Do-it-yourself installation and installation of roof windows - the whole technology of carrying out work from A to Z. How to install a roof window yourself Installing a roof window in a metal tile

A roof window is a very important part of the roof structure. Incorrect installation or weak waterproofing will negate all efforts to build a roof, threatening a comfortable existence not only in attic floor, but also throughout the house.

That is why beginners take on self-installation skylights They do not recommend it; it is better for them to turn to specialists. Those who already have experience in construction work, if they follow the instructions and the rules set out below, will be quite capable of this task.

Set of tools

Before starting work, the home craftsman should stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • Hammer
  • Plumb
  • Nail puller
  • Hacksaw
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Construction stapler
  • Level
  • Marker
  • Nails
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Edged board, the cross-section of which corresponds to the cross-section of the rafter leg
Part of the tools for installing metal roof windows

Installation location and window dimensions

The maximum permissible width of a roof window should be 80 - 120 mm less than the opening between the rafters. If the rafter legs are located with a small step, install two windows in adjacent niches or through one.

The installation height of the window is determined based on the method of opening it and the angle of inclination of the roof. In steep roofs it is better to place it in the lower part, in flat roofs - in the upper part. Windows with lower fittings are installed at a height of 1200 - 1300 mm, with upper ones - at a height of 1000 - 1100 mm.

Work order

Preparing the opening

The installation of a roof window should begin after the installation of the roofing pie, but before the interior decoration of the room is completed.

First of all, the boundaries of the future opening should be marked with a marker on the waterproofing film. In this case, at least 40 mm should be retreated from each rafter leg, and if possible - 60 mm or more.

When the boundaries of the installation are drawn, 200 mm are retreated from them and only now a cutout is made. This leaves a 20cm margin on each side of the hole. It should be bent inside the room.

Securing the mounting beam

The mounting beam is made from the same board from which the roof rafters are made. It is attached between the rafters under the window opening, and the gap between the beam and the sheathing should be 80 - 100 mm.

The mounting beam must occupy a strictly horizontal position, so the correct installation is controlled using a building level.

After securing the timber to it using a stapler, the lower edge of the waterproofing film is nailed to it.

Frame installation

Before you begin installing the frame, the side edges of the waterproofing film should be pulled out, and its upper edge should be stapled to the sheathing above the opening.

The frame is freed from the sash and flashing, after which a piece of mineral wool insulation is nailed to its upper part with a stapler. A fragment of heat insulator intended for insulating the lower part of the window must be secured to the mounting beam. Now the frame can be installed in the opening, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Tip: When installing the frame, leave the top brackets slightly loose. In the future, this will make it possible to correct its position.

After installing the frame, the insulation attached to the mounting beam must be pressed tightly against the opening and secured with a stapler.

Sash installation

The procedure for installing and dismantling the window sash is described in detail in the instructions from the manufacturer.

After installing the sash in place, check how well it fits to the frame. Detected distortions are eliminated by adjusting the position of the frame, after which all brackets are securely fixed.

At the final stage, insulation is laid and secured on both sides of the opening, and the side fragments of waterproofing are nailed to the frame, removing excess material.

External waterproofing

At the top of the window opening, the sheathing is removed so that a drainage gutter can be installed in the free space. Pre-cut roof waterproofing is placed under it. If everything is done correctly, then in rainy weather, water from the section of the roof located above the opening will flow from the waterproofing into the gutter without falling on the window.

Tip: use only those accessories that are designed specifically for your window model. Even minor inconsistencies, unnoticeable at first glance, can lead to leaks in the future.

The apron is attached to the frame with a stapler, then it is brought inside the attic and attached in the same way to the rafters, mounting beam and sheathing. The top edge of the waterproofing apron should be under the drainage gutter.

The finishing touch is to restore the roofing at the bottom of the window.

Salary setting

Installation of the flashing begins with the installation of the lower corrugated apron, which is fastened around after that. Then the same apron is installed on top and only then on the sides. When everything is ready, the covers are attached to the window. All flashing elements should be attached to the sheathing and frame.

This operation largely depends on the design of the window and frame, so its implementation should be coordinated as closely as possible with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Tip: to seal the gaps between the frame and the opening, use only special roofing sealants. Conventional polyurethane foam quickly breaks down under the influence of UV radiation, thereby losing its waterproofing qualities.

Installation of slopes

The circulation of warm air in the window area depends on the correct installation of slopes inside the attic.

The lower slope should be positioned vertically, that is, perpendicular to the floor. The top one is horizontal.

If the technology is violated, the window will not be blown with a stream of warm air, which will lead to the formation of condensation on the glass. After installation, the slopes should be properly insulated.

Advice: insulation of slopes should be quite effective; it is best to use a good layer of mineral wool for this. Novice craftsmen often underestimate this point, preferring to make do with materials such as penofol. This can also trigger the process of moisture condensation on the surface of the slopes.

As you can see, installing a roof window does not involve any highly complex operations. The main rules remain the same: thoroughness, accuracy, lack of haste and compliance with all points of the instructions. Stick to them, and your attic will always have enough light, warmth, and therefore comfort.

After installing the roof window, you can move on to installing other elements. Mandatory. Because it is a significant roof element that provides roof ventilation.

Next, you need to install snow guards on the metal tiles. The installation process is described. Snow guards on the roof ensure safe snow removal. They are also necessary to prevent the roof from deforming under the mass of icy snow.

Video about installing a roof window in a metal tile

Two videos. The first one shows the window installation in finished roof, second - installation instructions step by step.

When carrying out construction or repair work on a particular structure, one of the most important stages is the correct installation of the roof. The roof is one of the fundamental elements of the house, which in some countries is even a kind of designation of a living space. So, in India, for example, a building without a roof is not considered a residential premises and, accordingly, is not subject to any taxes. Many people save money on this. But in the conditions of our changeable and, for the most part, even harsh climate, you should not save on the roof, as well as on related activities.

It is on the roof that a large amount of precipitation, gusts of wind and other negative influences fall, which for the most part do not depend on a person. So, installing a roof is an integral part of every new building or premises undergoing repair and restoration work. Installing a roof is the right step towards the reliability and security of your property and even your life.

But the roof also serves decorative element residential ensemble. For example, today there are a considerable number of various options and methods for designing a roof. They depend on the material used and how exactly you intend to remodel the old or build a new roof. As for materials, they differ in the areas of their use, in physical internal and external characteristics, in price characteristics, and in many other factors. For example, if you look only at the outer shell, the roof can be decorated in a variety of color solutions- from natural colors to the brightest and most ridiculous combinations.

Internal characteristics determine what the natural conditions should be for such a roofing covering, what shape the roof can be built, and what load the covering can subsequently bear. It is also completely natural that different categories of a particular material require completely different price categories.

Metal tiles for roofing work

In the process, quite often you have to go through all sorts of options. So, assessing your personal wishes, financial capabilities and, of course, external physical conditions, the choice is constantly expanding - from traditional budget slate and iron to expensive materials that destroy pollution and even lead to melting of snow on the roof. In order to carry out installation, the most reasonable option seems to be to use metal tiles. This material consists of metal (galvanized) coated with a special polymer layer. The shape of metal tiles can be absolutely varied. And the dimensions of the individual sheets themselves can also be found exactly in the size that you calculate yourself. But professionals still advise choosing smaller parts, since working with them on the roof is more convenient and safer (gusts of wind can easily lift a long a metal sheet and damage builders or, for example, break windows).

Anyone who has at least once independently installed a roof has probably encountered the need to choose suitable material. Most often, you can only focus on price, because in most cases, high quality is expensive. But you shouldn’t spend money so thoughtlessly, even if you don’t lack it. So, for example, for such an expensive material as tiles, a sufficient amount is needed financial resources plus the cost of professional roofers, since you are unlikely to be able to carry out the installation yourself. It requires a special reinforced frame made of several layers of sheathing. different materials. The same is required for slate roofing. The load of such materials on the roof and, accordingly, on the entire house is very serious and practically the same, despite the significant difference in cost.

Installation of a window in an attic covered with metal tiles

As already mentioned, today the roof performs not only protective, but also decorative and aesthetic functions. This is manifested, first of all, in the fact that the roof can decorate your home and give the entire building ensemble artistic completeness. In many residential premises, the attic space is now being decorated for living space. This becomes possible as a result of the fact that its interior decoration involves a complete redevelopment, which is carried out using a large number of tools and materials. All wiring and other possible communications are “hidden” under the cladding of the walls and ceiling. But this is not always possible due to the fact that there is not enough daylight in the attic. This problem can be easily solved by installing a roof window directly in the roof (in one or both of its slopes). In addition to light, such a window will also provide an influx of fresh air, which is felt much more strongly upstairs than just when leaving the house.

For those who have already taken up the implementation of this idea, it is clear that most of the new room is occupied by roof slopes, due to which the walls of the new room (or office) become sloping. In these niches, of course, you can organize some pantries or other storage areas. If you make the walls even, the room will be very small. The most optimal solution It is the installation of windows into the roof slope that becomes the problem. In many cases attic rooms are organized to hold there free time, stay alone with yourself, read a book or just relax. That is why you can save on electricity by installing roof windows.

Metal roof installation

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden beams or boards;
  • nails;
  • waterproofing;
  • shamuisolation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • stapler;
  • staples;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • building level;
  • metal tiles;
  • metal scissors (manual or electric).

So, metal tiles are one of the most profitable roofing materials when installing, purchasing, and using them. This material is quite cheap, lightweight and lasts quite a long time. Unlike natural tiles, metal tiles do not require the installation of a reinforced frame. However, even in this it would seem ideal has its drawbacks. The most important thing is that the material is very thin. And if during installation this will be more of an advantage than a disadvantage, then during operation this coating causes some inconvenience. All noise coming from the street will be heard by you, the same applies to thermal insulation.

That is why those who produce metal tiles warn that this roofing material requires a special layer of waterproofing.

It will prevent condensation and avoid inconveniences associated with changes in air temperature and unnecessary noise.

Name " roofing pie"We received a metal tile coating because under the material that we are used to seeing on buildings, there is a multi-layer insulation hidden. First, you need to carry out work related to the sheathing of the frame of your building. As already mentioned, metal tiles are quite light, and there is no need to build under them too strong a sheathing. But you shouldn’t relax. First you need to throw a layer of it on the frame. wooden beam with a cross section of approximately 50-70 mm. The steps between them can be varied, and how you will then place the second layer of sheathing will depend on them. The bars are nailed to the frame along the length of the roof slope, and then a layer of boards goes across. If you nail the bars at a distance of approximately 60 cm from each other, then the boards will need to be placed according to the same principle. If the bars are located at a greater distance from each other, then we lay the boards almost close to each other. We nail all the lumber with ordinary nails.

Once the sheathing is ready, you can begin to apply waterproofing. As mentioned earlier, it should also serve as noise and heat insulation. This is quite realistic, since in most cases such films, sold in all construction stores, are universal. Counting required amount material, you will need to measure the dimensions of all roof slopes and add a few more centimeters to the resulting figure. The point is that it is not worth applying press-fit waterproofing under the roof. Therefore, depending on how many layers of such film you intend to lay, we add an average of 10 cm to each layer. The waterproofing film is attached using a stapler and large staples. In some cases, of course, it is also possible to apply special films - soundproofing, waterproofing and thermal insulation. But if you are not a fan of long shopping trips, then you should not focus on this, since any waterproofing film perfectly retains heat and does not allow unnecessary noise to enter the room.

In order to begin installing metal tiles, you need to nail a strip to the bottom edge of the slopes, which you will use to guide you when starting the installation. This rail plays the role of a cornice, onto which all lower sheets of metal tiles must extend at least 40 mm. Laying of material begins from the lower edge of the roof slope. In order not to miscalculate the size and evenness of the installation of the very first (bottom) row, it is necessary to fasten the first sheet not completely. This is done using a screwdriver and a self-tapping screw, which is not screwed in all the way. In the future, depending on the necessary amendments, the first sheet that is not tightly attached can be corrected. This must be done taking into account the readings of the building level, so do not forget it. Sheets of metal tiles are overlapped on top of each other by exactly one corrugation, and across - by at least 25 cm. Laying occurs from the bottom up in order to cause the least physical harm to the material.

Installation of roof windows in a metal-tiled roof

A skylight is a very original and at the same time practical idea. Depending on how the window is installed, a roof window can be pitched or vertical. The first option involves installing a window directly along the roof slope, and the second involves the preliminary installation of a protruding gutter, into which a roof window will subsequently be mounted.

Composite metal roof window

If you are arranging an attic as an office or recreation room, then you cannot do without sound insulation. Great option roofing material in this case, a composite metal tile will become, which is a steel sheet covered with several layers of various coatings, thanks to which an eight-layer, fire-resistant and durable material. It is also very convenient for installing roof windows. In this case, the window turns out to be several millimeters lower than it would be if using any other roofing material. This occurs because the thickness of the top and bottom mounting rails is reduced. Therefore, the main condition for manufacturing a correctly designed window is that you must take into account the cross-section of the mounting rail. Its thickness should not be too large, but it is quite possible to make it wider. This indicator depends on the size of the window you intend to install in the roof. Most often, if the window is higher than 140 cm, additional side slats are also required to support the heavy window.

Selecting the material from which the window will be made is also a rather labor-intensive process. Currently, plastic is most often used in everything related to construction and repair. It's fast, convenient and economical. For the attic plastic window may also be suitable, but it is worth noting that for a large window with several double-glazed windows, a non-reinforced roof structure will not be suitable.

Therefore, the best option is to insert a window made of natural wood. A window made on the basis of laminated veneer lumber is very acceptable. This is convenient from an environmental point of view, and from an aesthetic and decorative point of view, because wooden interior items can organically fit into almost any style. For those who like to experiment, another interesting set of windows has been created, which is called “cornice”. In this option, the pitched window in the attic is connected to the cornice using a special frame, vertical window , which turns out to be directly under the attic. It is unlikely that you can carry out such an installation yourself, so entrust it to better than a professional . The cornice flashing is made of high quality aluminum and can be designed to match any other. The angle of inclination of a pitched roof window can vary between 15-55 degrees. The flashing is also convenient because it allows you to insert windows of almost any size, since each part of the flashing can be shortened in accordance with the dimensions of a particular window. Included with the flashing are drains and insulating linings, which prevent possible penetration of moisture or other unnecessary substances between the windows or even into the room.

Installation of roof windows in metal tiles: main stages

The installation of a roof window is carried out in the interval between the installation of rafters and the laying of metal tiles. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a window that will fit between the rafters in size. Many people make the mistake of thinking that they can “adjust” the rafters to the size of the window, but this can negatively affect the safety and reliability of the entire structure. It is necessary to install a drainage strip above the window, which will remove moisture accumulating on the roof to the side of the window, otherwise even with closed window water may leak into the room. The window is mounted into the slats using a flashing, which in turn is screwed on with screws. But first you need to carry out 2 more stages of preparation. The first is that you will need to remove the glass unit from the window frame. You can do this yourself, or when ordering a window, warn that it is not completely assembled at the factory. The exposed glass should be removed to a clean, level place (you can even lay material under it). The glass unit is placed on its edge, so if something gets under it, the glass will immediately crumble before your eyes. You can lean it against the wall.

Next, you need to install the empty window frame into the prepared window opening, and all that remains is to screw it to the slats using self-tapping screws. Next we move on to installing the flashing. They come in two types. The first is for flat roofing materials, and the second is for wavy ones. Depending on what kind of metal tile you use in this case, you need to choose the appropriate flashing. It is not recommended to replace one type with another. Once the window frame is firmly attached, you need to remove all metal parts from it. When this stage is completed, the lower part of the flashing is installed. In this case, the corrugated apron should go over metal tiles and on the window frame.

After the bottom is secured, you can proceed to the side parts, which should also close the box with their edges. The very last part of the flashing to be mounted is its upper part. The flashing seal should run along the outer edge of the window. The final stage is attaching the window to the frame. This is done with the help of screws and nails, which most often come complete with the roof window itself.

After this, you can proceed to laying the remaining metal tiles. At the very end, the glass unit is reinstalled into the window frame. In order for the window to only please you, and not become the cause of possible worries and unnecessary material costs, do not forget that between the slats and the flashing it is necessary to make waterproofing, which will also serve as sound insulation.

There is an option to insert windows after the roof is covered. But it is better to do this before the insulation is attached to the inside of the rafters. If you decide to install a window after you've lived in the house long enough, the process will be a little more complicated. You will have to dismantle the section of the roof where the window will be installed. You should also carry out minor roof repairs, since glass is a very fragile material that can be damaged during use.

Installing roof windows is a very responsible process.

At present, the construction of attic floors has become widespread. This allows you to effectively use the attic space, adding usable space to the building. Living rooms, bedrooms, offices and even rooms for children are located in the attics, so such rooms need access to natural light. The attic, which occupies a large area, is often poorly lit by a pediment window. In this case, it is necessary to install skylights into the finished roof of the building. According to experts, a roof window, due to its inclined design, provides 30-40% more illumination than a conventional vertical one . Installing a roof window is a very important issue. After all, no one wants leaks or cracks in their home that are blown in by cold air. Maintaining tightness is the primary task when constructing window openings in the roof. The best option is to use the services of specialists. But if the desire to do everything prevails on our own, then try to follow the recommendations and strictly adhere to the technology.

We start by choosing the type of window opening

Dormer windows should complement the building's exterior.

Design solution for the installation of translucent structures should be taken at the stage of creating a project and building a building. If you don't take into account dormer windows, which rather serve for ventilation, roof windows can be divided into:

The material from which translucent structures are made may vary. It can be wood, aluminum, or plastic (PVC). Wooden ones are recommended for offices, living rooms, and bedrooms. And plastic would be better suited for rooms with high humidity - bathrooms and toilets.

When equipping an attic for a bathroom, you need to pay special attention to the insulation and insulation of windows.

There is also a classification based on the shape and design features of roof windows:

Advice! When choosing the design of roof windows, you need to start from design features roof, ease of use and attic size. So installation height window system depends on the slope of the roof and the height of the attic space.

Installation of roof windows in metal tiles has its own characteristics.

Window design

The standard design of a dormer window is a set of elements consisting of a frame, one or two sashes, including double-glazed windows and fittings. It is the fittings that ensure the opening and closing of the window, as well as its fixation in the desired position. In addition, the delivery package should include:

  • apron hydro- and vapor barriers;
  • gutter for water drainage;
  • flashing protecting the frame;
  • thermal insulation;
  • slopes installed indoors.

A standard roof window kit is quite easy to install.

Installation Basics

The installation of translucent structures in the attic must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, maintaining quality at every stage. Otherwise, you may end up with leaks and cracks. As a rule, windows are installed in roofs with a slope of at least 15 degrees and no more than 90. In compliance with building codes and taking into account the need to illuminate the attic, the lower edge is mounted at a height of at least 170 cm from the floor. The installation height is affected by the slope of the roof slopes, as well as the size of the window opening.

Depending on the position of the window, you need to choose a design to make it convenient to use.
  • The first important rule is that you cannot attach the roof window structure to the roof sheathing. The place of fixation should be exclusively the rafters.
  • The lower part of the frame should be supported by a transverse beam; if it is missing, it can be supported by sheathing slats or an additional beam can be installed.
  • A gap of three centimeters should be maintained on all sides between window frame and roof rafters. This will allow the window frame to be leveled after installation.
  • The window frame is installed above the tiles, and in cases with high-profile roofing, the recommended distance between the roof and the lower end of the window structure is maintained.
  • To prevent condensation from forming, icing and fogging of the glass, it is recommended to install a heating device underneath.
  • If you want to achieve complete tightness, do not use foam; only sealants specially designed for this will help achieve the desired result.

Installation sequence

The delivery package for roof windows must include installation instructions of this product. These guidelines must be strictly followed as translucent structures vary. Differences may be in the mounting brackets, their shape, and location of attachment. For example, the installation of window structures from companies such as Velux, Fakro, Roto has general similarities, but at the same time has fundamental differences in details and elements. Thus, the Fakro company produces window systems with marks marked on the frame, by which you can determine the recommended installation depth of the structure. Installation of a roof window from the Fakro company Installation of a roof window from the Velux company

Advice! Before installation begins, the window sashes must be removed. The technology is described in the installation instructions included with the kit. If a translucent structure is supplied with an installed flashing, it must also be dismantled.

Frame installation

The installation of roof windows begins with the installation of the flashing from the bottom edge of the opening to the top. First of all, the finished corrugated apron is installed in the lower part, followed by the side elements of the flashing and the upper part.

The last to be installed are the linings on the window structure.

This installation step is extremely important. We strictly maintain the gaps between the window frame and the roof covering. This will make it possible to level out all finished design

  1. after installation. Recommended clearances:
  • At the bottom of the window frame:
  • non-profile roofing 1-4 centimeters;
  • low profile – 10 cm;
  1. high profile – 12 cm;
  2. Side gaps – 4-6 cm.

Next, align the lower edge of the frame horizontally using a level and secure the mounting corners with screws. We do not tighten the screws all the way so that we can align the frame to the dimensions indicated above. We perform waterproofing - the material should be laid so that it overlaps the side of the frame. We start from the bottom and fit the waterproofing to the frame with an overlap. All overlapping joints of the insulator are secured with screws.

Poorly done waterproofing can be very expensive.

We set the salary

Installation of the flashing should also begin from the bottom; it is fixed to the roof with a window trim and self-tapping screws in the holes made. The side elements are fixed in the lower frame and attached to the window frame with nails. The top flashing is secured from the side with screws and secured with clamps to the roof sheathing. On soft or non-profile roofing, the side parts of the flashing are laid using bituminous materials. The profile covering of the roof should be placed on the sides of the flashing, retreating 5-10 cm. The joints of the flashing with the roof must be sealed with sealants or special tape. Installation of the salary

Warming and insulation

If the attic window does not have an opening function, then after fixing the frame, a double-glazed window should be installed. If we are dealing with an opening window, then we hang the sash. Next, you should pay attention to insulation and thorough waterproofing and vapor barrier. We insulate the window from the inside by tucking insulating material along the entire length of the frame. The outside should be covered with foil or similar material to avoid the formation of condensation. We also lay the slopes with insulation.

Window insulation is especially important for cold regions.

A moisture-proof vapor barrier is laid on top of the insulating material; this design is attached directly to the window with latches. If the insulating apron does not fit tightly, it should be further reinforced with screws or glue. If the window design includes a water barrier, it is necessary to install a drainage gutter so that the water drains in the right place under the window.

The final stage

Once again we check the tight fit of all elements of the flashing and, if necessary, additionally fasten it to the frame and sheathing. Finally, special elements are attached to the top of the flashing, the roofing material is tightly laid, and the joints are checked.

In general, the installation of the window system in the attic is complete, you can hang the sashes, check the opening and closing mechanism (if the window is not solid) and remove the protective film. In conclusion, we remind you of a practical recommendation from experts - installing internal slopes. The upper horizontal and lower vertical slopes will help improve the circulation of warm air from heating devices, which will protect the glass from fogging.

Experts recommend using branded slopes according to the window model. Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor
. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts. Education: Kharkov State Academy

Cultures, specialty “Culturologist.” Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to present. Editor: since 2016.

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The attic space allows you to equip not only comfortable bedrooms, but also children's playrooms, as well as an office space. Large areas require sufficient lighting of the space being developed. To solve the lighting problem as efficiently as possible, skylights are installed in the roof slopes.

According to professionals, a competent choice and correct installation of a roof window allows the maximum possible amount of natural light to pass through, which contributes to significant savings in energy resources and increases the comfort of using such space.

Features of fasteners depending on the manufacturer

Dormer windows belong to the category of high-tech and knowledge-intensive products that require proper installation. Any, even the most minor, violations in technology significantly reduce the service life.

The basics of window fastening technology have some differences that depend on the manufacturer. Dormer windows from some manufacturers are characterized by the presence of a provision for fixing the product to the sheathing structure using special plates or corners located in the corners of the window frame.

In accordance with a less common technology, corners are used to install a roof window, which are fixed to the side parts of the window frame. This method uses windows whose frame is equipped with three factory grooves, which allows for precise installation using standard fasteners.

  • vertical windows. A simple modification option allows installation at the level of the front attic part with the walls located at an angle of 90 degrees or on a pitched surface. An additional structure is used to install Velux and Fakro roof windows. This type of window slightly increases the area of ​​the attic space, but has insufficient light transmittance.
  • sloping windows. Installation is carried out in accordance with pitched angle. The product is characterized by high light transmittance and various options opening methods.

In addition, the installation process is influenced by the structural features of windows:

  • standard square or rectangular shape, has a frame and a blind or opening sash. The most popular include window designs with opening sashes;
  • skylights with the ability to transform into a balcony. The composition contains an inclined one installed in roof slope frame and frame installed in the side or bottom, which allows you to get a small loggia;
  • the presence of an additional element at the bottom of the attic window and an opening sash equipped with a lower blind element. It is used when arranging windows with slight sloping corners;
  • the presence of round or triangular extensions in the upper segment of the frame. Specific appearance vaguely reminiscent of medieval loopholes;
  • a variant of cornice windows installed in rooms with a high wall and limited visibility of the inclined frame. Characterized by the addition of a vertical sash.
  • design in the form of a light tunnel installed in places that do not have direct contact with the space of the room. The tunnel is a window, complemented by a pipe and a light-diffusing lampshade.

Installation instructions and technology

Dormer windows are installed in accordance with the instructions supplied by the product manufacturers and according to the installation technology. Under standard conditions, installation begins with choosing a location and preparing the opening.

It is most advisable to install this version of windows during the construction of a structure or when reconstructing the roof.

Preparing the window opening

Most often, the window is installed between two rafters. The standard distance in this case is about sixty centimeters and most manufacturers produce windows whose frame width is 55 centimeters.

To install a wider window, it is necessary to cut out a fragment of rafters on one side and rearrange the sheathing along the length, which can negatively affect the load-bearing capacity of the roof. It is for this reason that, with a ready-made rafter system, it is recommended to purchase a window that can be installed without moving elements of the supporting structure.

Window frame installation

The easiest installation is characterized by windows that have four steel corners and double grooves located on the short sides of the window frame. Further installation is carried out in accordance with the attached instructions and depends on the type and type of roof window.

Frame installation

Dismantling the sash

By doing installation work from inside the room, the need to remove the swing frame of the window or sash should be taken into account. For this purpose, the frame should be placed on a flat and as clean surface as possible. If the window is installed from the outside, then the sash is not dismantled.


To make reliable connections with the waterproofing roofing component, it is necessary to use proprietary waterproofing contours. For waterproofing, you need to use a “breathable” one. A stapler is used for fastening.

Laying waterproofing

Installation of flashing

Installation of flashings on profiled roofing materials involves a tight fit of the porous seal and flexible lower parts to the roofing materials. Depending on the flashing option, it may be necessary to cut off the sharp corners of the roof covering under the window before installing the lower segment of the flashing.

Installation of flashings for flat roofing materials has some differences. An important condition is to install the lower segment of the flashing with the overlap of the roofing material at the level of the standard overlap. To ensure high-quality drainage, you should leave a small distance from the roofing material to the window being installed.

Installation of flashing

Installation of vapor barrier and window slope

The installation of some roof windows provokes violations in the existing vapor barrier, which requires restoration with an additional vapor barrier layer. This should be located inside the roof structure.

The installation of slopes from the premises is based on the horizontal arrangement of the upper slope and the vertical arrangement of the lower slope. Such a system does not interfere with the circulation of warm air masses and maintains the optimal light transmittance of the window.

For more information about installation, see the video instructions from the manufacturer.

For installation technology in a finished roof, see the video.

Cost of work

It should be borne in mind that the installation of roof windows belongs to the category of rather complex work associated with some installation features. It is for this reason that the cost of installing a window in a finished roof is much higher than installing it during the construction process.

Average cost of work:

  • installation in a finished opening without a roof covering is about 4.5 thousand rubles;
  • installation in roof covering flexible tiles or profiled sheet is 5.5 thousand rubles;
  • installation of ceramic or composite tiles into a roof covering costs 6 thousand rubles;
  • installation in a standing seam roof costs 7.5 thousand rubles;
  • installation of a balcony window in a finished roof costs 14.5 thousand rubles;
  • installation of a balcony window with preparation of the opening costs 13 thousand rubles.

Let's sum it up

Installation of skylights into the roofing system is simply necessary, as it allows you to create a sufficient amount of daylight in the attic floor. However, due to the complexity of this type of installation work, it is advisable to invite competent and experienced specialists to install the roof window.

  • The attic has reached the peak of popularity today and, of course, for good reason. The attic space, which was once dark and cold, after remodeling and insulation, turns into a full-fledged room. Light enters it not only through the pediment windows, but also those located on the slopes. And it doesn’t matter what kind of roof and depth we are talking about - you can install a roof window on almost any one.

    We must admit that installing roof windows is not that simple. That is why you can undertake DIY installation only if you have certain construction skills and a set of necessary tools.

    If you do not have experience in this kind of work, it is better to trust the specialists. The best solution There will be an order for the installation of skylights from a manufacturing company. The cost of installation will depend on the stage of implementation - whether they are completed or completed Finishing work. If the roof has not yet been laid, and interior decoration We haven’t started yet. The price of roof windows with installation will be less.

    Comparing the installation of a roof window with a regular one, certain differences will be revealed. This must be taken into account, otherwise you can make mistakes that will later affect the quality of their operation. Among them it is worth noting:

    • poor-quality insulation and waterproofing of slopes;
    • application polyurethane foam.

    Which roof window to buy?

    The range of window designs on the market today is quite diverse. Dormer windows differ in price, size, and mechanisms of action, which are located at the points of application of force, namely the rotary axes and handles. The installation height depends on the latter:

    • if it is located too high, then additional effort must be made to open the sash;
    • A handle that is too low is dangerous for children.

    The window design must also match the roofing material. In particular, this concerns the relationship between the heights of the relief and the external flashing. They are directly proportional, that is, the greater the first value, the greater the second. Many famous manufacturers use special markings. For example, when installing, you need to specifically select models for metal profiles or smooth roll roofing.

    Manufacturers, as a rule, equip their products with the following devices that are needed for installation:

    • fasteners;
    • mounting angles;
    • waterproofing apron with a steam-removing effect;
    • special sealants and adhesive tape.

    The installation of skylights from different brands is not very different, although the technology for each of them may have its own nuances, and they need to be taken into account. For example, Fakro roof windows are installed almost identically, while the installation has some differences.

    Differences in installation nuances

    • Velux is mounted exclusively on the sheathing, while Fakro and Roto products can also be installed on rafters.
    • According to the instructions for installing Fakro roof windows, before attaching the mounting brackets to the frame, the glass unit must be dismantled. But when installing Velux windows, first screw in the mounting corners, secure the frame in the opening, and only after that remove the double-glazed window.
    • Frames manufactured by Fakro have marked grooves (V, J or N, respectively) indicating the seating depth. From it you can determine what roofing material and flashing they are intended for.
    • The products of leading manufacturing companies differ in size, glass unit and sash opening mechanism. The smallest models in size relative to standard ones are produced by Roto, the largest by Fakro.

    The cost of installing skylights from different brands varies greatly. It ranges from 3.5 to 8 thousand rubles.

    DIY installation technology

    Design and calculation of window construction

    • To calculate the glazing area take into account the floor area, they must be proportional to each other in a ratio of 1 to 10, whatever the size of the double-glazed window.
    • Calculation of the height of the window structure from the floor lead from the bottom edge of the frame. An acceptable height is considered to be 80–130 cm. It depends on the height of the handle. For example, for a roof located at the top, installation is carried out at a height of about 1 m, for a lower location - 120–130 cm. The height also depends on the type of roof covering. For example, sheet or soft material is easy to cut, so the installation location is chosen taking into account other requirements, but ceramic tiles cannot be cut, so the opening can only be placed above the finished row of tiles.

    On a note

    When installing a roof window into a finished roof made of ceramic tiles, disassemble the whole row, and after installation, shaped or cut parts are laid on top of the flashing.

    • Another significant parameter is the pitch of the rafters. Best option, when the integrity of the truss structure is not compromised during the installation process. Therefore, it is better to buy models that can be freely positioned between adjacent rafter legs with a small margin of 70-100 cm. The latter will be needed for laying the thermal insulation layer. If the rafter pitch is too small for large window structures, experts recommend replacing it with two or three smaller ones, placing them side by side.

    If you still have to remove parts of the rafters during the installation of the window structure, then it is necessary to additionally install a horizontal beam in the opening, which will strengthen it.

    Opening device

    • Along the entire perimeter of the opening between it and the frame there should be a gap of 20–50 mm, intended for laying thermal insulation.
    • It is necessary to provide a technological gap between the lower edge of the frame and the roofing material. Its value is determined based on the type of roof covering. For example, for tiles the gap is 90 mm.
    • Another gap, 10–100 mm wide, separates the top beam and the roofing material. In the absence of such as a result of shrinkage of the wood from which it is made rafter system, the frame may become warped.
    • The frame is fixed either to the rafters or to slats made of the same timber as the sheathing beam, which are fixed strictly horizontally.
    • From the inside of the attic space, the outline of the opening is drawn using the waterproofing layer or the existing finishing.
    • The waterproofing is cut in a special way, in the form of a kind of envelope, leaving 100–250 mm for overlap. The “excess” is turned out to secure it to the frame or sheathing. All excess is then cut off. A waterproofing apron is subsequently laid on top of the insulation, thereby ensuring complete tightness.

    The following roof areas are not suitable for openings::

    Experts, in general, advise avoiding installing windows near any part of the roof structure.

    The finished roof covering is either cut to the required area or removed. In case of certain roofing coverings It is recommended to carry out work during the construction stage, as, for example, when installing roof windows in.

    Installation of the box

    • Mounting brackets are attached to the frame, and only the bottom ones are firmly fixed so that the position of the frame can be adjusted. Horizontal and vertical dimensions are adjusted to the level and adjusted if deviations are detected.
    • This stage, as noted above, has its own characteristics for different manufacturers associated with double-glazed windows, so carefully read the instructions.
    • Before “attaching” the frame into the opening, insulation is laid and secured on both mounting beams, lower and upper.
    • It is advisable at the same time to check how clearly the sash adheres to the frame, so it is temporarily returned to its place. It should be taken into account that, having fixed the salary at the next stage, it will be too late to correct anything.
    • Equal distances are left between the sides of the box and the opening on the sides. After completing the adjustment, tighten the fasteners securely.
    • A waterproofing apron is laid around the frame.

    Installation of flashing

    The salary is set in a certain order:

    • start from the bottom apron,
    • move to the side parts,
    • then to the top of the salary.
    • completed by installing the overlays.

    All elements are fixed to the box with self-tapping screws and tightly joined to each other. Next, the roof covering is laid.

    When installing the flashing, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, since we are talking about the tightness of the structure, which greatly affects its service life. The insulation materials included with each manufacturer may vary. For example, the flashing of a Roto window frame is fitted with a rubber seal, while Fakro flashings do not have seals. They are attached directly to the frame and covered with additional elements.


    In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that special sealants are used to seal the joints between the frame and the opening. As for polyurethane foam, it is strictly prohibited to use it for these purposes.

    Velux roof windows – installation on video: