Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Order of the Ministry of Health dated November 12, 1997 330

1. Store in a safe, with the key in the responsible nurse’s pocket. On the inside wall of the safe door there is a list of medications, highest single doses, highest daily doses and tables of antidotes. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for parenteral, internal and external use should be stored on different shelves. The safe must be sealed and attached to the floor or wall.

2. Storage areas for narcotic and psychotropic medicines that require protection from elevated temperatures (refrigerator compartment, refrigerator, thermal container) must be equipped with temperature and humidity meters and logs for recording these parameters.

3. Substandard narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as those handed over by relatives of deceased patients, must be stored on a separate shelf of a safe or a separate compartment of a safe or metal cabinet until they are written off and destroyed.

4. Draw into a syringe and administer the drug as prescribed by a doctor, in the presence of a doctor with a note on the prescription sheet, the inpatient chart, the signature of the nurse and the attending physician (or on the pain relief sheet).

5. Do not throw away empty ampoules, keep the inscriptions on the ampoules, report daily and hand them over to the head nurse of the department. The destruction of used ampoules should be carried out at least once every 30 days by a commission chaired by the head, with the execution of the corresponding act in the prescribed form.

6. To record the movement of these drugs in the department there must be a “Book of records of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”, approved in 2006. You cannot make corrections or seal them in the accounting journal. In “expense” indicate full name. patient, medical history no., date, nurse’s signature.

7. When turning in a shift, check the amount of the drug in the safe with the entry in the journal.

8. The journal must be numbered, laced, sealed and signed by the chief physician, and stored in a safe.

9. The standing commission checks once a month the condition, storage, and accounting of narcotic drugs.

10. The nurse is legally responsible for the storage, accounting and use of narcotic drugs.

11. Stocks of narcotic drugs in the department of the head nurse (premises of category 3) should not exceed the three-day requirement for them; at the post (premises of category 4) - no more than for a work shift.

12. According to the same rules, store, account for and use psychotropic drugs, potent, poisonous PKKN.

13. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.08.1998 No. 892 “On approval of the rules for admitting persons to work with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as to activities related to the circulation of precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” approves the list of requirements for personnel admitted to work with this group of substances.

Persons allowed:

Those who have reached the age of 18;

If there is a certificate issued by a state or municipal health care institution confirming the absence of drug addiction, chronic alcoholism, substance abuse;

If there is a certificate issued by a state or municipal health care institution confirming the absence of mental illness;


In order to streamline accounting, storage, issuance and use, I order:

1. Put into effect:

- “Standard requirements for technical strengthening and equipping of premises with the storage of narcotic drugs with security and fire alarm systems” (Appendix 1).

- “Form of a special prescription form for a narcotic drug” (Appendix 2).

- “Calculation standards for the need for narcotic drugs for outpatient and inpatient patients” (Appendix 3).

- “Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in pharmacies” (Appendix 4).

- “Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms in medical institutions” (Appendix 5).

- “Regulations on the write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and special prescriptions unused by cancer patients” (Appendix 6).

- “Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmacy warehouses (bases)” (Appendix 7).

- “Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in control and analytical laboratories” (Appendix 8).

- “Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions” (Appendix 9).

- “Act for the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs” (Appendix 10).

- “Form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation about theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical institutions” (Appendix 11).

2. To the heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

2.1. Assign personal responsibility to the heads of treatment and preventive institutions for the accounting, safety, dispensing, prescription and use of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms, in accordance with Appendices 1-11 introduced by this order:

2.2. Provide medical and preventive institutions with special prescription forms for narcotic drugs obtained from pharmacy warehouses (bases). The stock of special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in health authorities and treatment and preventive institutions should not exceed the monthly requirement;

2.3. Oblige the heads of treatment and prevention institutions (or their deputies) to ensure that special prescription forms for narcotic drugs are stored only in a safe, the key to which must be kept by these managers: and to carry out systematic monitoring of the prescription of narcotic drugs and the established procedure for their prescribing (Appendix 2) . It is categorically prohibited for doctors to issue and prescribe prescriptions for narcotic drugs to patients suffering from drug addiction.

2.4. Oblige attending physicians to document the prescription and use of narcotic drugs with entries in the medical history indicating the name of the dosage form of the drug, its quantity and dosage.

Administration note: New edition of clause 2.4.

2.5. Oblige the attending or on-duty doctors to hand over used ampoules of narcotic drugs on the same day, with the exception of weekends and holidays, to the deputy head of the medical department, and in institutions where he is absent - to the head of the medical institution. The destruction of used ampoules is carried out by a commission chaired by the head with the execution of the corresponding act in the prescribed form (Appendix 7).

Administration note: new edition of clause 2.5.

3. When determining the need for narcotic drugs, the Standing Committee on Drug Control, heads of treatment and prevention institutions, and heads of research institutions are guided by the consumption standards for narcotic drugs (Appendix 9).

Administration note: paragraph 3 has been changed.

4. Heads of health care management bodies and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should systematically organize checks of the correctness of the appointment and registration of persons admitted (including temporarily) to work on the receipt, storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs in pharmacies and medical institutions . If facts of violation of the procedure for prescribing and admitting persons to work with narcotic drugs are revealed, the perpetrators will be held strictly accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should bring this order to the attention of medical and pharmaceutical workers and carry out constant monitoring of its implementation.

6. Consider the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 30, 1982 No. 1311 “On measures to eliminate serious shortcomings and further strengthen the fight against drug addiction, improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs” (Appendix 2) to be considered invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Form of a special prescription form for a narcotic drug", appendix 3 "Consumption rates for narcotic medicines", appendix 4 "Form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the USSR on theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical institutions", appendix 5 "Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in self-supporting pharmacies", appendix 6 "Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic medicines and special prescription forms in medical institutions", appendix 7 "Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic medicines and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmaceutical warehouses", appendix 8 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in the control and analytical laboratories of pharmacy departments", appendix 9 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions of the healthcare system", appendix 10 "Regulations on write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and special prescriptions unused by cancer patients”, Appendix 11 “Act for the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs in health care institutions”).

7. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to Deputy Minister of Health A.E. Vilken.

Current edition

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 12, 1997 N 330

On measures to improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (not subject to state registration)

More articles in the magazine

In order to streamline the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs (NS) and psychotropic substances (PS), I order:


Standard requirements for technical strengthening and equipping of premises with storage of pumping equipment with fire alarm equipment (Appendix 1)
Form of a special prescription form for NS and PT (Appendix 2).

Lost force on the basis of order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 17, 2010 N 1008n.

Estimated standards for the need for NS and PV for outpatient and inpatient patients" (Appendix 3). (as amended as of May 16, 2003)
Rules for storage and accounting of NS and PV in pharmacies (Appendix 4).
Rules for storing and recording NS and PV and special prescription forms in medical institutions (Appendix 5)
Regulations on the write-off and destruction of NS and PV and special prescriptions unused by cancer patients. (Appendix 6)
Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of NS and DS and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmacy warehouses (bases) (Appendix 7)
Rules for storage and accounting of NS in control and analytical laboratories (Appendix 8)
Rules for storage and accounting of HC in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions (Appendix 9)
An act for the destruction of used ampoules of NS and PV. (Appendix 10)
The form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation about theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical institutions (Appendix 11).
  1. To the heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

2.1. Entrust the heads of treatment and prevention institutions with the personal administration and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescription forms, in accordance with Appendices 1-11 introduced by this order;

2.2. Provide treatment and prevention institutions with special prescription forms for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances obtained from pharmacy warehouses (bases). for NS and PV in health care authorities and treatment and preventive institutions should not exceed the monthly requirement;

2.3. Oblige (or their deputies) to ensure that special prescription forms for narcotic drugs are stored only in a safe, the key to which must be held by these managers; and carry out systematic monitoring of the prescription of NS and PV and the established procedure for their prescribing (Appendix 2). Categorically prohibit doctors from issuing and prescribing prescriptions for NSAIDs to drug addicts;

2.4. To oblige attending physicians to record the prescription and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, regardless of the dosage form, with entries in the medical history and prescription sheet indicating the name of the dosage form of the narcotic drug and psychotropic substance, its quantity and dosage;

2.5. Oblige the attending or on-duty doctors to hand over used and psychotropic substances on the same day, with the exception of weekends and holidays, to the deputy head of the medical department, and in institutions where he is absent to the head of the medical institution. The destruction of used ampoules should be carried out at least once every 10 days by a commission chaired by the head with the execution of the corresponding act in the prescribed form (Appendix 10).

  1. When determining the need for NS and PI, the Standing Committee on Drug Control, heads of treatment and prevention institutions, and heads of research institutions are guided by the consumption standards for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Tables 2 and 3).
  2. Heads of healthcare management bodies and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should systematically organize checks of the correct appointment and registration of persons admitted (including temporarily) to work on receipt in pharmacies and medical institutions. If facts of violation of the procedure for appointing and admitting persons to work with NS and PV are revealed, the perpetrators will be held strictly accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. The heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should bring this order to the attention of medical and pharmaceutical workers and carry out constant monitoring of its implementation.
  4. The order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 30, 1982 No. 1311 “On measures to eliminate serious shortcomings and further strengthen the fight against drug addiction, improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs” shall be considered invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation:
  • Appendix 2 "Form of a special prescription form for a narcotic drug";
  • Appendix 3 "Consumption rates for narcotic drugs";
  • Appendix 4 "Form of an extraordinary report submitted to the USSR Ministry of Health about theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical institutions";
  • Appendix 5 "Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in self-supporting pharmacies";
  • Appendix 6 "Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms in medical institutions";
  • Appendix 7 "Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmacy warehouses";
  • Appendix 8 "Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in control and analytical laboratories of pharmacy departments";
  • Appendix 9 "Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions of the healthcare system";
  • Appendix 10 "Regulations on the write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and special prescriptions unused by cancer patients";
  • Appendix 11 "Act for the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs in healthcare institutions").
  1. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to Deputy Minister of Health A.E. Vilken.

Minister T.B. Dmitrieva

1. Put into effect:
- Standard requirements for technical strengthening and equipping of premises with the storage of narcotic drugs with security and fire alarm systems (Appendix 1).
- Form of a special prescription form for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Appendix 2).
dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- Estimated standards for the need for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for outpatient and inpatient patients (Appendix 3).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in pharmacies (Appendix 4).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescription forms in medical and preventive institutions (Appendix 5).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- Regulations on the write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescriptions not used by cancer patients (Appendix 6).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmacy warehouses (bases) (Appendix 7).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in control and analytical laboratories (Appendix 8).
- Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions (Appendix 9).
- Act on the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Appendix 10).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
- The form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation about theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical institutions (Appendix 11).
2.2. To the heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:
2.1. Assign personal responsibility to the heads of medical and preventive institutions for the accounting, safety, dispensing, prescription and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescription forms, in accordance with Appendices 1 - 11 introduced by this Order.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
2.2. Provide medical and preventive institutions with special prescription forms for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances obtained from pharmacy warehouses (bases). The stock of special prescription forms for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in health care authorities and treatment and preventive institutions should not exceed the monthly requirement.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
2.3. Oblige the heads of medical and preventive institutions (or their deputies) to ensure that special prescription forms for narcotic drugs are stored only in a safe, the key to which must be held by these managers; and carry out systematic monitoring of the prescription of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and the established procedure for their prescribing (Appendix 2). It is categorically prohibited for doctors to issue and prescribe prescriptions for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances to patients suffering from drug addiction.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
2.4. Oblige attending physicians to record the prescription and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, regardless of the dosage form, with entries in the medical history and prescription sheet indicating the name of the dosage form of the narcotic drug and psychotropic substance, its quantity and dosage.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
2.5. To oblige the attending or on-duty doctors to hand over used ampoules of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on the same day, with the exception of weekends and holidays, to the deputy head of the medical department, and in institutions where he is absent - to the head of the medical and preventive institution. The destruction of used ampoules should be carried out at least once every 10 days by a commission chaired by the head with the execution of the corresponding act in the prescribed form (Appendix 10).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
3. When determining the need for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the Standing Committee on Drug Control, heads of treatment and prevention institutions, heads of research institutions are guided by the consumption standards for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Tables 2 and 3).
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
4. Heads of health care management bodies and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall systematically organize checks of the correctness of the appointment and registration of persons admitted (including temporarily) to work on the receipt, storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in pharmacies and medical - preventive institutions. If facts of violation of the procedure for appointing and admitting persons to work with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are revealed, the perpetrators will be held strictly accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
5. The heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should bring this Order to the attention of medical and pharmaceutical workers and carry out constant monitoring of its implementation.
6. The Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 30, 1982 N 1311 “On measures to eliminate serious shortcomings and further strengthen the fight against drug addiction, improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” (Appendix 2) shall be considered invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation "Form of a special prescription form for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", Appendix 3 "Consumption rates for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", Appendix 4 "Form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the USSR on theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical and preventive institutions" , Appendix 5 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in self-supporting pharmacies", Appendix 6 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescription forms in medical institutions", Appendix 7 "Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmacy warehouses", Appendix 8 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in the control and analytical laboratories of pharmacy departments", Appendix 9 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions of the healthcare system", Appendix 10 "Regulations on the write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and special recipes not used by cancer patients", Appendix 11 "Act on the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in healthcare institutions ").
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2003 N 205)
7. Control over the implementation of this Order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health A.E. Vilken.


Annex 1
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

1. General Provisions

It does not work Editorial from 09.01.2001

Name of documentORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 1997 N 330 (as amended on January 9, 2001) "ON MEASURES TO IMPROVE ACCOUNTING, STORAGE, PRESCRIPTION AND USE OF NARCOTIC MEDICINES"
Document typeorder, regulation, rules, requirements
Receiving authorityMinistry of Health of the Russian Federation
Document Number330
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date09.01.2001
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
  • The document was not published in this form
  • (as amended on November 12, 1997 - “Healthcare”, No. 3, 1998)

ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 1997 N 330 (as amended on January 9, 2001) "ON MEASURES TO IMPROVE ACCOUNTING, STORAGE, PRESCRIPTION AND USE OF NARCOTIC MEDICINES"

In order to streamline the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs, I order:

1. Put into effect:

Standard requirements for technical strengthening and equipping of premises with the storage of narcotic drugs with security and fire alarm systems (Appendix 1).

Form of a special prescription form for a narcotic drug (Appendix 2).

Estimated standards for the need for narcotic drugs for outpatient and inpatient patients (Appendix 3).

Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in pharmacies (Appendix 4).

Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms in medical and preventive institutions (Appendix 5).

Regulations on the write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and special prescriptions not used by cancer patients (Appendix 6).

Rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmacy warehouses (bases) (Appendix 7).

Rules for storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in control and analytical laboratories (Appendix 8).

Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions (Appendix 9).

Act on the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs (Appendix 10).

The form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation about theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical institutions (Appendix 11).

2.2. To the heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

2.1. Assign personal responsibility to the heads of medical and preventive institutions for accounting, safety, dispensing, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms, in accordance with Appendices 1 - 11 introduced by this Order.

2.2. Provide medical and preventive institutions with special prescription forms for narcotic drugs obtained from pharmacy warehouses (bases). The stock of special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in health authorities and treatment and preventive institutions should not exceed the monthly requirement.

2.3. Oblige the heads of medical and preventive institutions (or their deputies) to ensure that special prescription forms for narcotic drugs are stored only in a safe, the key to which must be held by these managers; and carry out systematic monitoring of the prescription of narcotic drugs and the established procedure for their prescribing (Appendix 2). It is categorically prohibited for doctors to issue and prescribe prescriptions for narcotic drugs to patients suffering from drug addiction.

2.4. Oblige attending physicians to document the prescription and use of narcotic drugs with entries in the medical history indicating the name of the dosage form of the drug, its quantity and dosage.

2.5. Oblige the attending or on-duty doctors to hand over used ampoules of narcotic drugs on the same day, with the exception of weekends and holidays, to the deputy head of the medical department, and in institutions where he is absent - to the head of the medical institution. The destruction of used ampoules is carried out by a commission chaired by the head with the execution of the corresponding act in the prescribed form (Appendix 7).

3. When determining the need for narcotic drugs, the Standing Committee on Drug Control, heads of medical and preventive institutions, heads of scientific and research institutions are guided by the consumption standards for narcotic drugs (Appendix 9).

4. Heads of health care management bodies and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall systematically organize checks of the correctness of the appointment and registration of persons admitted (including temporarily) to work on the receipt, storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs in pharmacies and medical and preventive institutions . If facts of violation of the procedure for prescribing and admitting persons to work with narcotic drugs are revealed, the perpetrators will be held strictly accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The heads of healthcare authorities and pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should bring this Order to the attention of medical and pharmaceutical workers and carry out constant monitoring of its implementation.

6. Consider the Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 30, 1982 N 1311 “On measures to eliminate serious shortcomings and further strengthen the fight against drug addiction, improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs” (Appendix 2 “Form”) to be considered invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation special prescription form for a narcotic drug", appendix 3 "Consumption rates for narcotic medicines", appendix 4 "Form of an extraordinary report submitted to the Ministry of Health of the USSR on theft and theft of drugs from pharmacies and medical and preventive institutions", appendix 5 "Storage rules and accounting of narcotic medicines in self-supporting pharmacies", Appendix 6 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic medicines and special prescription forms in medical and preventive institutions", Appendix 7 "Rules for the storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic medicines and special prescription forms for narcotic drugs in pharmaceutical warehouses", Appendix 8 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in the control and analytical laboratories of pharmacy departments", Appendix 9 "Rules for the storage and accounting of narcotic drugs in research institutes, laboratories and educational institutions of the healthcare system", Appendix 10 "Regulations on the write-off and destruction of narcotic drugs and special prescriptions not used by cancer patients", Appendix 11 "Act on the destruction of used ampoules of narcotic drugs in healthcare institutions").

7. Control over the implementation of this Order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health A.E. Vilken.



Annex 1
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

Deputy Minister
internal affairs
Russian Federation
March 5, 1993

Standing Committee
drug control
March 4, 1993


1.1. These Requirements provide for measures for technical strengthening and define the basic principles for creating multi-site security and fire alarm systems for the protection of premises (special storage facilities) with narcotic drugs included in the lists issued by the Standing Committee on Drug Control.

The requirements apply to designed, newly constructed and reconstructed drug storage facilities<*>. The technical strengthening of premises with drugs, contracts for the protection of which have already been concluded, must be brought into compliance with the requirements of this document within the time limits established in the commission inspection reports.

<*>The requirements apply to premises for storing potent and toxic substances.

1.2. Commission inspections of drug storage facilities are carried out by representatives of health authorities, security units, State Fire Surveillance and other interested organizations. The commission, on the basis of current regulations and available documentation, determines places where narcotic drugs are concentrated, selects the optimal option for protecting the facility using alarm systems, taking into account its telephony and power supply. During the examination, vulnerabilities in building structures are identified (windows, doors, non-permanent walls, ceilings, floors, ventilation openings, etc.), and the number of security and fire loops, devices, detectors, sensors necessary to protect drug storage areas is determined.

Based on the results of the inspection of the drug storage facility, an act of the prescribed form is drawn up, and the performers and deadlines for completing the work are determined.

1.3. Preparation and execution of work on equipping a drug premises with fire safety equipment must be carried out in accordance with:

With technological maps and instructions for installing security alarm systems and devices;

C VSN 25-09.68-85 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Installation of security, fire and security - fire alarms";

With technical documentation for products;

With the requirements of PUE, SNiP 2.04.09-84 and SNiP 3.05.06-85.

2. Technical strength of structures of buildings and premises

2.1. Premises with drugs must have walls equivalent in strength to brick walls, with a thickness of at least 510 mm, floors and ceilings equivalent in strength to a reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of at least 100 mm.

2.2. Walls, ceilings, and floors that do not meet the specified requirements must be reinforced on the inside over the entire area with steel gratings with a rod diameter of at least 10 mm and cell sizes of no more than 150 x 150 mm. The gratings are welded to anchors with a diameter of at least 12 mm released from the masonry wall or floor slabs with a pitch of 500 x 500 mm.

If it is impossible to install anchors, it is allowed to shoot embedded parts made of steel strip measuring 100 x 50 x 6 mm onto reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces with four dowels.

2.3. Entrance doors to drug storage facilities must comply with the requirements of GOST 6629-88, GOST 24698-81, GOST 24584-81, GOST 14624-84, be in good working order, fit well into the door frame, solid, at least 40 mm thick, have at least two mortise non-self-latching locks. The doors are upholstered on both sides with sheet iron no less than 0.6 mm thick, with the edges of the sheet folded over the inner surface of the door or overlapping the end of the sheet. The doorway from the inside is additionally protected by lattice metal doors, made of steel rod with a diameter of at least 16 mm, cells no more than 150 x 150 mm, which are welded at each intersection. The design of the doorway (door frame) is made of steel profile. In existing storage facilities, wooden boxes are allowed, reinforced with steel corners measuring 30 x 40, at least 5 mm thick, fixed into the wall with reinforcing steel pins with a diameter of 10 - 12 mm and a length of 120 - 150 mm.

2.4. Window openings of drug premises on the inside or between the frames are equipped with metal bars, which are made of steel rods with a diameter of at least 16 mm and a vertical and horizontal distance between the rods of no more than 150 mm. The ends of the grating rods are embedded in the wall to a depth of at least 80 mm and filled with concrete.

It is allowed to use decorative grilles or blinds, which should not be inferior in strength to the above mentioned grilles.

2.5. Narcotic drugs must be stored in safes. In technically fortified premises, it is allowed to store drugs in metal cabinets. Safes (metal cabinets) must be kept closed. After the end of the working day, they must be sealed or sealed. Keys to safes, seals and seals must be kept by financially responsible persons authorized to do so by orders of health authorities or institutions.

3. Equipping premises where drugs are stored with a security alarm

3.1. Drug storage facilities must be equipped with multi-site security alarm systems with each line connected to separate numbers of centralized surveillance consoles.

3.2. The first line of alarm protection protects the building structures of the perimeter of the premises - window and door openings, ventilation ducts, thermal inlets and other elements of the premises that are accessible from the outside. The doors are blocked for “opening” and “breaking”. The windows are protected by alarms for “opening” and “breaking” glass. Non-permanent walls, ceilings, communication entry points - for a “break”. Main walls, ventilation ducts - for “destruction” and “impact impact”.

It is recommended to block building structures for “opening” (windows, doors) with detectors of the SMK type; for “destruction” of glass, foil, detectors of the “Window-1” type or similar ones are used. Non-permanent walls (partitions) are protected against a “break” by PEL wire. To block the main walls and ceiling of a room, it is recommended to use a Gran-1 type detector, which allows you to detect the destruction of building structures made of brick at least 150 mm thick and concrete at least 120 mm thick. Vulnerable areas of room perimeters can be protected by optical-electronic detectors such as “Foton-2”, “Foton-5”, which form a detection zone in the form of a vertical barrier.

3.3. Additional alarm lines protect the internal volumes and areas of premises, safes (metal cabinets) used for storing narcotic drugs. For additional security lines, the choice of detectors is determined depending on the nature of the premises and the location of material assets in them. Ultrasonic, optical-electronic, radio wave, capacitive detectors "Echo-2,3", "Foton-1M,4", "Kvant-3", "Volna-2,M", " are used as devices and detectors for these purposes. Fon-1", "Rif-M", "Peak", etc.

To increase the reliability of the security alarm, it is recommended to use detectors of different operating principles.

3.4. In multi-line protection systems, it is necessary to use receiving and control devices that provide monitoring of alarm loops in the event of a power failure. The use of control and control devices and detectors that have autonomous power supply or units for switching to power from a centralized monitoring console via telephone lines together with on-site sealing equipment devices that do not provide backup power is impractical.

3.5. In addition to independent lines of protection, it is recommended to equip safes (metal cabinets) directly with sensor traps, which are included in the loop of an additional alarm line.

3.6. When the mains power is turned off, the operability of the control panel, sensors and detectors of one of the alarm lines must be ensured. If there are no telephone lines in the storage facilities, it is necessary to use HF multiplexing of free lines of the distribution network, telephone lines of organizations, apartments of citizens located near the storage facility, or payphone lines.

3.7. At large facilities (bases, warehouses) with the storage of narcotic drugs, it is allowed to use the principle of “small centralization” with the installation of small-capacity concentrates at checkpoints and connecting them to centralized monitoring panels.

3.8. The workplaces of personnel involved in drug transactions, as well as storage facilities, are equipped with alarm systems, which are intended to transmit alarm signals to the duty units of the internal affairs bodies and take action in the event of a robbery during working hours.

3.9. The fire alarm system must provide 24-hour operation. Fire detectors are included in general or independent blocking loops, connected to common or independent devices with alarm signals output to centralized monitoring panels or local sound and light alarms.

3.10. At facilities (premises) with the storage of narcotic drugs, the use of security alarm equipment that is not included in the List of security, security, fire and fire alarm equipment recommended for use is not permitted.

4. Compliance with the provisions of these Model Requirements is mandatory when obtaining permission from the Standing Committee on Drug Control for the storage of narcotic drugs.

Appendix 2
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


FORM \r\n SPECIAL RECEPTION FORM \r\n FOR A NARCOTIC MEDICINE \r\n \r\n Prescription for the right to receive a medicine \r\n containing a narcotic substance \r\n \r\n AB N 495272 \r \n (stamp of the medical institution) \r\n \r\n ____________________________________ 19__ \r\n _____ Rp ___________________________________ \r\ndocument ____________________________________________ remains \r\nspecial ____________________________________________ in \r\naccounting ____________________________________________ pharmacy \r\n Reception _________________________________ \r\n ____________________________________________ \r\n Gr. ________________________________________ \r\n Medical history N __________________________ \r\n Doctor _______________________________________ \r\n (intelligible) \r\n M.P. \r\n To be filled in with ink \r\n Corrections are not allowed \r\n \r\n Note. Form of a previously approved sample in pink color, \r\non paper with watermarks. \r\n \r\n \r\n

Appendix 3
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 09, 2001 N 2)

Table 1


N p/pName of medicinesStandard per 1000 people
1. Morphine hydrochloride0,3
2. Promedol (trimeperidine)5,0
3. Omnopon0,3
4. Cocaine0,02
5. Dionine (ethylmorphine)0,1
6. Estocin hydrochloride0,3
7. Codeine70,3
8. Opium833,3
9. Fentanyl0,006

Note. The standards are established by converting all dosage forms to a purely active substance, and therefore, when comparing the application with the estimated need according to the standards, all dosage forms containing the specified substances should be recalculated to a purely active drug.

Standing Committee
drug control

table 2


N p/pName of the hospital departmentName of the narcotic drug<**>
morphine hydrochloride 1% (amp)omnopon 1% - 1.0 (amp)omnopon 2% - 1.0 (amp)promedol 1% - 1.0 (amp)promedol 2% - 1.0 (amp)morphine-like in total (amp)fentanyl 0.005 2%<*>(amp)promedol (gr)interval in the table (pack)estocin in the table. 0.015 (pack)ethylmorphine hydrochloride (g)codeine and its salts (g)codeine-containing cough tablets (pack)cocaine hydrochloride (gr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Therapeutic 3,0 0,5 2,0 0,5 5,0 11,0 0,4 0,25 1,5 0,6 0,5 0,2 5,0
2 Gastroenterological3,0 0,5 0,5 5,5 9,5 1,0 0,5 2
3 Cardiological1,0 0,5 1,5 0,5 5,5 9,0 1,5 1,0 2,0 1,0
4 Pulmonological1,0 1,0 2,0 1,0 6,0 11,0 0,5 0,06 0,2 4,0
5 Allergological 1,0 1,0 1,0
6 Endocrinological 0,6 1,0 1,6 3,0 0,01 0,1
7 Nephrological3,0 0,5 0,5 5,5 9,5 1,0 0,5 1,5
8 Hematological2,5 2,0 12,0 4,0 36,0 56,5 5,0 0,5 0,3 1,5
9 Occupational pathological1,0 1,0 2,0 0,5 6,0 10,0 0,06 0,2 3,0
10 Surgical6,0 1,5 8,5 7,0 58,0 81,0 6,0 0,4 1,0 0,2 0,4 0,3 6,0 0,04
11 Traumatological3,0 1,0 5,0 3,0 21,0 33,0 2,0 0,5 0,5 3,0 0,03
12 Orthopedic 0,2 1,0 4,0 5,2
13 Urological5,0 0,5 5,0 4,0 31,0 45,0 7,0 0,3 0,07 0,2 3,0
14 Thoracic surgery2,0 5,0 20,0 150,5 177,0 5,0 0,2 5,0
15 Burn9,5 3,0 13,0 15,0 115,0 155,5 11,0 0,6 4,0 0,2 0,3 0,5 5,0 0,5
16 Resuscitation9,0 1,0 10,0 20,0 145,0 185,0 100,0
17 Infectious2,0 3,0 2,0 31,0 5,0 43,0 0,2 1,0 0,3 7,5
18 For pregnant women and women in labor4,0 0,5 1,0 6,0 4,0 15,5 1,0 1,0 0,25 1,0
19 Pathologies of pregnant women 0,5 0,5 0,1
20 Gynecological3,0 2,5 9,0 2,5 14,0 31,0 4,0 7,0 0,9 0,05 1,5
21 Neurological0,5 0,5 2,0 1,0 4,0 0,6 0,3 0,45 0,6 1,5 0,03
22 Psychiatric0,2 0,2 0,4 0,15 0,4 0,1
23 Ophthalmological0,3 0,5 0,5 0,5 4,0 5,8 1,0 0,3 0,2 0,7 1,5 0,2
24 Otolaryngological2,0 6,0 0,5 3,5 12,0 0,6 0,3 1,3 2,5 3,0
25 Dermatovenerological 0,1 0,1 0,1 4,0
26 Tuberculosis2,0 1,5 1,0 2,0 6,5 0,1 1,2 0,2 0,35 4,0 0,01
27 Narcological 0,1
28 Pediatric0,2 0,1 0,3 0,3 1,2 0,05 1,0 1,0
29 Oncological2,5 15,5 2,0 60,0 80,0 10,0 0,5 0,4 1,7
30 Radioradiological0,5 2,5 12,0 3,0 7,0 26,0 1,0 0,1
31 Reception 0,1 0,25 0,38 0,45
32 In a rural district hospital, including outpatient visits10,0 1,0 6,0 2,0 7,0 26,0 20,0 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,5 6,0 0,1
33 Clinic and outpatient clinic2,0 0,7 0,3 1,0 2,0 6,0 0,5 0,2 2,0 0,04
34 Dental clinic 0,2 0,3 0,3/ 0,3 - / 0,5 0,35/ 0,85 - / 1,0 0,2
35 Oncology Center140 55,0 80,0 275,0
36 Tuberculosis dispensary 1,0 0,5 1,0 3,0 3,5
37 For 1000 cases of emergency medical services. help14,0 7,0 39,0 60,0 2,5 1,5

<*>The consumption rate of fentanyl is 0.005% per patient undergoing surgery under general anesthesia - within 18 ampoules.

<**>Standards for prosidol for medical practice in surgical, traumatological, oncological, dental, gynecological, medical and preventive institutions have been approved by analogy with the calculated standards for promedol.


1) The heads of health care management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are allowed, based on the recommendations of the heads of medical and preventive institutions, to increase the calculated standards given in this table, but not more than 1.5 times.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 09, 2001 N 2)

2) The heads of medical and preventive institutions are allowed to redistribute between departments the narcotic drugs indicated in this table within the limits of the general standard requirement for the institution for each item.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 09, 2001 N 2)

3) If there are medical indications for the relief of severe pain, in the departments of medical and preventive institutions indicated in this table, it is permitted to use non-invasive forms of narcotic drugs in quantities corresponding to the medical indications and the patient’s condition.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 09, 2001 N 2)

Standing Committee
drug control

Table 3


(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 09, 2001 N 2)

N p/pName of the drugRelease form and dosageQuantity
1 2 3 4
1. BuprenorphineSublingual tablets 0.2 mg157.5 tab.
ampoules 0.3 mg in 1 ml105 ampoules
ampoules 0.6 mg in 1 ml52.5 amp. in total<*>- 94.5 mg
2. Dihydrocodeine - retardTablets for oral administration
60 mg158.7 tab.
90 mg105.8 tab.
120 mg79.3 tab. in total<*>- 28.56 gr.
3. Dipidolor (piritramide)Solution for injection, ampoules 0.75%, 2 ml210 amp.
4. Morphine sulfate (MCT continuus or other analogues with a duration of action of at least 12 hours)Extended-release tablets for oral administration
10 mg120 tab.
30 mg40 tab.
60 mg20 tab.
100 mg12 tables
200 mg16 tables in total<*>- 6.0 gr.
5. Morphine hydrochlorideTablets for oral administration
10 mg63 tab.
63 ampoules in total<*>- 1.26 gr.
6. OmnoponInjection,
ampoules 1% 1 ml60 ampoules
ampoules 2% 1 ml30 ampoules in total<*>- 1.2 gr.
7. Promedol (trimeperidine hydrochloride)Injection,
ampoules 1% 1 ml40 ampoules
ampoules 2% 1 ml20 ampoules
Tablets for oral administration
25 mg126 tab. in total<*>- 4.95 gr.
8. ProsidolBuccal tablets
10 mg765 tab.
20 mg382.5 tab.
25 mg306 tab.
Solution for injection, ampoules 10 mg in 1 ml191.3 amp. in total<*>- 24.86 gr.
9. Fentanyl - transdermal dosage formPatch
25 mcg/hour7.5 plast.
50 mcg/hour3.75 plast.
75 mcg/hour2.5 plast.
100 mcg/hour1.9 plast.
For medicinal purposes, the patch cannot be crushed in total<*>- 750 mcg/hour

<*>In terms of pure active substance.

Note. For each of the paragraphs of this Appendix, it is allowed to exceed the quantity of a specific dosage form of the medicinal product within the specified total quantity in terms of pure active substance.

Standing Committee
drug control

Table 4 - No longer valid.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 09, 2001 N 2)

Appendix 4
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


1. In pharmacies, narcotic drugs must be stored in safes.

2. During working hours, the key to the safe with narcotic drugs located in the assistant’s room must be with the pharmacist-technologist. After the end of the working day, safes are sealed or sealed, and the keys to them, the seal and the seal must be kept by the financially responsible person authorized to do so by order of the pharmacy.

The windows of material rooms in which narcotic drugs are stored must have metal bars, and the doors must be lined with iron. After completion of work, these rooms are locked and sealed by the financially responsible person.

3. Material rooms and safes in which narcotic drugs are stored must have a security light and sound alarm.

Access to the room where stocks of narcotic drugs are stored is allowed to persons directly working with them, which is formalized by permission from the Internal Affairs Directorate and an order from the pharmacy. Admission is issued a second time when one of the employees changes.

4. The issuance of narcotic drugs to the assistant’s room for current work should be carried out from the material room only by a financially responsible person authorized to do so.

5. The stock of narcotic drugs in pharmacies, regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership, should not exceed the monthly requirement. For pharmacies remote from supply bases, the supply of these products is established by the governing bodies of pharmaceutical (pharmacy) organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. In the pharmacy assistant room, supplies of narcotic drugs should not exceed five days’ needs.

7. In on-duty pharmacies, during night duty, the pharmacist, if necessary, uses narcotic drugs, which are kept in a sealed safe. After completing his duty, he reports to the financially responsible person responsible for accounting and storage of narcotic drugs.

8. Narcotic drugs are subject to subject-quantitative accounting in a special book, numbered, laced, sealed and certified by the signature and seal of the management body of pharmaceutical (pharmacy) organizations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation according to the attached form.

The book is started for a year. On the first page, medications that are subject to substantive quantitative accounting are indicated. A separate sheet (spread) is allocated for each dosage form, dosage, and packaging of the medicinal product. The accounting units for each drug are indicated. Corrections are crossed out and certified by the signature of the financially responsible person. Receipt is reflected for each receipt document separately, indicating the number and date. Expenses are recorded using daily totals (daily records) and subdividing into dispensing for outpatient prescriptions and dispensing to medical and preventive institutions, pharmacy points and pharmacy departments.

9. On the 1st day of each month, the authorized financially responsible person checks the actual availability of narcotic drugs with the book balance. When making an inventory of the inventory of a pharmacy (pharmacy department), the actual balances of narcotic drugs are established, for which a separate inventory list is drawn up. If deviations are identified when removing actual balances from book data, the head of the pharmacy is obliged to immediately notify the management body of pharmaceutical (pharmacy) organizations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in writing, which must conduct an internal investigation within 3-5 days.

Used narcotic prescription forms must be stored in a safe, filed, sealed, and bound by month and year for five years.

10. Regularly, 2 times a year in the prescribed manner, expired narcotic drugs handed over by relatives of patients, as well as waste and defects, are subject to write-off and destruction in the presence of representatives of the pharmaceutical (pharmacy) service, ATC and sanitary inspection authorities (Appendix 6).

Support Department
medicine organizations
and medical equipment

Standing Committee
drug control

By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

MonthRemaining on 1st dayComingTypes of consumptionConsumptionCalculation per month for each type separatelyIn total for a month for all types of expensesBook balanceActual balance
quantityjust a month upon arrival with the balance1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, etc.
January outpatient
medical institutions, pharmacies, departments, departments of pharmacies Signature of the financially responsible person
February Same Signature of the financially responsible person

Standing Committee
drug control

Appendix 5
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


1. Pharmacies of medical and preventive institutions are subject to the rules for storage, accounting and dispensing of narcotic drugs provided for pharmacies serving the population.

2. Medical and preventive institutions that do not have their own pharmacies should receive narcotic drugs only in the form of finished dosage forms manufactured by industry or a pharmacy.

Medicines containing narcotic drugs obtained from pharmacies must have on the label the following designations: “Internal”, “External”, “For injection”, “Eye drops”, etc., the name or number of the pharmacy that manufactured the medicine, the name of the department (office), the composition of the medicine in accordance with the prescription specified in the request of the medical and preventive institution, date of manufacture, analysis No., expiration date and signature of the persons who manufactured, checked and dispensed the medicine from the pharmacy.

If the packages of medicines containing a narcotic drug do not contain the listed designations, their storage and use in medical and preventive institutions is not permitted. Packaging, scattering, pouring and transferring into compartment (office) containers, as well as replacing labels, is strictly prohibited.

Labels of medications containing narcotic drugs must be stamped in black ink with the word “Poison.”

Narcotic drugs must be stored in closed, sealed and sealed safes.

On the inside of the safe door there should be a list of narcotic drugs indicating the highest single and daily doses.

3. Narcotic drugs for parenteral, internal and external use must be stored separately.

4. Stocks of narcotic drugs in departments (offices) are determined by the head of the medical and preventive institution and should not exceed a 3-day need for them, and in pharmacies of medical and preventive institutions - a monthly requirement.

5. To provide emergency medical care in the evening and at night for life-saving reasons, it is allowed to create a five-day reserve of narcotic drugs in the emergency departments of hospitals. The specified reserve can be used with the permission of the responsible doctor on duty in all departments of the hospital.

Registration of used drugs can be carried out after providing assistance to the patient, in the manner established by clause 7 of this Order.

6. Responsible for the storage and dispensing of narcotic drugs to patients are the head of the medical and preventive institution or his deputies, as well as persons authorized to do so by order of the institution.

7. Oral administration of narcotic drugs should be carried out only in the presence of a nurse.

8. Medical and preventive institutions must have tables of the highest single and daily doses of narcotic drugs, as well as tables of antidotes for poisoning with them, in storage areas and at the posts of doctors and nurses on duty.

9. In the departments and offices of treatment and preventive institutions, all narcotic drugs are subject to quantitative accounting.

Records should be kept in a special book, numbered, laced, sealed and signed by the head of the institution according to the attached form.

10. Records of special prescription forms for narcotic drugs are kept in a journal, numbered, laced, sealed and signed by the manager according to the attached form.

Special prescription forms for narcotic drugs upon admission to medical and preventive institutions are accepted by a commission appointed by the head of the institution, and according to the act of the admissions committee, they are included in the journal for recording special prescription forms for narcotic drugs.

By order of the head of the institution, a person is appointed responsible for receiving, storing, recording and dispensing special prescription forms for narcotic drugs.

11. In each medical and preventive institution, a permanent commission is created, authorized by order of the head of the institution to conduct at least 1 time per month a check on the feasibility of prescribing narcotic drugs by attending physicians, as well as the state of storage, accounting and use of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms in this institution. The quantities of prescribed narcotic substances in the prescription must be indicated in words.

12. The stock of special prescription forms in medical and preventive institutions for current needs should not exceed the monthly requirement. Their surplus must be handed over to the health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The attending physician is allowed to issue, if indicated, a special prescription form(s) for narcotic drugs for a specific patient with the permission of the deputy head of the medical and preventive institution for the medical department.

13. Stocks of special prescription forms for narcotic drugs are stored only in a closed and sealed safe, the key to which must be held by the head of the institution or a person authorized by him by order of the institution.

14. Heads of medical and preventive institutions bear full responsibility for the rational use and safety of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms for prescribing them.

Organization management
provision of medicines
and medical equipment
Organization management
medical assistance to the population

By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

Name of the product _____________________________________________________________________
Unit _________________________________________________________________________
ComingConsumptionLast name, first name, patronymic, signature of the releaserRemainder
date of receivingsupplier, N and dateamount of druglast name, first name, patronymic, signature of the recipientamount of drugN of the medical history, last name, first name, patronymic of the patientdate of issueamount of drug
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Standing Committee
drug control

By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

N p/pComingConsumptionFull name of the issuerRemainder
document receipt datesupplier, date and document Ntotal number of formsN seriesquantitydate of issueN seriesquantityissued by: Doctor’s full namesignature of the recipient
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Standing Committee
drug control

Appendix 6
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


1. Regularly, 2 times a year in the prescribed manner, expired narcotic drugs handed over by relatives of patients, as well as waste and defects, are subject to write-off and destruction in the presence of representatives of the management body of pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ATC and sanitary supervision authorities.

2. In order to prevent the misuse of narcotic drugs left after the death of cancer patients at home, heads of institutions must organize a record of unused prescriptions and leftover narcotic drugs handed over by relatives. An order for a medical and preventive institution entrusts the employee responsible for issuing death certificates with accepting unused prescriptions and leftover medicines containing narcotic drugs from the relatives of a deceased cancer patient. This employee must reconcile the consumption of the drug from the moment of receipt of the next prescription recorded in the outpatient card. The number of prescriptions and medications submitted, their names and dosage forms (ampoules, tablets, powders) are recorded in a special journal, numbered, laced, signed by the head of the institution and sealed with a round seal. The log form is attached.

Submitted prescriptions and medications must be stored in a safe until they are destroyed.

3. As powders, tablets and ampoule narcotic drugs accumulate, no later than the 30th day of each month, in the presence of a permanent commission of a medical and preventive institution for monitoring the accounting and consumption of narcotic drugs, their destruction is carried out: powders and tablets by burning, ampoule drugs crushing.

In the register of unused narcotic drugs and prescriptions for their prescribing, a note is made about the number of destroyed drugs. An act on destruction is drawn up according to the form (the form of the act is attached). The act is approved by the chief physician of the medical and preventive institution.

Standing Committee
drug control
Organization management
provision of medical
assistance to the population

By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

N p/preceipt dateFull name, address of the patientTotal number of recipesIncl. by numbersName of the narcotic substances handed overNumber of ampoules, powders, tabletsSurname and signature of the person who submitted itName and signature of the recipientNote on quantity and method of destruction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5) _____________________________________________________ \r\n in powders \r\n 1) _____________________________________________________ (gr.) \r\n 2) _____________________________________________________ \r\n 3) _____________________________________________________ \r\n in tablets \r\n 1) _____________________________________________________ (pcs. ) \r\n 2) _____________________________________________________ \r\n Medicines are destroyed in the following way: by crushing - \r\nampoules, powders and tablets - by burning. \r\n \r\n Chairman (signature) \r\n Members of the commission: (signature) \r\n (signature) \r\n (signature) \r\n \r\n<*>Mandatory participation in the commission of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, management of pharmaceutical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and sanitary supervision. \r\n \r\n Chairman \r\n of the Standing Committee \r\n on Drug Control \r\n E.A. BABAYAN

Appendix 7
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


1. Narcotic drugs, regardless of the dosage form, must be stored in warehouses (bases) that have permission from the Standing Committee on Narcotics Control (PCDN) to work with them. Premises for storing narcotic drugs must meet the current standard requirements for technical strength (Appendix 1).

2. The room for storing narcotic drugs at the end of work must be locked and sealed or sealed, and the keys, seal and seal must be kept by the financially responsible person responsible for the storage of narcotic drugs.

3. Responsibility for organizing proper storage and safety of narcotic drugs and special prescription forms rests with the manager of the pharmacy warehouse (base).

4. Access to the room where narcotic drugs and special prescription forms are stored is permitted only to persons directly working with them, which is issued by order of the head of the warehouse (base) and special permission from the Internal Affairs Directorate.

5. When narcotic medicines are received, the warehouse (base) manager or his deputy is obliged to personally check the compliance of the received quantities with the accompanying documents.

6. Narcotic medicines are released from the warehouse (base) only in sealed form, and a label indicating the sender, the name of the contents and the analysis number is affixed to each package.

7. The dispensing of narcotic medicines must be carried out according to requirements signed by the head of the institution or his deputy and certified by the seal of the institution.

All claims and invoices for narcotic drugs must be issued separately from claims and invoices for other drugs, indicating the quantities in words.

8. The issuance of narcotic drugs is carried out under a separate power of attorney, executed in the prescribed manner, indicating the name of the drugs received and their quantity in words. The validity period of the power of attorney is 15 days.

9. Before dispensing narcotic drugs, the financially responsible person must personally check the basis for dispensing, the compliance of the dispensed narcotic drug with the accompanying document, the correctness of the packaging and sign for a copy of the invoice remaining at the warehouse (base).

10. Narcotic drugs are dispensed from pharmacy warehouses (bases) only for medical purposes to treatment, preventive and pharmaceutical (pharmacy) organizations, as well as research institutions and medical educational institutions with hospital beds.

11. Narcotic drugs, regardless of the dosage form, are recorded in warehouses (bases) in a numbered and laced book (according to the attached form), sealed with a wax seal and signed by the head of the management body of pharmaceutical organizations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

12. All documents on the receipt and consumption of narcotic medicines at the warehouse (base) must be stored in a closed and sealed safe with the person responsible for their storage, in accordance with the established storage periods.

13. Storage in pharmacy warehouses (bases) of narcotic medicines that are not approved for use in medical practice in the Russian Federation is prohibited.

14. Transportation of narcotic drugs is carried out in accordance with the current special rules.

Month Balance at the beginning of the monthComingJust a month upon arrival with the balanceConsumptionTotal consumption per monthRemainderFULL NAME. and signature of the financially responsible person from whom receivedsupplier, document N and datequantityto whom it was released (recipient)Document N and datequantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Standing Committee
drug control

Appendix 8
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330


1. Narcotic drugs used by the control and analytical laboratory must be stored in closed, sealed safes.

2. The head of the laboratory (center), his deputy or a person authorized to do so by order of the institution is responsible for the storage of narcotic medicines. He must have the keys to the safe where the drugs are stored.

3. Narcotic drugs or medicines containing them, issued to a pharmacist-analyst for analysis, are stored separately under lock and key by the chemist-analyst.

4. Narcotic drugs received for analysis from pharmaceutical organizations (pharmacy warehouses, bases, pharmacies) are stored for 3 months upon completion of the analysis, after which their remains are returned to pharmaceutical organizations.

Rejected narcotic drugs after expiration of the shelf life are destroyed in accordance with current rules.

Remains of dosage forms containing narcotic drugs are stored:

a) received from city pharmacies within 10 days;

b) received from rural pharmacies within 20 days, after which they are destroyed with the participation of a representative of a higher organization, which is documented in a laboratory report.

5. Narcotic drugs, regardless of the dosage form, entering the laboratory for analysis, are subject to subject-quantitative accounting in separate numbered and laced books (according to the attached form), certified by the seal and signature of the head of a higher organization.

Unit __________________________________________________________________________
N p/p, i.e. N analysisreceipt datepharmaceutical organization and document NN series or samplequantitydateoriginal quantitydate of analysisquantity consumedremainder of the analysisa note on transfer to the warehouse or destruction of the remainder from the analysisFull name of manager laboratory (center)Full name of the chemist - analyst performing the analysis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Standing Committee
drug control

Appendix 9
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

1. Narcotic drugs must be stored in research institutions, laboratories and educational institutions in a separate room in a closed, sealed safe.

2. The windows of the room where drugs are stored must have iron bars, and the doors must be covered with iron.

3. Rooms and safes in which narcotic drugs are stored must be locked, sealed or sealed at the end of the working day.

The keys to rooms and safes where narcotic drugs are stored, as well as a seal or seal, must be kept by the financially responsible person authorized to store these funds by order of the institution.

4. Responsibility for the correct storage and organization of work with narcotic drugs and documents for them rests with the head of the institution or his deputy.

5. Responsibility for the correct use of narcotic drugs issued for conducting practical classes with students in educational institutions lies with the teacher responsible for practical classes with students.

Storing drugs in classrooms after classes are over is not permitted.

6. When narcotic drugs are received, the head of the institution or his deputy is obliged to personally check the compliance of the received narcotic drugs with the accompanying documents.

7. Access to the room where stocks of narcotic drugs are stored is permitted to persons directly working with them, which is formalized by order of the institution.

8. The release of narcotic drugs for current work is carried out only with the written permission of the head of the department or his deputy upon a signed request, indicating the name and position of the person receiving this drug.

9. Before releasing narcotic drugs, the person responsible for their storage must personally check the justification for the release and the correctness of the accompanying documents and the quality of the packaging, and then sign a copy of the request.

10. Accounting for narcotic drugs is kept in separate books, numbered, laced and certified with the seal and signature of the head of a higher organization according to the attached form.

To obtain narcotic drugs, you should follow the rules specified in paragraphs 7, 8 of Appendix 7 of this Order.

Organization management
provision of medicines
and medical equipment
Standing Committee
drug control

By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

(name of institution)
Date, month, year ____________________________________________ \r\n destroyed used ampoules of narcotic \r\nmedicines for the period from ______________ to __________ in \r\nquantity (in words) ______________ pieces from _____________________ \r\nnumber of patients to whom they were used narcotic substances \r\n(Last name of the patient and N of the medical history). \r\nThe ampoules were destroyed by crushing. \r\n \r\n Chairman (Signature) \r\n \r\n Members of the Commission: (Signature) \r\n (Signature) \r\n (Signature) \r\n \r\n<*>The certificate is kept for 3 years. \r\n \r\n Chairman \r\n of the Standing Committee \r\n on Drug Control \r\n E.A. BABAYAN

Appendix 11
By order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
dated November 12, 1997 N 330

NWhat is being reported?Contents of the reportWho representsOrder of presentation
Emergency notification of theft and theft of narcotic drugs from pharmaceutical (pharmacy) organizations and medical and preventive institutionsName of the institution and its address. Availability of special means to ensure the safety of narcotic drugs (security alarm, private security, sentry security, no security). Characteristics of the building (built according to a standard design, adapted building, brick, wooden). Methods of storing narcotic drugs (in a specially equipped room, in a safe, in a metal cabinet, etc. Presence of bars on the windows of the room (yes, no). Date of theft. Method of criminals entering the premises. Name of stolen drugs and their quantity. Date of report about the theft to the internal affairs bodiesHead of the healthcare management body, pharmaceutical organizations of a constituent entity of the Russian FederationAn emergency notification is sent to the PKKN, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with a copy of the report attached to the territorial internal affairs authorities

The website “Zakonbase” presents ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 1997 N 330 (as amended on January 9, 2001) “ON MEASURES TO IMPROVE ACCOUNTING, STORAGE, PRESCRIPTION AND USE OF NARCOTIC MEDICINES” in the most recent edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To find the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the Zakonbase website you will find ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 1997 N 330 (as amended on January 09, 2001) "ON MEASURES TO IMPROVE ACCOUNTING, STORAGE, PRESCRIPTION AND USE OF NARCOTIC MEDICINES" in a fresh and complete version, in which all changes and amendments. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, you can download ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 1997 N 330 (as amended on January 9, 2001) “ON MEASURES TO IMPROVE ACCOUNTING, STORAGE, PRESCRIPTION AND USE OF NARCOTIC MEDICINES” completely free of charge, both in full and in separate chapters.