Automatic, with microlift or heating? Choosing the ideal toilet seat cover. Heated toilet seat Seat for people with disabilities

In the 21st century, few people can be surprised by anything. Technological progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, and some things have become so commonplace for us that we don’t even think about who invented them and when. One of these things is the beloved and ubiquitous toilet.

History of the toilet

The history of this remarkable device begins three thousand years BC in Mesopotamia. And also around the same time, an entire sewage system was discovered in Mohenjo-Daro, with wooden seats and sewage drains. The British Museum houses a very valuable exhibit - a device made in the form of a throne, which served as a “night vase” for the Sumerian queen Shubad. This find dates back to 2600 BC. Ancient China, Rome, Egypt also had sewer systems, very perfect, considering how long ago this all happened.

However, medieval Europe did not please with its technical progress due to the lack of one. There, even the nobility relieved themselves in ordinary pots, and then their contents were thrown out of the windows onto the street! The first flush device was invented for Queen Elizabeth I in 1596. Its author was John Harrington. The design was carefully described and documented, but did not become widespread, not so much because of the high cost, but because of the lack of a water supply system in the English kingdom.

The flush toilet was invented almost two centuries later, in 1738. And in 1778, the first toilet seat appeared - a folding seat with a lid. Mass production of toilets began in 1909 in Spain. This was done by a company called Unitas. This is where the name of these wonderful items comes from, without which we now cannot imagine our life.

At first, the lineup was very small. Now you can see a huge variety of toilets of all colors, in any price category and with various additional functions. People often choose a toilet responsibly. Some people look at cheaper models, while others, on the contrary, give them an exclusive model “with bells and whistles”. However, when it comes to choosing a toilet seat, buyers take the first model they come across that fits the shape and size and leave. But this is wrong, because the choice of seat is no less important than the choice of the toilet itself.


A toilet seat, or toilet seat as it is also called, is not a simple “white friend” detail. The comfort of staying in the “rest room” depends on how it will be. Now there are many models of toilet seats on the market, differing from each other in shape, size, color, materials of manufacture, as well as the presence or absence of options.


Regardless of what exactly a toilet seat looks like, it, one way or another, belongs to one of several categories.

  • Disposable pads. Most often they are used in public places: hotels, restaurants, cinemas. Their main purpose is to ensure a safe visit to a public toilet without the risk of contracting any dangerous disease. Of course, such seats have a very limited shelf life; as a rule, they are disposable. They are made from polymer materials, but most often made of paper.

This toilet seat does not have fastenings and this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that its installation and preparation for operation will take no more than a minute; the disadvantage is that it can slide on the surface of the toilet and may not be very comfortable for sitting on it.

  • Plastic seats. If you want to purchase the simplest and most durable toilet seat, you should opt for a plastic product. Its service life will be at least 3 years. You should ensure that the plastic from which the toilet seat is made is rigid and of sufficient thickness. As for the variety of shapes, plastic products have nothing to boast about: as a rule, they are only universal, oval, without additional functions or decorations. But this is not a drawback; on the contrary, often, due to their simplicity, such seats are the most comfortable.

But they still have disadvantages, or, more precisely, one disadvantage - these are the fastening elements. Most often, they are also made of plastic, and therefore break quite easily. There are now plastic models on the market with metal fastenings, so it is recommended to purchase them.

  • Soft seats. Not the best best option, because despite the apparent ease of use, such products are quite fragile and their service life is no more than six months. As they wear out, soft seats lose their presentation and spoil the impression of the design of the toilet room. Of course, they are very affordable in price, but this is exactly the case when “the miser pays twice.”
  • High chair with built-in bidet. One of the newfangled “bells and whistles” that appeared in the 21st century was the appearance of toilet seats with a bidet function. This toilet seat has a small fountain built into it for hygiene procedures. Many models have the option of heating water for more comfortable use. However, do not forget that comfort costs money, so you will have to spend money on such pleasure.

  • Seat with microlift. This interesting device is designed to automatically lower the toilet lid. Such models have robust construction, high service life (from three years), of course, and their price is considerable. Some of them have a function to turn off the microlift to allow the user to mechanically close the lid.
  • Heated toilet seat. The warm seat is designed to provide the most comfortable conditions for staying in the “relaxation room”. Most often, this option is present in expensive models, although there are also budget plastic variations.
  • Electronic seat. It appeared not so long ago, but has already won a huge audience of buyers. The essence of this “smart” seat is to recognize the approach of a person and activate the lid lifting mechanism. When a visitor leaves the toilet, the lid closes automatically.

The electronic seat has more than just this function. Most often, it contains a whole set of options, such as a bidet, heated seats, air deodorization and even a built-in hair dryer! Of course, it is tempting to purchase such a well-equipped toilet seat, but it is worth weighing the feasibility of this acquisition with its price and your financial capabilities. If they coincide, it will be wonderful.

  • Double family seating. In families where, in addition to adults, there are also small children, the issue of the convenience of a toilet seat for all family members is very relevant. In this case, you should consider purchasing a dual device. It looks like this: two seats (large and small) are fastened together, one overlaps the other, with the small one always on top. This seat will be comfortable for both adults and children. As the little family members grow older, the small attachment can be removed.

  • Seats with options for disabled people, elderly people and people with limited mobility. This is truly a great invention to help those who have temporary or ongoing difficulties with their personal hygiene routines. There are orthopedic designs with folding armrests on the market. There are also models with the ability to raise the seat up to 20 centimeters higher than usually required.


Toilet seats are made from a wide variety of materials. Among them are fabric, plywood, natural wood, as well as plastic and duroplast.

Their advantages and disadvantages should be considered in more detail.

  • Plastic seats have been and remain the most popular. This is due to the almost optimal price-quality ratio. However, if, in addition to low cost and long service life, you are also concerned about a presentable appearance, you should pay attention to products made from other materials, since plastic seats are not beautiful, they can turn yellow over time and there is a danger of scratching them when washed.
  • A duroplast toilet seat is more attractive both in terms of aesthetics and hygiene. Duroplast contains a special component that prevents the appearance and proliferation of harmful microorganisms. And in appearance, such a toilet seat resembles a ceramic one.

  • The most unfortunate and unpopular material from which toilet seats are made is plywood. Of course, its price is low, but it also looks cheap. In addition, its porous structure is ideal for the growth of bacteria.
  • They are considered the most beautiful and presentable wooden products. They are not very popular due to their relatively high cost. However, their quality is “luxury”; their service life is calculated in years. But even such ideal seats have a drawback: they are very massive and if the lid is lowered carelessly, the toilet can crack. Therefore, wooden models are often equipped with a microlift.
  • Paper disposable products are commonly found in public places, as mentioned above. Fabric, as a rule, is used not as the main material for making a seat, but as a decoration. For example, for sewing a removable cover for a toilet lid.

Color solutions

If the toilet room has a certain style, then it makes sense to think about a more picky choice of toilet seat, as it can be the “icing on the cake” when completing a bathroom renovation. Of course, no one canceled the classic white, but with the advent of colored toilets - yellow, black, red - bright, multi-colored lids began to be produced for them. There are even models with patterns - butterflies, flowers, patterns. And kids will appreciate the lid with cars or funny animals.

Even if the toilet does not have any special requirements for color scheme toilet seat, this does not mean that you should opt for the classic white model. You can choose a cover that looks like wood or marble, or even just a colored one, but one color that matches the shade of the tile or rug.


You should not go to the store without precisely measured parameters that a toilet seat should correspond to for a specific toilet.

The following must be measured:

  • width of the toilet. It is measured at the widest point;
  • the size of the gap between the holes for the mounting bolts with which the cover is screwed. This value is measured from the center of one hole to the center of another. An error of a couple of millimeters is allowed;

  • the size of the gap from the edge of the seat to the beam passing through the centers of the mounting holes. This parameter is measured by drawing an imaginary line passing through the centers of the holes. A perpendicular is drawn to this line from the edge of the lid.


An important role in the long-term operation of a toilet seat is played by its fasteners. As a rule, they are made of plastic or metal. When choosing fasteners, you should take into account the features specific model toilet, since the fasteners are not universal.

Variety of caps presented on modern market plumbing, gave rise to variability in their fastening. There are both the simplest mechanisms (quick-release plastic seats with two bolts) and those that are quite problematic to install and remove yourself (electronic “smart” seats, with a microlift and sensors that detect movement and presence).

Removing a conventional cover involves the following steps:

  • raise the lid (seat down);
  • Unscrew the fastening bolt in the lower left corner;
  • unscrew the same bolt on the right;
  • remove the entire seat.

Installation of such a toilet seat is carried out in the reverse order.

There are two types of fasteners: with and without washers. In the absence of such, but to maintain the reliability of fastening, nuts are produced with a washer-shaped edge at the end. The most reliable is the combination of a metal bolt and a nylon nut, which provides better adhesion.

Now let's talk about how the lid is attached to the toilet seat. As a rule, this is a hinged structure, the fastening elements of which are bushings made of metal, plastic or metal-plastic. Plastic joints are most often found in inexpensive models. Metal ones, being stronger, are used in the production of “smart” products equipped with various mechanisms. A huge advantage of plastic connecting elements is their resistance to rust, which cannot be said about metal fittings. But plastic is fragile and can break if handled improperly, while metal hinge mechanisms are more durable.

If one of the seat components fails, in most cases it is enough to simply dismantle it and replace the damaged part with a new one. But, in a situation with a breakdown in a more “sophisticated” design, a more detailed study of the problem and, possibly, calling a specialist will be required, since repairing, for example, a microlift, is not so easy without the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Review of brands

Consumer demand appears and the market reacts with the appearance of offers. As soon as the toilet seat ceased to be just an insignificant detail, but turned into an opportunity to make staying in the bathroom more comfortable, manufacturers of plumbing fixtures and components immediately responded appropriately. Today there are several brands that have received best reviews from consumers.

  • Gustavsberg. Toilets and components from this company are an example of truly Swedish quality. Among the models there are both simple products and more modern ones, equipped with a microlift. All seats are equipped with chrome-plated metal fasteners. Gustavsberg cares about its consumers and provides a mandatory guarantee for its products. By the way, this is one of the few companies whose product range includes seats made of natural wood: oak, ash, teak.

  • Jika. This company appeared in the Czech Republic back in the 19th century. From its inception to the present day, this company never tires of improving technology and introducing innovations, which allows it to produce high-quality and environmentally friendly products. The following models of Jika toilets are currently on the market: Lyra, Vega, Zeta, Baltik, Era. For any of them you can choose a plastic seat, either classic or equipped with a lifting mechanism.
  • Ifo. Another manufacturer from Sweden that deserves attention. He makes heavy-duty seat models from luxury plastics. You can choose from both classic options and those with an option such as a microlift.

  • Haro. This German company produces plumbing fixtures and accessories, combining aesthetic appearance with ease of use and functionality. Buyers have a variety of colors and styles to choose from. Haro is also a supplier to many healthcare organizations thanks to its unique development - seats with antibacterial coating.
  • Iddis. Duroplast products from this company are among the most “long-lasting” on the toilet component market. Duroplast is not subject to yellowing, is resistant to cracks and scratches, and prevents the appearance and proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Thanks to its properties, Iddis seats have a long service life while maintaining an attractive appearance. The covers of Iddis models are equipped with a lifting mechanism.

Subtleties of choice

When choosing a toilet seat, you should make sure that it meets the following requirements:

  • safety in use;
  • comfort;
  • high strength of the manufacturing material;
  • quite long service life;
  • aesthetic and attractive appearance;

  • fits perfectly with the selected toilet model;
  • required set of functions;
  • did not conflict with the design of the bathroom.

The toilet seat usually has an oval shape. But this rule does not apply to the lid! It can be either square or rectangular; may have the outline of an animal or a violin. Any ornament, photograph or hand-drawn illustration can be applied to the lid. And also it can be decorated decorative elements type of beads or rhinestones.

Operation and care

Regardless of the price and declared quality of the toilet, it requires much more thorough and frequent maintenance than any other plumbing fixture. Waste from the human body leaves very unpleasant marks both on the toilet itself and on its seat.

The toilet especially suffers from the so-called urinary stone. The fact is that urine contains special minerals that can settle on the walls and under the rim of the toilet, and over time harden, forming that same stone. If you don't get rid of it periodically, it will cause a lot of trouble when cleaning. Therefore, when carrying out cleaning procedures for the toilet and its components, one of the most important requirements is their regularity. Only in this case the toilet will always be clean and will not require additional manipulations.

Daily care rules:

  • after each visit to the toilet room, it is necessary to flush the toilet by draining the water from the tank;
  • wipe the toilet seat with toilet paper or napkins if drops of bodily fluids come into contact with it;
  • Treat the surface of the toilet bowl every 3-4 days by special means to avoid plaque formation;
  • a good preventive measure are lozenges or cassettes attached under the toilet rim. Each time a flush occurs, particles of the disinfectant that make up these cassettes will enter the water; Thus, the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the appearance of plaque will be prevented.

You can use several products to remove minor dirt.

  • Table vinegar. To prepare a cleaning product based on it, you need to take a saucepan and heat approximately 1 glass of vinegar in it to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Next, you should pour it into the toilet and add 2 tsp there. baking soda. Leave overnight. In the morning you need to clean the toilet with a brush and flush.
  • If the lid has turned a little yellow, you need to mix heated vinegar with soda until a paste-like mass is obtained. It is necessary to wear gloves to protect the skin of your hands and apply this mixture with a sponge to the lid and seat of the toilet. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water.
  • Another very cheap and accessible product also works great for minor stains - citric acid. In order to clean the toilet with its help, you don’t even need any tricks - just pour two bags of acid into the toilet and leave for several hours. Then “walk” through the toilet with a brush and drain the water.

Effective methods will help to remove old plaque.

  • Of course, first of all, it is recommended to use household chemicals specially designed for these purposes. But you should be careful here! Most of them, in order to increase safety of use, contain a lower concentration of substances responsible for removing plaque; therefore, they cannot cope with very strong, old stains. It is necessary to find products that can only be used together with a protective respirator mask and rubber gloves due to the high content of the active substance.
  • No matter how strange it may sound, it will help to cope with old plaque Coca Cola! You should pour a bottle of this fizzy drink into the toilet, wait a while (4-5 hours will be enough), then wipe the toilet with a sponge or brush and rinse. The impurities will disappear.

  • Oxalic acid. Outwardly, it looks like a powder of small crystalline particles. Rubber gloves should be worn when using this substance to clean the toilet. It must be carefully applied to the lid with a wet sponge so that splashes do not get into your eyes or skin. It’s also worth pouring the powder onto the bottom of the toilet so that it can dissolve and remove all existing contaminants. Like other similar products, its effect time is from 3 to 5 hours.
  • When all of the above substances are powerless against a very old and dense coating, “heavy artillery” in the form of an electrolyte comes to the rescue. This is the most powerful, but also the most dangerous toilet cleaner. The main danger it poses to others is its toxic fumes. Therefore, you should try to protect yourself as much as possible - wear a rubber respirator mask, safety glasses, thick rubber gloves, and clothing that covers your entire body. It is necessary to pour electrolyte into the toilet. Its exposure time is only 15 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly and ventilate the toilet room.
  • "White". This remedy is familiar to many. Previously, it was used to bleach fabrics, although it caused great harm to them. Nowadays clothes, bed linen, towels and other things are bleached using more gentle means, but “Whiteness” has not gone into oblivion, it has simply changed its scope. You need to pour it into the toilet and wash it after 4-5 hours. The toilet will shine with pristine cleanliness.

To remove yellow stains from a toilet seat, several proven methods will help.

  • The best way to start is to remove the toilet seat and soak it, this will make it easier to clean. If self-removal is problematic, you just need to lift it and apply detergent sponge on both sides, then wait a few hours and thoroughly rinse the seat with clean water.

The list of products for removing yellow deposits from the lid includes bleach or products containing it, hair bleach, a mixture of washing powder, baking soda and water, "Whiteness". All these remedies are quite effective. They will help remove unpleasant yellowness. However, if the contamination was so great that it was not possible to remove it completely, then the right decision would be to replace the seat and lid in order to preserve the aesthetics of the appearance and comply with hygiene requirements.

The toilet seat is important element, which guarantees not only convenience and comfort during use, but also makes the toilet attractive and beautiful. Among the huge range of models presented from various manufacturers, you can choose an option to suit every taste. A wide palette of colors, shapes and sizes, as well as materials provides a wide selection of stylish, reliable and practical models.

The toilet is an integral attribute of our life. Can it be made better by increasing functionality? Certainly! And this time we will talk about the implementation of a seat heating system, which will undoubtedly appeal to any person who values ​​comfort and their health.

General provisions

The most popular today are plastic toilet seat covers.

They boast several undeniable advantages:

  • Relatively low price. Plastic is cheaper than wood, metal and most other materials.
  • Hygiene. Lack of porosity eliminates absorption unpleasant odors and liquids, and any dirt can be easily removed with your own hands using ordinary rags and detergent.

  • Attractive appearance. Polypropylene can have any pattern or color that imitates wood, metal, or leather.

But, despite the above advantages, plastic turns out to be cold when visiting the toilet, which causes noticeable discomfort even in an apartment, not to mention a country closet. How to solve this problem? The first may come simple and sufficient cheap option using foam padding.

It will immediately become warm and soft, but:

  • Foam rubber has high porosity, due to which it will collect various odors and liquids, which is absolutely not conducive to hygiene.
  • This method of insulation is not suitable for outdoor toilet. If, of course, we analyze exclusively the apartment case, then we can omit this circumstance, but let’s be universal and consider even the most extreme conditions.

So, we can come to the conclusion that the ideal solution would be to install a plastic seat with a built-in system electric heating. To achieve this, you can take two routes.

Method number 1: buy a ready-made model

In this case, you will, of course, have to fork out more money, but it’s worth it. Most often on the shelves of specialized stores you can find models that, in addition to the heating function itself, also have a mass useful properties, including a bidet.

Functions performed

As you can see, purchasing such equipment is not limited to providing warmth while going to the toilet, but also effectively takes care of your personal hygiene.


The installation instructions for the devices in question are simple enough to be completed without calling specialists:

  1. We shut off the water supply from the water supply.
  2. Disconnect the hose.
  3. Unscrew the fasteners securing the old seat.
  4. We install the purchased seat on the bowl.
  5. We connect one end of the hose to the T-valve, and the other to the drain tank.
  6. We also connect a filter to the same valve.
  7. We turn on the power to the outlet.
  8. We open the water supply from the water supply.

Method number 2: do it yourself

There are cases when acquiring the luxury described above is irrational. First of all, this concerns the need for heating of which we have already mentioned, but other functions are difficult to support and are not always in demand. Therefore, now we will consider a couple of economical options for arranging a heating system for toilets on our own:

Electric heating pad

This method is the simplest and cheapest. All you need is a heating pad. You just need to put it on the seat, turn it on and close the lid for good measure. After some time, you can safely use the heated toilet.

Advice: it is recommended to use this economical option in rarely visited dachas.
In this case, you won’t even have to leave the heating pad in the toilet itself, so that it does not become an easy target for possible thieves.

Heating cable

This method is much more practical and effective, but it will also require some effort on your part during the implementation process. installation work. First you need to get everything you need:


The development of technology has affected all areas of production. Even the direction was no exception bathroom design. When it comes to organizing the toilet space, most people remember decorative elements and the correct ones. Come into the background accessories, among which special attention is paid to seats for toilet.

When purchasing, many are guided by the convenience and simplicity of the structure. This is the right approach, but do not forget about the beautiful appearance. The stores sell not only laconic models, but also seats with interesting designs. If you wish, you can buy a device with self-cleaning, heating or.

Modern models

Ergonomics is the main goal of toilet seat developers. Most of them don't even need to be touched since they are equipped with a lifting system.

Currently, international bathroom decor chains present the following seat models:

Models Description
With microlift It operates silently and smoothly. Frequent impact of the cover on the body causes mechanical damage, and therefore rapid failure, while the elevator guarantees a long service life.
Automatic If slowly lowering devices still need to be set in motion with your own hands, then the electrical device will do everything itself. This smart device rises when a person approaches, and then lowers itself.
Heated Many people complain that the headband is unpleasant and cold, causing discomfort. A heating design will help you avoid such sensations.
For all family members Combines several seats of different sizes at once. Thanks to this, the toilet is convenient to use not only for adults, but also for children.
With scales Doctors say that the correct weight indicators can be found out after going to the toilet. Chinese manufacturers took them at their word and came up with a headband with a weighing function.
With bidet function Not only does it have a standard set of characteristics, but it is also equipped with a fountain for intimate hygiene. Many devices heat water, which completely eliminates discomfort while using them. The video demonstrates in detail the structure and operation of the seat:

At the moment, in addition to classic plastic seats, there are many other models that are selected not only according to their material capabilities, but also aesthetic preferences.

Note! For a long time, soft lids made of fabrics, but they should be avoided, since such accessories only collect a large number of bacteria.


The main feature of almost all modern models of toilet seats is comfort. Ease of use is the main goal of the developers. Moreover, each sample has a number of specific characteristics, which are briefly presented in this table:

The table lists only the currently common models of toilet rims. In addition to the above characteristic features When choosing a seat, it is important to pay attention to a number of other features.

Advice! The material from which the lid is made plays a key role. The ease of use and durability of any device depends on its quality. To this day one of the best materials High-strength plastic is considered for the rims.

Design and color also play an important role when purchasing. Few people think about it, but the wrong size and shade can ruin even the most expensive designer renovation.

Manufacturers often say that a shower toilet is easy to install instead of a regular one, without making renovations to the bathroom

The toilet is an integral attribute of our life. Can it be made better by increasing functionality? Certainly! And this time we will talk about the implementation of a seat heating system, which will undoubtedly appeal to any person who values ​​comfort and their health.

Photo of an electrically heated toilet

General provisions

Classic plastic lid

The most popular today are plastic toilet seat covers.

They boast several undeniable advantages:

  • Relatively low price. Plastic is cheaper than wood, metal and most other materials.
  • Hygiene. The lack of porosity prevents the absorption of unpleasant odors and liquids, and any dirt can be easily removed with your own hands using ordinary rags and detergent.

Caring for the plastic seat is easy

  • Attractive appearance. Polypropylene can have any pattern or color that imitates wood, metal, or leather.

Aesthetic toilet lid decorated with a butterfly pattern

But, despite the above advantages, plastic turns out to be cold when visiting the toilet, which causes noticeable discomfort even in an apartment, not to mention a country closet. How to solve this problem? The first to come is a simple and fairly cheap option using foam padding.

It will immediately become warm and soft, but:

  • Foam rubber has high porosity, due to which it will collect various odors and liquids, which is absolutely not conducive to hygiene.
  • This method of insulation is not suitable for an outdoor toilet. If, of course, we analyze exclusively the apartment case, then we can omit this circumstance, but let’s be universal and consider even the most extreme conditions.

In winter, visiting such a place will be a real feat without a heating system

So, we can come to the conclusion that the ideal solution would be to install a plastic seat with a built-in electric heating system. To achieve this, you can take two routes.

Method number 1: buy a ready-made model

Heated toilet lid with automatic control

In this case, you will, of course, have to fork out more money, but it’s worth it. Most often on the shelves of specialized stores you can find models that, in addition to the heating function itself, also have a lot of useful properties, including a bidet.

Heated toilet: video instructions for choosing with your own hands, features of Japanese lids, seats, price, photos

Heated toilet: video instructions for choosing with your own hands, features of Japanese lids, seats, price, photos

Heated toilet seat for a country house

Hello. On this page, I want to demonstrate two ways to heat a high chair country toilet(facilities outside).

Once again, visiting this establishment in the cold season, a thought came to me. After all, it’s the 21st century, heated seats in cars are now the norm, heated floors at home too, but there’s something out of order here. And most likely, I’m not alone in this matter (fools think alike :)).

We arrive, throw the heating pad aside, and sit down on the warm... toilet seat

Also, with an electric heating pad, you can open the side and put the heating pad on the lid of the high chair (like a pillowcase on a pillow).

More difficult and longer. We mount the heating element directly into the toilet seat. The second method has variations in the method of cable installation (top or bottom) and in ease of use (electrical part).

I'll show you one of the options. By the way, this version of the toilet seat was taken away from me by my neighbors :)

1) A suitable toilet seat (seat).

By “suitable,” I mean ease of installation of the heating cable.

2) Heating element (cable).

You can disassemble the same heating pad or take something like a heating cable for the floor or bother with heated car seats, etc.

I found a Soviet heating pad in my closet, so I tore it apart for my first heated seat.

3) Means for controlling the temperature of the high chair (thermostat, thermostat) and protecting against overheating (thermal fuse), etc. If light heating is planned, then this is of no use.

DIY heated toilet seat

Heated toilet seat for a country house Hello. On this page, I want to demonstrate two ways to heat a country toilet chair (outdoor convenience). Next time

heated toilet lid

household members asked me to heat the toilet lid, so I did it this way: I rummaged through the car heated seats and removed from it a heating wire (several meters long, as it turned out) with a protective thermostat +65 degrees Celsius,

I took a transparent PVC tube, diameter 16, about a meter long and stuffed this entire wire inside along with a thermocouple and a thermistor temperature sensor, the power turned out to be about 35 watts.

This PVC tube is glued to the back side of the toilet lid with liquid nails (first glued with glue sticks to a heat gun, but it falls off due to heat) and works safely. It is powered by a 50-watt 12-volt switching power supply for halogen lamps, and is controlled by a separate circuit with the ability to adjust the temperature , I once riveted this circuit myself, not for a toilet; if this block had not existed, I would have used a control circuit from an electric blanket,

Has anyone suffered anything like this? Maybe there are simpler and more elegant solutions? Thank you

Heated toilet lid - photo- Mastergrad Forum

household members asked me to make a heating for the toilet lid, he designed it like this: he unraveled the car heated seats and took out a heating wire from it (several meters long, like... - photo - Mastergrad Forum

Toilet seat (toilet): types, selection rules and installation features

When choosing a toilet seat, few people pay due attention to this and understand any of the subtleties. Many people think that they can buy the first product they come across and not think about which material is better and which type to give preference to.

This approach is fundamentally wrong. After all, if you know a few rules and subtleties, you can make the toilet more comfortable.

Types of toilet seats

This market niche is developing quite actively. A wide variety of models are presented in the catalogs of online stores and on the shelves of real retail outlets.

Classification of hygiene products

Some toilet seats are attractive and very original design. Others captivate buyers with their versatility.

All the variety offered by manufacturers can be divided into the following categories:

  • disposable products;
  • structures made from hard plastic;
  • soft toilet seats;
  • models with built-in bidet and microlift;
  • heated seats;
  • electronic covers;
  • children's and double seats.

To decide which type is suitable for a particular bathroom, it is useful to learn about distinctive features each type. Knowing all the pros and cons, you can quickly decide on the optimal product.

Features of disposable devices

Disposable seats are mainly used in public institutions. Their main advantage is safety.

They help prevent infection with unpleasant diseases that you can easily catch in a public toilet.

The only drawback is the lack of fastenings on disposable products. This makes them less convenient to use. In addition, they have the shortest possible service life.

As for the material, paper or a special polymer is mainly used for the manufacture of linings. Such chairs will not cause installation problems. After all, it only takes a few seconds to prepare it for use.

Hard plastic seats

If you want to buy the simplest possible product that will serve for years, then best choice there will be a plastic construction. Its strength and service life depend entirely on the thickness of the material.

If you spend money once and buy a model made of high-quality plastic, you can forget about it for a good 3-5 years.

Speaking about appearance, it is impossible to highlight any unique features or shapes. In most cases, hard plastic seats have a classic shape. The absence of unnecessary and often interfering parts significantly increases ease of use.

Disadvantage plastic structures is their fastening. Often these elements are made of the same material as all other parts of the product. As a result, strength is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase seats with metal fasteners.

Is it worth buying a soft seat?

This design combines all sorts of disadvantages and boasts only two real advantages - an affordable price for everyone and ease of use.

The soft seat is made from cheap polyethylene. The material breaks and wears out quite quickly. Therefore o long term We are not talking about service.

If you are very lucky, this model will last 1 year. But as a rule, such products need to be replaced after the first three to five months of operation.

Device with built-in bidet

In the twenty-first century, many things have appeared that make the life of a modern person more comfortable. The list of such devices can also include a toilet seat equipped with a bidet function. This is achieved through a built-in fountain that helps maintain intimate hygiene.

Many models are equipped with a water heating function. Yes, this will allow you to enjoy going to the toilet, but keep in mind that such additions will significantly increase the cost of the design.

High chair with microlift function

This unusual design will be useful for those people who often forget to lower the lid. Thanks to the microlift, this is done automatically. Despite its convenience, this model is quite expensive. But at the same time, it lasts quite a long time (on average 3-5 years).

Most often, the user cannot manually control the process of lowering the lid. For many, this may seem like a serious shortcoming. Therefore, manufacturers paid attention to this. Many modern models provide the ability to disable the microlift function.

As for additional functions, this design is often complemented by a heating system. Therefore, using this chair is a pleasure.

The list of advantages of models of this type should include quality. High-strength and reliable plastic is used in the production process. To break it, you will have to use remarkable force.

Comfortable heated seat

In most cases, expensive covers are equipped with this functionality in order to provide a person with maximum comfort.

Sometimes a heating system can be integrated into the production of conventional rigid plastic structures. This has a beneficial effect on convenience and performance.

But due to modernization, their cost increases several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic covers

The automatic toilet seat appeared only a few years ago. But since its invention, it has become in great demand.

Such a smart design can recognize when a person approaches it, which leads to the opening of the lid. When a person leaves the bathroom, the toilet closes automatically.

Such products are often supplemented with the following elements:

  • seat heating system;
  • bidet;
  • built-in hair dryer;
  • air deodorization function, etc.

When deciding whether to buy such a fancy toilet lid or choose something simpler, you need to consider its cost.

After all, the price is most often two or even three times higher than that of structures equipped with a microlift.

Devices for small users

If there are small children in the family, then parents are faced with the question of choosing a toilet seat. After all, you need to buy a universal product that will be comfortable for use by both adults and children.

In this case, it is better to opt for a double model. This design is equipped with two seats of different sizes. They overlap each other, which makes the product comfortable for the child.

In this case, the structure can be made from several different materials. For example, for the production of adults MDF is used, while for children it is made of plastic.

You can also find brightly colored products with small sizes on the market. But they should not be installed in a house or apartment. They will optimal choice only for kindergartens or similar institutions.

Main selection criteria

The wide variety of toilet seats offered on the market creates problems for the unprepared buyer. After all, how can you make a choice if each manufacturer talks only about the advantages of its product, and its product line numbers hundreds of models?

To avoid mistakes, you need to pay attention to the material, size, design and level of rigidity. Each of these parameters affects durability and comfort. In addition, if you choose the right seat, you can refine the interior of the bathroom, make it more classic or, conversely, modern, in the Art Nouveau style.

Which material is stronger?

In the production process of such structures, many materials are used. But the vast majority of manufacturers prefer plastic, duroplast, wood, plywood sheets or even fabric.

Polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride are materials that harmoniously combine durability and low cost. At the same time, they are comfortable and easy to wash.

But plastic products scratch and crack easily. In addition, their appearance is usually gray and unsightly, which is suitable only for buyers who want to save money, but not for aesthetes who want to turn the bathroom into a real work of art.

Duroplast takes second place among the most popular materials for the production of toilet seats. In many of its characteristics it is similar to ceramics.

When producing products from Duroplast, a special component is added to their composition to prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria. As a result, this makes the toilet more hygienic and safe to use.

The worst material that can be used to make toilet seats is plywood. Despite its low cost, it has a cheap appearance that matches the price. Touching such a product is not particularly pleasant, which is the reason for its low popularity.

Wooden lids are considered the most luxurious and attractive. Yes, these models are quite rare, but because of this they are valued even more.

In terms of their quality characteristics, they are in no way inferior to their counterparts made of plastic.

The only drawback of a structure made of wood or chipboard is its heavy weight. If you buy a model that is not equipped with a microlift, then if it falls, such a lid can damage the toilet.

As for the fabric, it mainly acts as decorative material. It is soft, pleasant to the touch and attractive appearance. Therefore, this decor will harmoniously fit into any interior design. But the fabric is extremely short-lived and its service life rarely reaches 1 year.

Size selection rules

Despite the fact that there are certain standards for the production of toilets, many manufacturers do not adhere to these standards. Therefore, ceramic products often have completely unique dimensions, the selection of seats for which turns into a real challenge.

To determine the correct size, the best solution will trace the outline of the toilet on the cardboard. Don't forget about the fastening points - they also need to be marked on the layout. When choosing a toilet seat, you should stick to the template and give preference to models whose circumference does not exceed the size of the toilet by more than 1 cm.

Appearance and colors

If the bathroom or toilet is made in any way a certain style, then special attention should be paid to the design of the toilet seat. After all, a correctly selected model in color and appearance will allow you to achieve completeness of the interior.

For families with small children excellent choice there will be a cover with drawings. It could be cars, ducks or something similar, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the product is bright and memorable.

For an average toilet, the renovation of which is not particularly chic, a monochromatic design would be the ideal choice. A model with a wood pattern also looks good.

Pay special attention to checking the external surface of the product. Its structure should be smooth and even. At the same time, there should be no cracks, chips, plastic deposits or splinters on it.

Does the level of hardness matter?

First of all, this characteristic affects the durability, practicality and strength of the structure. Today, semi-rigid models are in demand. Their main feature is ease of use. But they do not last long because they bend and, as a result, crack.

Semi-rigid seats consist of two layers. The first is a solid base that ensures the strength of the entire structure, and the second is a rubberized gasket that makes contact with the product as pleasant as possible.

Brief overview of manufacturers

Today, not only domestic but also foreign manufacturers offer their products. At the same time, you can find products on the market both from world-famous companies and from Chinese suppliers.

Add to the trusted list Russian companies, which produce accessories for the toilet and bathroom, can include:

The last brand includes the largest range. The Sanita Luxe company offers products made in a classic form, with prices ranging from 25 to 90 dollars. The catalog also includes models equipped with a microlift.

If you need to order really high-quality and multifunctional model, then the best solution would be products from foreign brands.

A distinctive feature of the Spanish company Roca is its decent quality and relatively low cost. The manufacturer's assortment is varied and includes models costing from $50 to $900.

The most expensive seats of this brand are devices equipped electronically controlled and made of high quality thermodurum.

If, when choosing a toilet lid, preference is given to safe and inexpensive models, then Jika brand products will be the ideal solution.

This company's assortment is full of models costing up to $100. Therefore, any average buyer will be able to choose the best option for themselves.

Lovers of luxury technology and furniture should pay attention to toilet seats from Laufen. This company sets itself the task of producing luxury accessories and plumbing fixtures.

The products will surprise the buyer with their technicality and simply perfect appearance. At the same time, the catalog contains simply a huge number of wall-hung toilets and lids for them.

How to install a toilet seat correctly?

Absolutely anyone can replace an old seat with a new one and there is no need to call a plumber. After all, everything modern toilets have a simple design that simplifies installation of the cover as much as possible, without the need to use any tools.

To install a new toilet seat, you need to:

  1. Remove the old seat. To do this, you need to unscrew the nuts that are threaded onto the long bolts. If this fails, you can use a wrench or pliers.
  2. Clean the fixation area. It will be useful to completely clean the toilet and check the reliability of the fastening drain mechanism, as well as the tank. This will avoid the appearance of smudges.
  3. Unpack the new kit and insert the bolts into the holes in the cover. Often, special grooves are used to secure bolts. They allow you to adjust the location of the structure.
  4. Insert the bolts into the toilet holes and tighten the nuts. Handle fasteners carefully, especially if they are made of plastic. After all, if you put too much pressure on them, they can burst.

If you purchase a product equipped with a microlift, before starting installation, it is recommended that you carefully read the operating instructions included in the kit. This approach will avoid mistakes.

The toilet seat is the element that makes using the toilet as comfortable as possible. Therefore, a little attention should be paid to his choice. After all, this approach will allow you to purchase a convenient, reliable and aesthetic product that harmoniously complements the interior of the toilet and bathroom.

Toilet seat (toilet): types, rules for selection and installation

Information about what a toilet seat can be. The most common types of seats, advantages and disadvantages of each option. Installation tips, photos and video materials are provided.

When renovating a toilet, many people think not only about possible options finishing, but also about what plumbing to install. Of course, given the fact that the main equipment of a sanitary room is a toilet, the problems of choice will concern this particular item. It is worth noting that today there is a fairly wide variety in stores model range and you can purchase products that would satisfy any, even sophisticated consumer requirements.

The main components of toilets are elements such as a tank, a bowl and a toilet seat with a lid. It is the seat that will be discussed in this article. Indeed, thanks to the development of technology, a simple lid has turned into a rather interesting device with many functions. However, before going to the nearest point of sale, you need to learn in more detail about the varieties offered, their features and advantages, as well as how to choose the most comfortable and convenient product.

The first step is to decide on the purpose of the seat. Of course, this item has one main function - to make the user’s position as convenient as possible. But the point is that when purchasing you will have to take into account the number of people using the toilet seat and their parameters. After all, children will not be comfortable in a seat designed for adults and vice versa. What shapes and types of toilet lids exist today?

Toilet heating

Standard seats

Traditional types of products include semi-oval lids without additional functions. That is, such seats follow the shape of the toilet bowl, they are safe and quite comfortable. As a rule, they are made of plastic and can be painted in a variety of colors. Of course, this is not the only possible configuration. Also, the shape can be rectangular or polygonal, and in order to avoid damaging clothes on sharp corners or getting hurt during use, they are slightly rounded.

For lovers of everything exotic, we can suggest purchasing seats in the shape of representatives of the animal world, for example, a duck or a frog, as well as in the form of a musical instrument: a guitar or piano.

However, most often unusual shape Only the top cover is attached, while the bottom of the seat still has an oval shape.

Seats for children

It should be noted that it is not entirely comfortable for a child to use a seat designed for an adult. That is why many manufacturers offer products equipped with an additional liner. That is, the hole on it is slightly smaller and usually softer. In addition, to make it easier for your baby to go to the toilet, it is advisable to purchase a toilet seat with a step. In this case, the child will be able to get up and down easily.

Child seat with step

The design of the toilet seat with a ladder will not take up much space, but will teach the child to be independent. The device is completely safe, as it has no sharp corners and is very firmly attached to the toilet. There are monolithic and folding models; the second option is preferable if the bathroom is small.

If buying a toilet seat with steps is problematic for various reasons, for example, it is too expensive or it is impossible to find a suitable product in stores in your city, and so on, then it is recommended to consider the option of a seat with an attachment. That is, it is a toilet seat equipped with only one retractable step, which allows children to position their legs comfortably. This lid is made of resistant materials and is quite firmly attached to the toilet.

Another feature of chairs designed for children is that they are quite colorful objects. Due to such a variety of colors and shapes, you can quickly and easily train a child to go not to the potty, but to the toilet. And if parents often have to take their children with them on trips, then they should consider a folding seat option. This is a fairly compact thing, which, if necessary, folds out into a full-fledged lid and is installed on the bowl of the sanitary device using especially strong clamps.

High chair for people with disabilities

Special types of covers are also provided for this category of citizens. In particular, it can be a toilet seat with a shelf or with special armrests, which are made of durable materials and covered with soft fabric or rubberized. Such supports will help older people sit and stand comfortably and without problems. And if there is no need for them, then they can be easily lifted (the principle of operation is reminiscent of airplane seats).

The standard height for installing a toilet is 40 cm from the floor. However, in some cases it is necessary to either raise the bowl or lower it slightly; for this purpose, certain product models are equipped with a height adjustment function. Wider functionality is also possible, for example, automatic heating seats, music or additional air purification.

Bidet lid

This product is an almost complete replacement for a bidet. The lid is installed on a standard toilet and only requires additional connection to water supply and, if necessary, to electricity. What is the advantage of such a system?

Toilet heating

First of all, this is the opportunity to get a warm toilet seat, but this is far from the only advantage. These are the following useful qualities:

  • the ability to use a hygienic shower without having to change to other devices;
  • control using a remote control;
  • controlled temperature of seat heating and water used;
  • automatic raising and lowering of the lid;
  • installation does not require additional space in the bathroom, that is, it can be used even in small rooms;
  • universal in use, suitable for daily use by adults and children;
  • additional massage treatments using directed water jets.

Of course, such products will cost slightly more than a regular lid. However, the undeniable advantages make such a purchase completely justified. They are suitable for absolutely everyone and even for some diseases, doctors insist on their use. In addition, the personal hygiene procedure becomes more comfortable.

Multifunctional bidet seat

You can decide which products to purchase for daily use only based on your personal ideas about comfort. But it’s worth noting that a heated toilet seat can be just the thing that makes life easier. And it is not at all necessary to buy a lid with absolutely all possible bells and whistles, because sometimes a minimum set of functions is enough.

How to choose a toilet lid

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - I went to the nearest hardware store and purchased the product I liked. But in reality it is not such a simple matter. After all, it is necessary to take into account many factors that may negatively affect comfort in the future. Or the purchased item simply will not fit the specific equipment. So, let's look at the main points that you should take a closer look at when choosing a seat.

  1. When choosing a toilet seat, first of all you should pay attention to the rigidity parameter, since it is this quality that directly affects comfort. There are two main types: a rigid seat and a semi-rigid seat. And it should be noted that each variety has its own positive features. For example, hard chairs are the most durable and reliable products, they do not get dirty, they are easier to care for, and, therefore, they will last longer. However, semi-rigid seats are still considered more comfortable. Their design is a hard base, complemented by a second softer layer, most often made of rubberized fabric. If the bathroom is not heated, and it is not possible to purchase a heated toilet seat, then the second option becomes more preferable, since its surface always remains at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Lids with a microlift will help protect the toilet bowl from impacts. That is, such a system will ensure smooth lowering of the seat without sharp sounds. Such a device costs a little more, but at the same time it is always ready to protect the nerves of users, as well as sanitaryware from destruction.
  3. When you go shopping for a new toilet seat, it is important to purchase a model that will match the parameters of your existing toilet. This means that the fastening of the cover must coincide with the profile of the plumbing equipment. The easiest way not to make a mistake is to draw a primitive template on paper, transferring the locations of the holes for fasteners onto it. The purchased product must overlap the contour of the bowl by at least 5 mm.
  4. The next point is to carefully inspect the product before paying for it. That is, it is important to check the appearance; the surface of the lid should be even and smooth. Plastic products must not have layers, cracks, nicks or other defects. As for the material from which the lids are made, it can be:
  • plastic;
  • duroplast;
  • wood, plywood or other derivatives;
  • textile.

It is best if the top layer is soaked in a special antimicrobial solution. This impregnation will keep the seat clean for a long time.

Heated seat for shower toilet

Another nuance - when purchasing, you should pay attention to the configuration. The standard set includes the seat itself, its cover, as well as fastening elements, that is, screws and bolts. Some models are equipped with a special sticky bottom layer that helps keep the product in a fixed state.