Chemistry educational material. Additional materials on chemistry

Here is a revised manual, which was included in the educational and methodological complex in chemistry for secondary schools. A solution book prepared by a group of well-known specialists in the field of chemistry A.M. Radetsky, V.P. Gorshkova. and Kruglikova L.N., will help you cope with all the tasks from didactic materials for grades 10-11.

Who can benefit from collections with ready-made answers:

1. primarily for students who can independently figure out incomprehensible tasks and test themselves;

2. graduates who need reference material for quality preparation for exams and final testing;

3. those parents who monitor their child’s progress even in graduating classes;

4. teachers, as additional material for classes, which helps in drawing up a lesson plan.

In accordance with the original publication, GDZ for didactic materials in grades 10-11 are divided into two large parts: tenth and eleventh grades. The first part includes eight topics. As expected, the first topic will talk about the basics of the subject, in particular about the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds. And already from the second chapter, tenth graders will learn about the features of saturated hydrocarbons, these are about alkanes and cycloalkanes. The following paragraphs will deal with unsaturated hydrocarbons such as alkenes and alkynes.

The fourth chapter is devoted to arenes as aromatic hydrocarbons. Information about alcohols and phenols is located in the next chapter. The sixth chapter includes ready-made answers to tasks on aldehydes and carboxylic acids. In the seventh and eighth topics of the collection GDZ in chemistry for grades 10-11 didactic materials Radetzky Schoolchildren will become familiar with esters, namely fats and carbohydrates, respectively.

The eleventh grade of this manual is divided into only three topics. And the first broad topic includes a number of subtopics, namely: the basic properties of amines; features of amino acids and nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. The second rather complex topic is about synthetic high-molecular substances and polymer materials, obtained on their basis. And at the end of the training course in the subject of chemistry, eleventh graders will generalize their knowledge of the organic chemistry course and write a final test.

The authors of the workbook provide the correct answers to all the works from the above topics of the manual. They also did not ignore tasks of increased complexity and tasks with production and interdisciplinary content. Students will also find solutions to additional tasks on topics. The material in this collection can be used as a supplement to any high school chemistry textbooks.

2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2011. - 144 p.

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Didactic materials in chemistry for grades 10-11. A.M. Radetsky, V.P. Gorshkova, L.N. Kruglikova ( 1999 , 2nd ed., 80 pp.)

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Contents (ed. 2011, 144 pp.)
Preface 3
Grade 10
Topic I. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds. Electronic nature of chemical bonds
Work 1. Chemical structure of organic substances. Isomerism. Electronic nature of chemical bonds... 4
Topic II. Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes, or paraffins)
Work 1. Nomenclature and homology of alkanes 5
Work 2. Isomerism, preparation and chemical properties of alkanes 7
Work 3. Calculation problems 11
Final work on topic II 13
Additional tasks 15
Topic III. Unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkenes, alkadienes and alkynes)
Work 1. Nomenclature, homology and isomerism of alkenes 17
Work 2. Preparation and chemical properties of alkenes 20
Work 3. Diene hydrocarbons. Natural rubber 21
Work 4. Acetylene hydrocarbons (alkynes) 22
Work 5. Calculation problems 23
Final work on topic III 27
Additional tasks 29
Topic IV. Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes)
Work 1. Nomenclature, isomerism and chemical properties of arenes 31
Work 2. The relationship between saturated, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons 32
Work 3. Calculation problems 33
Additional tasks 34
Topic V Natural springs hydrocarbons and their processing
Work 1. Natural sources of hydrocarbons 35
Additional tasks 36
Topic VI. Alcohols and phenols
Work 1. Saturated monohydric alcohols 36
Work 2. Polyhydric alcohols and phenols 38
Work 3. Calculation problems 39
Additional tasks 40
Topic VII. Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids
Work 1. Aldehydes 42
Work 2. Carboxylic acids 44
Work 3. Calculation problems 46
Work 4. Genetic relationship between hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and carboxylic acids 47
Work 5. Alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids (experimental and computational problems) 48
Final work on topics VI, VII 50
Additional tasks 52
Topic VIII. Esters. Fats
Work 1. Esters 54
Work 2. Esters, fats 55
Work 3. Calculation problems 56
Additional tasks 57
Topic IX. Carbohydrates
Work 1. Glucose, sucrose 59
Work 2. Starch, cellulose 60
Work 3. Alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, carbohydrates (experimental and computational problems) 61
Work 4. Calculation problems 62
Final work on topics VIII, IX 63
Additional tasks 64
Topic X. Nitrogen-containing organic compounds
Work 1. Amines 66
Work 2. Amino acids, proteins 67
Work 3. Calculation problems 68
Final work on topic X 69
Additional tasks 70
Topic XI. Synthetic polymers
Work 1. general characteristics Navy. Plastics... 72
Work 2. Rubbers 73
Work 3. Fibers 74
Additional tasks 75
Topic XII. Generalization of knowledge on the course of organic chemistry
Work 1. Types of isomerism of organic substances 76
Work 2. Genetic relationship of organic compounds 77
Final work on the course of organic chemistry 78
Additional tasks 82

Grade 11
Topic I. The most important chemical concepts and laws
Work 1. Tasks on deriving formulas of substances based on the law of constancy of the composition of substances 83
Topic II. The periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev from the point of view of the doctrine of the structure of atoms
Work 1. Structure of atoms and electron shells of atoms 84
Work 2. Valence capabilities of atoms.
Periodic changes in the properties of chemical elements and their compounds 86
Topic III. Structure of matter
Work 1. Structure of matter 88
Work 2. Solving calculation problems for the preparation of solutions of various concentrations 89
Final work on topics I, II, III 91
Additional tasks 93
Topic IV. Chemical reactions
Work 1. Classification of chemical reactions 95
Work 2. Rate of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium 96
Work 3. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Theory of electrolytic dissociation. Reactions in electrolyte solutions 99
Work 4. Hydrolysis of organic and inorganic compounds 101
Final work on topic IV 102
Additional tasks 105
Topic V. Metals
Work 1. Obtaining metals. Electrolysis. Metal corrosion 109
Work 2. Metals of 1A-group 111
Work 3. Metals of the HA group 112
Work 4. Aluminum and its compounds 114
Work 5. Copper, iron, chromium - B-group metals 115
Work 6. Metal alloys. Metal oxides and hydroxides 117
Final work on topic V 118
Additional tasks 120
Topic VI. Nonmetals
Work 1. Review of non-metals. Oxides and hydrogen compounds of nonmetals 124
Work 2. Properties of non-metal oxides. Oxygen-containing acids 126
Final work on topic VI 128
Additional tasks 130
Final work for the course of general chemistry 135
Applications 138

Summary- 1999, 2nd ed., 80 p.:

10th grade(page 4-50)

Subject I. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds.

Work 1 (4 options)

Subject II. Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes). Cycloparaffins (cycloalkanes).

Subject III. Unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkenes, alkynes).

Work 1 - Work 6 (each work contains 4 options)

Subject IV. Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes).

Work 1 - Work 4 (each work contains 4 options)

Subject V. Alcohols and phenols.

Work 1 - Work 3 (each contains 4 options or calculation problems)

Subject VI. Aldehydes and carboxylic acids.

Work 1 - Work 6 (each contains 4 options or calculation problems)

Subject VII. Esters. Fats.

Work 1 - Work 2 (each work contains 4 options)

Subject VIII. Carbohydrates.

Work 1 - Work 5 (each contains 4 options or calculation problems)

11th grade(pp. 51-77)

Subject I. Amines. Amino acids. Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds.

Work 1 - Work 4 (each work contains 4 options)

Subject II. Synthetic high-molecular substances and polymeric materials based on them.

Subject III. Generalization of knowledge in the course of organic chemistry.

Work 1 - Work 3 (4 options each)

Problems with production and interdisciplinary content (1-20)

Advanced problems (1-10)

This presentation can be used in the classroom when studying new material, when repeating and summarizing the “Arena” topic and the entire organic chemistry course, as well as during distance learning for students. The presentation consists of 33 slides and contains the full content of the topic, illustrations, test tasks, and the biography of the scientist F.A. Kekule. Slide 1 Slide 5 Slide 12

This presentation can be used in chemistry lessons when studying new material (lesson 23 on thematic planning “Gara N.N. Chemistry. Lessons in 8th grade”) “Combustion and slow oxidation. Thermal effect of chemical reactions”, when repeating and generalizing the topic “Oxygen”, as well as during distance learning of students. The presentation consists of 31 slides and contains the full content of the topic, illustrations, tasks, algorithms for solving problems on thermochemical equations, reveals the basic concepts...

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, projector, Microsoft Office Word programs. Type of lesson: learning a new topic Forms of work: frontal, collective, individual. Abstract: open lesson on the topic “Chemical elements, their names, symbols. Concept of Metals and Non-Metals” using the 7th module program developed by Kazakh scientists together with the University of Cambridge. Objectives: To familiarize students with the concept of a chemical element To develop the ability to predict the properties of an element...

Final lesson on the topic "Hydrocarbons", using modular technology. The material contains a lesson summary and a module with assignments. The abstract allows you to summarize students' knowledge about hydrocarbons (classification, names, isomerism, problem solving, experiment). Lesson objectives: to trace the dependence of the properties of substances on the structure, to consolidate concepts: molecular structure, type of hybridization, types of isomerism, nomenclature, properties of organic compounds, to develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice when...

Presentation for the lesson on the topic "Hydrocarbons" contains 18 slides. Purpose of the lesson: to summarize students’ knowledge about hydrocarbons. Lesson objectives: to trace the dependence of the properties of substances on the structure, to consolidate concepts: the structure of molecules, type of hybridization, homologous series, types of isomerism, nomenclature, properties of organic compounds, to develop the ability to apply knowledge when drawing up genetic connection diagrams, solving problems to derive molecular formulas of organic compounds, recognition of alkanes, alkenes...

The article describes the project method and substantiates the feasibility of its use in chemistry lessons and outside of class hours. The choice of the number of hours and the form of conducting such lessons depends on the type of project. A high degree of independence of students in completing the project is assumed. Updated subject knowledge in chemistry is consolidated, deepened, and expanded in the process of working on the project and mastering new knowledge by students. In the classroom, it is advisable to use a variety of methods...

Methodological development interactive lesson chemistry in 9th grade on the topic “Ion exchange reactions” and presentation for the lesson. Group and individual forms of work, game moments, demonstration experiments, problem tasks, and multimedia presentation are used. The form of the lesson is a game-competition between teams. This lesson can be recommended for conducting general lessons on the topic, open lessons within the framework of a week or decade of chemistry, as well as for the purpose of exchanging experience. During the lesson,...

Chemistry is one of the sciences that studies nature. More precisely, elementary particles (atoms and molecules), the substances they form and the laws according to which chemical reactions occur. Historically, it turned out that the entire discipline consists of two sections: inorganic chemistry and organic. Until the end of the 18th century. these terms meant only to which kingdom of nature (animal, plant or mineral) the resulting compounds belonged. But, since the beginning of the 19th century, their meaning has changed. Now they indicate whether the resulting substance contains carbon. Inorganic chemistry is in contact with the sciences of “inanimate” nature: geology, mineralogy, geochemistry. And organic - on the contrary, with biochemistry and biology.

For schoolchildren who want to improve their knowledge of chemistry, a large amount of additional literature is offered. Precisely “additional”, because school textbooks have always been and will remain the main ones. All books correspond educational standard RF and can be used for independent work.

An example would be “A short course in chemistry. A guide for applicants to universities" Kuzmenko N.E. The book contains fundamental principles that are required for understanding by every graduate who plans to become a chemical engineer, physician or biologist. This is one of the most complete problem books on the subject, which, moreover, provides a sufficient amount of theory.

An attention-grabbing book that has been proven to use the most effective ways presentation of the material - illustrative and tabular. It's called "All Chemistry in 50 Tables." Author - Stakheev Yu.A. The manual can be used for repetition in preparation for the exam. Teachers can use it to prepare handout cards for lessons. In addition to tables, the book provides information on solving the main types of problems in chemistry.

But, in order to master the methodology for solving practical tasks, it is better to choose something more fundamental. For example, “1001 problems in chemistry with answers, instructions, solutions” by Slet L.A. It covers all sections of general, organic and inorganic chemistry and is suitable for both schoolchildren and students. There are two types of tasks in it: qualitative and quantitative (calculation). In addition to the tasks of the school course, the collection includes tasks from regional Olympiads. The final part contains answers detailed solutions and comments.

Another book that you should definitely remember is “A Brief Guide to Chemistry” by O.D. Kurylenko. The advantage of this type of manuals is that they provide information on chemistry in a convenient, concise form, which is necessary not only for schoolchildren or students, but also for employees of the chemical industry, agriculture, laboratories, etc.

There are other useful books: “Chemistry. Textbook for Universities" by Nikolsky A.B., "Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Chemist" (team of authors), "Organic Chemistry. Cheat Sheet" (team of authors) and others. All of them are written with one purpose - to help students master this fascinating discipline.