Why do you dream of an upcoming flight? Your personal dream book Flight. Jewish dream book What does flying in a dream mean?

Flying in a dream can be both pleasant and frightening. Why do you dream of flying in a dream?

Flying in a dream: why do you dream?

Universal dream book

If you dreamed that you were flying without additional devices, in the spiritual sense you have reached a new level. These changes will entail life changes. But at the same time you need to be prepared for some difficulties.

If wings have grown, giving the opportunity to fly, then the person who saw such a dream has acquired inner freedom and undoubtedly made the right decision.

You fly using a balloon, airplane, etc. - it is worth paying attention to the direction and meaning of the dreamed means of flight. When there are some internal obstacles, you dream that it is impossible to take off - analyze your life to free yourself from them.

Flight into the abyss is a fall, you give up something, follow the lead of your weaknesses. Stability - flight in a straight line.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, flying in a dream without extraneous devices means you are using your abilities correctly.

Dreaming of flying on wings or with a propeller means buying technical equipment: a boat, a TV, a car, etc.

Are you flying on a magic carpet, or maybe on a bird? Get ready, there's a long journey ahead.

Eastern dream book

Flying in a dream - why do you dream? If you plan in the endless and cloudless sky, your dreams will come true.

Take falling in flight literally. If you manage to wake up in the process of falling, you will certainly overcome problems.

Disappointment awaits you if you fly on black wings.

Flying by a person under 20 years of age signifies his physical growth. For older people, spiritual and mental growth occurs.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

According to the dream book, flying in a dream means success awaiting you in business. Good sleep. It promises wealth, joy, recovery for the sick, and a harvest.

Flying high means changes or delusions. Flying low in a dream - towards the road.

Flying up means good luck and joy. Flying down is a danger of failure. Are you flying very far? This is a harbinger of love or long expectations.

The Wanderer (Terenty Smirnova)

Flying alone in the air - achievements are occurring or awaiting in your personal or professional life, in creativity, in the spiritual world.

Flying too high - pay attention to your claims and ambitions. They may turn out to be unfounded. The collapse of some plans is not excluded.

If you are interested in demonic teachings, you may dream of flying on an animal or on a broom. This indicates loss of soul. It may be the beginning of spiritual temptation.

If you fly on a bed, some unexpected and original twist is possible. Flight takes place in the skies - the dream reports self-knowledge, spiritual revelation. But such difficult events as illness and death are also possible.

For some reason you fly very often. This means progress in spiritual practice.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

To soar very high in the clouds - have a tendency to fantasize, disregard for reality.

The flight ended in a fall - you will have to accept defeat. Increase your efforts for the next flight.

Your spiritual powers awaken if you had to fly under the ceiling.

Act according to the dictates of your heart, ignore the advice of others if you were flying low above the ground in a dream.

Evidence of increased sexuality and increased vitality is flying outside the premises.

According to the dream book, flying in a hot air balloon in a dream is a warning so as not to miss someone who shows you increased attention. You are on the right track if you are flying on an airplane.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Did you see the sun while flying? Don't be afraid of anything, you're worrying in vain. Everything will be fine.

Take it as a warning if you fly over dirty water. Be sure to pay as much attention to yourself as possible, do not let people around you take advantage of you.

Your wishes will come true if you often see yourself flying on snow-white wings over green thickets.

Did you dream that you were shot in flight? Be prepared that obstacles created by enemies will appear on your path to prosperity and well-being.

Do you fly between cities and for some reason end up on a church dome? You will have to fight for your principles and views. Why do you dream that you are flying over ruins? This is a sign of some kind of failure associated with others, or boredom.

1 Dream Interpretation modern woman

Why does a woman dream about flying:

Flying in a dream in endless heavenly space can portend an unhappy marriage.
If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, you may get sick or find yourself in a difficult situation.
To fall while flying is a great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall.
If during a flight you notice black wings behind your back, this is a sign of bitter disappointment.
A dream in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you - portends good luck in business and happy love.
But if you are flying over withered trees, fate is preparing serious tests for you on the way to your goal.

2 Azar's Dream Book

Seeing a flight in a dream means:

Flight - Flying in a dream means success in business. Flying in a hot air balloon means indulging in empty dreams and doing things under the influence of others.

3 Azar's Dream Book

Flying through the air often means astral travel.
You go beyond physical limitations.
A very significant symbol.

4 Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of flying means:

Flight is a symbol of sexual intercourse.
Flying in a comfortable airliner symbolizes your good sexual tone.
Flying in an old or transport plane indicates problems with your sexuality.
Flying on a military plane symbolizes your high sexual self-esteem.
Flying in a hot air balloon - symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.
Hang gliding - symbolizes your dreams of having exquisite sex.
Flying in the air with open arms - symbolizes your desire for sexual intercourse with simultaneous fear of possible consequences such a step.

5 Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah

Flight dream meaning:

Flying, flying - to travel. And whoever sees that he is flying between earth and sky will often dream and desire something. It is possible that his dream will come true and he will also find family happiness.

6 Modern dream book

A dream about flying portends dishonor and unpleasant news about those who are absent. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that she will not be able to resist reproaches, so her lover will leave her.
If you dream of something flying away from you, in reality you will emerge victorious from any situation.

7 Modern dream book

Flight is the desire to escape gravity. Flights of fancy and mind. Glide over the surface of the earth, moving in jerks. Control reality, never completely lose control, contact. If an individual flies into space for a long time or is unable to land again. The desire to avoid the problems of reality can lead to a total lack of realism and, possibly, a fear of going crazy. The desire for friendship that has a spiritual basis. On a practical level, the individual desires to transcend difficulties. On the physical plane - ecstasy of sensuality: erection: erection and coitus; perhaps a desire for free love. Dreams of walking, but with an experience of lightness (steps turning into flight). The desire to avoid the pressure of parents, marriage, full self-realization outside the home.

Separation from the Earth symbolizes leaving the mother, woman, or abandoning feminine character traits. Some of these meanings can be combined into a single symbol applicable to various aspects of an individual's life. If an individual feels himself flying, then the above meanings are quite suitable, but if he flies with friends, then it is quite possible that this is just a desire to avoid banal work. Other flying creatures. Death or the sphere of angels and ghosts. Crawling creatures transformed into flying ones. The moment of death when the body transforms into a free-flying spirit (a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is interpreted in a similar way).

8 Assyrian dream book

Flying in a dream means:

Flying - Flying in a dream is a universal dream motif that reflects a feeling of “high flight” or elevation above the situation. Flying in a dream also symbolizes freedom and joy. Sigmund Freud associated this image with sexual desire, Alfred Adler with the desire to dominate others, and Carl Jung with the desire to free oneself from restrictions.

9 Dream book alphabetically

Seeing the flight of a crane wedge in a dream foretells gloomy prospects in commercial affairs. If flying cranes descend onto a meadow, this portends unexpected events in real life.
Watching an eagle fly high in the sky foreshadows in reality a fierce struggle to defend and implement your plan, which will one way or another lead to success.
The flight of a lonely dove means that you will soon receive a message that your friend is in an unpleasant situation; a flock of pigeons means good luck in business.
Larks flying and singing loudly over the field mean high goals, in pursuit of which you will suppress your selfish tendencies and develop the kindest spiritual qualities.
A bird's flight interrupted by a shot leads to disappointment and tears.
Bats seen in a dream foretell the death of a loved one. Flying above you in abundance - they portend a separation from your loved one.
Flying on an airplane in a dream - foretells happy changes; on a helicopter - you will get into a disaster; on an airship - you will help those in need in trouble; on a hot air balloon - you will feel regret about a missed opportunity; on a hang glider - you will have a fun time.
A dream in which you set off on a flight without a rudder and without sails, that is, solely on your own power, flapping your arms like wings - this in reality will bring you the fulfillment of your hopes, success in business and love.
If you are flying in one direction, this foreshadows a long journey in reality. If your flight in a dream is suddenly interrupted and you wake up with a feeling of regret and disappointment, it means that your irritability will cause a quarrel with your husband.
A dream in which the power of imagination takes you on the wings of dreams to unknown lands - in reality, love experiences await you, that is, smiles and tears, plenty of everything.
If you dream that your flight in supernatural heights is accompanied by some fantastic ethereal creatures, all the grief that has accumulated in your soul will recede before these wondrous visions.

10 Dream book alphabetically

Why does a woman dream of flying:

Flying is very interesting symbol. Who didn’t dream of him flying as a child! Usually such a dream is interpreted as the growth of a child, his maturation, and aspirations for something new. What did followers of various religions think about flight?
In ancient culture, the symbol of poetic inspiration, Pegasus, has wings. Sirens, who lure travelers with their wondrous singing, are also depicted as half-birds. The muses also have wings on their heads.
Thus, wings are a symbol of the divine, extraterrestrial. If the hero of an epic is given wings, this means that he goes into a special state - a state of ecstasy, spiritual exaltation. This can also be interpreted as flying on the wings of love - unearthly bliss.

11 English dream book

Why does a woman dream about flying:

Flight - Dreams in which you fly without any additional aids are some of the most amazing dreams known to mankind. Soaring above obstacles and flying freely wherever you want is pure pleasure. This dream is more common in children who have few worries and concerns, and in older people who have left most of their responsibilities and worries behind, and less common in adults who are usually burdened with life's problems. Why do you dream: Dreams about flying in adults usually mean that you feel unexpectedly happy, full of life and optimism. Such dreams occur when you have overcome your problems and have truly moved forward in life. Sometimes dreams about flying are accompanied by feelings of fear or sadness. They usually reflect a subconscious desire to “fly away” from all the problems that plague you in real life.

12 Dream book for a bitch

Seeing a flight in a dream means:

Flight - flying high in the sky in a dream means a boring marriage with an uninteresting person.

13 Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A dream about flying in the dream book is interpreted as:

Flight - good emotions, freedom, independence.
To see yourself flying in a dream means that in reality you are striving for freedom and independence.
In the near future you will have such an opportunity.
If in a dream you fall during a flight, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles and solve problems.
A dream in which you are flying in outer space means that in reality you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not notice the events happening around you.

14 Family dream book

Dreaming of flying means:

A dream about flying in the heavens promises an unhappy marriage. A low level flight foreshadows some difficult situation.
If in a dream you hovered over muddy water, be careful in managing your personal affairs. Ill-wishers are trying to perpetrate some intrigues on you.
If you flew over ruins - get ready for not the best circumstances.
True, if at the same time you saw at least a little greenery and trees, your troubles will not last long.
If you saw the sun during the flight, your worries will be in vain, and life will get better.
If you notice black wings behind your back while flying, get ready to be disappointed. But white wings will bring you good luck in business and happy love.
A dream in which you fell during a flight promises trouble if you do not wake up at the moment of the fall.
Flying over withered trees will bring you trials on the path to success.

15 Astrological dream book

Flight dream meaning:

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Flight is a symbol of spiritual freedom. Moon in Aquarius.

16 Women's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of flying:

Flying - Flying in a dream in endless heavenly space can foretell an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, you may get sick or find yourself in a difficult situation. To fall while flying is a great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall. If during a flight you notice black wings behind your back, this is a sign of bitter disappointment. A dream in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you foreshadows good luck in business and happy love. But if you are flying over withered trees, fate is preparing serious tests for you on the way to your goal, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

17 Dream book of symbols

What a flight might mean in a dream:

Flying objects, objects - indicate the dynamics, transience of the meaning of these objects, as well as spiritual and karmic influences. In addition, they can emphasize the strangeness, unusualness of the situation (for those objects for which flight is not natural) and the interference in the fate of certain external, local energies and also attach their own additional meaning. For example, flying on a chair indicates professional success. In general, all flying people (images, characters, animals), flights in a dream of the sleeping person reflect spiritual world consciousness, a field of free movement, a certain role and achievements of the sleeper himself (with the exception, of course, of some flying demonic creatures). Flying in an airplane or in a hot air balloon (especially when you control the aircraft yourself) is always an achievement (if you land successfully).

18 Dream book of lovers

Flying in a dream means:

If in a dream you fly in the endless sky, it means that your marriage will be unsuccessful.
Flying in a muddy darkness is a sign of the machinations of envious rivals. You need to be careful, otherwise the machinations of ill-wishers will interfere with your happiness.
A dream in which you fly over ruins foreshadows quarrels and conflicts with your loved one, but if greenery flashes among the ruins, you can expect reconciliation with your chosen one.
If you dream that you have black wings, this means that you will be bitterly disappointed in love.
A dream in which you soar over green trees on white wings portends a successful marriage and happiness in love.
If a girl or woman dreams that she is flying from one city to another and stopping on the roofs of churches, this foretells her cruel rivals who will try to interfere with her happiness in love.

19 Gypsy dream book

If a girl dreams of flying, it means:

If you dream that you are flying (usually we dream that we are flying, making the same movements as when swimming) - this means that you feel limited in some way. You strive to be free to fulfill your desires. Gypsies say it is often associated with sexual dissatisfaction.
If you fly on an airplane in a dream, this has a slightly different interpretation. This means that you are trying to speed things up and get somewhere much faster.

20 English dream book

Why does a woman dream of flying:

Flying in a dream means that you will avoid many difficulties and dangers. This dream promises success in trade and love. It is very likely that you will go on a long journey. If you dream that you are trying with all your might to fly very high, the dream suggests that in reality you are striving to take a certain rather significant position in your business, but you will never achieve this because you do not have the proper knowledge.

21 Dream Interpretation 2012

Flight is a reflection of the desire for Freedom (also an opportunity to obtain it). Reflection of movement beyond generally accepted limitations.

22 Psychological dream book

Flying is a symbol of positive meaning. This is one of the most pleasant dreams. It can mean freedom, the ability to overcome obstacles and solve problems.
Flight is a symbol of superiority, independence, and sometimes the desire to “fly away” from everyday life.

23 Big online dream book

Flights - Seeing a crane wedge flying in a dream foreshadows gloomy prospects in commercial affairs. If flying cranes land on a meadow, this portends unexpected events in real life. Watching an eagle fly high in the sky foreshadows in reality a fierce struggle to defend and implement your plan, which will one way or another lead to success. The flight of a lonely dove means that you will soon receive a message that your friend is in an unpleasant situation; a flock of pigeons means good luck in business. Larks flying and singing loudly over the field mean high goals, in pursuit of which you will suppress your selfish tendencies and develop the kindest spiritual qualities. A bird's flight interrupted by a shot leads to disappointment and tears.

Bats seen in a dream foretell the death of a loved one. Flying above you in abundance, they foretell a separation from your loved one. Flying on an airplane in a dream foretells happy changes; on a helicopter - you will get into a disaster; on an airship - you will help those in need; on a hot air balloon - you will feel regret about a missed opportunity; on a hang glider - you will have a fun time. A dream in which you set off on a flight without a rudder and without sails, that is, solely on your own power, flapping your arms like wings - this in reality will bring you the fulfillment of your hopes, success in business and love. If you are flying in one direction, this foreshadows a long journey in reality. If your flight in a dream is suddenly interrupted and you wake up with a feeling of regret and disappointment, it means that your irritability will cause a quarrel with your husband. A dream in which the power of imagination carries you on the wings of dreams to unknown lands - in reality, love experiences await you, that is, smiles, tears, plenty of everything. If you dream that your flight in supernatural heights is accompanied by some fantastic ethereal creatures, all the grief that has accumulated in your soul will recede before these wondrous visions.

24 Universal dream book

Most people love to fly in their dreams - because flying gives a feeling of freedom like nothing else. I've never met anyone who didn't like to fly in their sleep. However, dreams about flying on an airplane evoke completely different emotions.
If you were flying in a dream, remember what exactly you were flying over - this will tell you about what you want to rise above.
If you are flying over the house, you may be experiencing discomfort due to being bogged down in household chores.
If you dream that you are flying over a big city, perhaps there is not enough activity in your life, or, conversely, you are tired of the bustle of the city. In a dream, do you see acquaintances talking and want to rise above their idle gossip?
The most common feeling associated with flying is fun and release. You can do whatever you want and are not afraid of falling. Flight symbolizes the desire to free yourself from everyday life and routine.
Many people who had a dream in which they flew say that it signified a period in their lives when everything developed smoothly and they felt in control of their destiny. Other people say that a dream like this gave them the strength and intention to take responsibility for something they felt was out of their control.
Dreams in which a person sees flying, such as dreams about flying on an airplane or helicopter, do not evoke the same positive emotions. Such dreams often occur before a person is about to fly somewhere in real life.
However, if in real life you do not have to fly on an airplane or helicopter, you should pay attention to where you flew in the dream, how you felt and why you need technological devices to rise above.

25 American dream book

Why do you dream of Flight:

Flying through the air often means astral travel. You go beyond physical limitations.

26 Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Flying is usually a very good sign.
Flight can be a symbol of freedom and movement beyond physical limitations. It may be the ability to soar above a situation. Get ready to take to the skies. Are you between the earth and the sky?

27 Small dream book

A dream in which you see yourself flying predicts unpleasant news. For a young woman, such a dream is a warning that if she does not pacify her temper and refrain from reproaches, then there is a high risk of losing her lover. If you dream that something is flying away from you, then in real life you will be able to cope with any situation.

28 Miller's Dream Book

Flying in the sky is an unhappy marriage;
flying above the ground itself is a disease, you may find yourself in a difficult situation;
flying over muddy water - the machinations of ill-wishers, be more careful in personal affairs;
flying over ruins - sad circumstances;
if trees flash among the ruins, the black streak will not last long;
the sun seen in flight - your worries are in vain, life will get better, no matter what;
flying in space in close proximity to planets - trouble threatens not only you, but all of humanity;
in flight, black wings open behind your back - bitter disappointment;
falling during a flight is a great misfortune (unless you woke up in time);
flying over the green crowns and seeing white wings behind your back - good luck in business, happy love;
to see withered trees - happiness will come to you with great difficulty;
for a woman - to fly from one city to another, resting on the roofs of churches along the way - your love is threatened by lies and hypocrisy;
for a woman - while someone is shooting at you - the obstacles to success will be almost insurmountable.
Also see Sky, Earth, Water, Tree, Wings, Church, Weapons, Ruins.

29 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Flying in a dream can portend happiness (your future rise), a thirst for power born of an inferiority complex, the oppression of unfulfilled desires, including sexual ones.
Self-knowledge in flight is evidence of a deep immersion in one’s unconscious, a symbol of a person’s deceptive ideas about his free will and ability to control himself.
Flying in the air in the middle of the day means harming someone through your frivolity.
Flying up and down alternately is a lot of work, a symbol of your good intentions.
To fly from one object to another with a joyful feeling - you should be more confident in yourself and less afraid of people.
To fly upward - there is work ahead.
Flying down means repentance awaits, awareness of the danger generated by your activity.”
To feel within yourself the opportunity to fly and to try successfully is to overestimate your physical capabilities; awakening in you new physical powers that may be dangerous to your health.
Flying through the air with a feeling of fear is a serious failure in your career / discord between your will and reason.
Flying in the form of an angel or in some transformed form means languor, danger to life or thoughts of death; close age limit of your life.
Flying high and barely seeing the ground - wealth, happiness, attraction to a purely spiritual life.
Flying over the mountains means overcoming an obstacle.
Flying over a calm sea is a danger to life; dangers threaten you in your spiritual development.
Flying over a dark and stormy sea is a great harm.
Flying over the valley is everyday happiness.
Flying over a wild forest means impatience, danger from too much, unreasonably directed energy.
Flying over the city - living, immersed in dreams; poetic vocation, dreams of glory.
Flying across a river is an awakening of self-awareness, the ability to control oneself, or an ardent desire for this.
Daytime flights most often symbolize everyday circumstances or your readiness to fight them.
Night flights, flights at dusk or at dawn are strange phenomena in spiritual life.
Flying in the moonlight is a hope for happiness, a powerful awakening of supernatural powers in you.
Soaring among the stars, having no idea where the earth is, is a dream that arose amid hard work, when the spirit draws strength from unconsciousness.
Among the clouds is a thirst for glory.
Flying on your bed means strange and unexpected twists of fate; something extravagant and supernatural will burst into your life.
Flying on an object that you specifically conjure for this purpose means drawing strength from your own hopes.
Flying, lying or sitting on the back of an animal - it is beneficial to use the capabilities and characteristics of your character, knowledge of your self.
Flying through the air with children, girls, teenagers means a thirst for mutual understanding, a feeling of loneliness.
To soar modestly through the air with your beloved person is to yearn for her.
To see a naked woman flying or naked men and women flying - the smoke of lust surrounds you.
Flying somewhere with many people is your thirst for freedom and independence / a social disaster.
Gathering in flocks with flying people means yearning for like-minded people, not having them.
A relative is flying in the sky - a danger to his life or freedom.

32 Miller's Dream Book

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation.
Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is muddy foreshadows the intrigues of your ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs.
Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long.
If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil.
Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies on the way, promises troubles for the entire earth.
While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment.
A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success.
Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall.
If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones.
If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.

33 Rommel's Dream Book

Flying in an airplane or helicopter means failure in marriage or business.

Flying in the air yourself means striving for harmony and happiness.

It's good if you're flying over green trees, plains, and clear water.
You fly into heaven - wealth, nobility and great happiness.

36 Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream you fly upward, this is a sign of well-being.
Flying up and down is a sign of a quarrel; fly low through the air - towards the road.
If in a dream you fly from one object to another with a joyful feeling, it means that you should be more confident in yourself and less afraid of people.
Soaring in the air with a loved one means yearning for him, longing for his company.
Flying in a dream means success in business.

1. Flight- (Modern dream book)
A dream about flying foretells dishonor and unpleasant news about those who are absent. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that she will not be able to resist reproaches, so her lover will leave her. If you dream of something flying away from you, then in reality you will emerge victorious from any situation.
2. Flight- (Miller's Dream Book)
In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation. Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is muddy foreshadows the intrigues of your ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs. Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long. If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil. Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies on the way, promises troubles for the whole earth. While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment. Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall. A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success. If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones. If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will begin to create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.
3. Flight- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
Flight is a symbol of sexual intercourse. Flying in a comfortable airliner symbolizes your good sexual tone. Flying in an old or transport plane indicates problems with your sexuality. Flying on a military plane symbolizes your high sexual self-esteem. Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex. Flying on a hang glider symbolizes your dreams of having exquisite sex. Flying in the air with open arms (hovering) symbolizes your desire for sexual intercourse with simultaneous fear of the possible consequences of such a step.
4. Flight- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
Flight - good emotions, freedom, independence. To see yourself flying in a dream means that in reality you are striving for freedom and independence. In the near future you will have such an opportunity. If in a dream you fall during a flight, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles and solve problems. A dream in which you are flying in outer space means that in reality you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not notice the events happening around you.

Even in childhood, we heard: if you fly in a dream, it means you are growing, and we rejoiced at this dream. But this was about children. Why do adults dream about flying? What do dream books say about this?

It should be noted that for adults, these dreams can indicate both spiritual development and a desire to escape from problems, and often sexual dissatisfaction. However, in most cases, interpretations are beneficial. Flying is an easy, favorable sign, evidence of determination, self-improvement, and a premonition of victory.

Soar up

To experience a feeling of flight in a dream, to soar easily and effortlessly at a low altitude - promises success in one of your hobbies or your favorite job. Flying high above the mountains is a symbol of the desire for power, and if the dreamer has earned this through deeds, dream books predict that even kings will submit to him.

Dream books foretell great achievements and the ability to rise above circumstances for a person who sees his own flight in a dream. Eastern interpreters predict physical growth for dreamers under 20 years old, and spiritual development for older ones.

For interpretation, it is of great importance what sensations a person experienced while flying in a dream. If there is joy, naturalness, lightness, then dream books predict improved health, physical and spiritual development, success in business or in the service.

The explanations in dream books about why one dreams of experiencing fear, uncertainty, and awkwardness while flying boil down to the fact that the dreamer has certain sexual problems that do not allow him to enjoy the intimate life. Or he is prone to a certain immaturity and seeks to evade solving problems, hoping that they will resolve themselves.

The Islamic dream book pays great attention to such visions, which explains in detail why one dreams of independent flight in a dream. To fly like a dove, soar in the skies - to defend your honor, to receive recognition. Flying with wings promises change and travel, and soaring without wings promises fulfillment of desires. Why dream that a man flies from roof to roof in a dream - the dream book believes that the dreamer will change his choice and marry another woman.

Flying an airplane

What does it mean to dream about flying on an airplane? Freud’s dream book interpreted it in the most detail. All dream books agree: flying on any aircraft is a harbinger of a dream coming true, but Freud has a special attitude towards airplanes, the fuselage of which he views as a phallic symbol, and the flight itself as a sexual act. Accordingly, it is not difficult to guess why you dream of flying on a beautiful airliner - it promises high-quality sex that brings complete satisfaction.

But to dream of flying on a cornfield is evidence of sexual problems. Although other dream books hint: the nausea that inevitably accompanies it may be the result of a wild party the day before. Flying in a dream on a military plane, according to Freud, reflects a tendency to exaggerate one's love achievements.

Many dream books claim that flying in a dream on a serviceable, high-quality aircraft means that in reality the dreamer has chosen the right direction, rapidly gaining altitude - to the realization of his plans. However, they warn that the higher you fly, the more painful it is to fall. In reality, a person needs to beware of adventures.

Alternative aircraft

Flying in a dream on a vehicle capable of lifting into the air means that a cherished dream will come true in the very near future. However, the use of unconventional or uncommon vehicles in flight, up to an airship and a hang glider, warns: in reality, a person is looking for non-standard ways out of a confusing situation, but is not yet able to cope with problems and would prefer to run away from them.

Why do you dream about flying on a parachute? This is seen as a warning: the well-being of the dreamer and his loved ones is at risk - only because he is going to take part in an adventurous enterprise. This warning should not be ignored.

The esoteric dream book explains why one dreams of flying in a helicopter - this is a sign that a person, trying to mislead loved ones, will become confused in his plans. Thus, unreliable and exotic air vehicles are a symbol of the desire to “at least somehow” overcome a difficult stage of life.

Space travel

Another thing is the interpretation of dream books about what dreams of flying on a rocket mean. It must be admitted that space is still shrouded in a veil of romance and adventure, therefore, despite the undeniable exoticism of such transport, flying into space in a dream is a lucky sign. It portends a rapid career, the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Sometimes a dream simply reflects the desire to fly into space, which haunts a person in reality - then the dream has no prophetic meaning. If on a star journey in a dream it was scary and dangerous, it means that the dreamer is trying to hide from life’s problems. If it is interesting and fun, then he will have an exciting journey in reality.

But why you dream about flying to the moon will not make anyone happy. Fleeing in a dream to the cold satellite of the Earth predicts cataclysms on a global scale - disasters, epidemics, famine, wars.

Fabulous transport

Dreams rooted in children's fairy tales are no exception. For a woman, flying on a broom symbolizes the search for energy balance, temporary detachment from banal interpretations of life situations and the search for unusual but effective solutions.

Flying in a dream on a dragon, symbolizing strength and will, is interpreted as perseverance, glory, recognition. To ride a dragon means to seek and find a powerful patron and count on his support. Failure to fly away on a dragon - to unfulfilled ambitions, escape from difficult problems.

What did you see below?

Flying over the city reflects the desire for fame and recognition. In life, it is human nature to look down on everyone and exaggerate their importance. Flying over city ruins, according to Miller’s dream book, is unfortunate.

Flying over the forest - dream books predict the comprehension of a certain secret, the solution to a puzzle, the invention of an extraordinary method of solving a problem.

Why do you dream of flying over quiet, transparent water - awaiting inner insight; over dirty water - in reality, something threatens well-being and tranquility, the dreamer is overcome by anxiety from unresolved large-scale problems. Miller's dream book sees muddy water as a symbol of the machinations of ill-wishers. Flight over the sea is interpreted as an aggravation of intuition.

Frightening situations

A flight that ends in a fall in a dream foreshadows failure in business and troubles in the service. In reality, you will be able to get ahead of your competitors for some time, get ahead, but you will not be able to maintain your position. The rise will be followed by a fall. The Islamic dream book says that if a person flies in a dream and falls on something, then this is exactly what he will receive in reality.

According to Miller's dream book, falling during a flight is a great misfortune, unless a person wakes up from the fall - then the trouble will pass by.

Seeing in a dream the flight of your soul, separated from the body, means a serious illness or even the death of the dreamer.

Flying in a dream means that you are taking control of your life or some situations. If you are flying easily, enjoying the views of the landscapes below you, it means that you are on top of the situation. You have risen above something. Flying in dreams and controlling your flight represents the strength of your personality.

Flying in a dream means new look. When you fly, you see everything on a larger scale, this symbolizes that you have gained a broader view of things. You see the bigger picture and gain a different outlook on life.

Flight symbolizes freedom. Your subconscious mind sends you a message through a dream that nothing is impossible, you can be anyone and do anything. Your ability to fly in a dream represents hope, opportunity, freedom of expression. This can reflect your strong character and be a reminder for you not to give up. No one can tell you that you are not capable of something, and no one can stop you. Such dreams give a strong impulse and a feeling of freedom.

Flying in your sleep falls under the category of lucid dreaming. This means you are aware that you are dreaming and take control of your sleep. Many describe the ability to fly in dreams as an exhilarating and joyful liberating experience.

Flying in a dream means spiritual perfection. In some cases, flying in dreams means that you have achieved high level spiritual development. You are in tune with your spirituality and the dream of flying reflects this.

Flying in a dream could represent escaping or trying to avoid something. Perhaps you want to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Instead of confronting problems, you run away, fly away, and try to avoid responsibility.

Flying in a dream means high self-esteem. When you fly, you can feel like a superhero. You consider yourself invulnerable and invincible. You may think that you are better than someone or look down on others. Flying in a dream means you are actually looking down on people.

When interpreting a dream in which you were flying, consider the altitude, direction and speed of the flight. Flying high or fast is similar to your confidence level. If you are flying low or slow, it means that you are happy with the pace of your current life. Flying in the opposite direction suggests that you are reminiscing about your past.

Typically, flying in a dream is characterized as a positive and exciting experience. But if you feel fear while flying, it indicates that you are afraid of the prospects of success, and you may not be ready to take the next step. Difficulty flying means you are unable to control your circumstances. Obstacles that exist in real life can be represented in a dream by power lines, trees, mountains, and buildings. These obstacles symbolize something or someone who is standing in your way. You need to identify what or who is trying to stop you from moving forward.

Difficulty flying may be a sign of a lack of confidence, lack of motivation or hesitation on your part. You may have set unrealistic goals for yourself and are now struggling to achieve those goals.

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