Telegony reality. Telegony: myth or scientific theory. How did this word come about?

Were the sexual revolutions that shook the world in their time accidental? Or were they deliberately created to reduce humanity on the planet?

And there are many such cases.

I think this is the law.

Santi Perun

And what is extremely curious.

After all, what to dissemble.

-you ask?

and on the table - pork!

Long life to all, Luba

No, no, I thought!


Then, when the girlfriend calmed down (apparently after all), love was so passionate and had never been, we remembered the laws of Rita and speculated on the topic of the purity of the nation.

Registration number 0278708 issued for the work:

Telegony. Myth or reality?

Were the sexual revolutions that shook the world in their time accidental? Or were they deliberately created to reduce humanity on the planet?

Was the virus, the so-called AIDS, created artificially by people or not. It later.

Now I want to write about such a phenomenon as telegony.

The term "telegony" appeared in the 19th century, its components tele - "far", gennao - "I generate".

It is also called "the science of virginity."

Some scientists believe that nothing affects the health of offspring like virgin purity, and it depends on it what your children will be like.

Even our ancestors believed that healthy offspring would never be born from a walking woman. How right were they? Interesting!

For the first time, about 150 years ago, breeders started talking about telegony, who crossed different breeds of horses and dogs to get new breeds. (from)
Although this phenomenon is not recognized by all scientists, but even if
in humans, this phenomenon has not been officially registered.
Although many breeders and scientists suggest that since this occurs in animals, it means that it is also possible in humans.

“And the discovery began with the fact that about 150 years ago, horse breeders who bred new breeds of horses decided to cross a horse with a zebra to increase endurance. The experiments failed: not a single conception occurred - neither in horses from male zebras, nor in zebra mares. The experiments were stopped and they tried to forget about them, believing that the matter was over. However, after a few years, the mares who had been in the experiments began to give birth to striped foals. From thoroughbred stallions!..

The stunned scientific world called this phenomenon telegonia.

Here is one definition of this law:

“Telegony is the phenomenon of the influence of the previous male (previous mating) on ​​the hereditary traits of the offspring from subsequent males. It is characterized by a low frequency of the event and consists in changing the cells of the germinal epithelium (from which the eggs are then formed) by the genes of the spermatozoa of the previous male.

Py.Sy. By the way, the previous male is not necessarily the first. Information can be transmitted from the next.

The most interesting thing for me in this theory or science was that

Only the first man is the father of her (woman's) children. In every intimacy with a new woman, a man leaves an imprint in her genetic field at the birth of children.

Therefore, a woman who often changes sexual partners can even transmit mental illness to her former partners.
That is why a pair of white people can have a black child, although none of the spouses even thought of going to the left.
And there are many such cases.

When people fell in love with a person, and not with a female or a male just for sex, only then healthy children were born. Believe the adherents of this theory.

An example is all the offspring that was born after the sexual revolution.
A woman collects on herself the prints of all her partners and therefore the born child bears these prints from all her former partners.
Which can be expressed by mental or other deviations. Scientists suspect that our chromosomes are able to remember and encode all the information and remain in the body forever. It would seem that this has anecdotal concepts, but the information is amusing.

When girls or a young man want to walk up before marriage, and then start a family
then it may happen that he will not receive healthy offspring.

With each generation, more and more handicapped and unhealthy children are born. This is a fact that we will not deny.

And the birth of black children in white women after the Olympics! How can you explain it?

I think this is the law.

Those scholars who reject theology tend to think that
the dissimilarity of the child to his parents arises entirely due to other reasons.
So, a blond-haired and blue-eyed child may well be born to black-haired and brown-eyed parents. But the “guilty” here is not at all the fair-haired neighbor and not the telegonia, but the genes.

But none of them could prove that this particular theory is true. Therefore, I personally tend to believe in both.

“Do not allow strangers to your daughters, for they will create your daughters and corrupt their pure souls and destroy the blood of the great race, for the first man leaves images of spirit and blood with his daughter ... and this kind, degenerating, perishes without having healthy offspring. For there will be no inner strength
that kills all sickness-diseases ... "
Santi Perun

Having dug a little deeper on this topic, I decided to supplement my article and convey to the readers a few interesting facts.

Many men are simply sure (judging by the reviews) that this effect can be avoided by using contraceptives.

But that's the cunning of telegony, that it acts informatively at the level of human DNA.

After all, chromosomes have the ability to remember not only material information, but also wave information, and spermatozoa (even if they poured into a condom) emit photons and radio waves that carry information about a man's heredity.

Scientists call this the "first male effect".

As I already wrote in the first part: all information remains in the body of a woman and with her subsequent partners can be transmitted quite unexpectedly.

And not only physiological (hereditary diseases, external features, etc.), but also mental (behavioral characteristics, tendencies to habits, certain character traits, etc.) (c)

Even under Stalin in the thirties, experiments were conducted in the country to create a "superman".

There were many secret laboratories where geneticists and microbiologists worked.

And what is extremely curious.

At that time, condoms were also produced at the Baku Rubber Products Factory. Maybe the one who caught this time will remember that they (on the corresponding parties) had an inscription - checked by electronics. It was party number 2.

After all, many people still think that it was a quality check of rubber - it's not.
In fact, it was not the rubber that was checked, but the radiation spectrum transmitted by the rubber.
More precisely, the emission spectrum of spermatozoa. Filters of different colors were placed on the rubber. The developers tried to reduce the risk of information penetration into the female body during casual relationships.

After all, in the country of the Soviets, sick children were not needed by anyone.

But it soon turned out that this is not a protection against unwanted information entering the female body. Scientists have conducted a lot of experiments and proved that most of this information remains with women who repeatedly change sexual partners - prostitutes.

Why do you think some girls look very young, while others look much older than their years? It turned out that not only good genetics or bad genetics are to blame.

After all, the night butterfly sleeps with everyone who paid. It “works!”, while collecting all the information in itself, the body quickly ages. Often, energy fields that are completely unacceptable to each other come together. All this cannot but harm the condition and immunity of a woman. All this is reflected in the face.

One has only to take a closer look at the faces of some young women.

Random connections accumulated in the so-called female genome affect the child she gives birth to. As a rule, such children always have a pathology and are not born healthy.

Just imagine: A woman accumulated energy from many sexual partners, and then all this was stuffed into a poor child. Can he remain healthy and mentally developed after that?

After all, even our ancestors knew this, that a woman should give birth to children from her first man, taking into herself precisely his genetic program.

And then, having married at least a few times, she will bear signs of him in her children.

Perhaps in the modern world it sounds ridiculous, but there is something in it. The more I “dig” into the topic, the more I tend to believe in telegony.

After all, it was not for nothing that everything was so classified and no information was available to a simple layman.

By marrying a virgin, a man created an image of his spirit and blood. The man programmed the woman.
He laid in her genetic memory the hereditary traits of his kind. After that, all the signs in the woman remained forever.

The energy of the spirit and blood is a spectrum of a certain masculine gender, which is then transmitted at the genetic level.

I became curious, what if a girl or a woman was raped. Take the times of various wars. How then to preserve the image of spirit and blood?

Turns out it was meant to be. There is such a rite - fire and water and magicians people with strong energy - the priests performed it. With the help of this rite, they erased someone else's code.

There are cases when a child is born in a family that does not look like either a mother or a father.
Such children are like former lovers, and not like a husband. And there are many such cases!

Although genetic science is not able to comment on such a phenomenon, there are cases, as I wrote.

Geneticists cannot, and perhaps do not want to, explain such a phenomenon where a DNA molecule can remember information and read it from where the DNA molecule was previously located.

This can only be explained in terms of telegony.
I will not bore readers with scientific explanations, but I can no longer deny telegony, as such, for myself personally.

Another experiment of scientists struck me very much.

We all know that after the funeral (in the Slavic religion) of a person, his soul leaves the earth on the fortieth day.

So, there was a DNA molecule in the test tube, then it was removed, but the information (the phantom of the molecule) remained, and the laser beam constantly read it. The information disappeared on the fortieth day. Coincidence, you say! Maybe, but I thought deeply.

It's just more curiosity. Telegony. Myth or reality?

Doctor of Biological Sciences Pert Goryaev conducted many experiments with laser irradiation of human DNA.
He irradiated DNA cells and made sure that the trace remains and disappears only on the fortieth day, as I described this experience in the second part.
This means that we do not have perfectly healthy people, a crazy thought came to the head of the scientist. After all, a mother during pregnancy does several times - ultrasound, that is, irradiates the child already in the womb, erasing important information.

At the beginning of the 19th century, young scientists conducted numerous experiments on animals. The experiment was done with pigeons, and later, Darwin did it with pigs. The scientist's assumptions were confirmed. And then Darwin made the assumption that this law of the "first male" can be transmitted to people. And this phenomenon was called telegony.

After all, even dovecoteers are well aware that if a cesar tramples a white dove, then pure white offspring will no longer be seen.
As I pondered this phenomenon, an idea struck me. But what about mixed marriages? Maybe already there the mixing of cultures and customs is taking place on a "large" basis, so to speak?
And when marrying a person of a different nationality, children will not have any idea about the history of their people? And will you initially have signs of a culture alien to you and your family?

Fiction of course, but I was interested. I want to make a reservation right away that I respect any nationality.

Why doesn't the Jewish nation mix? Probably the only one that, albeit behind the scenes, does not mix with other nations. They are almost the only ones who are categorically against mixed marriages.

I think it's very interesting, because

An influential Jew was asked the question,
- Tell me, slave, so you teach your children from childhood that you only need to love your nation?
He thought for a moment, but then very wisely answered,
- you need to love everyone, but to create a marriage: to marry or get married, only to a person from your nationality. Rabe was deeply convinced that every nation on earth has its own destiny.

After all, what to dissemble.

The best chess players, the best financiers, the best managers are all Jews. Dentists and watchmakers with jewelers do not even take into account. And why?

Assimilation is a very dangerous thing. The slave thinks so. After all, every nation has its own destiny, given to it from above.
Muslims have one thing, Slavs have another .... in short, each has its own purpose. And each nation carries its own culture, and if the purity of the nation is not observed, then all this can simply crumble and sink into the abyss.

May the reader forgive me, then I remembered Hitler and his struggle for the survival of a purebred Aryan. History knows what came of it.

However, the slave is not so wrong. What is happening on the planet right now! The Slavic nation is degenerating and, according to the research of scientists, soon every third one will not be of the white race.
This is what we've come to, I thought.

And what's with telegonia?
-you ask?

Yes, actually, nothing to do with it. Just interesting thoughts about the purity of the genus came to mind.

And to believe or not in such a phenomenon as telegony, I leave it to everyone to decide. Even geneticists and biologists are still arguing, what about ordinary people. Let's wait for new irrefutable evidence, and then we'll see. The main thing is not to die out until now.

Here's my favorite anecdote on the subject:
An old Jew comes to the rabbi:
- Rebbe! Horrible! What should I do?!... Today I go to my son, and he has a Christian girl in his bed
and on the table - pork!
— It's not that bad. Now, if the girl was on the table and the pork was in bed...

Long life to all, Luba

* RITA Laws are the Heavenly Laws about the purity of Kin and Blood. About the Laws of RITA, according to which all the Slavic and Aryan peoples lived from ancient times, they learned in the modern world in the middle of the 19th century. Now the Greek name Telegonia is used to designate the Laws of RITA. In medicine, it is called the phenomenon of the first male. " Telegony is a figurative and the only parameter for the transmission of heredity from generation to generation.

A small personal example on the topic of Jewish marriages or just the author's afterword.

I had a bosom friend at work who loved to share with me all the nuances of her personal life. I was the only one who always listened to her to the end, without interrupting. Not because I was so interested in her personal life, just a girlfriend after all. And who, if not me. She had no right to disappoint her best friend.

So, her name was Inka and she is Latvian by nationality. We worked together with her in the same office in the financial department. Together we ran for smoke breaks and snacks, and therefore there were always opportunities to chat. Although she chatted more, and I listened. I myself do not like to share the details of intimate life.

For three years now, my Inka has been dating a guy, Marik, who was a Jew. Their love spun passionately (according to the stories of Inca). He gave her expensive gifts and could not breathe on her (according to her own stories). She finally got to the point.

My Inka has long wanted to get married and dreamed of children. Biological age propped up.

What am I .. ah, yes, she waited for the main thing, the proposal of the hand and heart. Only Marik was in no hurry to introduce her to his parents, but he made an offer. My Inka was in seventh heaven with pride and happiness.
-Wait so happy, I warned, let her first introduce her to her mother. Indeed, in the Jewish family, it is the woman who is the successor of her kind and her voice is very weighty ..
- so we're going to Marik's house tomorrow, the girlfriend said.
No, no, I thought!
After meeting Marik's parents, my Inka was as happy as before.
A week later, their painting in the registry office was appointed. They decided to celebrate the wedding quietly without frills. But later, not the same day. Inka took a couple of days off, which she sat down on Saturday and Sunday.

After the weekend, Inka came to the office with teary eyes and a swollen face.
I looked in amazement in the direction of my girlfriend, but the first one did not ask anything. Although she fidgeted with impatience in her chair. Then we went to lunch and Inka broke through. Sobbing and blowing her nose, she poured out the whole stream of information on me.
Her Marik fled directly from the registry office. He came, but while they were sitting in line, he went to smoke and ran away.

My Inka is again looking for a fiance and also dreams of children, and I bit my tongue so as not to tell her that I knew it. A Jew will never marry a Latvian and will not go into conflict with his mother ..

Then, when the girlfriend calmed down (apparently after all), love was so passionate and had never been, we remembered the laws of Rita and speculated on the topic of the purity of the nation.

Telegony: myth or reality?

Telegony has been talked about for a long time. Someone assures the absurdity of the statement about the effect of the first partner, and someone is convinced of the holiness and correctness of this theory.

Telegony: myth or reality? Be that as it may, facts are stubborn things. Of course, many of the things stated in the telegonical works are often too far-fetched, and the facts are full of author's fantasies. Married people dream that their children are like them in everything, both externally and in character. But sometimes it happens that the children do not look like either mom or dad, or any of the relatives.

As a rule, such situations cause misunderstandings, disagreements and even alienation in the family. Children become unloved and every now and then there are suspicions that the man is not the father of the child. As the child grows older, suspicions only intensify. The woman is sure that her husband is the father of the baby, but at the same time, the child does not look like him at all. This is indirect evidence of telegony.

If you want to have your own children, then this article is for you!

And let's start with the history of the discovery of telegony as a phenomenon. 150 years ago, horse breeders decided to conduct an experiment in order to breed a new breed of horses. They crossed a horse and a zebra. The experiments were not crowned with success - the horse could not suffer from the male zebra, as well as the mare of the zebras from the stallions. Since it was not possible to achieve a positive result, the experimenters abandoned the idea, and the results of the experiments were forgotten over time. Several years have passed. And here, purebred mares, which a few years earlier were mated with zebra stallions, began to give birth to foals with stripes. It was then that horse breeders for the first time seriously thought about the reasons for what was happening. Scientists called the new phenomenon telegony.

Experiments continued, but with other animals. Professor Flint, Felix Ledantek and other medical minds have become closely involved in the phenomenon of telegony. Ledantek even published a book called The Individual, Evolution, Heredity, and the Neo-Darwinists. It happened in 1889. One of the chapters, "Telegony, or the influence of the first male," described the experiments that were carried out during the experiments. The book was not widely disseminated, but in narrow circles of specialists it aroused genuine interest. The theory of telegony was especially interesting for dog breeders. If a bitch is mated with a mongrel dog, then she will never give birth to purebred puppies from a good titled male. Nowadays, all dog breeders are well aware of this, and therefore carefully protect the honor of the bitch from an early age and do not allow mating with untested dogs.

In general, telegony in the animal kingdom has been proven by numerous experiments. But since it concerns animals, perhaps it also applies to people?

Scientists have been closely engaged in clarifying the issue of the influence of the first sexual partner on children who will be born years later, and it became clear that telegony also affects people! And even more pronounced than it was in the case of animals! However, at some point, all experiments were stopped, and their results were either destroyed or classified so that mere mortals were denied access to any information about the project.

But, as usual, everything secret will become clear sooner or later. The truth about telegony and its consequences gradually began to surface. The Internet has played a big role in all this. Information began to appear in the public domain about the reasons for the birth of children with genetic oddities who did not look like their parents, or even a different race.

At the end of the 20th century, freedom began to penetrate into all spheres of life. Mankind declared war on the old principles and rushed into all serious. Promiscuous sex, unscrupulous behavior, swinging, homosexuality and other remnants of modernity have negatively affected health. There was no longer any talk of chastity and the preservation of virginity.

A wave of questions about telegony began to appear in 1980, when the Olympic Games were held in Moscow. A few years later, dark-skinned children began to be born in Moscow and other cities, although both parents were ordinary Russians. Naturally, husbands immediately began to suspect their wives of infidelity, which in fact was not in sight! Even later it turned out that during the Olympic Games, the girls "out of curiosity" were given to visiting athletes. Among them were Chinese, and Africans, and Arabs. It was their genes that influenced the birth of "not such children."

Telegony is also called the effect of the first sexual partner, although in fact a woman is affected not only by the connection with the first man, but also with all the others. Even more terrifying is that telegony affects not only the first generation after a vicious relationship, but also subsequent ones. By the way, the wave of infertility in recent years is associated precisely with the effect that telegonia gives. Scientists have already confirmed the information that sexual intercourse with a representative of another nationality is fraught with the appearance of genetic mutations of the chromosome chain.

It is generally accepted that children from parents who are representatives of different nations (for example, from a Russian woman and an Indian) are very beautiful, smart and talented. Yes this is true. But about 30% of these children are sterile, that is, they cannot have offspring. The situation is even worse with subsequent generations, in which children are born with serious mutations, genetic diseases and other problems.

How does it work?

It turned out that during sexual intercourse not only external features, but also character, type of behavior can be transmitted. How does this happen? How can genetic information be transmitted through sexual contact? It's all about the sperm. They are the carriers of genetic information, which, as if on a disk, is “recorded” in the female body. All the resulting genetic material is not only temporarily recorded, but also stored there forever. Ultimately, when a woman becomes pregnant, the child absorbs all the acquired information. Why do women of easy virtue rarely give birth to healthy children? Precisely because her womb absorbed the genetic data of hundreds or thousands of men who had contact with her.

Who decided that it is not necessary to keep virginity and honor? Telegony proves the fact that any premarital relationship of a woman negatively affects the health of her unborn children.

Experts believe that virginity and fidelity in marriage is the key to the genetic health of children. “But virginity is the destiny of a woman,” you say. This is true, but after all, a man must also be faithful in marriage. Of course, sexual relations of men will not affect the genetic health of children, but the very fact of promiscuity in any case is fraught with the appearance of chronic sores.

Laws of Rita among the Slavs

Do you think that telegony began to be studied in the 1800s? Wrong! Yes, no one had studied it before, but everyone knew that such a phenomenon takes place. Moreover, prodigal women were punished, their gates were smeared with tar, they were flogged at the pillory, and in Arab countries, women who committed adultery were simply stoned.

Even more interesting things can be found among the Slavs. Yes, yes, the very ones who allegedly lived in dugouts before the arrival of Prince Vladimir and organized a primitive communal way of life. Yes, yes, those same Slavs who allegedly did not have a written language, who were stupid and looked more like animals. Only for some reason, until now, in the vastness of Mother Russia, there are wooden churches built long before the arrival of Vladimir and his brethren. But we're not talking about that. So, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, on the wedding night, the first man of a woman conveyed to her the images of the Spirit and Blood of his kind, the energy of a whole year of his life so that his wife could bear a child (that's why men always live less) and their karma kind. That is, not only external features were transmitted, but also character, and genetic diseases, and various kinds of deviations. True, it was not called telegony, but the Laws of Rita.

According to modern ideas and long-term research, scientists have found that the Laws of Rita exist. But earlier, back in Slavic times, it was generally accepted that the first man is the father of all the children of a woman. And this is regardless of how many men she had after, and from whom she gave birth to children. All the same, all the children will look like the first man. But scientists managed to reveal even more serious things. It turns out that every man with whom a woman had sexual relations leaves his imprint. That is, in the body of a woman there remains, as it were, a phantom of those very spermatozoa, their counterpart, which subsequently affects future children.

Is it possible to remove the effect of telegonia? There is an assumption that it is possible. And this is done by a very strong, maddening, love. According to scientists, with a very strong sexual and spiritual attachment, the body of a woman is, as it were, cleansed of past ties in order to take on the image of the Spirit and Blood of the man who really suits her. According to scientists, only once a woman has the right to be rehabilitated and allow her genetic code to clear. But this is just a theory, which has not yet been proven.

sexual bondage

Have you ever wondered why the Arabs do not have their own prostitutes, and they constantly use the services of visiting priestesses of love? And here we are again talking about telegony. East Asia honors motherhood and purity of family and blood, and therefore the depraved behavior of a woman is immediately punished. The culprit of fornication is stoned or drowned. And for the provision of sex services, loving Arabs choose Slavs or Europeans.

But, at the same time, in the same Arab countries, for the rape of a woman of their nationality, the rapists are immediately killed. And it works even in today's democratic times. Probably, this is the strength of these peoples, that they sacredly observe the laws of Rita and make sure that they are not violated. The number of sick children and children with deformities is minimal there. Perhaps because the women there have not broken the chromosome chain by numerous sexual relationships?

There is an assumption that telegony and the doctrine of it were secretly banned because the powers that be are eager to reduce the population.

In our schools, they no longer talk about virgin purity, about moral character, about marital fidelity, but from the pages of textbooks they talk about how to protect yourself and what to do if pregnancy occurs. Condoms today are shown to children already in the 6th grade, thereby provoking a genuine interest in sex. As a result, in almost every school there are pregnant girls or those who had an abortion at a very young age. Isn't this a retribution for the fact that sex, which was once a very intimate activity, is brought up for public discussion and becomes public?

In the modern world, when there is freedom of morals and the absence of any restrictions in choosing a sexual partner, the need for morality and chastity has grown. Whether or not people have telegony - there are many ardent opponents of the theory among scientists, but there are also those who unequivocally answer: “Yes, it exists!” This phenomenon raises more questions.

Telegony - what is it?

In the 19th century Lord Morton, a close friend of Charles Darwin, ventured into a biological experiment: he crossed a purebred mare with a zebra stallion. The offspring did not work out, but two years later, after crossing with the male of her breed, foals were born to the mare with barely weak stripes on the croup. Morton called this phenomenon telegonia. Darwin considered this a manifestation of an archaic trait inherent in the ancestor of the genus equines.

Telegony (from the ancient Greek τῆλε - “distant” and γόνος - “birth”) is the manifestation of the signs of the first male in offspring in the animal world, even if pregnancy did not occur during mating for the first time. Belief in telegony is mostly common among breeding breeders and breeders. Known Facts:

  • purebred dogs and cats, when mating with outbreds, subsequently give "bad" offspring, therefore, even with a single mating, such animals are "culled";
  • among professional pigeon houses, there is a cruel custom to turn the head of a female pigeon if she had contact with a sizar, a “wild” representative of the pigeon family.

What is telegony in humans?

Telegony in humans has not been scientifically confirmed, but some geneticists believe that the fact itself takes place. The phenomenon of telegony in humans is manifested in the same way as in animals. The signs of the fetus inherit the genotype not only of its specific parents, but also of those partners that the couple had before a specific pregnancy. Cases are described when a white woman gives birth to a child with a dark skin color from a man of her nation, having previously met with a representative of another nation, but did not become pregnant from him. Science explains the phenomenon by the fact that parents do not have this trait, but in the genotype it is from distant ancestors.

telegonia in women

Distant ancestors of different nationalities believed that the first man who had a relationship with a woman left his "image of spirit, blood" - a kind of imprint in her genome - scientists say so now. Telegonia, or the influence of the first male, is described in A. Dumas' book The Count of Monte Cristo, where Edmond's lover, Mercedes, marries Fernand a few years later and gives birth to a son with Edmond's traits.

Telegony in men

For the first time, the only thing known about the phenomenon was that it leaves an imprint on the reproductive capacity of a woman, but it turned out to be not so simple. Telegony in men - the effect of the first female - is a more complex phenomenon that can be described as the "effect of any female", in contrast to a woman in whom only the first partner has the fundamental function of transmitting signs. A man from each partner receives a charge of genes, which is stored in the genome. The more women, the stronger the change in the genetic information of a man.

Telegony - true or false?

The effect of telegony excites the minds of people who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge and the cultivation of positive qualities in themselves. Currently, telegony is a pseudoscience, akin to psychic or paranormal events. But researchers tend to believe that society is hushing up the real results in the course of the experiments, so many facts about this phenomenon are simply taken on faith by people. Telegony - myth or reality? For each specific person, it is rather the assumption of responsibility and an appeal to one's own morality.

Telegony - scientific facts

Geneticists answer the question of whether there is telegonia, positively. In 2014, a study was published in which the phenomenon was confirmed in flies. The male flies were divided up: some were put on a nutrient-rich diet, others on a lean diet. Poor nutrition affected the males, they were small compared to the receiving group. Scientists crossed immature females with both groups of males, and when they reached maturity, they changed partners. As a result of the second mating, the females reproduced large offspring (the influence of the rich diet of the male of the first group).

Telegonia - how to cleanse?

The ancient Slavs revered the laws of RITA: girls and boys led a chaste and moral lifestyle before marriage, this was the key to the birth of strong and healthy offspring. Today, before tying themselves with the bonds of Hymen, young people manage to change several partners until they find their only one. On which child telegonia disappears, married couples who have learned about the phenomenon are interested.

Professor P. Garyaev claims that imprinted in the genes, the signs are inherited in all children born subsequently. But this mechanism can be removed from the genome of both men and women. There are rituals for getting rid of telegonia:

  1. Purification of the physical body- any cleansing practices together with a partner: a bath with herbal infusions and oil massage - renew the structures and cell membranes of the body, then foreign information comes out.
  2. Working with thoughts- it is necessary to mentally imagine the first partner for a woman, and for a man all partners up to his wife and replace these images with the appearance of the current partner.
  3. Vedic practice- for 3 days, the husband and wife live in nature in a hut, sleep under the starry sky, eat only and wash each other with river or spring water.

Orthodoxy about telegony

Representatives of religious doctrines have adopted the phenomenon of telegonia to reinforce the meaning and importance of preserving virginity before marriage. Telegony in Orthodoxy is not denied, priests believe that healing from the effect is possible with spiritual healing - turning to God removes the influence of premarital partners. Telegony and chastity are incompatible concepts. The Old Testament describes cases when prodigal girls were expelled from the village, tied to a pillory and flogged, while the confessor read prayers to drive out fornication, sometimes walking girls were stoned to death.

Telegony books

The science of telegony is underestimated by many scientists and is considered a pseudoscience on a par with astrology, but a number of biologists and geneticists continue to work and amaze with the results. You can read about telegony in books:

  1. F. Le-Dantek - "Individual, evolution, heredity and originality."
  2. G. Muravnik - "On the mysterious phenomenon of telegony."
  3. G. D. Berdyshev, A. N. Radchenko "Telegony as a complex of mysterious genetic phenomena, their mechanisms."
  4. A. V. Bukalov – «Telegony, wave genetics and quantum levionic structures».

Do a woman's ex-partners genetically influence her future children? If you asked breeders of the 19th-20th centuries, you would be answered - yes. But does telegonium have a scientific background? Read about this and the reasons why it is not recognized in the 21st century in our article.

What is "telegony" and when did it appear?

In short, this is the belief that former sexual partners can somehow influence the future offspring of the female. telegony concept rise t to the words of Aristotle, who argued that not only biological parents give genes to their offspring, but also past partners. Term come up with l in the 19th century by August Weismann:tele- "far" and Gennao- "I give birth."

This idea became widespread after the case ofLord Morton's mare, English Earl George Douglas. In 1820, he announced that, wanting to cultivate the quagga - now an exterminated subspecies of zebras - he crossed with a mare, and then crossed the same mare with an ordinary horse. On the coat of offspring after the second crossing, Douglas noticed stripes almost like a quagga, which gave rise to statements.

Spread of the idea and rebuttals

In an attempt to confirm or refute telegony, numerous animal experiments have been carried out. 70 years after the discovery of this theory, for example, breeders Kassar Yuart and I. Ivanova tried to prove the existence of telegony by crossing mares and zebras in the reserves, but the idea was not confirmed - stripes appeared even in individuals that had never been crossed with zebras before.

Charles Darwin also denied the existence of telegony, explaining the case of Lord Morton's mare by the fact that the stripes on the coat are a common feature of the horse's ancestors.

There were even more attempts to deal with telegony in the 20th century, when the science of genetics began to flourish. The concept was not confirmed - after all, during fertilization, the sperm and the egg merge - from each biological parent, the child receives 50% of his genes.


Although telegony had already been debunked more than once by the middle of the 20th century, the idea that women should save themselves for a faithful and correct man was promoted in Nazi Germany. Telegony fit into the anti-Jewish movement.

The concept was also picked up by Orthodox activists: in 2004 release styles brochure "Chastity and Telegony". The authors put pressure on Orthodox women, putting into mind the idea that one should be very careful with the choice of a sexual partner, as this will definitely affect children. Fortunately , in 2010 the publishing board of the Russian Orthodox Church banned the distribution of this work and considered such ideas contrary to the dogma of the church.

In general, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existence of telegony:

  • objectifies women as a "continuer of the family" and "future mother";
  • imposes on them moral and physical restrictions in the choice of sexual partners;
  • is the basis for slat-shaming.

Telegony is an old concept that has no basis in fact. In modern society, scientists have been able to prove its existence only on certain types of flies - for example, as in a study from the journal Ecology Letters in 2014. But one thing is for sure - this theory does not work on people, and therefore, if you are told the opposite, do not believe it.

Telegony is the theory of how hereditary traits are passed on. If you believe her, then all sexual partners leave a trace in each other's body. This trace can then appear in the offspring, even if they were conceived from another partner.

For example, if a woman once dated a dark-skinned man, then many years later she can give birth to a child with dark skin, even if his father is a fair-skinned blond. From the point of view of telegony, the first sexual partner is considered especially important, which affects the memory of the uterus and “fills the flash drive” of its information space.

The idea is not bad in principle, if you look at it from a different angle: for example, collect all the best "wave DNA" from the coolest men and give birth to children with superpowers. But supporters of telegony have an argument for this: this is already debauchery, but it does not work.

Where did the belief in telegony come from?

Telegony was believed either always, or almost always. Her name is Greek and translates as "born away." Even the myth of Telegon exists. Like all Greek myths, it is tragic and a bit absurd.

Science got close to the subject when Charles Darwin, who is still cited as the undisputed authority in every field, recorded Lord Morton's experience of crossing a mare with a zebra. First, striped foals were born to a mare from a zebra. And then, from an ordinary horse, striped foals appeared in places. The experience was recorded from the words of the lord, and although it is not customary to doubt the words of the lords, it did not pull at all for a scientific experiment.

In 1889, the breeder Cassar Ewart conducted an experiment that was supposed to confirm or refute this theory. There were already more mares, but Morton's result was not confirmed.

Further experiments on dogs, set back in the 19th century, also did not confirm the process of telegony. And the discovery of genes and understanding of how they work should have turned telegony into an old myth. But no.

- This is the case when the information was not read, misunderstood and went to be passed from mouth to mouth. In fact, everything is more complicated when it comes to genetics and color inheritance. To understand all this, there are Mendel's laws. And the myth that Morton's mare allegedly proves the existence of telegony was subsequently refuted many times by scientists when they proved that the mare had ancestors with striped legs in the roots,– the cynologist, chairman of the Federation of Sports and Applied Dog Breeding Lika Nenakhova says about this historical case.

What does science say about this?

DNA can integrate into someone else's. It's true. This is the basis for the creation of GMOs. This is when, with the help of plasmids and viruses, the properties of plants and animals are changed. Some viruses themselves are perfectly integrated into DNA, take the same HIV.

It has nothing to do with human conception.

For conception, we have an egg that contains half of the chromosomes. And the spermatozoon, which contains the other half of the chromosomes. When these two halves meet, a zygote is obtained - a cell with a complete set of chromosomes, which are necessary for the development of the embryo and fetus, and then the child.

There is nowhere to stick an extra chromosome. Although there are a number of disorders when there are more chromosomes than necessary, or, conversely, fewer. They are connected, most likely, with failures in cell division, and not at all with “extra” information, which until that moment was dormant somewhere.

In telegony, it is assumed that the chromosomes of the zygote change under the influence of some kind of wave genetics or memory of the uterus.

Modern science cannot say how telegony is possible. There is not a single theory that would confirm the mechanism of transmission of hereditary traits at a distance and with the help of the genome (whatever).

All of these beliefs, from trait inheritance to telegony, should now be classified as superstitions. They do not stand up to experimental research and are inconsistent with what is known about the mechanisms of heredity and the predictable properties of genetic materials.

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By the way, the egg matures in a non-pregnant and non-nursing woman about once a month. Why, at the same time, the wave memory of the uterus does not immediately fertilize it with the genes of sexual partners is not clear. But this is far from the only question for telegony.

The pseudo-scientific nature of the theory of telegony is also Svetlana Avdeychik - geneticist from the laboratory "Medical Genomics":

– Yes, there really was such a theory, but it was refuted scientifically and for a long time. Both classical genetics and the so-called epigenetics - the science of just everything that happens around DNA, prove the falsity of this theory. The fact is that the very concept of the "wave theory of DNA", which telegonians love to operate with, is absurd and has long been refuted. All processes associated with human DNA occur at the level of chemistry, and there simply cannot be any talk of any “waves” - it even sounds ridiculous,- explains the geneticist and clarifies, - partner's DNA cells, entering the woman's body, are later removed from there naturally and finally, they do not leave any "waves" and "memory" behind them.

Surgeon Stanislav Popov also refutes the theory of telegony, explaining the impossibility of its work from the point of view of human physiology:

- The genetic information of a particular organism is collected from two "halves" - a female egg and a male sperm. The egg comes into contact with the sperm only once - at the time of conception. If conception does not occur, then after three days the spermatozoa die, and no information remains in the female body. And the remaining eggs are securely immured in the ovaries from all external influences.

According to Stanislav Grigoryevich, the theory of telegony has “legs growing” from the ability of females of some insects (bed bugs, for example) to accumulate genetic material from the male “in reserve”.

- Their life is hard and the female does not know if she will meet another suitable male in the future, and the eggs need to be fertilized, so she keeps the “male” cells just in case, there is even a special “pocket” in the body, Berlese’s organ. If the male is then found, then the female will use cells mixed - both from the previous and from the present partners. But this is their physiological feature, and people don’t have such a “storage”, so this is impossible for us, the surgeon explains.

Who believes in it?

It turns out many. There are especially many traditional healers among the preachers of telegony, for example, the well-known Zhdanov, Trekhlebov and many other popularizers of a healthy lifestyle, ancient Vedas and divine righteousness. Telegony is used to show the dangers of premarital sex.

An attempt to figure out what research and discoveries the adherents of telegony rely on showed that they have everything in their piggy bank. In general, everything. Notes given to Adolf Hitler on the results of experiments in concentration camps. Developments of the USSR in scientific institutes personally under the leadership of Stalin. Black babies born many years after the Youth Festival in the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately, since all these studies and data were, of course, classified, there is not a single document that the supporters of telegony would refer to.

Does this have any evidence?

With the exception of stories from the "one grandmother said" series, some signs of telegonia were found in flies Telostylinus angusticollis - the favorite test subjects of all geneticists. True, there was only one study, and flies differ significantly in structure from humans. Scientists only emphasized that, perhaps, this phenomenon can somehow affect the transmission of heredity in other species of insects. But in mammals, and even more so in humans, this will not work.

All other experiments to test telegony have failed, and since the very moment they started talking about it.

What's wrong with telegony?

It would seem that everyone believes in what they want, why shouldn't some believe in telegony?

  1. This is a direct throwback to the Middle Ages, when you could believe in anything, because there was no science as such. Persistently promoting a refuted theory is regression. Such an approach to science is unacceptable, no matter what area this science may concern. Moreover, we are talking about genetics, one of the most promising industries that is being explored all over the world (it’s even a shame somehow for telegonists).
  2. They know how to make money on this. Imagine, there are even rituals of purification from telegonia.
  3. This is sheer sexism. Because the responsibility for all telegony and wave genetics is again shifted to a woman. In especially severe cases of telegonia of the brain, it is believed that the woman is to blame for the fact that a man looked at her.
  4. This, in theory, helps to strengthen bonds and a certain “spirituality”, but at the same time it makes it difficult to talk about sexuality, about a normal attitude towards your body and about choosing a partner with whom it will be comfortable and easy to build relationships.

Apr 4, 2018 Oksana