How to calculate and select electric convectors for heating a private house. Selection of electric convector heaters Electrical wiring requirements

The choice of heating systems for the home is varied, the market has a wide range of products. One of the main types of heating are convectors and radiators. Their convenience includes easy adjustment of the room temperature, which determines cost savings. Low costs for consumables for installing coolants also add their “advantages” to heating the house with convectors.

Previously, it was customary to install cast iron batteries in houses. A design of radiators closer to convectors appeared not so long ago. Experienced engineers were involved in calculating the power and feasibility of replacing old batteries. The problem of such a replacement arose for a reason. Convectors, thanks to their fins, have higher heat transfer coefficient. The air flows through the sections more efficiently, and the room is heated evenly. The compact design of the convector also improves over conventional radiators.

According to experts, the feasibility of convector heating of a house is explained by several factors.

As for the costs of purchasing and installing a convector heating system, the cost savings grow significantly, and by 2.5-3 times less costs than for the installation of other electric heating systems. The equipment does not require professional supervision during installation and operation of the convector.

A convection heater consists of a main body and an electric heating device built into the device. When exposed to convection, the lower layers of air are sucked in, become lighter when heated, and exit through the upper guide blinds into the room. Cooling down over time, the cold currents again enter the convector and again exit through the upper guides. There is complete air circulation with a change in temperature from low to high, smoothly warming the room.

It has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the already mentioned compactness of the system, the ability to evenly warm the room, regulate the temperature background. Convectors take up so little space that they can be hidden in baseboards. But there are also a number of disadvantages in the home heating system with convectors. For the most part, the disadvantages are attributed to houses with high ceilings. The heat generated by convectors accumulates under the ceiling. The air ventilation system creates a feeling of draft and lifts existing dust from the floor. In ventilated rooms, convectors generally lose their effectiveness. Warm air completely goes into ventilation system and the room is constantly kept at a cold temperature. Heating a house with convectors natural ventilation does not produce such an effect, they can be installed without problems.

Heating a house with convectors is not an easy task, and the approach to the solution must be thoughtful. The fact is that a convection heating system should not be designed for a compressed pressure of 20 atmospheres. The composition of the convector housing also matters. The material must be strong and rigid, it is better if it is stainless steel. When choosing a convector for heating, you should take a closer look at the noise indicators of the device. Many convectors create terrible noise, which makes you no longer want heat. Electrical outlet must be installed directly next to the convector, without extension cords.

When installing convector type heating to a house, a mandatory point is checking house electrical wiring, its power. Do not forget that in addition to the convector, there is a constant use of other electrical appliances, that is, electric stoves, hair dryers, boilers, etc. In cases where the wiring has low power, you need to purchase heating convectors with built-in thermostats and not use several convectors at the same time.

Video review - how to choose an electric convector for your home

In heating systems of residential buildings, heating devices are most often used, which use the principle of convection in their operation. Exist different types these devices. A floor convector is installed near window or door openings, baseboard and in-floor units are completely invisible in the interior, and we are used to seeing wall-mounted devices in our apartments or private houses.

Types of convectors

Today you can find different types of convectors on sale.

According to the installation method, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Units for wall mounting are hung on the walls of the room under window openings. They are fixed on special brackets. When installing the device, you must observe the standardized distances from the window sill, floor and wall. To improve heating efficiency, a reflective screen with foil coating is attached to the outer wall behind the device.
  2. Floor convectors are popular for their ease of installation. There are stationary models that are installed on legs included in the kit and rigidly screwed to the floor, and mobile devices that can be moved from one place to another.
  3. Universal heaters can be mounted on the wall of a room or installed on the floor. Modern electric convectors are produced in just this variety.
  4. Built-in heating devices are mounted in a special niche in the floor. They are usually used in rooms with panoramic glazing. The entire structure of the device is located inside the floor screed; a decorative grille covers the niche on top.
  5. Skirting structures are pipes with ribs strung on them, which are installed along the walls around the perimeter of the room, and covered with a compact casing on top.

Depending on the heating method, the following types of heating convectors are distinguished:

  • gas;
  • water;
  • electric.

To heat the coolant in water-type units, boilers running on gas, electricity, liquid and solid fuel can be used. In turn, electric and water heating devices are divided into devices with natural and forced convection (with and without a fan).

Features of floor-standing water convectors

The water floor convector has an oblong body made of galvanized steel. Its length is 100-250 cm. Inside there is a heat exchanger consisting of one or more pipes. Each pipe has a protective casing. Stringed onto pipes made of copper or brass aluminum plates to improve heat transfer.

Air enters the holes in the bottom of the device, passes through the heat exchanger and heats up. The heated air masses exit through holes in the upper part of the housing. The process of heating the air in the room continues continuously while the device is operating. One cycle takes about 15 minutes. These are heaters with natural convection.

Units operating on the principle of forced convection have a built-in fan. It increases the efficiency of the device and helps quickly warm up the air in the room. The power of the equipment depends on the rotation speed of the fan blades.

Advantages of floor convectors:

  • compact size and stylish appearance;
  • easy installation and maintenance;
  • fire safety;
  • energy savings;
  • form a thermal curtain near the windows;
  • safety due to low coolant temperature;
  • impressive service life.

Important! If the device is equipped with a thermostat, you can control the air temperature in the room.

The disadvantages are the incompatibility of convectors with artificial ventilation systems. All convector heating devices cause active circulation of dust in the room. They are not recommended to be installed in a room with a height of 2.2 m or lower, because convective currents will not have time to cool.

Electric convectors

An air convector for heating that runs on electricity is convenient because it does not need to be connected to gas lines or a water heating system. The device connects only to the network alternating current, can be installed anywhere.

Inside the metal case there is a heating element (heater). It is placed in an aluminum casing or has welded aluminum plates to increase the heat transfer area.

Advantages of using electric convectors:

  1. The reasonable cost of the unit is its main advantage. Devices with a built-in electronic thermostat and fan are a little more expensive.
  2. Easy to install and easy to use. The unit can be hung on a wall or installed on the floor anywhere near an outlet. If necessary, the heater can be moved to another room.
  3. The device is compact in size and operates completely silently (this only applies to models without a fan).
  4. The unit does not need maintenance and obtaining permission to install.

The downside is that the efficiency of the device decreases over time. It consumes a lot of electricity, which is not cheap. In a large room, you need to install several devices, which will result in significant energy consumption. Can only be used as an additional source of thermal energy.

Built-in water convectors

Water convectors built into the floor are usually used in rooms with panoramic windows. They consist of a steel body, a heat exchanger, connection and control units, as well as a protective decorative grille. The device itself is installed inside niches in the floor screed. Pipelines for connection are also laid in the screed. A convector with a fan has increased efficiency and heats the room faster.

A copper, steel or brass tube with a coolant liquid circulating inside is used as a heat exchanger. To increase the heat transfer area, aluminum plates are strung on the tube.

Advantages of trench convectors:

  • saving space in the room;
  • possibility of installation in a room with panoramic glazing;
  • devices with drainage system can be installed in a room with high humidity;
  • compact dimensions;
  • safe operation.

The disadvantage is the high price of the unit, as well as its labor-intensive installation. A niche in the floor screed must be created at the stage of its installation, just like laying pipes. Not in every room it is possible to make a screed of the required height to create a niche in it.

Gas units

This type of convectors can operate on mains or liquefied gas. To connect to the main line, you must obtain permission from the gas service. To use bottled gas, no permits are required.

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  1. Inside the combustion chamber there is a burner that burns fuel. During combustion of the gas-air mixture, a lot of thermal energy is released.
  2. This heat causes the metal body of the device to heat up.
  3. Upon contact with a hot body, the air masses heat up and begin to circulate in the room.

There are devices with an open and closed combustion chamber. The first are equipped with a conventional chimney and burn oxygen in the room. The second type is equipped with a coaxial chimney, so it does not change the air characteristics in the house.

The common advantage of all gas units is efficiency. They use the cheapest type of fuel to operate. Reasonable price and high efficiency are also advantages. Disadvantages include the bulky size of the device, the complexity and complexity of installation, the fire hazard of the equipment, as well as the need to make a hole in external wall home for removing the chimney.

Features of convector heaters with a fan

All types of convectors can be equipped with fans for effective air circulation in the room. Thanks to this, the air warms up more quickly and efficiently. A wall-mounted water convector with a fan has the only drawback over its counterpart without forced ventilation - it is a volatile unit, that is, the device requires a connection to the mains for operation.

The main disadvantage of all heaters with a fan is that they promote active dust circulation in the room. This negatively affects the health of children and adults, increasing the incidence of respiratory diseases. Allergy sufferers tolerate these conditions especially poorly.

Rules for choosing a convector heating device

Now let's talk about how to choose a convector. First, you need to decide on the purpose of the room, since for places with high humidity you need to buy units made of stainless materials, with protection against condensation collection and drainage devices.

Consider the power of the device and the heated area. In a room up to three meters high with well-insulated enclosing structures, when calculating power, the rule is that for every 10 m² of area, a heating device power of 1 kW is needed.

When choosing a water convector, take into account the type of heating system - single-pipe or two-pipe, autonomous or centralized. Also pay attention to the material of the heat exchanger. Aluminum pipes are sensitive to the purity of the coolant and its composition, therefore they are suitable only for autonomous systems, and steel heat exchangers are allowed to be used in centralized networks, where the quality of the coolant is low.

Important! Consider the operating and pressure testing pressure of the water convector. Devices designed for low pressure are used in autonomous networks, and units capable of withstanding pressure up to 12 atm are suitable for centralized systems.

As you can see, each consumer can choose a convector-type heating device that will meet the requirements and meet the parameters of the heating system. It is better to entrust the installation of gas convectors to professionals, because they are fire hazardous equipment. Connect electric convectors only to a working electrical network.

Traditional forms of heating are giving way to new, more efficient ones. Heating convectors are the next step in the evolution of heating systems. Water heating convectors are used for heating rooms with a large glass area, or for rooms with several external walls. These can be premises such as greenhouses, swimming pools, winter gardens, shops, car showrooms, apartments, offices. They are also used in rooms with high humidity.

Water heating convectors are reliable and economical. In rooms with a large degree of glazing and high humidity, it is difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature without a heating convector. The warm air created by the convector is directed to external walls or to a glazed surface, which prevents the formation of condensation on the surface and leads to an increase in room temperature.

A water heating convector is a heating element consisting of plates connected by tubes. Such a simple heat exchanger device. They may have a protective decorative casing, but they may also be without it. Convectors are designed for operating pressure up to 15 atmospheres.

Operating principle of a water convector

The operating principle of a water heating convector is to distribute warm air in the room. When the air heats up, it rises, as it becomes lighter, and the cold air moves down and further heats up. The convector has Not high temperature heating, which makes it possible not to burn oxygen, unlike, for example, oil heaters. Therefore, water heating convectors can be used as the main heating system.

Water heating convectors have a number of advantages compared to electric and gas convectors. Electric convectors provide significant electricity consumption. They also have low efficiency when heating larger areas.

Mainly used as additional sources heating When installing a gas convector, it is necessary to install a chimney. The advantages of water convectors include the following:

  • uniform distribution of warm air throughout the room;
  • independent or combined heating premises;
  • heating of the room is carried out quickly;
  • preventing the formation of condensation on the glazing surface;
  • the room is heated at a low coolant temperature;
  • cutting off the cold air flow that penetrates from the outside;
  • if the permissible temperature is exceeded, the convector turns off automatically;
  • no special equipment required for installation;
  • safety;
  • implied continuous operation life of up to 20 years.

Water heating convectors also have some flaws. These include:

  • uneven distribution of air flows caused by the formation of drafts;
  • dust formation, which is provoked by convection currents;
  • water convectors are incompatible with forced ventilation, since warm air collecting at the top will escape outside.

To choose the right water heating convector, you need to pay attention to such technical characteristics as water heating speed. The rate at which the water in a water heater heats up is called the recovery rate. The lower the speed recovery level, the more water heater capacity, therefore it takes longer to heat the water.

Classifications of water convectors

When choosing a heating convector, you need to understand the classification of convectors. Convectors are divided by type of convection and installation method.

Water convectors: Types of water heating convectors and their characteristics

Heating water convectors: their advantages and disadvantages. Operating principle and classification of water convector.

Water heating convectors: overview of all types and device features

Water heating is valued for its versatility - it can be connected to a boiler running on electricity, gas, solid and liquid fuel, and even wood stove. The system works simply - heated coolant circulates through pipes and appliances installed in residential premises. Radiators and convectors are used as heating devices. The former heat the air by radiation, while the latter work on the principle of convection. How do water heating convectors work and what do manufacturers offer?

Design and principle of operation of convectors

Water convectors are a block consisting of a housing, inside of which there are copper pipes for circulating coolant and surrounding them plate heat exchanger. The operating principle of the device is based on heating the air passing through chambers with heat exchangers. There are grilles at the bottom and top of the case through which air flows freely pass.

In devices with natural circulation, air is taken in without the help of fans - the cold air masses falling down enter the body of the device, heat up, leave it, rush up and mix with the surrounding atmosphere. These batteries operate silently and do not require connection to power sources.

The performance of convection equipment depends on the temperature of the coolant and the intensity of the air flows created around the heat exchanger. Water heating convectors with a fan work more efficiently.

Forced ventilation accelerates the circulation of air masses and makes it uniform, increases the performance of the device and reduces the time required to heat the room. Forced convection is especially important for rooms with high humidity and heating large areas. By changing the fan speed, it is easy to control the thermal performance of the device. The fan requires an electrical connection to operate.

Convectors are more efficient and economical than conventional radiators, since they do not require high coolant temperatures for their full operation. They are safe and practically do not dry out the air, and the body never heats up to high temperatures - its average temperature is 40-50 degrees.

Overview of the main types of convectors

Convection heating devices are usually classified according to their operating principle, method and location of installation. Modern heaters bear little resemblance to conventional cast iron radiators, and some of them are not easy to detect in the interior.

Wall convectors for water heating

Wall-mounted water heating convectors resemble conventional radiators in appearance, but unlike cast iron radiators, in which air convection is very insignificant, their design facilitates the intake of cooled air and its rapid heating. Convection batteries are installed in the same places as radiators, most often under windows. It is important to maintain the correct distance between elements - incorrect calculation can lead to dampening of turbulent air flows inside the housing.

Wall-mounted convector radiators differ in size, shape, number of heat exchangers and plate material. It can be copper or aluminum, but more often a combined option is used - copper pipes and aluminum plates. Modern devices are compact and lightweight, have a streamlined shape and a durable body.

Convection radiators of the latest generation are equipped with Mayevsky taps designed to bleed air from the system, valves for adjusting the coolant supply, and thermostats. To paint the cabinets, powder dyes are used that are resistant to high temperatures and detergents.

Convectors for floor installation

Floor-mounted water heating convectors resemble wall-mounted devices in appearance, are small in height and are attached to the floor. This installation is ideal for in-floor pipe distribution and for rooms with large windows. The air intake in these models also occurs from below, so it is important not to interfere with the circulation of air masses and install the battery in a free place.

Modern floor-standing appliances fit harmoniously into the interior and even decorate it. An example of a successful design solution a bench radiator can serve, complemented by a comfortable wooden seat that does not block the movement of heat. These devices are not tied to the walls and can be installed anywhere, which is very convenient for studio apartments without internal partitions.

Floor-mounted convectors

Modern design trends require that there is nothing superfluous in the interior - this was the main reason for the creation of built-in heating equipment. In-floor water heating convectors are mounted in the floor. The visible part of the device is a decorative grille installed flush with the floor covering. Removable gratings are made of steel, aluminum and wood - the choice depends on the finish of the floor.

Built-in water heating convectors are suitable for rooms with panoramic glazing. Installing heating devices along windows and doors creates a heat shield to cut off cold air. Underfloor heating systems are used independently and in combination with other radiators.

Baseboard water heating

Compact baseboard heating meets all requirements modern requirements and does not disturb the comfort of the home, does not take up space and is energy efficient. A warm baseboard is installed around the perimeter of the room at the bottom of the wall. The system is a closed loop consisting of an aluminum body, a decorative grille and several heat exchangers connected to each other by PVC pipes.

Installation along the walls helps to heat them evenly and helps avoid dampness in the room. Proximity to the floor solves the problem of cold floors and ensures uniform heating of the air. Thanks to the closed housing, heat losses of the coolant are reduced, which helps save on heating costs.

What to look for when choosing

Having decided on the type and shape of the device, we proceed to study technical characteristics water heating convectors.

  1. Power – main indicator heating equipment. For each square meter Homes need 100 watts of power. This is a basic value that may change after taking into account the height of the ceilings, the quality of thermal insulation and others. important parameters. IN large rooms The problem is solved by several devices.
  2. Permissible operating and maximum pressure testing - these parameters are especially important for apartments with central heating, since seasonal testing of the system is carried out under increased pressure.
  3. The number of heat exchangers - the more there are, the more efficiently the device operates.

It is also worth paying attention to the volume of circulating fluid, the maximum temperature of the coolant, the hourly circulation of water, the weight of the product, and the material used to make the parts. We advise you to dispel any doubts together with a specialist competent in this field.

Water heating convectors: operating principle and all types of convector radiators

Design and principle of operation of water heating convectors. Review of all types of converter radiators: floor-mounted, wall-mounted, in-floor, with a fan.

Heating convectors

Water heating convectors

Convectors - can be used in both centralized and autonomous water heating systems. Unlike conventional heating radiators, such devices are more economical. Most often, hydronic floor convectors are installed in large rooms, since these devices can produce a large amount of heat in a short period of time.

Water heating convectors made in Russia

Advantages of water heating convectors

The advantages of a water convector include:

Faster heating compared to traditional batteries;

Higher heat transfer;

Convectors allow you to heat a room even at low coolant temperatures, which means lower costs for heating heating water;

The compactness of the devices allows them to be installed even on partitions made of plasterboard;

If we talk about built-in convectors, their advantage is that they are invisible;

Buy a convector for home heating

Water heating convectors made in Russia can be purchased from the company Teplodoma-msk

Water heating convectors made in Russia

Heating convectors Water heating convectors Convectors can be used in both centralized and autonomous water heating systems. Unlike conventional radiators

How to make a water heating convector

    • How to make a water heating convector
    • What is the difference between a convector and a radiator
    • Heating with convectors built into the floor

    Ready-made factory convectors, despite the fact that they have a fairly simple design, are, unfortunately, very expensive. But if you wish, you can, of course, try to make such a simple device yourself.

    Water convector design

    The main design element of such heating devices is a heat exchanger, which is a pipe curved in the shape of the letter U or, for example, a four-pipe snake with plates placed on it. Thanks to the presence of the latter, the heat transfer area of ​​the device, and consequently its efficiency, increases significantly.

    The heat exchangers, in turn, are inserted into steel housings, the configuration of which depends on the specific purpose and location of the device. In order for the device to work even more efficiently, a fan can be additionally included in its design.

    This device is inserted into the convector body and forces air through it. Heating devices equipped with fans work even more efficiently than models with natural air circulation.

    Also, special control sensors can sometimes be used in industrial convectors. The presence of such devices allows you to regulate the operation of the device, and therefore control the intensity of heating the air in the room.

    Principle of operation

    Such devices, like conventional heating radiators, operate on the principle of convection. The air heated by them rises upward, creating a thermal curtain for door and window openings.

    Cooling down, the air falls down, passes through the convector again and heats up again. Thus, with convector heating, the same temperature is created in the room both under the ceiling and next to the floor, and, accordingly, a pleasant microclimate.

    Types of modern water convectors

    Three main types of convectors can be installed in private houses and city apartments:

    A distinctive feature of the devices of the first type is that their body is complemented by durable legs. The advantages of such devices include, first of all, the fact that they can be placed not only against the wall, but also in any other place in the room. Wall convectors are mounted in rooms using brackets.

    Built-in models of such heating devices are the most popular among consumers. Such convectors are usually used to heat rooms with non-standard layouts. This type of device is most often installed inside the floor.

    Very often, built-in convectors, for example, are installed next to panoramic windows starting from the floor itself. That is, they are placed where it is impossible to install a conventional heating radiator.

    How to make an underground convector

    Devices of this type are installed in an apartment or private house directly into the floor pie. In order to make such a heating device with your own hands, you need to prepare:

    • a piece of polypropylene pipe;
    • iron for installation of polypropylene;
    • several corner fittings;
    • corrugated cardboard;
    • piece of tin;
    • wooden slats.

    When making a homemade cheap convector, cardboard will be needed to assemble the heat exchanger plates. In order for these elements to last longer in the future, you should buy only the highest quality material for their manufacture. In any case, corrugated cardboard for assembling the convector heat exchanger should be used that is strong and rigid.

    Of course, if desired, the convector plates can be made not from cardboard, but from some other, more reliable and durable material. The main thing is to ensure that the heat transfer area of ​​the finished device is large enough.

    How to make a heat exchanger

    The main structural element of the water convector in this case is made as follows:

    • the pipe is cut into four sections, two of which should be slightly shorter than the other two;
    • using soldered corners, one of the short and one of the long segments are connected to each other in the form of the letter P;
    • the cardboard is cut into plates of not too large an area;
    • holes are cut in the plates with a knife with a diameter equal to the cross-section of the pipe;
    • the plates with a small pitch are put on a U-shaped polypropylene product;
    • The second part of the heat exchanger is made in exactly the same way from the two remaining pipe sections.

    At the final stage, the two U-shaped parts are connected into a single heat exchanger using angles or a piece of flexible steel hose through short sections. When using this assembly technology, the end result is a double four-pipe snake water heat exchanger.

    How to make a body

    The easiest way to make the convector body, of course, is from tin. From this material you need to bend a narrow box corresponding to the dimensions of the heat exchanger assembled at the first stage.

    Holes should be made in the end wall of the housing to supply return pipes to the convector and supply the heating system of the house or apartment. The top of the in-floor convectors is covered with decorative grilles. Therefore, shelves for mounting this element should also be provided in the tin box.

    The easiest way to make the decorative lattice yourself is to use wooden slats. You need to make holes in these elements on both sides and pass metal or wooden rods through them. Next, the structure assembled in this way must be inserted into a frame, also made of wood or metal.

    Convector installation

    A self-made convector is installed in the usual way, exactly the same as an industrial one. First, the housing with the heat exchanger is installed in a niche made in the floor. Next, the heating system lines are connected by soldering using couplings or tees.

    When installing a convector, a niche in the floor should be placed no further than 300 mm from the window. For example, curtains should not separate the device from the window during operation. Typically, convectors are placed at a distance of 50-250 mm from the window.

    If the lower part of the window frame is located high enough, and the body of the homemade convector itself looks aesthetically pleasing, this device can be installed simply on the surface, without being buried in the floor. The convector mounted in this way, of course, needs to be secured. To fix the device body to the floor, you can use, for example, galvanized steel corners.

    The convector must be installed indoors using a building level. Incorrect installation in the future may negatively affect the operation of the device.

    Of course, you can make a convector using not only polypropylene. If, for example, the heating circuit in the house is made of steel, it is worth taking steel pipes. The same applies to metal-plastic. In both of these cases, the convector will be inserted into the system using threaded connections.

    How to make a convector from a battery

    If you wish, you can, of course, make with your own hands not only a built-in, but also a regular outdoor convector. The easiest way to make such a device is to use a regular heating radiator as a base. You can increase the battery efficiency by converting it into a convector by simply adding several fans to this device.

    To manufacture such a device, you will need to purchase approximately 4-5 fans. In this case, you should choose high-quality devices that operate as silently as possible. You will also need a steel or plastic corner with a shelf that is not too wide.

    How to connect fans

    Fan housings can be fastened together in a row, for example, using cable ties threaded through holes in the corners. It is best to connect the two-pin connectors of these devices in pairs with pieces of cable, passing one behind the other.

    This installation method will reduce the number of wires connecting to the power supply. Ultimately, on one side, a two-wire AC cable should be connected to the power supply, and on the other side, DC wires from the fans.

    If the heating radiator is located low, the structure assembled in this way can simply be placed under it on the floor. If there is a lot of free space between the battery and the floor, the fan unit will have to be slightly improved.

    TO assembled structure in this case, among other things, you will need to attach legs from the corner. To do this, you first need to cut 4 pieces 10-15 cm long from the corner. Next, the legs obtained in this way will need to be attached to the bodies, having previously made holes for the screws.

    Features of operation of convectors

    Some disadvantage of heating devices of this type, both floor-standing and built-in, is that they are capable of raising dust in the room along with the air. That's why wet cleaning in the house, when using such devices, you will have to do it more often in the future.

    The device itself will need to be wiped periodically with a damp cloth. In a home-made in-floor convector, in the absence of proper care, for example, the grille may become completely clogged with dust. As a result, the device will, of course, stop performing its functions correctly.

    How to make a water heating convector - Apartment and cottage - Other

    👍 Compared to conventional heating radiators, water convectors have a number of unconditional advantages.

How to choose a water heating convector

Here you will learn:

Heating systems with classic radiators can heat a room in two ways - using convection and thermal radiation. If we talk about water heating convectors, they heat only due to natural convection, ensuring the circulation of warm air masses in the rooms. Fast and efficient heating of rooms is achieved. What are water convectors and how do they work? Let's talk about this as part of our review.

We will also look at:

  • principles of operation of water convectors;
  • types of devices;
  • characteristics and properties of this heating equipment;
  • installation principles.

After reading the material, you will receive all the necessary knowledge about these devices.

Principle and design of water convectors

Classic radiators heat walls and surrounding objects, thereby warming Living spaces. In order to increase efficiency, they are made with fins, which creates a convective air flow. As a result, the heating rate of private houses and apartments increases. Heat is delivered to radiators using a heated coolant - most often this is ordinary tap water. It enters the room through convection fins and in the form of thermal radiation.

The principle of convection is very simple - heated air rises, and cold air comes in its place.

Convection is good because it provides quick heating of any type of room. Heated air masses, rising to the ceiling, displace cold air from below, forcing it to pass through convectors. Thanks to this, the results of the heating system become noticeable literally half an hour after turning on the heating. At the same time, a classic heating battery cannot boast of similar results.

The operating principle of water heating convectors is very simple. The coolant flowing through them heats the steel fin plates. As it heats up, it tends to rise, and the next portion of air takes its place. Pure laws of physics work here, providing high-quality heating of residential premises. The heating procedure is carried out absolutely silently, without disturbing household members.

How do water heating convectors work? Inside them we will find:

  • steel or copper pipe– coolant flows through it;
  • fins – it is responsible for heating the air masses;
  • connection nodes - with their help, the devices themselves are connected to the water heating system.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the design of this device: a heat exchanger with connection points, closed by a housing.

Additionally, thermostats and air vents are installed - the former allow you to adjust the degree of heating, and the latter serve to remove air from the heating system. The design of convectors is very simple, and their miniature size will not spoil the interior of residential or work premises.

The scope of application of water convector heaters is extremely wide. They are used for heating private households, apartments in apartment buildings, office, administrative and production premises. Here is a list of their advantages:

  • such heating devices provide quick warm-up - in terms of warm-up speed they are superior to conventional batteries;
  • high efficiency - The heaters themselves release more than 95% of the incoming heat to the air masses;
  • compactness - thanks to their small size, these heating devices can be used in rooms with panoramic glazing without spoiling the appearance.

This is a universal heating equipment for any premises.

Caring for heating convectors is very simple - they need to be periodically cleaned of dust that accumulates on the fin elements. This is where a vacuum cleaner with good suction comes in handy. External care involves simply removing dust with a damp cloth. Internal cleaning is carried out at least a couple of times a month, which prevents the accumulation of large amounts of dirt.

Types of water convectors

Now we will talk about the most interesting thing - about the types of convector heaters on water. On sale are:

  • floor models - they are mounted on floors;
  • wall-mounted models are the most popular and widespread type;
  • baseboard models are an innovation in the modern heating market;
  • in-floor – devices for hidden installation in floors;
  • base models are devices for embedding into walls, niches and even stair steps.

Let's look at all types in more detail.

Floor convectors

Floor convectors are often used in rooms with panoramic windows. In this case pipes for supplying hot coolant are laid in the floor. Installation of heaters comes down to securing them and connecting them to the heating system. Using the lowest and most compact models, you can achieve perfect review from the window and high-quality heating of the premises.

Wall convectors

Water-based wall-mounted convector heaters are characterized by minimal thickness and compactness. In size, they resemble electric convectors or conventional batteries. High models are installed under ordinary window sills, and miniature varieties of small height are suitable for windows with low window sills. Thanks to their design, they provide effective heating. In addition, they can be installed along blank walls.

Wall-mounted water convectors are used to heat rooms for various purposes– these are ordinary living rooms, offices, industrial buildings, sales areas of stores, warehouses and much more. They do not clutter up the space and provide soft and almost imperceptible circulation of heated air. For designer interiors devices with decorative finishing are produced.

Skirting convectors

Baseboard heating convectors are a comparative innovation. They are miniature and designed for installation of baseboard heating. Their advantages:

  • uniform air heating throughout the entire height of the room;
  • extremely compact dimensions;
  • high heating efficiency.

Despite their miniature size, underfloor heating devices warm up living spaces well, creating a comfortable atmosphere.

Trench convectors

In-floor water heating convectors will be a godsend for those who want to create the most hidden heating system possible. As their name suggests, they are recessed directly into the floors, where special niches are created for them. Pipes through which the coolant circulates are also laid there. One large-width in-floor water convector will provide high-quality heating and will not spoil the interior with its appearance - you can guess the presence of such a heater only by the masking grille in the floor.

Where are in-floor water convectors used? They are indispensable for installation in rooms with panoramic windows - unlike low floor-standing units, they do not even partially block the view from the windows. Being completely recessed into the floors, convector heaters do not interfere with the walking of people, so they can be installed even in doorways, creating a barrier to cold air flows.

In-floor heating convectors are indispensable in interiors that are subject to increased finishing requirements. These could be exhibition halls, concert halls, museums and other places where heaters protruding from the floors or their wall-mounted counterparts would be inappropriate. They are also used to heat private houses - the absence of visible elements of heating systems allows you to create interesting interiors.

Base convectors

Another novelty in the world of heating equipment is base-mounted water convectors. They are relatives of in-floor devices, as they are designed for hidden installation. Their installation is carried out in small niches, in walls, in stair steps, in partitions between rooms. Base convectors allow you to create an invisible heating system that is highly efficient. They will become excellent choice for those who want to create an exclusive interior in which there will be no heating devices.

Basement heating convectors require connection to the electrical network. Electricity is needed here to rotate fans that create forced convection. To make them less noisy, manufacturers use low-noise fans. Thanks to this, they can work even at night without creating discomfort for household members.

Features of choice

The selection of suitable convector heaters begins at the stage of designing the heating system, as well as during the construction of the house. If you plan to use panoramic windows, take a closer look at in-floor convectors and provide niches for their installation. In other cases, you can get by with wall-mounted models, placing them under windows and along blank walls. Another option for almost hidden heating is baseboard convectors with minimal dimensions.

In order to correctly select the power of a convector heater, simply multiply the area of ​​the room by 100, the resulting number will be the required power in Watts.

The required thermal power is calculated in the same way as in the case of conventional radiators, based on 100 W per 1 sq. m. As for the choice by country of manufacturer, there are some nuances - devices produced in Russia are distinguished by the optimal combination of price and quality. Foreign equipment is of higher quality, but also expensive. As for China, an individual approach is needed, since the quality of Chinese products is unpredictable.

Installation of water convectors

When installing water heating convectors, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the floors - there are holes at the bottom that must be open. Optimal distance to flooring is 20-25 cm. The gap between the devices and the window sills varies from 10 to 30 cm. It is also necessary to take into account the small gap between the rear wall and the wall of the building - it is enough to leave 5 cm.

If possible, be sure to lay heating pipes in the floor, then the heaters themselves installed later will look much more aesthetically pleasing.

The pipe connection depends on the model of the selected convectors - it can be on the side or bottom. Depending on this, we lay pipes that will come out of the walls or floors. The latter option is more preferable, since it becomes possible to almost completely hide all the pipes - this scheme turns out to be more accurate.

Convectors are installed in a strictly horizontal position– correct installation is controlled using a building level. We also do not forget about securely fixing the equipment so that it does not come off under its own weight. Carrying out installation work, you must be careful and avoid putting physical stress on the convectors to avoid their breakdowns.

We create niches for in-floor and basement convectors - they are provided for in the construction plan. Please ensure that the dimensions of the niches are 3-4 centimeters larger than the dimensions of the devices themselves. You should also leave a gap for more convenient connection of equipment. After laying the flooring material, the in-floor heaters are masked decorative grille, from which warm air will rise.

Water heating convectors - expert advice on choosing

We study water heating convectors and their purpose. Check out detailed review water convectors, criteria for their selection and main varieties.

Electric heating convectors: which ones are better for a private home

From a letter to the editor: “I came up with the idea of ​​replacing traditional wood heating in a country house. At least partially. The area of ​​the house is only about 60 square meters. m.What do you recommend? I am especially interested in real efficiency in practice, and reliability, of course. Never had to deal with it. Please help me with advice and advice.”

When choosing appliances for heating premises, many buyers, out of habit, give priority to foreign companies. And believe me, not just because the brand is well-known and for this reason the product is more trustworthy. No, indeed, heating equipment from foreign companies has been proving its high quality and reliability in practice for years.

But don’t think that only imported devices have long term operation. Among domestic companies in last years those whose products compete quite well with foreign manufacturers have also become known. But this is a separate conversation. Otherwise, how will you choose high-quality and affordable devices? Today we’ll look at what electric heating convectors are and look at where they are used.

In modern life, heaters are a common occurrence. Almost every home has them. Some traditionally use oil based ones. Others have convectors. Both operate on the same general principle heating of air masses is the actual process of convection, if anyone doesn’t know.

Operating principle of an electric convector

The expression “convection” itself is derived from the Latin word convectiō, meaning literally “transfer”. Everything is simple here. From the physics course we know that cold air has a significantly higher density compared to warm air. It is for this reason that cold masses, sinking and actively displacing warm layers, accumulate below. So it naturally falls into the lower grill of the electric convector. Moving through the heating elements, the lower layers of air are warmed up, causing them to become lighter and little by little rise to the upper layers. And, conversely, the upper layers of air, gradually cooling, become heavier and tend downward... This process happens again and again. The permanent movement of air masses creates a comfortable temperature in the room.

The electric convector consists of a steel or aluminum body, into which the actual heating elements (heating elements), which are high-resistance conductors in a ceramic shell, are built. The design is controlled by a thermostat.

Design and principle of operation of an electric convector - general diagram

The temperature of the working surface of the heating element in the active (on) state usually fluctuates in the range of 60-100 C. Convectors do not dry out the air.

Operating principle, video


Most often, devices are placed under windows, but this is not so important. You can place it on the wall in any corner of the room where you see fit.

Types of electric convectors

Electric convectors are divided into several types:

  • Wall-mounted;
  • Floor-standing;
  • Stationary, built into the floor.

A wall-mounted convector has a height of about 40-45 cm. A floor-mounted convector is narrow and oblong, the device is usually hardly more than 20 cm in height. Convectors can also be built into the floor and covered with a grille on top. In this case, they are installed during the construction of the building or its renovation. Floor-standing and built-in floor convectors provide more uniform and faster heating of the room (even though the heating element of wall-mounted convectors is more powerful) and the convection flows when using them are smaller. This is achieved due to the fact that the length of the heating element of a floor-mounted or built-in floor convector is much greater. Another positive quality of a convector built into the floor is its invisibility. The main advantage of a wall-mounted convector is ease of installation.

The efficiency of floor convectors is higher, because they radiate heat throughout the entire body. But installation with a wall structure is easier, which is why they are more popular.

Wall-mounted ones are usually quite high (40-45 cm). Floor oblongs are low (usually no more than 20 cm). Although wall-mounted convectors have a higher heating element power, it is floor-mounted convectors that heat the air in the room as quickly and evenly as possible. However, please note Installing a floor convector is more complicated than a wall convector.

Is it economical to heat a country house with electric convectors - expert opinion

Which convector to choose

  • They do not require particularly careful supervision.
  • They quickly warm up rooms and do not cause drafts.
  • Electronic automation - a built-in thermostat - controls the temperature in the room, which allows you to significantly save energy.
  • Thanks to the thermostat, the heating elements do not overheat, which allows the convector to be mounted on a wide variety of surfaces.
  • Modern convectors are protected from possible splashes; they are used even in damp rooms.
  • Safety. The metal casing of the convector heats up to 45-65 degrees. C - at such temperatures it is impossible to get burned on the body. Modern convectors have a well-thought-out ergonomic design that eliminates sharp corners, so the possibility of injury is minimal (the devices are also installed in children's rooms).
  • The convector does not dry, but heats the air, and it remains fresh, without unpleasant odors from combustion products.
  • The convector does not have a forced ventilation system to supply air, so the devices are silent.
  • Wall-mounted (or universal) convectors can be easily and simply mounted on almost any surface.

Selecting the power of an electric convector

Specified parameters:
Ceiling height 3 meters.
Comfort temperature +19 degrees. WITH

A useful and convenient short table for approximate calculations of the power of a room heater

Types and features of thermostats

Any electric heating convector has a built-in thermostat, which makes it possible to set the required temperature in the room. Thermostat control can be either mechanical or electronic.

Mechanical thermostat

In electric convectors with such a thermostat, the temperature is regulated by simply turning a step switch. Their only advantage over electronic convectors with a mechanical thermostat is their low price. And the main disadvantage can be considered that due to the fact that it is impossible to establish exactly temperature regime, energy consumption is increased.

Electronic thermostat

Thanks to it, it becomes possible to accurately set the desired temperature (the error can be up to tenths of a degree). The electronic thermostat operates silently, and, most importantly, by setting the temperature control to automatic, it is possible to reduce energy consumption. Of course, the price for convectors with an electronic thermostat is higher than for devices with mechanical control, but the advantages of electronics are undeniable.

How to install a thermostat on a convector heater (video)

This question, as well as the question of how to replace a mechanical thermostat on a convector with an electronic one, is heard quite often among our subscribers. Today we will not dwell on this topic in detail, but perhaps this video will be useful to someone.

Additional functions

Many electric convectors, especially for devices with electronic thermostat, have some additional functions that increase heating efficiency and user comfort during operation.

  • Several different operating modes, including such as “economy”, “automatic”, “comfort”, etc.;
  • Antifreeze. Automatically switches the device into heating mode when the room temperature drops below 5 °C;
  • Built-in ionizer. Saturation of the air in the room with negative ions. By the way, the ionizer can remain in operating mode even when the heating element is turned off;
  • Restart or Autorestart. The electronics remembers the settings and automatically returns them when resuming operation after a power outage;
  • Rollover sensor. This function greatly increases the safety of the device, since it turns off in the event of a fall;
  • Programmable thermostat. With its help, you can program a change in the temperature mode after some time; it is also possible to set a certain temperature by time of day or day of the week;
  • Control module. Thanks to it, you can control several devices at once from one remote control and regulate the temperature in different rooms.

Electric wall convector in the interior

There are universal convectors, they are equipped with removable rolling rollers, and also have fastenings for wall mounting.

Such a device can simply be removed from the wall and reinstalled in the desired location. Stationary convectors require precise location.

High-quality heating elements made of steel, which can withstand high temperatures on the filament, can last more than 15 years. Accordingly, many convectors come with a warranty of 2 years or more.

How to choose power

The convector is selected according to the formula 90-100 W/1 sq. meter. That is, to heat a room of 20 square meters. m will require a device with a power of 1800-2000 W.

In a room with ceilings 2.5-3 meters high, the power should be increased by 1.5-2 times, and if the convector is not the main heating device for the room, then lower it.

The peculiarity of the operating principle of the convector is that each panel operates on the principle of providing autonomous power.

How to choose a cable cross-section?

A device with a power of up to 1.5 kW must have a cross-section of 1.5 sq.m, but if the convector is more powerful than 1.5 kW, you need to choose a cable cross-section of 2.5 sq.m.

The cable is laid from switchboard separate line and connected through a separate machine.

The second choice is a mechanical thermostat or an electronic one.

A convector equipped with a mechanical thermostat is cheaper, but it is not accurate enough and cannot flexibly respond to changes in temperature below the set one. Prices for electric convectors with an electronic thermostat are on average 25-30% higher.

There are programmable thermostats on the market, they can be adjusted flexibly, and you can set the temperature literally by the hour.

Electric convectors are often used as main or additional heating devices, especially in non-gasified populated areas. Using these devices, you can set the desired temperature in your house, apartment or country house without much expense or hassle. What you need to consider when choosing an electric convector will be discussed in this article.

Electric for heating: how to choose a good unit

Design, advantages and disadvantages of electric convectors

The operating principle of electric convectors is based on the physical process of the same name - air convection. This process involves the ability of warm air to rise upward, displacing colder air masses. To move air, it does not require the installation of a fan or other mechanism; this is completely done.

The design of the convector is extremely simple: a metal body with holes, a heating element installed inside and a control unit. Cold air is taken in through holes in the bottom of the case, and released through holes in the top of the front panel. There are models equipped with a switchable fan, which is designed to quickly warm up the room and accelerate the convection of air flows.

Electric convectors have a whole list of advantages:

  • rapid heating of the room;
  • high efficiency – up to 96%;
  • safety in use;
  • silent operation;
  • high level of automation;
  • large selection of models of various sizes and power;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of electric convectors include the high cost of electricity compared to other coolants and certain power requirements for the home electrical network.

The choice of a convector for heating a cottage or apartment is carried out taking into account several criteria:

  • thermal and electrical power;
  • installation method;
  • shape and dimensions of the body;
  • heater type;
  • type of temperature control in the control unit;
  • availability of necessary protective functions;
  • degree of automation.

Some characteristics of convectors, such as power and installation method, directly depend on the size and type of the heated room. The rest affect the reliability, durability and ease of use of the device, as well as its safety.

Electric convector power

The efficiency of electric convectors is quite high, it reaches 96%, so the value of thermal power is almost equal to the value of electrical power. These parameters are measured in kilowatts. The calculation of the required power is carried out for each room separately, taking into account the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings.

When determining the power of a convector used as the main heating device for rooms with different ceiling heights, you can use the data from Table 1.

Table 1. Determination of convector power depending on ceiling height.

Ceiling height, mConvector power per 1 sq. m., kW
2,5-2,7 0,1
2,7-3,0 0,11
3,0-3,3 0,12
3,3-3,5 0,13
3,5-4,0 0,15

For poorly insulated buildings and premises with two or more external walls, this figure is increased by a factor of 1.3-1.5.

Calculation example: for a corner room with an area of ​​18 m2 with a ceiling height of 3.0 m, a convector with a thermal power of 18·0.11·1.3=2.57 kW is required. The resulting value is rounded to the nearest standard power. In this case, it is better to give preference to a more powerful device, if the parameters of the home electrical network allow.

If the convector is intended for additional heating of rooms with stove or water heating, it is enough to install a device with a power of 40-60% of the calculated one.

Note! IN corner rooms with two or more windows, it is better to use several convectors with the required total power.

Installation method

According to the type of design and installation, electric convectors are:

  • wall-mounted, they are attached to the wall with brackets;
  • floor, on legs or wheels;
  • universal– the delivery set includes both brackets and legs.

Wall brackets are convenient when using convectors as the only heating source or in combination with stove heating. In this case, the convector is placed under the window sill, like. The heat emanating from it not only warms the main volume of air, but also creates a thermal curtain at the window, reducing heat loss. The wiring of wall convectors can be done hidden, which improves their appearance.

Floor convectors are more often used for temporary heating of a room: in the country or during severe frosts in addition to radiator heating. Floor-standing models are convenient for their mobility, but they take up useful space in the room and sometimes interfere with free movement.

The installation method for universal convectors is chosen depending on their use and the characteristics of the room. There are also in-floor convectors that are installed at the stage of pouring the subfloor. It is built into the floor with a grille in the upper part, through which cold air is taken in and heated air comes out.

Prices for electric convectors

electric convectors

Case shape and dimensions

The shape of the convector mainly determines the ease of installation, as well as the appearance of the device. The shape can be square, rectangular or round. Round models are often equipped with a fan.

Geometric dimensions affect the thermal characteristics of the convector. The rate of supply of warm air into the room depends on the height of the device; The optimal height is about 50 cm. In some cases, it is necessary to give preference to lower models, for example, when installing a convector under a panoramic window.

The thickness of the housing affects the heat transfer: the larger it is, the higher this parameter, as well as the efficiency of the convector. Wall-mounted and universal models are usually thinner; floor-mounted ones can be 10-15 cm thick.

Note! When choosing the height of a wall-mounted convector installed under a window, it is important to consider the minimum permissible distances to the floor and window sill. They are indicated in the documentation for the device.

Heating element type

An important characteristic that can be checked with the seller or looked at in the passport for the convector is the type of heating element; he can be:

  • needle;
  • tubular;
  • monolithic.

Needle heaters consist of a steel plate with a zigzag thread of nickel wire. Electrical varnish is used as electrical insulation on nickel wire. Heating of the nickel filament occurs very quickly, but convection in such devices is not high and is determined only by the design of the housing.

This type of heater is the most unreliable and short-lived due to the fragility of the nickel thread and rapid overheating. Such convectors cannot be used in rooms with high humidity and possible splashes or drops of water. The only advantage is the low price, so you can buy such convectors only for short-term use with constant monitoring.

Tubular heater It is a sealed steel tube containing nichrome wire. It is isolated from the tube by a layer of ceramic backfill. Aluminum fins are soldered onto the tube, improving heat transfer and air convection.

Convectors with heating elements are durable and reliable, but have one drawback: in the first minutes after switching on, they crackle due to the difference in thermal expansion of the heater materials. What's happened “, You can look in our article.

Monolithic heaters– the most reliable and silent. They are a ribbed plate made from a single piece of material, and therefore have high strength and durability. The price of such convectors is usually higher than their analogues; it is advisable to buy them for permanent use.

Temperature controller type

The regulator in the control unit is designed to automatically maintain the room temperature. Based on the readings of the sensor installed in the lower part of the convector body, the regulator turns the heating element on and off when the set temperature is reached.

There are two types of temperature controllers:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical regulator made on the basis of a step switch, it has the most simple design. The disadvantage of mechanical control is low accuracy with an error of 1-3 degrees, as well as low reliability. When the mechanically controlled heater is turned on, a distinct click of the relay is heard.

The advantages of this type of switches include resistance to voltage surges in the network. If a mechanical regulator fails and fails, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.

Electronic control unit– a more complex device that allows you to set the temperature with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, as well as different modes of use: night, day, mode of maintaining a positive temperature. The heater switches on and off silently. Electronic regulators often equipped with an LCD display that displays the room temperature, as well as mode parameters when programming it.

Electronic regulators are generally more reliable, but they fail when the voltage drops by 15-20% of the nominal value. Repairing and replacing an electronic unit is expensive, so it is better to install the device together with a voltage stabilizer or a protective voltage relay.

Note! For heating rustic or country house It is better to choose models with a mechanical regulator, since in rural networks voltage drops occur quite often.

Protective functions

Almost all modern convectors are equipped with built-in overheating protection. It is triggered when the temperature controller fails or when the convection openings in the housing are closed, for example, when drying clothes on a convector. The protection turns off the heater when it reaches a temperature that is dangerous for the insulation of the device or people.

Protection against splashing water is provided by the design of the housing, the size and location of the holes. It can be determined by the IP index indicated in the passport. For a bathroom or kitchen, the minimum value of this index should be 24.

Many floor-standing and universal convector models are also equipped with tip-over protection. If the convector falls and changes its position to horizontal, the protection ensures quick shutdown of the heater.

Like all other household appliances, convectors must have a degree of protection against damage electric shock no less than "2". This means that the power cord and plug of the device have a built-in ground, so the metal case does not need a separate ground.

Note! The convector only needs to be connected to a socket with a grounding conductor.

Degree of automation and additional functions

Convectors with an electronic control unit can be equipped with additional functions:

  • “restart” – the ability of the regulator to remember the last switched on mode and reproduce it even after the device is completely de-energized;
  • “anti-freeze” – when the air temperature in the room reaches +5°C, the convector will automatically turn on and maintain it at this level;
  • “ionization” is a relatively new function that allows you to clean and improve the air in the room; in most convectors it works even when the heater is turned off;
  • control panel - allows you to turn the device on and off, as well as change the mode remotely.

The choice of feature set depends on your needs and financial capabilities. At the same time, you should not overpay for additional functions that are unlikely to be useful to you. For example, the “anti-freeze” mode is relevant for a summer house or country house with periodic residence, in a city apartment with central heating it is practically useless.

Wiring Requirements

The standard power of convectors, depending on the model, can vary from 0.5 to 3 kW. Electrical wiring and protective equipment in old houses are unable to withstand the maximum power of the device.

In this case, you can focus on the following conditions:

  • a convector with a power of up to 2.0 kW can be connected to any standard household electrical wiring with an input circuit breaker rated at least 10 A;
  • for a device with a power of 2.0-2.5 kW, electrical wiring with a cross-section of 2.5 mm 2 for aluminum or 1.5 mm 2 for copper, a 16 A socket and a rating of an input circuit breaker of at least 16 A are required;
  • a convector with a power higher than 2.5 kW must be connected with a separate cable with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm 2 for copper through a separate circuit breaker with a nominal value of 16 A.

Important! You cannot use extension cords of dubious quality to connect convectors; they often use wires of small cross-section, which can melt under load.

How to choose a convector - step-by-step instructions

Choosing a convector is not the best difficult task, but to ensure it is effective and safe work It is important to follow the recommendations of experts.

Step 1. Determine why you need a convector: for constant full heating or as a source of additional heating, and calculate the power of the device accordingly.

Step 2. Determine the installation location and required mobility. Wall-mounted convectors are usually installed under a window or on a wall that has direct contact with the street. Floor convectors can be installed in any place where there is an outlet designed for the rated current of the device.

Step 3. For wall-mounted models, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the window sill and select the height of the device in order to ensure the necessary distances for air flow from below the convector when mounting.

Step 4. When purchasing, it is important to clarify the type of heater. For wet rooms, you can use convectors with heating elements or a monolithic heater; models with nickel filament are not suitable for this.

Step 5. Select the type of control knob. For a country house and dacha, models with mechanical controls are more suitable, for a city apartment - with an electronic unit. If you have a voltage stabilizer, you can use electronic control and at the dacha.

Step 6. Determine the list of necessary functions, as well as the shape of the device, its color and other external characteristics.

Note! When choosing, it is also important to take into account the manufacturer, its reputation and the availability of service centers - in case of minor faults, it will be easier for you to find components and parts for repair.

Video - Choosing an electric convector