Why computer games are harmful for teenagers. The harm and benefits of computer games Are games harmful for children?

The computer today is an integral part of our home.
Little children do not know how to speak, but they are already actively clicking the mouse button,
watch cartoons on laptops, play tablets, and so on. All seven year olds
Children go to school with their phones, and in the evenings they like to play computer games.

technology as an integral part of our life

That you shouldn't spend a lot of time in front of the TV,
computer, that you should spend as little time as possible on your phone, that’s us
we hear it all the time recent years ten if not more. But who sticks to the data
advice? Probably a very small percentage, because imagine our life without
these devices are simply unrealistic. We can't work if not
Internet access, we panic if we leave our phone at home, and so on. But this
It’s one thing if you need it for work, then it’s quite another when many people use
computer and other devices solely for entertainment and games.

Is it so
computer games are harmful, as they say

Doctors have repeatedly expressed their assumption that the computer and
Computer games have a negative impact on human health. And it doesn’t matter
no matter how old you are, everyone's health will be at risk.

Prolonged contact with a computer impairs human vision, games
headphones affect the auricle, disrupting hearing, passage
Shooting games have a negative impact on the psyche. And this is just a small part
what is considered dangerous in medicine for a person and his health. All this leads
to the need for treatment from the best specialists in clinics or hospitals.

In addition, there have been repeated suggestions in medicine that
that one of the causes of breast cancer is the use of phones
and close contact with others modern technologies. Whether it's a lie or not,
It’s not up to us to decide, but there is still something to be afraid of. Yes, and when such an illness appears
You will need treatment from the best doctors.

What's the harm?
directly from computer games and how to avoid it

It is not only wrong that children play, but also
incorrectness of games directly according to age. Very often children are attracted
games that are not age appropriate. For such games, the child’s psyche is still
has not been formed, so games can negatively affect it.

In addition, sitting at the computer for a long time is also negative,
In addition to visual impairment, postural distortion is possible. Yes, I think that's all
They will agree that walking in the fresh air is much healthier than sitting at the computer.
Also, the lack of communication with living people will be reflected in disturbances in speech and communication.

What will grow out of such a generation? People who don't know how to communicate
they don’t know how to conduct a dialogue; in addition, they have problems with posture, a sore back,
poor eyesight, impaired psyche and much more. And all this because of an innocent
playing games on the computer and communicating with it for many hours.

Every parent needs to remember all this when allowing them to play
one of the games.

Good day, my dear friends and readers. I just thought that I’ve been blogging for more than six months now, and I still haven’t started writing some of the planned columns. And the first one I decided to take a look at was the “Computer and Health” section. In fact, this is my omission, since the topic is very important. But I think it's not too late to fix everything.

I would like to start with a rather topical topic, which concerns a person’s mental health rather than physical health. I mean games. And this matter especially concerns children and adolescents, since they are mainly susceptible to this fever. I myself was in this shoes at one time, so I have something to compare with.

Do you think computer games are harmful or beneficial to human health? I read many different articles that were written by both ordinary people and medical professionals and psychologists. And today I would like to write about the harm and benefits computer games give us, based on the opinions of various segments of the population and, of course, my own. So, let's go.

What I highlighted from the articles

Most games are violent, where your goal is to kill enemies, shoot them, gut them, burn them, etc. According to some opinions, these games make children more cruel and block positive thinking processes. Children cease to see the line between the virtual world and reality, so children can begin to behave the same way on the street, without feeling responsible for the aggressive actions committed.

Of course, there are also useful educational games that are aimed at improving human skills (memory, reaction, logic, etc.), but are today’s children interested in this? They want to play more dismemberment games, games with murders, where you can “crush” everyone left and right with impunity, even the police who try to stop you.

Of course, there are age restrictions on games, but where have you seen anyone pay attention to this? Even parents don't pay attention to this. The main thing is that the child is happy and does not distract them from their activities. And they do not pay attention to the fact that the child’s mental and physical condition is at risk.

In addition to harm to the psyche, games directly affect a person’s physical health, such as hand cramps, blurred vision, crooked back, etc. But the truth is that this most likely applies not to games, but to sitting at the computer for a long time. It’s just that a person can sit in a computer game much longer than just working on the Internet.

My opinion

I am familiar with games firsthand and have played many in my life, starting in the early 90s, when they bought me a Dendy console, and ending with an online game in which I immersed myself in for 3 years. Well, I won’t describe my childhood here, it’s better some other time. Let's move straight to computers. I decided to scatter everything for good and harm.



Known cases of harm

Now I will tell you famous cases in which people said goodbye to their health because of computer games.

Murder at a clan meeting

There have been many cases where people fought over games, and even killed each other in real life. Well, of course, it wasn’t the game itself that was to blame, but rather the in-game conflict simply escalated into reality. And as a result, one of these guys hit the other one so much that he caused a head injury that was incompatible with life.

This incident occurred in the game Lineage 2, which I was familiar with, between members of two warring clans. At one of the meetings they did not share something and this incident occurred. Moreover, the defendant himself was not just a school nerd, but a businessman who specially flew from Kyiv to Moscow for the clan meeting.

A kidney for a sword

I also can’t help but mention about a guy from the USA who spent days and nights playing his favorite World of Warcraft. One day he was offered to buy a powerful sword for real money, with which he could simply bend over his opponents without any problems.

He didn’t have that kind of money, so what do you think he did? He sold his kidney. Can you imagine? I sold a kidney, a part of myself, for a non-existent thing! He reduced his health by an order of magnitude for this. Thank God this won’t happen in our country, since we don’t sell organs, and you can only give a kidney to your direct relative (mother, son, brother, etc.).

50 hours of play

The 28-year-old Korean loved games so much that he quit his job to play them. One day he came to an Internet cafe and started playing an online game. For 50 hours he sat at the game, crushing enemies left and right. He was only distracted by going to the toilet and taking a short 10-minute rest.

The mother was very worried about this fact and she asked her son’s colleagues to find him and bring him home. They found him and wanted to bring him home, to which he replied that he would finish the game and come. Just a few minutes later he fell on the table. Heart failure. The organ simply could not withstand such a load.


Of course, these are all some critical cases. In our world, everything is not so bad yet. Of course, there are plenty of nerds and many people simply abuse games, getting hooked on them like a drug.

But personally, I think there is no need to completely ban games. This is a very good release. You just need to greatly limit them.

      • There is no need to allow yourself to devote 10 hours a day to this. An hour (maximum two) is enough free time and preferably not every day. Then, I believe, there will be no harm to health.
      • There is no need to play frankly scary and bloody games. The psyche may be shaken, and some are tormented by nightmares. A couple of years ago, on the advice of a friend, I tried to play the game outlast. Guys. I played for about 40 minutes and almost, as they say, lost my bricks. My heart was just ready to jump out of my chest. In general, I left her that same day.
      • Do not allow age-inappropriate games to be played. Those. You shouldn’t let a 7-year-old boy play with toys where you have to chop people up and kill them mercilessly.
      • And yet, I would completely exclude multiplayer online games, because they are the most addictive and, as a rule, all the worst cases happen precisely because of them, even if we take the cases I described earlier.

I think that if you follow these simple rules, then the mental health of you and your child will not be shaken even once, although someone may not agree with me. Please write in the comments what you think about this.

Well, I’m finishing my article for today. I hope you liked it and maybe even make you think about something. And you, in turn, do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates so as not to miss fresh and delicious articles. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Date of publication: 11/25/2012

On October 9, deputies from United Russia proposed introducing a ban on violent computer games. Some supported this initiative, while others were categorically against it. Let's figure it out.

The age-old question

In general, the topic of the harm of computer games is very popular. The world has traditionally been divided into two camps...

Cruel games are dangerous

All conservative people adhere to this concept. However, they are somewhat right. After all, there are really cruel and immoral games. And considering that any schoolchild can use torrents, absolutely everyone can play violent games, regardless of age restrictions.

Of course, the games themselves are not dangerous. If an ordinary normal person plays a cruel game, it will not affect his psyche in any way. But there are people who are prone to violence on their own. In this case, a violent computer game will be an incentive to violence in the real world. You don't have to look far for examples.

For example, the pharmacy chain lawyer Dmitry Vinogradov, who shot six of his colleagues. It is believed that he was inspired to do this by the game Manhunt, which is replete with violence (in fact, the reason is unrequited love).

In April 1999, two teenagers shot 12 classmates. It is believed that they were influenced by the game Doom.

In September 2001, a seventeen-year-old resident of Tyumen beat his parents with iron bars because they did not let him into a computer club.

That same month in China, a twenty-two-year-old boy stole money from his mother to go to a computer club. When the mother found out about this, she made a scandal for her son. As a result, the guy poisoned his mother and hid her body in a laundry drawer, where it lay for a month and a half. According to Chinese laws, the guy was executed.

Games are not dangerous, people themselves are dangerous

It all depends on the human psyche. There are people who only need a small incentive to start breaking laws. They have set the bar too low social responsibility. Therefore, you should not blame games, because you can also watch enough violent films or read violent books.

It is not cruelty and violence in games that is dangerous, but addiction to them. If a person works normally, studies, and spends a couple of hours playing a computer game in the evenings, then this is normal. For them, playing is just a way to relax and have fun.

If a person spends all his time on games, then this is a psychological deviation. Which means he needs to be treated.

Sometimes the addiction to games is so strong that people spend several days playing the game and then die from exhaustion.

In August 2001, a 22-year-old Thai man died while playing Counter Strike. After examining the body, the doctors indicated the cause of death - the Thai simply got overexcited during the game and died of heart failure.

In October 2002, a 24-year-old South Korean resident died of exhaustion. He played non-stop for 86 hours. At the same time, he did not sleep or eat at all.

On June 22, 2005, a 12-year-old schoolboy from Yekaterinburg died. He spent 12 hours playing games every day - as a result he suffered a stroke.

Addiction and how to treat it

As you can see, it is not the cruelty in games that is dangerous, but the addiction to these games. If your relative or friend begins to spend too much time playing games at the expense of work or study, then follow the following rules.

Teenagers. Many parents often find that their children spend too much time playing games. Your task is to redirect children's energy in a different direction.
A teenager addicted to games is a sign of disharmonious personality development. Most likely he is simply not well adapted to real life. Such children are unsociable and have few friends among their peers. Another reason may be an unfavorable situation. If there are problems in the family, then the child will “hide” in the game away from the cruel world.
Your task is to identify the child’s problems and help him solve them. Don't let him play for more than 2 hours a day or until he has done his homework. Otherwise, you will get a typical “nerd” - a person who has no friends, no achievements in sports, or academic achievements.

Conscious age. If you are already old enough to give yourself an account of your actions, then think seriously. Think about it: is playing games harmful to your life? If you play no more than a couple of hours a day, then this is normal. But if games start to overwhelm you, then this is a reason to take care of yourself.
Your task is to understand that life will fly past you. No matter how many missions you complete in the virtual world, you will not achieve anything in reality.

"Dumb reaction"

The thing is, people like to talk about violent games. Another news about a teenager who killed a dozen people by playing games is disturbing the population. And for politicians this is another chance to attract attention. This is what Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak did, declaring that violent games should be banned altogether. He was supported by United Russia member Vladimir Burmatov and senator Ruslan Gattarov.

Needless to say, this idea is stupid as hell. No system will keep an inquisitive mind from downloading pirated games from the Internet. And given the level of piracy in Russia (95%), we can say that 95 out of 100 people use pirated games.

Moreover, in most cases of murder, there is no direct connection between addiction to computer games and the crime itself. Criminals play games, but not vice versa (one-sided addiction).

The only way to stop addiction is through proper parenting practices and self-awareness among gamers. In addition, gamers cannot be completely weaned from games. If your child plays games a lot, then wait until he turns 16. As a rule, most teenagers at the age of 16 switch their attention from games to the opposite sex. Let your child play enough and throw out his anger in the virtual world. But don’t let this hobby turn into an addiction.


The modern generation of people was born in the era of information and computer games.

For them, this is not just a hobby, but something more. Games are a part of their childhood and life. But some grow up and some don't. At one time they also talked about television addiction.

There are many more useful and interesting ways to spend time than computer games. But the problem is that some people are addicted to it at a deep level. As my friend once said: “Computer games are the best thing in my life. And at the same time - the worst.”

Be healthy!

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Almost at every step we hear that playing computer games is harmful, since these toys not only “tear” us out of reality, but also cause a lasting addiction. However, such facts have no scientific basis and have not been officially confirmed. But the benefits of computer games have been proven. There are at least 7 reasons to start playing computer games.

19:51 19.02.2015

2. Gamers improve their English proficiency through games.

World of Warcraft, Call of Duty and other similar action and shooters help popularize the English language. For example, one study in Sweden showed that young people who play computer games spend about 10-12 hours a week communicating online on English(written or oral). Moreover, games often use spoken language with expressions and words that are not found in either the general school or university curriculum.

3. Computer games are a source of new knowledge.

A survey of the creators of the popular game WOT (popularly known as “tanks”) showed that players became more interested in military history, including tank building, as a result of which they began to visit museums and thematic exhibitions more often. And, importantly, not alone, but together with their spouses and children.

Another WOT player under the nickname Swordman writes: “I personally feel sad: when you watch old war films, you immediately notice that instead of German tanks, ours only have a square body kit made of painted wood. I didn’t notice it before, but now even on the skating rinks everything is immediately visible.”

4. Games improve coordination and memory, develop logical thinking.

The best confirmation of this is the fact that some schools in Europe use computer games (for example, Minecraft) to develop children's motor skills and logical thinking, and many surgeons prefer to play shooters to train motor coordination.

On the WOT forum, one of the players (under the nickname Asasinhope) wrote that his passion for games even saved his life: “I bounced off a car whose wheel came off, I think purely because of the reaction I acquired in shooters.”

5. Thanks to games, you can meet new people and even find your soul mate.

It's not true that avid gamers are people who are disconnected from real life. On the contrary, they are more active socially than many “non-gamers”. For example, research by the American Entertainment Computer Association showed that the majority of gamers regularly play sports, read the latest news in newspapers or online, engage in creative activities, and regularly visit movies, theaters and museums. Agree, it doesn’t look like social isolation at all.

On the already well-known “tankers” forum, a player under the name AmberMind writes: “Based on personal experience, - V online game You can really meet very sympathetic people who will come to your aid in difficult times. This is cool! By the way, there are also plenty of examples where dating in games led to the creation of happy families.”

6. Shooters and action games are a great way to throw out negativity and aggression.

Research shows that games help patients distract themselves from pain, and when aggression and negativity accumulate in real life, this is an excellent opportunity to throw it out virtually.

And here is an example from life. Mrtimoxa, an avid tanker writes: “I play after work. a couple of hours - and all the aggression accumulated during the day goes away. I found a friend in a random house, it turned out we live in neighboring areas, now we periodically go bowling.”

7. Computer games develop creativity and imagination.

Performing various tasks, finding possible ways solving problems, a person develops his creative thinking and the ability to think outside the box.

TotalDespair, a WOT player, believes that “strategic and tactical games develop global thinking, you pay more attention to detail. For people in creative professions, games are sometimes a source of inspiration, just like music, books, and films. And also, in my case, team play (in the realities of WoT, I mean a platoon) is an extra reason to communicate with friends, with whom geographically it is not always possible to maintain regular communication.”

Doesn't make people more prone to violence. This is the conclusion made by British psychologists in an article in Entertainment Computing magazine. The issue of the benefits and harms of computer games, their influence on the behavior of children and adults, as well as on brain function, has been discussed by scientists, politicians, public figures and simply concerned parents for probably the last twenty years.

Neurophysiologists were relatively the last to join this topic, eventually concluding that some types of games can actually have a positive effect on the functioning of some parts of the brain responsible for reaction and memory, while others, on the contrary, cause these parts to decrease in size .

Some researchers believe that computer games can develop a real addiction in a certain group of people, so strong that it is similar to a drug addiction. Others complain that high level Realism and freedom in games has reached such a level that the cruelty and violence found in them in some cases can be “transferred” to the real world.

David Zendle and his colleagues from the University of York decided to test this by organizing a very unusual experiment, in which several dozen volunteers took part, including both fans of computer games and people who were far from such a pastime.

“If games truly “program” a person, then he should be able to categorize and respond faster to the concepts and objects they contain than to real-world objects. This was completely uncharacteristic of the two games we studied,” says David Zendle from the University of York.

For the experiment, scientists developed two games that were similar, but different in content. In one, the player was asked to drive a car along a highway and try to avoid collisions with trucks, and in the second, the player took on the role of a mouse that a cat was trying to catch.

According to Zendle, if the position of opponents of games is correct, then such games should leave a certain psychological “imprint” on the minds of players, causing them to react more acutely and quickly to images of cats and cars and the words and ideas associated with them.

Guided by this approach, after each game session the scientists showed participants in the experiments a set of photographs depicting various items, animals and people, and asked to distribute them into one category or another.

Measurements of reaction time and thinking over the answer showed that volunteers reacted to pictures of cars and cats with the same speed and attention as to other photographs, which suggests that games do not change the human psyche.

Zendle says a similar study has concluded on whether games with realistic physics and graphics differ in mental health compared to their more primitive and abstract competitors. Scientists were also unable to detect any differences in this case.

“The information collected indicates that there is no direct connection between realism in games and violence in life. We found that in a word-completion logic task, participants did not make choices in the direction of cruelty-related concepts. Additionally, we noted no difference in data between individuals who played the realistic game versus those who played products with less realistic graphics,” commented Zendle.

According to the psychologist, this suggests that statements about the psychological dangers of such a hobby as computer games are still devoid of scientific basis.

However, it should be noted here that all these experiments were carried out with the participation of adults, so it is not yet entirely clear whether such statements can be considered just as true for children and adolescents. Scientists are going to find the answer to this question in the near future.