Labeling on reusable plastic utensils. Labeling plastic utensils: the harms and advantages of plastic Which plastic utensils are suitable for hot food


Today I would like to talk about the dangers of plastic dishes. Many of us use such dishes to store or transport food. Plastic utensils are very convenient to use, cheap and in many cases are considered much more effective than utensils made of iron or glass.

In our active times, where you need to “spin like a squirrel in a wheel” in order to achieve something in life, it is not always possible to store food in an iron or glassware(it takes up a lot of space, has a lot of weight and size). People are increasingly using plastic dishes, which are very practical and lightweight, allowing you to carry food or eat comfortably.

The sales level of plastic tableware is increasing every year. Large quantities are produced disposable tableware for various purposes: cups, plates, food storage containers, etc. Manufacturers claim that their products do not harm human health if the instructions for use are followed. Unfortunately, few of us know these instructions. But in vain...

What is plastic? Plastic itself is a brittle polymer material, is considered non-toxic and does not harm human health. But manufacturers, in order to improve its durability and strength, add special chemical components that, when certain conditions cause harm to health.

Plastic utensils come in different types. Available in materials: polypropylene, polyethylene, polycarbonate, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. Depending on the composition of the plastic, the product is used for different purposes.

Such utensils must indicate under what conditions they can be used. The manufacturer puts a special mark on its product, which indicates for what purpose it can be used. The most common signs are: “fork with glass”, “snowflakes”, “plates in the shower”, etc. . Such signs inform the consumer that the product is suitable for contact with food and that some manipulation of the plastic (for example, washing with water or hot/low temperature) is permitted.

The manufacturer also indicates the type of plastic. Most often this is a number in a triangle, which indicates what material it is made from. plastic container. Check out the marking table:


  1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is marked with a number "1" .
  2. Low-density polyethylene (HDPE or HDPE) is marked with a number "2" .
  3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or PVC) is marked with a number "3" .
  4. Polyethylene high pressure(LDPE or LDPE) is marked with a number "4" .
  5. Polypropylene (PP) is marked with a number "5" .
  6. Polystyrene (PS) is marked with a number "6" .
  7. A mixture of different plastics (OTHER) is marked with a number "7" .

Most often, the marking mark is placed on the bottom of the dishes. If you want to purchase plastic dishes, be sure to look for the number in the triangle. Let's take a closer look at the harm plastic can cause. different types if used incorrectly:


  1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) .
  2. This material is considered environmentally friendly among others. Manufacturers produce disposable cups, plates, cans, boxes, and bottles from it. The shelf life of such containers is one year. Unfortunately, this material has weak protective characteristics. It allows ultraviolet rays and air to pass through, which leads to a decrease in food storage time.

    Also, the manufacturer may add additional chemical components (dicols, phthalates or other toxic substances) to improve the reliability of its products. Then such plastic can harm human health. The main rule is not to reuse PET containers, because over time the protective properties are lost and toxic substances are released.

    Also, when heated, formaldehyde is released, so you should not heat dishes made of polyethylene terephthalate (for example, in a microwave).

    Low pressure polyethylene (HDPE).

    It is obtained at low pressure. This material is included in various cans, bottles, and films. Mostly rigid containers. May be reused. We can say with confidence that it is one of the safest plastics. It has high hardness, high strength, excellent chemical resistance to fats, acids and alkalis. Melting point: +129-135. It has greater fragility, less water absorption, and vapor permeability.

  3. High Density Polyethylene(LDPE) .
  4. The material is very light and durable. Various plastic packaging (flexible), bags, films, storage containers are made from this material detergents, and some plastic bottles(for vegetable oil). It is considered environmentally safe for others due to its characteristics. Used for contact with food. Melting point is approximately 110 degrees. It is resistant to tearing and deformation. It is resistant to sunlight." alt="LDPE plastic dishes" title="LDPE plastic tableware">!}

  5. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or PVC) .
  6. Very resistant to acids, various oils, solvents.

    Dishes made from this material are very common. They make water bottles and are also included in some packaging films. They also make caps for plastic bottles (vegetable oil, for example). Dishes containing polyvinyl chloride must not be used for long-term storage of any products.

    To create color or impact resistance, manufacturers add additional additives: plasticizers, softeners, pigments, and so on. These additives are dangerous for humans.

    If the conditions of use are not followed, hazardous substances are released - phthalates, dioxide, bisphenol A, heavy metals and vinyl chloride (this is a very toxic substance that can greatly harm health). Scientists have proven that if used incorrectly, vinyl chloride is released, which penetrates into food.

    Products made from polyvinyl chloride cannot be heated. When burned, toxic substances are released (very dangerous to humans). Hormonal imbalances, decreased immunity, cancer or infertility may occur.

  7. Polypropylene (PP).
  8. Polypropylene is used to make food packaging film, yogurt cups, plates, spoons, caps for various containers, baby bottles, and hot food containers. The material can withstand high temperatures (up to +100 C), so you can drink hot tea or coffee.

    You cannot drink alcohol from polypropylene, because formaldehyde and phenol are released. These substances accumulate in the body and destroy the liver and kidneys. Visual impairment and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (possible ulcer) occur.

    Experts also prohibit the use of such containers for storing fat. Upon contact with fat, the protective walls of the plastic are destroyed and formaldehyde and other toxic substances are released. It is prohibited to heat polypropylene products above 100 degrees.

  9. Polystyrene (PS).
  10. Manufacturers use this type of plastic to create egg containers and cups. Do not heat polystyrene cookware because it releases dangerous toxic substances. It is highly not recommended to store hot food.

    The advantage of polystyrene is its resistance to cold, which makes it suitable for cold food.

    If handled incorrectly, it may release a carcinogen - styrene. Human reproductive function suffers. You cannot drink alcohol or hot tea from such containers. The dishes are intended exclusively for cold food. It is advisable to minimize the use of this type of plastic in your everyday life.

  11. Mixture of different plastics (OTHER) .
  12. A mixture of various plastics or polymers not listed above. Packaging marked with this number cannot be recycled and ends its life cycle in a landfill.

    Many manufacturers use combinations of different plastics. Used for making baby bottles and water bottles.

    A very common component is polycarbonate. When dishes are handled incorrectly (very long-term use), polycarbonate releases a toxic element - bisphenol A. Bisphenol A disrupts physiological processes in the body, metabolism is disrupted, and hormonal imbalance occurs. It is not recommended to use plastic utensils marked OTHER.

We got acquainted with the main types of materials that are used to create plastic utensils, and learned what danger they pose. Unfortunately, nowadays it is almost impossible to do without plastic utensils. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the harm from their use. Experts recommend the following:


  1. It is necessary to strictly use plastic utensils for their intended purpose.
  2. Do not pour hot water into plastic containers.
  3. Do not purchase dishes if you see that they were made a year ago (the longer they are stored, the more chemicals you will get).
  4. It is advisable for the child to use only glassware.
  5. Avoid plastic bottles when feeding your baby (it’s better to buy a glass bottle).
  6. Do not store food in plastic containers.
  7. Buy water in glass containers at the store.
  8. Disposable containers are strictly prohibited from being reused.
  9. Do not store food in plastic bags in the refrigerator.
Disposable tableware: benefits and harms

Disposable tableware is very convenient!

Today, many have come to this conclusion, primarily because of the properties that it possesses. Disposable tableware (paper and plastic tableware) does not break, is lightweight, does not require much space for storage, and is cheaper than glass.

Due to the fact that plastic tableware does not break and is easy to clean, it is sometimes used as reusable tableware, but few people have thought about the harm that comes from disposable tableware.

Authoritative researchers have concluded that reusable use of disposable tableware can lead to the appearance of malignant tumors, general fatigue and headaches. Allergies, attacks of bronchial asthma, even mutagenic changes in the body may appear.

Consumer properties

The consumer properties of disposable tableware are those characteristics of disposable tableware that the consumer most often pays attention to when choosing tableware and which are the most important for its use.

  • Safety of disposable food and drink utensils (i.e. it is important that they meet hygienic and health requirements).
  • Aesthetic component: disposable tableware should have an attractive appearance: a variety of colors, the possible presence of patterns, the absence of various kinds of deformations and the presence of foreign materials, etc.
  • Heat resistance characteristics (preservation of temperature and durability of properties in contact with hot drinks and food).
  • Possibility of use for both cold and hot dishes and drinks.
  • The ability to use disposable tableware both for storing food in the refrigerator and for heating or cooking food in a microwave oven, etc.
  • The presence of such properties as frost resistance (for certain categories of disposable tableware).
  • Resistant to chemicals such as alkalis, acids and fats.
  • The presence of such a property as thermostaticity (the ability to hold dishes with hot food or drink in your hands without burning your hands).

  • Strength, resistance to deformation.
  • Elasticity.
  • For items such as knives and forks, their primary properties are to cut and pierce without deforming these cutlery.
  • Sustainability.
  • Availability of various shapes and sizes.
  • Disposable tableware should have sufficient capacity, and at the same time be compact and light in weight.
  • Environmentally friendly and easy to recycle.

You can't eat from plates like this twice.

Experts say: plates, forks, spoons and cups made of polymer materials cannot be used more than once.

This even applies to plastic water bottles. It is strictly forbidden to pour milk or alcoholic drinks into it - the result will be a poisonous mixture.

The main rule when choosing disposable tableware is to carefully read the labeling. Every branded product should have a sign showing what the packaging is made of. If there is no labeling, then it is better to protect your health and purchase the product in glass containers.

The PVC (PVC-polyvinyl chloride) symbol or the number 3 in a triangle on the bottom of the bottle or plastic packaging warns the buyer that it is toxic.

In addition to harmless glass containers, there is harmless food plastic, which is marked with the letters:

  • RE (PE)- polyethylene,
  • PETF (PET) or PET (PET)- polyethylene terephthalate,
  • RR (PP)- polypropylene.
  • PS (PS)- means polystyrene (its code is number 6).
  • In addition, safety is confirmed image of a plate and fork, numbers 05 and 1.

Markings on disposable tableware - what does it mean?
Not all buyers know what the marking means and how such utensils can be used.

This marking indicates that the cookware is made from polystyrene. It can only be used for cold foods. You should never heat food on them in microwaves. In this case, harmful toxins enter the food. In addition, you should not pour alcoholic beverages into containers with this marking, since this also releases toxic substances. The styrene released accumulates in the kidneys and liver and leads to various diseases.

Plastic with this marking is made from polypropylene. Dishes with this marking can be used for hot drinks and foods. Such dishes can withstand up to +100° C. You can drink hot tea and coffee from polypropylene glasses, and heat food on plates in the microwave.

You can't pour alcohol. The contact of alcohol and polypropylene releases toxins - formaldehyde and phenol. These toxins also damage the kidneys and liver, but there is still a chance of going blind

A triangle on the packaging consisting of three arrows, says the dishes are made from recycled materials. Inside the triangle, as a rule, there are numbers.

They talk about the type of processing. So if you see

  • 1-19 is plastic,
  • 20-39 - paper and cardboard,
  • 40-49 - metal,
  • 50-59 - wood,
  • 60-69 - fabric and textiles,
  • 70-79 - glass.
Drawn on the packaging glass-fork sign means that the dishes are suitable for any dishes, including first (hot) dishes. If the icon is applied to the packaging in this form, then the products can even be stored in such containers
And here if such an icon is underlined, plastic products not intended for contact with food.

Dangerous plastic

We often underestimate the danger it can pose to our health. It turns out that there are relatively safe and dangerous plastics. Since we still have no way out, we should take care of choosing the lesser evil. Some types of plastic are truly dangerous.

Information about the material used in the manufacture of the packaging is located on its bottom in the form of a graphic symbol consisting of three arrows forming a triangle. In the middle of the triangle are numbers from 1 to 7, indicating the type of material from which the packaging is made.

What are these numbers?

1 - PET

This plastic is mainly used in the production of disposable drink containers. Typical PET packaging is mineral water bottles. Such packaging, even after thorough cleaning, may release toxic chemicals when reused. Never reuse this type of material.


Low pressure polyethylene (high density) is used for the production of semi-rigid containers; it is one of the safest plastics and can be reused.

3 - PCV (PVC)

Polyvinyl chloride is very often used, for example, in the production of packaging film for food products. PVC is hazardous to health and can release toxins. When PVC burns, it produces highly hazardous chemicals known as dioxins, which are often more dangerous than potassium cyanide.


High-density polyethylene (LDPE), used to make many types of packaging (such as plastic bags), is considered acceptable for reuse and safer than many other plastics, but not as safe as plastics 2 and 5.

5 - PP (PP)

Reusable polypropylene is often found as a material for food containers. It belongs to the group of the safest plastics along with material 2 (HDPE).

6 - PS (PS)

Polystyrene is well known in the form of polystyrene foam. PS releases toxins and should not be used as food packaging. It is also rarely used for this purpose due to the lower chemical resistance of polyethylene, but is present, for example, in lids for disposable coffee cups.


Never reuse plastic products marked with the number 7. This group includes many types of harmful chemicals, including the highly toxic bisphenol A (BPA), which can contribute to schizophrenia, depression or Alzheimer's disease. In addition, consuming foods that come into contact with BPA can lead to disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, and even cancer. Under no circumstances should such products be used in microwave ovens, which promote deeper penetration of bisphenol A into food.

Most often it is found in:

To avoid poisoning from packaged food, you should take into account simple nuances.

First of all, remember that disposable tableware is disposable

Nowadays, plastic is an integral part of our lives, and it is not possible to get rid of it quickly in the kitchen. But we can try to minimize the harmful effects of plastic on our health. For this:

1. Use only plastics marked 2 (HDPE) and 5 (PP) to store food.

2. Do not use plastic of other categories for storing food, but recycle it. Do not reuse PET bottles or microwave food in the food trays you bought it in (unless the packaging states that they are suitable for this purpose).

2. Do not microwave food in packages containing BPA (Group 7), pour hot liquids into them, or wash them in dishwasher.

3. Use all plastic packaging in accordance with the instructions on it (recommendations for temperature, use of a dishwasher, etc.).

4. Don't buy mineral water in plastic containers that have been standing in the sun, and it is best to buy drinks (including milk, kefir, yogurt) in glass containers.

Disposable packaging and utensils are designed to be used once. There is no point in leaving them in reserve for storing other products.
After use, the thin protective layer on the plastic is destroyed and this cookware cannot be reused.

Always pay attention to the appearance of the packaging, its integrity, legibility of the inscription, and expiration date.

Principle 1. Disposable tableware can be used strictly for its intended purpose.
On each type of disposable tableware there is an indication of what it is intended for: cold, hot, cold drinks, alcohol, etc. If you pour a hot drink into a glass intended for cold drinks, the plastic begins to release toxic substances.

Principle 2. Never leave the product in open jar even in the refrigerator. Either buy a smaller package or seal tightly.

Principle 3. You cannot store any food in disposable containers, especially used ones.
After using disposable tableware, the protective layer is destroyed, and when products, such as sugar, are stored in it, toxic substances pass into the product.

Principle 4. It is better not to take meat and cheese in packaging

Principle 5. Plastic dishes are not intended for ethanol-containing substances - alcohol.
Ethanol is an aggressive solvent. The toxic substances in the plastic begin to dissolve and end up in the drink.

Principle 6. The best option for disposable tableware is paper.

Principle 7. Plastic tableware often contains melamine, which is especially abundant in bright multi-colored dishes, intended for children. In its normal state it is not dangerous, but if you put something hot on a plate, medanin begins to release toxins that enter the human body with food.
Paper is cellulose. Even if its particles enter the body, nothing bad will happen.

Plastic bottles impair potency

While disposable cups are usually thrown away, convenient plastic bottles often remain in use.

In them under no circumstances you can't pour milk, since the fats in it are able to dissolve some polymers, alcoholic drinks, kvass, compote. Polymers tend to “age” under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, so over time they begin to release substances harmful to humans.

Scientists from the Department of Epidemiology at HSPH and Harvard Medical School have concluded that plastic bottles are not as harmless to health as is commonly believed.

Chronic consumption of drinks from plastic bottles increases the level of the chemical bisphenol A in the body, which affects sex hormones, by more than two-thirds, says assistant professor of medicine Karin H. Michels.

This substance, which itself resembles the female hormone estrogen, is used in the production of packaging and jars for food and drinks, as well as baby bottles. The study found that the levels of bisphenol A in the urine of subjects who drank all drinks from plastic bottles for a week increased by 69.

Heating plastic bottles, as parents do when they want to warm milk for their children, allows the chemical to leach into the liquid contents in dangerous quantities. "This is concerning because children may be particularly susceptible to BPA, which can cause hormone disruption," Michels said. Previous studies have shown that high level BPA consumption leads to birth defects, growth problems and an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, the article notes.

Plastic or plastic Organic material based on natural or synthetic high molecular weight compounds. The most popular type of plastic is made from synthetic polymers.

The most common polymer materials (types of plastic):

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • Polypropylene
  • Polyethylene
  • Polystyrene
  • Polycarbonate

They are used to produce both technical and food plastics.

Plastics used for the production of products in contact with food and children's assortment must undergo examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and be certified. The manufacturer is obliged to label its products. Food-grade plastic has the generally accepted marking - “glass and fork”. It may say that it is intended for cold, bulk or hot foods, for use in the microwave or for freezing, sometimes indicating a temperature range.

For example, “Snowflakes” indicate that the container is suitable for freezing food, “stove with waves” means that the dishes can be heated in the microwave, and “shower plates” indicate that the containers can be washed in the dishwasher. This marking is also used by some Russian manufacturers.


The harm of plastic

Plastic in its pure form is a rather fragile, fragile material - it cracks in the light and melts in the heat. For strength, stabilizers are added to it. This makes the plastic stronger, but also more toxic. Because of this, it appears harm from plastic dishes.

The polymers themselves are inert, non-toxic and do not “migrate” into food. But intermediate substances, technological additives, solvents, as well as chemical decomposition products can penetrate into food and have a toxic effect on humans. Under certain conditions, plastic releases toxic compounds that, when entering the human body, negatively affect his health.

This process can occur while food is being stored or when it is heated. In addition, polymer materials are subject to change (aging), as a result of which destruction products are released from them. Moreover different kinds plastics become toxic when different conditions- some cannot be heated, others cannot be washed, etc. Improper operation becomes the main reason harm from plastic utensils.

American scientists claim that up to 80% of “plastic” substances found in the human body come from construction and finishing materials, in particular from the popular plastic windows, furniture, but most of all from dishes: from food plastic, all kinds of compounds pass into food nutrition. Domestic manufacturers assure that certified plastic tableware is absolutely safe - if used as intended.


Advantages of plastic dishes

Compactness, lightness, hygiene, low cost, ease of operation allow you to use plastic utensils outside the home - on the road, outdoors, etc. They do not require washing or cleaning. Therefore, the need for using plastic utensils is growing. Plastic utensils are also used by fast food restaurants, outdoor cafes and snack bars.

Plastic food utensils: how to use

To plastic utensils are not harmful health, it must be used strictly for its intended purpose. Food grade plastic of different brands has different properties. One brand of this polymer raw material is intended for the production of water bottles, the other for carbonated drink bottles. Yogurt cups are made from a grade of plastic that allows the molding process to produce a lightweight, cheap container that is still neutral to milk fat, while pudding cups must resist sugar.

Experts insist: in no case should plastic packaging be used as containers for storing food, and disposable tableware should not be used repeatedly. Disposable packaging should be used for one time only.

How plastic will react to contact with ingredients for which it was not intended, no one has studied what compounds may form in this case. Particularly insidious are fats and acids, which can extract free toxic compounds from plastic.

Foods high in sugar and fat should not be cooked in plastic containers. They are heated to the point where the plastic melts and deforms. You need to cook them in a special container that can withstand heating up to 140, 180 or more C.

When reusing disposable plastic tableware, its outer protective layer is damaged, and carcinogenic substances - formaldehyde, phenol, cadmium, lead - begin to be released.

You should not drink alcohol from disposable plastic glasses. Any plastic contains toxic substances that do not dissolve in ordinary cold drinks, but cannot withstand the chemical attack of alcohol.

The release of various compounds from plastic increases many times over when heated. Therefore, only special containers designed for this purpose can be used in a microwave oven.

At home, immediately remove the packaging film from food. Trim off the top layer of food stored in plastic packaging.

Do not use disposable packaging to store food. Store food in glass and ceramic containers. Try to avoid products packaged in plastic whenever possible, preferring loose ones.

Buy baby food only in glass or cardboard. Do not use for baby food plastic dishes. Do not microwave food in plastic containers.

Do not keep water in pitcher filters for a long time. In the morning and evening, replace the remaining water with fresh water. A plastic water jug ​​that becomes cloudy should be thrown away.

Also, disposable packaging was not intended for washing, so the result may be unpredictable.

Any polymer material ages under the influence of light, heat, heating and contact with all kinds of substances. Then it becomes cloudy, absorbs odors and ingredients from the contents and releases toxic substances.

Food manufacturers indicate that shelf life applies not only to the product itself, but also to the packaging. This is most true for canned goods. For example, a toxic substance can be found in them - biphenol.

Plastic film containing biphenol is used to line the inside of cans to prevent the metal from coming into contact with food. From here biphenol can pass into the contents.

It is advisable to replace canned food with fresh or frozen foods.

Transfer food from opened cans into glass containers, even if we are talking about short-term storage (under the influence of oxygen, the corrosion of cans increases sharply and the content of lead and tin in food begins to increase rapidly).

Toxins can accumulate in the body for years, undermining your health. Even small amounts are poisonous if exposed for a long time.

Buy food, plastic utensils and cling film only from famous manufacturers and only in reliable stores.

Today, there are disposable tableware made from environmentally friendly materials - reed, bamboo, eggshells, as well as paper tableware made from cardboard.


Labeling of plastic utensils

To simplify the sorting of plastic, a special international marking has been developed - triangles formed by arrows with a number inside. The number indicating the type of plastic is located inside the triangle. Below the triangle is a letter abbreviation indicating the type of plastic.

PET Polyethylene terephthalate: bottles for carbonated drinks, water, juices, dairy products, vegetable oils, cosmetic products, etc.

Frozen prepared meals in trays that can be reheated in the microwave or oven are made from crystallized polyethylene terephthalate. Its properties remain unchanged in the range from -40º to +250ºС. True, some brands may lose the necessary heat resistance after being subjected to deep cooling.

Buy drinks only in PET bottles and do not reuse them.

PP Polypropylene: medical products, bottle caps, hot dishes, food packaging film

Dishes made of polypropylene (PP marking) are safer. The polypropylene glass can withstand temperatures up to +100°C. You can drink hot tea or coffee from polypropylene glasses; you can heat food in the microwave in plates made from it. But upon contact with strong drinks and alcohol, it releases formaldehyde or phenol. If you drink vodka from such a glass, not only your kidneys, but also your eyesight will suffer. Formaldehyde is also considered a carcinogen.

PS Polystyrene: disposable tableware, cups for dairy products, yogurt, electrical insulating film

Polystyrene is indifferent to cold liquids. But when polystyrene dishes come into contact with hot water or alcohol, they begin to release toxic compounds (monomers) - styrene. It is not recommended to place hot foods in polystyrene plates. Polystyrene plates are often used in summer cafes for a barbecue. And along with hot meat and ketchup, the client also receives a dose of toxins - styrene, which accumulate in the liver and kidneys.

Disposable cups can only be used for water. It is better not to drink sour juices, sodas, hot and strong drinks from them. Some coffee machines use polystyrene cups. That is, you cannot drink hot coffee or tea from them.

Purchasing products instant cooking(those that just need to be poured with boiling water), pay attention to the packaging (cup, bag, plate). Although Rospotrebnadzor and certification bodies monitor the safety of materials, nevertheless, manufacturers often use polystyrene packaging. Therefore, it is better to transfer the products into ceramic or enamel dishes and then pour boiling water over them.

Cool food before storing it in a container. For hot food and microwave ovens, use only special containers.

If there is no marking on the plastic, you can distinguish PS from PP by touch - polystyrene crunches and breaks, and polypropylene wrinkles. Also basic distinctive feature polystyrene bottles - bluish color of the container. And when pressing with a fingernail on PS plastic, a whitish scar (stripe) always remains; on PP plastic, the container will remain smooth.

HDP High Density Polyethylene: packaging bags, garbage bags

PVC Polyvinyl chloride: construction and Decoration Materials, furniture, shoes, medical products, water bottles, cling film

The synthetic poison dioxin can be released from PVC utensils in cases of heating food in microwave ovens or freezing water in freezers. Dioxins accumulate in human adipose tissue and are not eliminated from the body for a very long time (up to 30 years). Dioxin released causes cancer (especially breast cancer).

LDP Low density polyethylene (low pressure): bottles for detergents and edible vegetable oils, toys, pipes, plastic bags.

Other types of plastic are multilayer packaging or combined plastic.

Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces, seasonings, juices, jams, ready-made soups and cereals that require heating, sold in bags. Such bags are made from multilayer combined films. The choice of film depends on the properties of the product, the period and conditions of its storage. Soups, cereals, and main courses are packaged in bags made of films that have a high melting point. Dishes in such packaging can be heated in the microwave or boiled directly in the bag. Such dishes can withstand temperatures from -40 to +230° C or more. But physiologists still advise eating them less often.

Dishes made of melamine (polymerized formaldehyde) - it is white, shiny (reminiscent of porcelain), weighs lighter, and does not break. When tapped, melamine dishes produce not a ringing sound, but a dull sound.

Using such utensils is extremely dangerous. To make the dishes stronger, asbestos can be added to it, which is prohibited even in construction (such dishes come to Russia from Turkey, Jordan and China). It cannot be used for hot food. When hot water is poured into melamine dishes, formaldehyde begins to dissolve in the water. Formaldehyde and asbestos can cause cancer. To ensure that the design on such a plate lasts for a long time, paints containing heavy metals, primarily lead, are used.

What is the secret of the popularity of plastic tableware? Why are these products in great demand among completely different people? The fact is that it is convenient - indispensable at picnics, buffets, and can often be seen in fast foods and snack bars. Despite its low cost, it has a number of advantages - environmental friendliness, safety, light weight, practicality, spaciousness. If you want to buy plastic utensils, contact our store “World of Bags”!

Types of plastic utensils and their features

Plastic tableware is divided into two large groups - disposable and reusable. The first is made of less strong and durable plastic, and is thrown away immediately after use. The second can be used more than once (as a rule, these are all kinds of containers, trays, bottles, etc.). Before buying disposable plastic tableware, you should ask what material it is made of - polystyrene (more fragile and thinner, withstands temperatures up to 70°) or propylene (much stronger, withstands temperatures up to 130°). Less common are products made from polyactides and other biodegradable materials (they completely decompose within a few months).

Plastic utensils - basic requirements

Food-grade plastic utensils for food products are products that have a large list of requirements. The main ones include:

  • Attractive appearance. Disposable tableware for a buffet table, picnic or other event should be beautiful - evenly colored (if it is colored), without deformation or other defects. This is the only way you and your guests will enjoy using it;
  • Compliance with generally accepted hygienic and medical requirements. Since plastic disposable tableware comes into contact with food that a person eats, its poor quality can cause serious harm to health. If you don’t want to take risks, contact our plastic tableware store in Moscow “World of Bags” - we provide a guarantee for all our products;
  • Resistance to acids and fats;
  • Impact resistance high temperature. If you plan to use food containers or other utensils for hot foods and drinks, you should choose products made from durable propylene of sufficient thickness;
  • Resistance to deformation, elasticity;
  • Light weight, spacious;
  • Disposable spoons, forks and knives should not bend or break during use.

How to buy plastic tableware at an affordable price?

A wide variety of plastic packaging and its markings. Very convenient in everyday life, disposable and reusable plastic dishes.

And we often use it for food purposes.
Have you ever thought about the harm even healthy food eaten from disposable plastic dishes can cause to your body?

To prevent it from harming our health, it must be used strictly for its intended purpose.
Therefore, today we will give you all the necessary information about this cookware.

Markings on plastic utensils

Food-grade plastic of different markings has different properties. Disposable plastic tableware is usually purchased for picnics, office parties or similar events.

But, when purchasing, it is very important to pay attention to the markings on plastic utensils. Search glass and fork emblem, it means it is suitable for food.

  • PS (polystyrene)– dishes with this marking are not compatible with alcohol, hot foods or drinks that provoke the release of styrene, which is harmful to the kidneys and liver.
  • PET or 5 in triangle (polyethylene terephthalate)– disposable glasses with this marker are used for soft drinks (juices, mineral water, kvass). It is prohibited to drink milk, hot drinks, or alcohol from them.
  • PP (polypropylene)– not compatible only with alcohol. If you break this rule, you will deal a “crushing blow” to your kidneys and eyesight!
  • PVC or 3 in triangle (polyvinyl chloride)– cheap practical plastic. It is potentially hazardous for food use,
    because it may contain dioxins, mercury, cadmium, bisphenol A. Used in the manufacture of oilcloth and detergent bottles.
  • PE (polyethylene)- according to experts, the most best option, if possible, try to buy it.

It should be noted that high-quality disposable plastic items will not be painted in bright colors; as a rule, they are made transparent. Dyes contain toxic substances that poison the body!

It is better not to buy plastic glasses at all, since they not only cannot be recycled, but also contain many toxic substances that, when drinking hot drinks, enter our body.

Reusable plastic tableware

Almost every family has reusable plastic dishes. These are trays in which you may take food to work, bottles for children, bottles of mineral water and other drinks.


Reusable plastic containers are not suitable for storing sauerkraut and sour foods!

It is important to know about proper storage of food in plastic containers. For example, not every plastic is suitable for freezing in the freezer. Manufacturers often write Thermoplast (Duroplast) on the bottom of the trays, which means they can be used for storage in the freezer.

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You also need to know that plastic bottles are for carbonated water, kvass, and beer. Not all are suitable for reusable use. We already talked about PVC marker above!


Pay attention to the markings on plastic utensils.

Vacuum packaging for food products

Vacuum packaging has become popular recently. The principle of operation is clear from the name - a vacuum is created inside the tray. It is needed for longer storage of food. It is recommended to use for ground coffee, smoked meat, fish, hard cheese and others.

But storage in vacuum packaging is not always beneficial! Firstly, not everything can be stored in reusable plastic containers, for example, fresh meat, pastries, some vegetables and fruits.

And, secondly, when long-term storage Salmonella and staphylococcus bacteria multiply well in such packages. Therefore, in some cases it is better to use paper bags for food packaging.

Plastic dishes: harm or benefit?

Finally, I would like to advise you to avoid eating from plastic dishes. As you can see, there is no benefit, but there is a lot of harm to the body. The best alternative is disposable paper packaging.

It may not be as comfortable, but it is environmentally friendly and safe. Well, if you buy plastic dishes, then think in advance about what purposes they are for, and don’t forget about their labeling!