Quotes from Carrie Bradshaw about the man of her dreams. What women talk about: quotes from the series “Sex and the City. Carrie Bradshaw: Relationship Quotes

"I don't believe in email. I stick to the old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up."

“We talk for four hours, but it seems like fifteen minutes have passed. We part for two days, but it seems like a year has passed. I realized that Einstein’s theory of relativity requires serious revision, taking into account one important effect - the effect of falling in love.”

"Love is the only label that never goes out of style."

“The only thing I’ve managed to do in the kitchen so far is a mess and a few small fires.”

"We were happy until we decided to live happily ever after."

“Why is it that every time I’m going to be happy, you show up and ruin everything?!”

"It was like a Donna Karan dress: you know it's not your style, but you try it on. Just in case."

“He fully met her rule of the three Ps: positive, attractive and solvent.”

“In a society of hot-headed young people, the idea of ​​monogamy somehow disappeared by itself.”

"Handsome men are bad lovers! They don't need to work hard!"

“I “traveled” him so that some soulless doll could ride him?!”

“I enjoyed plunging into the world of a proud single woman and disposable men.”

"The best is the enemy of the good!"

“It is sometimes not so easy for an unmarried woman to go through life, so we need to be very careful when choosing shoes. After all, they help brighten up this difficult path for us.”

“It’s very simple to confess your love; it’s much more difficult to prove it every day!”

Who is the main American fashionista? Carey Bradshaw immediately comes to mind, although we are aware that she is a fictional character. She inspired and continues to inspire several generations of girls. We believe that the “Man of my dreams” will definitely propose to us, and with the weekly column of the columnist in the magazine you can buy branded items and establish connections with the entire secular society. We love Carey and remember her best quotes.

  • Love is the only label that never goes out of style.
  • The prince did not gallop. Then Snow White spat out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance and made a test tube baby.
  • I don't believe in email. I stick to old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up.
  • As soon as a man tells me that he is a romantic, I want to scream obscenities... This only means that he idealizes you, and as soon as you stop playing by his rules and show your true face, he immediately runs into the bushes. This is why romantics are dangerous. Stay away from them.
  • Even the best relationships are always built on compromises. But how much can we sacrifice for another person before we stop being ourselves? And where is the line beyond which compromises develop into self-destruction?
  • Tying a tie for a man is much more erotic than taking it off.
  • Handsome men are bad lovers! They don't have to stress!
  • It is sometimes not so easy for an unmarried woman to go through life, so you need to be very careful when choosing shoes. After all, they help brighten up this difficult path for us.
  • Shopping is the best medicine for the heart.
  • When you're young, you have a lot of fun, but when you get older, fear comes. Fear of breaking bones or having your heart broken. You'll think ten times before you jump. After all, there is not always someone below to catch you, and in life there is no safety net. At what point did recklessness disappear and fear appear?
  • It's like a Donna Karan dress: you know it's not your style, but you try it on anyway.
  • There is a turning point in every woman's life when she realizes that it is He.
  • But, ironically, in a big city it is very easy to meet a man who broke your heart. It's even easier to meet him when you look like crap.
  • He's no prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater.
  • I admit that we always dream of the perfect boss, or the perfect parents, or the perfect dress. But maybe we shouldn’t give up everything at the first sign of failure, but continue to play our intended role and improve what we’ve been given?
12 February 2013, 16:32

I envy women who can say: “Darling, everything was wonderful, you gave me so much, be happy with someone else,” but for some reason it comes out to me: “Nothing worked out, go to hell.” How much simpler everything would be if people invented an easy surgical way to remove all mistakes and sad memories from their memory, leaving only good and joyful ones. But until this happy day comes, what to do? Adopt the old proven philosophy of “forgive and forget”? I have grown from the men of my past, but have not yet grown to the men of my future. He's no prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater. I am more of those people - “you solve your problems.”
To get rid of one harmful passion, you need to switch to an even more harmful one. When a man commits a desperate act, he is usually considered romantic; when a woman does it, she is often considered desperate or crazy. The prince did not gallop. Then Snow White spat out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance and made a test tube baby. Do we really need distance to get closer? Why is it that every time I'm about to be happy, you show up and ruin everything?! I don't believe in email. I stick to old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up. Men who are ideal in all respects are the ultimate dream, but for some reason we always leave them for hot young guys on motorcycles without a cent in their pocket. If two people inspire each other so much while lying in different beds, then in the same bed they will definitely be able to agree. When a female gorilla is in love, she spends her days combing out fleas from her chosen one, but with humans the opposite is true: catching fleas can ruin even the strongest relationships. They say opposites attract, but no one says for how long. Should lovers fan the flames of passion by talking about work and friends, or be content with the smoldering embers of calm, silent communication? I thought, if two people have nothing in common, maybe the most ardent love will turn to ice? It turned out that it was almost impossible to avoid a threesome, because even if you were alone in bed, there was always someone there before you. And suddenly it dawned on me: two people decided to live their lives together, but I couldn’t get the man to sign the card with me. I will never kiss another man other than my husband, I will stop worrying about becoming a boring aging couple, because we will never be like that, and we will always be together!
Every day, millions of people suffer from the symptoms of monogamy. No one has found a cure yet. Twenty-year-old girls are beautiful until you see one of them next to the man who broke your heart. Maybe we subconsciously always get to know the same person? If it is true that life is a theater and we are all actors in it, then today I had to play the role of a girl for whom everything is fine, but her loved one was just knocked down by the flu. I can’t get the man of my dreams out of my head, I keep imagining us together, here in Paris! And these thoughts come into my head every time I have a new novel, I compare everyone to it! Maybe we were right when we talked less and kissed more? Scientists have found that after sex, a woman’s body produces hormones responsible for attachment. The same hormone causes a bunch of various issues and this is after just one time. Does he like me? When will he call? And a classic of the genre: What will all this lead to? In New York, they will even come to the opening of the envelope if champagne is served there. - God, how hungry I am! - There is no food here - only booze. - Then I’ll have a martini and six olives! (Carrie and Samantha)
How many wonderful stories love began with sex on the first date! You just need to remember. No girlfriends, no lovers, no dates, not even erotic films on TV. And I really wanted to call him, but we had just broken up and my lips still hurt. I happily plunged into the world of a proud single woman and disposable men. Some people read palms, Charlotte read real estate. After what number does the number of men become indecent?! You can take a Shar Pei out of a penis, but never a male dog out of a man!!! It took four friends and three days to pack 20 years into 38 boxes.

Carrie Bradshaw was, is and will be a cult heroine, a role model for all fashionistas in the world and an example of what she should be best friend. On March 25, the birthday of the beautiful Sarah Jessica Parker, we remember catchphrases the main character of the series "Sex and the City".

1. “The man may have opened fire, but the woman found a use for it.”

2. “It’s very easy to confess your love, it’s much more difficult to prove it every day.”

3. “You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself.”

4. “I have grown up from the men of my past, but have not yet grown up to the men of my future.”

5. “To get rid of one harmful passion, you need to switch to an even more harmful one.”

6. “The best is the enemy of the good!”

7. “Love is the only label that never goes out of style.”

8. “I envy women who can say: “Darling, everything was wonderful, you gave me so much, be happy with someone else,” but for some reason all I can say is: “Nothing worked out, go to hell.”

9. “I don't believe in email. I adhere to old traditions - I prefer to call and hang up.”

10. “Girls, I haven’t had sex for 2 months now... Could one of you at least just lie on me so that I can feel the weight of a man?”

11. “Relationships should end with the same dignity as they began.”

12. “When everything comes easy, we doubt. Does it really have to be complicated to be believed? We are used to thinking that true love you have to earn it, you have to overcome all the obstacles in the second act before living happily ever after in the third. And if there are no obstacles, does this mean that something is missing? Is drama really necessary for a relationship to work?”

13. “He's no prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater.”

14. “It is sometimes not so easy for an unmarried woman to go through life, so you need to be very careful when choosing shoes. After all, they help brighten up this difficult path for us.”

15. “Beautiful men are bad lovers! They don't have to stress."

16. “Money should be where it can be seen, namely in the wardrobe.”

17. “I am a woman who wants love. Real, crazy, uncomfortable, all-consuming. The kind of love when two people cannot live without each other for a second.”

18. “We were happy until the moment we decided to live happily ever after.”

19. “Maybe all men are drugs? Sometimes they cause depression, and sometimes, like now, they grow wings.”

20. “When a man does something desperate, he is usually considered romantic. When a woman commits, she is often considered crazy.”

I think that the majority of readers of the Vev site are fans of the cult series “Sex and the City”. I consider myself one of them.

The series tells the story of four friends living in New York: Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbs, Charlotte York and Samantha Jones. Each of them is individual, charismatic, smart. And they are all trying to find their happiness, despite disappointments, painful separations from loved ones, betrayals.

The main character is Carrie Bradshaw: a writer who writes a column for the New York Star newspaper (“ The New York Star") on the topic of gender relations. Throughout the television series, she begins novels that are sometimes short-term, sometimes last for years and lead to a painful breakup or, conversely, to a happy reunion. All events in the life of Carrie Bradshaw, as well as her character and attitude to what is happening around her, can be traced by reading her quotes.

Here is just a small selection of my favorite Carrie Bradshaw quotes:

I envy women who can say: “Darling, everything was wonderful, you gave me so much, be happy with someone else,” but for some reason it comes out to me: “Nothing worked out, go to hell.”

How much simpler everything would be if people invented an easy surgical way to remove all mistakes and sad memories from their memory, leaving only good and joyful ones. But until this happy day comes, what to do? Adopt the old proven philosophy of “forgive and forget”?

I have grown from the men of my past, but have not yet grown to the men of my future.

He's no prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater.

I am more of those people - “you solve your problems.”

To get rid of one harmful passion, you need to switch to an even more harmful one.

When a man commits a desperate act, he is usually considered romantic; when a woman does it, she is often considered desperate or crazy.

The prince did not gallop. Then Snow White spat out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance and made a test tube baby.

Do we really need distance to get closer?

Why is it that every time I'm about to be happy, you show up and ruin everything?!

I don't believe in email. I stick to old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up.