Dahlias: planting and care. Dahlias: growing and care at home Is it possible to grow dahlias as a houseplant

Distinctive characteristics of the plant, tips for growing dahlias at home, steps for propagation, pest and disease control, possible difficulties, facts to note, varieties.

Contents of the article:

Dahlia (Dahlia) belongs to the genus of representatives of the flora belonging to the Asteraceae family or as it is also called Compositae. This association is quite large, since it includes multiple dicotyledonous plants from almost 33,000 varieties. But the genus of dahlias contains, according to various sources, from 35 to 42 species of large or short specimens with a long-term life cycle. Also, similar specimens of the green world have large flower heads, often spherical in shape. In plants growing wild in American territories, the inflorescence head contains two types of flowers. Along the edge of the entire inflorescence there are non-fertile buds (just like, for example, sunflowers) with a tongue-like shape, the color of the petals is whitish; in the middle of the inflorescence (on the disk), small yellow flowers with tubular outlines are formed. It is thanks to these middle flowers that the dahlia fruits will then ripen.

The plant bears its scientific name in honor of the botanist from Sweden Anders (Andreas) Dahl (1751–1789), therefore, following transliteration from Latin, the dahlia is sometimes called “dahlia”, and in Russia the current name is given because of the botanist Johann Gottlieb, who was popular at that time (Johanna Gottlieb) Georgi (1729–1802), who was called Ivan Ivanovich Georgi in the Russian state. He became famous for his work in the field of chemistry, medicine, ethnography, was a traveler and professor of mineralogy, academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts.

However, in the gardens of our latitudes, such asters, with inflorescences of this shape, are very rare. In our country, the entire variety of Dahlia, which have a wide variety of petal colors and double varieties, are often classified as garden plants, in which all the tubular flowers growing on disks were turned into non-fertile ones with a reed outline during breeding. Because of them, the inflorescence became denser, acquiring an almost spherical shape. Despite the most diversely colored species, dahlias with variegated colors have been bred.

In the wild, these representatives of the Compositae can be found mainly in the mountainous areas of Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. One of these varieties that grows under natural conditions in America - Dahlia imperialis can reach a height of 6 meters, it produces the same two-type flowers as described earlier: those located at the edges are snow-white and barren, the number There are a large number of them, the central ones are yellow in color, fertile. The leaf blades of the plant have a complex shape.

In our gardens, and throughout the European part, the most popular variety is the variable Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis) and its multiple forms. Growing in the wild, the plant is famous for its reed (marginal) flowers of various shades, having middle flowers of a bright yellow color and a tubular shape. This species was the basis for breeders to breed multiple modern forms, which delight with their flowering at the end of summer or in autumn days.

Dahlia leaf blades usually sit on the stem in pairs. The shape of the leaves is pinnate, and occasionally even double or triple pinnate, but in rare cases they have simple outlines. The length of the leaf blade varies between 10–40 cm. The surface of the leaves has varying degrees of pubescence. The foliage is colored green or purple.

The stems of this perennial plant hollow inside and their height parameters can reach 2.5 meters. They are straight, distinguished by branching, their surface can be smooth or rough. The roots of Dahlia are thickened, tuberous in shape, fleshy, with the same root processes. Every year, with the arrival of cold weather, the entire part located above the soil surface dies off, right down to the root collar.

The inflorescences, as already mentioned, have the shape of a basket. Its wrapper is in the form of a cup, and it consists of 2-3 rows of green leaves fused at the base. The flowers are tongue-shaped along the edges, in the middle part they are small and tubular. The color of the petals in the outer flowers is the most varied, and the central ones are golden-yellow or reddish-brown. When pollinated, the fruit ripens in the form of an achene. Moreover, 1 gram can contain up to 140 seeds, which are used for propagation up to 3 years.

Recommendations for growing flowers at home, planting and care

  1. It is necessary to select a variety of “dalia”, which will be suitable for pot growing. It is better to use dwarf or low-growing varieties. However, if you have a fairly large container, then you can, in principle, grow any of the dahlia varieties.
  2. Selecting a container for planting. To begin with, a pot may be suitable, the depth of which will be about 30.5 cm, the diameter should be the same. If the variety has larger parameters (up to 90 cm or more), then an even larger pot will be required. You should also select a container made of heavy material (ceramics or clay) so that it does not tip over under the weight of an overgrown plant.
  3. Preparing the pot for planting. It is necessary to drill holes in the bottom through which excess moisture will flow out when watering. If you purchased a pot with ready-made holes, you need to inspect them - if they are small or there is only one hole, then in any case you will need to drill a couple of additional holes. The pot will need to be washed, as a dirty container can become a source of subsequent disease or the presence of pest eggs. It is recommended to wash with soap and then rinse thoroughly under running water. After this, you can scald the container with boiling water and wipe dry.
  4. Selection of soil mixture for planting dahlias. The substrate must be soil and coarse grain. If a regular soil mixture for potted crops is used, the dalia buds will develop poorly, since the composition is quite porous. You can make a substrate for the plant from potting and garden soil, or by mixing potting soil and compost. Often, in the absence of such components, chopped bark, peat and various minerals are used.
  5. Location of the dahlia pot. The plant needs up to 6–8 hours of bright sun. A window sill from a south, east or west window is suitable, but indoor growing lights will be needed. It is the latter condition that is necessary to stimulate growth. If the tubers are just planted in pots, then the lamp is installed above the container at a height of approximately 15 cm from the edge. As the stem grows, this lighting rises, maintaining the same distance to the flower.
  6. Watering the "dalia". When the height of the stem rises above the edge of the flowerpot, abundant watering is recommended - 2-3 times a week. But if the room is dry and hot, then humidification is carried out daily. However, bays are prohibited.
  7. Fertilizers for dahlias, apply from early summer to September. This will ensure lush growth and flowering. The frequency of feeding is once every 14 days. Preparations with low nitrogen content are used. It is better to “underfeed” the plant than to apply too much fertilizer. Nutrient preparations are often mixed into the substrate during planting. Such fertilizers are based on fish residues or algae and contain additional microelements. Bone meal is also mixed into the soil. In specialized stores you can purchase a polymer mixture instead of bone meal and fertilizers. It is only important not to violate the dosage indicated on the label. If, when adding a mixture of fertilizer or bone meal to the soil, the filters covering the drainage holes can be displaced, then the substrate should be removed from the container and mixed with additional preparations. The filters are placed back into the pot and the soil is sprinkled on top very carefully.
  8. Planting dahlias. It is necessary to plant the tubers before the roots grow too long, since they tend to get tangled and when they are tried to straighten during planting, they are easily damaged. While such a plant is growing new roots, its growth and flowering process will be delayed too much and this period will be very short during the season.
When growing “dalia” in pots, with the arrival of summer it can be moved in a flowerpot outside, it is important that the danger of a return of morning frosts has passed. Provided that the dahlia is cultivated as a houseplant, it is recommended to plant in April.
Dahlia planting rules:
  1. Place 1-2 biodegradable coffee maker filters in the bottom of the new pot over the holes. This will promote moisture absorption and prevent root rotting. A drainage layer of expanded clay or medium-sized pebbles will also work, but it will take up a little space that is necessary for the root system. Filters are a kind of “shield” against the penetration of insects into the pot through the holes.
  2. The pot is filled with substrate to 1/3 of the total volume; there is no need to compact it. If the container is more than 30.5 cm deep, then the soil layer will have to be increased.
  3. The planting depth of dahlia roots should be 15 cm, up to 2.5 cm should be maintained from the edge of the flowerpot to the surface of the substrate. Also, about 0.6 mm should remain between the tip of the root and the wall of the pot.
  4. If during planting it is discovered that an “eye” has formed on the root, then it is positioned so that it is in the central part of the pot and “looks” upward. The germination of the stem will begin from this place.
  5. The soil is moistened, but it should not be wet, and the planted tuber is covered with it. At first it is not buried, but only sprinkled with a little substrate. This is done so that it is possible to monitor its growth.
  6. It is not recommended to sprinkle the eyes with soil; they are left on the surface and only the visible part of the dahlia tuber is lightly sprayed with slightly warmed water to moisten it.
  7. As the stem grows, you will need to add soil to the pot. This is done carefully so as not to damage the fragile stem. The upper leaf plates are never sprinkled with substrate. Such adding of soil is stopped when there is no 2.5 cm left between its surface and the edge of the flowerpot.
  8. It is recommended to install a support in the container and then tie the grown stem to it so that it does not break off. Its height is selected to be about 120 cm and it is better if it is made of metal. They try to rest its base against the bottom, and then carefully sprinkle the support with a substrate or/and use wire previously threaded through the holes. They are drilled into the sides of the flowerpot.
If a dahlia flower is cut for a bouquet, it is recommended to dip the ends of its stems in a vessel with boiling water, this will serve to retain moisture inside in the future and extend the “life” of the inflorescences.

Methods for propagating dahlias at home

To get a new dalia flower, you can do the following:
  1. Dividing an overgrown tuber, which is then planted in prepared pots with a substrate, but backfilled in such a way that the root collar remains above the soil surface.
  2. By cuttings - parts of the stems are planted in pots with a moistened peat-sand substrate and greenhouse conditions are created by covering the workpieces with a transparent film. With constant ventilation and periodic moistening of the soil, such cuttings take root.
  3. When using seeds, you can enjoy the flowering of only annual specimens.

Diseases, pests and other difficulties when caring for dahlias

If you often pour the substrate in a pot with “dalia”, this will cause rotting of the root system or other fungal diseases, among which the most dangerous is “black leg”. With this disease, the stem becomes black in color, and then the plant dies. For control, fungicides are used or (in the latter case) the soil is watered with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

In mid-summer, it is recommended to remove the leaves at the bottom of the stem so that they do not provoke powdery mildew disease. Often white or dry rot manifests itself as yellowing of the leaf blade. To combat it, you should treat the dahlia with a soap solution, repeating it every other week until it is cured.

If there is poor ventilation in the room, brown spots appear on the leaves, which are caused by a fungal disease - leaf spot. To combat it, you will have to remove all the affected parts of the plant and replant.

Among the pests of the plant are spider mites, aphids, thrips, and when growing “dalia” in a pot outdoors, leaf beetles, bugs, earwigs and slugs become a problem for it. If on a plant located indoors you notice:

  • punctures of foliage along the edges, thin cobwebs, then spider mite damage has occurred;
  • aphids look like small green bugs that crawl in large numbers along the leaves and stems, leaving behind a sugary and sticky coating (honeydew);
  • during the “attack” of thrips, it was noticed that yellow spots, which over time begin to occupy more and more space, and a hole appears in this place.
If such symptoms are detected, it is recommended to wash the leaf plates with soap, oil or alcohol preparations. The first is prepared on the basis of grated laundry soap or any dishwashing detergent; the second may be a few drops essential oil rosemary diluted in water; as the latter, an alcoholic tincture of calendula is used. Such “soft” products do not always help in the fight against pests, and it is recommended to additionally treat with insecticides (Aktara, Aktellik or Fitoverm). The next spraying with the product is carried out after a week.

Facts to note about dahlias, photos

Since the native habitat of dahlias is the mountainous regions of Mexico, the Aztecs used the plant for food - its fleshy tuberous roots. The Indians of Mexico called the plant "chichipatl", "acocotle" or "cocoxochitl". In Spanish interpretation it meant, in various variations, "flower with a hollow stem."

The Latin name for this wonderful flower was given by the Spanish botanist Antonio Cavanilles, who at that time (in 1791) served as director of the botanical garden in Madrid. So the scientist decided to perpetuate the name of Anders Dahl, one of the “apostles” of Carl Linnaeus, a classifier of all flora and fauna. The plant has had a different, Russian-language name since 1803 thanks to Karl Wildenov, who also had the opportunity to leave for the people the memory of the St. Petersburg academician and botanist, geographer and ethnographer - Johann Georgi. Interestingly, the plant is often referred to in the masculine gender as “dahlia”.

There are many legends that describe the version of the appearance of the dahlia. In one of them, the plant appeared in the place where the last fire of people once went out after the merciless cover of the Ice Age retreated.

Description of dahlia varieties for growing at home

There are a large number of “dalia” forms bred to date, distinguished by a variety of flowers and their shapes, among which are:
  • collar;
  • needle-shaped;
  • spherical;
  • pompons;
  • nymphaeal;
  • anemone-shaped;
  • peony-shaped.
For more information on growing dahlias in pots, watch the video below:

Dahlia – beautiful flower from the Astrov family. It is very beautiful, it can decorate the garden for a long time and please the eye. Huge fragrant buds enchant with their luxury. They decorate borders, form a flower bed, and dahlias look elegant even alone in a pot. The color range of these flowers is wide and varied. There are more than 30 species of this flower and more than 10,000 varieties.

Interesting! In European countries, this gorgeous flower is called dalia, named after the Swedish botanist Andrea Dahl.

Rules for caring for dahlias

In order for dahlias to decorate the garden for as long as possible, the plant needs to be given attention. A few simple steps will extend the life of the flower:

  • Stepsonning. Timely removal of shoots and shoots that appear on the stems allows the plant to transfer most of the nutrients and moisture to the growth and development of the central bud. The more shoots a bush grows, the slower it develops. The optimal number of stems on one bush is from 2 to 4. To obtain a luxurious bud, this procedure must be repeated throughout the entire flowering period.
  • Watering. Dalia needs regular irrigation. The soil should be moist. To do this, watering is carried out once every 2-3 days. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of water. Due to increased humidity, the roots of the plant may rot. If you properly moisten the soil under dahlias, they can live from spring until autumn.
  • Fertilizer application. At the same time as watering, competent gardeners apply fertilizers. This is very convenient, because all the necessary fertilizers can be dissolved in water and with this solution you can simultaneously water and fertilize the dalia. Compost, ash, superphosphate or nitrogen fertilizers are used as fertilizer. At certain stages of growth, dalia needs different fertilizers.

These rules apply to both home dahlias and dahlias growing in open ground. Everything about dahlias: planting and caring for them is simple and accessible even for a novice gardener.


Landing rules

Dalia – unpretentious flower. It can bloom even in the shade, with minimal sunlight. However, the plant may suffer from a lack of light, so to prolong the life of the flower, create comfortable conditions for it.

The site for planting dahlias is chosen to be sunny, on the south side. Dahlia loves light partial shade, so the area on the north side can be shaded by a hedge, wall or fence.

Planting dahlias in the ground

The plant needs protection from the wind, but it needs an influx of fresh air. Therefore, there should be enough free space around the plant.

Important! Planting dahlias in lowlands is prohibited.

Dahlia is not picky about soil quality. Both sandy and chernozem soil are suitable for cultivation. Naturally, plant growth is better in fertile soil.

To enrich the soil, fertilizers are added to it before planting. In spring, manure, humus or compost mass is added to the soil. Maintain neutral soil acidity. If necessary, add wood ash, slaked lime or peat.

Immediately before planting, the soil is loosened. To prevent diseases and the appearance of insects, the soil is treated with insecticidal agents.

Before planting, loosen the soil

A hole is prepared for planting dahlia. The size of the hole depends on the size of the plant tuber. The approximate depth is 25-30 cm, and the diameter is from 30 to 40 cm. The distance between the holes is 50-60 cm. Fertilizer is immersed in the hole, water is poured in, and then the plant is placed.

The plant is placed strictly vertically, sprinkled with soil and watered. The root space is mulched with grass, sawdust or spruce branches.

Planting in open ground

Planting dahlia in open ground depends on weather conditions. The climate differs in different regions, so there is no clear time for planting. Dahlias are planted in warm soil. If planted early, dahlia roots may freeze in cold soil. When planting, it is necessary that the ambient temperature is 15-18 degrees Celsius. It is important that there are no night frosts. Dalia blooms 70-80 days after the plant is planted.

Planting dahlias

Planting at home

To plant dalia in a pot, you need to select a variety with an undeveloped root system. For growing dahlia at home, special low-growing and miniature varieties have been bred. It is important to choose a suitable pot or box in which the dahlia will grow and develop comfortably. The container can be made of any material: plastic, wood, clay, porcelain.

Planting at home

To prevent water from stagnating in the pot, it is necessary to make holes in the bottom. Drainage holes protect the roots from rotting and facilitate oxygen access to them.

They take a responsible approach to choosing soil for planting. The soil should be coarse-grained and loose. This will facilitate oxygen access to the roots of the plant. Peat, sand and humus are mixed into the soil. You can buy a ready-made mixture of soil for flowers in a specialized store.

Secret! Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, which retains moisture and blocks the drainage holes from pests getting into them.

When planting, the roots of the plant are straightened. The tuber is positioned with its eyes facing up for convenient stem growth.

Dahlias in pots bloom 40-50 days after planting in the ground.

Planting in pots

If you plan to grow flowers indoors, then you can plant dalia tubers as early as March or April. If you plan to put the pot outdoors, then plant it no earlier than May.

Dahlias in pots

Caring for dahlias at different times

Perennial dahlias are not picky and do not require special care. They are easy to care for. It is enough to keep the soil moist, shelter the plant from winds and drafts, hill up and loosen the soil under the flower, remove weeds, and tie up grown stems. Regular pinching is carried out - removal of side shoots.

Important! There is no need to plant annual dahlias.

In the spring, during planting, the plant needs fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. They stimulate flower growth and bud formation.

In summer, the plant is fed to maintain green mass and treated against pests and diseases. For this purpose, mineral and organic fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate and bird droppings.

Fertilizer for dahlias

To maintain proper development of the bush, pruning is carried out. From 3 to 5 shoots are left on the stem, removing the rest. The procedure is carried out weekly. Tall dahlias also produce leaves from the roots to the middle of the stem. Thus, the plant retains the strength to bloom buds.

In the fall, dahlias begin to prepare for winter. The stems of the plant are trimmed. The shortened plant should be no more than 10 cm in height. The trimmings are covered with film or foil to prevent moisture from entering, causing rot, and do not open for 3-4 days. A few days later the plant is dug up. This is done carefully, avoiding damage to the tubers. The tuber is carefully cleared of soil and washed. It is better to wash with a solution of potassium permanganate; it disinfects the tubers, preventing pathogenic diseases.

Important! Dig the tubers out of the ground before frost sets in.

Store processed tubers in a cardboard box, wooden box or other spacious container. The tubers are covered with sawdust, sand or ash to prevent drying out. The containers are put away for the winter in a cellar or other room, the temperature of which does not fall below 0 degrees and does not rise above +10. Room humidity is maintained at 50-60%.

The structure of the dalia stem is such that it is hollow inside, so the stem often breaks under the weight of the bud or from a strong gust of wind. In order for the stem to remain straight longer, a garter is made. Wooden or metal pegs are used as support. The plant is tied to a stake with elastic material, for example, nylon, so as not to damage the stem.

The stem often breaks under the weight of the bud or from a strong gust of wind.

Common pests on dahlias include slugs, aphids, mites and caterpillars. An effective remedy in the fight against them - a decoction of wormwood. Pest control can also be carried out using chemical means.

To increase the number of inflorescences, dalia are pruned. Remove all side shoots and excess buds. The lower leaves are removed from the trunk. Faded buds also need to be removed.

Dahlias in the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia

In different regions of the country, dahlias grow differently.

In the southern and central parts of Russia, the flower is more susceptible to warm winds and lack of moisture. Therefore, the flowering time of a bud in Moscow and the Moscow region is much shorter. Watering has to be done more often.

In the more southern parts of Russia (Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh Region), a low-lying area is chosen for planting dahlias and surrounded by a rampart to allow water to stagnate in it.

In the Urals, spring frosts are frequent, so dalia is planted in the ground in late May - early June.

The most difficult region for growing dalia is Siberia. Choose a sunny site for growing. Planting takes place in mid-June. When planting, the lower leaves are immersed in the ground to accelerate the appearance of buds on the plant trunk. Leave no more than two trunks on the plant, otherwise it will not bloom. Already in August, the plant begins to prepare for wintering.

By following simple rules of care, the garden can be turned into a colorful greenhouse. Dahlias look spectacular in any landscape.

Dahlias- perennial tuberous plants of the Asteraceae family, common in the mountainous regions of Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala. The stems of dahlias are straight, hollow, branched, and in nature reach 250 cm in height. The leaves are pinnate or entire, arranged oppositely, reaching a length of 10-40 cm. The flowers differ in the middle (tubular) and marginal (ligulate), collected in large inflorescences of the basket. Flowers can be of different shades; varieties with variegated flowers (two or three colors) are often found. Flowers are double and non-double. After flowering, the above-ground part of the plants dies off.

The genus of dahlias includes about 24 species, in room conditions Only miniature dahlias are grown, the height of which is no more than 50 cm. In potted culture, dahlias are used mainly for forcing.

Caring for indoor dahlias

Dahlias prefer bright places; with a lack of light, their stems will become very elongated. In good weather they can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden; on cool nights they should be brought indoors. The optimal temperature for keeping dahlias is 15-17 °C. Dahlias need an influx of fresh air.

Plants should be watered moderately, not allowing the earthen ball to dry out. Once every 10-12 days, dahlias are fed with a half dose of complex mineral fertilizer(“Uniflor-bud”).

In order for the flowering to be long and abundant, it is necessary to pick off the faded inflorescences, preventing the seeds from ripening, as this takes a lot of energy from the plant.


In hot rooms with dry air, dahlias can also lie in wait. To destroy them, the plant must be regularly sprayed with an infusion of garlic, onion peels, dandelion or tobacco. Can be used (agravertine,).


The most common diseases on dahlias are powdery mildew, viral mosaic and bacterial cancer. When powdery mildew disease occurs, white spots appear on the leaves; the disease also appears on the shoots, which become bent and stop growing, and soon dry out. As a result of damage by viral mosaic, the leaves turn yellow along the veins, and light green spots can also be seen on them. The decorative quality of plants is reduced, the internodes are shortened, the peduncle also becomes short, and the brightness of the color of the flowers may suffer from the disease. It is impossible to save affected plants; they must be destroyed. Bacterial cancer can be found on tubers; the buds on the root collar change, and then growths up to 12 cm in size appear on them. Affected tubers are burned.

To prevent fungal diseases, as well as for early flowering, you can remove all leaves from the lower part of the stems; this procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.


Dahlias are propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing tubers.

Seed propagation is used mainly for non-double dahlia varieties. Seeds are sown in spring in containers with peat and sand (3:1), seedlings in separate pots when they form 2 true leaves.

The tops of the stems are cut into cuttings, which are placed in a jar of water for rooting or planted in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1) or perlite. For rooting, a temperature of 20-25 ° C is required. To make roots appear faster, before planting the cuttings can be treated with a rooting agent, for example.

The tubers are divided before planting, cutting into 2-3 parts with a knife. Each part should have a piece of root collar with 2-3 eyes. The cut areas are treated with crushed coal and sulfur (1:1). When planting, the root collar is buried 3-5 cm. Tubers are planted in May-June.


In indoor conditions, flowering dahlias can be grown specifically for certain holiday dates, for example, the May holidays. To do this, small tubers are germinated in January-February at a temperature of 16-18 °C in a bright room; at the end of February or beginning of March they are planted in containers with garden soil. Small pots (about 14 cm high) are suitable, in which the tubers are buried 2 cm. After emergence, the plants are kept at a temperature of 15 ° C, in a bright place, with additional lighting fluorescent lamps so that the stems do not stretch. Of several shoots, you need to leave the strongest ones; after the appearance of the fourth pair of leaves, the tops are pinched.

Then the temperature in the room is lowered to 12-15 °C; if possible, the plants can be moved to the garden or greenhouse, protecting them from frost. By early May, dahlias should bloom.

Description of dahlias.

Dahlias: growing and caring for them is something that worries many gardeners and summer residents. The flowers are quite beautiful and relatively unpretentious. But in the absence of basic skills and some special knowledge, it is impossible to achieve the desired result. It is possible to grow flowers in open ground and at home.

There are several classes of this type of flower, which are divided into several varieties.

Table 1. Classification of dahlias.

Dahlia classMain Features

They have only one row of flowers with a diameter of 10 cm. The stem length is no more than 60 cm. Yellow, pink and red-orange colors are the most common today.

They consist of one or several marginal flowers; in the center the petals are tube-shaped. Inflorescences do not exceed 10 cm in diameter. The height of the flower is up to 90 cm. Bronze and yellow-lilac are considered the most popular colors.

They have straight petals at the edges and tubular petals in the middle that resemble a collar. The bud can reach up to 20 cm, the stem length is up to 120 cm. The most common colors are red, scarlet and gold, and yellow.

The bud reaches 15 cm, the marginal flowers are large and flat. Closer to the center they curl into a tube. Stem height up to 120 cm. The most popular colors are purple and red.
The inflorescences look double, their size reaches 25 - 30 cm. The height of the stem varies from 60 cm to 100 cm. There are quite large varieties and miniature.

The inflorescences are double type, sometimes slightly flattened on top. The flower diameter is up to 15 cm, and the stem height is no more than 120 cm. There are red, yellow and red-peach buds.

Outwardly they resemble a small festive ball. The diameter of the inflorescence rarely exceeds 15 cm. The marginal flowers are curled with a blunt or rounded end. In nature, there are pink, lavender and purple colors.

The buds themselves look like double ones and reach 25 cm. The flowers located at the edges are quite narrow and curled away from the center. The height of the stem is no more than 150 cm. The colors are pink, yellow and red.

The diameter of the bud is up to 25 cm, has terry-shaped petals, the height of the stem is up to 150 cm. Towards the end, the petals are bent from the core. The colors are yellow, orange and white.

They have the correct shape and resemble lilies. The diameter of the flower reaches 20 cm. The height reaches 120 cm. There are several colors: pink, purple and white.

This view is unlike any of the ones listed above and stands alone.

These are the main classes of colors. However, their number is gradually increasing due to crossing with new varieties.

Briefly about growing dahlias

Table 2. Step by step instructions growing dahlias.

Digging the soil and applying fertilizers
Digging the soil and loosening it with forks and rakes, creating holes, fertilizing the soil with potassium solutions (must be done when there will definitely be no frost)
Carefully plant the rhizome in the center of the hole, sprinkle with ash and bury
Use of fertilizers and insecticides
Removing the stem, digging up the root, removing the soil and drying. After this, it is possible to place it in a box with sawdust for wintering

Growing and care in open ground

Most often, dahlias are grown in the country, so planting takes place in open ground. It is necessary to complete the preparatory stage so that the soil fully suits the flowers.

Prices for dahlia seeds

Dahlia seeds

Soil and site preparation

Important. Do not plant dahlias where asters or other plants that may be affected by fungal diseases previously grew.

Before planting, you need to dig a hole 30 - 35 cm. Water is poured into it, fertilizer is applied and a dahlia tuber is placed. It is important that the distance between the holes is at least 50 cm.

The dahlia tuber is planted in a hole 30 - 35 cm

When to plant

Dahlias are sensitive to weather conditions, so it is not recommended to plant them early. To prevent the tubers from dying, you need to wait until the weather settles and there is no frost. Even minor frosts can destroy flowers. Thus, the ideal time for planting is mid to late May.

Planting dahlias

It is necessary that the hole be 3 times wider, so that after placing the tuber there is still 7–10 cm of free space. If the stem is tall enough, you can immediately install a peg. Before burying the hole, you need to water the tuber generously and add ash (no more than 5 cm).

Features of care

Street flowers require special care:

  • systematic watering so that water irrigates the soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  • fertilizing every 2-3 weeks (slurry before the appearance of buds at the rate of 1:10 in relation to water, after the appearance of the buds potassium or superphosphate fertilizers are used);
  • using a garter and support, since the flowers are quite fragile and their stems are hollow;
  • giving the bush the desired shape (to get healthy and beautiful buds, you need to leave no more than 3 inflorescences on the flower).

When affected by various diseases, the leaves begin to turn yellow. To prevent infection of other flowers, the diseased dahlia is removed from summer cottage plot along with the tuber.

For the winter, the roots must be dug up and stored in sawdust. It is possible to place the tubers in a box.

Growing dahlias from seeds

It is possible to grow flowers from seeds, but you need to be patient, as it takes much longer than from tubers. Typically, the seeds are used by breeders to obtain new varieties of dahlias. There are two ways to grow seeds:

  • in open ground;
  • in greenhouse conditions.

The second method is recommended, since here the percentage of seed germination will be much higher. It is necessary to plant them in specially prepared boxes with soil. It must be fertilized. Cover the seeds with sand or loose soil to a depth of 0.5 cm; when 2–3 petals are formed, it is necessary to replant the dahlias in open ground at the rate of 5–7 cm between seedlings. You can read more about growing dahlias from seeds in.

Features of care

There are several fundamental differences in growing dahlias from seeds:

  • there is no need to fertilize the soil before planting in open ground;
  • Feeding dahlias is not carried out during their growth.

This hike allows you to get the strongest and healthiest shoots. Those whose decorative qualities do not meet the requirements of gardeners are removed from the site.

Growing from tubers

There are two ways to grow dahlias from tubers. Regardless of the method chosen, flowering can be achieved in the first year.

Growing from part of the tubers

These flowers reproduce by dividing the tubers. Therefore, they can be cut by hand. To do this, you need to take a tuber and divide it in such a way that each part has 2 - 3 eyes. The knife must be sharp and clean so that it can quickly separate the tuber without unnecessary damage. Its purity will reduce the risk of diseases in the plant.

The cut area must be sprinkled with activated carbon or wood ash. After this, the roots can be placed in sawdust or planted in the ground, depending on the time of year and the outside air temperature.

Cuttings are another way to grow dahlias from tubers. It is considered more effective. In this case, in January the roots need to be placed in sawdust for their germination. When the sprouts reach 7 cm, they must be carefully broken off or cut off. The sprouts are best preserved if they are cut off with part of the rhizome. From them you can get the strongest and healthiest flowers.

Important. A new shoot will soon appear at the cut site. It can also be used for breeding rare varieties of dahlias. However, experts do not recommend cutting cuttings more than 2–3 times for rooting. This is due to the fact that each new generation is weaker compared to the first.

Activated carbon prices

activated carbon

Growing at home

Sometimes dahlias are grown at home. There are several important nuances that you need to remember when choosing this flower as a home flower.

Choosing a pot

It is best to use wooden or ceramic products for growing dahlias. In them, the roots will not lack oxygen, and many models are quite attractive and original.

You need to choose a larger container. Thus, small dahlias can grow well and quite quickly in containers of 6 - 8 liters. But if the stem height exceeds 100 cm, then it is better to use pots over 10 liters. Holes must be drilled from the bottom, since these flowers do not tolerate excess moisture. This way they can be protected from this.

Soil selection

You can buy soil at a specialty store or prepare it yourself. It should be coarse-grained and well loosened to provide the roots with enough air. It is recommended to add peat, humus or sand for fertilizer. Experts also advise using perlite to remove excess moisture from the soil. It is sold in granules.

Landing Features

It is necessary to lay out the dahlia with the tuber facing up. It is best to place the root in the center, since root system It grows quite quickly. When the tuber falls asleep, the eye is left. As the shoot appears, you need to add soil. However, this is done in small quantities and carefully so as not to damage the stem.

Important. The pot must be placed in a warm place with sufficient light. Shading is only possible in the evening.

Since flowers do not tolerate transplantation well, they need to be planted immediately where they will grow. The frequency of watering depends on the air humidity in the room. As a rule, watering is carried out up to 3 times a week. But when high temperatures indoors and the soil dries quickly, you need to water it daily.

To ensure that the level of oxygen supply to the root does not decrease during the growth process, it is necessary to periodically remove the lower leaves.

When to plant

Regardless of whether you plan to plant flowers indoors or outdoors, it is recommended to follow a certain schedule. In the south of Russia, dahlias are planted at the end of March, as the soil warms up enough and the sun is high. But in other regions, planting begins in mid-May. If the dahlia grows in an apartment, then you can plant it in mid-April.

It is best to use sprouted tubers for strong, healthy flowers. This will also reduce labor costs. It is better to use seeds only to obtain a unique variety of dahlias.

Autumn care

Dahlias die at a temperature of +1 degree, so any frost is fatal for them. But growing in an apartment, where the air temperature is approximately the same, is not a reason for keeping them all year round.

In autumn, flowers need to be prepared for winter. At the same time, they must be dug out carefully so as not to damage the tubers. This is done as follows:

  • the stems are cut so that their height is approximately 10 cm and wrapped in foil to prevent rot;
  • after 2 - 3 days, dahlias must be dug up at a distance of 30 cm from the flower itself;
  • put a pitchfork under the tuber, pull it out of the ground and clear it;
  • The root system is dried for 1-2 days and placed in boxes with sawdust.

In this condition, the tubers should survive the winter.

Thus, caring for dahlias is relatively simple compared to many other flowers. Therefore, they are popular with many gardeners. If you have any questions, you can find the answers in the video.

Video - Propagation of dahlias by cuttings

Dahlias - popular flowering flowers garden plants from the family Asteraceae, on rather tall stems, with bright flowers of various colors from pink to bright red.

These flowers are also grown indoors, using special potted varieties that reach only 30 cm in height. It is only important to follow the rules of care.

Growing dahlias

Location and lighting

These flowers are light-loving, but in the summer during the hottest hours they are shaded from the sun. It is best to place the pot on an east or west window.

The room in which the plant is located must be well ventilated; in summer it can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden, protecting it from drafts and wind.


Dahlia is not too thermophilic. In summer, the temperature should not exceed +18°C, in winter it is lowered to +12-15°C.

Watering and air humidity

Throughout the year, abundant watering is required; in winter, the amount of water is slightly reduced, but the soil is still not allowed to dry out. For irrigation, the water is left to stand for 1-2 days.

Does not require high air humidity; it is enough to periodically spray the leaves with water room temperature. If the air is too dry, pests may appear on the plant, and the leaves may turn yellow.


Feeding is required a few days after transplantation; this is done in late spring and summer with an interval of 10 days.

The best fertilizer is a mixture of mullein infusion (1 part to 10 parts water) with the addition of superphosphate and nitrogen fertilizers(they take 20 g per 10 liters of water).

Periodic fertilizing with superphosphate mixed with wood ash is also suitable (50 g of product per 10 liters).

The use of fertilizers has a beneficial effect on flowering - large and bright flowers are formed. Starting from September, fertilizing is not carried out.

Transplantation and propagation

Replanting is practically not done, since at the end of flowering the above-ground part of the plant usually dies.

Dahlia propagates by seeds that form on flowers. They are collected, slightly dried and planted in the spring in soil (a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 3:1), when the seedlings grow 2 true leaves, they are planted in separate pots.

The second method of propagation is using cuttings. To do this, cut off the tops of the stems and place them in a container with water or a mixture of peat and sand. For rooting, maintain a temperature of +20-25°C.

When replanting a plant with tubers, they are cut into several parts so that a piece of the root collar with eyes remains on each. Tubers are planted in the ground in May-June.

Pests and their control

Dahlias are threatened by pests such as aphids and spider mite. To get rid of them, plants are sprayed with an infusion of onion peels, garlic, dandelion or tobacco. In case of severe damage, special insecticides are used.