Technology of roof coating with ondulin. How to lay ondulin: characteristics, similar materials, technology and installation procedure. Basic rules for laying ondulin

Ondulin is a kind of hybrid that combines the properties of slate and roofing felt. Installation of this material is less labor-intensive: its weight is 5 times less than ordinary asbestos slate. Moreover, ondulin can be attached even to an old roof. With the proper skill, covering the roof with ondulin with your own hands will not be difficult.

Laying ondulin

In order for the roof to be able to withstand all operational loads, the installation of this material must be carried out using a certain technology recommended by the manufacturer:

1. With a slight roof slope of 5-10°C, ondulin is laid on a continuous sheathing made of coniferous wood. If the angle of inclination is more than 15°C, it is allowed to manufacture sparse lathing with step 61 cm. The recommended beam cross-section for it is 40x60 mm (you can use 50x50 mm bars).

2. This material needs to be fixed only on a perfectly flat surface. The roof slopes must lie in the same plane and have no kinks. If irregularities or sagging are detected, they should be eliminated.

3. The sheets must be laid perfectly evenly. It is not recommended to compress them too much or, on the contrary, stretch them - this can cause damage to the material. Dismantling already nailed ondulin is difficult, and in case of an error you will have to replace the damaged sheet with a new one.

Advice. To move on the roof it is better to make roof bridges: suspended or extension ladders made of wood or metal with a strong hook with which they hook to the ridge of the roof. In order not to damage the already laid euro slate, you should not step on areas with depressions. It is better to walk in soft shoes, advancing only on him waves.

Roof bridge

4. Cut This fairly soft material can be cut with a regular wood hacksaw or power saw. It is more convenient to make markings with a colored pencil: its traces will be clearly visible on the sheet.

Cutting ondulin

Advice. To prevent the wood hacksaw from becoming clogged with bitumen and getting stuck, it should be lubricated with oil or periodically dipped in water during operation.

5. To avoid thickening in places of overlap and warping of ondulin, it is laid "staggered" (in a checkerboard pattern) so that in the second row the sheets are shifted relative to the first row by 1/2 the width. To do this, the second row starts with half a sheet.

Staggered laying

6. When laying, you should consider direction of prevailing winds(they should blow into the overlap areas as little as possible).

Laying is carried out taking into account the direction of the winds

7. To prevent leaks and snow, ondulin should be mounted with overlap from the sides in two waves. At the ends, the sheets should overlap each other by 30 cm. When laying the Onduline Smart roof, which has special hydraulic locks, the overlap may be smaller.

8. When the roof slope is more than 18°, an overlap of one wave from the sides and 20 cm from the ends is allowed. If the roof has a slope of more than 27°, an overlap of up to 17 cm is allowed. If it is too large snow load, and also on flat roofs, it is better to increase the size of the overlaps.

Ondulin sheets are laid with overlap

The size of the overlap depends on the slope angle

9. Each sheet of ondulin already has ready-made holes for mounting. For one sheet you will need 20 nails (these fasteners with a decorative head come complete with ondulin). First, they are driven into the corners, then into each wave of the bottom. Next, the sheets are attached through the wave. Nails are not driven into the overlap areas: in this place the ondulin will be fixed after applying the next sheet. It is better not to skimp on nails: this can lead to sheets being torn off by gusts of wind.

Ondulin is fastened with special nails with lockable heads.

10. The nail is only driven in into the upper wave at an angle of 90°C. In order not to damage the soft material, you should not push it into the sheet all the way: the washers should fit tightly, but not push through the sheet.

Mounting order

11. Everyone additional elements(ridges, valley and wind strips) are included in the ondulin kit and are manufactured using the same technology.

12. At the ends of the roof they will be fixed ridge ondulin. Using the same additional element, you can also close joints during transitions on complex roofs. They begin to fasten it from below on the same side from which installation began. The ridge ondulin is laid with an overlap of 12.5 cm. In this case, nails are driven into the ridge in every wave.

Laying ondulin on the roof ridge

13. The ridge, valley, gable are additionally pasted over waterproofing self-adhesive film. It is included in the ondulin kit.

14. Tong (wind bar) It is attached with one edge to the sheets, and the other to the gable boards. For joints on slopes It is allowed to use both ridge and gable extensions.

The ridge, valley and end strips are installed last.

Laying the wind strip

15. Joints in the chimney and ventilation areas must be securely covered with an apron and insulated with silicone sealant.

16. To protect against birds from entering the attic, a cornice filler.

Laying cornice infill

17. This material can be mounted on the old roof. To do this, a new sheathing is prepared, which is pressed onto the previous roofing material.

Installation of ondulin on old coating

Important! Work with ondulin should not be carried out in extreme heat - after all, it begins to melt already at 30°C. To avoid damage, it is not permissible to install this material even at sub-zero (from -5°C) temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Unlike ordinary asbestos slate, ondulin is flexible and very ductile, so it can be installed in any, even the most hard to reach places roofs. It can also be easily installed on complex structures with many transitions and bends.

A roof made of this material has high heat and sound insulation. Made from environmentally friendly cellulose, Euroslate is absolutely safe and harmless to human health.

The weight of one sheet is only 6.5 kg. Moreover, its standard dimensions are 2x0.95 m, so ondulin can be easily loaded even into the trunk of a passenger car. For ease of installation, each 10-wave sheet has special markings for fasteners.

Outwardly very attractive, ondulin, unfortunately, is flammable, so its scope is narrowed. It should only be laid on a non-combustible base. Ondulin, made from bitumen, melts too much in the sun. Moreover, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, this material fades and becomes dull over time. They help combat this deficiency roof fans: Manufacturers strongly recommend installing them on the roof. For the same purposes, you can use special hatches. They are fixed into each wave with the same nails, and the resulting joints are waterproofed.

Onduline fan

Roof hatch (window)

The insufficient rigidity of ondulin also limits the scope of its application: it can only be laid on a hard and even surface, otherwise it may warp and the roof will begin to leak. The warranty for ondulin is 15 years, however, unfortunately, the manufacturer does not guarantee its integrity if at least one of the above installation and operation rules is violated.

Watch a video on how to cover a roof with ondulin with your own hands:

The final and very important stage in the construction of the building frame is the arrangement of its roof with roofing material. Currently, due to its attractive performance characteristics, ondulin, otherwise called Euroslate, is becoming increasingly popular among professional builders and home craftsmen.

Its production does not use asbestos, which is harmful to health, and the material is environmentally friendly. In addition, it has a low price and long service life. It is quite possible to do the work of laying the coating yourself, you just need to know how to do it correctly. Let's evaluate the properties of Euro slate together and learn how to properly cover a roof with ondulin.

Ondulin roofing can be very attractive

Properties and choice of ondulin

Ondulin as a roofing coating has a number of undoubted advantages. Produced by the latest technologies Based on bitumen resin mixed with cellulose and other additives, the material prevents the development of pathogenic microflora and is not of interest to rodents. The soft coating perfectly absorbs sound and noise from raindrops drumming on the roof, which will not be transmitted to Living spaces. Its advantages are environmental friendliness, low weight and ease of installation. Comparative characteristics ondulin and other popular material - metal tiles are summarized in the following table:

Comparative characteristics of ondulin and metal tiles
Comparative characteristicsOndulinMetal tiles
Useful width, cm83 110 - 112
Sheet length, cm200 50 - 1000
Coating thickness, mm2,4 - 3,2 0,45 - 0,5
Assortment of colorsno more than 5 optionsmore than 40 options
Base for roofing materialpreferably solid basestep lathing with a step equal to the wavelength of the coating
Moving is not recommendedLimited movement is allowed, preferably wearing rubber-soled shoes
Fire resistanceFlammableDoes not burn
Raw materials for productionFiberglass impregnated with bitumen and additives of hardening resin and paintThin-sheet hot-dip galvanized steel with polymer coating
Density, kg/m23,1 - 3,4 4,0 - 4,5
Color fastnessColor fades and fadesSlight color change due to exposure to sunlight

From comparison technical characteristics It can be seen that the materials differ slightly. Unlike metal tiles, ondulin is a flammable material, since its constituent components are easily flammable. This makes it impossible to use it in kindergartens, clinics and other similar institutions.

Many people have to decide which roof is better: metal tiles or ondulin? The answer depends on the specific conditions in which the operation will take place, design features buildings and many other factors.

Offer of ondulin in the store

A roof made of metal tiles will last more than twice as long as one made of Euro slate. However, working with ondulin is much easier, it is easy to cut and lay, and it is impossible to cut yourself with it. The material consists of the following components:

  • cellulose fibers;
  • pure bitumen resin;
  • polymer impregnating materials;
  • fillers and coloring components.

To add strength to the dried cellulose base, high pressure and temperature are treated with a purified bitumen composition. It is applied on both sides, which gives the product good elasticity and hardness. The material has a number of undoubted advantages; you can put it on an old roof with your own hands.

There is also a variety of ondulin called onduvilla. Sheets of this material are made in the form of transverse stripes and in appearance successfully imitate a roof made of natural tiles. You can see one example in the photo.

Installation of onduvilla roofing

Calculation of the amount of material on the roof

It is not difficult to calculate how much ondulin to lay on the roof. Calculating the required amount of material is simplified if the roof was previously covered with gray slate. Standard sheets of ondulin correspond to it geometric dimensions, that is, they should be taken in the same quantity as regular slate.

In general, to determine the material needed to complete the work, it is necessary to divide the roof area by the usable area of ​​one sheet of Euro slate, which is determined by multiplying its length by its width, excluding the amount of overlap. It is better to cover an old roof made of ordinary slate with ondulin, and the calculation here is the same.

Calculating the roof area of ​​a complex shape can be done by remembering a school geometry course. To do this, the surface is divided into trapezoids, triangles, squares and others. geometric figures, their area is determined by formulas and summed up. Having determined the required number of euroslate sheets, it should be increased by approximately fifteen percent to compensate for the inevitable trimmings. Fastening of ondulin sheets is carried out using special nails with wide rubberized heads, included in the delivery package of the coating.

What additional elements will be required?

When laying the material, open areas are left where adverse environmental influences are possible. In order for the finishing to acquire an attractive appearance and to prevent leaks, it will be necessary to install so-called additional elements, such as wind strips, cornices, and valleys. They also perform decorative functions. The highest point of the building structure is the ridge, which also needs to be protected with a specially designed element.

Installation of additional elements on an ondulin roof

To equip it, ridge elements made of ondulin are installed with an overlap of at least twelve centimeters and fixed with nails in places of contact with the waves of Euro slate. Here you should lay a special adhesive tape to prevent snow from blowing in.

The roof ends along the gable overhangs (gables) can be covered with the same ridge profile or special elements can be used. They are mounted from bottom to top with an overlap of about 150 mm. A sealing tape is installed under the cornice and wind strip. It is also placed under the overhangs of sheets of material. This prevents snow drift and small birds and flying insects from entering the attic.

Options for additional elements for ondulin and onduvilla

The valley details are a mirror image of the ridge strip. Unlike other additional elements, the food is installed before the installation of the main covering sheets. Underneath it, a sheathing base is preliminarily constructed from two boards located along the valley line. It will also not be superfluous to lay a special waterproofing gasket under the valley.

Mounting elements for ondulin roofing

Additional elements give the roof surface a complete appearance; they are manufactured using the same technology as the main material and have the same service life. Their color does not fade over time from direct sunlight.

How to properly cover a roof with ondulin with your own hands

In order to properly cover a roof with ondulin with your own hands, you must carefully follow all the technological details of performing this work. This roofing material is flexible, so it is easy to install in difficult areas with bends and transitions. Laying is carried out according to the scheme on a pre-fabricated sheathing.

You should work in the absence of precipitation, but not in extreme heat, as deformation of the material occurs at elevated ambient temperatures. In addition, when laying ondulin, you cannot walk on it, as it can be damaged under the weight of a person.

The resulting surface has high noise and sound insulating qualities. The light weight of Euro slate allows it to be transported to the place of work using passenger car, and installation can be carried out independently without the assistance of assistants.

Installation of roof sheathing

Before laying the sheets, the sheathing is installed. It is a structure made of wood for fastening roofing material. In addition, the problem of ensuring uniform load on the base from the weight of snow is solved. This is a very important stage in the work process.

The lathing for installation of ondulin is ready

The material for the manufacture of the structure is coniferous wood, since it contains a high percentage of resin, which prevents the development of decay processes. The wood must be well dried, and the humidity level cannot exceed twenty percent.

Installation of the roof sheathing is carried out taking into account the slope of the slope. If its value does not exceed ten degrees, then a continuous sheathing is made from wooden boards, particle boards or plywood sheets, since the structure in this case experiences heavy loads when snow and other atmospheric precipitation falls.

When the slope angle is more than ten, but less than fifteen degrees, the pitch frequency of the sheathing is allowed up to forty-five centimeters. Placing the boards in increments of sixty centimeters is done if the angle of inclination of the slope exceeds fifteen degrees.

Lathing can be done on an old roof

To speed up and facilitate this work, a special template is made that allows you to install structural elements at the same distance and strictly parallel. The quality of the lathing ultimately determines the length of its service life. roofing.

Scheme of laying ondulin on the roof

Laying ondulin on the roof is carried out according to a certain pattern. Installation always begins from the bottom with the sheets overlapping in one wavy bend of the coating. The first element is strengthened in such a way that its edge extends beyond the cornice by an amount sufficient to remove atmospheric moisture.

Sequence of installation of ondulin sheets

Fastening is carried out using special nails; twenty of them are required per sheet of Euro slate. The fastening material is made of steel with carbon additives and is equipped with a rubber head. Starting from the second, all even rows are shifted and laid from half the sheet. According to this scheme, the roofing covering is installed (up to the ridge connection of the slopes).

Fragments of roof installation from ondulin and onduvilla

An additional profile from the same company that manufactured the Euro slate is mounted on top of the ridge. Such profiles are installed on the valley, which is the joints of different surfaces of the coating. To ensure reliable waterproofing of roof overhangs, curved sheets of ondulin are nailed to the roofing board, or special gable elements are installed there. To complete the work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • measuring tape, meter ruler and pencil for marking;
  • hammer and hacksaw for cutting sheets;
  • wooden beams treated with antiseptic;
  • hydro insulating material;
  • drill and screwdriver for attaching the sheathing.

Installation of universal filler

Maintenance of the finished roof

Caring for a roof covered with ondulin is not particularly difficult. To extend its service life, the coating should be regularly cleaned of dirt and debris. Over time, a change in the original color of the surface may occur. To restore attractive appearance The coating is painted. Following these simple care rules will help you achieve long term services without loss of performance:

  • In spring and autumn, a visual inspection of the coating is carried out;
  • overgrown tree branches that can cause damage are cut off;
  • it is necessary to clean the roof of leaves that have fallen in autumn, as they may begin to rot;
  • should be kept in perfect condition drainage system, since it does not allow moisture to accumulate on the roof elements.

Onduvilla coating imitates natural tiles well

Concluding the above, we note that the name “Ondulin,” which is somewhat unusual for a Russian person, is the name of a French company that began producing this material immediately after the end of World War II. The post-bust construction boom made the low-cost roofing product phenomenally successful, and the company greatly expanded its production capacity.

In 1994, an ondulin production line was launched in Nizhny Novgorod; the quality of the products produced there is no different from the original ones. The high performance characteristics of this material have been tested by time, and it enjoys great success in the domestic construction market.

When choosing a material for roofing, the building materials market offers enough options, among which you can choose classic coatings that have proven their strength over centuries of operation, or you can turn to modern coatings that also have good performance qualities and have managed to prove the expediency of their use. Modern roofing material such as ondulin is in particular demand, installation instructions for which are included when purchasing the kit. Following the instructions exactly, it is quite possible to cope with the installation of an ondulin roof on your own, even with minimal skills in performing construction work.

To get a complete picture of ondulin, you should first of all know that it is an environmentally friendly roofing material made using modern technologies. The basis for creating ondulin is cellulose fiber and mineral fillers. During its production, thermosetting resin and distilled bitumen are used to impregnate the manufactured sheets. After impregnation with bitumen, the finished sheets of material are painted.

Ondulin is produced in two types - slate and tile. In terms of quality, both materials do not differ; ondulin differs in sheet size - 2000 x 950 mm, called slate, and tiles, produced in smaller sizes, used when a complex configuration of ondulin roof is installed. Using tiles in this case reduces the amount of waste. Ondulin slate is used to cover roofs of simple construction.

Ondulin has many advantages - environmental friendliness, resistance to external influences, including atmospheric conditions, light weight and low cost of installation of the product, as well as the ability to install ondulin yourself. The main disadvantage of the material is its flammability, but this property is significantly reduced by treating ondulin with a special composition during manufacture.

When installing an ondulin roof, strict adherence to the installation instructions is necessary, which carefully take into account the characteristics of the material. To obtain a high-quality roof for a constructed building, all the recommendations are given below. must be complied with without fail.

1. To install an ondulin roof, if there is a roof slope angle of 5 to 10°, it is necessary to make a continuous sheathing made of boards or plywood. The end overlap should be 300mm, and the side overlap should be two waves of the slate sheet.

2. When installing ondulin slate on roofs, with their angle of inclination ranging from 10 to 15°, the sheathing is made of boards; during its manufacture, the boards are attached to the rafters with a pitch of 450 mm. The pitch is calculated along the axes of the boards. The end overlap is provided with a size of 200 mm. The amount of lateral overlap is one wave.

3. If the roof on which the ondulin slate is installed has an angle of inclination above 15 degrees, then the interval between the boards from which the sheathing is made is 600 mm between their axes. When laying ondulin sheets, an end overlap of 170 mm in size must be provided, and the size of the side overlap is one wave.

4. For correct location sheathing bars are secured to the rafters, taking into account the distance between the axes. To position the sheathing elements in a strictly parallel relationship to the cornice, use a wooden template of the exact size.

5. In its shape, ondulin slate (commonly called “Euro slate”) is absolutely identical to ordinary slate. For ease of marking its wavy surface, use a colored pencil. If you want to get a more accurate surface marking, you can use a piece of sheet metal.

6. If you need to cut a sheet of ondulin, it is very convenient to use a regular hacksaw for sawing wood. To prevent the panel from getting stuck in the material during operation, it is lightly lubricated with oil. It is even more convenient to use an electric saw, which can be either manual or circular.

7. Installing ondulin with your own hands is not difficult at all, thanks to its light weight. One sheet of ondulin standard size weighs no more than six kilograms.

8. When starting to fasten ondulin sheets, the direction of the wind, which prevails in the area where construction is taking place, is taken into account. Start the work from the slope located in the opposite direction from its direction. In the second row, the beginning is ondulin, the sheet size of which is half the size of the whole. With this method, laying slate is more convenient, and the overlap at the side joint will consist of three sheets rather than four.

9. To fasten European slate roofing, nails are used, twenty of which are needed for each roofing sheet. They are driven in at the end of the sheet, in the depth of each wave, as well as on the overlaps on each side. They are attached to intermediate bars, passing one wave of slate.

10. To accurately guide the slate sheets along the sheathing beam, use a stretched rope; its use will allow this work to be completed more quickly and accurately.

11. Elements of the roof ridge, like slate, begin to be attached to roof slope located opposite the main wind direction. The ridge element is fastened with nails to the additional bars of the sheathing along the inner parts of the waves of the euro slate sheet, joining them.

12. To decorate valleys, valleys made of ondulin material are used. To secure the valleys, you must first install additional sheathing.

13. The gable is designed using ridge or gable elements available in the product range of ondulin material.

14. To decorate the tongs, you can use one more method, which can only be used at above-zero air temperatures. The extreme part of the ondulin sheet should be folded and secured with nails on a pinch board.

15. When decorating the roof ribs, ridge or gable elements produced by the company that produces ondulin are also used.

16. The design of the side joint of the roof, if it is adjacent to a wall located vertically in relation to the joint, is made using a valley made of ondulin. Reliable insulation is laid at the junction.

17. In those places where the roof and vertical wall meet, cover with an apron made of ondulin. The location of the joint is laid with waterproofing to prevent moisture from penetrating into the joint. The apron is attached to the sheet with nails, as shown in the figure.

18. For optimal roof ventilation, a roof fan is used. Mount the fan along each wave at the interface with the sheets. The top one must overlap over the base of the roof fan.

19. To reach the surface of the roof, a roof window is made, which is also used to bring daylight into the attic. Such a window is secured with nails at the junction with the waves of ondulin sheets. A sheet of Euro slate located at the top of the window is laid on it with an overlap.

20. If it is necessary to eliminate gaps between the euro slate sheets and the ridge or cornice, use a special filler. If the attic space does not have a device for its ventilation, then you can do without cornice filler.

21. The universal cornice box is used for better waterproofing roof eaves. The maximum sheet overhang on the eaves is 70 mm.

22. When installing ventilation channels, use ventilation pipes produced by a company that produces ondulin products. The pipe is fastened along each wave of the base using nails, and its top part laid over the base with an overlap.

23. A ventilation comb is nailed onto the eaves directly under the sheet and is necessary to prevent birds and insects from getting into the gaps between the sheets.

24. To fasten ondulin sheets, in the case of using sheathing made of metal, self-tapping screws are used. In this case, for more convenient work, use a drill, accurately calculating the force with which the screws will be tightened in order to avoid damage to the material.

25. Waterproofing of joints during the installation of roofs made from Ondulin roofing material is carried out with Onduflesh self-adhesive tape, developed by manufacturers specifically for this purpose.

26. Insulation of the junctions of roof windows with the roof is carried out using Onduflesh tape.

27. To give the valley a finished look while simultaneously insulating its joints with the roof, use Onduflesh tape.

28. Roof eaves look the best way and are completely protected from moisture penetration to wooden parts lathing using Onduflesh insulating tapes.

29. To carry out waterproofing of any places where the roof configuration provides for the appearance of joints with its superstructures, Onduflesh self-adhesive tape is ideal for waterproofing.

30. The most common choice is to install a roof made of ondulin, the design of which uses a lining material of the Ondutis R70 type, which is used as a reliable vapor barrier layer.

Using ondulin in roof repairs

When the roof of a building becomes unusable, then with the help of Ondulin you can quickly repair its individual sections, which will begin to perform their functions perfectly. However the best option will be a complete replacement of all roofing material with new one. The use of Ondulin slate also provides for a less radical solution - installing a new covering without removing the old one, laying a new layer of roofing on top.
This possibility is possible due to the light weight of Euro slate sheets, which allows the use of this roof repair technology.

Advantages of ondulin as a material for installation and repair of roofing

Using Ondulin will allow you to build a high-quality roof in the shortest possible time. By choosing to install a roof made of ondulin, the owner of the house will have the opportunity to long years don't worry about the condition of the coating

The use of Ondulin will provide the home owner with:

  1. obvious savings when repairing the roof; the use of Ondulin does not require removal of the old roof;
  2. the presence of detailed instructions makes it possible to install Ondulin with your own hands;
  3. there is no risk of moisture penetration during repairs, since the old coating is not exposed;
  4. the use of the old coating when installing a new layer of Ondulin improves the thermal insulation of the roof;
  5. obtaining an excellent appearance of the material, choosing the color of the roofing.

The main stages of roof repair when using ondulin

Roof repairs using high-quality roofing coverings, known as “Euro-slate”, or Ondulina, are divided into the preparation for installation stage and the installation stage.

First of all, the condition of the old coating is checked - the ventilation system, insulating material. If there are any malfunctions, they are eliminated.

If the old material is particularly fragile, the sheathing is installed by drilling and fastening with self-tapping screws. When planning the installation of additional insulation, a gap is provided for it under the sheathing. To protect against condensation, the insulation is covered with Ondutis SA 130 membrane, and secured over the sheathing vapor barrier film Ondutis R 70.

When carrying out lathing to install an ondulin roof, use a beam whose cross-section corresponds to the size of the Euro-slate wave. Additional sheathing is required to install and secure the ridge and valley.

When erecting a roof or carrying out its repair using ondulin material, the instructions for installing the roofing covering must be followed exactly, only then will it last for many years without requiring repairs.

Euroslate roofing looks beautiful on residential buildings and buildings for various purposes, successfully withstands severe wind loads and precipitation. In order for the roofing covering to last the entire service life declared by the manufacturer (about 50 years), before starting independent installation work You need to familiarize yourself in detail with how to put ondulin.

Specifics of Euroslate

Ondulin looks similar to the usual asbestos-cement wavy slate. At the same time, modern roofing material is much lighter (the weight of a sheet measuring 2000x950 mm is about 6 kg), more aesthetically attractive and made from materials that are safe for health. The basis of Euro slate is pressed cellulose fiber impregnated with distilled bitumen. The outer durable, weather-resistant coating is made from mineral filler and thermosetting resins. Ondulin is painted in certain colors using mineral pigments.

Due to the structure of the sheet, Onduline roofing material can be easily processed with conventional tools - for cutting, use a regular wood hacksaw or electric saw. It is advisable to lubricate the working blade with oil to simplify the cutting process. The ondulin sheet is easy to cut in any direction.

To attach the decking to the roof, it is recommended to use special nails for Euro slate. They have a wide cap and are equipped with a special seal, thanks to which moisture does not get inside. roofing pie in places where ondulin is attached. You can also use self-tapping screws: both for laying euro slate on a wooden sheathing, and for mounting it on a metal sheathing. To facilitate and speed up the work, you need to use a powerful screwdriver or drill. To avoid damage to the roofing material, the degree of tightening of the screws should be properly controlled.

Preparation for installation of the coating

Before purchasing a coating for a roof under construction or repair, you must correctly calculate required amount euroslate sheets. The useful area of ​​ondulin depends on the principle of its installation. The standard option, suitable for roofs with slope angles greater than 10°, is a lateral overlap of one wave and a vertical overlap of 150 - 200 mm. In this case, the useful area of ​​the euro slate sheet is 1.60 - 1.64 m2. Separately, it is necessary to calculate the useful area of ​​the sheet for roofs whose slope angle does not exceed 10°. To ensure the reliability and moisture resistance of the roofing, ondulin is laid with a lateral overlap of two waves and a vertical overlap of 300 mm.

In order to properly install the covering and not damage the roofing material, laying ondulin should not be done in hot weather or at air temperatures below -5°C. Heated Euro slate softens and easily deforms under local load; at sub-zero temperatures, the material becomes brittle and can crack under mechanical stress.

Before laying ondulin, you need to take care of preparing the sheathing. The lathing is mounted directly on the rafters (during construction) or on top of the old roofing (during repairs). The type and pitch of the sheathing varies depending on the angle of the roof slope:

  • angle 5-10° - a continuous sheathing of edged boards 25x100 or 25x100 mm;
  • angle 10-15° - a sheathing is mounted from 50x50 mm bars or edged boards with a pitch of 450 mm (along the axes of the sheathing);
  • angle more than 15° - a sheathing made of 50x50 mm bars or edged boards is attached with a pitch of 600 mm (along the axes of the elements).

Pine is the best material for roof sheathing. This type of wood is resistant to biological destruction due to its high resin content and holds fasteners well. The lumber must be dry to avoid warping and deformation of the deck, and treated with agents to increase the fire resistance of the wood. The sheathing is attached to the rafters using screws or nails.

To reduce material consumption and minimize the number of scraps, it is advisable to calculate in advance the optimal amount of vertical overlaps. The main thing is that this value is no less than that set for a given angle of inclination of the slope.

Laying roof covering on the roof

Detailed instructions for laying Euro slate will help you correctly install roofing decking made of ondulin and materials similar in structure, which are mass-produced by many manufacturers. Installation errors can lead to roof leaks; incorrectly installed ondulin can be torn off or broken by heavy winds.

To make an ondulin roof look beautiful, you should nail the material, focusing on a pre-tensioned cord. In this case, the heads of the fasteners will be located in even rows, and not randomly. To fasten one sheet, 20 nails are required.

In order not to damage the sheets of material already laid on the roof, when installing ondulin it is necessary to use a ladder that hooks onto the ridge and does not put pressure on the finished coating.

To mark the guides when laying sheets, it is necessary to tighten the cords at the end of the roof and at the ends of the slopes. The extent to which the roof covering extends beyond the edge of the roof depends on the chosen stormwater system. The edge of the roof covering should be located approximately along the axis of the storm gutter, if provided.

To correctly lay the roofing material, the first sheet of ondulin is mounted in one of the lower corners, focusing on the stretched cords to avoid distortions and subsequent trimming of the sheets. The bottom row of roofing material is attached especially firmly - it must be nailed into the crest of each wave.

For the next row, you need to cut one sheet lengthwise into two halves. If you start each even row with a half sheet, the number of joints is reduced and the roofing deck has higher strength. To fasten the second and subsequent rows of ondulin to the roof, it is enough to drive nails through one wave of the sheet.

The pitched roof is crowned with a ridge; for its arrangement it is best to use branded products from the Ondulin company so that the roof looks as organic as possible. The ridge covering must overlap the edge of the top row of sheet covering by at least 150 mm. The material is nailed vertically to the ridge beam and to the euro-slate covering through the wave.

When arranging the roofing pie of a complex roof, it is necessary to properly waterproof the joints and install the valleys. Manufacturers of ondulin roofing offer to install branded valleys and use a special waterproofing tape. You can also use bitumen-based sealants.

If it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the under-roof space, special elements are installed under the eaves to prevent the penetration of birds and insects. If the roof is not ventilated, it is necessary to fill the gaps with special material.

To decorate the ends, a special material is attached to the edges of the roof slopes, which acts as a windproof strip. If ondulin is mounted on the roof in warm weather and is sufficiently elastic, you can simply tuck the edges of the sheets protruding beyond the plane of the slope and secure it with nails on the back side of the rafters.

Before you start self-installation Ondulin, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with a specially prepared video, where experts will tell you how to carry out the work correctly.

Which can be mounted in different ways, depending on the purpose of the roof.

The layers of roofing that need to be covered with the roof are called roofing pie. Each of the layers of the roofing cake performs its functions and is laid in accordance with certain rules. If the installation of even one layer of the roofing pie is violated, the principle of the functional purpose of the entire roof is completely violated.

Depending on the roof structure and its purpose, the sequence, installation method and number of layers may vary slightly. In this article you will learn how to put ondulin correctly and how to calculate the number of roofing sheets.

Width and length standard sheet euroslate is equal to 95 cm and 200 cm, respectively. The area of ​​such a sheet is 1.92 square meters. The useful area of ​​the material is determined without overlaps and can be: 1.3 sq. m, 1.5 sq. m and 1.6 sq. m.

To calculate material consumption, the following indicators should be determined:

  • useful area of ​​covering material. Depends on the angle of inclination. The multi-slope roof shape is calculated from the total area of ​​each slope;
  • roof area. Determined by adding the areas of all slopes using mathematical formulas for figures (trapezoid, square, rectangle, triangle);
  • number of sheets of material. It is determined by dividing the area of ​​the entire roof by the usable area of ​​one sheet of material.


The roof area is calculated exclusively along the eaves overhang line, but not along the edge of the roof sheathing.

The correct calculation of longitudinal overlaps is of great importance, which can significantly reduce the number of trims. The top row, if possible, should be laid in full-length sheets, since its height will be reduced by the ridge element.

There are a few more additions to correct calculation ondulina:

  • when calculating, an additional 10% or 15-20% should be added respectively to a simple roof or complex roof with different angles and transitions;
  • additional elements (ridges, valleys, gables, aprons around chimneys and windows, junction points) require additional coating with ondulin;
  • when calculating mixed ondulin color scheme You should schematically depict the roof design on a reduced scale and calculate the consumption of sheets of each color separately.

Special programs for calculating the consumption of covering material greatly facilitate mathematical calculations and help more accurately calculate the amount of euro slate for roofing.

Ondulin - installation instructions

When the lathing is installed in accordance with the angle of inclination, the covering should be laid in stages. Installation of ondulin step by step:

ondulin (tiles) installation instructions

Now you know in detail how to put ondulin. All stages of roofing ensure error-free installation of ondulin, regardless of what roofing design is provided. The sequence of actions ensures a good result.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier under ondulin

Companies producing ondulin present the material as a coating that does not require the installation of additional vapor barrier materials or waterproofing. At the same time, it is recommended to equip the roof of the room (or attic) requiring insulation with a waterproofing layer. We also recommend installing a vapor barrier membrane on the room side.

Additional waterproofing elements and ventilation devices:

  1. waterproofing of the roof eaves is provided by a special box, which is attached to the base of the sheet overhang;
  2. ventilation is provided by ventilation pipes, which, like the window, are fastened with self-tapping screws along each wave of the coating;
  3. to protect against insects, a ventilation comb is installed in the gap under the eaves;
  4. the joints of the ondulin sheets are glued with tape produced by the coating manufacturer (Onduflesh);
  5. the junctions of windows, valleys and other joints with the roof, cornices are also taped with adhesive tape;

Laying ondulin with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Vapor barrier is often provided by laying a special vapor barrier material. This layer should be laid in the roofing pie.

Useful video

Educational thematic video on self-installation ondulina:


You can cover a roof with ondulin quite efficiently if you study the principles of operation and take into account the nuances of installation. Despite the fact that the material is quite light, one person can install it.

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