Rose - baths. Bath with rose petals - a home SPA treatment that will give pleasure and beauty Bath with rose petals for two

Have you ever taken a bath with rose petals?



Did you see it in the movies?
Did you take it yourself?

Believe me, this is an absolutely amazing feeling!

Such a bath relieves any stress, fatigue, depression, restores youth, tones, and puts you in a romantic mood!

The bath can be made with either fresh or dry rose petals.

In addition to rose petals, you can add essential oils, foam and decorate the bathroom with candles. Doesn't fit a glass of champagne or juice, and nice music!

Have a holiday!


Place 5-10 rose petals of any color in a half-filled warm bath and fill it to the top.

Use petals not only of roses, but also of jasmine, peonies, and rose hips.


– 200 g coarse salt;
– 4-5 rose petals.
Place in a jar, close tightly, shake (to mix the petals and salt), and keep in a warm place for two weeks. During this time, the salt will draw out the fragrant substances from the petals, become saturated with them, and you can add it to the water and take magnificent pink baths!

Stir 4-6 tablespoons of pink salt into 1 liter. water and pour into bathing water.

Smoothing, soothing skin:
Pour 1 liter of rose water mixture into bathing water.

To moisturize the skin and make it silky:
Add 2-3 teaspoons of almond and rose oil to your bath water.

Gives the skin softness and smoothness.
– Heat 1 liter of milk without bringing it to a boil;
– 1 cup of honey, melted in a water bath;
– 2 tablespoons of rose oil.
Dissolve honey in milk, mix with butter.
Pour the mixture into bathing water.


A bath with rose petals for two is an unforgettable event!

Prepare for this in advance and surprise your loved one!

How to do it:

Prepare a bath: fill the bath with water, add 250 grams of fresh rose petals and 25 ml of natural herbal rose lotion or rose oil to the bath with warm water.

While the bath is filling, scatter rose petals on the floor, place scented candles or sticks or aroma lamps with delicate scents (rose, tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit), vases with fresh flowers, turn off the overhead lights, light candles or sconces.

Prepare two large terry towels and a robe.

Prepare drinks, fruits and berries, sweets, ice cream.

A fairy tale for two is ready! Enjoy your holiday!

Since ancient times, taking a bath with rose petals has been considered very beneficial for the body, because these flowers are valued for their healing properties. Taking a bath with rose petals is a great way to have an amazing experience!

Such a bath will relieve stress, depression, fatigue, and put you in a romantic mood. Therefore, it is better to use fresh rose petals. The petals are included in various cosmetics and are used by women to maintain the beauty of their body. You can use dry petals, but fresh ones will have a much greater effect.

You can add foam with essential oils to your bath or take a bath in rose water. You can read more about it in the article rose water. To prepare such a bath, simply pour one liter of rose water into a bath of warm water. To make your bath even healthier, add unflavored sea salt. Better yet, take a bath with pink salt. You can read more about it in the article pink salt. Five to six tablespoons of pink salt should be mixed in one liter of water and poured into the bath.

To enhance the effect, you can first pour boiling water over the petals, place the container with them under the lid and let sit for half an hour. Then pour the infusion into the bath.

You should not take a bath with petals every day, as this useful procedure will get boring and lose its meaning. If you take such a bath occasionally, it will perfectly lift your spirits and relax you after a difficult day.

Petal bath for two

Taking a bath with rose petals together with your loved one is a bright and very pleasant event. And a bath can be an incredible surprise.

So, here's what you need to do to prepare your petal bath for a couple's soak.

Fill the bathtub with water and sprinkle about 8-10 liters of fresh petals on top. If available, you can add rose water or rose oil. While the bath is being prepared, sprinkle the petals on the floor of the bathroom. It is also worth decorating the room with candles. A glass of champagne or a glass of juice, your favorite fruit or cakes along with pleasant music will add to the mood.

Among the huge number cosmetic procedures There is one that everyone without exception loves - a bath with rose petals. It not only gives you moral satisfaction and improves your mood, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the skin, deodorizes it and makes it velvety to the touch.

Petal bath: level of effectiveness

Rose petals and extracts of this plant are included in many skin care products. Even in ancient times, their amazing properties were known: infusions and decoctions of roses were used to create medicines, perfumes, lotions and body creams. The benefits of such drugs were obvious.

Today, roses are also used not only to express admiration for a woman, but also for more trivial purposes: to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teeth and gums, menstrual disorders and the central nervous system. However, roses are most widely used in cosmetology. Here's how products containing rose extracts and oils affect the skin:

  1. Tones capillaries
  2. Accelerate blood circulation
  3. Tones and refreshes the skin
  4. Helps tighten pores
  5. Removes blackheads
  6. Relieve fatigue
  7. Perfectly removes fat and cell waste products from the skin surface
  8. Used for cleansing

Rose extract and infusions are suitable for all skin types and contain no toxins. Based on these possibilities, it becomes clear that regular use of the queen of flowers in cosmetics and care products will make your skin silky and youthful.

Basic recipe

If you were given a bouquet of roses, do not rush to forget about it and throw it away after it withers. To give your skin a chic gift, you will need some petals that have not yet withered. You can also use a dried product for baths, but for this you need to collect the petals while they are fresh and dry them very carefully to preserve them. beneficial features.

There are many types of baths based on petals, but the basic and simplest recipe is considered to be this: fill a glass filled with rose petals of any color, pour boiling water and place in a closed container. After 30 minutes of infusion, pour into a bathtub filled with water at a comfortable temperature.

A more advanced and very common recipe will require a little effort on your part. But the effectiveness of the procedure will increase several times, and the result will last a very long time.

To prepare a bath with roses and flakes you will need:

  • Dry petals – 1 cup
  • Essential oils of lavender and rose – 8-12 drops each
  • Oatmeal or flakes – 1 cup
  • Sea salt – 1 cup
  • Small pieces of fabric and ribbons for tying

Cut the natural thin fabric into pieces the size of a wet wipe. Mix aromatic oils with salt, then add oats and sprinkle with petals. Mix everything thoroughly again and place this composition in pieces of fabric; 2-3 spoons will be enough for one bag. Fill the bath with hot water and place the prepared product in it for 10 minutes. Then bring the water to a comfortable temperature and immerse yourself in it for 20-25 minutes.

This bath has a powerful relaxing and anti-stress effect, removes redness on the skin, makes it elastic and velvety.

Targeted Recipes

For even silkier skin, you can combine 2 wonderful types of cosmetic procedures: diluted with petals. To do this, you need to add more than half a glass of petals previously filled with hot water, a liter of milk and a few spoons of honey to the water. This bath will perfectly moisturize.

If you have no damage to the surface of your skin and your skin is not very dry, you can dissolve 400-450 grams of sea salt in water. This procedure will keep the skin of the entire body velvety, soft, attractive, and fragrant for a long time. The shade will lighten a little, and small pigment spots will no longer be noticeable. This bath should be taken no longer than 20 minutes. If you decide to use salt, be sure to apply milk to your body after the procedure.
or cream. And if the product has a honey-vanilla aroma, then the skin will smell fragrant for a very long time. As you understand, this composition is ideal if you have a date planned.

A remedy for raising your spirits, it is also called “Aphrodite’s bath.” For this beautiful name there is a simple recipe: in addition to 250 grams of petals, add 250 grams of baking soda to the water. If desired, you can use a few drops (no more than 8, otherwise you will get burns) of rose essential oil mixed with a spoon of heated base oil. Stimulation of endorphin production occurs through aromatherapy.

In order for the skin to receive a large amount of useful substances, and for you to receive moral satisfaction, along with rose petals, you can use jasmine, rosehip, peonies flowers or take.

To make the procedure effective and as pleasant as possible, you can use our tips:

  1. After preparing the bath, the remaining petals can be used to decorate the surface of the water. This will help you get great aesthetic pleasure
  2. While taking such a bath, you can dim the overhead lights or light candles. Make sure they are not flavored.
  3. You can use any aromatic oils when creating your own recipe. Make sure that their psycho-emotional impact is not contradictory.
  4. The petals themselves are effective, so it is better if the amount of essential oils does not exceed 10 drops.
  5. A bath should be taken no more than once a week.
  6. If you plan to soak in the water for longer than 20 minutes, add very little oils - 3 drops. It’s better not to add them to the water, but light the aroma lamp.
  7. Petals can be used either fresh or dried. Less dry ingredients need to be added.
  8. The petals can be dried in the microwave at low temperature for 2-3 minutes. If they are not dry, repeat the steps. There is also this recipe: place the petals between folded towels, place a press in the form of thick books and a jar of water on top, and leave until completely dry.
  9. You can take your beloved man with you to the bath. Then the effectiveness of the procedure will increase significantly.

Rose petals have been used since ancient times in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology. The use of this flower is not limited to these areas; crafts are made from the dried buds, and the flowers can also be used to decorate the interior of a bedroom or bathroom. It is worth learning more about what can be made from rose petals, as well as how else you can use roses.

Healing properties

Each plant has its own beneficial properties, and the rose is no exception, and only the petals of the buds are used. There are several healing qualities that the plant has:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • helps speed up skin and cell regeneration processes;
  • soothes some types of pain;
  • used for helminth infections;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • helps to gently cope with constipation;
  • relieves skin itching and irritation;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • is a good antibiotic.

Important! Before using rose petals, you should check to see if you have an allergic reaction to them.

Dry rose petals: application

Rose petals

The use of rose petals has been practiced for hundreds of years; there are several hundred recipes that help with various diseases, as well as skin problems. Many cosmetic companies extract essential oils from the buds and add them to caring cosmetics for the face and body skin. There are several options for using roses; the most popular ones will be described here.

Treatment of sore throat

To quickly get rid of this disease, you should prepare rose vinegar. Take about 100 grams of dry petals, and then pour them with a liter of 9% vinegar. The product is allowed to brew for three days. Then one teaspoon of vinegar is added to a tablespoon of water. In this way, a solution is prepared to gargle with.

Bronchial asthma

First, you need to give the buds time to dry, and only then make the product. The prepared petals are crushed, and then take 10 tablespoons of the resulting powder. Fresh or dry plantain leaves are also crushed, and 1 tablespoon of herb is added to the rose. Grate half a kilogram of pumpkin and mix everything together. This composition is poured with a liter of dry red wine, everything is transferred to the fire and brought to the point of boiling. There is no need to boil the product. Take 1 spoon 3 times a day.

Treatment of asthma with a decoction of rose petals

For constipation

Many people are looking for an answer on how to use wilted rose petals to get rid of constipation. There is one very effective recipe, which is a great help in such a situation. The plant can help if you take 5 spoons of dried flowers, a handful of prunes and 2 glasses of water. The components are combined and put on fire, brought to a boil, turned off and covered with a lid. Infuse the infusion for about an hour, after which it is taken 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Note! The product will begin to help the next day.

Hair rinse

You can take just a dry flower or add additional herbs to the petals. For 1 glass of water, take 2 tablespoons of crushed rose buds, leave the product for about an hour, and then add a little lemon juice to it. This treatment helps make your hair shinier and softer.

What can you make from rose petals at home?

The buds can be used to decorate an apartment or treat diseases. Now it’s worth talking in more detail about the cosmetic properties of this plant.

Rose petals for the face: homemade recipes

There are many recipes where the buds of this flower are used to improve appearance facial skin, as well as to get rid of certain problems. The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  • Compress. The skin of the face and neck is well cleaned and then steamed, then the rose petals are washed and applied to the skin. You can also use this compress on your hands. To achieve the desired goal, cover the top of the compress with cellophane, and then insulate it with a towel and leave it like that for 40 minutes. Since the plant has a bactericidal effect, it helps eliminate inflammation, pimples and blackheads.
  • Ice cubes. You will need half a glass of fresh petals, pour this amount into a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for a day. After this, the tincture is filtered and poured into ice cube trays. Freeze the product and wipe your face with it every day in the morning.

Bath with rose petals: how to prepare it correctly

If you have withered rose petals at home, an experienced cosmetologist will tell you what you can do with them. Today, a bath with the petals of this plant is very popular; it has a relaxing effect and has a positive effect on nervous system, and also makes the skin more beautiful and smooth.

Fragrant bath

Required components:

  • several pieces of fabric;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • strings for tying bags;
  • lavender oil - 12 drops;
  • rose oil - 12 drops;
  • wilted rose petals - 1.5 cups;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 glass.

The main stages of preparing a bathroom:

  1. A glass of salt is poured into a separate bowl, and then dripped there required amount aromatic oils. The recipe calls for lavender and rose oils, but others can be used.
  2. Add oatmeal flakes and rose petals to the resulting mixture and mix again.
  3. Take a cloth, put 2 spoons of the resulting composition in it, and tie the bags with strings.
  4. Pour the required amount of hot water into the bath and place the bags there and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Next, the bath is filled with water at the desired temperature and taken for no more than 20 minutes.

Homemade Rose Lotions Recipes

Lotions help cleanse the skin of the face, make it fresher and more radiant, and also eliminate minor rashes, inflammation and pimples. There are several simple recipes preparing lotion:

  • For inflammation. Place a tablespoon of crushed rose petals, the same amount of dry chamomile and linden flowers into the container. The resulting composition is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for one hour. Wipe your face with the product twice a day.
  • For acne. To prepare the lotion, take about 50 ml of rose infusion, as well as the same amount of chamomile infusion and cucumber juice. The ingredients are mixed and the prepared product is wiped over the face to get rid of oily sheen and eliminate skin impurities.
  • For normal skin. It is enough to take half a glass of red rose petals, pour boiling water over it and let it stand for about a day. After this, wipe the face with lotion several times a day.
  • For dry skin. Rose and jasmine are mixed in a 2:1 ratio; the mixture should be poured into a 250 ml jar so that it is completely filled. Add 50 ml of alcohol and fill the rest with water. The product is infused in the refrigerator for a week.

Note! You can add essential and aromatic oils to each of these recipes to suit your taste.

Homemade rose lotions

Masks with rose petals

Since the plant has many beneficial qualities for the skin, cosmetologists recommend using the buds to prepare masks. There are many recipes that help cope with flaking, itching, acne, inflammation, oiliness or dryness.

For dry skin

Fresh rose petals are placed in a glass and then filled with almond oil; if this is not available, you can use olive oil. The mixture is placed in a water bath and kept there until the leaves lose their color. The finished composition is filtered and the oil is applied to the skin of the face, leaving for 20 minutes.

Note! The product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

For any skin type

IN glass jar put 5 rosebuds, pour everything into a glass mineral water and leave for half an hour to infuse. After the product is filtered, using the resulting solution you should make a paste from a spoon of rolled oats. Add a teaspoon of honey there and mix again. The mask is applied not only to the face, but also to the décolleté and neck. It is advisable to massage the skin for two minutes.

Important! Honey should only be added if you are not allergic to it.

For masks to have a positive effect, they should be done 2 or 3 times a week, preferably before going to bed so that the skin has time to rest during the night. The duration of the procedure should not be less than 15 minutes, but the product should not be kept for more than 20 minutes. Flowers that have a pronounced aroma and contain more essential oils and beneficial components are best suited for masks.

Rose petals can be used for different purposes; some people prefer to take care of their beauty by making lotions and masks from the buds, while others use flowers to treat diseases. Still, it is worth remembering that an allergic reaction may occur to the essential oils in the plant, so a test is simply necessary.

Romantic evening, Surprise, Surprise Georgy Losev

Romantic in the bath

Your significant other is very tired at work, and you want to please her with attention and care, spend time alone and show how dear she is to you?

Do you want to be together, but have absolutely no strength to get out of the house?

Have a romantic evening in your own apartment!

In this article we will talk about how to organize or even in a shower stall for your loved one.

Romance in the bathroom: 5 simple ideas on how to create a personal spa in your apartment

A warm bath with fragrant foam, decorated with candles and rose petals is a great way to relax after a busy day and renew your relationship. To surprise your soulmate, create a spectacular ambience, with which your couple will be transported to the magical Thai islands or fabulous resorts in Bali. To do this, use our tips.

1. Let's start with the banal: the bathroom and everything in it should shine, sparkle and shine with cleanliness. Let the glass walls of the shower cabin be so transparent as if they were not there at all. Replace all the colored towels with luxurious white and fluffy ones, like luxury textiles in a five-star hotel.

2. Flowers, glass balls and shells will help create the right mood. Place a bouquet of delicate white lilies or luxurious peonies in a transparent vase. Bright rose petals in the water and on the floor will add a festive atmosphere to your usual surroundings. Don’t forget about the unique effect of a living fire - a romantic candlelit bathroom will be impressive and safe if you use special tea or interior candles in beautiful stands made of non-flammable material: heat-resistant glass or metal.

3. Pay attention to water, in which your loved one will relax alone or with you. Add bath salts with soothing herbal mixture and foam with a pleasant but unobtrusive aroma. The ideal water temperature for taking a bath is considered to be 37 degrees, so time the preparation of the surprise so that the water is not too hot, but does not have time to cool down.

4. Remember spas: dim light, barely perceptible smell of flowers or the freshness of the sea coast and melodic music that never gets boring. Choose your couple's favorite songs or new compositions to distract your loved one from current affairs and immerse his mind in a state of blissful peace.

5. Add a delicious touch to your evening: a little champagne, a plate of juicy fruit, a box of chocolates or light dessert will turn the water corner of your apartment into a personal VIP restaurant and delight your significant other.

Looking for cozy romance in the shower or private bathroom?

We'll tell you original ideas home surprise, we will develop an unusual scenario for your romantic evening, design and prepare the location. You won't have to spend half a day searching for the right shade of rose petals and other unique accessories.

We will bring all the props ourselves and arrange them in their places, saving your energy and time. Focus on relationships, not organizational concerns!

We will consult and select a stunning scenario for your luxurious event. for free– just fill out this form and wait for our call today.