Description of all the intricacies of growing clarkia graceful from seeds. The best time and technique for planting a plant. Clarkia graceful - growing and care Clarkia graceful planting and care

Clarkia (lat. Clarkia) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Fireweed family. Depending on the species, the height of the plant varies from 35 cm to 1 m. The shoots are erect, often branched, and can be bare or pubescent. The leaf blades are oblong, arranged alternately, their color is rich green with a bluish tint.

When does clarkia bloom?

Clarkia falls during the summer months. The exact timing depends on the species.

At the tops of the shoots there are spicate or racemose inflorescences; single flowers can huddle in the axils of the leaves. The calyx is tubular, and the corolla is four-lobed or consists of 4 separate petals. Flowers simple or double. The color scheme is represented by snow-white, pink, lilac, red-purple shades.

Growing clarkia from seeds

Reproduction of clarkia involves an exclusively generative method (). Before sowing, the seeds should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them from diseases.

Planting clarkia seeds in open ground

It is carried out in the spring (from March to the second half of May) or before winter (around the end of October). A month before sowing, you will need to dig up the area; add 1 kg of peat or humus, 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate (per 1 m² of area) for digging.

Distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil and cover with a rake. At winter sowing the seeds should be covered with a layer of soil about 2 cm thick (you can mulch with a layer of compost or humus). In spring, thin out the seedlings, leaving about 30 cm between individual plants.

Growing seedlings at home

When and how to plant seeds

To get strong plants that will successfully take root and bloom earlier, you will need. You can start sowing from late March to mid-April.

  • Fill the containers with light nutritious soil, moisten with a fine spray, distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil, sprinkle with sand (a layer of no more than 0.5 cm).
  • To create a greenhouse effect, you will need a film cover; you can cover it with a piece of glass.
  • Provide an air temperature of 15-16 °C and bright, diffused lighting.
  • Raise the shelter daily for ventilation.
  • Shoots will appear in about 12-15 days.
  • During this time, spray the soil with a fine sprayer, not allowing it to dry out.

  • When sprouts appear, remove the cover and water moderately.
  • After the formation of two true leaves, plant them in separate containers, try to preserve the earthen lump so as not to damage root system.

Clarkia reproduces quite successfully by self-sowing. In the spring you will only need to thin out the seedlings and adjust the plantings (you can transplant young plants to the place where you need them).

Area for growing clarkia

To grow clarkia, you will need an open, well-lit area.

The soil should be light, permeable, slightly acidic. Heavy sou clay soil dilute with sand.

To acidify the soil, you should add one of the following options (per 1 m²):

  • 60 grams of sulfur;
  • 1-1.5 kg of peat;
  • Pour the solution: 1.5 tablespoons of citric or oxalic acid into 10 liters of water.

If the soil is highly acidic, lime should be added. The introduction of nutritional composition is indicated in the section on growing clarkia from seeds.

Planting clarkia seedlings in open ground

Clarkia in open ground carried out in May, when constant warmth has established.

  • Make holes of such a size that each can accommodate 2-3 seedlings - they do not interfere with each other, and the plantings will look more magnificent.
  • Handle the seedlings along with the earthen lump.
  • The root collar should be flush with the surface of the soil, press the soil around the seedling with your palms, and water well.
  • To stimulate growth, pinch the tips of the shoots.
  • Keep a distance of 20-40 cm between individual holes.

Mature plants will need support, since thin shoots may lie down or be damaged by strong gusts of wind. Stick the pegs in, stretch strings between them, to which the clarkias are tied as they grow.

How to care for clarkia in the garden


Clarkia is resistant to drought; waterlogging of the soil leads to the development of diseases. The plant is quite content with natural precipitation. Watering will only be necessary during periods of prolonged drought, and add a moderate amount of water every 4-5 days. Do not allow moisture to stagnate.


From the moment the buds set, fertilizers begin to be applied. It is strictly forbidden to use organic matter; feed with complex mineral fertilizers(Rainbow, Kemira, etc.). Apply fertilizer every 15 days.


To ensure long and lush flowering, faded inflorescences should be removed in time. Leave only the amount needed to collect the seeds.

Seed collection

For subsequent seed collection, leave the most spectacular flowers. When they begin to wilt, put gauze bags over them so that the seeds do not accidentally spill out when the seed pods spontaneously open. The seeds will ripen 4 weeks after the flower withers and the seed pod turns brown. Trim them, pour them onto newspaper, and dry them. Store in paper envelopes in a dry, dark place.

Clarkia after flowering

After flowering ends, cut the shoots at the root and remove them from the site (it is better to burn them). During autumn digging, get rid of plant remains, as they can cause the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Diseases and pests

When growing clarkia in heavy loamy soil, rust may occur. Yellow spots with a brown border appear on the leaf blades.

Overmoistening of the soil can cause downy mildew. The leaf blades will become covered with whitish or brown spots, begin to curl and dry out.

In both cases, trim the affected areas and treat with a fungicide (you can use Bordeaux mixture).

Also, damp soil can cause rotting of the root system. In this case, the plants will die.

Dangerous pests include mealybugs and aphids. Treatment with an insecticidal preparation will be required. In the fight against aphids, an infusion of garlic or citrus peels has proven itself; make a solution with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

In order to prevent diseases during budding, Bordeaux mixture is sprayed. Select a suitable area for growing the plant, do not thicken the plantings, adhere to moderation in watering, then the plant will not be afraid of any diseases or pests.

Clarkia in landscape design

In colorful flower beds suitable partners for clarkia you can use snow-white daisies, asters, combine with phlox. Clarkias look advantageous against the background of lilies and low rose bushes.

You can grow clarkia in flowerpots that will be used to decorate balconies, verandas, and gazebos.

Clarkia in floristry

After cutting, the clarkia inflorescences remain fresh for 15 days, while the buds bloom gradually.

Types and varieties of clarkia with photos and names

Clarkia graceful or marigold Clarkia unguiculata syn. Clarkia elegans

A species popular in cultivation in temperate latitudes. The stems are branched (which makes the bush look lush), and as it grows from below, it becomes woody. The leaf blades are oval in shape with sparsely toothed edges, have a greenish-gray tint, and are covered with reddish veins. The flowers are regular in shape, about 4 cm in diameter, the colors can be white, pink, red, blue. The corollas are located singly in the leaf axils. Blooms tirelessly all summer.

The best varieties:

  • Albatross - the height of the branched bush is about 75 cm. The corollas are terry, snow-white.
  • Purpurkenig - plant height is 80-90 cm. Carmine-colored double flowers reach a diameter of 3.5-4 cm.
  • Salmon perfection - the plant grows up to 90 cm. Double flowers, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, have a pink-salmon hue.

Clarkia pulchella

A dwarf species with erect branched shoots about 40 cm high. The leaf blades are obovate in shape with pointed tips. Corollas are simple or terry. They gather at the tops of shoots into corymbose inflorescences and can be located singly in the leaf axils. The corollas are divided into 3 lobes, which are quite widely spaced. In America, this species is often called “moose antlers.” The flowering period begins half a month earlier than the previous species.

The Arianna variety is popular.

Clarkia breweri

A species that is increasingly gaining popularity in gardening. This annual is quite cold-resistant. The bushes are compact, half a meter high. The shape of the corollas resembles the wings of butterflies, the diameter is about 3 cm. The inflorescences are loose. Flowering is accompanied by a strong aroma.

The popular variety Pink Ribbons - the corolla consists of ribbon petals. Tiny bushes are about 30 cm high, the shoots branch well.

Decorating a garden with ornamental plants is a difficult, but at the same time exciting activity. It’s so interesting to pick flowers, plant flower beds and think through the design of your own plot. Unfortunately, many beautiful ornamental crops require special care, which not everyone can provide. Clarkia graceful is easy to care for, easy to grow, and the abundance of colors and long flowering will make it the real queen of your garden.

In today's article we will look at the main features and varietal varieties of this ornamental crop, and also provide tips on planting and further growing it, so that you too can enjoy the original flowering of clarcia in your garden.

Features of Clarkia graceful

Clarkia graceful is an annual plant with many stems, the height of which can reach 30-90 cm. In fact, it is a shrub, since the stems of the crop are very branched and covered with numerous green leaves. This feature, along with the unusual flowering, gives the plant a special decorative value (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Species diversity of clarkia is enormous

Despite the fact that Clarkia flowers are small, only 3-4 cm in diameter, their description and appearance will not leave any gardener indifferent. The inflorescences can be simple or double, but their main feature is a wide variety of colors. There are varieties with crimson, red or pink buds, and there are also lilac and purple subspecies of clarkia, but species with a mixture of colors are of particular value. As a rule, the petals of such hybrid varieties are covered with multi-colored strokes, dots or blotches.

It is noteworthy that the plant is an annual, and in the fall you can collect quite a lot of seeds from the flowerbed, which can be sown again next season. This is another advantage of growing this ornamental crop in a summer cottage.

Varietal varieties

Like many others ornamental plants, the clarkia flower is represented by a huge variety of varieties with petals of various shades. We will consider only the most popular types of crops and describe the varietal characteristics of each of them so that you can create an original color composition for your own garden (Figure 2).

Popular varieties of clarkia graceful include:

  1. Terry: a relatively low variety, the height of its shoots rarely exceeds 65 cm. The bush is quite branched, covered with dark green leaves. During the flowering period, buds 5-6 cm in diameter, with double petals, bloom on the branches. The color of the inflorescences can vary from white to deep red.
  2. "Fantasy": This annual plant with lush inflorescences is highly decorative. The length of the shoots can reach 75 cm, and during the flowering period they are abundantly covered with relatively large double inflorescences. Distinctive feature varieties - a variety of petal colors. In addition, this subspecies can be used not only in group and single plantings, but also for cutting.
  3. Clarkia is pretty: a very unusual variety, which differs from others in its short stature and original shape of inflorescences. The height of the plant is 20-40 cm, the leaves are thin and pointed, and the flowers can be double or simple. The variety is also distinguished by its early onset of flowering: the first buds bloom 2-3 weeks earlier than representatives of other subspecies.
  4. "Joy": a densely branched variety with a shoot height of 40-60 cm. A distinctive feature is that flowering begins two months after sowing the seeds. The petals can have different colors: from rich pink to crimson.

Figure 2. The best varieties cultures: 1- Terry, 2 - Fantasy, 3 - Pretty, 4 - Joy

Each of these varieties is good on its own, but the flowerbed will look much more impressive if you combine several types of clarkia at once. In addition, many of the described subspecies served as the basis for the creation of hybrids, which are also highly decorative.

Growing rules

Since Clarkia is an annual plant, it can only be grown from seeds. But even with such restrictions, you still have freedom of choice: either sow the seeds directly into the ground, or first grow seedlings, and only then move the grown seedlings to the flowerbed.

From seeds

It is not difficult to grow clarkia from seeds at home, since the crop germinates quickly and adapts well to a new place (Figure 3).

Note: You can sow seeds in spring and autumn. In the first case, the procedure is carried out at the end of April or beginning of May, and in the second - around October. Sowing before winter has its advantages: during the cold season, natural stratification of the seeds will take place, and in the spring you will receive a ready-made flowerbed, spending a minimum of effort.

To make your flowerbed truly beautiful, follow these recommendations:

  1. About a month before planting seeds, you need to carefully dig up the selected area and apply fertilizer: a kilogram of peat and a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate for each square meter area.
  2. You can place the seeds in the garden bed in any order. But in order for the grown flowers to be comfortable, the distance between sowings should be about 30 cm.
  3. deepen deeply planting material into the ground makes no sense. It is enough to spread the seeds on the surface of the soil and press them a little.

Figure 3. In most cases, the flower is grown by direct sowing into the ground

From seedlings

If you live in a cold climate, growing clarkia flowers by direct sowing in the ground is not suitable for you. It is much better to use the seedling method, because in this case you will transplant already strong and mature seedlings into the flowerbed, which will normally withstand any weather surprises (Figure 4).

Sowing seeds of Clarkia graceata for seedlings to obtain flowers is carried out as follows:

  1. Planting material is sown in light sandy soil with a slightly acidic reaction.
  2. As in the case of sowing in open ground, the seeds are not buried, but simply laid out on the surface of the substrate, lightly pressing them into it.
  3. To make seedlings appear faster, the seeds can be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and lightly watered.
  4. Next, the container is covered with glass or film and placed in a well-lit, warm place. In this case, it is advisable that the pot is not exposed to direct sunlight, which can destroy the tender sprouts.
  5. As soon as the first stems appear, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are grown in a warm, well-ventilated room.

Like any other seedlings, Clarkia seedlings need to be pruned. The procedure is carried out when a pair of true leaves appears. After this, all that remains is to wait for consistently warm May weather, and you can transplant the seedlings into open ground.

Figure 4. In cold climates, the plant is best grown using seedlings.

Experienced gardeners advise not to rush into moving seedlings to the flowerbed. The fact is that young plants are very sensitive to frost, and sudden temperature fluctuations can negatively affect their health. Therefore, it is better to wait for consistently warm spring weather, and only then plant.

Suitable soil

Despite the fact that clarkia graceful is considered an unpretentious annual, lush and abundant flowering will be possible only if certain rules of agricultural technology are observed. They concern not only planting and caring for the crop, but also the selection of soil for its cultivation.

Usually the crop is grown on any garden soil, but Clarkia develops best on loose, fertile soil of medium and low density. Theoretically, you can plant a flower in clay soil, but in this case the seedlings will develop more slowly and the flowering will not be abundant.

Experienced gardeners prefer to prepare the soil for the crop separately. To do this, mix ordinary soil for seedlings with humus, peat and sand in equal proportions. To prevent infection with diseases, it is advisable to calcinate the mixture in the oven or steam it in a water bath.

Fertilization and watering

Clarkia can easily do without fertilizers, especially if planting was carried out in the special soil mixture described above. But, if you see that the crop is developing slowly or blooming poorly, you may need to feed it. To do this, from the beginning of the rapid growth of shoots and during the formation of buds (but before the start of flowering), a complex mixture is added to the soil. mineral fertilizing(for example, the drug Rainbow). Organic fertilizers for feeding Clarkia should be avoided, as this crop reacts poorly to them (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Watering the flower is necessary only during drought

An area with fertilizers and flowers needs watering only occasionally, for example, in dry weather with a long absence of precipitation. The rest of the time, water is not added to the soil, since the flower will only need natural moisture from the ground. If the need for watering does arise, do not try to add a lot of moisture to the soil at once. The liquid should be completely absorbed into the soil and not stagnate on its surface. Otherwise, rotting of the roots or lower parts of the stem may occur.

Plant pruning

Since Clarkia graceful is an annual plant, there are no special requirements for its pruning. Despite the fact that the crop looks like a lush shrub, there is no need to shorten or remove shoots (Figure 6).

Note: The only activity that can be carried out in the garden bed is the removal of faded inflorescences. They are simply torn off so that dry petals do not spoil the appearance of the plant.

Usually, a few dry inflorescences are still left on the stem in order to collect the seeds in the fall. However, keep in mind that this ornamental crop reproduces very well by self-sowing. Therefore, if you do not want to spoil the appearance of the flowerbed, wrap several inflorescences in gauze. This will prevent the seeds from spilling onto the ground and you can collect them.

Figure 6. Pruning involves removing faded inflorescences

As a rule, planting material reaches maturity a month after flowering has completed. With the onset of autumn, after collecting the seeds, the stems are cut off and the area is dug up so that no roots remain in the soil.

How to deal with diseases and pests

Clarkia, grown in a flower bed in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology, is extremely rare. But sometimes the leaves of the plant may appear dark spots, which indicate fungal infection. It multiplies when the soil moisture is high, so it is necessary to review the watering schedule and spray the affected plant with fungicides twice a week.

Pests also rarely attack the flower. However, the flea beetle is considered the most dangerous insect for Clarkia. These small insects live in large colonies and can quickly destroy a flower at the very beginning of its growth. Spraying with chemicals in this case will not only not help, but will also harm. Therefore, it is better to spray the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and take some preventive measures. In particular, there is no need to allow moisture to stagnate at the roots, and the soil around the stems should be loosened periodically.

You will find more recommendations for growing this flower crop in the video.

Summer flower beds are fragrant with aromas and bloom in all colors. You won’t find anything in the flower beds – salvia, phlox, modest pansies.

Among all this splendor is Clarkia graceful, an annual with bright and varied colors: white, pink, lilac, red, purple flowers.

Types and varieties of clarkia

At the beginning of the 19th century, American captain William Clark, during an expedition, discovered unknown plants on the North American continent, among them Clarkia. Since then, the flower has been named after the captain, and its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance have made it a favorite plant of flower growers and landscape designers.

In nature North America There are more than 30 plant species, but in landscape design Only clarkia graceful (pictured) and clarkia pretty are used.

Clarkia graceful is an annual flowering plant, low - no more than 90 cm, begins to bloom 2 months after the first shoots appear from the ground, flowering continues from July for one and a half months.

It is often used to create flower beds and edgings in city parks, gardens, terraces and balconies.

It is used in bouquets - when cut, clarkia can last in a vase for up to two weeks.

Various varieties differ in color:

  • Albatross – white;
  • Gloriosa – bright red;
  • Salomon Queen - salmon;
  • Diamond – pinkish;
  • Feuergarbs – orange;
  • Apple Blossom – soft apricot and others.

Pubescent clarkia is a low-growing variety, up to 40 cm tall. Coloring can be varied. Low-growing clarkia often decorates flower beds and mixborders in parks and gardens.

Clarkia Brevery is also a low-growing variety, but they love it not for this, but for its double flowers, similar to the spread wings of a butterfly. Flowers have strong aroma: passing by a flower garden, you find yourself in a sweet cloud, it envelops you from head to toe.

Planting and care

Clarkia is unpretentious; growing flowers does not require special care or labor. You can plant seeds (they are very small in clarkia) in early to mid-April for seedlings or in May directly into open ground.

The plant is frost-resistant, so sometimes seeds are sown before winter.

In a week or two, sprouts will appear. When planting in open ground, the seeds are sown in groups - 4-5 per nest, maintaining a distance of 30-40 cm between them, and when growing seedlings, the plants are planted, placing 3-4 seedlings in a container, and then they are transplanted into the ground.

The plant is unpretentious and subsequently requires simple care, usual for all annuals: weeding, loosening the soil, watering. Fertilizing is carried out twice a month with mineral fertilizers - Raduga, Kemira. Organics are not desirable for her.

Clarkia loves open sunny places, dry, loose, maybe even not too fertile, slightly acidic soil. The flowers of Clarkia elegans definitely need light, otherwise the greenery will be thick and lush, and the flowers will be small.

Oddly enough, but clarkia planted directly in the ground, and not as seedlings, blooms more profusely and the flowers are larger.

Plant diseases

Excessive moisture is detrimental for clarkia - the root system is affected by the fungus, the plant develops slowly. It is resistant to pests and diseases, but sometimes it is affected by mealybugs; its presence can be determined by noticing a cotton-like coating on the herbaceous part of the plant.

To combat this you can use the following:

  • Confidor
  • Aktara
  • Fitovermu

When infected with a fungus, rust-like spots, bordered by a brown border, can be seen on the leaves of Clarkia. In the fight against fungus, spraying the plant with Bordeaux mixture or fungicide Oxyx will be effective.

Clarkia in autumn

Clarkia is an annual, but to prolong its flowering, you can remove wilted, faded buds. Only bushes are left from which seeds can be harvested for planting next year.

Pinching the tops of flowering plants will speed up seed ripening.

Collecting seeds is not difficult - just tie the most beautiful and largest flowers with gauze immediately after wilting, so that after ripening the seeds do not fall to the ground. In a month, the seed box will turn brown, it can be cut off, the seeds can be poured out, dried and prepared for sowing next year.

However, Clarkia reproduces well by self-sowing, and if you plan to get a beautiful flower garden next summer, it will be enough to thin out the dense growth in the spring.

Simple care will allow you to grow a beautiful flower garden, which will be decorated with clarkia flowers. Often brightly colored clarkia is placed next to daisies, lilies, and phlox - it can create a spot of color in a flower bed or a border along a path. Its bright spots can be seen from afar.

Clarkia will decorate the balcony of an apartment in the summer. In any place - whether in a park, square, in the garden or front garden - there is a place for thin stems with beautiful flowers.

Photo of Clarkia graceful

Representatives of fireweed are able to create charming decorations in garden compositions, harmoniously combining with their beautiful neighbors. Growing Clarkia gracefully from seeds is a simple way to decorate a flower bed, which does not require much care and pleases with excellent results in the form of an elegant bush strewn with graceful buds.

Clarkia flowers description, photo

The flowers got their name in honor of the famous American explorer William Clark. In nature, these representatives of the flora live in the northern part of the United States and Chile. They are widely used as an unpretentious ornamental annual, which abounds in various varieties.

Clarkia belongs to the herbaceous species representing the Fireweed family. The stems of the plant are thin and strong, growing from 30 to 90 cm, and upon completion of flowering they take on a woody appearance along the lower part of the stem. The leaves are oval-shaped, green-bluish in tone with red veins, the edges are framed by an irregular, rarely jagged shape.

The inflorescences are double and simple, reaching an average diameter of 3 cm. Most often they are collected in the form of spikelets or tassels located along the upper part of the plant, but sometimes you can find flowers in a single arrangement.

Types and varieties (height)

In total, biologists have studied about 30 varieties of clarkia, among which only 3 species have gained popularity. Among them:

  1. “Pretty” belongs to a dwarf species and grows up to 40 cm. The bushes are voluminous, with many branching shoots and elongated leaves, painted in a dark green tone, shimmering with blue. The flowers are racemose and loosely dense. Simple in shape, they grow with a diameter of no more than 2 cm with a pronounced dissection. The plant is also known by its second name, “Deer Antlers”. It is characterized by the earliest period of flowering of the heart of its fellows, which lasts from 2 to 3 months. The petals are colored lavender or pink. There are varieties of white and crimson colors.
  2. “Graceful” or “Marigold” - based on the species, breeders have bred more than 10 hybrid varieties with flowers of simple and double petals, distinguished by their multicolored appearance. Terry ones are made in the shape of a hemisphere, collected in loose tassels or grow singly. They often reach 5 cm in diameter. The color is dominated by a violet-pink tone, and there are also varieties of white, orange or crimson shades. The leaves are dark green with pronounced red veins, oval in shape and jagged along the edge. The bushes grow up to 1 meter. The varieties “Alyuatros”, “Salamon Queen”, “Diamond” and “Feuergarbe” are very popular. Hybrid ones include “BouguetMixet” and “DoubleMixet”, multi-color options.
  3. “Breveri” is a fairly frost-resistant variety that does not require seedlings. The stems of the plant are very branched, the bush is compact in size. Top part the stem contains medium-sized flowers, not exceeding 3.5 cm in diameter, with pronounced dissection of pink petals. Plants reach 50 cm in height and have a pleasant aroma.

Features of growing from seeds at home

The bright representative of fireweed does not require special conditions for growth and sowing, which makes it different from its fellow flora. In order to grow strong flowers at home, a gardener will only need to follow a few simple care rules. unpretentious plant, which we talk about below.

Timing for sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing seeds can be done in early May; in this case, the flowering period will begin in the first or second decade of July and will continue until mid-September. To achieve even earlier flowering times, it is recommended to sow flowers in the fall, preferably in the second ten days of September. This way they will be able to germinate a little, get stronger before the first frost and successfully overwinter. The first flowering will begin in the first ten days of June and will delight the gardener throughout the summer season.

Seeds at the age of 2 to 4 years are considered to have the best germination rate.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Before the sowing procedure, the seeds should be prepared by soaking in a weak solution of manganese for 3 hours. The seeds are placed in a strip of natural fabric and placed in a moist environment. The material you can use is a bandage or gauze that allows air to pass through well. Next, the planting material is thoroughly dried at room temperature and placed in prepared soil.

Since the seeds are quite small, you can prepare a piece of paper and a toothpick to distribute them over the ground surface, which will greatly facilitate the task of evenly placing them.

What containers are needed for sowing?

It is recommended to plant seed in shallow containers that must be treated with boiling water or steamed in the oven. The procedure promotes disinfection, which protects the flowers from possible fungal diseases. You can use individual cups, but large or medium-sized nurseries are preferable for small seeds. Seeded containers should be stored in a well-lit place and protected from drafts.

Soil (composition, characteristics)

Fireweeds are absolutely not picky in choosing soil composition and grow well on a variety of soils. Maximum growth is shown on light or medium-density soils, slightly acidic or neutral. You can prepare the soil mixture for seedlings yourself by mixing peat and river sand in equal proportions and adding it to the prepared soil. It is recommended to steam the finished mixture in a water bath to prevent the formation of fungus and bacteria in the soil.

Seed sowing technology

The seed is placed at a distance of 1 cm in small grooves, then sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and thoroughly moistened. For watering, you can use a tablespoon, carefully pouring the water so that the seeds do not get knocked out of the ground or float to the surface. You can also use a spray bottle.

Next, the nursery is covered with a plastic bag, cling film or glass to create a vacuum and placed in a bright place. As condensation accumulates on the inner surface, the cover is removed to ventilate the seedlings. It is necessary to completely discard the film after the first shoots appear. If this is not done in time, the seedlings can become very elongated.

Seedling care

Fireweed is very easy to care for and does not require special growing conditions. The main thing is to comply with the preferred temperature regime and provide timely watering to plants.

Seedlings require maintaining moderate soil moisture; extreme drying should not be allowed. As the soil grows, you need to loosen it slightly. It is advisable that the nursery has drainage system, since water stagnation can be detrimental to the root system of flowers.

The optimum air temperature will be + 20°C. Nurseries located on window sills must be protected from direct sunlight, and it is advisable to cover the glass with paper or cardboard to prevent burns to the leaves.

Caring for seedlings (hardening, picking)

Seedlings begin to sprout as soon as 2 leaves form. It is advisable not to delay replanting, since young seedlings tolerate it much easier, take root faster and successfully enter the further stage of growth and development.

Hybrid varieties categorically do not tolerate diving. And in case of dense planting, the plants are only thinned out.

Before planting in open ground, flowers are gradually hardened. To begin with, window ventilation for 10-15 minutes a day will be enough for them, after which the seedlings can be placed on an open balcony or outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the open air. It is important to ensure that during hardening the seedlings are not exposed to draft winds.

How and when to plant in the ground

Fireweeds begin to be transplanted into the ground in the third ten days of April or the second ten days of May, depending on the growing region. In the case of direct planting in the ground, avoiding the seedling method, sowing begins either in the fall, followed by wintering, or in the second ten days of April.

The seed material is placed in small grooves and sprinkled with a small layer of soil, then thoroughly moistened and placed in a greenhouse. The shelter requires regular ventilation and timely watering. The soil should always be moderately moist, but excess moisture is unacceptable.

The first shoots will begin to appear within 2 weeks, and as they grow, you can thin them out, making room for the development of stronger specimens. The distance between plantings is kept small, since sowing densely enough will provide the seedlings with stronger and taller stems with large inflorescences.

Shelter can be completely abandoned in the first ten days of May, when the threat of possible frost has passed.

When autumn planting with the onset of spring, the seedlings should not be moistened, since the soil is perfectly saturated with melt water and nourishes the plants.

Choosing a site for planting, soil

Clarkias grow well both in well-lit areas and in slight shade. Well-tempered, they are not afraid of drafts and can withstand cool temperatures at night quite cheerfully. They delight with abundant and long flowering on light, fertile soil. It is important to avoid planting in acidic soils, since most often the seedlings die; at best, they develop slowly and weakly.

Flower care (watering, fertilizing, tying)

Throughout the growing season, flowers require sufficient moisture. The soil should be watered as the top layer dries, avoiding overwatering. Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the root system of clarkia, therefore the best option will be the organization of drainage in a nursery or open ground. After watering, the soil must be loosened to improve breathability. In case of rainy or cool summers, watering is reduced or stopped completely.

It is advisable to water under the root, avoiding getting on the leaves. This will protect the leaves from possible sunburn and will not spoil the external aesthetics.

It is recommended to feed regularly, 1 or 2 times a month. The complex solution “For beautifully blooming garden flowers” ​​is ideal as a nutritious fertilizer, which can be easily purchased in every specialized store.

In case of dense planting, seedlings need to be thinned, focusing on a distance between them of 15 cm, which will allow the bushes to develop harmoniously in width. It is not recommended to make the distances between seedlings larger, as the flowers may lose their decorative appearance. Careful removal of weeds promotes quality growth and development.

Dried inflorescences must be removed regularly, allowing new buds to develop in order to prolong the flowering period. In addition, simple actions will significantly improve the aesthetics of the fireweed. Only the largest samples should be left for further collection of seed material.

Tall varieties of clarkia will require a garter, since the stems are not always able to hold the bush. To avoid bending, place a support in the form of a regular slats nearby and carefully tie them up.

Possible problems during cultivation

The main difficulty that gardeners face when growing clarkia is soil moisture, since it can be difficult to maintain a balance and not accidentally overwater the plant. Young seedlings need to be watered carefully and carefully.

In cases where the degree of moisture in the soil is not determined visually, you can use a small stick or your own finger to plunge into the soil and determine the moisture content. Otherwise, the plants are not picky and delight gardeners with healthy growth and strong development.

You should not apply fertilizer more often than conditions require, as the branches can grow greatly and suppress flowering.

Plant care during and after flowering

Clarkia does not require special care, and therefore during the period of active flowering it is enough to timely apply fertilizer, continue to loosen the soil and remove fading elements. At the end of the season, the bushes are cut off at the root and left for the winter. When cold winter build a shelter from peat or straw.

Diseases and pests (treatment)

Clarkias are highly resistant to pests, but can sometimes be attacked by aphids or flea beetles, which require the use of chemicals like "Karbofos" or "Fufafon".

Very rarely, fireweeds are susceptible to diseases. Among the known plant diseases they can be affected:

  1. Downy mildew, which occurs in extremely humid environments. Infected leaves curl, and colorless or brownish spots form on the upper side. Drugs like Fitosporin or Olirin help fight the disease.
  2. Fireweeds are affected by rust due to neglected plantings, excess nitrogen feeding, or due to excess moisture in the soil. In this case, the leaves, stem and flowers become covered with blisters, inside of which there are spores of the pathogen. It is recommended to treat with Bordeaux mixture or Topaz.
  3. Root rot overtakes bushes on heavy soils, in conditions of dampness and excess moisture. The root system is affected by rot and leads to death. A disease noticed in time can be treated with “Topaz” or “Bordeaux mixture”.

In cases where treatment is futile, infected elements must be removed and subsequently destroyed

To prevent possible diseases, it is necessary to dig the soil deeply (at least 20 cm) and treat the soil with fungicides until the first shoots appear.

How to collect seeds

To collect seed material during the flowering period, you need to notice large and beautiful flowers, wait until they wither, then tie them with a layer of gauze and leave to ripen.

The manipulation will not allow the seeds to scatter or fall, which will prevent self-seeding in the future.

Within 1 month after wilting, the seed capsule fully ripens and acquires a brownish tint, after which it can be cut off and the seeds removed. The collected material is thoroughly dried and stored in paper envelopes.

Clarkia in winter

Most often, plants survive winter frosts safely, but for greater confidence, you can make a shelter for them from natural materials. If you plan to dig up the area in the spring and place the flowers in a new place, it is recommended to remove and destroy all remaining elements of fireweed in order to prevent the development of fungi in their environment that can infect the ground or neighboring vegetation.

Combination with other plants

Clarkias combine perfectly with light-loving representatives of garden flora. Close proximity to certain varieties of roses, daisies and peonies brings impressive results. They create beautiful flower beds paired with oleanders or delphiniums.

Exquisite bushes with original flowers will be an ideal decoration for the garden or open balcony. Clarkia graceful: growing this flower from seeds does not require much effort and will delight the gardener all summer months with bright blooms and a wonderful fragrance.

Clarkia is considered a rather attractive elegant plant that has a long flowering period. By appearance is a bush completely covered with beautiful fluffy inflorescences reminiscent of roses. The inflorescences delight with a variety of shades and brightness. There are varieties of one-color color, two-color, even with specks. Gardeners fall in love with it at first sight. The topic “Clarkia growing from seeds, when to plant” is becoming relevant for everyone who wants to acquire a charming beauty.

Belongs to the fireweed family and is an annual plant. Reaches a height of 60 cm, has branched stems, oval-shaped leaves. All flowers form inflorescences at the top of the bush. Over 30 varieties of clarkia are known.

Interesting! The flower got its name thanks to its discoverer, the English priest Clark.

Types and varieties (height)

Three types of crops are popular among gardeners:

Graceful (marigold) . California is considered its homeland. It is a lush, branched annual plant reaching a meter in height. The stems are hardy, thin, slightly woody at the bottom. The leaves are purple-green in color, have red veins, and are oval in shape. The inflorescences reach a diameter of 4 cm, can be simple, double, purple, scarlet, turquoise, white. The seed remains viable for up to 4 years. Abundant flowering lasts from early July to late September.

The following varieties are especially popular:

  • purpurkenig - a fluffy variety of scarlet color, inflorescences have a diameter of 3-4 cm, a bush 85-90 cm high;
  • albatross - double flowers of a snow-white hue, bush height about 75 cm;
  • salmon perfection – terry gently orange color inflorescences with a diameter of 3 cm, the bush reaches a height of 90 cm.

Pretty (hairy) . It is a dwarf species. Only 40 cm high, the leaves are long, rich green, slightly tapered. The buds can be simple, double, single, or form inflorescences. It begins to bloom 10-14 days earlier than clarkia graceful.

Pleasant (Breveri) . This species is gaining popularity due to its resistance to cold. It reaches a height of 50 cm. The inflorescences resemble butterflies, are 3 cm in diameter, and have a light alluring aroma.

Informative! Recently, breeders have been developing new hybrid varieties. The emphasis is on unusual colors, a combination of several shades in one inflorescence.

Features of growing from seeds at home

Even a beginner can grow seedlings from seeds. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules. Then the result will not be long in coming. The most common recommendations:

  • Before sowing, you must prepare a wooden container with a special substrate and a lid;
  • the container is placed in a well-lit place, however, protected from direct sunlight;
  • if necessary, it should be provided additional lighting for seedlings;
  • After the first shoots appear, the lid is removed, the seedlings continue to grow with open access to air.

When to plant clarkia seedlings

Seedlings grown by seedlings are protected from unstable temperatures and frosts. It is for this reason that most gardeners do not risk planting grains directly in open ground. Seeds are planted in the second half of April, after a month the crops can already be transferred to a permanent place of growth. However, it is worth paying attention to the climatic conditions of your specific area of ​​residence. If May is still accompanied by frosts, it is recommended to postpone planting seedlings until the onset of steady warming.

Preparing seeds for sowing

The grains of the crop are quite small. However, experienced gardeners still select the largest possible, whole seeds from the grains. There are four reasons for this action:

  1. The larger the seed, the more nutrients it contains. Due to the presence of nutritional components, the percentage of germination increases.
  2. Large grains produce shoots faster. Some gardeners note that growth has almost doubled. Early shoots produce earlier flowering.
  3. If the selected seeds were large, then the mature plant has large inflorescences, attractive flowers, which are excellent for bouquet arrangements.
  4. Bushes grown from selected seeds have strong immunity, are resistant to temperature changes, and are less likely to suffer from pests and various diseases.
  5. Before sowing, seeds can be treated with a light solution of manganese. This helps disinfect the grains and increases germination by almost 90%.

Know! When sorting seeds, you can use tweezers or a special sieve or sieve.

What containers are needed for sowing?

Gardeners use individual containers, cups, large wooden boxes, and peat tablets to grow seedlings. Peat tablets leave, planting seedlings in a flower bed. Thereby preserving the set of essential microelements. Seedlings suffer from excessive moisture, so watering should be done as the soil dries out.

Soil (composition, characteristics)

To grow seeds, it is recommended to use slightly acidic, loose sandy soil. Additionally, complex mineral fertilizers, humus, and ash are added. You can also use a ready-made factory substrate, designed specifically for growing young seedlings.
To protect future seedlings from fungal infections and blackleg, the substrate should be calcined or steamed in a water bath.

Important! Fat soil has a detrimental effect on the crop. Sand and peat must be added to such soil.

Seed sowing technology

When sowing seedlings, a certain sequence of steps is followed:

  1. Small containers are filled with prepared moistened soil.
  2. The grains are scattered over the surface of the soil and pressed into the ground with light pressure using a spatula or wooden plank.
  3. Crops are irrigated warm water, covered with glass or film.
  4. The containers are left in a warm place, but protected from direct sunlight.

Seedling care

When shoots appear, the glass or film can be removed. Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, seedlings should be kept in a warm room with good ventilation. Favorable indoor conditions allow seedlings to grow strong and healthy. After all, it is completely protected from temperature changes and cold rainy days. The seedlings can also be transferred to a greenhouse provided that the temperature conditions are optimal.

Caring for seedlings (hardening, picking)

The seedlings do not require hardening. Grown in a comfortable climate, it is quite hardy and has good immunity. Given the timing of the disembarkation, she will not face cold nights.

If the grains were planted in a common large container, picking should be done after the first two leaves appear. During picking, you should not leave single sprouts. The crop grows better as a bush, so it is recommended to transfer it into separate containers, taking into account the further growth of the future bush.

Important! You should not delay picking. The older the plant, the higher the risk of injury during transplantation.

Timing for planting seeds in open ground

Resistance to cold allows the seeds to be planted directly into the ground. Gardeners call this method without seedlings. You can plant it both in spring and autumn, leaving it for the winter. Without seedlings, the method allows you to obtain the strongest viable crop. The stems of such a flower are elastic, dense, and the inflorescences are large.

Grains are sown in late April early May. The area intended for sowing requires preliminary preparation, which is carried out no later than two weeks before planting.

When planted in autumn, sprouts appear long before the onset of the first cold weather. Seedlings covered with snow can survive the winter. If the seeds did not have time to germinate before the cold snap, they will sprout in the spring. Overwintered seeds require the same care as those planted in the spring.

Since the grains are quite small, they should be sown in groups of 5, maintaining a distance of 20-40cm between groups. The first shoots appear after 15-20 days. When the seedlings grow, they need to be thinned, thereby forming future bushes.

Know! The denser the planting, the more impressive the clarkia looks during flowering. Therefore, you should not make seedlings rare.

Choosing a site for planting, soil

The beautiful appearance of the crop directly depends on the conditions of detention. This variety quite unpretentious, but for proper growth and development it is necessary correct location crops in the flower garden. An important factor is to ensure optimal soil quality composition.

This flower needs a sufficient amount of light; it should be planted in an open sunny area. In a shady place, growth will continue. It will even become overgrown with dense greenery, but will produce small, lonely buds. This species is also not afraid of drafts.

Proper planting requires good drainage. In the presence of groundwater, passing close to the soil surface, it is recommended to arrange bulk beds before planting bushes. The soil should be loose and light. Before planting, you can fertilize with humus and mineral fertilizers. It is advisable to do this in advance so that the soil has time to become saturated with minerals.

Remember! Poor soil will never produce beautiful, decent buds. The inflorescences will be single, quite small.

An important factor is soil moisture. It is appropriate to maintain a golden mean here. Excess moisture and dry soil are harmful to clarkia.

Flower care (watering, fertilizing, tying)

If you immediately install small pegs near the holes, this will greatly simplify maintenance. As the seedlings grow, they will be able to support their stems on the stakes. When planting several varieties, it is recommended to leave a decent distance between the beds. This is due to the ability of the crop to cross-pollinate.

Basic care consists of:

  • timely proper watering;
  • getting rid of weeds;
  • feeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • removing wilted buds.

During the rainy season, there is no need to additionally water the seedlings; the amount of precipitation that nature provides is quite sufficient. The dry season requires systematic but moderate watering. It is recommended to water at intervals of 4 days. After watering, the water should not stagnate, but should be quickly absorbed. During the break between watering, the top layer of soil should dry well.

For a long time abundant flowering fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is required. Feeding is carried out once every two weeks. Organic fertilizers are strictly prohibited.

Bushes need to be inspected regularly and dried leaves and buds removed. Gardeners also recommend removing excess seed pods. After such simple manipulations, the crop will continue to provide new beautiful buds for a long time. These recommendations serve as good prevention against diseases and pests. When growing tall varieties of flowers, you should remember the need to tie up the stems of the plant.

Important! The amount of moisture should be carefully monitored. If the roots are constantly exposed to dampness, they will certainly be affected by rot.

Clarkia graceful from seeds when to plant

Clarkia graceata is the most sought after plant species. Like other representatives of this species, it does not require special care, sprouts quickly, and is resistant to diseases.

You can plant crops as early as March, then in June the seedlings will produce their first buds. Loose, nutritious soil is prepared for sowing. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of manganese. This will help prevent the occurrence of various types of infections and diseases.

Sow the seeds in groups, without going too deep. Before emergence, the crops are covered with film and placed in a warm place. Every day the film is removed to remove unnecessary condensation, as well as for ventilation. After the first leaves appear, the film can be removed completely.

After waiting until May, the seedlings can be transferred to the ground. It is important to transfer the sprouts without damaging the root part. Before planting, you should properly prepare the site, dig up, and fertilize the soil. The holes are placed at a distance of 20 cm. If you plant the bushes in groups, then during flowering you will get a gorgeous bouquet.

This species loves sunny areas and does not tolerate shade. The stems of Clarkia elegans are quite thin. Therefore, additional support is required.

Interesting! Clarkia graceful does not differ from its fellows in the rules of care and cultivation. All recommendations are relevant for any type of this plant. But it was Clarkia graceful that gardeners really loved.

Possible problems

The crop is resistant to pests and rarely gets sick. The most common cause of disease is violation of basic care rules.

Planting seedlings in heavy loamy soil provokes the development of fungal diseases, accompanied by the formation of brown spots on the leaves. Seedlings cannot easily tolerate an excess of mineral fertilizers.

Diseases and pests (treatment)

When spores of a fungal infection enter the nutrient medium, they affect the root system. The presence of a fungal infection is accompanied by the presence of brown spots that grow rapidly. When multiplying, fungal spores spread throughout the plant.

Plaque forms on the rotting part gray with a certain fluffiness. This plaque is a reservoir of fungal spores. After ripening, the spores will spread, thereby causing irreparable damage to the entire flower garden. Once damaged, the crop cannot be treated; it should be removed from the flowerbed. The location is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Young seedlings may be affected by flea beetle. This happens when the flower garden is located directly next to the garden beds. Fleas, jumping, move from one crop to another, feeding on the juice from the leaves.

Very rarely, a dangerous mealybug infection occurs. The small worm has a yellow-orange color and is camouflaged under a white blanket, similar in appearance to cotton wool. It takes a lot of effort and energy to fight this pest. It is recommended to use drugs such as Fufanon or Karbofos.

Know! The affected plant should be removed from the flowerbed to prevent the spread of infection to other types of flowers. The remains of stems, roots and leaves must be burned. Only this will guarantee complete relief from the disease.

Plant care during and after flowering

When it comes to grooming, Clarkia shows modesty and unpretentiousness. In order for the crop to delight with abundant beautiful flowering, all that is required is control of the moisture level and timely removal of buds after flowering.

Given its self-seeding ability, there is no need to collect seed material. If such a need exists, then you should choose bushes with the most beautiful large buds and collect seed from them. Since clarkia is an annual, after flowering the stems are cut off to the very roots, and the remaining roots are dug up in the fall.

How to collect seeds

The culture has an excellent ability to reproduce by self-sowing. With such propagation, all that is required with the onset of spring is simply to thin out the emerging seedlings. If you want to collect the seed of your favorite species yourself, you need to wrap the seed box with a bandage or gauze cloth. The seeds ripen approximately one and a half months after flowering. At the same time, the boxes with grains acquire a light shade.

The mature capsule is cut off and the seeds are carefully removed. This must be done with extreme caution, because the grains are quite small, and with one awkward movement you can scatter them. The collected seed should be thoroughly dried for several days; it can be sown even in winter. Already with the onset of the new season, you can admire the flowering. You can also save the grains until spring by putting them in a paper bag.

Remember! Hybrid varieties rarely produce shoots with the properties of the mother plant. Therefore, it is better to purchase selected species anew.

Clarkia in winter

In winter, Clarkia does not require special care. If the sown grains managed to sprout in the fall, then they will be able to calmly overwinter under a layer of snow and will begin to grow rapidly in early spring.

There are times when a flower does not have time to bloom. Then you can carefully dig it up, maintaining the integrity of the root system, and transplant it into a spacious pot. The container is transferred indoors, preferably on the east or west side with diffused light, and continues to be cared for as usual. indoor view. By resorting to such a trick, it becomes possible to extend the flowering period, but after flowering the crop will still dry out.

Combination with other plants

When combined with other crops, clarkia creates amazing beauty that delights the gardener's eye. A win-win option is considered to be proximity to asters, lilies, daisies and phlox.

Looks very colorful next to short red roses. Great for bouquets and flower arrangements. The cut flower remains fresh for up to 10 days and gradually opens the formed buds.

Informative! Very often clarkia is confused with godetia. Only Clarkia graceful, pretty and Brevery are representatives of this species. All other plants do not belong to them.

Clarkia is the most unpretentious plant. And her gorgeous buds leave no one indifferent. Even a beginner can cope with studying the question of growing Clarkia from seeds, when to plant, and the flowering flowerbed will be a reason for delight.