Sniper rifle made of PVC pipes. How to Make a Shotgun from Water Pipe .410 Barrel from Water Pipes

Question: What is this?
It turns out that this is a homemade weapon controlled by a Sony Playstation, created by the Syrian Liberation Army.
I'm not an expert in military equipment, but even to me, a lamer, it becomes clear that the rebels were able to do something that the bright minds of the military who invent combat terminators cannot think of.
All you need is a Playstation - either a Chinese calculator, a car battery, a bunch of wires and two strange pipes, which apparently shoot at enemies, will do.
This is what I mean, although here on this site we try not to touch politics, well, that’s not our thing, but when the media deceives people, like look at how they fight the hated government, for some reason I want to smile.

And the most interesting thing is that the scenario is repeated, nothing new. In Libya, everything also happened according to the same scheme.

If we recall the news of military operations in Libya, their most popular weapon was not the Kalashnik, but old Japanese pickup trucks, in the back of which a machine gun was installed. And all this was done in small workshops, which before the war were engaged in repairing tractors and cars.

In order not to be unfounded, I would like to provide a link to the source, but there is none. This is all an analysis of the situation and quite possibly erroneous assumptions, but let’s move on.
Once in an interview they showed how some master makes his cars. Before creating another masterpiece, he watches Hollywood action films and, based on them, creates his own miracle weapon. The main thing is that it looks scarier and more convincing.

While creating the next armored vehicle, the mechanic complained that Chinese pickups are very unreliable and when armored plates are attached, sometimes they can’t even move, let alone drive them only in front of journalists.

And all these homemade products are not designed for fighting. Well, think for yourself how you can make a rifle out of a water pipe, and even make it shoot.
Although, in such a high-tech weapon from a pipe, the system itself can recognize the enemy, aim and shoot in the head. 21st century however!
The main thing is that the pipe for such a weapon comes from under hot water.

The weapon shown in the photographs is not an ultra-long-range sniper rifle. Instead, it was a gun that could be made from a piece of ordinary water pipe, and sometimes even required a small boat to use it. But with the help of such a device you can break all hunting records, without exaggeration, shooting down dozens of ducks.

Handguns have been known in Europe since the Middle Ages, and all this time they were used not only in war, but also for hunting. It was in pursuit of game that hunters used the largest hand-held “cannons” that have ever existed in the world.

A century ago, hunting wild birds, mainly ducks and geese, provided food not only for the tables of aristocrats, but was also an important help for ordinary people. It was the hunters of waterfowl who figured out how to kill dozens of them at once. The secret of success lies in a long barrel (up to 3 meters) of large caliber (up to 5 cm). Such a smooth-bore shotgun that fires shot was previously called a “duck gun” or “punt gun”.

Hunters often made unique guns with their own hands. A street lamp pole, or even a fairly thick water pipe, could serve as a trunk. A handle-butt was attached to the barrel. True, few people dared to shoot from such a weapon from the shoulder - dislocation is guaranteed. The main effective way of hunting is to firmly attach the “hunter” to the boat and then use it to track down a flock of birds.

A successful hunt with the world's largest handgun looked like this. The hunter, sitting in a boat with a mounted “clarifier,” slowly and quietly made his way among the reeds, listening to the sounds. He needed to “figure out” the location of a flock of ducks. Having approached close enough, he pointed the bow of the boat in the direction of the flock and scared away the birds. The birds that rose into the air were stunned by the sound of the shot, and immediately hundreds of lead pellets, weighing a total of half a kilo, killed them outright. After a successful shot, the hunter could easily take up to fifty ducks with him. True, not all birds were suitable for food, because... There could be too much shot in the meat.

Too successful hunting of birds, naturally, could not but affect their numbers. The mass genocide of ducks was stopped only by banning “specifiers” at the legislative level. Thus, in the United States, the giant shotgun was “banned” in the 1860s, but was widely used by poachers for a long time. And in the UK, “clarifiers” are still used, although a caliber of no more than 44 mm is allowed.

Huge “refinery” shotguns were also produced in the Russian Empire at arms factories in Tula, Klimovsk and Izhevsk. And in the next review you can find out about

Today we will look at a unique design of a gas gun that runs on alcohol. This miracle of technology is assembled from PVC pipes and various components for them. The device runs on liquid fuel, the author uses isopropyl alcohol. However, you can use almost any flammable substance, from alcohol to cologne, sprays or even gasoline.

A special feature of the gun is that it does not need regular refueling after each shot. The power system is designed in such a way that 40-50 shots can be fired at one refill. Special sponges are installed inside the gun, thanks to which the alcohol evaporates, and these vapors subsequently ignite.

The system is equipped with forced air supply, this makes the gun more powerful, since more air means higher compression. The air is pumped by a special pump; it is enough to make 6-10 presses for a shot.

List of materials and tools that the author used for homemade work:

List of materials:
- 30 cm 3/4 "PVC;
- 30 cm 1 1/4 "" PVC;
- 1 1/4" x 3/4" Bushing X 3;
- 1 1/4"" Tee X 3;
- 1 1/4 "" Adapter with threaded connection;
- 1 1/4" Elbow;
- 1 1/4" x 1" Threaded Bushing;
- 1 1/4" threaded plug;
- 1 "" threaded plug;
- 1" x 3/4" Bushing X 2;
- lighter (piezoelectric element);
- paint at your discretion;
- kitchen sponge;
- thin steel rod;
- cheap ball pump (or similar)
- optical sight (optional).

List of tools:
- glue gun;
- drill;
- electrical tape;
- hacksaw for metal;
- pliers;
- wires.

Gun manufacturing process:

Step one. Making an adapter
The first step is to make an adapter, thanks to which the barrel can be connected to the hand. This adapter is made from a piece of PVC pipe. The problem is that this adapter is not supposed to allow air and expanding gases into the handle, so it needs to be sealed. To solve the problem, the author seals one side of the tube with electrical tape, and then pours it inside hot glue to about ¾ level. Once the glue has cooled, you will have a great cork.

Step two. Prepare the blanks and glue the base
Select all the necessary blanks, like the author’s in the photo. Then you just need to glue them together good glue. As a result, you will have an almost finished rifle; all that remains is to install all the necessary “organs”.

Step three. Preparing a place for the “trigger”
The trigger for this gun is a piezoelectric element from a lighter, which when pressed clicks and emits a spark. It is tedious to drill a hole in the handle for it. The author, apparently, did not have a drill at hand, and he decided to melt the plastic by heating the nail with a torch.

Step four. Extracting a piezoelectric element
The piezoelectric element can be found in many lighters; it is very often found in pocket lighters, as it is small in size. You will need to solder two long wires to it if they are not there. We solder one wire to the existing one, and the second to the lower metal part. The wires must be very well insulated, since a spark may break out without reaching its destination.

Step five. We attach the piezoelectric element
Place the piezoelectric element in the place prepared for it and glue it well using hot glue. Since it is pressed quite tightly, it is highly desirable that the piezoelement rests on something.

As for the wires, they need to be led into the combustion chamber. Separate the ends a couple of millimeters so that when you press the piezo, a spark appears between the electrodes. Secure the wires with hot glue to the outside for a seal.

Step six. Making a “heat sink”
I could not understand the purpose of this part. It is quite possible that this is just a decorative element. To make this part, you will need a piece of PVC pipe with a diameter larger than the barrel. Print out the template that the author provides and glue it to the pipe. Then just drill the holes. To remove jagged edges, use a sharp knife and sandpaper.

Step seven. We attach the “heat sink” to the barrel
There are plugs on this part; drill holes in them according to the diameter of the barrel. Then place the “heat sink” on the muzzle.

Step eight. Arrangement of the air supply system
To supply air, you will need a small pump for balls and other plastic things. Attach it to the rifle body as the author did. You can fix it using hot glue; carefully insulate with glue the place where the pump enters the tube into the gun. The pump must be equipped with a check valve to prevent the pump from releasing air.

Step nine. Silencer for rifle
Of course, a professional sniper rifle must have a silencer. The author makes it from two PVC pipes of different diameters. First, we take a small diameter pipe and drill a large number of holes in it. The sound of the gun when fired will depend on the diameter, location and number of holes. This tube is installed inside a larger diameter pipe, which has plugs on both sides.
Clean the holes from any rough spots using sandpaper.

Step ten. Making a stop
When firing a rifle, there is recoil to the shoulder, so there must be good support there. We take two PVC pipes, heat them with a burner and make them flat. Well, then we bend them to the desired angle and attach them to the gun.

Step 11. Tactical Rails
Attach tactical rails to your rifle to mount scopes and other accessories. The author used hot glue for these purposes.