Presentation on the topic of healthy living rules. Presentation on the topic "rules of a healthy lifestyle." Dietary restrictions

What is a “healthy lifestyle”

Lesson 1 (introductory) from the series “Journey to the City of Health”


Target: creating the right idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle; formation of beliefs about the need to maintain personal health.


Introduce the rules of a healthy lifestyle; explain basic concepts on the topic;

Foster a desire for cleanliness, a caring attitude towards life and health;

Develop attention, speech, thinking; interest in one’s own health and the health of others; fine motor skills.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen; coloring books, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1 slide:

- Guys, have you heard the expression “lead a healthy lifestyle”? What does it mean?

(children's answers)

By healthy lifestyle we mean proper nutrition, following a daily routine, playing sports, eating foods containing vitamins, getting enough sleep, fresh air and a good mood.

Slide 2:


- The daily routine is the correct distribution of time during the day. It is important to create a daily routine with your parents and learn to follow it!

The daily routine should include a place for rest, walks in the fresh air, and doing homework. Raise your hand, who worked out their daily routine with their parents? Who does it?

A special place is given to hygiene.

Slide 3:

Hygiene is a special science. These are rules for strengthening and maintaining health and preventing diseases. Every person should take care of their health. To do this, you need to wash your face, brush your teeth, take a shower, and change your underwear every day. Maintaining good personal hygiene is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Look at the pictures and let's read the rules together.

Slide 4:

For the proper development of the body and maintaining high performance, children need to follow a diet. How do you understand the combination of the words “diet mode”?

(children's answers)

You need to eat food at the same time, 4 - 5 times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). For lunch there must be liquid soup or broth. Products must be healthy and contain all the vitamins the body needs. What are vitamins?

(children's answers)

Slide 5:

The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin word “vita” - life. Vitamins are substances necessary for a child’s body to grow and develop and to improve health.

Vitamins enter the body with food and strengthen our muscles and bones. Different vitamins are found in different foods, so your diet should be varied. What happens if we eat the same product?

(children's answers)

Slide 6:

- Read the title of the next slide and say how you understand these words.

(children's answers)

Children should start doing morning exercises from birth, because it improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, develops muscles, and strengthens the health of the whole body. After regular morning exercises, a person receives a boost of energy for the whole day, it improves well-being and gives great mood. Do you think a physical exercise session can be called exercise? Why do we do it?

(children's answers)

Physical education lesson “One - get up, stretch...”

Slide 7:

Healthy sleep can be called a piggy bank of health. During sleep, we accumulate strength for the new day, our body rests. The total duration of sleep for a primary school student is 10.5 - 11 hours. Children in poor health (or during illness) need naps during the day. Let's try to guess what might happen if a first-grader sleeps less than he should.

(children's answers)

Slide 8:

“The sun, air and water are ours best friends! - With kindergarten you repeat this phrase. Why do they say this?

(children's answers)

Clean air protects against diseases.

The sun is a source of light, heat and vitamin D.

Water quenches thirst, washes away dirt, and gives energy.

The sun, air and water are important helpers in hardening the body!

Slide 9:

Let's summarize. Continue the title of the slide: “A healthy lifestyle is...”

Eat right;

Move more;

Maintain a daily routine;

Do not develop bad habits;

Temper yourself.

- What rule didn't we talk about?

(children's answers)

-Tell your parents what you've learned about healthy living and work together to identify bad habits.

Slide 10:

Choose pictures that depict a healthy lifestyle.

(After choosing from a slide, children are given paper coloring pages illustrating a healthy lifestyle to color in pairs. Completed works are saved as material for a wall newspaper.)

Slide 11:

Let's say together: “Health is great!” The lesson is over. Be healthy!

"Men's Health" - Cucumaria extract. Complexion. Method of application. Melatonin secretion. Prostatitis. Waist size. Complex of pathologies. Portrait of a modern teenager. Treatment of prostatitis. Apimal. Problems of reproductive age. Insulin resistance. Research. Prostate cancer. Men's health. Healthy lifestyle.

“The health of a healthy person” - In summer, it is better to take water procedures in the fresh air after exercise. What should you do to be healthy? A healthy lifestyle is a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health. Sound sleep is one of the best ways stay healthy. Therefore, wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off a cold.

“Public and individual health” - Health depends on a complex of factors. The ability to adapt in life. Ability to procreate. Poverty. Psychological health. Factors determining population health. Health status and trends. Reproductive health indicators. Public (population) health. The relationship between public and individual health.

“Individual human health” - What is health. Public health criteria. Some biological indicators are normal. Levels of health in medical and social research. Human health. Unofficial classification of degrees of health. Maintaining and restoring health. Social factors influencing health. Human health is a qualitative characteristic.

“Physical health of a person” - Are you satisfied with the state of your health. Health risk factors. Health management. Risk factors. Human physical health. Human. State of health. Lifestyle. A valuable inheritance. Management. Health.

“Public Health and Healthcare” - Sum of reserve capacity. Health problems. The likelihood of developing diseases. 4 criteria for assessing public health. Lifestyle. Groups of health definitions. Population health. Morphofunctional deviations. Mental health. Integral discipline. Accounting and analysis. Public health and healthcare.

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

The concept of health and healthy lifestyle. Health is the most important prerequisite for human happiness. Health is the ability of civilized communication between people. Now they say that being healthy is fashionable. But the concepts of health and fashion are completely incompatible. There was a time when health was not talked about. Because it's not fashionable. You should always feel healthy. Today, tomorrow, all your life. And for this you have to work.

Smoking. The effect of nicotine is especially dangerous during certain periods of life - youth, old age, when even a weak stimulating effect disrupts nervous regulation. Nicotine is especially harmful for pregnant women, as their weight leads to the birth of weak, low-size children, and for lactating women, as it increases the morbidity and mortality of children in the first years of life. Most smokers are surprisingly unceremonious towards others.

Alcohol. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, a symptom complex of painful addiction to it develops: - loss of a sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed; - disruption of central and peripheral activity nervous system(psychosis, neuritis, etc.) and functions of internal organs.

Drug use, in addition to mental and physical dependence, always leads to irreversible gross disruption of the body's vital functions and social degradation of the drug addict. It is these consequences that pose the greatest danger to human health and life. Addiction.

How to protect children from drugs? Develop close relationships with them and try to reach mutual understanding. Form in children clear ideas about good and evil. Help them set specific goals for themselves. Make them feel part of a friendly family and needed by society. Tell them about the dangers of drugs. Children need to clearly understand why they need to say “no” to drugs.

If the body receives more energy than it expends, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal human development, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, has overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other ailments.

Rules for a healthy lifestyle. 1. Do physical exercise, at least 30 minutes a day. 2.Eat rationally. Eat more foods containing fiber and whole grains, and less foods containing sugar and made with wheat flour. 3. Avoid excess weight, do not have dinner later than 6 pm. Eat at least 3 times a day. 4.Drink more fluids throughout the day. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, allowing it to prolong its youth. 5.Keep a daily routine. Go to bed and get up at the same time. This is the simplest advice to look beautiful, healthy and rested. 6. Be psychologically balanced. Don’t be nervous, because nerve cells don’t regenerate.

7.Temper your body. 8.Do not smoke, abuse alcohol or other bad habits. After all, these are the main factors that worsen health. 9.Walk in the park more often, in the fresh air, away from cars and other air pollutants. 10. Do good. After all, good is answered with good. It will definitely return to you in the form of good health and mood.

  • - this is a state of complete physical, spiritual, social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects (WHO, 1940)

  • 50% - from the person, from the lifestyle;
  • 20% - from hereditary factors;
  • 20% - from the environment;
  • 10% - from the work of healthcare institutions.

  • Somatic health
  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Moral health

  • for somatic health – "I can";
  • for mental health – "I want";
  • for moral health - "I have to"

  • - is the science of managing human health through improving his lifestyle

  • - this is the constant implementation of hygienic (valeological) rules for strengthening and maintaining individual and public health, conscious of its necessity

  • Optimal work and rest regime
  • Physical activity and hardening
  • Rational nutrition
  • Medical activity
  • Compliance with the rules of mental hygiene
  • Personal and public hygiene
  • Family hygiene

Russian scientists believe that health requires:

Dietary restrictions

Time and ability to rest

  • This is the alternation of one type of work with another, “switching” from one type of activity to another.

  • - this is the ability to cope with daily routine and high productivity. Good physical shape requires efficient functioning of the heart, lungs, muscles, and blood vessels.

  • is a training system aimed at increasing the body’s defenses against various harmful influences, that is, at maintaining and strengthening health, developing resistance to diseases, to physical and nervous overload.

  • Sunbathing has the most powerful effect on the body. It is best taken in the summer in the morning from 8 to 11 o'clock, starting from 10-20 minutes and continuing up to 2-3 hours.
  • Water procedures - dousing, rubbing, showering, bathing. Start by washing your face and hands cold water, then pouring your feet, gargling with cold water.
  • Air hardening – the greater the difference in body temperature and air, the stronger the effect. Start at +16ºС+18ºС from 5-9 minutes leading to 20-30 minutes

  • Follow your diet - eat at the same time every 3-4 hours.
  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Beware of very spicy and salty foods.
  • Limit your consumption of sweets.
  • Vegetables and fruits are the healthiest foods.
  • The main thing is don’t overeat!


  • Tobacco smoke consists of 4720 different substances, the main ones being nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, radioactive polonium 210, arsenic, tar, etc.
  • Smoking contributes to the development of chronic bronchitis, myocardial infarction, stroke, lung cancer, and premature birth in women.

  • 1st stage – a craving for alcohol occurs after several months of regular consumption.
  • 2nd stage – a hangover syndrome is formed, in which irritability, anger, depression, anxiety, nightmares, fears, hallucinations, seizures, and “delirium tremens” are observed.

  • Those who believe that soft drugs are harmless are wrong. Already from the first use of drugs, addiction can form.
  • Stopping drug use at the physical stage of addiction leads to withdrawal syndrome, the so-called “withdrawal.”

Components medical activity

  • A person's attitude towards their health
  • Attitude to other people's health
  • Strict compliance with medical instructions
  • Visiting medical institutions

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Prolonged, incomprehensible fatigue.
  • Reluctance to move, decreased muscle activity in the arms and legs.
  • Chronic pain in different parts of the body.
  • Upset stomach and intestines, interruptions in heart function.
  • Increased quarrels with family, irritability, sudden changes in mood.
  • Increased sensitivity (“everyone is against me”), intolerance to criticism.
  • Loss of sense of time, forgetfulness, seeing everything in a gloomy light.
  • Feeling of dissatisfaction with life, spiritual emptiness.
  • Reluctance and inability to make decisions.

  • - a set of measures to care for body skin, hair, oral cavity, clothing, shoes.

  • Knowing and following the rules of a healthy lifestyle is the key to maintaining health and achieving personal happiness.