Osmanthus: description, beneficial properties, areas of application. Osmanthus variegum What is osmanthus

Tea drinking is a special ritual that allows you to enjoy the aroma of a divine drink, relax, unwind, and enjoy a friendly conversation over a cup of fragrant tea flavored with herbs and flower petals. One of the generally recognized leaders among aromatic and healthy drinks is tea with osmanthus.

Osmanthus is an evergreen shrub with delicate small flowers and dark green glossy leaves. It belongs to the olive family, and China is considered its homeland. The flowers of the plant are painted in a delicate palette - from light olive to cream and golden yellow. The flowering period lasts from September to April, filling the air with fragrance.

Osmanthus flowers have found use all over the world. Residents of the Middle Kingdom, being true experts in aromatherapy, value the fragrant shrub for its qualities and have been widely used in many industries for more than two thousand years.

What is so attractive about the osmanthus flower?

The main advantage is the unique fruity aroma, delicate, subtle and, at the same time, quite persistent. Connoisseurs describe it as a mixture of the smell of ripe peaches and apricots and sweet, fresh baked goods. The taste of fragrant tea with osmanthus lingers in the mouth for a long time after drinking tea.

It is not surprising that such a pleasant aroma is used in perfumery to produce perfumes. It was given a romantic name - “memory of a Chinese garden.” Osmanthus essential oil is the most expensive and valuable among all known. The chemical composition of flower petals is able to affect the deep layers of the skin, prolonging its youth and freshness. That is why the Chinese have been using fragrant olive in cosmetology since ancient times, and now it is an indispensable component in the production of skin cosmetics all over the world.

Useful properties of the bush

Fragrant osmanthus (its flowers, stems and roots), thanks to the huge number of useful qualities, has long been used in folk medicine East:

  • Aromatherapy. Tea made from dried flowers or an infusion has a calming, relaxing effect, helping to get rid of anxiety and worry.
  • Cough treatment. The medicinal decoction has a powerful expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, thins and removes mucus when coughing, and is effective for whooping cough and indigestion. Helps with gum inflammation, stomatitis, boils.
  • Powerful antioxidant. Cleanses the body, removes toxic substances, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. It has strong antiseptic and antisclerotic properties, improves metabolism, and promotes weight loss.


Like all medicinal herbs with potent properties, osmanthus has some restrictions on its use. In any form, it is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, patients with epilepsy, and children. Use is also contraindicated in cases of individual intolerance to the plant, allergies and high blood pressure.

How to make osmanthus tea

The Chinese are true experts in all the intricacies of tea drinking. They treat the “tea olive” with particular care and know exactly what types of tea can be combined with the aroma of fragrant flowers.

An infusion of dried flowers of the plant is called “Gui Hua Cha” in China. It is prepared separately, and then it can be added to black or green tea, or drunk as an independent drink, which has an unusually pleasant wonderful fruity taste and delicate aroma. Its miraculous qualities are manifested in any method of preparation.

Gourmets love to treat themselves to tea made from osmanthus and jasmine petals, receiving a surprisingly bright and rich floral aroma combined with the sweet taste of ripe apricot and peach fruits.

Gui Hua Oolong is a variety consisting of a mixture of golden osmanthus petals and oolong, a semi-fermented green tea. Black pu-erh, which the Chinese call red, is also mixed with fragrant olive petals to create a unique, exquisite, aromatic Gui Hua Hong Cha tea. These two types of tea are ideal for blending with osmanthus flower petals.

Golden Gui Hua Oolong has a special tart fruity taste, a floral honey aroma and a sweet aftertaste, perfectly relaxing and soothing. Tea can be consumed cold; its taste benefits from this. But you need to cool and infuse in a tightly sealed container to avoid oxidation and loss of beneficial properties.

It is best to brew Gui Hua Osmanthus in a transparent teapot, watching the movement of light petals and color saturation.

  1. Preparing tea by pouring: pour 5-7 g of dry mixture with 100-120 ml of water (90-95 degrees) and leave for 10-20 seconds. Withstands 7-8 spills.
  2. With the European brewing method: take 3-4 g of tea leaves (1 tsp), pour 200-250 ml of water at 90-95 ° C and leave for 2-3 minutes. The tea leaves are used 1 time.

Red-brown Gui Hua Hong Cha with sweet-tart notes in taste - tones and invigorates in the morning, and in the evening it relieves fatigue.

An exceptionally healthy and exquisitely aromatic tea will bring true moments of pleasure, lift your spirits, restore strength, and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Many people want to have something exotic on the windowsill of their apartment. Unusual “guests” from the tropics and deserts, from the banks of the Amazon, or always delight the eye and lift your spirits. Why not have at home not only a beautiful and rare plant, but also a useful one? One of these is osmanthus. Few people in our country know what it is, since it is rarely seen in stores or homes.

Description of the genus

The name "osmanthus" unites a whole genus of deciduous evergreen plants. All of them belong to the Olive family. Homeland of the plant - rainforests from Asia to the Caucasus itself. Osmanthus is not yet as popular and widespread in Russia as, for example, in China. It has been grown there for more than a millennium and not only as a decorative plant, but also as a medicinal plant. Many legends and beliefs are associated with osmanthus; it is traditionally considered a symbol of love and fidelity. Plants in this genus are shrubs or trees that have tough, dark green leaves with smooth or jagged edges. Osmanthus flowers can be snow-white or yellow, they exude strong aroma, which is sometimes compared to the scent of magnolia and jasmine.

Fragrant osmanthus

Very often it can be found under the name of tea or fragrant olive. The plant's homeland is Southern Japan, the Himalayas and China. Under natural conditions, it is a tree or shrub up to three meters high. The flowers can be white or yellow, depending on the variety, and have a pronounced sweetish aroma. Fragrant osmanthus is a very showy plant with leathery leaves that have jagged edges. In nature, it begins to bloom in September, and this continues until spring.

Osmanthus grows quite slowly, but it is unpretentious and drought-resistant. It will grow in almost any soil. Osmanthus will not take root in open ground under our climatic conditions, since it cannot withstand prolonged temperatures below zero. But he will feel quite comfortable in room conditions. If you want to grow a tree, then osmanthus is perfect in this case (photo below).

Which soil to choose

The osmanthus plant is not capricious, but still, for the best growth and development, some nuances must be taken into account. It is better to choose a place in the apartment with bright lighting, for example on a south window, and in spring and summer take it out to the loggia, balcony or terrace. It is best to choose soil with a slightly acidic or neutral environment. The ideal ratio would be 2:1 (fertile light soil and peat). You definitely need good drainage, so you need to put expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, and add coarse river sand to the soil. The plant does not require pruning, as this will reduce its flowering.

Propagation by seeds and cuttings

The first method is very long, since you will have to wait at least six months for germination, or even more. In addition, everything depends directly on the freshness of the seeds. If they are old, then it is necessary to carry out stratification so that the osmanthus is healthy and strong. Every gardener knows what this is - keeping seeds at certain temperatures for better germination (for osmanthus - three months in the warm and the same in the cold). It is very easy to propagate the plant from semi-lignified cuttings. They need to be cut in July. Then dry the cut for several hours, dip it in a growth stimulator and root it in a mixture of peat and sand. When the roots appear, you need to plant the young osmanthuses in separate pots.

Watering and replanting

Watering during the period of intensive growth (winter) should be plentiful, the rest of the time - moderate, stagnation of water in the soil should not be allowed, but also not to dry out the soil. Osmanthus loves moist air very much, so daily spraying will only benefit it. Sometimes you can give the plant tropical rain in the shower, and the leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust. Once a month during the growing season, osmanthus should be watered with complex mineral or organic fertilizer.

The plant should be replanted only when necessary. Osmanthus prefers to grow in a cramped pot until the roots fill it entirely. Young plants should be replanted as they grow, but for large ones it will be enough to change only the top layer of soil.

Gui Hua Hong Cha and Osmanthus: What is it?

This is a unique product made in China. Genuine Gui Hua Hong Cha is prepared from an elite variety of red tea, which has a very rich, tart aroma, which is the result of a high degree of fermentation. It grows in only three Chinese provinces. An ancient recipe is used to flavor the drink; its main ingredient is osmanthus. Perhaps every resident of Guangxi Province in China knows what it is and how to use it, because this is their signature drink. Only two varieties of osmanthus are used, the flowering period of which is only 10-15 days, so this is a unique product, and the quantity of genuine tea is limited.

If you are the happy owner of this plant, the drink can be prepared at home. To do this, osmanthus flowers must first be dried at room temperature(not in direct sunlight) and then brew. The infusion is used as a stand-alone drink or added to black tea. It has an amazing aroma and a slight calming, relaxing effect. The essential oils contained in flowers have a beneficial effect on the body and help cope with cough.

If you plant osmanthus at home, you will never regret it. The plant will give you a great mood and will delight you with its decorative properties, and in addition, you can happily treat yourself to a mug of tea with fragrant flowers on cold winter evenings.

Came into the culture of European gardening from the mountainous regions of Nepal, China, India and Japan.

In these countries the plant can be found at altitudes of more than 3500 m above sea level. This tree-like shrub will perfectly complement the winter garden, and during the flowering period it will saturate the room with a pleasant aroma.

Botanical description

(lat. Osmanthus) belongs to the family Maslinov(lat. Oleacea). In the culture of home floriculture you can find the species - Osmanthus fragrant(lat. Osmanthus fragrans).

Life form osmanthus- tree or shrub. Its leaves are leathery, large, reaching a length of up to 10 cm, dark green, obovate in shape.

The stems are gray-brown in color and become woody over time.

From June to August osmanthus begins the flowering period, which is accompanied by the appearance of corymbose inflorescences with small white flowers. During this period, osmanthus enchants with its pleasant sweetish aroma all who contemplate its beauty.

In room conditions osmanthus grows short. At the same time, flowering indoors is much longer and more abundant than in conditions open ground. The plant requires regular pruning in the spring to form the crown of the required shape.

This plant very unpretentious and can be kept in dynamic environmental conditions, but a warm attitude towards it and a little more care guarantees availability in home garden beautiful looking plant.

Lighting and temperature

unpretentious to lighting, but reacts very positively to the presence of a large amount of diffused light.

You can place a pot with a plant in the southern, southeastern and western parts of the house or room.

Temperature for osmanthus it is suitable at +20 +25 °C. IN winter period the plant can feel free in cool conditions and easily adapts to temperatures of +6 +8 ° C.

Humidity and watering

Humidity for osmanthus it has a second meaning after temperature. Indicators of 35-65% are excellent for normal growth and development of the plant. On very hot days, closer to evening, it is recommended to spray osmanthus with soft warm water.

Watering should be done regularly and abundantly. Stagnation of water in the tray or waterlogging is not a problem for osmanthus, especially when there is good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Watering osmanthus in winter, it should be reduced as the temperature drops.

Soil and fertilizer

The soil for osmanthus it must have the quality of good permeability to water, have a slightly acidic reaction, be of medium fertility and medium-heavy consistency. The plant is replanted as it grows. Containers for this purpose are chosen to be deep and spacious.

For the earthen mixture take:

  • turf soil (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • perlite (1 part).

Used as a loosening agent and soil moisture regulator. When watered abundantly, the granules of this material absorb excess water.

And during the period of active drying of the soil, moisture returns to the soil. This way you can be sure that during periods that are too hot, the plant will have a small supply of water.

Fertilize osmanthus mainly with complex mineral concentrates. Doses are used two to three times less than recommended and during the growing season they are applied along with watering. Once every 5-6 weeks will be enough for osmanthus.


Reproduction osmanthus mainly by vegetative method, using semi-lignified cuttings. Such planting material can be obtained with each new pruning of the plant.

Cuttings soak for several hours in Epin solution. After this, they are planted in moist sandy soil or create mini-greenhouse conditions. Temperature and humidity are maintained at +25 °C and 50%.

In a few weeks, young cuttings will get stronger and stretch out a little. They can be kept in this mode for up to two months. After this period, young osmanthus plants can be transplanted into separate pots and cared for in the same way as adult plants.

Diseases and pests

Quite resistant to pests and diseases. This tree is more likely to show signs or symptoms associated with gross violations of the rules of care.

So it is possible observe darkening of the tips of the leaves or their partial shedding. This occurs when the soil is constantly waterlogged. If the veins on the leaf blades change color, which also applies to the leaves themselves, then this sign may indicate a lack of minerals in the soil.

Overall, osmanthus is a very rewarding plant, especially when it receives a little more gardener attention.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest you watch the video about osmanthus

Osmanthus is used in cosmetology, medicine, cooking and perfumery. In China, the flowers of the fragrant plant are used to flavor black and green tea. The drink helps restore strength and renew the body. From essential oils, plants produce sweet perfumes that have a subtle fruity aroma. Osmanthus contains vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. The stems and bark are brewed to treat diseases. The plant is effective for nervous pathologies of the cardiovascular system.


Osmanthus is an evergreen deciduous plant that belongs to the genus Oleaceae. In China, the fragrant flower is called kimonkuseya, or tea olive. Ornamental shrub has from 13 to 36 species. Fragrant osmanthus is used in medicine, gardening and cosmetology. The small tree reaches a height of 2 to 12 m. The shiny leaves of the plant have a dark green tint and jagged edges. Osmanthus buds are collected in inflorescences that emit a pleasant aroma. The plant smells like fruit (with notes of apricot and peach). Flowers come in white, yellow, red or red. They bloom from September or October and persist until the end of winter.

In the natural environment, kimonkusei grows up to 18 m, and at home - up to 2 m in height.


Plant thanks healing properties used in folk medicine. A decoction of osmanthus bark helps in the treatment of boils, carbuncles and whooping cough. Tincture from the roots is effective for women's diseases, bruises and gum diseases. The fragrant plant lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. In folk medicine, osmanthus is actively used to eliminate the symptoms of atherosclerosis, obesity and hypertension. For this, not only bark and roots are used, but also flowers. They contain substances that remove phlegm and eliminate cough. The buds are brewed as tea and consumed to prevent viral and colds.

The plant contains essential oils: geraniol, linalool and ionone derivatives. They have a beneficial effect on the nerves and heart, speeding up metabolism and purifying the blood.

Osmanthus is used in cosmetology to care for problematic and aging skin. The plant extract has soothing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effects. Cosmetic preparations containing osmanthus eliminate rashes. At the same time, the plant extract moisturizes and nourishes the skin, preventing it from drying out. The regenerating properties of the raw material contribute to the natural restoration of all layers of the dermis.

Osmanthus essential oils are used in perfumery. The perfume has a sweet aroma with fruity notes.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the hair structure. An effective remedy for brittle and damaged hair, use osmanthus essential oil. It restores the oil balance of the scalp, nourishes it and heals scratches and wounds. If it is used regularly, the hair structure is restored in a few weeks. Essential oil is used to prepare cosmetics for the face, body and hair. It is used in aromatherapy as a sedative and anti-inflammatory composition. There are contraindications for use essential oil:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy.

Osmanthus tea has a positive effect on the body. It has a pleasant exotic aroma. The benefit of the healing drink is that it gives strength, vigor and confidence. Dried inflorescences of the plant are consumed with tea leaves or separately. The drink has a tonic, antisclerotic and antiseptic effect. Healthy tea removes toxic substances from the body and provides reliable protection . It is used to increase immunity and normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Green tea with osmanthus

The drink increases concentration, strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Green tea calms and relaxes, and osmanthus gives a floral aroma. The product is used to prevent colds.

Fragrant osmanthus often acts as one of the main components in the production of perfumes, and in the east tea is made from it. This plant is classified as medicinal and has a lot of useful properties; its aroma is difficult to describe, but it is very pleasant. There are other options for the names of this evergreen plant - fragrant olive, as well as tea olive. Want to get to know him better? Fragrant osmanthus - what is it? What does osmanthus smell like? What are the beneficial properties of this plant? For readers of “Popular about Health”, more about it.

What is fragrant osmanthus??

The fragrant olive belongs to the Olive family, which includes more than 35 species of plants. Osmanthus is an evergreen deciduous plant that is highly prized by the Chinese. There, the fragrant plant has been blooming for several millennia, and a huge number of legends are associated with its flowers in China. There is even a small province called Gui Lin, if you literally translate these words into Russian, you get “fragrant forest”, there are almost all year round the delicate scent of bush flowers is in the air.

The Chinese infuse the petals of fragrant osmanthus, and then add this fragrant infusion to tea. The drink acquires a pleasant taste and aroma that remains in the mouth for some time. The petals of the plant are dried and brewed with jasmine, and then drunk as tea. Fragrant olive inflorescences are often used in cooking - they are added to sweet pastries and various jams.

Externally, fragrant osmanthus is a shrub reaching a height (on average) of 2 to 8 meters. Its leaves are smooth, glossy, dark green, and jagged at the edges. The flowers of this plant are small, collected in panicle inflorescences. They look very delicate, as if cast from pure wax. Their shade can be different - there are cream, olive, golden yellow flowers. The bush usually blooms in the fall - in September, and continues until April. During this time, several stages of bud formation usually occur.

What aroma does osmanthus give, what does it smell like??

The name of the bush itself suggests that it exudes a pleasant aroma. This is true. What does osmanthus smell like? Its aroma contains peach and apricot notes. Some people claim that there is also a subtle smell of fresh baked goods. It is difficult to describe the entire palette of aroma that fragrant osmanthus exudes during flowering. One thing is clear - this smell is fruity, slightly sweet and very delicate. It is not without reason that osmanthus is used in the production of perfumes.

What are the medicinal properties of osmanthus??

The Chinese have long known about the benefits of fragrant olives. Since ancient times, they have been preparing bush flowers - collecting, drying them and using them for their own benefit. As you know, Chinese residents are experts in aromatherapy and successfully treat various ailments with the help of herbal ingredients.

Today everyone can experience beneficial features osmanthus, an evergreen plant, since you can buy essential oil obtained from its inflorescences in pharmacies, as well as purchase aromatic tea through specialized online stores.

What else is osmanthus valued for, the beneficial properties of the plant and how they are useful to humans?

The aromatic olive has a slight sedative effect, helps you relax and get rid of anxious thoughts. The flowers of the shrub contain substances that help quickly liquefy mucus and remove it from respiratory tract. No wonder fragrant osmanthus is widely used in the cosmetics industry - the fact is that it has a beneficial effect on the skin. The chemicals in its composition are able to penetrate deeply into its layers and transform it, maintaining youth and freshness.

Active substances found in the cells of the shrub inflorescences have powerful antioxidant properties. Harmful compounds formed in the body are easily neutralized and eliminated if you regularly consume teas or decoctions based on osmanthus flower petals. The Chinese also use this plant to stabilize blood pressure. The healing effect of fragrant olive is most clearly manifested when the essential oil from its petals is applied to the skin. Various skin diseases - irritation, inflammation easily go away if you lubricate them with osmanthus extract.

Attention! If you have ever read customer reviews on the Internet about essential oils, you must have noticed posts that they help some people and not others. This information in itself does not mean anything in general. But there are also posts that oils ordered or brought personally from outside our country always help. From this we can conclude that not all our manufacturers are decent and fairly dilute the main oil with other cheap ones, which is why the effect of the main oil can be minimal... Therefore, you should purchase essential oils only at specialized points, checking sales permits, oil certificates, availability agreement between the seller and the oil manufacturer. Of course, the price of the original product will be very high for many oils...

This plant is known for its general strengthening properties. Using it for aromatherapy allows you to achieve good results - a person recovers faster, receives additional energy boost, and becomes less irritable. The stems and bark of the bush are used in the East for dry, irritating coughs - they are brewed and, after infusion, taken for whooping cough. The same decoction helps get rid of purulent acne; it is used to wipe boils and other suppurations. A decoction of fragrant osmanthus flowers is used for gum diseases, diarrhea, and it also perfectly cleanses the body of bad cholesterol and improves blood quality.

Fragrant osmanthus is a plant that attracts us not only with its pleasant fruity smell, but also with its beneficial properties. By drinking tea with its petals or inhaling the aroma of essential oil, you can feel a surge of strength, get rid of a debilitating cough, and also cleanse the blood and entire body of toxic substances and free radicals. And this will allow you to maintain health, vigor, prevent the development of cancer cells and prolong youth.