of electricity. If the craftsman requires a more powerful device, then to make a compressor with your own hands, you can use equipment, for example, from a ZIL 130, KamAZ or other vehicle whose systems use compressed air.


Worth in general outline understand the manufacture of such devices.

How to make a compressor from an old refrigerator

The process of making an air compressor from a refrigerator with your own hands is extremely simple. To do this you will need:

  • receiver;
  • filter and moisture-oil separator;
  • gearbox with pressure gauge;
  • the compressor itself is from the refrigerator, which is dismantled along with the relay;
  • safety (emergency valve).


Air compressor diagram

For a better understanding of how such a device is assembled, you can take a look at the schematic diagram below. However, the author of this drawing made one of the main mistakes of a beginner. It is precisely in order to show it that the editors of Homius cited this image as an example.


As you can see, the author suggests installing a filter between the receiver and the compressor, which is not recommended. The fact is that when the pressure increases, the plastic case can simply rupture. An oil-water separator should be located in this location. The filter itself is mounted on the compressor tube through which air is sucked in.


Also, the diagram does not indicate an emergency valve, which should relieve excess pressure. It is best to install it on the receiver itself.


How to make a compressor from a vacuum cleaner: is it possible?

Many novice craftsmen, having first heard about the possibility of making a compressor from an old vacuum cleaner, begin to ask questions about how the receiver is connected to it. However, this is all from the series “I heard a ringing, but don’t know where it is.” The fact is that the name “compressor” is difficult to apply to such a device. Rather, it is an atomizer from which you should not expect much. Although, if we talk about the possibility of whitewashing the walls in the cellar or other similar work, this device can greatly facilitate the work. Such attachments, which were put on a regular glass jar, came complete with Soviet vacuum cleaners, and now it is much easier to order them on Chinese resources or purchase them second-hand than to make them yourself.



Making a compressor for an aquarium with your own hands

Such devices are quite in demand among consumers. But we should immediately make a reservation - there is practically no point in such work. The cost of such equipment on the Russian market is minimal, but it can take quite a lot of time. In addition, some parts will still have to be purchased. Therefore, you should first think about whether it is necessary to undertake such work?


Advice! Before you start making any device with your own hands, you need to calculate whether there will be any benefit from such work, “whether the game is worth the candle.”

Compressor for car painting: how to make it yourself

The most popular of all self-made compressors is equipment for painting a car or any other parts and mechanisms. In addition to a durable receiver, you will also need another supercharger that will fill the container with air much faster than refrigeration equipment. Such a device is best made from ready-made car compressor, connecting to it a 220 or 380 V electric motor as a drive.


Diagram and assembly procedure for a piston compressor

If we look at a schematic representation of such a compressor, it becomes clear that there is nothing overly complicated about it. The main thing is not to forget to include a filter with a rigid body that can withstand the pumped pressure. It is installed at the outlet of the receiver in front of the air supply hose to the spray gun.


Many people do not understand the purpose of this element, considering it completely unnecessary, but this opinion is wrong. The fact is that the air in the receiver is in a compressed state, and a change in the density of any substance, as is known, also changes its temperature. As a result of the compression and subsequent release of air and the resulting temperature change, condensation occurs, which can get into the paint together, which will certainly affect the quality of the final result. The filter eliminates this possibility.


The nuances of assembling a homemade compressor for painting a car

The main task here is the strength of the hoses and the tightness of the connections. Therefore, it is recommended to use copper tubes to transfer air from the blower to the receiver and then to the filter. From the filter to the spray gun itself, it is optimal to use an oxygen hose. It is reinforced with fiberglass, and therefore has not only the necessary flexibility, but also increased strength.


Quite interesting for making a compressor with your own hands is the option of using equipment from the Ikarus bus and a gas cylinder, which can be seen in the picture below.


Routine work before starting the compressor

Having assembled a compressor for a spray gun or other work with your own hands, you should test it. However, before this, as well as subsequently, before each launch, certain actions should be performed, namely:

  • check the tightness and reliability of all connections;
  • Visually inspect hoses and tubes for cracks or breaks.


After the compressor engine has started, it is necessary to check the gearbox setting using a pressure gauge. The answer to the question of how to set the compressor to the desired pressure is simple. It is set using a regulator installed on the pressure gauge by turning the handle left and right. And the maximum air pressure in the compressor receiver from the engine is regulated by an emergency valve, which is activated when the permissible threshold is exceeded.

It is not necessary to buy a compressor for painting work or inflating wheels - you can make it yourself from used parts and assemblies removed from old equipment. We will tell you about structures that are assembled from scrap materials.

In order to make a compressor from used parts and assemblies, you need to be well prepared: study the diagram, find it on the farm or buy some additional parts. Let's look at a few possible options for making your own air compressor.

Air compressor made from refrigerator and fire extinguisher parts

This unit operates almost silently. Let's look at the diagram of the future design and make a list of the necessary components and parts.

1 — tube for filling oil; 2 - starting relay; 3 - compressor; 4 - copper tubes; 5 — hoses; 6 — diesel filter; 7 — gasoline filter; 8 — air inlet; 9 — pressure switch; 10 — cross; 11 - safety valve; 12 - tee; 13 — receiver from a fire extinguisher; 14 — pressure reducer with pressure gauge; 15 — moisture-oil trap; 16 — pneumatic socket

Necessary parts, materials and tools

The main elements taken are: a motor-compressor from a refrigerator (preferably made in the USSR) and a fire extinguisher cylinder, which will be used as a receiver. If they are not available, then you can look for a compressor from a non-working refrigerator at repair shops or at metal collection points. A fire extinguisher can be purchased on the secondary market or you can involve friends in the search, who at work may have written off fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher for 10 liters. The fire extinguisher cylinder must be emptied safely.

In addition you will need:

  • pressure gauge (as for a pump, water heater);
  • diesel filter;
  • filter for a gasoline engine;
  • pressure switch;
  • electric toggle switch;
  • pressure regulator (reducer) with pressure gauge;
  • reinforced hose;
  • water pipes, tees, adapters, fittings + clamps, hardware;
  • materials for creating a frame - metal or wood + furniture wheels;
  • safety valve (to relieve excess pressure);
  • self-closing air inlet (for connection, for example, to an airbrush).

In addition, you will need tools: a hacksaw, a wrench, a syringe, as well as FUM-leta, anti-rust, synthetic motor oil, paint or enamel for metal.

Assembly steps

Before starting assembly, you need to prepare the motor-compressor and fire extinguisher cylinder.

1. Preparing the motor-compressor

Three tubes come out of the motor-compressor, two of which are open (air inlet and outlet), and the third, with a sealed end, is for changing the oil. To find the air inlet and outlet, you need to briefly apply current to the compressor and put the appropriate marks on the tubes.

Next, you need to carefully file or cut off the sealed end, making sure that no copper filings get inside the tube. Then drain the oil inside and use a syringe to fill in motor, synthetic or semi-synthetic. You can seal the tube by selecting a screw of a suitable diameter, which must be wrapped with FUM tape and screwed into the hole. You can apply sealant over the joint. If necessary, paint the surface with enamel.

2. Preparing the receiver

You need to remove the shut-off valve (SPV) from the empty fire extinguisher cylinder. Clean the outside of the container from rust and dirt, and pour “anti-rust” inside and hold it for as long as indicated on the product label. Let it dry and screw on the lid with the hole from the ZPK. We screw the adapter into the hole (if necessary) and attach the cross.

We attach a pressure switch to the upper branch pipe, on one side we screw in a tee and connect a pressure gauge, on the other we mount a safety valve or a valve for bleeding air manually (optional). Where required, we use adapters. If necessary, we paint the balloon.

3. Circuit assembly

On an assembled frame (for example, a strong board on wheels or a structure made of strong corners or pipes) we attach the cylinder, and on it or next to it - a motor-compressor, laying a rubber gasket. We connect first a gasoline and then a diesel filter to the incoming air pipe of the compressor. This must be done if the compressor is designed to operate an airbrush, in order to eliminate the slightest air contamination. And since the diesel filter is thinner, it is installed after the gasoline one. If copper tubes have lost their shape during dismantling, they need to be flared.

The power supply is connected through a toggle switch, a pressure switch and a start relay. We protect all connections with electrical tape or heat shrink. It is important to install the starting relay in the correct position - according to the arrow on its cover, otherwise the device will not work correctly.

1 - toggle switch; 2 - pressure switch; 3 — compressor start relay; 4 — relay position arrow; 5 — connection of the relay to the compressor windings; 6 - compressor

We connect the output air tube from the compressor through an adapter to the inlet of the receiver. After the pressure gauge, we install a gearbox with a remote moisture-oil trap, and behind it a hose with a self-locking air outlet.

The end result, with due diligence, works well and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Air compressor made from auto parts

The air compressor has a fundamentally different design, which is assembled on the basis of a ZIL compressor and a separate engine. This is more powerful equipment that can also be used to connect pneumatic tools. Very noisy unit.

Layout drawing of the compressor unit: 1 - compressor from ZIL-130; 2 — frame from a corner; 3 - safety valve; 4 - standard pressure gauge; 5 — transfer case; 6 - three-phase electric motor (1 kW, 1380 rpm); 7 — start box (from washing machine); 8 - capacitor battery (working capacity - 25-30 µF, starting capacity - 70-100 µF); 9 — receiver (from an oxygen cylinder or KrAZ muffler); 10 — V-belt transmission (reduction 1:3); 11 — “Stop” button; 12 — “Engine start” button; 13 - button for short-term activation of the starting capacitor battery; 14 — fitting of the flow (outlet) valve; 15 — aluminum tubes Ø 6 mm; 16 — exhaust valves; 17 — intake valves; 18 — wheels (4 pcs.); 19 — transverse stiffener; 20 — tie rod (M10 — 4 pcs.); 21 - drain hole with plug

Connection three-phase motor into a single-phase network: a - “triangle”; b - “star”

Example self-installation air compress from new parts and assemblies you can watch in the video.

Compressors using all sorts of unnecessary things as receivers

If, when choosing compressors and motors, craftsmen settled on units from refrigerators and cars, then they do not use anything as receivers - even bottles of champagne and Coca-Cola (at pressures up to 2 atm). Let's list a few worthwhile ideas.

If you have a receiver from KrAZ at hand, you can get a unit with minimal labor costs: all the pipes are already screwed into it.

If you are the owner of unnecessary diving equipment, you can use it at work.

Receiver made from scuba cylinders (installation stage - without capacitor bank)

Almost every summer resident with a stove on gas cylinders will have these unnecessary containers.

Compressors with gas cylinder receivers

If the hydraulic accumulator in the water supply system has a leaky “pear”, there is no need to throw it away. Use it as a receiver by removing the rubber membrane.

Expansion tank from VAZ - inexpensive purchase, even if it's new.

Receiver - expansion tank from a VAZ car

The next idea is for air conditioner installers who have leftover freon cylinders and split system parts.

Another viable receiver came from a tubeless car wheel. An extremely budget-friendly, although not very productive model.

Wheel receiver

We invite you to watch a video about this experience from the author of the design.

Air compressor- This is a device that sprays paint. It is commonly used in workshops and garages to paint cars or inflate wheels. You can purchase such equipment in a specialized store or make it yourself. Unlike factory models, homemade equipment can be more efficient and last much longer. In addition, in terms of financial costs, independent production will be cheaper.

Using an accessory from a car, you can make a compressor of a simple design. This is ready electrical appliance - wheel inflation device. The compressor has two positive properties:

  • Power. The device is capable of creating high pressure up to 5-6 atmospheres, without unnecessary load on the engine. This is the main advantage of automotive devices. But it will take about 10 minutes to pump up the wheels. Therefore, the work is done intermittently, otherwise cheap devices may overheat during this time. The reason is the low performance of automobile compressors.
  • Performance. In a unit of time, the device is capable of releasing air quickly and in large quantities. Thanks to high performance, the container fills faster, and the direct use of compressed air makes the flow from the nozzle stronger.

A high-speed engine and a device with a volumetric piston system will help combine power and performance. To ensure that the equipment does not stop during overheating, it is necessary to create additional cooling of the cylinders. Sometimes turbines are used for the working unit. In everyday life, simple devices are not often used because of their high cost. In order not to have to choose between power and performance, use a receiver.

The receiver is a storage tank. For industrial devices, a steel cylinder is used as a receiver. A fairly powerful, but not very efficient compressor slowly fills the cylinder. In a short period of time, a volumetric flow of air can be supplied from the receiver, but only when sufficient pressure appears. After the air is supplied, it should restore pressure. All devices operate on this principle. For a compressor with low power, an electric motor from a toy is suitable. This device is often used to supply air to an aquarium.

Functional homemade compressor

Unlike devices that are made from car accessories, the compressor from a refrigerator runs continuously. This is due to good power and performance. In addition, the quality is no worse than factory models. And if it is possible to get the components for free, then the production of such a device will cost a minimum. The device is designed for painting and blowing, tire fitting, and provides excellent performance for pneumatic tools. For the manufacture of a compressor for 220 V you will need the following parts:

  1. Motor-compressor from an old refrigerator.
  2. Tees, oil filling tube, hoses, fittings, air inlets.
  3. A reducer that will monitor the pressure.
  4. Two pressure gauges.
  5. Receiver. A fire extinguisher or gas cylinder, which must be completely empty, is suitable for this. You can weld a homemade container from sheet iron and a thick pipe.
  6. Filter for air purification.
  7. Oil.
  8. Emergency valve.
  9. Start relay and pressure switch.
  10. Paint for metal.
  11. Fum tape, hacksaw and motor oil.
  12. Key and syringe.

Compressor assembly consists of several stages:

High power compressor

If the previous version of the compressor is not powerful enough for you, then there are devices with more high pressure and great productivity. An internal combustion engine is used as a compressor, the crankshaft of which begins to work not from fuel combustion, but from the reverse process. At the same time, the piston group of the device has a large margin of safety. An electric motor with a power of 3 kW or more is used as a drive, which can be purchased at a low cost. Or use a working engine, removing the ignition and intake system, exhaust, starter group and gearbox.

This device is capable of creating a pressure of 10 atmospheres. Very noisy.

Medium Power Air Compressor

From a gas cylinder or fire extinguisher a medium power air compressor is created. To do this, connect an old fire extinguisher (cylinder) and a powerful auto compressor to inflate the wheels. At self-production The device must comply with the following rules:

  • Containers with mechanical damage and corrosive deposits cannot be used.
  • The structure must be well fixed.
  • A steel sheathing must be made. This is necessary if the receiver accidentally ruptures.
  • It is necessary to provide a pressure reserve. If you plan to increase the pressure to 5 atmospheres, then its strength should be from 10 atmospheres.
  • To ensure that the compressor automatically turns off when the pressure reaches its maximum, an emergency shutdown sensor is installed. Or you should install a mechanical valve, which, if necessary, will provide an emergency pressure release.
  • The high-pressure device should not be left for a long time if it is used in rare cases. To maintain tightness, 0.5 atmospheres is enough.

Do not neglect safety precautions: do not forget about installing emergency sensors. An overinflated tire will simply burst, and if a steel cylinder explodes, you can get seriously injured.

It’s easy to make a compressor with your own hands. Its design can be simple or complex, the main thing is what it is intended for and how much you are willing to spend on its manufacture. But do not forget that the device must meet technical safety requirements.

The car is a device for mechanical compression of gases, which generates an air pressure at the outlet that is greater than atmospheric pressure. By pumping air into the combustion chambers of the internal combustion engine, the compressor increases engine power by increasing the efficiency of fuel combustion. When the supercharger is running, the fuel mixture contains more air, which makes it easier to ignite and releases more energy during combustion. In the course of research, it was found that the engine adds 46% of power and 30% of torque to the latter - this device is so important!

This device is used as power supply for pneumatic tools

An air compressor is installed not only in cars with internal combustion engines - this equipment is used to power pneumatic tools in industry and other industries. The main operational characteristics of an air compressor are operating pressure and capacity in liters of air per minute.

The following types of air compressors are distinguished:

  • Piston. Device with direct force transmission. During engine operation, the piston moves along the cylinder and compresses the air that enters the system. There are oil and oil-free piston blowers, the latter of which are widely used to power spray guns in the painting industry. Double piston air compressors are used for industrial purposes due to their high performance.
  • Rotary. Power is transmitted from the engine using a belt. Propellers with rotating blades compress the air inside the device and create. Rotary equipment is characterized by high productivity, good efficiency, low noise and vibrations during operation. Air type oil is used sparingly and does not enter the compressed air. 380 V is especially widespread in production.

The blower can operate independently or using a receiver, which ensures an even supply of compressed air to the system. An air compressor without a receiver is less expensive and smaller, but is more susceptible to breakdown.

Can I do it myself?

Not everyone can make an air compressor for an engine on their own, and making modifications not provided by the car manufacturer can have an unpredictable effect on the operation. However, it can be assembled for a garage or auto repair shop - with the help of such a device you can quickly fill tires with air, create excess pressure for a spray gun and other pneumatic tools, and also find other uses for the equipment.

A do-it-yourself compressor with a receiver will last significantly longer than purchased equipment, provided correct assembly from quality parts. This is explained by the fact that the master, who set out to make an air compressor with a receiver, makes it for himself, and for this reason he cares about quality. What parts are needed and how to assemble?

Assembling the compressor with your own hands

The main element of a homemade air supercharger is the propulsion system. Recommended for use in the refrigerator. It is notable for the presence of a start relay, which provides the ability to set and maintain a certain level of air pressure in the receiver. If you don’t have an old and unnecessary refrigerator at hand, you can find the unit at an industrial waste dump or from friends. Preference should be given to a refrigerator made in the USSR, since powerful and reliable compressors were used to produce Soviet refrigeration equipment.

The refrigeration blower has three tubes, one of which is sealed at one end. The rest are air ducts - one lets air in, the other exhausts. When further assembling the unit, it is important to understand in which direction the air flows circulate. To determine, you need to turn on the compressor for a short time and observe in which direction the circulation occurs. It is recommended to mark “input” and “exit” different colors so as not to be confused during assembly. An air check valve for the compressor will help prevent arbitrary changes in air direction.

In addition to the heart of the old refrigerator, to assemble a car compressor you will need:

  • Air receiver ( good option is a fire extinguisher).
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Coarse fuel filter.
  • Moisture separating filter.
  • Air pressure control relay.
  • Set of adapters, clamps, hoses.
  • Toggle switch for 220 Volt voltage.

On various stages assembly will be required: a base for installing the finished unit, wheels (can be taken from old furniture), paint, engine oil and anti-corrosion agent.

Receiver assembly

The compressor receiver is a durable container that contains air under pressure. The role played by the car air receiver is to eliminate pulsations during air supply by the compressor, which is carried out by equalizing the pressure in the system. The secondary role of the receiver is the storage of inert gases or condensate.

The receiver capacity is absolutely sealed, and the required volume depends on the cyclicity of air consumption by the consumer and the performance of the air compressor. Using a receiver extends the life is often used in various fields, including painting, industrial production and other industries.

An automobile air receiver can be manufactured in three ways:

  1. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. Well suited for long-term storage of gases under pressure up to 10 atmospheres, it has durable steel walls and is safe to use. A fire extinguisher with a volume of 5-10 liters is sufficient for the receiver. To convert the fire extinguisher into a compressor receiver, you need to remove the shut-off and starting device and put the prepared hose adapter on the hole. The container must be emptied and washed thoroughly. Next, the plumbing cross is installed and sealed. After this, you can use the manufactured receiver for work.
  2. Hydraulic accumulator. A more specialized device with a sufficient range of capacities. Disadvantage: low nominal pressure. Plus - suitable outlet thread. To use it as a receiver, you need to remove the internal membrane for storing carbon dioxide, and then connect the hose as in the example with a fire extinguisher.
  3. Oxygen balloon. Exceptional strength and air pressure of tens of atmospheres, but small capacity, inconvenient transportation and heaviness. To use, just connect the hose - the homemade receiver is ready for use!

A do-it-yourself air receiver can be made from any cylinder for storing compressed gases, but before use you need to make sure that the selected container can withstand the operating pressure of the future compressor.

Final assembly of the compressor unit

The compressor and receiver should be installed on one common base for ease of storage and transportation homemade equipment. The compressor from the refrigerator, found earlier, must be cleaned of rust (if any). Next, the oil in the air compressor is changed, since the old one has probably become unusable. You can’t pour any oil into an air compressor; if you don’t have a special compressor lubricant, you can use motor oil, synthetic oil, or semi-synthetic oil.

Install the compressor and receiver on one common base for easy storage and transportation

The compressor is assembled in five successive steps, as follows:

  1. Place the refrigerator blower on the prepared base and secure with threaded rods. The receiver is installed in a vertical position and secured by folded sheets of plywood in the amount of three pieces with a hole for the cylinder. Wheels are screwed to the bottom of the base for easy transportation.
  2. Install the compressor and check valve for the air compressor into the air intake hole. For convenience, you can use a rubber hose.
  3. At the outlet pipe of the supercharger, install a water separator through a hose - it can be taken from a diesel engine. To prevent the hose from breaking under pressure, it is necessary to strengthen the connection with automotive clamps. A moisture separator must also be installed at the inlet of the gearbox - a device for decoupling the pressure in the receiver and the compressor. The outlet pressure pipe is connected to one of the ends of the water cross.
  4. Set to top part a relay crosspiece for adjusting pressure, and a pressure gauge at the free end for control. All joints must be firmly reinforced with fum tape and tightened with clamps to prevent failure.
  5. Using a 220 Volt toggle switch, connect the mains phase to the compressor output. Insulate the contacts with electrical tape or dielectric casing.

After connecting the equipment to the network, you can consider that the oil-fired air compressor is assembled. You can plug the device into the network and check its functionality.

What problems can await during assembly?

Auto air compressors are simple devices in terms of design and operation, but during self-assembly You may encounter the following problems:

  1. Oil supply to the wrong hole. Due to the presence of several tubes in the supercharger, it is possible to get confused and pour oil into the wrong hole. To prevent the problem, oil must be poured into either of the two inlet tubes - the outlet tube is excluded.
  2. Small diameter of the receiver inlet. If using a standard cylinder thread is not possible, attach the element using flux. The final design can withstand pressure of 5-6 atmospheres.
  3. Incorrect connection of blower tubes. In order for circulation in the system to occur smoothly and in one direction, you need to install a check valve on the compressor yourself. It will prevent possible problems and will ensure stable operation of the supercharger.

Try to assemble the oil supercharger with your own hands in full accordance with the instructions, recommendations and safety rules. In this case, there will be no problems with the operation of the equipment.

Setting the required pressure

A motorcycle air compressor or car supercharger must be properly prepared for first use. To get started, you need to set the pressure mode using a relay. The adjustment is carried out using two springs - the large one sets the minimum pressure, the small one sets the maximum. The first contact of the relay is connected to zero, the second is attached to the supercharger.


When using the equipment for the first time, monitor the pressure gauge readings - the relay should turn the supercharger on and off when the lower and upper limits of the set pressure are reached, respectively. After final adjustments, you can paint the homemade supercharger and continue operation.