The height of the roof railing according to snip. The height of the fence on the roof snip. Rules for receiving finished products

Installation of roof barriers on the roofs of buildings is one of the most important stages of finishing a structure. Roofing fences are designed to insure people during their stay on the roof: installers who regularly repair the roof, install new equipment or replace old ones, residents of the building who can rest or deal with household issues on the roofs in use, firefighters who come to a call or perform a routine inspection of the roof .

It follows from this that the main function of roof barriers is to prevent a person from falling from the roof of a building when performing repair, fire safety or operational work. By combining roof railings with snow holders, another essential element ensuring safety - preventing mass snow masses from falling down where there may be people, plantings, power lines or cars.

Pitched roofing and materials used in its installation

This type of building roofing received the name “pitched” because of its unique design - pitched roof consists of slopes - planes located at a certain angle of inclination (from 10 degrees or more). There are two main types of design solutions when equipping a pitched roof:

  • split roof with attic;
  • combined roof without attic.

The service life of a pitched roof directly depends not only on the quality of the materials used, but also on their performance properties.

Wooden pitched roof

Most often, wooden pitched roofs are installed by developers of low-rise residential buildings, using a structure consisting of trusses with various types of rafters. Often such roofing can be seen on houses that were built using Canadian technology. The rafter system of wooden roofs includes:

  • Mauerlat;
  • racks;
  • rafter legs;
  • screed;
  • sheathing.

Such structures are used in buildings with two load-bearing walls, where there is no middle load-bearing wall.

A wooden roof has many advantages: wood is a relatively inexpensive material, environmentally friendly and has a significant service life (with proper care).

However, it is not without its drawbacks: wooden roofs are sensitive to fire and have low fire resistance, are practically unstable to damage by microorganisms and insects, rot and dampness, and are very sensitive to the corrosive influence of the external environment.

Wood-metal coating

Pitched roofs of this type are constructed from metal and wooden structures, when their upper part is wooden and the lower part consists of reinforcement. Arches, trusses and frames are usually made of wood. This type of solution makes it possible to work in both compression and tension.

However, in practice, in private construction, such roofs are installed much less often than wooden ones: they cost much more. But most often, wood-metal roofing is used in the construction of industrial buildings.

Wood-metal roofing can cover spans up to 20 meters long; it looks good and lasts a long time, but is quite expensive.

Reinforced concrete roof structure

In this case, the rafter structure is constructed from reinforced concrete: the rafters are manufactured in production and delivered to the installation site. The rafters have rectangular sections, and they are connected to each other by embedded parts. Reinforced concrete structures are often used in the construction of industrial and utility buildings large sizes: barns or warehouses.

This type of roofing has excellent performance characteristics, it lasts a long time and does not require complex technological maintenance during use, and has increased strength indicators.

But reinforced concrete places a significant load on the foundation of buildings (due to the large weight of the structures), and it is impossible to install the roof yourself (without using special construction equipment).

Features of fencing of different types of pitched roofs

For pitched roofs, it is advisable to use only reinforced roof railings of industrial production.

For gable roofs The same standards and rules apply as for all other types of non-operational roofing. The set of construction requirements states that when arranging roof barriers for such roofs, you can do without installing a rigid base under the roof barrier, based on the fact that there will be no constant crowd of people on the roof.

But for those situations where repairs are being made, equipment is being installed or fire-fighting work is being carried out, and a person will have to spend some time on the roof, it is necessary to install special fencing in the format of a ladder or bridge. Such barriers on the roof will be able to evenly distribute a person’s weight over the entire roof area and reduce the risk of a person falling to the ground.

The state standard states that unused roofs of administrative, industrial and other non-residential buildings must be equipped with a system of roof railings with a height of at least 60 cm, regardless of the height of the structure, the number of floors in it or the angle of inclination of the roof.

For residential buildings, the height of the fence should be doubled - up to 120 cm. GOST also specifies the distance between any two elements of the barrier structure - up to 30 cm.

The Code of Construction Rules and Regulations, issued on January 21, 1997, requires that unused roofs be equipped with a safe exit and roof barriers along the entire roof perimeter line. If the gable roof is partially usable (sections of the pitched roof alternate with flat usable ones), when arranging the roof, be sure to take into account the following requirements:

  • Roof railings must be installed on roofs whose height exceeds 10 meters and the roof is inclined no more than 12 degrees; on roofs whose height is more than 7 meters from ground level, and the roof is inclined more than 12 degrees;
  • when the height of the structure is less than 30 meters from the ground surface, a roof fence with a height of at least 110 cm is installed along the entire perimeter of its roof; when the height of the structure is more than 30 meters from the ground surface, a roof fence with a height of at least 120 cm is installed along the entire perimeter of its roof;
  • if there is a parapet on the roof of the structure, the height of the roof fence can be reduced by the height of the parapet;
  • the distance between two transverse elements of the fence structure should always be no more than 30 cm, the distance between two vertically located ones - up to 1 meter.

Fencing for attic roofs with a large slope

A small angle of inclination of the roof on an attic roof is very rare: almost always they are inclined quite steeply. In such conditions, installing a roof fence is not only difficult, but often almost impossible. However, the building code requires the installation of a roof barrier on a building if:

  • the roof of the building is inclined up to 12 degrees, and the height of the building exceeds 10 meters from ground level;
  • the roof of the structure is inclined more than 12 degrees, and its height exceeds 7 meters.

This means that you will need to expand the eaves or make fences in such a way that they can be installed in a vertical position.

When installing the fence on attic roof you need to remember that the distance from the eaves must be at least 35 cm. Remember that the height of the roof fence around the entire perimeter required by regulatory documents depends solely on the height of the structure: if the height of the building is more than 30 meters, the roof fences must be at least 120 cm in height.

If there is not 30 meters from the roof of the building to the ground, you can install a roof barrier with a height of 110 cm. And again, the height of the barriers can be reduced if the roof is equipped with a parapet. The following requirement must be met: there must be a distance of up to 120 cm between two vertical elements of the fence structure.

On a pitched roof of any type, the roof fence should not have “empty” areas, be located along the entire perimeter and withstand static loads of 0.3 KN/meter. This requirement applies to all industrial and residential facilities.

By the way, similar requirements of GOST and SNIP apply to multi-gable roofs with complex relative positions of slopes.

Features of installation of roof railings for pitched roofs

Metal roof barriers prepared for installation must include the following elements:

  • supports (aka racks) - pipes, most often having a circular cross-section;
  • transverse elements – also pipes with a round cross-section;
  • brackets that fix the racks on the roof and fix the fence at the desired angle;
  • small parts: washers, screws, bolts.

Remember that fences must be installed on a roof of any slope strictly vertically, at an angle of 90 degrees to the flat surface of the ground. The junction of each section and the transverse elements of the roof must be treated with sealant. If the length of the fence pipe needs to be reduced, use a non-abrasive tool - a hacksaw.

The most reliable is the installation of fences on hinged fastenings. Begin work on installing the fence by determining the place where the support will be fixed - it should be no closer than 35 cm to the inner edge of the cornice.

A rubber pad is placed at the selected point, and then the bracket is secured using self-tapping screws into the sheathing board through the roof covering. To determine the pitch between two vertical elements, read the requirements of GOST and SNIPs.

Remember that the enclosing supports are fixed using only galvanized screws at the lowest point of the wave (if the roofing material is not even), laying a rubber gasket.

In this way, you need to fix all the brackets around the perimeter of the roof in order to then install the racks and adjust the desired angle at which the support will be tilted. The hinge is fixed in the desired position using washers and spacers. Then the first crossbar is installed, passing the pipe through the technological holes and fixing it with a bolted connection.

Similarly, you need to install and fix the remaining horizontal crossbars. After the structure is ready, it is necessary to install plugs and seal all joints with sealant.

Properly installed roof barriers ensure the safety of people on the roof and near the building. Don't forget that:

  • it is necessary to install roof fences, taking into account the requirements of GOST and SNIPs;
  • It may be impossible to install a fence on pitched roofs: widen the cornice or install a fence of a different design;
  • apply sealant to all joints;
  • order an inspection of the installed fences and save the certificate of its implementation.

The roof structure of any structure is quite complex; it consists of many elements that complement each other, increasing its strength, reliability and durability. Experienced roofers note that not only the load-bearing capacity of the roof is important, but also its safety during operation.

Roof fencing is one of the most important factors ensuring the safe use and maintenance of roofs; they are mounted on pitched and flat roofs. If there are no regulatory fences on the roof, the building may not even be allowed to operate. In this article we will talk about GOST, which regulates the installation of fencing, types of parapet and methods of its arrangement.

Roof fencing is a mandatory element of the roof structure, which ensures its safe operation, repair and maintenance. According to GOST, all roofs must be equipped with barrier structures that protect against snow melting and people and objects falling from a height. The height of the barrier parapet is determined by the type of roofing structure, the slope of the slopes and the number of storeys of the building. Depending on the type of roof, the roof fencing of the building will perform the following tasks:

  • On roofs in use, on the surface of which you can constantly stay, equip recreation areas, or even set up gardens, according to GOST, a parapet is attached to prevent people from falling from a height. The safety barrier must be high enough to ensure safe operation of the building.
  • Roof fencing is also installed on unused pitched roofs. However, its main function is not protection against people falling from a height, but snow retention. A fence installed along the roof overhangs helps prevent snow masses accumulating on the surface of the slope from falling.

Pay attention! A roof fence with a snow retainer may have varied design and colors. Most often it is a welded structure made of steel pipes or corners installed along the edge of the overhang. Thanks to the neat appearance, barrier structures make the operation of the roof of a building safer, but do not spoil its appearance.

Functions of fencing

Modern building codes clearly regulate the type and height of fences that should be installed on a roof, depending on its type, the slope of the slopes and the number of storeys of the building. Many developers, taking advantage of their customers’ ignorance, save on installing a protective parapet. However, according to GOST, a structure cannot even be put into operation if its roof is not equipped with fences of the required height. Roof fencing according to SNiP performs the following functions:

  1. Preventing spontaneous snow melting from roof slopes. Barriers located at the edges of overhangs delay or reduce the speed of falling snow sliding down the slopes. This helps to avoid injuries when snow falls from the roof and ice falls on a person’s head. Snow retention structures are installed on pitched roofs with a slope angle of 15 degrees or more. The greater the slope, the more powerful the snow retainers should be.
  2. Ensuring human safety during operation, repair or maintenance. The installation of a roof fence is carried out in order to prevent a person from falling from the roof during its maintenance, cleaning of chimneys, installation of antennas, repairs roofing.
  3. Prevent water runoff. Fencing flat roof in addition to its barrier function, it prevents water from flowing out from its surface, which often causes erosion of the blind area and foundation.

It is interesting that a metal roof fencing can perform not only unitary functions of preventing falls from a height during maintenance, repair and operation of the structure, it can also be decorative element improving the appearance of the building.

Elements of barrier structures

The design of roof fencing depends on the type and nature of use of the roof, the slope of the slopes, the number of floors in the building, and the type of roofing. All parameters of barrier structures are clearly regulated by GOST and SNiP and are plotted on the drawing in the building design. The number and height of the parapet are influenced to a certain extent by the climatic conditions characteristic of the region in which construction is taking place. Typically, barrier structures include:

Important! Any barrier structures are made of durable, corrosion-resistant metal. Modern building codes require mandatory testing of roof fencing for strength after installation. In addition, when designing, it is important to take into account the weight of the barriers and the load they place on the rafter frame so that the roof does not deform under their weight.

Requirements for barriers

The fencing of a pitched roof is regulated by GOST; by observing all its requirements, you can make the operation of the structure much easier and safer. The height of the roof fence, the distance between the vertical supports, the distance from the roof to the lower parapet strip depend on the height of the building, the nature of the use of the roof and the slope of the slope, therefore these parameters are calculated individually and specified by the project. When installing barriers on the roof, the following safety requirements are taken into account:

  1. Roof barriers are installed on buildings with a height of more than 10 m, if the slope does not exceed 12 degrees, and on buildings less than 7 meters, if the slope of the slopes is more than 12 degrees.
  2. The minimum parapet height for roofs that are not in use is 600 mm, and for roofs that are in use – 1200-1500 mm, depending on the height of the structure.
  3. The distance between the vertical supports of the parapet should not exceed 120 cm, although this figure is usually much smaller to increase the strength of the structure.
  4. The distance from the roof to the bottom of the parapet should not exceed 35 cm.

Please note that to determine suitability for use, a strength test of the roof railings is carried out. It consists of applying a horizontal load of 54 kgf at two points located at a distance of 10 m or closer from each other for 2-3 minutes. After removing the load, the condition of the structures is assessed; if they are not deformed, they can be safely operated.

Video instructions

In the 6th issue of the journal “Occupational Safety and Social Insurance” for this year, an article by V.A. Senchenko “On the safety of work on roofs”, in which he touched upon a number of problematic issues of ensuring labor safety when working at height.

Falling from a height is the most common cause of accidents involving workers during the performance of their work duties. In this regard, the prevention of such incidents is important for various categories of workers, including fire department personnel.

At the request of the editors, the situation with the regulatory framework for roof fencing, which plays an important role in the prevention of injuries when working at height and other positions related to this area of ​​activity, was commented on by the vice-president for science of the research and production association (NPO) “Pulse”, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sciences, professor, retired lieutenant general of the internal service E. A. Meshalkin.

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, the article provides a reference to NPB 245-2001 “External stationary fire ladders and roof railings. General technical requirements. Test methods". Later, a similar GOST R 53254-2009 appeared. What is the current status of the mentioned NPB and GOST R?

At different times, about 200 standards were developed and approved fire safety(NPB). They are in accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ and Part 3 of Article 4 of the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ ( hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 123) refer to regulatory documents on fire safety of voluntary use. They have not been officially canceled and can continue to be applied to operating facilities in accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 123.

However, NBPs do not fit into modern system standardization (Article 13 Federal Law No. 184) and technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures (Article 5_1 Federal Law No. 184, Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 384) and prospects for their further application are not seen.

GOST R 53254-2009 “Fire fighting equipment. External stationary fire ladders. Roof fencing. General technical requirements. Test methods" was put into effect and approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated February 18, 2009 No. 25-st. It is included in the List approved by Order of the Government of Russia dated March 10, 2009 No. 304-r (as amended by Order of the Government of Russia dated June 11, 2015 No. 1092-r) as a document of voluntary use.

It should be noted that GOST R 53254 classification of stationary fire escapes and roof railings as fire fighting equipment incorrect, because it does not correspond to its classification according to Articles 42, 47, 123, 126 of Federal Law No. 123 and this should be eliminated during the subsequent adjustment (change) of the said GOST R, as well as a number of other national standards.

What regulations stipulate requirements for roof fencing and external fire escapes?

Technical requirements are set out in GOST R 53254-2009, GOST 25772-83 and SP 4. 13130.2013.

So, in GOST R 53254 installed:

P.4.3. In places where the roof height difference is more than one meter, fire escapes should be provided (a similar requirement is in clause 7.10 of SP 4.13130.2013, but with the addition - “including for lifting light-aeration lanterns onto the roof”).

P.4.4. To climb to a height of 10 to 20 meters and in places where the roof height differs from 1 to 20 meters, fire escapes of type P1 should be used (vertical ladders - in accordance with Part 2 of Article 39 of Federal Law No. 123), for climbs to a height of more than 20 meters and in places where the roof height difference is more than 20 meters - fire escapes of type P2 (flight stairs with a slope of no more than 6:1 - in accordance with Part 2 of Article 39 of Federal Law No. 123).

P.5.8. The stair step must withstand a test load of 1.8 kN (180 kgf) applied to its middle and directed vertically downwards.

P.5.12. Guardrails for stairs and roofs of buildings must withstand a load of 0.54 kN (54 kgf) applied horizontally.

P.6.1.1. The scope of testing and inspection of external stationary stairs, their railings, as well as roof railings of buildings is presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Nomenclature of tests and inspections

Need for testing

at the acceptance stage

operational (at least once every five years)

1 Checking the main dimensions

2 Checking maximum deviations of sizes and shapes

3 Visual inspection of the integrity of structures and their fastenings

4 Checking the quality of welds

5 Checking the quality of protective coatings

6 Checking requirements for the placement of stairs

7 Stair tread strength tests

8 Strength testing of ladder fastening beams

9 Strength tests of platforms and flights of stairs

10 Strength testing of stair railings

11 Strength testing of building roof fencing

P.7.3. All stairs and roof railings subjected to testing must have signs (tags) indicating information about the test results. The form of plates (tags) and the method of applying information, taking into account the impact of climatic factors, are determined by the organization conducting the tests.

Information about faulty external stairs or roof railings (not tested) must be communicated without fail to the personnel of the fire department in the exit area of ​​which the object is located.

P.7.4. Based on the test results, a conclusion is drawn up on the compliance of the staircase or roof railing of the building with the requirements of this standard.

According to the requirements of GOST 25772-83:

P.1.4. Fencing of roofs in use must be made in accordance with the requirements for fencing of balconies.

P.1.5. Steel roof railings installed on a parapet must have a height minus the height of the parapet.

P.2.3. Fences must withstand the loads provided for in SNiP 2.01.07 (now SP 20.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.01.07-85* “Loads and impacts”).

In addition to the above, there are a number of other requirements reflected in SP 4.13130.2013 “Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions":

P.7.13. Fire escapes are being manufactured from non-flammable materials, located no closer than 1 meter from the windows and must have a design that allows the movement of personnel of fire departments in combat clothing and with additional equipment (unfortunately, other regulatory documents do not contain requirements for the implementation of this provision – author’s note).

P.7.16. In buildings and structures with a roof slope of no more than 12% inclusive, with a height up to the eaves or top outer wall(parapet) more than 10 meters, as well as in buildings and structures with a roof slope of more than 12%, a height to the eaves of more than 7 meters, fencing should be provided on the roof. Regardless of the height of the building, these fences should be provided for flat roofs in use.

A number of requirements for the installation of external fire escapes and roof fencing are also contained in SP 54.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-01 Residential multi-apartment buildings", SP 56.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-03 Industrial buildings", SP 118.13330.2012* Public buildings and structures. Updated edition of SNiP 06/31/2009."

This is especially important when, according to clause 4.16 SP 54.13330, “on exploited roofs of multi-apartment buildings, roofs of built-in and attached premises for public purposes, as well as at the entrance area, on non-apartment terraces and verandas, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (ground and intermediate), it is allowed to place sites for various purposes for the residents of these buildings, including: sports grounds for adult recreation, areas for drying clothes and cleaning clothes, or a solarium.”

Let us list a number of other requirements of SP 54.13330:

clause 8.3 " Height of fences outdoor flights of stairs and platforms, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous differences should be not less than 1.2 m. Fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to perception of horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN/m».

clause 8.11 “On the operated roofs of built-in and attached public premises, as well as at the entrance area, on summer non-residential premises, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (ground and intermediate) used for installation sports grounds for recreation of adult residents of the house, areas for drying clothes and cleaning clothes or a solarium, the necessary safety measures should be provided ( installation of fences and measures to protect ventilation outlets).

According to clause 5.33 of SP 56.13330: “On roofs with a slope of up to 12% inclusive in buildings with a height of more than 10 m to the cornice or top of the parapet, as well as on the roofs with a slope of more than 12% in buildings with a height of more than 7 m to the bottom of the eaves, it should be provided fencing in accordance with GOST 25772. Regardless of the height of the building, fences that meet the requirements of this standard should be provided on roofs in use.”

In accordance with clause 6.42 of SP 118.13330.2012 “When the height of the building is from ground level to the fracture of the broken surface mansard roof 10 m or more, fences with snow retention devices 0.15 m high should be provided,” and according to clause 6.43, “On the roof of buildings above 10 m, a fence should be provided in accordance with GOST 25772.”

According to paragraph 24 of the “Fire Regulations in Russian Federation"(approved by Decree of the Government of Russia dated April 25, 2012 No. 390): "The head of the organization ensures the maintenance of external fire escapes and fences on the roofs (coverings) of buildings and structures in good condition, organizes Conducting operational tests of fire escapes and fences at least once every 5 years on roofs with the preparation of an appropriate test report.”

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 No. 155n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 5, 2014, registration No. 33990, entered into force on August 4, 2015) approved the “Rules on labor protection when working at height.” Should the personnel of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia be guided by the requirements of this regulatory legal act in their practical activities?

The Ministry of Labor of Russia, in accordance with its powers approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2012 N 610, issues state regulatory requirements labor protection in the form of labor protection rules and other state regulations for various sectors of the economy.

Firefighters, due to the specific nature of their work, often have to work at heights when extinguishing fires, during training exercises, etc. Occupational safety requirements for personnel of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 23, 2014 N 1100n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 8, 2015, registration N 37203).

Taking into account that the Rules for labor protection in the units of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service were approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, it can be assumed that the units of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service should be guided in their activities by the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 No. 155n, which approved "Labor safety rules when working at height"

It is necessary to take into account that the use of this document for the Federal Fire Service must be regulated by an order of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, and for other types of fire protection - by regulations at the appropriate level.

You should also take into account the effect of POT RO-14000-005-98 “Regulation. Work with increased danger. Organization of the event" (date of introduction 1999-03-01). This document was developed by the “Engineering Center for Safety in Industry” - the leading industry organization for labor protection and safety of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the mechanical engineering complex of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, which has the right to approve the signature of industry regulatory legal documentation on labor protection and safety. It was also approved by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation on February 19, 1998 and agreed upon by the Central Committee of the Mechanical Engineering Trade Union of the Russian Federation (letter dated March 13, 1997 N 63). However, in the named document (section 17.5 “Safety requirements when performing roofing work”) possible work is not reflected emergency situations , which pose the greatest difficulty and danger.

A single document with labor protection requirements for fire and rescue units various types fire protection, given the numerous examples of their joint actions when extinguishing fires and eliminating other emergencies, is certainly necessary.

Author of the article Senchenko V.A. believes it is necessary when designing and constructing hipped roofs to include anchors in their design, to which they can be attached when working on the roof. Chimneys, antenna risers, deflectors and other engineering equipment placed on the roof are not designed for such a load and, as a rule, are located at a distance from dormer windows or exits to the roof. What is your opinion on this matter?

Opinion of Senchenko V.A. quite justified and not only in relation to hip roofs, but also their other types, especially roofs with a slope of more than 20%. At the same time, provide fastening should be directly to the roof structure by analogy, for example, for snow retention devices according to clause 9.12 of SP 17.13330.2011, and not to another engineering equipment, which is not designed for such a load, especially including its dynamic component. Thus, according to clause 9.12 of SP 17.13330 “On the roofs of buildings with a slope of 5% (~3°) or more and external unorganized and organized drainage snow retention should be provided devices that must be attached to the roof seams (without violating their integrity), sheathing, purlins or to the load-bearing structures of the covering. Snow retention devices are installed in the eaves area above the load-bearing wall (0.6-1.0 m from the eaves overhang), above the roof windows, and also, if necessary, in other areas of the roof.”

Thus, in my opinion, clarifying requirements for anchors and other types of fastening for various types of work on roofs, including emergency rescue, as well as approximate constructive solutions such fastening should be set out in the appendices to SP 17.1330.

What other regulatory act, in your opinion, should reflect such a requirement?

Apparently, all this needs to be reflected in SP 17.13330, where there are already some requirements, but they are not specified, namely:

P.4.8. The height of the roof railings is provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25772, SP 54.13330, SP 56.13330 and SNiP 31-06 (now it is SP 118.13330.2012 – author’s note). When designing roofs, it is also necessary to provide for other special safety elements, which include hooks for hanging ladders, elements for attaching safety ropes , steps, footrests, stationary stairs and walkways, evacuation platforms, etc., as well as lightning protection elements for buildings.

P.4.10. When designing roofs in use, the coating must be checked by calculating the effect of additional loads from equipment, transport, people etc. in accordance with SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07 Loads and impacts".

Thus, this could be done by analogy or in addition to the requirements, for example, clause 5.19: “On roofs where maintenance of the equipment placed on them is required (roof fans, etc.), there must be walkways and platforms around equipment made from materials according to clause 5.18. On roofs where only maintenance is required, it is allowed to use wooden walkways, rubber tiles or polymer roll materials».

Is it necessary to provide a sign to indicate the location of the anchorage?

I believe that when introduced into regulatory documents(preferably, again, in SP 17.13330) more specific requirements for the fastening elements of safety devices when they are used primarily by operating organizations (roofing or coating repairs, maintenance of engineering support systems - antennas, ventilation, lightning protection, snow and ice removal, etc. ), but also, if necessary, by personnel of fire and rescue units, these places must be marked with appropriate signs. The version of the sign proposed by V.A. Senchenko can also be considered by the developers of changes to regulatory documents.

Should roof fencing and external fire escapes be tested when objects are accepted into operation? What is this provided for?

Technical requirements are set out in GOST R 53254-2009, these requirements are set out in the following paragraphs:

P.6.1.4. External fire escapes and roof railings are subject to testing upon acceptance of the facility into operation and at least once every five years must be subjected to periodic testing. External fire escapes and roof railings of buildings and structures must be maintained in good condition and at least once a year it is necessary to conduct an inspection of the integrity of the structure and draw up a report based on the inspection results. If violations of the integrity of the structure are detected, they are restored (repaired) followed by strength tests.

P.6.2.4. The test load must be created in any way that excludes a person being directly under the structure being tested (for example, a winch with a gearbox and an electric drive, a pump with a hydraulic cylinder, etc.).

P.6.2.13. The strength of the vertical staircase railing is checked by applying a horizontal load of 0.54 kN (54 kgf) at points located at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from each other along the entire height of the staircase.

P.6.2.15. The strength of the roof fencing of buildings is checked by applying a horizontal load of 0.54 kN (54 kgf) at points located at a distance of no more than 10 m from each other along the entire perimeter of the building. The load is held for 2 minutes. After removing the load, there should be no residual deformation or damage to the integrity of the structure.

Who tests roof railings and external fire escapes?

According to clause 6.1.4 GOST R 53254-2009 “Tests and annual examination should be carried out organizations with trained personnel, certified testing equipment and measuring instruments with the results of their verification».

The regulation on licensing activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 1225, as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2015 No. 403) provides for 11 types of work and services: SPT, APS (OPS), PPV, PDV, SOUE, photoluminescent evacuation systems, fire curtains and veils, filling openings in subdivision barriers, stoves, fireplaces and other heat-generating installations and chimneys, fire protection, primary fire extinguishing agents .

Thus, testing of roof railings and external fire escapes is not included in this list and a license is not required for them; however, such work must still be carried out by accredited testing centers or laboratories, taking into account clause 6.1.4 of GOST R 53254-2009.

Who, in your opinion, should monitor the serviceability and compliance with testing deadlines for roof fencing and external fire escapes in the housing stock - representatives of Gospozhnadzor or the housing inspection, which is part of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. Or can this position be controlled by two government oversight bodies?

In this regard, the regulatory legal framework has changed significantly in connection with the Decree of the Government of Russia dated August 17, 2016 No. 806 “On the application of a risk-based approach when organizing individual species state control (supervision) and amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.”

Thus, corresponding changes have been made to the Regulations on Federal State Fire Supervision, according to which, according to my estimates, up to 90% of objects where the overwhelming number of fires and deaths (injuries) of people occur are classified as moderate (for example, F1.3 - residential buildings with a height of up to 28 meters) and low risk (for example, F1.4 - single-family and semi-detached residential buildings), scheduled inspections of which should be carried out once every 7-10 years or not at all.

It turns out that in these conditions the role of housing inspectors, as well as owners, management companies, homeowners associations, and voluntary fire department structures becomes more realistic.

IN recent years Intensive high-rise construction has begun, but new high-rise buildings do not have permanent external fire escapes. Are they a relic of the past? Or are they no longer necessary?

As noted above, in the codes of rules and GOST there are restrictions on the height of buildings and structures when external fire escapes are required (at a height of more than 10 meters, type P2 is clearly preferable, i.e. marching ones with a slope of no more than 6:1 according to Part 2 of Art. .39 Federal Law No. 123), are not given. At the same time, for high-rise residential and public buildings (for industrial and warehouse buildings this can be realized at a height of more than 20 meters without significant restrictions from the point of view of their architecture), external fire escapes are clearly undesirable and are practically not provided for.

At the same time, according to Part 1 of Article 80 of Federal Law No. 123 (see also the requirement of paragraph 6 of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 384 - author's note)“Constructive, space-planning and engineering solutions of buildings and structures must ensure in the event of a fire:

2) the possibility of carrying out measures to save people (apparently, it is assumed that according to the requirements of the joint venture, the building must be provided with means of rescue and the constructive possibility of their use, for example, for their fastening, including in the presence of glazed roofs, facades, atriums, etc. - note by author. );

3) the possibility of access for personnel of fire departments (including for the use of rescue means, including rescuing people from the roof of buildings - author's note) and delivery of fire extinguishing means to any room of buildings and structures.

According to the standards (for example, clause 7.15 SP 4.13130.2013) for high-rise buildings and, especially, high-rise buildings in each fire compartment (by the way, this is not always achievable in design practice – author’s note) Elevators must be provided for transporting fire departments. IN project documentation Other means of providing access may be provided:

    using devices for cleaning and repairing facades at heights exceeding technical specifications fire truck ladders and vehicle lifts (usually more than 50 m);

    using platforms (at least 5x5 m - see clause 7.17 of SP 4.13130.2013) on the roof of the building for non-stop helicopter landing of firefighters with rescue equipment and fire extinguishing equipment;

    placement of embedded elements with a load-bearing capacity of at least 300 kgf in rooms and on facade walls for use individual funds rescue and self-rescue of people (amended to draft amendments to SP 4.13130.2013 note by author);

    placement of embedded elements or a solid monorail (power rod, etc.) with a load-bearing capacity of at least 1500 kgf along the roof perimeter for attaching emergency rescue equipment for rescuers to access any point of the façade, attaching group rescue systems for lowering people from the roof and floors to ground level, etc.

It should also be noted that currently fire and rescue units are armed with a sufficient number of aerial ladders and aerial lifts with a length of 30-50 meters, and in major cities 70-90 meters, therefore, personnel access to the roof (covering) of buildings or fire extinguishing of the upper floors is often carried out with their help, and not traditional external fire escapes, especially since on the façade of buildings they are not required by standards, subject to certain conditions(see, for example, clause 7.4 SP 4.13130.2013).

If there is data on fires at height or on injuries to firefighters when working at height?

According to official statistics from the VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia for 2011-2015: in buildings with a height of more than 25 floors, only up to 15 fires occur per year, no fatalities; 17-25 floors 700-600 fires, deaths - less than 20 people; 10-16 floors - 2.5 - 3 thousand fires, deaths - 160-100 people; 6-9 floors – 5-7 thousand fires, 300-400 dead.

The overwhelming number of fires occur in buildings up to 5 floors high: ~ 110 thousand fires, death of ~ 10 thousand people, of which in one-story buildings - up to 80 thousand fires, death of 7-8 thousand people!

From the point of view of regulation, this is explained by the fact that the ND requirements for such buildings are minimal, and there are practically no requirements for fire protection systems, incl. on fire detectors, primary fire extinguishing equipment, including individual residential buildings (ID). Moreover, in buildings of the first degree of fire resistance alone, the number of fires per year is only about 1 thousand, and the death toll is 50-60 people; the bulk of deaths and injuries occur in buildings of other fire resistance levels. This is due to the fact that death and injury to people occurs in the first 5-6 minutes after a fire occurs, when furniture and other things burn, and not building structures buildings, and 2/3 of people die while asleep or intoxicated from exposure to combustion products. The severity of the problem can be radically reduced by introducing into regulatory documents requirements for equipping residential buildings, regardless of their number of storeys, with fire detectors and primary fire extinguishing means and/or providing something fundamentally different, i.e. conscious attitude of people to the possibility of a fire and its obvious threat to their life and health.

For other main fire objects (statistics do not correspond to the classification according to Article 32 of Federal Law No. 123, and the classification itself does not distinguish buildings for the stay of people with limited mobility, i.e. MGN according to the requirements of SP 59.13330.2012):

    health and social services buildings – 190-270 per. per year (0.2%), death: 15 – 30 people;

    trade - 2.5-3.5 thousand deaths (less than 3%), death - up to 30 people;

    administrative - 0.7-0.9 thousand. (0.8%), death - up to 20 people:

    educational – about 200 (0.2%), death – up to 5 people;

    service– 700-850 (about 1%), death ~ 10 people.

Regarding the death and injury of firefighters when working at height (we need to decide what is considered such a height, for example, more than 3 m, 7 m or 10 meters, as was given above in regulatory documents!?) there are only isolated examples, but the facts of fire extinguishing in buildings at heights are certainly associated with a high risk due to the presence mainly of dangerous fire factors, as shown by the fires in Moscow on Amurskaya Street, where 8 employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Border Service died, or in Tehran (see photo), where about 30 died firefighters. I believe that the issues of safety and labor protection of firefighters and rescuers should be reflected in regulatory documents!

Journal "Occupational Safety and Social Insurance", 2017, No. 7. – p.55-65

Most buildings (10 meters or more in height) have or should have roof barriers. In some cases, they are installed and operated with deviations from GOST requirements. Let us consider in detail in what cases the installation of fences is required, what technical requirements are imposed on them and how they should be operated.

The regulatory document establishing the requirements for roof railings is GOST R 53254-2009 "Fire fighting equipment. External stationary fire ladders. Roof railings. General technical requirements. Test methods."

Building roof fencing

There are two types of roof fencing - for a roof with a parapet (KP) and for a roof without a parapet (KO).

The need for roof fencing:

According to the requirements of regulatory documents, fencing must be provided for:

  • buildings with a roof slope of up to 12% (6.8°) inclusive, with a height of more than 10 m to the cornice or top of the outer wall (parapet);
  • buildings with a roof slope of more than 12% (6.8°) and a height to the eaves of more than 7 m;
  • exploited flat roofs, balconies, loggias, external galleries, open external stairs, flights of stairs and platforms

Technical requirements:

Roof fencing structures must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53254-2009, GOST 23118, GOST 23120, GOST 25772 and according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner. They must be primed and painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.032, coating class not lower than fifth.

The fencing elements must be securely attached to each other, and the structure as a whole must be securely attached to the roof of the building. Cracks and metal tears are not allowed.

Roof fences should not cross the exit to the roof from fire escape platforms.

Dimensions of roof railing elements

1. Without parapet.

2. With a parapet.

1- vertical enclosing element; 2- horizontal enclosing element

*not regulated

Operation of roof railings

Guardrails must be maintained in good condition and at least once a year it is necessary to conduct an inspection of their integrity and draw up a report based on the results of the inspection.

If violations of the integrity of the structure are detected, they are restored (repaired) followed by strength tests.

Tests and annual examination should be carried out by organizations having trained personnel, certified testing equipment and measuring instruments with the results of their verification.

Preparing for fire inspections

Fire safety audit

Profiled film where it is not used. This roofing material for roofs and wall coverings and accessories for various fences.

And all because of the low weight of this building material, it is original in appearance and can withstand heavy loads.

Right away we must determine that corrugated panel is a universal building material, which is not a thick galvanized sheet with an extruded recess (in the longitudinal direction).

These grooves can be rectangular, trapezoidal, or wavy. Production by Prof. The floors are made of high quality cylinder steel or galvanized cold rolled steel. The thickness of the steel sheet can be 0.5-0.9 mm and should not have a special coating.

All about roof railing

The most common method of using polymer substances.

Pipe profile

Pipe profiles are often used in various industries due to their reliability, durability and economy.

Therefore, the use of steel pipes in world practice is growing every year, and their operation is increasingly focused on buildings and structures of large areas.

What are the pipe profiles? Pipes with cross sections that are very different from round pipe. Steel pipes of this type consists of various cross-sectional shapes that are known: oval and square pipes, ribbed, flat oval or rectangular pipes, as well as segmented, faceted (3, 6, 8 surfaces), teardrop and others.

Material from which they are made profile pipes, - low-carbon and carbon steel. Read more...


Profiler is the name of a building material. Its volume cannot be measured at all - this building material is used in both construction and industrial construction.

Why do many consumers choose to buy profiled sheet metal rather than other roofing and wall materials? The answer is simple - a profiled sheet can combine all the advantages and properties of excellent building materials. In addition, its price is much more affordable for the average consumer, and its volume is not limited to zero. Because corrugated sheet has a very cold climate, it is hot, easy to install and can be time consuming.

But at this moment more attention will be paid to the topic, for example, setting up a fence from a profile. Read more...


Reinforcement is a complex of parts and devices that are connected together and used in concrete in the production of various reinforced concrete structures. All elements of this assembly are not major parts of structures or structures, but support their continuous operation.

Basically, these are steel rods that are connected together in reinforced concrete structures. There are several types of element combinations.

The first is a gas pipeline. It is used for gas, water, industrial products.

In electrical networks, ammunition, shields and sockets act as reinforcements. The third is the oven. It is a series of different metal furnace parts and is used in metallurgical furnaces. In addition, the fittings are arranged in accordance with the purpose, conditions of use, and occupied by the construction of the building. Read more...

The roof of a large building consists not only of a roof, but also has many additional elements. The more complex the roof structure, the more counter connections it has with additional structures - nodes. When installing roofs, they must be carefully arranged and sealed. This will avoid leaks during operation.

A fence on the roof will ensure her safety during work and movement.

Roof safety guard structures

Roof fencing is an important part of the roof structure, which ensures the safe operation of the roof and the possibility of high-quality maintenance.

The mandatory presence of fencing devices on the roofs of buildings with a height of more than 10 m is stipulated in the regulatory documents in force in the construction industry.

Instructions for installing roof fencing.

Each type of roof (pitched and flat) has its own standards for installing fences.

They are described in SNiPs and taken into account at the design stage. For a metal fencing structure, the following approximate fencing dimensions are recommended:

  • support height - 70 cm;
  • the distance of the supports from the cornice is at least 35 cm;
  • the interval between supports is 90-120 cm.

Standard type fencing devices have the form of a prefabricated structure.

They consist of vertical supports and horizontal crossbars, rigidly fastened to the roof and to each other. The supports are made from a corner bent in the shape of a triangle. Horizontal crossbars can be made of steel pipes 3 m long. They are installed in the supports through special holes and secured with bolts (upper - M10x35, bottom - M8x55).

The holes in the ends of the pipes are closed with polyethylene plugs.

Designs, types and features of roof fencing

Galvanized and stainless steel are used as materials for the manufacture of roof fencing.

On inversion roofs, operated in the summer, are equipped with solid reinforced concrete fences - parapets. On these types of roofs they are installed regardless of the number of floors. The normalized height of the lattice fencing in this case is reduced by the height of the parapet.

Roof fences such as snow guards are divided into tubular and bent metal sheets.

Their fastening is carried out using the same technology as that of fencing.

Types of roof fastening units with fencing

Roof fencing fastening diagram.

The connection of the supports of the enclosing structures with the roof surface requires special attention during installation; the safety of the roof depends on its strength.

The installation of junction points is planned in advance at the stage of roof installation. Special embedded elements are installed under the waterproofing layer or special structures are constructed and then an additional waterproofing layer is applied.

The vertical metal post of the triangular support carries the functional load, the horizontal one creates a unit for attaching the structure to the roof.

The diagonal strip ensures the rigidity of the fence. The support is aligned in accordance with the roof slope and secured with bolts. The unit is fastened to the roof beam using three galvanized M8x60 screws and rubber gaskets.

The fastening points of the safety fence to the roof structures must be as reliable as possible and exclude the possibility of self-loosening of the fasteners.

The sheathing underneath is continuous.

When using universal brackets, the position of the mounting unit is adjusted according to the roof slope. The interval between the brackets is equal to the pitch of the rafters. Fastening points are covered silicone sealants. Special plugs are applied to the areas of the roof adjacent to the fasteners.

Some companies produce roof fencing with sets of fasteners for various types of roofing: seam, natural and metal tiles, from corrugated sheets, bitumen, etc.

d. Custom-made fences are also manufactured that are in harmony with the appearance of the roof and the building as a whole. Supplied with protective elements and sealing washers. When screwing in the screw, the spacer washers are deformed and tightly fill the drilled holes in the material.

On a metal tile or seam roof, the fastening units are mounted at the lowest point of the wave in the support beam.

Fences can also be mounted on coverings made of sandwich panels and profiled sheets of grades H114, H75, H60. Upon completion of installation, all connection areas must be sealed.

All joints between the roof and fastening elements are carefully coated with bituminous cold mastics or compounds with the addition of fibrous fillers.

To install the safety structure on a seam roof, a fastening clamp is also used.

At the same time, the integrity and tightness of folded paintings is not compromised.

On asbestos-cement roofs, to securely fix the supports on the crests of the waves of the eaves row of sheets, bent steel plates 5 mm thick are installed.

They are secured with screws and nuts through a wooden spacer. Under the purlin, half-meter-long corners are welded to the plates and fencing posts are already welded to them. The racks are prepared from reinforcing steel Ø16 mm.

Upon completion of installation of the fencing structures, special tests of the strength of the fencing fastening points are carried out.

In European countries, without the construction of safety structures on the roofs of buildings and their testing, house construction cannot be insured.

When often required maintenance home to climb to the roof. In order to remain more or less safe on it, it is necessary that the height of the roof fence and the fence downwards in terms of reliability comply with legal standards. Dimensions and basic requirements set out in the relevant parts of the current GOST 25772-83, which, in turn, is connected to SNIP 06/31/2009, relating to public buildings and SNP 01.31.2003, in relation to high-rise buildings.

Purpose of the fence

A roof fence is a metal structure installed continuously around the entire perimeter of the roof or just along the roof.

It consists of:

  • supports - hollow pipes or profiles;
  • horizontal long elements - rods;
  • universal supports ensuring spatial verticality of the body;
  • Fasteners are designed to secure posts to a roof or roof.

If the height of the house exceeds 10 meters, in any case it is necessary to install a roof fence, SNiP and at the same time mention tiles.

For them, the height of the ground is determined not by the upper, longitudinal ridge, but by the breakage of the scissor structure. In some cases, standards require the installation of barriers for barriers with snow elements 150 mm high.

Roof rails ensure the safe presence of people on the roof; they are lifted onto it to make repairs and coverings, fire, snow removal, chimney cleaning, install an antenna, etc. Prevents falls from heights and helps people move onto the roof and ran the fence.

To make it easier to walk on sloping roofs, walkover bridges are located along the entire length of the roof railing.

For fenced roofs, the fence is both a protection and a decorative element.

The developed design allows tourists to enjoy a panoramic view of the metropolis or the surrounding natural landscapes without fear of tragic consequences with an accidental loss of balance.

The solutions in this case are more elegant, but no less reliable than conventional unused roof enclosures. But in any case, the design of the fence must match the entire architecture of the house.

Regulatory Requirements

How high the roof is, GOST provides:

  • for unused roofs - at least 600 mm;
  • for the operation of roofs - depending on the height of the building.

    If it does not exceed 30 meters, top level the fence rises above the roof level by 1000 mm or more, and if the structure is higher - at least 1100 mm.

In the first case, it is assumed that the column rod is in the range of 1200 mm and the distance between horizontal passages is 300 mm. In the second case, the standards require the addition of vertical elements to the fence, which is equipped with a maximum diameter of 110 mm.

Similar requirements apply to balconies.

In the case of roof parapets, the height of the roof protection is reduced by the height of the difference between the roof levels and top part concrete or brick barrier.

If the parapet has a standard height, the need for its construction disappears on its own.

Requirements for building coatings

But such examples in modern construction are rare, since additional “growth” on the walls, with the exception of an increase in the constant load on the foundation, does not give anything.

The standard designates roof rails:

  • KO - without parapets;
  • KP - with a section of parapets along the perimeter of the roof.

When marking products, the length and height of the fence in decimeters, the GOST number and the possibility of filling the frame are also indicated:

  • P, with vertical and horizontal elements only;
  • E - screen, s sheet materials, covering the main frame;
  • K - total, with partially closed areas.

An example of the designation of a roof grille without a fence 3 meters long and 0.6 meters high is as follows:

However, regardless of the size of the metal barrier, it is subject to general requirement detection of horizontal forces.

According to SNiP 2.01.07-85 *, under the influence of loads of less than 300 N per meter of structure, the fence must remain motionless.

Statistically, welded metal frames provide the most security, but there are fences on the market that are made up of connecting crabs and fasteners. To attach the railing to the roof members, we need special fasteners and to install screen inserts that are not included with the roof railing, normal hardware.

The durability of metal elements is ensured by high-quality paint or anti-corrosion coating used in a production environment - galvanization, composite, etc.

Without appropriate initial and subsequent routine surface treatment, aggressive environmental effects can quickly lead to rust.

To avoid problems, your roof roof should be inspected every five years. It is necessary to check the integrity of the structure, stability of position and reliability of fastening elements, various defects in the protective layer, etc.

It is advisable to have problematic fences tested by energy experts who have the appropriate test equipment.

Rules for receiving finished products

Metal roof rails, the height of which is 600 mm or more, undergo the procedure by representatives of the technical control department production company according to the production process.

A batch may contain products of only one brand in quantities not exceeding 200 pieces. For quality control, 5-10 units of products are selected. The review is carried out on several parameters, and if at least one of them is not satisfactory, it determines additional checks and measurements for work in parts.

They are controlled:

  • appearance;
  • high-quality protective coating;
  • linear dimensions;
  • welds;
  • deviations from perpendicularity and straightness;
  • correct labeling.

Roof rails are designed to ensure safety during transportation and storage.

Packaging must protect products from accidental mechanical damage protective coating. The weight of one package should not exceed three tons. It contains elements with the same height.

31.5.2016 at 16:05

Roof- the upper insulating and enclosing part of the building, which serves to protect the building from adverse environmental influences. It consists of a waterproofing layer and a base (lathing, continuous flooring), laid on the load-bearing structures of the roof.

The roof consists of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

The enclosing structures are the roof and gable/gable. The supporting structure is a rafter system.

Attic- this is the space between the surface of the covering (roof), the external walls and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Scat- edge, inclined surface of the roof.

Slope- an indicator of the steepness of the roof, determined in three ways: in degrees of the angle between the roof slope and the ceiling of the upper floor; in percent - the ratio of the roof height (H) to the projection of the roof slope onto the upper floor (L), multiplied by 100 = (H/L)⋅100; in proportions (H:L).

Pitched roof- a roof with a slope of more than 6° (10%).

With a lesser bias is called - flat roof .

Mezzanine- a small-height superstructure above a part, usually the central one, of a low-rise residential building, having its own roof, rising above the common one.

Dormer windows- openings for lighting and ventilation of attic spaces, as well as for access to the roof.

Types of roofs by geometry

Performance characteristics

According to operational characteristics:

  • the roof can have a non-residential attic and a residential one (attic);
  • exploited roof and not exploited.

Attic(attic floor) - residential attic.

The attic can be uninsulated (only the roof of the upper floor is insulated) or insulated (the roof slopes are insulated).

The roof is in use- flat roof, used both for its intended purpose and for other operational purposes: recreation area, sports ground, lawn, etc.

Roof enclosing structures

Roof- the upper fence (shell) of the roof, directly exposed to atmospheric influences.

Protects the building from penetration of atmospheric precipitation.

Gable- the end part of the roof, part of the facade of the building, the enclosing structure between the roof slopes. Serves to create an enclosed space under the roof (attic) and to protect it from adverse environmental influences.

The pediment is separated from the bottom of the wall by cornices and is usually made of a different material than the wall, for example, a wall made of timber or brick, or a pediment made of boards.

Tong (wimperg)- the top of the end wall of a building, which has an acute-angled shape and is located between two slopes of the roof, but, unlike the pediment, the gable is not separated from the wall by a cornice and forms a single plane with the facade and is made of the same material.

If we compare a gable with a pediment, the difference will be in the absence of a cornice that visually separates the wall and the pediment, and the material of the pediment may differ from the material of the wall.

Visor- a mini roof, which is located above the end walls under the gables and serves to protect the walls from atmospheric moisture.

Eaves- the outer strip of the roof slope protruding beyond the line of the wall.

Serves to prevent precipitation from entering the walls and is at least 75-80 cm.

Height of roof fencing - regulatory requirements, acceptance rules

The roof overhang is divided into gable and cornice.

Roof cornice- this is a structure consisting of a roof overhang and its closing part at the bottom and side. The cornice differs from the overhang in that it completely covers all elements of the rafter structure extending beyond the line of the walls. The cornice protects not only from precipitation, but also prevents the penetration of dampness and various living creatures into the attic and into the under-roof space.

Eaves can be not only completely part of the roof, but also part of the wall. The cornice surrounding the entire perimeter of the wall is called - crown cornice. For example, when the roof eaves transition into a canopy that separates the pediment from the wall. Soffit- hemmed cornice board.

Roof elements

Skate- the uppermost element of the roof in the form of a corner, which serves to close the joint of the roof slopes.

Hip- a triangular slope of a 4-pitch roof, located at the end of the house, covered with a sharp end on top.

Half hip- a hip, the length of which is shortened along the slope from the side of the roof ridge or from the side of the building's end.

Endova (gutter)- an internal corner of the roof in the form of a gutter, formed by the connection of two slopes.

Ridge (rib)- the line of intersection of two slopes forming an external corner.

Products- ventilation holes in the pitched roof.

Aerators- vents for flat roofs, mechanical devices for ventilation in the layers of the entire pie of flat roofs.

Must be used when installing a new carpet over an old one.

fillet- a transitional edge from the base of a flat roof to the abutment, usually arranged at an angle of 45° to smooth out the mating angles.

Leaning- installation of screeds on a flat roof, giving the roof small slopes and the formation of ridges and valleys.

Roofing films— used to protect thermal insulation and load-bearing structures of the roof from moisture.

Basic waterproofing (or roofing) carpet- layers of rolled materials or layers of mastics reinforced with glass or synthetic materials, sequentially carried out along the base under the roof.

Ballast system— fastening system soft roof on flat roofs with high load-bearing capacity, as well as in exploited roofs.

It is affordable, easy to use and does not damage the main waterproofing carpet, and in addition, provides additional protection from mechanical damage and ultraviolet rays.

Collar— protective edging of protruding roof elements with roofing iron.

Kapelnik- an element of the steel covering of parapets and firewall walls in the form of a downward curved edge.

Gutter- an element of a pitched roof with an external drain, designed to collect water and force the discharge of atmospheric water into a drainpipe.

Drainpipe- a pipe used to drain water.

Load-bearing roof structures

Rafter system- a structure consisting of rafters and other elements that perceives and resists all types of loads and transfers them to the walls of the building.

Consists of roof trusses.

Farm- a structure made of beams or rods fastened together.

Rafter(rafter leg) - element roof truss, which absorbs all types of loads and transfers them to the walls and the upper floor of the building, serving as a support for the roof.

The lower end rests against the wall, and the upper end connects at an angle with the opposite rafter leg.

Sloping rafters- have emphasis at the ends and the middle part (at one or more points).

Hanging rafters- resting in the lower part on a tie or mauerlat and in the upper ridge part resting on each other or on the ridge girder (without intermediate supports).

Skate- the upper horizontal edge of the roof connecting the trusses.

Skate fight- a piece of board/plywood or metal trim connecting the rafters at the ridge.

Mauerlat- a beam located along the perimeter of the wall, on which the lower ends of the inclined rafters rest.

Mawelat allows you to distribute the concentrated load from the rafters over the entire section of the wall.

Rack- a piece of board/beam resting on a tie and supporting the rafter leg, serves to unload the rafters and to organize the walls of the attic.

Grandma- a central post that rests on the ridge.

Strut- stand at an angle.

Rigel- a piece of board connecting the rafter legs to each other.

Serves to increase the rigidity of the rafter truss and prevents the rafter legs from moving apart.

Puff— a log/timber/board connects the rafter legs to each other. It differs from the crossbar in that the tightening rests on the mauerlat and the bench.

filly- a piece of board that extends the rafter leg to organize the roof overhang.

Slightly— guide for natural tiles.

Roof base- the surface on which the roofing covering is laid.

Usually done in the form of sheathing or continuous flooring.

Lathing- roofing decking made of boards or bars, attached to the rafters and serving as the basis for the roofing.

The sheathing takes up the entire weight load from the roof and transfers it to the rafter system through the counter-lattice and rough decking.

Countergrid— bars with a minimum cross-section of 30×50 mm, located under the sheathing, perpendicular to it and providing ventilation of the under-roof space and serving to secure the waterproofing film.

Rough flooring- flooring made of boards, chipboard, fiberboard or other types of slabs that are nailed directly to rafter system and serves as the basis for waterproofing material and a base for attaching the counter-lattice.

Obreshetina- a sheathing element, which is made from wooden blocks, slats or slats made of coniferous species (without wane and passing knots) of at least second grade, on which the tiles are laid.

The minimum cross-section of the bar is 30×50 mm.

Using the ladder, each of us at the subconscious level, we are trying to find a handle on which you can rely and feel more confident. For this reason, it is important that the height of the ladder corresponds to optimal parameters and that the grip itself must be properly shaped. Many masters who build a staircase ignore this shade and at the same time make a big mistake.

In this article we will look at all the details of staircase fencing design and how to make fences different types.

When designing a staircase project, it is necessary to take into account not only the problem of design and comfort, but also existing regulatory documents.
When it comes to stair railings, you should refer to the following groups of rules:

Often, in their professional activities, builders are guided by other regulations, but it is enough for us to limit ourselves to these two basic documents.

SP 17.13330.2011 Roofing work. Updated version SNiP II-26-76

Of course, this only applies to those cases where we are dealing with the placement of objects for personal use. In cases where the work is carried out to order, there is no need to coordinate all design elements not only with the customer organization, but also with the supervisory authorities.

So let's think about the information from the labeling rules.

The height of the fence plays a very important role.

This parameter must comply with GOST, not only because this violation may be punishable by fines, but also because it is simply inappropriate to use a ladder with too high or low a probability of decline and keep it growing significantly.

There are also rules for the manufacture of wall levers, which are designed to facilitate the descent and ascent of stairs:

The distance between the grip and the wall must be at least 4 centimeters.

Typically the standard distance from the center of the stick is 7.5 cm.

Other elements of staircases

In addition to the requirements for fences and fences, there are many standards for the performance of other elements in the design stages:

    The most suitable gradient is 1:1.25.

    Various options for internal stairs allow you to install them at different angles from 20 to 45 degrees.

    The size of steps at the same distance should be the same size.

    The maximum deviation from the specified value cannot exceed 5 mm in the vertical and horizontal planes.

We must know that this rule does not apply to the first phase, which can be slightly closed in the floors.

  • The maximum number of steps in one staircase should not exceed 18.

    Standards regarding stage sizes:

  • The step height can vary from 12.5 to 21 cm.
  • The step width should be between 21 and 35.5 cm.
  • If the staircase is expected to be curved, then the sharpest part of the degrees can be at least 15 cm wide, and in the central part - at least 20 centimeters.

Staircases must be designed in such a way that the doors located on them can be opened and closed.

Methods for making different types of handles.

Wooden staircase fences

It is not easy to know the dimensions of each structural element for installing stair railings. To make a staircase with your own hands, you should first consider how to make different materials.

Let's start with the simplest material to work with - wood:

    Wooden handles consist of three parts.

    This type of structure includes support columns, balusters and handrails.

    Both coniferous and deciduous trees are used as material for their production. Of course, the most suitable materials for this purpose are cedar, larch or oak, but the price, pine, alder or birch are more attractive.

    Without a special woodworking machine, it will be impossible to independently produce boxes for wooden rails.

    And the process itself can take very long and hard work.

For this reason, it is not difficult to think about purchasing ready-made components.
By the way, the well-known phraseology “sharpening hair” only means the process of grinding the baluster, and this means wasting time.

— Before assembly, the final workpieces must be treated with a special composition that prevents the growth of microorganisms and varnishes.

Possible examples where varnish treatment is carried out after the structure has been installed.

Direct installation of the frame is carried out after installing all other parts of the staircase:

— At the bottom and top of the stairs, carriers are placed in the form of supports.

It is best to use anchor bolts as anchors.
— Pull the cord between the brackets to the required height, which should not be lower than 90 centimeters.
- Then there are balusters. They are installed on the stairs so that the distance between them does not exceed 20 centimeters. Exceeding this value can be expected with subsequent problems with the restoration of the child's lost head.
— For fastening balusters, self-tapping screws are suitable, which are screwed to the base on the wrong side of the step.

A type of fastening called "tip-on" will be more labor intensive, but also stronger and more reliable.
— The focus on the tight lace on the balusters placed the markings at the cutting level.

Additional parts of the columns are cut off and then the attachment is attached to them.

The end of the fence must be secured to support posts or left free. With the second version of the fastening, the projected part of the handrail should not exceed 30 centimeters.

Metal fences

Metal railings are highly durable and reliable.

At the same time, their production costs, as well as the complexity of their operation, often hinder their installation. However, you can install metal fence on one's own.

Pipe profiles can be used as building materials:

  • This method of fastening metal rails is most often used when installing external stairs.
  • The staircase itself can be made of metal, concrete, brick or stone.

    In the case of brick or stone structures It is important to ensure that pre-assembled plates are installed in the areas where the handles are installed.

  • Installation begins with the installation of racks. Cut the profiled pipes into 5x5 centimeters and cut them into mortgages.

    If the embeds are located at the top of the stage, a special carrier should be used for assembly.

  • Using a support rod (pipes or ferrous metal strips of the required thickness), it is necessary to connect the upper parts of the supports.
  • In addition to the filling between the bearings, the welded pipes are 2x2 cm.

    You can place them in any position depending on your desire.

  • Profile pipes can be replaced with fake round or square rods, but this significantly increases the cost of stair railing.

Once welding is complete, the structure must be properly cleaned and painted. A wooden or plastic fence must be installed on top of the cart.

Prefabricated stair railings with glass filling

Currently, glass is used in interior design.

For this reason, a glass fence does not surprise anyone.

To install such a stair fence, you should order special triplets or heat-resistant glass panels. If you use regular thick glass for these purposes, the design is too fragile, even if you use protective elements.

How to assemble a glass fence?

— Firstly, it is necessary to install support rods on stairs and ladders, the height and spacing of which between them must comply with accepted standards.
— It supports fastening with anchor bolts, preferably using at least three parts.
— The fastening elements are attached to the brackets in the form of a pointing with polymer inserts.
— Insert the damaged glass into the fasteners.
— Through glass, adhesion with special leads expands.

In such cases, the handrail function is most often performed using nickel-plated steel tubing. The end of the frame is closed with caps.

Despite its external fragility, a special glass partition is more durable than a wooden fence.

We suspect

When constructing and installing internal stages, it is necessary to pay special attention to the nuances and build all work on the basis of regulatory documents.

This applies to parameters such as the height of the fencing ladder, the size of the ladder and the structural characteristics of the handrails - in addition to the requirements of GOST and SNiP, the safety of the entire structure also depends.

The article was prepared in collaboration with the company “Style of the Century” - production of stairs.


It is very important to observe all safety measures when erecting fences on the roof of buildings. For this, there are certain rules and standards that must be observed.

However, the construction of fencing structures in accordance with GOST and SNiP is a rarity, since many builders do not even have the slightest idea about the standards.

Dividing roofs into types

Looking at the roofs of different buildings, you can notice one feature - they often differ from each other.

That is why there is a clear division into two groups, which are also divided into subgroups.

  • The first group includes a flat roof. This type of roof should not cause any difficulties in constructing fences.

  • But the second group - pitched roofing - can cause more difficulties than it seems. In this case, roof fencing standards should be applied to several subgroups separately.
    The first subgroup is fencing for single or gable (hatched) roofs, the second is mansard, where the roof angle is quite high. The third subgroup includes multi-gable roofing, where the installation of fences requires individual calculations.

All roofs should also be divided into used and unused. This factor also affects the installation of fences.

Operable roof

Let's talk about the features of roofs that are constantly used by people for some purpose: installing equipment, carrying out repair work, snow removal and much more.

Referring to SNiP 21 01 97, it is worth noting that roof fencing must be installed on any building whose height is more than 10 meters. It is also said that the angle of inclination of the roof, in this case, is no more than 12%.

For buildings with 12% or more, a separate rule is provided - their height is taken into account from 7 meters.

It is also worth noting that roof railings are installed in accordance with GOST 25772-83 “Steel railings for stairs, balconies and roofs”.

Features of the interpretation of these standards:

  • The height of the roof fencing according to SNiP depends on the total height of the building. At facilities with a total height of up to 30 meters, it is permissible to install barriers with dimensions of 1100 mm or more. On objects of 30 meters or more, structures must be at least 1200 mm.
  • If the fence is installed on an existing parapet, then the dimensions of the parapet should be subtracted from the total dimensions.
  • The subtleties of GOST also apply to the frame manufacturing process. So the distance between horizontal posts should be no more than 300 mm. For vertical elements the rule is even stricter - no more than 100 mm.

For your information!
A roof fencing is also provided - GOST 25772 83, using special heavy-duty glass, which is installed as a hanging screen.

Unused roof

The main feature of this section is the absence of strict requirements, since there is no provision for people to go onto the roof. But we should not forget about emergency situations, when the use of a roof is simply necessary, this is connected not only with the performance of the equipment, but also with human lives.

Therefore, special bridges and ladders are installed on unused roofs to prevent a person from falling. They are manufactured taking into account the correct distribution of the entire body weight on the surface of the flooring.

In this case, all the requirements of SNiP 21 01 97 remain the same, but for the installation of roof fencing, GOST 25772 83 makes some changes:

  • The minimum height of the barrier for any type of building and regardless of the number of storeys must be at least 600 mm.
  • The distance between vertical and horizontal structural elements cannot be made more than 300 mm.

It should be remembered that violation of GOSTs can lead to adverse consequences, where a financial fine is not the worst thing that can happen.

Once you have read the information above, you can move on to the next section, which describes all the options.

Roofing materials

  • The cheapest and most affordable option is considered to be products made from ordinary metal.. They get covered by special means, allowing to increase the protection of the material from negative atmospheric influences. For this, the powder coating method is used, which gives increased fixation to the surface layer.
  • But if price in this matter is not the most important criterion, then you should give preference to stainless steel. The material does not require any additional processing; its structure is resistant to all negative influences.
    Stainless steel is a guarantee of durability and reliability. In addition, it can be used for re-installation
  • Various glass products are also used for roof railings, which make it possible to give the building the most attractive appearance.
    Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you can install such structures yourself; this requires a special tool. This factor increases the cost of barriers several times.

Also, plastic mesh can be used to fence the roof for fencing sports fields.
High-quality material easily tolerates severe frosts, is resistant to humidity and is not afraid of ultraviolet rays.
At the same time, it significantly increases safety on operating roofs.
Such nets are suitable for both temporary use and everyday use.

Whatever option you choose, you should remember that the basis of everything is reliability and durability.

Technical requirements

To erect a roof fence in accordance with GOST, you should, following the rules, perform the following actions:

  • Roof railings should not be highlighted against the background of the entire building. They should advise standard colors, harmonize in design and not attract undue attention.

It is prohibited to attach or install any products of any nature on roof railings.

  • The design must be made of high quality materials. Moreover, you should check the documentary component of the organization that provides the fencing.
    For this there is a special GOST - 23118, and there is also SNiP III-18, which provides rules for the manufacture of welded structures.
  • It is equally important that all installation work is carried out by specialized companies that have permission and licenses to do so. It would also be useful to have a professional tool to speed up the installation process.
  • Roof fencing GOST 25772 83 for children's institutions should not have any inclined intermediate elements.
  • It is important to take into account all the dimensions of barriers that are installed on roofs in accordance with the above rules. Please note that the size of the fence directly depends on the number of storeys of the building.

For your information!
As for additional safety, it is necessary to install walkways and shallow stairs on pitched roofs.
This allows employees of specialized organizations to spend less effort on carrying out work, installing equipment and clearing snow.

Checking the quality and integrity of fences

In order to comply with all GOSTs and SNiPs, it is important not only the installation and operation process itself, but also the process of mandatory verification (see the article about for more details). It is necessary to identify flaws, inconsistencies and defects.

The verification test instructions are described below:

  • The first step is a visual inspection of the fences. This process must be carried out once or twice a year, as well as after stormy winds and heavy snowfalls.
    It allows you to make sure that the structure is not damaged. Pay attention to: fastening points and welded elements.
  • After that, you should start testing the load. It is very important to understand that this process should be trusted only to specialized organizations that have access and permission to carry out work.
    In any case, do not forget to protect the object of inspection with warning signs.

For your information!
For such cases, there is a rental of fencing for construction sites; cheap fences allow you to save both time and money on construction. In addition, the companies that provide these products will help you install them.

  • If all the fences have been successfully tested, and no defects or flaws were identified after testing, you should begin filling out the documents.
    This process is also carried out by the testing company, after which you must sign and agree or disagree with the test report.

Having received the corresponding document in hand, it is necessary to keep it for five years - that is when the next check is carried out. It is usually used to verify tests, as well as to identify oversights and violations of rules. In any case, it is of particular importance to the inspection organization.

Existing types of fencing

It should be noted that according to the standards, fencing on the roof can be of several types:

  • The simplest and most affordable option is. Such products are usually made from class A1 reinforcement, with a thickness of at least 4 mm.
    A metal corner is also used as the basis of the frame and metal strips as connecting elements. You can see it visually in the photo below.

  • An expensive option is plexiglass screens that are fixed in metal frame. The cost of this type is much higher, but in appearance it outperforms the others. Plexiglas can be covered with a protective tinted film, thereby making the fence more attractive.
  • Reinforced concrete blind parapet - this option is practiced on inversion roofs, and is installed around the perimeter. As we wrote earlier, parapets can be combined with metal fences, taking into account the dimensions, as a whole.

Do not forget that the roof is installed not for beauty, but for safety.

What is a metal fence made of?

Another useful section in which we will look at all the elements of the roof fencing:

  • The basis is support posts, which are made from metal pipes or profile metal. This element is responsible for the strength of the entire structure, so it must be checked before installation begins.
  • Horizontal crossbars - reinforcement bars of suitable diameters are used (from 4 to 8 mm)
  • Fastening elements – brackets and metal corners. It is with the help of them that fences can be installed at any angle and on any surface.

  • We must not forget about nuts, bolts, washers and screws. In some cases, anchors are used, as well as welding and gluing.


Now you know how roof fencing is carried out in accordance with GOST and in accordance with SNiP 21 01 97. All rules and requirements comply with the standards, so after reading this article, you will receive answers to all your questions. The main thing to remember is that failure to comply with the rules can lead to adverse consequences.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.