We prepare rhubarb for the winter. Preparation of rhubarb Delicious preparations from rhubarb

Rhubarb contains a lot of useful elements, it is especially rich in folic acid, ascorbic acid, and magnesium. Many of the vitamins included in the product are preserved even after heat treatment. Most of our compatriots have been familiar with the taste of rhubarb compote and pies filled with this vegetable since childhood. Possessing a pleasant sourness, it gives desserts a unique taste. Rhubarb is often grown in order to enjoy healthy sweets from it at the beginning of summer, replenishing the body's needs for vitamins. Experienced housewives do not miss the opportunity to prepare rhubarb for the winter in order to provide their families with vitamin-rich desserts for the whole year. There are many classic ways to prepare this product for the winter, and each of them has its own advantages.

Cooking features

In order for rhubarb preparations to be stored well and their taste to meet your expectations, you need to know a few points.

  • Rhubarb is not entirely edible. The leaves of the plant contain too much oxalic acid, in such a concentration it can cause serious harm to the body. Only rhubarb petioles are suitable for food.
  • For homemade preparations, young petioles are used. If they are not cut on time, they will become rough. Large, coarse fibers will make the product unpleasant to taste and hard on the stomach.
  • The top layer of rhubarb petioles has a pleasant pinkish tint, which many housewives try to preserve. In addition, the skin contains the most useful substances. However, if the petioles are slightly overgrown, it is better to clean them, using only the more tender central pulp for harvesting for the winter.
  • Containers in which rhubarb or its preparations will be stored in winter must be clean. It is enough to wash the containers for freezing and let them dry. Jars for compote, jam and other canned goods must be sterilized, the same applies to the lids with which these jars will be closed.
  • It is convenient to prepare rhubarb in the form in which you plan to use it. If you prefer drinks from this plant, it is advisable to prepare juice or compote. If you use rhubarb for baking, it is worth stocking up on jam and jam. Rhubarb jelly can be served as an independent dessert. Frozen rhubarb can be used throughout the year at your discretion, including for preparing savory dishes.

Since it is possible to prepare rhubarb for the winter in the most different ways, there is no single technology for preserving this product. The nuances associated with harvesting petioles in one way or another are indicated in specific recipe. By carefully studying the instructions accompanying it, you will avoid mistakes.

Freezing rhubarb for the winter

  • rhubarb - how much was collected.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb while removing the leaves from the petioles. Cut the petioles into 2 cm pieces.
  • Boil water in a saucepan and place the rhubarb pieces in it.
  • Blanch for 1-2 minutes. This will preserve the specific shade of the vegetable when it is frozen.
  • Drain the rhubarb in a colander and let it dry so as not to freeze the water.
  • Fill clean and dry containers with petioles, close them tightly, and put them in the freezer.

Video recipe for the occasion:

You can also freeze rhubarb in bags. Having filled them with pieces of vegetable, it is necessary to remove excess air from them, after which they remain tightly closed, using a special device that melts the plastic and glues it together using impact high temperature, or tied tightly in a knot.

Rhubarb, frozen in its pure form (without added sugar) can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months. Once defrosted, it cannot be re-frozen. This preparation can be used to prepare not only sweet dishes, but also soup and sauce.

Rhubarb compote for the winter

Composition (for 4 l):

  • rhubarb – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.75 l;
  • water – 3 l;
  • cinnamon (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb, dry it, cut into small cubes (about a centimeter or a little less).
  • Fill with clean cold water, leave for 20–30 minutes.
  • Drain the water.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water. Stirring, bring to a boil.
  • When the sugar has completely dissolved, add the rhubarb to the syrup. Cook the compote over low heat for 20–30 minutes. 10 minutes before it's ready, add cinnamon.
  • Sterilize jars and matching lids.
  • Fill the jars with the prepared compote and roll up.
  • Turn the jars upside down. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

After the jars have cooled, the workpiece can be stored in the pantry: the compote stands well at room temperature. Before drinking, it is recommended to dilute the drink with clean boiled water.

Rhubarb juice for the winter

Composition (per 3 l):

  • rhubarb – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.25 kg;
  • fresh mint (optional) – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb well. Cut into small cubes.
  • Place part of the rhubarb in a colander, lower it into boiling water for 2 minutes, then immediately place the colander with the vegetable in a container filled with cold water. After a minute, pour into an enamel basin or other container.
  • Process the remaining rhubarb in the same way.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the rhubarb. This can be done in different ways: using a juicer, press. You can grind the petioles with a meat grinder or blender and squeeze the juice out of the puree through several layers of gauze.
  • Place finely chopped mint in a container with juice and leave for 6 hours.
  • Strain the juice, add sugar to it.
  • Bring the juice to a simmer over low heat, but do not boil. Sugar should dissolve during this time.
  • Pour the juice into sterilized jars or bottles.
  • Place a cloth on the bottom of a large saucepan and place containers with juice.
  • Fill the pot with water up to about the top of the jars.
  • Sterilize for 15–30 minutes, depending on the volume of containers filled with juice: 15 minutes for half-liter jars or bottles, 30 minutes for one and a half liter jars. If you sealed the juice in a three-liter jar, increase the sterilization time to 40–45 minutes.

You need to cool jars of rhubarb juice upside down under something warm. It is advisable to store it in cool place.

Rhubarb jam

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • rhubarb – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • vanillin or cinnamon (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the young shoots of rhubarb and cut into pieces about 1 cm thick.
  • Place the plant pieces in boiling water and blanch for 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove the pieces with a slotted spoon and place in a container of cold water.
  • When the rhubarb has cooled, drain it in a colander and let it dry a little.
  • Place the rhubarb in an enamel bowl or saucepan. Only aluminum utensils will not work: this material releases harmful substances when interacting with acids.
  • Add sugar. Leave for 6 hours or even overnight in a cool place. Don't forget to cover the basin with gauze or a thin cloth to protect it from insects.
  • Place the basin on low heat. Bring the contents to a boil. If foam appears on the surface, skim it off. Add cinnamon or vanilla. Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Pour the jam into sterilized jars and close tightly.

Store rhubarb jam under plastic lids in a cool place. If you close the jars airtight metal lids, then rhubarb jam can be stored in the pantry.

Rhubarb jam

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • rhubarb – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb, dry it, cut into 1–2 cm pieces.
  • Grind the vegetable to a puree using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Place the puree in a bowl or pan, add sugar, and put it in a cool place for a day.
  • Place the prepared mixture on the stove. Cook for half an hour, stirring. If foam appears on the surface, be sure to remove it.
  • Let the finished jam stand for 2 hours, then bring it to a boil again.
  • Place the jam in prepared jars and seal them.

Rhubarb jam stands well at room temperature. It can be used to make sandwiches, pies, and buns. This jam recipe is considered a classic. Other options are prepared with the addition of orange peels, apples and cinnamon, and other ingredients.

Rhubarb jelly

Composition (3.4 l):

  • rhubarb – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • sugar – 0.75 kg;
  • cinnamon or vanillin (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • After washing and drying, cut the rhubarb into small pieces and place in a saucepan.
  • Dissolve gelatin in half a glass of cool water.
  • Pour the remaining water over the rhubarb, bring to a boil, and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar, cinnamon or vanilla, continue cooking for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the broth, return to the pan, and heat.
  • Pour dissolved gelatin into the broth and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the jelly into prepared jars - as it cools, it will become thicker.
  • Close the jars tightly. When they have cooled to room temperature, put them in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb jelly is a ready-made dessert. You can only store it in the refrigerator and not for a very long time: it is advisable to eat the delicacy before the New Year.

Having prepared rhubarb for the winter classic recipes, you can be sure that the family will be provided with a tasty and healthy treat for a long time.

Many summer residents have rhubarb growing on their property, but not many know what to do with it. Although the plant is used for preparing various dishes and making compotes. Freezing rhubarb stems for the winter is easy. But in winter you can make delicious pies from it.

Before freezing the stems, you need to choose them correctly:

  • Only elastic and juicy stems are suitable for freezing for the winter. Wilted and dried fruits are not suitable for freezing.
  • Mature stems need to be peeled, young ones should be left as is.
  • The stems should not show signs of damage from insects and diseases.

Both young and mature parts of plants are suitable for freezing. There is no fundamental difference.

How to prepare rhubarb for freezing?

The stems are collected for freezing at any time of the season. The main thing is that the parts of the plant are large and fully formed. Mature stems are peeled before freezing. Young ones do not need to be peeled; they have a thin skin.

After this, the stems are washed under running water and lay it out on a towel. It is important that the workpieces are completely dry from water. After the stems are dry, they are cut into squares. Further actions depend on the chosen freezing method.

Methods for freezing rhubarb

You can prepare the plant for the winter at home different ways. When properly frozen, all the nutrients this plant is so rich in are preserved.

Frozen products should be stored in the freezer for no more than two years. Although it is recommended to eat the preparations in the first year. The longer the raw material remains in the freezer, the less tasty it will be.

Freezing fresh rhubarb

Many people prefer to freeze the plant fresh. To do this, cut off the stems at the root. They should be juicy and thick. The peel is peeled, and the stems themselves are then thoroughly washed in cool water. The plant parts are then laid out on a towel or newspaper to allow the water to dry.

When the parts of the plant become dry, they are cut into medium-sized squares. Place in plastic bags and put in the freezer. Before freezing, be sure to dry the stems so that excess liquid does not accumulate in them during storage.

Freeze rhubarb with sugar

Another way of freezing is with added sugar. The first step of freezing rhubarb with sugar is exactly the same as in the first recipe. Then the chopped stem must be mixed with granulated sugar. For 2 glasses, take half the same glass of sugar. Leave the rhubarb to soak for a few hours.

Place the workpiece in containers or plastic bags. Place in the freezer to ensure the product is completely frozen. After this, you need to take out the workpiece and separate the pieces.

How to freeze blanched rhubarb?

You can freeze raw materials in blanched form. First you need to process the raw material and cut it into pieces. Then proceed as follows:

  • Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Wait until it boils.
  • Place part of the raw material in a colander and place in boiling water for 1 minute.
  • After this, immediately place the raw material in cold water for a few minutes.
  • Wait until all the liquid has drained and spread the raw materials on a towel. The pieces need to be dried.
  • Transfer the raw materials into bags and place in the freezer.

Frozen blanched rhubarb tastes no different from fresh frozen rhubarb.

Freezing rhubarb puree

Before freezing the puree, the stems are prepared in the same way as in the previous methods. Then, when the preparations are ready, they are placed in a blender and crushed to a puree. If desired, add sugar to the puree. The finished puree is laid out in containers and placed in the freezer.

How to defrost rhubarb correctly?

In order to preserve all the useful substances, you need to defrost it properly. It is best to defrost raw materials in a special compartment, which is found in some refrigerators. But if there is no such compartment, then there are other ways to simply defrost the product and preserve its benefits for the body.

Rhubarb, which came to us from Tibet, is very nutritious and incredibly tasty. It ranks first in the content of coarse fibers, which play a vital role in digestion. And apples and lemons take only second and third place, respectively. In a word, rhubarb should definitely be included in every person’s diet. In order to be able to use it more often, you need to learn how to properly store rhubarb. However, this is not at all difficult to do.

How to choose?

Rhubarb selected for storage should under no circumstances be limp - its stems should be dense, strong and even. By the way, it is best to give preference to young plants - the older they are, the higher the concentration of oxalic acid will be in them. In addition, all selected stems should be brightly colored, fairly tender, and about the thickness of a thumb.

It is important to know that the color of ripe rhubarb often depends on its variety. Most often, rhubarb is colored red with green streaks, but you can also find both completely red and completely green varieties.

How to store?

Before storing rhubarb, it must be washed and dried with a clean paper towel. And only after that it is placed in vacuum bags. In this form, rhubarb can be preserved for two days, and then it will begin to wither and wither.

Freezing rhubarb

When frozen, rhubarb can easily be stored for up to a year. It is best to freeze finely chopped plants. It is recommended to cut them with a serrated knife. The average size of the pieces should be from 1.25 to 5 cm. Ideally, all the pieces should be the same size - in this case they will freeze much faster, and they will also defrost faster.

By the way, rhubarb can be frozen not only raw, but also blanched - blanching perfectly helps preserve its structure and color. To blanch rhubarb, boil water in a saucepan set over medium-high heat and then place a colander in it. Next, put the rhubarb in a colander - it should stay there for no more than a minute. After this, the colander is removed from the saucepan along with the rhubarb, and the blanched rhubarb is immersed in ice water for one minute. And then they lay it out on paper towels and let it dry a little.

Blanched or raw rhubarb is placed in containers or plastic bags and sent to the freezer. In this case, you need to leave a little empty space on top - as practice shows, 1.25 cm is quite enough. Also, if bags are used instead of containers, before closing them, you need to squeeze out as much air as possible from them.

Before putting the rhubarb in the freezer, you can sweeten it a little. To do this, combine a glass of sugar with four glasses of rhubarb - the stems should be well coated with sugar. True, to this method resort only if in the future you plan to use rhubarb to make jam or jam.

What to combine rhubarb with in cooking?

Rhubarb is an excellent addition to various salads - before using it to diversify the taste of prepared dishes, it is first chopped, then doused with boiling water or stewed for a minute. Rhubarb goes especially well in salads with herbs and radishes. By the way, it is not recommended to remove the skin from the stems - it contains the largest amount of valuable coarse fibers.

Rhubarb can also be used to make a delicious filling for pies - for this purpose, this nutritious product is used especially often.

When you first see rhubarb, it is difficult to think that this plant is edible. The fact is that its huge stems and leaves look more like some kind of weed. But if you try rhubarb pies or compote, you will definitely start cooking with it often. No, not because the plant has a special taste. But because it can be used in early spring, when there are no berries and fruits yet.

Rhubarb belongs to the Buckwheat family. There are many varieties of this plant, about 20. Almost all of them are used by humans: as raw materials for medicines or in cooking. Scientists believe that rhubarb originates from Asia. But they began to cultivate it in China back in ancient times. Healers knew about the healing abilities of the plant as far back as 3 thousand years BC.

Today, rhubarb is most grown in countries such as the UK and the USA. Cooking actively uses top part plants - fresh young leaves, petioles. Both savory dishes and desserts are prepared from them. Rhubarb is great for salads, borscht, sauces, vegetable soups. It is also used to make jams, compotes, jellies, marmalade, jelly, and pies. But pharmaceuticals use the lower part of rhubarb - the roots. Medicines are made from them.

Before you start cooking with rhubarb, you need to know how to prepare this plant. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated here. The stems are cut off at the base. Leaves are removed from them if they are not needed. Most often it is the petioles that are used, the leaves less often - for cabbage rolls and salads.

Many recipes call for peeling the stems. But it is believed that it contains the largest amount of useful substances. Therefore, if the petioles are still very young and the skin is difficult to remove from them, it is best not to remove it.

The skin consists of the most stringy fibers, which can slightly degrade the delicate consistency of the cooked product. Although, some varieties of rhubarb are characterized by petioles with a thin peel, which is not so easy to remove.

Best Recipes

What is not made from rhubarb! In pies and compotes, this plant resembles apples. It has a sour taste, but when combined with sugar and vanilla or cinnamon, it is no different from other fruit fillings. And, as mentioned earlier, rhubarb petioles appear very early. At this spring time there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables yet. And rhubarb can replace them, not yielding either in taste or composition.

There are so many options for preparing this dish that it is simply impossible to describe them all. Open and closed pies are prepared, with the addition of cinnamon and vanilla. Some people like charlotte with rhubarb, while others keep it simple and quick pie on kefir.

We offer you the recipe delicious pie with rhubarb and crumble on top. It’s quite simple to prepare, but the end result is not an everyday dish, but a real festive dessert for tea.

To prepare it, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Chopped rhubarb, approximately 500 g or 4 cups.
  • Butter, only 100 g is enough.
  • Sugar, about 1 cup.
  • Just 1 egg.
  • Flour, about 2 cups.
  • 1 glass of sour cream.
  • Baking powder, 1 tsp, and also half of this portion of soda.
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar.
  • A quarter teaspoon of salt.

To prepare the topping for this pie, you need to prepare butter (100 g), half a glass of sugar, a glass of flour and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

The rhubarb is peeled before cooking. Then it must be cut into small slices. You should immediately preheat the oven, we need a temperature of 180 0 C.

For this portion you will need a small mold, about 25 cm. It is best to take a detachable one. Before cooking, it must be washed, dried and sprinkled with flour.

Next, we begin to prepare the dough. The softened butter is whipped with sugar. After about 5 minutes, you can add the egg and vanilla. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it’s time to add sour cream. Next, all the dry ingredients (salt, flour, soda and baking powder) are mixed and combined with the finished mass. A third of the rhubarb is poured into it.

You can place the remaining rhubarb on the dough laid out in the pan. And on top - sprinkles. It consists of ground butter with sugar and flour.

This miracle needs to bake for about an hour. You can remove it from the mold 7 minutes after removing it from the oven.

Rhubarb pie - tasty and healthy: video


Rhubarb will also be an excellent filling for everyone’s favorite charlotte. You can bake it by preparing approximately 5 medium plant stems, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar and the same amount of flour. If you wish, you can add a handful of other berries to the filling, for example, frozen or fresh raspberries.

The mold needs to be washed and greased, after which it is worth sprinkling it with a little flour. Peeled rhubarb needs to be cut, preferably into small slices. Then it is laid out on the bottom of the mold, sprinkled with a small amount of sugar, about 4 tbsp. l. Add other berries if desired.

Slowly add flour to beaten eggs and sugar with a pinch of salt. The finished dough is poured with gentle movements onto the prepared filling. In an oven at a temperature of 180 0 C, bake the charlotte for about 45 minutes.

What's the most delicious thing about pies? Of course the filling! This is exactly what I want to talk about. The dough can be very different, with yeast or kefir - depending on your preferences. Here's how to do it delicious filling for rhubarb pies, we'll find out in a moment.

The stems need to be cleared of skin and too hard veins, if any. Next they need to be crushed. Pieces of rhubarb are laid out in a saucepan, filled with water, and sugar is added there. The mass needs to be cooked for some time until it turns into soft jam.

Then it's time to add the secret ingredient - semolina! A tablespoon is enough. After mixing the mass well, you can remove it from the heat. It will suddenly become thick. And this is great, so the rhubarb will not leak out of the pie, as if it were just put there in pieces.


This vegetable liquid dish will appeal to all borscht lovers. To prepare it you will need a standard set - potatoes, carrots, onions. You also need to stock up on greens - parsley, onions and dill. You will also need this soup green pea, boiled egg and sour cream.

First, the carrot and parsley roots are peeled and cut into strips. Pour boiling water over all this and cook for several minutes, after which you can add potatoes and peas.

At this time, you need to boil the rhubarb petioles separately until they soften. Then this mass is ground with boiled eggs.

At the very end of cooking, herbs, a mixture of rhubarb and eggs and salt are added to the soup. Add sour cream to the plate.


To make the drink tastier, it is better to take not only rhubarb, but also other berries; strawberries are perfect. So, we will need about 6 stalks of rhubarb, up to 300 g of berries, sugar to your taste and 3 tbsp. l. starch.

First you need to prepare the syrup. Sugar is added to boiling water. When it dissolves, you can pour in the chopped rhubarb and strawberries. When it boils, you will get a compote. Starch is added to it, previously diluted in a small amount of cold water. Everything needs to be mixed well so that no lumps appear. That's all - the jelly is ready!

What to cook with rhubarb: video

Recipes for the winter

This great recipe for those who want to prepare something interesting for the winter. You need to prepare one and a half kilograms of sugar, a kilogram of rhubarb, 3 oranges and about 2 glasses of water.

First, peeled and cut into small slices rhubarb is boiled. Throw into boiling water and cook for only 1 minute, after which, using a slotted spoon, remove to a colander.

A syrup is prepared from sugar and water, into which the rhubarb is dipped. The mixture is cooked over low heat for about 15 minutes. You need to skim off the foam and constantly stir the jam. Then it needs to be allowed to cool and kept at room temperature for about 12 hours.

The orange is cut into slices, each of which must be divided into 4 parts. Add all the pieces, as well as the orange zest, to the rhubarb and cook again for 15 minutes. You need to roll it up into sterile jars. Try it, you will like it!

Rhubarb and orange jam: video

Rhubarb compote is a great drink. It can be prepared from early spring. But many housewives prepare it for the winter. To do this, the washed petioles are peeled and filled with hot syrup prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 kg of sugar. You can simply sterilize in jars with lids.

The composition of the plant is very rich. It contains many vitamins, microelements and other substances necessary for the human body. Thus, the effect of the plant is very good. First, rhubarb helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. People who add plant stalks to their food help their heart by strengthening it. You can even reduce your risk of stroke. Polyphenols contained in rhubarb prevent the appearance and development of tumors, both benign and cancerous.

But one of the most important positive qualities of this plant is considered to have a positive effect on digestion. It is useful to eat rhubarb for diarrhea, as it has a strengthening effect, but only when consumed in small doses.

Rhubarb saturates the body with vitamin C. And this, in turn, helps very well to prevent colds and infectious diseases, keep the body in good condition and even preserve youth.

Vitamin A has a positive effect on the condition of bones, as well as organs of vision, hair, skin and all mucous membranes of the body.

Healthy sleep and strong nerves are ensured by iron and magnesium, which are even more abundant in rhubarb than in apples. These microelements also contribute to muscle growth, which indicates the benefits of consuming the plant for people who engage in intense training. Rhubarb also contains succinic acid. This is also a very useful substance that prevents heart disease and helps get rid of hangover symptoms.

Traditional medicine actively uses the rich composition of rhubarb for various purposes:

  • To normalize digestion;
  • To relieve inflammation;
  • For the treatment of diarrhea, as well as dyspepsia, catarrh of the stomach.
  • To strengthen the body during such serious diseases as anemia and tuberculosis.

It is worth remembering that rhubarb cleanses the body of harmful substances, coming from external environment, as well as cholesterol.

But not everyone can use the properties of this plant. The fact is that there is a whole list of contraindications to its use. Firstly, too frequent consumption in large quantities is not recommended for anyone, even healthy people. Secondly, it should not be included in the diet of those who experience bleeding in the stomach or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is worth mentioning the following contraindications:

  • Inflammation in internal organs: kidneys, bladder;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Hemorrhoids with bleeding or risk of bleeding;
  • Diabetes;
  • Frequent diarrhea;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gout.

Don't be afraid to use rhubarb in your cooking! You will not only delight your loved ones with excellent dishes, but also make them healthier!

This is a perennial vegetable plant; in its nutritional properties it is more reminiscent of fruit. The rhubarb plant is a perennial plant and can produce crops for more than 15 years in a row. The fleshy petioles of the basal leaves are eaten. They contain relatively high amounts of vitamins C, B and carotene, malic and citric acids.

The petioles must be removed periodically, after 10–12 days, when they are tender, the fibers have not yet become coarsened and excess oxalic acid has not accumulated in them, the use of which in significant quantities is undesirable. To reduce acidity, rhubarb petioles are soaked in water.

It should be borne in mind that when cooked, especially with milk, the amount of oxalic acid is significantly reduced, and in boiled form (in particular, in the form of soups, jams) rhubarb can be used with almost no restrictions.

696. Rhubarb juice

Remove fibers from the rhubarb and rinse in water. Then cut into slices up to 2 cm long, blanch for 2-3 minutes and put in cold water.

Squeeze the juice from the cooled chopped rhubarb. Pour it into glassware and sterilize:

With a capacity of 0.5 l - 10-15 minutes,

With a capacity of 1 liter - 20–30 minutes.

697. Rhubarb-raspberry juice

1 kg rhubarb petioles

200 ml raspberry juice

To obtain juice, take young, non-coarsened petioles from the summer harvest.

Cut the peeled petioles into small pieces, place them in boiling water for 3 minutes and squeeze out the juice using a press. Filter the rhubarb juice, mix with raspberry juice, bring to a boil, pour into bottles and sterilize them for 15 minutes.

698. Rhubarb compote

Before canning, remove the skin from the petioles and then cut them into pieces 2–3 cm long. Soak the cut pieces in cold water for 10–12 hours, changing it 2–3 times.

After this, blanch the chopped rhubarb in boiling water for 1 minute and cool quickly in cold water so that the rhubarb does not boil.

Then place the rhubarb in jars and pour hot sugar syrup over it.

To fill the rhubarb, prepare a syrup with a strength of 60%. For this purpose, add 1.5 kg of sugar to 1 liter of water.

The resulting amount of syrup can be filled into 7–8 jars with a capacity of 850–900 g.

Sterilize 1 liter jars with rhubarb compote for 15 minutes.

Immediately after sterilization, cool the compote with cold water to 40 °C. The lids of the jars should be pressed inward.

699. Rhubarb puree

Wash the leaf petioles and remove the skins from them.

Cut the petioles into pieces. Pour some water into an enamel pan, put the rhubarb in it and steam it until softened, then crush it with a wooden pestle.

Fill the prepared jars with the hot mixture and pasteurize at 90 °C:

With a capacity of 0.5 l - 25 minutes,

With a capacity of 1 liter - 30–35 minutes.

700. Canned rhubarb

Peel the rhubarb, cut into 1.5-2 cm pieces, fill the jars with them, add boiled cold water and seal.

Store jars in a cool place. Use for making jelly and fillings.

701. Rhubarb marmalade

1 kg peeled rhubarb

700 g sugar

1/2 teaspoon citric acid

piece of lemon zest

20 g pectin powder

Peel the washed rhubarb, remove the hard ends, cut into pieces and rinse with boiling water.

After drying, add thinly peeled and finely chopped lemon zest, add 2 tbsp. spoons of water and cook until the rhubarb is softened. Then add pectin powder mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, boil for about 1 minute. Add the rest of the sugar and cook until marmalade thickens.

At the end add citric acid, dissolved in a spoon of water.

Fill the jars with boiling jam, close the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.

702. Rhubarb and ginger marmalade

1 kg peeled rhubarb

1 kg sugar

1 piece of ginger

Peel the washed rhubarb, cut into pieces, rinse with boiling water and leave to dry. Place the rhubarb in layers in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight.

The next day, add ginger to the mixture and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly, until the marmalade begins to gel.

Remove the ginger, fill the jars with boiling marmalade, and close the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool.

Store marmalade in a cool, dark place.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Canning without salt, sugar author Melnikov Ilya

Canned rhubarb Peel the rhubarb petioles, cut them into 2 cm pieces, fill jars with them, add boiled cold water and seal with varnished lids. Keep jars cool

From the book Anastasia. Forest cooking author Ignatova Maria

Rhubarb Wild rhubarb is perennial with straight, bell-shaped stems and large palmate-lobed leaves with thick, fleshy petioles. Rhubarb flowers are small, white-pink, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Wild rhubarb is found in our

From the book Salads with vegetables, meat, fish. How to choose what to cook author collection of recipes

Rhubarb Only young leaf petioles no longer than

From the book I Don't Eat Nobody author Zelenkova O K

Rhubarb with rice Boil the rice, mix with sugar and place on a deep dish. Peel, chop, boil rhubarb with sugar, pour over hot rice. Serve hot or cold. 150 g rice, 1.2 kg rhubarb, 1 cup

From book Original recipes jam from onions, zucchini, watermelons and flower petals author Lagutina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Rhubarb In America, rhubarb is called the “pie plant.” Indeed, its juicy and thick stems make an excellent filling for pies, as well as jam, jellies and other desserts. In addition, wine and beer are made from rhubarb! 100 g of rhubarb contains only 26 kcal, but

From the book Canning. Big book of recipes author Mikhailova Irina Anatolyevna

RHUBURB This is a perennial vegetable plant; in its nutritional properties it is more reminiscent of fruit. The rhubarb plant is a perennial plant and can produce crops for more than 15 years in a row. The fleshy petioles of the basal leaves are eaten. They contain relatively a lot

From the book Living with Taste, or Tales from an Experienced Cook author Feldman Isai Abramovich

From the book Diet 5:2. Bikini diet author Whiteheart Jacqueline

From the book Sugar-lowering plants. No - diabetes and excess weight author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Canning author Semikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna

From the book The Big Book of Nutrition for Health author Gurvich Mikhail Meerovich

From the author's book

Rhubarb In Northern Mongolia and Central China, rhubarb has long been used for medicinal purposes. It was brought to England in the 16th century and began to be grown as medicinal plant. Later, rhubarb appeared in other European countries. In Russia, rhubarb has become widely known in

From the author's book

Rhubarb with rice Ingredients: 150 g rhubarb, 50 g rice, cinnamon, salt. Method of preparation: Finely chop the peeled rhubarb stems and boil in salted water. Then rub them through a sieve and strain the broth. Dip the rice, pre-soaked in water, into the broth and

From the author's book

Rhubarb This is a bush with fleshy petioles of large leaves, from which rainwater rolls off in streams, hence its name - “rheos” in Greek “flows”. There are many varieties of rhubarb, but the most common is Victoria. Rhubarb contains biologically active

From the author's book

Rhubarb in syrup Cut the petioles of the plant, add cold water and leave, as when preparing compote, for 10 hours, changing the water 3 times. After this time, blanch the rhubarb pieces for 30 seconds and immediately plunge into cold water. Arrange the pieces over

From the author's book

Rhubarb Leaves and petioles of rhubarb are useful to include in everyone's diet. Low calorie content allows us to recommend rhubarb dishes to those who are overweight. Rhubarb leaves and petioles stimulate the digestive system and are used for