Slate weight: an important parameter for roofing. What is the weight of slate - how much do sheets of different types of material weigh? How much does 8-wave slate weigh?

The performance of a roof depends on a number of factors, including rafter system, characteristics of the base, technical properties of hydro- and thermal insulation, as well as roofing material. All components roofing pie must match the characteristics of each other and the supporting roof frame. The weight of the slate is one of the parameters that should be taken into account when designing a rafter system for a building with asbestos-cement sheet covering.

Pallet with slate sheets

Why is it important to determine the weight of a slate roof?

If you decide to choose classic wave asbestos-cement slate as a roof covering, it is important to carefully select the material itself (slate sheets vary in size and weight), as well as to design the load-bearing roof frame.

The thicker the asbestos-cement material, the higher its strength!

By choosing asbestos-cement material of increased thickness, you can equip a roof with high strength indicators. However, such a roofing covering will place an increased load on the frame, that is, it will be necessary to design a rafter system of increased strength - it will have to withstand with a reserve:

  • slate weight;
  • snow and wind loads (their parameters depend on climatic conditions and the slope of the slopes);
  • operational loads (weight of structures installed on the roof, people involved in installation work, cleaning or repairing the roof).

A reinforced rafter system requires the use of thicker timber and boards and the installation of sheathing with smaller pitches. This not only increases the cost of constructing the roof, but also significantly increases its weight. In turn, the walls and foundation of the building must be strong enough to withstand the load from this structure.

Rafter system under a slate roof

Obviously, the weight of the roofing covering should be calculated at the design stage of the building in order to select the optimal parameters for all structural elements of the roof, walls and foundation. To do this, you should have information about how much a sheet of slate weighs.

Designing slate roofing it is necessary to decide on the method of laying the elements and the amount of horizontal and vertical overlaps. This parameter directly depends on the degree of inclination of the roof slopes, snow and wind loads: a flat roof must have increased strength relative to the snow load and requires increased overlaps and reinforced sheathing. After calculating the asbestos-cement material for the roof (the required number of flooring elements is determined), you can calculate the total mass of the roofing covering.

As for efficiency, asbestos-cement material is one of the most affordable. But if you're designing a reinforced roof, the investment in rafter system components may outweigh the savings on roofing.

Main characteristics

The material for making slate is a mixture of Portland cement with asbestos, with the addition of water (ratio 4:84:11), while asbestos fibers function as reinforcement, increasing strength sheet material and resistance to tensile loads. Not all manufacturers adhere to GOST, so the strength indicator of a particular product may depend not only on the thickness, but also on such parameters as the size of asbestos fibers, the fineness of cement grinding, and the density of the finished material.

Two types of asbestos-cement roofing are available - flat and corrugated sheets with the number of ridges from five to eight. Wavy slate is divided into three types:

  1. VO - sheet of standard profile, rectangular shape 1120x680 mm;
  2. VU - reinforced, designed for use in the construction of industrial facilities, characterized by a size of 2800x1000 mm;
  3. CF is a material with a unified profile, medium format (most often 1750x1130 mm), primarily in demand in civil engineering.

Types and dimensions of slate

Private developers usually prefer 7-wave or 8-wave slate for roofing. Roofing materials vary in ridge height and the distance between the top points of the ridge. Accordingly, popular profiles have the following parameters:

  1. 40/150 (crest height is 40 mm, wave pitch is 150 mm);
  2. 54/200 (crest height is 54 mm, wave pitch is 200 mm).
The wave height indicator is indicated for ordinary waves and overlapping waves, while the height of the extreme, overlapping wave is 32 mm for type 40/150 and 45 mm for type 54/200.

The standard thickness of seven- and eight-wave asbestos-cement flooring elements is 5.2 and 5.8 mm (profile type 40/150), or 6 and 7.5 mm (profile type 54/200). This type of wave slate is in high demand among private developers due to the relatively small difference between the useful and nominal area of ​​the roofing elements.

Weight of unified seven- and eight-wave slate

A sheet with seven waves can be produced with the following parameters:

  • Standard length - 1750 mm;
  • The width is 980 or 1130 mm;
  • Thickness 5.2 or 5.8 mm.

The weight of a seven-wave slate sheet depends on its thickness and width; The profile type and length are the same (see table below).

Table. Types of seven-wave slate and its weight

Eight-wave slate is produced in the form of sheets of the following format:

  • Standard length - 1750 mm;
  • Standard width - 1130 mm;
  • The thickness depends on the profile and can be 5.2/5.8 mm or 6.0/7.5 mm.

The weight characteristics of eight-wave slate, taking into account the dimensions and type of profile, are in the table below.

Table. Types of eight-wave slate and its weight

The mass of one element of the wave roofing covering is important to consider when planning roofing– each sheet must be lifted onto the roof, and if slate weighing 18 kg can be handled alone, then sheets weighing 26 kg or more must be lifted with an assistant.

To calculate the weight of a roofing covering, you need to calculate how much weight one has square meter slate.

How to calculate the weight of a slate roof covering

Using table values, you can obtain information about how much slate of a certain type and size weighs. But the actual weight of the material depends on the manufacturer - it may contain chrysotile, the amount of asbestos and its mechanical properties may differ from those prescribed by GOST, etc. If you want to calculate the weight of the roof covering of a future roof as accurately as possible, it is recommended to select in advance a reliable manufacturer of asbestos-cement material - when making calculations, it is convenient to focus on the weight of the corrugated sheets that it produces.

8 wave sheet with dimensions 1750x1130x5.2 mm type 40/150 weighs 20.6 kg.

We calculate the sheet area (in meters) using a calculator: 1.75 x 1.13 = 1.9775 (m)

Then divide the weight of the sheet in kilograms by the area of ​​the sheet in meters:

20.6: 1.9775 = 10.417 (kg) weighs 1 m 2 of asbestos-cement sheet with the given parameters.

This calculation allows you to find out the weight of one square meter. meters of wave material based on the total area of ​​the sheet, not the useful one!

This point must be taken into account when calculating the weight of the roof. When designing a roof, the quantity is calculated required material, including asbestos-cement sheets. The elements are laid overlapping, so part of the sheet is “lost” - this is why the concept of the useful area of ​​a flooring element appears. But when calculating the weight of the roofing, overlaps cannot be neglected - their mass does not disappear anywhere.

It is also necessary to take into account that when laying slate with cutting corners, part of the mass is lost - this leads to a slight decrease in the total weight of the roofing deck!

At first glance, knowing how much a sheet of slate weighs is necessary and important only for highly specialized specialists. However, individuals who are faced with the roofing equipment of their home should be able to accurately calculate this value. Knowing the mass of an asbestos cement sheet, it is possible to calculate various operational and strength parameters that rafter systems must have.

Since asbestos-cement slate weighs relatively much, lathing may be required to strengthen the rafters. Naturally, by strengthening the load-bearing part of this structure, we will provide a load for the supporting foundation and wall structure. Considering how interconnected all the elements in modern construction, the problem of how much an asbestos-cement sheet weighs is significant today. From the articles on our website, learn about all the details of the operation of this asbestos-cement building material.

Features of slate roofing

Modern sheet slate is the most popular option for a financially affordable roofing material with optimal technical characteristics. Today, when carrying out roofing work, it is popular to purchase and use mainly corrugated sheets (flat slate is practically not in demand for this task). Among manufacturers, the wave slate produced is divided into the following varieties (a summary table has been compiled).

Distinguish asbestos cement sheets wavy type according to the number of bends the product has. Depending on this, the forms of 6-wave, 7-wave and 8-wave slate building materials are distinguished. They produce building materials for roofs (and other purposes) in accordance with GOST 30340-2012. If an enterprise uses its own specifications when designing products, then the dimensions (and any other indicator) often differ from those regulated by state standards, but this is not considered a violation.

Attention! When purchasing, check what documentation is used in the production process of a particular supplier.

However, what positive qualities slate corrugated sheeting has does not depend on the technological features of the production process. Among the available advantages when covering buildings with sheet asbestos-cement building materials:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • fire resistance and tolerance of critical temperatures;
  • high frost resistance;
  • the cost level is much lower than the prices at which metal tiles or soft roof, for example, ondulin;
  • ease of processing and installation when constructing any surface;
  • extremely long operating period;
  • optimal level of strength;
  • sound and noise absorption;
  • wide assortment selection, in particular, such criteria as profile type, different colors, dimensions, etc. are classified.
  1. Handle products carefully during transportation.
  2. If the level of humidity in the environment is high, or the building material is exposed to direct influence of atmospheric water, clean the ridges, depressions and the rest of the slope from moss.
  3. Treat the building material by applying a layer of paint and varnish compounds to ensure moisture resistance and also give it greater aesthetics.

Having found out how slate building materials differ, and also having studied its properties, you can consider the technological details that help you perform calculations based on such a value as the mass of the roofing building material.

Technological nuances characteristic of asbestos-cement materials

Today, the mechanical characteristics of building materials are calculated based on the following indicators:

  • wave heights;
  • the bending step is important;
  • sheet thickness.

It is also worth remembering that the number of bends of the wavy surface affects material costs. When making repairs, we must not forget that this building material is laid with overlaps.

The weight of the sheets is calculated based on the thickness, number of bends and other geometric indicators. It is worth noting that the correct result can be obtained at a relative humidity of the product within 12%. The weight of slate building materials in standard formats is also shown in the table.

Often you should know what the specific gravity of the product will be per 1 square meter. m of roof, the installation of which is carried out. The summary table is compiled for typical products 175×113 cm, respectively, 7 and 8 wave types.

Using these indicators, you can determine the degree of pressure of the usable area on buildings. In this case, both the roofing coverings and the structures themselves will be durable and will also last for many years under the load placed on them.

It is profitable to purchase construction products

The AlfaCem group of companies offers wholesale purchase of building materials of the required quality level. We sell products from reliable suppliers, making sure that the rights and needs of customers are respected.

When laying your first sheets of slate purchased from AlfaCem, you will understand that the mechanical characteristics correspond to the declared ones, the dimensional characteristics are accurate down to mm, and the weight does not have to be calculated, because The mass of the slate surface is specified in the accompanying documentation.

All clients are guaranteed competitive price policy— you can always purchase building materials with a reserve for the complete arrangement of roofs at any height. A detailed site map will allow you to get acquainted with all the information about the nuances of cooperation with AlfaCem. Also read user comments and be sure to leave own reviews about purchasing experience in our company. We wish you success!

At the beginning of construction, when purchasing building materials in a store or at the market, knowledgeable people are always interested in how much the sheet of slate they are going to purchase weighs. The inhabitants shrug their shoulders in bewilderment - what difference does it make, how much it weighs, the main thing is that the material is of high quality. Of course, and this is important, but the mass of the block may be needed when calculating the rafter system during the construction of buildings and structures.

It turns out that weight is one of the important technical characteristics of slate slabs, including when it comes to corrugated sheets. These and other properties different types We suggest discussing slate right now.

Characteristics of wave products

Roofs on a private house cannot be built without corrugated slate, and this is not surprising, because thanks to the large size of the blocks, the material is easy to install, quite practical to use and relatively inexpensive. The main thing is to be careful when transporting products, they can crack and break during delivery, even in disassembled form.

The weight of a wave slate sheet depends on the quality of the mass, which is prepared from asbestos, Portland cement and liquid. Asbestos fibers must be thin; this provides a reinforcement function that has a beneficial effect on the impact strength and strength of the finished fabric.

Wave slate is manufactured in the following designs:

  • with a regular profile;
  • with reinforced;
  • with a unified profile.

The difference with slate is that it comes in different sizes. The regular profile is the smallest, the reinforced profile is characterized by large slate sheets.

Now a few words about the profile, the blocks of which are found in 2 varieties:

  • 40/150 mm – 8-wave, weighing 26.1 kg, 7-wave, weighing 23.2 kg;
  • 54/200 mm – 5 kg with a thickness of 7.5 mm, 26 kg with a thickness of 6 mm.

What do the indicators indicated through the fraction mean? The first determines the height of the wave-like shape, while the second allows you to navigate the size of the slate wave.

Like any other building material, wave slate is subject to standardization, all this is specified in GOST, according to which the size of the wave sheet varies within the following limits:

  • length reaches 1750 mm;
  • the width ranges from 980 mm, if we are talking about 8 waves, to 1130 mm, if the slate consists of 7 waves.

Modern manufacturers today are allowed to produce slate in accordance with their own specifications, developed and accepted at factories by design engineers with specialized education. Therefore, do not be surprised if the indicated weight according to GOST differs greatly from the weight of the material that you see in the store.

To prevent slate from deteriorating less, it should be coated special means, this must be done in any case along the edges and seams. The composition may contain pigment; if desired, it is time to choose a transparent coating. Houses with roofs painted in brown and red shades look very stylish. The paint will improve the frost resistance characteristics and increase the service life of the roof by 2 times, at least that’s what experienced builders say.

What is good about wave slate?

We have already written briefly about why consumers prefer wave slate. During the application process, additional advantages are also noted:

  • the sheets do not burn, so they cannot cause a fire in extreme heat;
  • perfectly tolerate sudden temperature changes and harsh climatic conditions in winter;
  • the blocks have good strength and strength, so they can withstand large snow accumulations and lumps;
  • block the noise of rain and hail.

Many consumers believe that the high weight of wave slate is a bad indicator, but in fact its quality depends entirely on other factors:

  • pay attention to the labeling and the manufacturer; before purchasing, it is better to read reviews on the Internet;
  • the percentage presence of asbestos and fine grain, a good level of grinding is the key to the fact that wave slate will last longer;
  • the uniform layer of asbestos placement can only be traced during the production cycle;
  • compliance with technology is also a matter of responsibility and cleanliness of the manufacturer, so be guided by manufacturers who are always well-known, and be wary of newcomers to the construction market.

What is wavy slate material afraid of? Point loads, so if you hit the canvas sharply, it will most likely crack. This often happens during the installation process, so be extremely careful; it is recommended to build special bridges to move from one area to another.

Features of flat asbestos-cement slate

If you need to equip a building envelope, it is better to choose a flat sheet of slate products. You've probably seen high fences consisting of several blocks. At the production stage flat devices can be processed by pressing, although you can do without it.

Despite the ever-expanding range of roofing materials, slate is still very popular among Russian developers. This is explained not only by affordability, but also by the rather high technical characteristics of the material.

The classification of slate sheets is made not only by size and technical parameters, such as useful leaf area and weight, but also in composition. Today, the concept of “slate” includes asbestos-cement products containing chrysolite, as well as non-asbestos cement, bitumen sheets and other types of roofing, which are popularly called “slate” due to the presence of waves and a rectangular shape.

The most popular among other types of roofing are asbestos-cement products with wavy and flat shapes. In frequent house construction, seven- and eight-wave sheets are used, non-residential industrial premises covered with six-wave slate. The low demand for five-wave sheets is explained by the high waste of material (up to 20%).

When installing a slate roof, you should take into account the size and weight of the sheets, the method of fastening and installation, and also the possibility of maintaining and repairing the coating.

Advantages of slate:

  • Long service life.
  • Low cost.
  • Fire safety.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Frost resistance.

Rafter system and slate weight

The choice of roof covering for the roof must correspond to the characteristics of the rafter system. Considering the fact that the minimum weight of 7-wave slate is 18.5 kg, then after recalculation per 1 m2, the load exerted on load-bearing walls and rafters will be 9.5 kg. We calculate similarly for eight-wave sheets. Knowing how much a wave slate sheet weighs, we recalculate the load per 1 m2 and get 14.1 kg.

In addition to the weight of the roof covering, one should take into account the wind, snow load, the mass of the sheathing, counter-lattice and thermal insulation layer.

If you decide to use slate roofing, it is not at all necessary to strengthen the supporting structures of the house: walls and foundation. It is enough to take into account the weight of the slate when constructing the rafter system.

How much does a slate sheet weigh and what affects this parameter?

The weight of this material largely depends on its composition and structure, as well as the size and thickness of the sheet. The final weight of the roof is influenced by the presence of asbestos and chrysolite in the composition, as well as the quality of grinding of raw materials during the sheet molding process.
Some increase in the mass of the material occurs as a result of priming and painting the slate with phosphate or silicate paints. Many home owners choose painted roofing material, which is not only practical and weather-resistant, but can also add character to the home.

In GOST 30340-95 you can find out how much 8-wave slate weighs. The weight of a 40/150 sheet with an area of ​​1.6 m2 is 26.1 kg, a seven-wave sheet is 23.2 kg. Asbestos cement sheets, depending on thickness, can weigh:

  • 54/200 – 35 kg (with a thickness of 7.5 mm);
  • 54/200 – 26 kg (with a thickness of 6.0 mm)

The weight of slate 1 m2 also depends on humidity. According to GOST 30340-95, the weight of sheets of material and components is given taking into account a humidity of 12%. These data can be used as normative ones.


When working with this roofing material, like slate, it is very important to know how much a sheet of slate weighs, since this indicator is essential for performing calculations of the building’s rafter system. Therefore, it is very important to understand everything technical features slate and in particular what is affected by the weight of the slate sheet.

The word “slate” takes its roots in German, where this term previously referred to roofing slate tiles extracted from special rocks by splitting.

On modern roofs Such slate is practically not used, although its name remains attached to a special wavy or flat material made of asbestos cement. That is why slate today is a standard and widespread material.

Technical characteristics of wave slate made of asbestos cement

The weight of 1 m2 of wave slate is 10 – 14 kilograms (it all depends on the thickness of the material). Its composition is based on a mixture that includes asbestos, water and Portland cement.

When understanding how much slate weighs, you need to take into account that the thin asbestos fibers that make up it and are evenly distributed in Portland cement play the role of a kind of protective mesh, thereby performing protective functions and increasing the strength of the material.

Wave slate has the following modifications:

  • wave slate having an ordinary profile;
  • wave slate with a reinforced profile;
  • wave slate having a unified profile.

The difference between these sheets is in size: the smallest slate sheets have an ordinary profile, the largest ones have a reinforced profile. Naturally, they are different.

If we focus on the characteristics of the profile, it is worth noting that it comes in two categories: 40/150 and 54/200. The first number corresponds to the height of the slate wave, and the second – to its pitch. Indicators are indicated in millimeters.

According to GOST standards, the dimensions of wave slate must be determined as follows:

Specific gravity sheet slate in 8 waves depends on the thickness of the material and usually ranges from 23 to 26 kilograms.

Concerning mechanical properties slate, then the following factors have a decisive influence on them:

  • presence of asbestos in the material;
  • uniform distribution inside the cement;
  • grinding grain size, etc.

It is important to remember that if the roofing material is asbestos-cement slate, then the fundamental factor for choosing certain parts of the rafter system with the required thickness is the weight of the slate.

In addition, a process such as slate painting will add durability, reliability and beauty to the roof. This is done using phosphate or silicate paints, to which various pigments are added.

The most common slate colors are red-brown, blue, yellow, brick red and others. Paint applied to the material can protect the material from premature destruction, increases its resistance to low temperatures and reduces its water absorption properties. The durability of slate when painted increases approximately 1.5 - 2 times.

Technical characteristics of flat slate made of asbestos cement

Main advantage flat slate– this is the versatility of its application.

Slate is a flat weight sheet, which has a direct impact on the structure of the roof base, and has a much wider application than solely for roofing.

Such widespread use of this material is undoubtedly associated with its high properties, practicality and relative cheapness.

Aggressive environments are also not a serious obstacle to the normal operation of slate; moreover, it is capable of being close to the soil for a long time. for long years. The material is fireproof and easy to process.

If we take into account the weight of one sheet of slate, then this indicator is quite acceptable so that both the roofing and other objects used for slate are installed with high quality.

Detailed descriptions of flat slate with all its technical characteristics with photos and videos of its installation can be found on our website.

Technical characteristics of wave slate using bitumen

The similarity of these two coatings lies only in the similarity of shape and relatively low price, while the remaining characteristics are radically different.

If we talk about the mass of the material, then the weight of 1 m2 of slate is approximately 3.2 kilograms, respectively, if the sheet area is 2 m2, then the weight will be approximately 6.5 kilograms. If we compare this result with the indicators of other roofing coverings, then he is exceptionally outstanding.

How to lay slate, see details in the video:

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the entire process of creating corrugated bitumen slate sheets, or ondulin:

  • the mixture from which the material is made consists of bitumen, vegetable and synthetic fibers, plasticizers and dyes. It is subjected to special processing - pressing, performed at high temperature(read also: " ").

    The final density of the material is quite low, which explains the low weight of the slate sheet;
  • strict adherence to the sequence of all stages of pressing makes it possible to create a multilayer sheet, which will certainly give the material additional strength and resistance to external influences.

    In this case, bitumen plays the role of a waterproofing agent, and organic elements provide the necessary rigidity;
  • Bitumen impregnation is also carried out in several stages, carried out in special vacuum chambers. After this, the sheets are painted in the desired color.

The main advantages of ondulin:

  1. The material is environmentally friendly. It does not pose any danger to humans or nature; moreover, after its service life has expired, it can be subjected to secondary processing.
  2. Ondulin is resistant to chemical influences, fungi and bacteria cannot grow on it, and it will not decompose organically either.
  3. Comfort and ease of installation of the material. Thanks to the low weight of the ondulin sheet, all work on its installation can be done independently, without resorting to the usually expensive services of professional roofers.
  4. Due to its flexibility and ease, the material can be cut using conventional hand hacksaw or jigsaw.
  5. Ondulin is durable; depending on the manufacturer, its service life can vary from 10 to 30 years.

Speaking about methods of painting ondulin sheets, we can distinguish 2 categories: matte and glossy. Matte sheets are processed using acrylic, and they are rough to the touch.

Glossy sheets are more effective, since silicone is added to the paint composition, which adds shine and the necessary gloss. Such sheets are more expensive, but their resistance to snow and dirt is noticeably lower than that of matte sheets.