Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy (IPP). Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship admissions committee

How to get there: from Art. metro station "Moskovskaya": minibus No. 342, No. 286, No. 287, No. 299.
from Art. metro station "Kupchino": bus No. 186 to stop: "Gostiny Dvor"; or minibus No. 347 or No. 287, to the stop: “Malaya Street”.
from the railway station in Pushkin: bus or minibus No. 371, to the stop: “Alexandrovsky Palace”;|
from the railway station "Alexandrovskaya": bus No. 378, to the stop: "Gostiny Dvor"
from Vitebsky railway station by train to the station: Detskoe Selo, then by bus number 371.

The Pushkin Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship provides admission to two faculties: upon receipt of the first Higher education - to full-time, evening and correspondence departments; upon receipt of a second higher education - for evening and correspondence courses. The institute trains specialists in the following areas:

Faculty of Law


  • Civil
  • Criminal law
  • State-legal

Jurisprudence (specialty) - for transfer to senior courses:

  • Civil law;
  • Criminal law;
  • State-legal.

Jurisprudence (Master's degree):

  • Master in Crime Prevention
  • Legal support for business (business lawyer)

Postgraduate studies: training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in six scientific legal specialties.

Faculty of Management

Management (bachelor's degree):

  • Small Business Management
  • Financial management

Organizational management - for transfer to senior courses:

  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Financial management;
  • Hotel and tourism business.
  • Management (Master's degree)

Master's program:

  • Corporate governance

Economics (bachelor's degree):

  • Finance and credit
  • Accounting

State and municipal government(bachelor's, master's)

State and municipal administration (specialty)

Specialization: "Public service, municipal administration."

Duration of training

Specialty: 5 years (full-time study), 6 years (part-time study).

Bachelor's degree: 4 years (full-time study), 4.5 years (part-time study).

Master's degree: 2 years (full-time study).

For persons with secondary vocational and higher education - reduced training periods (from 2.5 years)

The Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship in Pushkin is constantly active student life: student organizations, a student council work, various competitions, holidays, olympiads, photo competitions, discussion clubs are held ( round tables). The institute has a student café, a solid library, a theater studio, and a newspaper. Rector of the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship Tatyana Ivanovna Kozlova was awarded the “Rector of the Year” badge and a large silver medal “For Professionalism”; in 2006 she was elected a member of the British Kololevsky Institute of Quality Assurance (Coporate Member of IQA). The Pushkin Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship has many achievements and awards, one of them: laureate of the “National Quality Mark” competition in 2010.

Year founded: 1994
Number of students studying at the university: 1583
Cost of studying at the university: 40 - 70 thousand rubles.

Address: 196601, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Malaya st., 8


Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.ippspb.rf

Social media VKontakte:

About the university

The Institute is licensed to conduct educational activities(Series 90Л01 No. 0008729, registration No. 1723 dated October 28, 2015). The validity period of the license is unlimited.
The Institute has state accreditation (Series 90A01 No. 0000451, registration No. 0447 dated March 11, 2013). The certificate is valid until March 11, 2019.

On December 27, 1994, the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship was created (Certificate of State Registration No. 84, Reg. No. 615/94), the main activity of which was the training of highly qualified lawyers and managers. The institute was able to emerge only within the framework of economic and political freedoms. He grew up and became stronger in the difficult conditions of reforming the Russian high school. However, the Institute emerged from all the shocks with dignity: the number of university staff grew, the number of educational programs being implemented increased, and the student population grew.

From the very beginning of its development, IPP relied on the high quality of the educational process. Expanding cooperation with employers and, sensitively responding to the requests of the university’s strategic partners, the Institute prepared competitive graduates in demand at regional market labor.

The IPP has developed wonderful traditions and accumulated a wealth of organizational and pedagogical experience in training legal, managerial and economic specialists.

Today, the IPP occupies a strong position in the non-state sector of Russian education and maintains a harmonious relationship with all interested parties: applicants, their parents, students, employers from government and commercial structures.

The coordinated work of the entire team of the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship received a worthy assessment. The Institute has successfully passed the state accreditation procedure three times already. Currently, the university has accredited the main educational programs of higher professional education at all levels of training - specialists, bachelors and masters,

Colleagues and partners believed in us and supported the Institute in the most difficult years of its formation. Special thanks to the first teachers who still work today and pass on their knowledge and experience to students and young teachers of the Institute.

Today IPP is a close-knit team of like-minded people. I am confident that by continuing to modernize the educational process and introduce innovative educational technologies, IPP will be able to strengthen its position as a leader in domestic non-state education.

Rector of the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship Tatyana Ivanovna Kozlova, professor, Ph.D.

This educational institution is presented in the following sections:

Status: Non-state
Founded: 1990
License: No. 0740 dated May 24, 2013 is not valid
Reception ban: Valid

On November 19, 1990, the Scientific and Practical Center "Correction" was created, which on July 27, 1995 was transformed into a Non-State educational institution higher professional education "Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy" (short name - NOU IPP).

The Institute trains psychologists of a wide profile to work in educational institutions, rehabilitation centers, clinics, family consultations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, HR departments of companies, the banking system, and recruitment agencies.

The Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy cooperates with the All-Russian public organization "National Health League", dealing with the prevention of addictions among students.

The Institute has the following structural divisions:
- Department of General and Practical Psychology,
- Department of Social and Psychological Personal Security,
- Department of Philosophical Anthropology and Art Therapy,
- Department of General Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines,
- Department of additional education,

Department of Humanistic Psychology, Psychotherapy and Beatotherapy.

School of Anti-Crisis Response (SAR).

The Institute employs experienced teachers. 50% of teachers have academic degrees of candidate or doctor of science. The teaching staff of the Institute has received high recognition for their professional activities in the scientific and pedagogical circles of Russia and abroad.

Features of training:
- practical orientation;
- orientation to current problems of society;
- wide range of specializations;
- specialized practice;
- theses focused on specific institutions;
- problem lectures;
- trainings, meetings with interesting people;
- computer workshop;
- additional education programs;
- multimedia support for students;
- computer testing of knowledge.

Faculty practical psychology

Direction of training – 030300.62 PSYCHOLOGY (bachelor's degree)

Admission on the basis of complete secondary education, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education; second higher education

Entrance tests: mathematics, Russian language, biology (based on the results of the Unified State Examination, interview, computer testing).

Branch additional education(advanced training, professional retraining; trainings, seminars, master classes)

Professional retraining programs:

Psychological counseling and art therapy;

Transmodal subject consultation;

Psychology and pedagogy of childhood;

Crisis counseling;

Psychological assistance in difficult life situations;

Remote consulting;

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:30

Latest IPP reviews

Anonymous review 19:56 05/21/2019

What I want to say. This is not an educational institution, but a circle of “crazy guys”, people come here not to become lawyers and managers, but to become dancers and singers. Having studied here, I understand that I don’t feel any seriousness in this educational institution, I only feel here that there is a circus here. No, why, teachers give knowledge, teach and teach, but 8 percent of the university’s components are dances and songs. Oh yes, they won’t transfer you to the budget, dear friend, either, if you don’t dance in a cigarette costume on the 1st floor, where...

Anonymous review 09:10 05/18/2019

I’m very amused by the fake reviews from familiar faces who never leave the vice-rector’s office)

I will try to be as honest and unbiased as possible.

I beg you not to make my mistakes and under no circumstances submit your documents to the IPP. Simply put, this is the formation of a garbage dump level. There are teachers to whom I could express my deep gratitude: Ksenia Aleksandrovna Tarasevich, Vakhmistrova Svetlana Ivanovna and Gunchenko Svetlana Dmitrievna. The list can end here) In addition, the institute...

General information

Private educational institution of higher education "Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship"


No. 01723 valid indefinitely from 10/28/2015


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for IPP

2017 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2016, scored less than 4 points out of 7 or are in the process of reorganization (report)

Indicator18 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 3 5 0
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study64.49 63.78 71.96 61.16
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget75.9 74.82 71.96 70.14
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis63.59 56.88 - 55.14
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled48.53 41.68 60.90 40
Number of students748 955 1102 1178
Full-time department475 524 501 465
Part-time department50 110 149 157
Correspondence department223 321 452 556
All data