Hemlock plant treatment. Hemlock: poisonous traditional medicine. Collection and preparation

Spotted hemlock (wild parsley, whistler, headwort, stinkhorn, angelica) is a poisonous herbaceous biennial plant from the Apiaceae family. Grows in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), Europe, and Asian regions with temperate climates. In Russia it grows everywhere, found both in Western Siberia and in the warm climatic zones of the Caucasus. It is not at all picky about the soil and growing conditions - on soil rich in nutrients it grows as a large bush, and on poor soils it has a more modest appearance. It is a good melliferous plant, but honey based on the headwort is poisonous.

Features of the plant life cycle

The first year of life is characterized by the formation of a basal rosette of feathery leaves that look similar to parsley. Accidentally eating it by animals and eating it by people instead of parsley can lead to serious poisoning! The fact is that the leaves do not have an unpleasant or bitter taste, which is why they are confused.

In the second year, a hollow, tall stem appears, which is covered with numerous spots (hence the name - spotted). An umbrella inflorescence opens on the stem, the fruits resemble anise and dill seeds.

Sometimes wild parsley is confused with angelica, a medicinal plant that grows in meadows. A characteristic feature of hemlock is its unpleasant, mouse-like odor, especially if the leaf or stem is rubbed in your hands. This smell is emitted by all parts of the plant. Based on the name, hemlocks are sometimes confused with wild rosemary, which is also popularly called hemlock and headwort. However, this is completely different plants, and are not interchangeable.

Morphological description

The root is spindle-shaped and whitish in color. The stem is branched, thin, with grooves, hollow inside, 60-180 cm high. Sometimes it has a mucous coating, and in the lower part there are reddish-brown spots.

The leaves are arranged alternately. The lower leaves are broadly triangular, trippinnate (similar to parsley), have petioles and reach a length of 30-60 cm. The primary and secondary lobes are located on small petioles, and the lowest ones are sessile. The tertiary lobes are oblong-ovoid in shape. The middle and upper leaves are less complex, small, almost sessile, with a narrow sheath. The terminal lobes of the leaves are pinnately incised or separate, and have an oblong shape.

The flowers have White color, small, five-dimensional. Numerous umbrellas are collected in inflorescences of a corymbose-paniculate appearance. Each inflorescence has 12-20 rays, slightly rough on the inside. The few involucre leaves are characterized by an ovate-lanceolate shape, turned downwards, fused at the bases in 3-5 pieces. Five white petals have a segment curved inward. There are also five stamens, they alternate with petals. The pistil has a bilocular ovary at the bottom, and two columns 1 mm long, which end in stigmas. The subcolumn is short-conical, half as long as the column.

Blooms in summer, June-July. The fruits are ovoid or round in shape and are light brown in color, slightly compressed on the sides, with wavy protruding ribs. They break up into two mericarps, each 3-3.5 mm long. Ripen in August-September.

Plant danger

The toxic component of the plant is alkaloids: coniine and other toxic substances - methylkoniine, coniceine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin. They have a nerve-paralytic effect, retain their activity in dried form, and end up in infusions and decoctions. Is the puzzler as dangerous as it is written? Here are some facts:

  • during ancient Greece, the plant was used as a poison for executions;
  • Socrates' death developed according to the scenario of coniine poisoning: ascending paralysis, numbness starting from the toes and rising higher (death occurs as a result of paralysis of the diaphragm and, accordingly, respiratory arrest). As historians and doctors now describe, in prison the philosopher was given a decoction of hemlock, not hemlock;
  • 3 kg of fresh grass plants can kill a cow or horse;
  • Cases of severe poisoning by plant alkaloids have been reported in children who made pipes from the stems and blew into them (i.e. contact with the oral mucosa was ensured).

The toxicity of a plant varies throughout the life of the plant: a greater amount of alkaloids in the leaves is detected before flowering, after which the poisons partially pass into the seeds.

This leads to the conclusion that inept handling of the plant can result in resuscitation, so self-medication is unacceptable. Before using medications, you should consult a doctor or herbalist, and only your doctor should find out whether hemlock can be treated in your particular case.

Chemical composition

All parts of the plant contain:

  • Alkaloids. In fruits - 2%, in flowers - up to 0.24%, in leaves - up to 0.1%;
  • Fatty oil containing glycerides of petroselidinic and petroselinic acids;
  • Caffeic acid;
  • Quercetin;
  • Kaempferol.

Harvesting the plant

IN therapeutic purposes They use grass, flowers, leaves and fruits of the plant, which should be harvested during the flowering period in summer. When collecting a plant, direct contact of the skin of your hands with its parts should be avoided - pluck only with gloves. You should not taste the plant; you should also exclude the presence of children when collecting.

Raw materials are dried only in ventilated non-residential premises, out of reach of unauthorized persons, children and animals. Dry grass is stored separately from other raw materials, in closed iron cans, with a label indicating what exactly is in the can. It is best to store it in a locker that is locked.

Medicinal properties and medical uses

Despite its toxicity, wild parsley has long been used in medicine. Alkaloids, in addition to their negative effects, in a certain concentration have a strong analgesic, immunostimulating, hypotensive, antispasmodic, and wound-healing effect. These properties of hemlock allow it to be used for therapeutic purposes.

  • Hippocrates, in his treatises, suggested that in minute doses, pineapple juice can be beneficial. Avicenna and Dioscorides used the plant in practice against many ailments.
  • In ancient times, in Rus', plant preparations effectively treated epilepsy, syphilis, convulsive cough, panic conditions, tumors and other diseases. In the medical work “The Collection of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich,” which was published in 1074, recipes have already been proposed for treating benign and malignant tumors and venereal diseases with decoction and infusion of hemlock.
  • The herb was included in the official pharmacopoeia of Russia until the end of the 19th century (from 1866 to 1902). Now, due to its toxicity, the plant is strictly prohibited for use in official medicine.
  • In Russia, plant preparations are regularly studied in experimental laboratories. One of these studies was conducted by Ph.D. Popova E.V. in 2008: during trials, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of plant preparations was proven, comparable to nimesulide. Scientists have proven that a tincture of the plant can stop the development of arthritis. And in experimental animals that received hemlock tincture, life expectancy increased significantly, which allows us to consider the plant as promising in this direction in the human population.
  • In European countries, scientific research is being conducted that is aimed at obtaining anti-cancer drugs based on the plant extract. In Spain, Austria, Portugal, Germany, Bulgaria, France, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela, the head is included in the official pharmacopoeia.

Today, hemlock, taking into account its medicinal properties and contraindications, is used in folk medicine for a wide variety of conditions:

  • general exhaustion and weakness;
  • vascular diseases: atherosclerosis, anemia, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • menstrual irregularities: amenorrhea;
  • autoimmune pathologies: lupus, rheumatism;
  • diseases of bones and metabolism (arthrosis deformans, polyarthritis, gout);
  • headaches and migraines, insomnia;
  • chronic infectious processes: long-term inflammation of the eyes, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • sexual impotence.

The most well-known uses of hemlock are as an effective pain reliever for various pathologies, and as a drug for the prevention and treatment of benign and malignant tumors: mastopathy, polyps of the bladder, uterus, intestines, skin tumors, prostate adenoma, etc.

According to many herbalists, hemlock against cancer is effective even at stage 4 of the disease, stops the growth of metastases and even eliminates them. However, there is no official confirmation of this information, so experimenting with your health and abandoning traditional treatment in favor of herbal medicine is unacceptable!

Preparations with hemlock

In online stores, some pharmacies and specialized stores you can buy drugs based on this plant or in composition with it.

  • Konium. A multicomponent drug used in homeopathy, it is used to treat tumors of the lymph nodes (benign and malignant), convulsive conditions, bronchial asthma and a number of other pathologies. However, it contains only traces of hemlock in strong dilutions, so it cannot cause harm.
  • Hemlock tincture. Where can I buy? Sold in online stores in Russia (manufacturers: Blagodeya-Altai LLC, Veresk, Kedroff and others), it is positioned as a natural biostimulant for the treatment of cancer, joint diseases, atherosclerosis, lymphadenitis and other diseases. You can get the tincture yourself.
  • Dry grass. It is used for the preparation of various dosage forms; it requires caution and strict dosing according to the instructions.

Hemlock treatment

Traditional medicine uses fresh leaves, water and alcohol infusions, as well as oil and ointment of this herb. A water infusion of hemlock is considered the mildest remedy, and an alcohol infusion is the most active, which is why it is used for radical treatment.


Water: 1 tsp. fresh raw materials are poured with 250 ml of boiling water and left in a thermos for 5-6 hours. Store in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Alcohol: Take glass jar volume of 0.5 liters, fill one third with fresh crushed raw materials (or 30 grams of dry grass), pour vodka from above to the neck, close and leave for 14 days.

Tincture Tishchenko: fresh inflorescences of the plant are placed in a jar up to the top, loosely, filled with vodka and left for 15 days.

Seed tincture: fresh seeds are placed in a glass container to the top, filled with medical alcohol and kept for 15 days.

How to take hemlock:

  1. The most common dosage regimen: 2 drops of tincture per 1 tbsp. water, up to 5 times a day before meals. For severe pain caused by intestinal spasms, menstruation, stomach or kidney colic, the dose can be increased to 10 drops.
  2. To eliminate pain, you can moisten a cotton swab in alcohol tincture and apply it externally to the painful area.
  3. To activate the immune system, treatment and prevention of tumors, neoplasms, polyps, prostate adenoma, the most common is Tishchenko’s scheme (the “three slides” technique). 1 hour before meals (optimally before breakfast), drink half a glass of clean water with the addition of a certain amount of tincture:
    • take 1 drop on day 1, then add 1 drop every day until you reach 13 drops;
    • after 13 drops they are diluted in 150 ml of water, and after 25 drops, 250 ml of water should be taken;
    • when the number of drops reaches 40, both their number and the volume of water are reduced by reverse order until they reach 1 drop;
    • then they start exactly the same course without taking a break, then start the course again, etc.

    In general, treatment according to Tishchenko’s scheme takes 8 months. After approximately 25 drops, patients may notice a painful reaction, in which case they should drink hemlock in a minimal dose (up to 15 drops per day) until the symptoms disappear completely.

  4. Another safe treatment option according to this regimen is to increase the dose to 15 drops and use this dose for 4 months in a row, after which the amount of tincture is gradually reduced.
  5. The Nikiforov method is a radical method that is used for severe pathologies. The tincture is taken 3 times a day strictly after 6 hours. The number of drops to take at a time: on the 1st day 5, then add 1 drop every day and reach 30 drops, which are taken 3 times a day, then reduce the dose drop by drop until they reach 5 drops.

Fresh leaves

Suitable for external use: they are kneaded and bandaged to joints or seals for 60 minutes. Repeat these procedures 3-4 times a day.

Oil infusion

50 gr. dry herbs are poured into 0.5 liters of vegetable oil and kept in a dark place for 3 weeks.

The second method allows you to get even more effective drug: fresh unripe fruits of the plant are taken as a basis, which are poured into a third of the container, and the rest of the volume is filled with vegetable oil. But before use, such a drug is additionally diluted with oil 1:2.

The oil infusion is suitable for external use for compresses in the treatment of internal tumors (including mastopathy, breast lumps), thrombophlerbitis, joint diseases, all types of tumors with external localization, hemorrhoids.


It is obtained from dry grass (ground) and taken 0.06 g. morning and evening with sugar. Gradually the dose is increased to 0.6-1 g. appointment). It can also be used externally to treat nasal polyps.


Fresh herbs are steamed in boiling water or boiled for 3-5 minutes in milk, then wrapped in gauze and these warm pads are applied to sore joints, hard tumors, bone and gouty growths, and swelling.

Hemlock ointment

To obtain it, take 100 ml of olive oil, 2 tbsp. dry hemlock herb, infuse in a cool place for 14 days. Strain through 8-10 layers of gauze - the first ointment preparation is ready. Heat another 100 ml of vegetable oil over low heat so that it does not boil, but is hot, and throw pieces into it wax candle, stirring until the wax dissolves. Wax is added until the oil turns white. When the wax solution has cooled to a warm state, it is mixed with the plant’s oil preparation and left to harden in the refrigerator. Used for all external tumors, blisters, cuts, hemorrhoids, applied to the skin in the area of ​​projection of the cancerous tumor internal organ(if this is the head or neck area, contact time is no more than 2 hours).


During treatment gynecological diseases, such as uterine fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, uterine and ovarian cancer, in parallel with the internal administration of the tincture, local treatment is carried out with tampons soaked in a medicinal infusion. To obtain it, take chamomile, sage, calendula, 1 tsp. mixture of herbs is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, filtered. A sterile swab is soaked in the infusion and 2-3 drops of hemlock water tincture are dripped onto it. The tampon is placed at night every day, in parallel with internal treatment.

Why hemlock helps treat cancer

A poisonous plant works according to the homeopathic principle: like cures like. The human body perceives alkaloids as foreign substances, similar to cancer cells and infectious agents, and begins to activate all its reserves, trying to get rid of the poison. Immune cells simultaneously begin to destroy tumor cells, their own altered cells (in autoimmune diseases), viruses and bacteria, which leads to recovery. The most important thing is treatment in small doses, to which the body gradually adapts.

However, this is a theory that does not yet have official scientific confirmation. This should be understood by all patients who decide to take hemlock.

Features of hemlock treatment and warnings

During the entire treatment period, dairy products and sour foods should be excluded from the diet. Since plant preparations contain alkaloids, the likelihood of side effects is very high.

Everyone has their own sensitivity to alkaloids. But it is very important to know the warning signs of poisoning, which require immediate cancellation of treatment and emergency consultation with a doctor: the appearance of nausea, drooling, headache, dizziness, breathing problems, weakness in the legs, and ascending numbness. First, there is excitation of the central nervous system, and then depression. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to drink a large amount of warm water sweetened with honey and induce vomiting, then take activated charcoal and wash it down with a large amount of milk with the addition of potassium permanganate (until a pinkish color). Hesitate with medical care is not possible, since the clinical picture develops quickly and artificial ventilation may be required.

Hemlock contraindications

Despite its toxicity, individual intolerance and allergies to hemlock are extremely rare. However, this does not mean that treatment is a panacea and will necessarily have a positive effect. According to the observations of herbalists, 30% of patients do not experience positive dynamics during treatment, since they do not develop the proper immunological reaction to alkaloids.

Plant preparations are contraindicated:

  • people with plant intolerance;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • expectant mothers and nursing women;
  • depleted patients who are on parenteral nutrition, mechanical ventilation, etc.;
  • during the recovery period after surgery;
  • with severe and moderate liver dysfunction. It is this organ that performs the detoxification function, and during treatment with hemlock the liver will have to work in an enhanced mode.

You can leave your feedback about hemlock and its effectiveness in the comments to the article.

A sick person, tired of fighting a fatal disease and decisively rejecting the recommendations of official medicine, directs his remaining forces to search for folk remedies, which, according to “experts,” were able to help when a malignant tumor spread throughout the body and practically “ate” it. It is not surprising that Many patients begin to take hemlock for cancer when they have almost lost faith in recovery, but there is still a glimmer of hope to extend your life. In this state, people often go to great lengths and sometimes end up with substances that are scary to take internally.

Hemlock has been known since ancient times both as a medicine and as a poison that can kill a person itself. Without doubting its healing properties, one should still figure out whether it can replace antitumor drugs and whether it is worth completely rejecting the recommendations of oncologists.

A little history

Hemlock or puzzle, omega, poisonous umbrella, tar and many other things called a biennial umbrella plant that causes severe headaches and dizziness when eating the fruit in small quantities or death in severe poisoning. Even Hippocrates knew unique properties hemlock, but the ancient Greeks used it not only as a medicine. They say that the great Socrates died from hemlock, deliberately poisoned by the poison of this plant.

Many poisonous substances of plant origin continued to be used both as medicines and as murder weapons in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and modern times. Those were the times... However, gradually many countries began to abandon the use of hemlock due to its toxicity. For example, in the United States of America, golovolom was prescribed as the main analgesic medicine at the beginning of the 19th century, and in Russia it was excluded from the official pharmacopoeia only on the eve of the 20th century. Meanwhile, at present, traditional medicine in some countries still recognizes this “umbrella”, which is on a par with other medicinal raw materials. But, as they say, the new is the well-forgotten old, so the properties of this plant were not forgotten and were remembered again in connection with the development of homeopathy and the increase in the number of oncological diseases.

Russian scientists, in search of an effective cure for cancer, constantly continue to research new anticancer drugs, where hemlock also did not go unnoticed. Many sources refer to the developments of Professor Arkhangelskaya medical academy Aleutsky Nikolai Nikolaevich, who, in fact, studied this plant, studied its properties and effect on an organism affected by cancer. However, it should be noted that both the professor and his other like-minded people (candidate of medical sciences S.V. Korepanov, working in Altai, pharmacist L.N. Dyakonov from St. Petersburg), based their conclusions on scientific research, that is, studying the influence Plant alkaloids on cancer cells were studied by specialists, not amateurs. Aleutsky N.N. and co-authors patented methods for treating cancer with hemlock(preparations from the plant for the treatment of sarcoma and other tumors). Perhaps in the near future, the accumulated materials on hemlock will form the basis of a new antitumor drug, which will be released by the pharmaceutical industry to be prescribed in specially selected doses, taking into account other circumstances.

Now many sources claim that hemlock helps in all cases, with advanced forms, with metastases, when official medicine has “abandoned the patient.” True, some distributors of ready-made drops still warn that hemlock does not affect all people in the same way, explaining this by individual immunity. The reader probably guessed that the point here is precisely those forms of cancer that can no longer be treated(in such cases, hemlock can be used to relieve pain). But what’s interesting is that these same distributors recommend drinking hemlock to prevent the development of a malignant tumor. That is, a completely healthy person begins cancer prevention with hemlock and takes it constantly? In any case, the author has encountered similar advice.

Hemlock, its properties and preparation

Spotted hemlock is one of the species of the family of wild-growing umbrella biennial plants, which is considered in folk medicine to be the primary means of combating malignant neoplasms due to its poisonous alkaloids:

  • Konyin (the most important);
  • Methylkoniine;
  • Conhydrina;
  • Pseudoconhydrina;
  • Coniceina.

In addition to the listed components, the chemical composition of hemlock includes fatty (glycerides) and essential oils, some organic acids and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol).

It grows in all parts of the world. In Russia it covers the entire European territory, extending to Western Siberia and the Caucasus. Meanwhile, The best raw material for preparing hemlock tincture against cancer is a plant collected in Ukraine, however, hemlock, growing, for example, in the Krasnodar region, will not be inferior in its healing properties to its Ukrainian counterpart. By the way, it has been noted that plants of southern latitudes are significantly more toxic than their northern relatives, and the greatest danger from hemlock comes before flowering. Subsequently, the poison is mainly concentrated in the fruits and seeds, while the remaining parts become less poisonous. A large number of dangerous alkaloids are lost during drying, and after cooking, they say, omega becomes absolutely harmless. Of course, all these nuances are taken into account when harvesting a plant for the purpose of treating cancer with hemlock, but the loss of some part of the toxicity does not mean that it can be perceived as an ordinary herb:

  1. Hemlock cannot be tasted; it is “nothing”, although it is poisonous. Distinctive feature omega is a mousey smell that appears when you rub parts of the plant in your hand.
  2. Do not involve children in collecting raw materials, but also explain why you need to stay away from it and how to distinguish the leaves of poisonous omega from ordinary parsley, which is widely used as food.
  3. The harvested parts of the plant should not be placed or stored near other medicinal representatives of the flora.

The headwort blooms closer to the “crown of summer” (June-July), which means that at this time herbalists are usually preparing to harvest the “harvest.” To use hemlock for cancer, various parts of the herb (flowers, leaves, stems) are used. During the flowering period, leaves and unripe seeds (along with the umbrella) are harvested.

Blank medicinal herb- a whole science.To prepare hemlock tincture, the most popular method is to collect the plant directly into a pre-prepared jar into which a bottle of vodka is poured. The jar is filled to a third with torn leaves and umbrellas, and shaken periodically so that the parts of the plant are well moistened. If you only prepare umbrellas, then you can fill the jar to the top, but you also need to wet them. Upon arrival home, the future medicine must be placed in the refrigerator and left for 2 - 2.5 weeks to infuse.

A tincture of unripe seeds and leaves of the root zone can be prepared in pure alcohol (medicinal grade, of course). To do this, parts of the plant are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:2 (seeds with leaves: alcohol) and left in the refrigerator for 2.5 weeks (18 days).

Traditional medicine, homeopathy, official pharmacology

As a medicine homemade Hemlock has always been used for various, dissimilar conditions:

factory hemlock tincture

  • Fear, anxiety, insomnia (as a sedative).
  • Pain of any location and origin (cancer too).
  • Spasms and convulsions (epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough, migraine).
  • Digestive disorders (heartburn, constipation, colic);
  • Urinary dysfunction.
  • Diseases of the female genital area (menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, endometriosis).
  • Rheumatism, gout (topical application).
  • Anemia.
  • Exudative diathesis.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Typically, in such cases, a 10% hemlock tincture is used (half a liter of vodka + 50 grams of dried and crushed herbs), which is left for 3 weeks in a dark place. It is used like other folk remedies: dripped into a tablespoon of water (10 drops) and drunk before meals 2 times a day. For severe pain, the dose can be increased to 20 drops.

During the period of temporary oblivion by the people, hemlock continued to be used by homeopaths, who prepared medicines from specially selected small doses of plant alkaloids. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies based on this plant continue to be popular among patients who reject “all synthetics.” Proponents of herbal medicine have never ignored the use of hemlock for cancer of any location, however, given the growth of oncological pathology, special attention was directed to the treatment of lung cancer, stomach cancer, and breast tumors with hemlock.

Hemlock against cancer: treatment regimens

Hemlock treatment for lung cancer is no different from that for stomach cancer or other tumors.

There are several schemes for treating cancer with tincture of this plant:

  • Using the most gentle method No. 1(Tishchenko V.V. or “royal” method) you need to drink hemlock once a day before meals (at the same time!), diluting the tincture in half a glass of water. The dose increases daily by 1 drop and corresponds to the day of administration: day 1 - 1 drop, day 2 - 2 drops... Day 40 - 40 drops and countdown. Hemlock should be taken 2-3 courses in a row (finished and immediately started the next one), however, a break of up to a week is still acceptable if the patient is tired or other circumstances prevented him from immediately starting a new course. It is recommended to renew the treatment regimen (1-40-1) 2 times a year or 3 times every 2 years until complete recovery (at least, that’s what traditional healers say).
  • Take hemlock according to method No. 2 somewhat more complicated, since the dose increases more sharply: treatment begins with one drop, but three times a day. The single dose increases daily by 1 drop, that is, on the first day the patient drinks 3 drops (1x3), on the second - 6 drops (2x3), on the third - 9 drops (3x3) and so on, bringing the single dose to 40 drops. Then the dosage is reduced in the opposite direction: 40x3, 39x3, 38x3... Treatment should be calculated for 2-3 courses in a row, which should be renewed 3-4 times every 2 years.
  • Even tougher method No. 3 It is also recommended for the fight against cancer of all localizations, which involves increasing the single dose during the day: in the morning on the first day - 1 drop, in the afternoon - 2 drops, in the evening - 3 drops. On the second day, start with four drops and continue increasing the dose to 40 drops, then the dosage is reduced according to the usual pattern. It should be borne in mind that at some stage the patient may feel the effect of hemlock (nausea, dizziness, headache), in such a case, taking the tincture should be stopped until the undesirable effects disappear, and then resumed again.
  • In severe forms of cancer, it is recommended to take hemlock according to method No. 4, which involves increasing the dose according to one of the above schemes and bringing it until symptoms of poisoning appear, while you should continue to drink hemlock, reducing the dose by only a few drops. I would like to note that the author does not share this approach to the treatment of malignant processes. Without an oncologist, engaging in such amateur activities can be very dangerous.

Hemlock is diluted in water, and its amount increases in proportion to the dose (10 drops - 50 ml, therefore, 40 drops - about a glass).

About the most important thing

The main thing can be considered that hemlock is very poisonous and, since the patient decided to try a folk remedy, then this should be done only after consulting with an oncologist.

You should not rely too much on hemlocks alone for cancer of all stages and locations. By replacing traditional antitumor treatment with a folk remedy, you can simply waste precious time, which no hemlock can turn back. The reader himself may wonder: if omega is so omnipotent, then why do cancer continue to claim thousands of lives every year? Maybe the deceased people simply had individual immunity to homemade medicines, or did the cancer that spread throughout the body turn out to be stronger?

Video: hemlock - collection, preparation of tincture

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the OnkoLib.ru resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not provided at this time.

  • Important! Collect hemlocks correctly to preserve them healing properties. When collecting, crushed inflorescences and small leaves are immediately poured with alcohol or vodka, adding the next portion, making sure that the grass is covered with an alcohol solution. Fill the bottle to half its volume, and when you get home, fill it to the top with vodka. Insist for two weeks.

    When collecting this plant, you must take precautions and approach it only from the leeward side. The intoxicating smell of hemlock causes severe headaches. For additional protection, you can wear a gauze bandage covering your nose and mouth and rubber gloves. What causes poisonous and? The fruits, leaves and flowers contain alkaloids, which give the plant its special properties. Leaves and seeds contain:

    • coniine;
    • conhydrin;
    • psedoconhydrin;
    • methyl horsemeat.

    The flowers contain quercetin and kaempferol. The fatty oil that is part of the plant contains glycerides of petroselinic and petroseledic acids.

    Medicinal use

    In alternative medicine it is a cure for many diseases. What does this plant help with?

    1. Has a calming and anticonvulsant effect.
    2. Relieves severe pain. It is recommended as a pain reliever even in the last stages of cancer, when conventional remedies do not help.
    3. Removes spasms of internal organs.
    4. Relieves migraines.
    5. Helps cure varicose veins of the limbs.
    6. Reduces swelling and inflammation.
    7. Used as a laxative.
    8. The diuretic effect of hemlock is used to remove excess fluid from the body.
    9. For the prevention of cancer, etc.

    How to drink for prevention

    This plant is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for prevention. Traditional healer Tishchenko proposed an interesting technique using hemlock tincture. The same recipe is used to restore the body's defenses in cancer patients.

    Important! Never combine hemlock treatment with chemotherapy or radiation, this will be detrimental to the body. Only after traditional treatment and some restoration of the body can you take a course of hemlock tincture.

    It should be noted that Tishchenko’s method is not suitable for everyone. Side effects of treatment, in addition to nausea, vomiting and dizziness, can be a significant decrease in blood pressure. For hypotensive people this is a serious problem. Before using hemlock medicine, it is better to consult with your doctor and carry out treatment under his supervision, taking into account individual intolerance and contraindications.

    Preparing the body

    Before you start taking hemlock, the body is prepared. By eating rationally and nutritiously, they restore normal blood composition and strengthen the cardiovascular system so that it can withstand additional stress. Cleanses the body of toxins. Temporarily switch to complete vegetarian food.

    Only in a cleansed and prepared body will it act in the desired way, destroying diseased and altered cells. Treatment will take about three months. You will need to take several courses with short rest breaks to consolidate the results.

    The need for preventive cancer treatment

    A healthy lifestyle is important to prevent cancer. But in modern world So many harmful factors affect the human body that even physically healthy people can develop cancer cells. In the early stages, cancer is 100% curable. But the problem is that it is almost impossible to detect cancer at an early stage. Cells altered by pathology do not manifest themselves in any way and do not hurt. Preventive treatment with hemlock and systematic examinations by a doctor can come to the rescue.

    Tishchenko method

    Tishchenko’s technique consists of using an alcohol tincture of hemlock in increasing and decreasing doses. How to drink hemlock for prevention? Start taking it with one drop of plant tincture dissolved in 100 g boiled water. Bring the number of drops to forty, then reduce to one drop. How to take the medicine?

    1. Take it on an empty stomach in the morning, once a day. The course of treatment lasts eighty days.
    2. With normal tolerability of the drug, the dose is increased and decreased by one drop per day.
    3. If severe dizziness and nausea occur, stop taking the drug, rinse with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and take activated charcoal.
    4. The dose reached, for example, twenty drops is the maximum permissible for a given patient during a repeat procedure.

    For patients with weakened immune systems, Tishchenko provides a different treatment regimen. The number of drops of hemlock tincture is increased by one every third day of administration. The maximum number of drops will not be forty, but fifteen. In exactly the same way, gradually, every third day, reduce the dose by one drop. The duration of the course will be ninety days.

    Important! When taking hemlock, strictly follow precautions. Do not confuse the dose of the drug, do not dry the collected parts of the plant indoors. Remember that this is a poisonous plant that, if used incorrectly, can cause more harm than good.

    For medicinal purposes, a ten percent hemlock tincture is used. Ten drops of aged alcohol tincture are dissolved in 100 g of water.

    1. For constipation, drink the tincture twice a day. Morning and evening on an empty stomach. Bowel movements return to normal after a few weeks.
    2. For pain in the stomach, liver, intestinal colic, and cramps, take a ten percent hemlock infusion twice a day, which relieves spasms.
    3. For benign tumors, migraines, and epilepsy, hemlock solution is used to relieve inflammation, reduce pain and cramps.

    The scope of hemlock is as wide as this plant is dangerous if used incorrectly. Therefore, limiting ourselves to the above recipes, we advise you to consult with an experienced specialist when starting treatment. Hemlock is not recognized by traditional medicine. Recently, herbal treatment has become increasingly recognized. Advice on the use of a particular drug can now be obtained not only at an appointment with witch doctors and healers, but also at a herbal pharmacy with a medical professional.

    Well, dear readers. Once again we will plunge headlong into the sacraments traditional medicine. Let's talk about the wonderful cures from hemlock for cancer. Let's dig up all the soil and get to the bottom of the truth of the womb. On the surface, there is only one truth - the method of traditional medicine has a long history, tested by generations. A traditional treatment based on herbs - harmonious with nature. And who can know about treatment better than nature itself?

    Supporters of herbal healing are confident that it is the herb in its pure form that is more beneficial than the same drugs that can give unpleasant side effects. After all, in addition to the medicine itself, they also contain a ton of components. And in some cases, it is ordinary grass that can become the only remedy in the fight against the disease.


    Hemlock is a famous herb that grows in many areas of our great and vast country. Personally, in our region, to collect it, you only need to go a little outside the city and you can mow it and collect it in bags. The plant itself belongs to the umbrella family and has the full name of hemlock speckled or spotted. It’s already popularly known as omega or tar.

    The stem of the plant is usually straight and tall. Green, has brown dots and white coating along the entire length. The leaves are branched, somewhat similar to parsley leaves, only much larger - wider at the root, and narrower towards the end. Umbrellas have a complex shape and are white in color. Blooms with small flowers. The seeds are somewhat reminiscent of eggs. The plant has an unpleasant odor.

    As already written above, it is found everywhere. Very unpretentious - can grow freely in an urban environment in garages and landfills. The plant is tall - it can grow up to a couple of meters.

    Ancient healers initially noticed hemlock - the herb is used for many diseases. Frequent use - for headaches, gout, cough, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases. There were also experiments on patients with malignant tumors, where hemlock also showed positive results.

    But for the useful ones medicinal properties There is another secret hidden - the plant contains a strong poison that can lead to poisoning. In general, because of its similarity with the same parsley, people periodically confused it and added it to food. But the results of such a delicacy gave the name to this medicinal plant.

    But improper preparation can also give negative results. Therefore, you need to contact either a competent specialist, or go through several recipes yourself to understand the required concentration of the herb in the future medicine.

    What's inside - composition and properties

    And what exactly does hemlock include, if you look at it from a purely pragmatic point of view? And there is a whole complex of quite interesting substances, which are used in many medicines.

    In total, the list of positive properties in this herb alone is already quite large, and the flavonoids contained in the composition are also designed to fight radicals, which greatly influence the development of cancer in the body.

    Effect on cancer

    Now let’s return directly to cancer and try to find out why hemlock is so actively used in people to combat the disease in oncology.

    Alkaloid poisons contain coniine. If this poison enters the body The immune system begins to work better– after all, an external pest must be fought. Generating antibodies not only destroy a small proportion of coniine, but when activated, they can also transfer to detected malignant tumor cells, and this is especially true for existing metastases.

    The mentioned coumarins, in addition to the described antispasm and anticholesterol properties, slow down the division of cancer cells. But this is precisely the goal of many treatment methods to stop tumor growth. So it is also beneficial to use hemlock in combination with other means of fighting cancer, for example, during chemotherapy.

    Grass, as already mentioned, has an analgesic effect and fights spasms well. Isn’t this important in oncology?

    By her own the herb is an excellent immunostimulant. Namely, the immune system fails during cancer, so it can be used perfectly for prevention here too.

    Hemlock relieves inflammation. Cancers at all stages cause inflammation, our folk remedy can just help overcome these processes.

    Excellent against irritability, helps with stress and depression. Even without comment, this is exactly what all patients need.

    We are not supporters of folk remedies - nevertheless, when an illness occurs, it is better to consult a doctor and use all modern medical solutions to combat it. But during the publication of articles on the topic of cancer, I often came across advice from people on the use of hemlock, as well as reviews from those who had been cured. According to these reviews, a special effect up to complete cure occurs in the first stages. Patients with stage 4 cancer were able to prolong their lives, and most importantly, relieve pain.

    The main cancer diseases in which hemlock has its maximum effect:

    1. Liver
    2. Bladder

    Particularly positive reviews not only here, but all over the world, this “ folk remedy” gives when combined with . By the way, let’s say that the beneficial properties of hemlock in the fight against cancer have not been officially confirmed. Therefore, before taking it on your own, it would be better to discuss it with your current doctor.

    How to collect and prepare

    All parts of hemlock are suitable for harvesting:

    • Leaves (collection in June-August)
    • Flowers (collected in June-August)
    • Seeds (collection in August-September)

    I hope no one will encounter the problem of finding it at home. Just study the picture and visit all the vacant lots in the city. When traveling outside the city, this chance increases significantly. It is better to collect it when it is still blooming (the months are indicated above, with the exception of collecting seeds).

    Due to the toxicity of this plant, it is better to follow several safety precautions when collecting:

    • We assemble with gloves
    • Do not inhale the smell of the plant
    • After collecting, wash your hands thoroughly
    • We don't taste it
    • We do not involve children in the collection, but it is better to explain to them from childhood about the dangers of this herb
    • We monitor the proximity of this herb with other herbs and food products

    Collected by picking or cutting off the plant. Then everything is stored in a box or jar. Sometimes they make an alcohol preparation on the spot:

    1. Pure alcohol is poured into clean water in a 1:1 ratio.
    2. Hemlock leaves and flowers are crushed on site and added to a jar (usually 1 liter).
    3. Fill the jar with our alcohol solution.
    4. The bottle is sealed with a lid and placed in cool place leave for two weeks.

    Sometimes, instead of the alcohol tincture method, the herb is simply dried. Here, from the main recommendations, it should be noted that drying must be carried out in a ventilated place, and to prevent the grass from rotting, it must be stirred periodically. After complete drying, the result of our activity can also be placed in an airtight jar and stored for up to two years.

    Drying is not used so often, but in addition to alcohol tincture, people sometimes make a decoction, ointment or extract.


    And before we look at other methods, let’s return to alcohol tincture again. As we have already found out, it is better to prepare the tincture right on the spot. Let's clarify the nuances of proportions and features.

    The prepared tincture should be infused in a cool room for at least 2 weeks. You should not drink the tincture earlier due to the high poison content.

    Now the proportions to alcohol depend on the part of the herb being harvested.

    The final tincture has a specific color - from dark to blue-violet, and the smell is as unpleasant as the herb itself. You can also use a regular refrigerator as a cool place, just make sure the lid is tight again, since playing with toxic substances will not lead to anything good.


    Another form of preparation. It is mainly used when there are contraindications to drinking alcohol. Basic steps for preparation (based on 1 glass of water, increase the volume if necessary):

    • The water is brought to 70 degrees.
    • Add 1 teaspoon of dry leaves (can be crushed).
    • Pour into a thermos and leave until the morning.

    In the morning you can safely consume everything. Please note that the shelf life of this product is 5 days.

    Another proven method for people to use. Usually used in combination with tincture or decoction for external damage. By the way, pharmacies also sell a similar ointment, but everything can be done calmly and at home. Moreover, in this case you will always be sure of the natural origin of the medicine.

    A small digression. As you can see, hemlock is also used in official pharmacology, where they have also long known about its beneficial properties. And the first followers of homeopathy already created the first dietary supplements for lovers of environmentally friendly, pure treatment. In general, the herb has been known to everyone for a long time and everyone recognizes it.

    So, the recipe for making the ointment:

    1. Take 2 cups of dry leaves or seeds
    2. Fill with oil “under the lid” (olive or sunflower)
    3. Close hermetically
    4. Leave in a dark place. The infusion period is three weeks. You can shake it periodically (by the way, shaking is also quite applicable when creating an alcohol tincture).
    5. After infusion, strain the mixture and store it in a cool place (again, you can carefully remember about the refrigerator).
    6. At this stage, we do not receive an ointment, but a medicated oil.
    7. To obtain the ointment we take vegetable oil and put it on fire
    8. Add wax for light thickening.
    9. Add our hemlock oil to the resulting mixture to create an ointment.

    Usually the ointment is applied to the tumor a couple of times a day using a thin application method, but you can also use tampons and lotions - sometimes it’s even more convenient, for example, for diseases of the female genital organs.

    Treatment rules

    What is worth noting first is that if you have any doubts about the preparation, consult with specialists. There are such specialists - herbal therapists - who will not only help with advice, but also sell ready-made products.

    To achieve maximum effectiveness in treatment, it will not be superfluous to carry out a complete cleansing of the body - from enemas to proper nutrition.

    We eliminate bad habits - yes, yes, if you want effective treatment, you can forget about smoking and alcohol. We sit down on proper nutrition– more fruits, vegetables and cereals, less fried and fast food.

    Hemlock can also be combined with other traditional herbs to treat cancer.

    Tishchenko's technique

    Tishchenko is the name of a well-known doctor in his circles, who developed his effective technique use of hemlock in the treatment of cancer. After all, it’s one thing to prepare a tincture, another thing is to use it correctly to achieve the most effective result.

    The author’s method has an interesting name – “Tsar’s”. Its essence is to gradually increase and then decrease the dosage. So they start using the tincture with 1 drop, then go to 2, bring it to 40, and then again, in decreasing order, go to one. In this case, you can drink it, but the volume of water is also limited, because it can dilute the poison and, accordingly, reduce the effect of treatment. The initial recommendation is up to 100 milliliters, with an increase in the therapeutic dose - up to 200.

    In total, if you do the math, one full cycle of 1-40-1 will take 80 days. All you need to do is complete 3 such cycles. At the same time, it is very important not to mindlessly move forward, but to control your body. So if in the middle of the journey you feel sick, then you should turn around and take the path of reducing the dose.

    The technique is used not only for cancer, but also for ordinary chronic diseases, as well as for prevention. By the way, for prevention, one cycle is enough once a year.

    Danikov's technique

    Another reception scheme with an interesting increase. Which one is better is up to you to decide.

    1. Start with 1 drop per day, diluted in 100 ml of water.
    2. Every day increase the dosage by 1 drop.
    3. Reach day 25.
    4. Increase the dose - take 15 drops 4 times a day.
    5. Use until complete recovery.

    If signs of poisoning begin to appear here, it is recommended not to stop the course, but to suspend it for one day.

    Poisoning and contraindications

    Above we all talked about possible signs of poisoning, but here we will analyze this point in a little more detail. Please note that people may have allergies to this product - this is another reason to discuss the course with your doctor before using it. The use of hemlock is completely contraindicated for such people. Regarding children, they can be given this medicine, but with a mandatory reduction in dosage. We remember that the plant contains poison, which means its consumption must be controlled.

    After consuming a large amount of this poison, an overdose and the first signs of coniine poisoning may appear. Here you will mainly experience headache (hence the name), dizziness, nausea and vomiting, pallor, dilated pupils, swelling of the arms and legs.

    Attention! Overdose can be fatal! If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it.

    At the first symptoms of poisoning, you need to rinse your stomach, drink activated charcoal, a laxative, and be sure to breathe fresh air.

    In addition to positive reviews about the treatment of cancer with hemlock, there are also completely ineffective ones. The plant did nothing against the cancer, and the disease progressed further. But still, against this background, there are also very positive ones - especially with a favorable outcome at stage 4. Whether to be treated with this method or not is up to you. Still, traditional medicine is more capable of helping you, but you need to know everything about such a phenomenon as hemlock. And we helped you with this. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

    Hemlock is a biennial herbaceous plant genus hemlock, which belongs to the umbrella family.

    General information

    This plant has a wide growing range - from North Africa to Turkey and China. Also, hemlock grass is widespread throughout Europe. The length of this plant ranges from 60 to 180 centimeters. Hemlock leaves are very similar to carrot leaves, and the flowers are similar to parsley flowers. This grass grows in landfills, forest edges, meadows, on the slopes of ravines, like a weed in a garden, near railroad tracks, etc. Traditional medicine uses spotted hemlock (also called speckled).


    The above-mentioned herb is a poisonous plant. Since ancient times, it has become famous for its dangerous properties. In Ancient Greece, hemlock was often used in the preparation of poison used in executions. Some sources claim that the world famous philosopher Socrates was killed with the help of the poison of the hemlock herb. The effect of the poison of this plant is almost identical to the effect of the well-known poison “curare”, which provokes paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Phytospecialists claim that the poisonous properties of the herb can persist even when dried.

    Each part of the hemlock grass (root, leaves, flowers, stems) has poisonous alkaloids that cause such dangerous properties. The most famous alkaloid of this plant is conium (translated from Latin - killing). Alkaloids such as pseudoconiine, propylpiperidine and conium have strong narcotic effects. That is why the tincture of this herb was once used as a powerful sedative, anticonvulsant and analgesic. In addition, the components of the plant also have an antispasmodic effect.

    As for the present time, the use of hemlock in traditional medicine is quite rare (due to the deadly danger of its overdose). The poisonous alkaloid conium today can only be found in some homeopathic preparations.

    Application in modern medicine

    Very often the hemlock grass is attributed anti-cancer properties. Everyone knows that the alkaloids of this plant slow down the division of malignant tumor cells. But there is one caveat - reviews of hemlock indicate that this herb also slows down the division of normal cells. Therefore, hemlock is not currently used in medicine for the treatment of cancer. However, today there are a huge number of traditional healers who still use this poisonous herb for tumor processes.

    When treating with hemlock, it must be remembered that such therapy should not replace surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The herb can be used only in the most difficult situations, when traditional medicine is powerless or has proven ineffective. There are reviews of hemlock as a remedy for eliminating severe pain in cancer patients. But there is no scientific evidence to cure a malignant tumor with the help of this plant.

    Hemlock herb also cannot be used to prevent cancer, since the plant negatively affects the functioning of the liver. A tincture of the above-mentioned herb can be used as a pain reliever for diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the digestive system, or for common cancer (for example, prostate cancer). Judging by the reviews, hemlock is best taken in the form of a 10% tincture (and only as prescribed by a doctor).

    In addition, the herb stimulates hematopoiesis, has an immunomodulatory effect, and is used in the treatment of varicose veins. Also, treatment with hemlock is possible for menstrual irregularities, anemia, gout, rheumatism, and chronic painful cough. This medicinal plant is also used in the treatment of ailments. nervous system(facial nerve neuralgia, epilepsy, etc.).

    Plant poisoning

    It should be remembered that treatment with hemlock can lead to serious problems, since some components of this herb are very poisonous. Poisoning can even occur when the plant comes into contact with the skin (in the form of a chemical burn) or when stems get into the mouth.