The climbing rose grows but does not bloom. Why the rose does not bloom, possible reasons and their elimination. Influence of the external pathogenic environment

Roses decorate parks and gardens with exquisite flowers. And when suddenly flowering does not occur, gardeners, especially those with little experience, begin to panic. The reasons why a rose does not bloom are numerous: age, lack of attention, improper pruning.

General rules for caring for roses

Roses open ground, as well as domestic ones, need a certain level of soil moisture, proper pruning, and winter rest.

Pre-winter pruning

Every year, so that roses can fully rest in winter and gain strength, autumn pruning is carried out. After it in the spring, the bush will be able to bloom much earlier. If the reason for the lack of color lies only in the lack of pruning, then by summer you will be able to admire the blooming buds.

The rose doesn't bloom

The most favorable time for pruning is when the night temperature approaches zero degrees and will remain at this level for some time. If the procedure is carried out earlier, in a warmer period, the bush can continue to grow, forming young shoots. Frosts will destroy them, and the flower will lose its strength.

Important! Pruning is carried out over a five-leaf plant, which is strong and developed; the bud should be external.

A pruned bush can withstand temperatures down to -10 °C without additional shelter. For a quiet winter, the plant is covered using dry leaves, sawdust, and spruce branches. Many gardeners cover their garden bushes with plastic bags and dig the bottom in with soil to create more comfortable wintering conditions for the crop.

An indoor flower also needs rest. Continuous flowering can quickly exhaust the plant.

When flowering ends, the trunk is cut off. The old stem is removed at the root; the height of the stumps should not exceed 3 cm. A strong young shoot is cut off above the fifth bud.

Important! There must be leaves on the shoot of an indoor rose.

After this, the flower pots are taken out to a cool room.


Garden roses can also be grown in pots, but their root system develops faster. In this regard, it is necessary to replant every year, each time increasing the volume of the pot. However, no matter what the size of the flowerpot, the flower must be planted outside in 5-7 years.

Rose transplant

For indoor varieties, you cannot immediately use a large flowerpot. Until the roots fill the entire volume, the rose will not bloom. This error can be corrected by transplanting into a smaller pot.

Important! Shrub roses are transplanted a month before pre-winter pruning.

Watering and fertilizing

Garden flowers, and especially indoor flowers, need fertilizing and watering. If you stop watering garden flower, he will be able to get the necessary moisture from the soil and survive the forced drought, while the rose in the pot will completely dry out in a few days.

Immediately before autumn pruning, watering of garden bushes is stopped. Excess moisture in the soil will negatively affect the root system.

Watering is resumed after the ground dries out from the melt water. At the same time, nitrogen is added to make the plant bush more intensively.

Feeding roses

Health of roses

Any rose loves being sprayed with cool water. As a result of this procedure, new buds form faster and their color is richer. After spraying, the room is ventilated. When there is stagnation and lack of air, indoor roses get sick.

The rose will signal a lack of moisture by yellowing and drying leaves. In the sultry summer days When the buds begin to bloom intensively, the frequency of watering and spraying increases.

Important! In hot weather, watering is carried out in the early morning and evening. If spraying is carried out during the day, the drops will act as a lens and can burn the leaf.

Some varieties of roses cannot bloom because they have a bad neighbor in the flower bed. Roses are prevented from blooming by lilac, spirea, and mock orange. They oppress the flower, actively taking away nutrition. You should help the rose and transplant it to another place.

How many times a year do roses bloom

The nature of flowering divides plants into once and repeatedly flowering. Many species form buds on last year's shoots. Wild roses bloom first, but their flowering is short-lived and one-time.

Wild roses

Garden roses bloom a little later, but among them there are varieties that have a repeated flowering period. The second time the roses bloom weaker, their flowers are smaller.

Modern selection has provided a huge number of varieties of repeat-blooming roses that decorate the garden until frost. It is very rare to see a rose bloom for the third time. This mainly happens in plants whose age exceeds 20 years. It would not be amiss to mention that such specimens were properly cared for.

Additional Information! Although it is generally accepted that roses live no more than 12 years, it is quite common to find long-livers among them, approaching 40 years of age.

It is possible to make a rose bloom for the third time, only for this you need to create ideal conditions for it to grow and do a series of manipulations with equalizing pruning and reblooming. This is done in greenhouses where flowers are grown for sale.

Bushes planted in the first year may not bloom. It depends on the planting material and the literacy of the grower. Moreover, the first flowering is not at all necessary: ​​the shrub should first be allowed to grow stronger, then the flowering will be generous, albeit for the next year.

Note! The climbing rose always produces buds in its second year. In addition, in order to wait for flowering, the plant must be properly prepared for wintering.

Why do roses bloom poorly?

If the rose bushes begin to bloom poorly or stop altogether, then something was done wrong in the care. Or maybe the pests did their best.

Wrong landing site

The place where they are planted is of decisive importance in growing roses. Flowers love warmth and a lot of light. They will be able to develop normally if they are provided with full sunlight for at least 8 hours a day. The plant will not bloom in shaded areas.

Important! To plant roses, you need as much open space as possible.

The necessary environmental conditions for a flower are lack of competition, permeable fertile soil, and sunlight. The best option planting a flower - monoflowers or rose gardens.

Incorrect pruning

Improper pruning is also the reason why a rose does not bloom. Some rose bushes cannot be heavily pruned in the spring; only sanitary treatment is practiced. This group includes climbers, English varieties, and scrubs.

Pruning roses

A long stem of shrub, shortened by half, will flower too late, if it deigns to throw away the buds at all. The rose will eliminate the lack of green mass at the expense of flowering.

To stimulate the appearance of flowering shoots, faded flowers must be removed in a timely manner. It is advisable to carry out this procedure daily. At the same time, blind shoots should be identified and shortened to a strong bud. The rose begins to branch, throwing out new shoots that will bear buds.

Spring pruning helps correct fall mistakes. All missed unproductive shoots, very thin, damaged ones should be eliminated immediately. The shrub freed from them will concentrate on the creation and flowering of the main ones.

Improper care

The crop requires intensive care: control of diseases, pests, additional nutrition. An underfed, weakened shrub is more likely to shed its leaves than to bloom.

However, when feeding the plant, you need to be careful so that you don’t wonder why the rose doesn’t bloom, but only produces foliage. Many media outlets have recommendations for weekly feeding of roses. This cannot be done. Overfed plants grow rapidly and increase their green mass. And if they devote time to flowering, then it is extremely small: 1-2 buds can appear over the entire season.

Feeding roses for abundant flowering

Feeding roses should be justified and balanced. Signs of a lack of fertilizers:

  • thin shoots;
  • spots appear on the foliage;
  • weak flowering.

Only then can you help the roses with food. With the beginning of flowering, the crop will need potassium magnesium, potassium monophosphate. Flower growers with extensive experience often refuse chemical fertilizers in favor of organic matter: why treat them if there is horse manure. Its effect on roses is simply magical - the flowers are bright, strong, bloom long, and the rose itself does not get sick.

Aging, growth

Full flowering will not occur if the bush is choked by root shoots. A rose hip onto which a rose is grafted will produce a lot of shoots. It is easy for an inexperienced summer resident to make a mistake and mistake it for the stems of a grafted crop. Continuing to curl inside the bush, wild shoots choke it, taking away food, space, air, light. The dominance of rose hips indicates a mistake made during planting: improper depth.

Important! The appearance of root growth must be stopped immediately.

Very old rose bushes also stop flowering intensively - only one bud may appear on the bush during the entire season. Such plants rejuvenate.

Old pink wood has a hard time providing nutrition to foliage and especially flowers. Spring sanitary pruning helps avoid this problem. By cutting out woody stems, the owner helps the rose form new, young ones.

Important! The old branch is cut out at ground level.


It happens that all the conditions for caring for a rose are met: it is young, has optimal nutrition, there are no root shoots, the planting site is good, but still it does not bloom. The young florist is perplexed and gives up.

Actions to be taken:

  • Remove all unnecessary shoots without exception - thin, blind, small.
  • Next, stimulating circumcision is carried out on a strong bud or leaf.
  • Offer the crop humate and potassium with microelements.

Pests and diseases prevent the plant from blooming. For each variety, the reason for this case is individual:

Working with flowers for a long time, each gardener accumulates his personal experience, records useful observations and techniques applicable to specific colors. However, there are also universal tips and observations that can be applied to many species:

  • Feeding indoor roses during dormancy will cause the stems to stretch excessively.
  • Picky house roses can be protected from pests by placing a few match heads into the pot when replanting.
  • When a rose is stunted in growth, it is difficult to wait for it to bloom. Onion infusion will help correct this situation. This is a unique natural stimulant and antibiotic.
  • The faded colors of foliage and flowers on rose bushes can be revived with banana decoction. The crushed peel is poured with boiling water and kept for 2 days before feeding.

If rose bushes are given due attention, no pests or external reasons will not prevent them from delighting everyone with their blooms.

Roses are considered capricious flowers. The gardener may have problems caring for them. In today's article we will look at the main reasons why a rose does not bloom in the garden, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Although planting material Today you can buy it almost everywhere for a plot; it is rarely of high quality. Good seedlings you can actually buy it in a special nursery. After all, if they turn out to be weakened and sick, they will grow and develop poorly.

When purchasing seedlings, you should choose specimens two or three years old, since both too young and too old will take root worse. The roots should be well developed and without dry, rotten roots or detachments. The bush must have no more than 3-4 strong and healthy shoots. You should not buy those on the surface of the shoots of which black or brown spots, dry areas or cracks are found. This usually indicates a violation of the storage conditions of the seedling or a disease.

Video “How to transplant a rose correctly”

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant a rose.

Unsuitable soil composition

When a rose does not bloom, there are other reasons for this phenomenon, which greatly upsets the gardener. The plant may not like the composition of the soil in which it was planted. Roses prefer light, moderately moist, fertile and breathable soil. An area with loamy or sandy loam soil with a layer consisting of neutral acidity humus is ideal for them. You cannot plant a garden if there is heavy clay, podzolic, swampy or muddy soil. Also, flowers will not grow well in acidic soil, next to stones or sand.

So that you don’t have to wonder later why the rose growing in the garden doesn’t bloom, if you have unsuitable soil composition, you can improve its characteristics. To do this, river sand and peat are added to heavy soil, which can make it light and loose. When the soil is deficient in nutrients, it is worth adding mineral (potassium and phosphorus) fertilizers, wood ash, and compost.

Bad landing site

Another reason why a rose may not bloom on time is the wrong place for planting the bush. Shade-tolerant hybrid varieties not so much, most roses love plenty of sunlight. Therefore, the area should be well lit. But in order to prevent the color of the petals from fading and the buds from fading, you should choose a place that is normally illuminated until lunchtime, and then is in partial shade.

In order not to ask questions later why the rose does not bloom, and what needs to be done in this case, it is recommended to prefer an area not blown by the wind, where there are no drafts. Roses react negatively to proximity to trees and other types of flowers. Therefore, it is best to plant a home rose garden away from them, so that the “neighbors” do not shade the roses and take away their nutrients.

Bushes should not be placed near the walls of buildings or high fences.

Traumatic pruning of a bush

Considering other reasons explaining why a rose of any variety does not bloom, it is necessary to talk about pruning. This important procedure allows you to rejuvenate the bush and increase the abundance of its flowering. It is carried out in the spring, removing weakened, diseased, and unproductive shoots.
It is also necessary to get rid of those that grow inside the bush. When a climbing or other rose bush does not bloom, the fault may be that it was not carried out correctly. It can weaken the plant, which will refuse to please the gardener with lush flowers at the appointed time.
According to the rules, such a procedure should be planned for spring and carried out before the buds open. A well-sharpened pruner must be used, and all cuts must be made at an angle and placed 2 cm above the bud. There are short (up to 4 buds), moderate (up to 7 buds), and light pruning (after 8 buds remain). The degree of shortening of shoots depends on.

Illiterate feeding

Sometimes difficulties lie in the lack or excess of fertilizing applied to the soil in the area with roses. When there is too much nitrogen, the bush will respond with lush foliage growing tall and a lack of buds. You will need to add ash or fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

In the form of liquid organic or mineral. It is best to use nutritional mixtures one at a time, alternating them every couple of weeks. If the rose does not bloom, what needs to be done in terms of fertilizing is to use an infusion of wood ash. To prepare it, take 1 tsp. wood ash and dilute in 1 liter of water. Such watering will saturate the soil with useful potassium.

Untimely removal of wilted flowers

When analyzing why a climbing rose or a flower of another variety does not bloom, you should pay attention to the presence of dried buds. They not only spoil appearance exquisite bush, but also interfere with the appearance of new flowers. Dry buds also become a favorable environment for infection and pests.

To properly remove faded flowers, you need to cut them off without waiting for them to completely dry out and fall off. Such specimens are cut 1 cm above the eye, trying not to damage the remaining healthy buds. You need to make sure that the escape will be able to cope with the future load.

In addition to all of the above, the reasons why a beauty or a garden flower of a different variety does not bloom may be the lack of winter protection for a heat-loving plant and the wildness of the bush. It is recommended to hill up crops using peat and cover them with hay, fallen leaves or special material. You can create a cone from polystyrene foam.

The appearance of wild growth from the rootstock of a bush, which weakens its health. Therefore, the lash with numerous thorns and small foliage that appears below should be removed.

Photos of climbing roses are enchanting, and you want to plant such a beauty in your garden. True, doubt arises, perhaps the climbing rose does not bloom for everyone. There are often complaints on the Internet about the poor flowering of climbing rose seedlings.

Need to find out possible reasons, why the climbing rose does not bloom, and exclude them.

Unsuitable variety

The first reason that can be assumed is the wrong choice of variety or the purchase of low-quality seedlings. You need to make it a rule: do not buy seedlings from random people on the market. For our cool winters, frost-resistant roses in twos are more suitable.

Successful varieties of self-rooted climbing roses that bloom profusely in the middle zone:

  1. Excelsa.
  2. Love it.
  3. Dortmund.

But this is not the only reason why a rose may not bloom.

The problem is in the soil

Depleted soil is a common reason why a climbing rose does not want to bloom. The problem occurs if the soil in the garden is clay or sandy. These types of soil are not suitable for climbing roses; they contain insufficient nutrients, clay soil does not conduct air well, and sandy soil contains little moisture.

Important! Don't forget to loosen the soil. Loosening depth is 5–7 cm.

When planting, improve the soil structure and increase its fertility by adding to the planting hole:

  • sand in heavy soil;
  • a little clay in sandy soil;
  • humus, vermicompost, compost into any type of soil.

In addition, add fertilizers containing phosphorus to the hole when planting, and water the soil with the biological preparation “Baikal EM-1”. The supply of nutrients is enough for the first time, but in order to prevent soil depletion, feed the climbing rose according to the scheme given in the table.



after landing (after 12 days)

fresh mullein infusion

early spring, immediately after formative pruning

ammonium nitrate

matchbox/sq. m

in 14 days

ammonium nitrate

matchbox/sq. m

buds have formed

Kemira Lux

June (end), August (beginning)

according to instructions

in autumn after flowering


Launched a bush

The reason why a climbing rose does not bloom is growth in the root zone. In the absence of normal pruning, a huge number of shoots grow, over time they lose their cultural properties, turn into ordinary game, and take away most of the nutrients.

Important! Cut off excess shoots at soil level. Use clean, sharp pruning shears.

To avoid neglecting the bush, pruning is carried out in the spring. There is no point in delaying it; the first warm days are a good time to work. First of all, you need to cut out all frozen and damaged shoots, and secondly, those that grow inside the bush.

Bush pruning can be done in spring, summer and autumn. Below are expert tips on how to get your climbing rose to bloom profusely with proper pruning. Additional conditions guaranteeing good quality bush: use of high-quality garden tools, removal of all buds directed to the center of the bush, oblique cuts, absence of stumps.

Excess nitrogen

Excess nitrogen is one of the possible reasons why climbing roses do not bloom. Organic fertilizers in the form of mullein infusion or chicken droppings and mineral fertilizers(urea, ammonium nitrate) bring not only benefits. If you overdo it with the dosage or frequency of application, it is easy to get a fattening climbing rose bush that refuses to bloom.

Advice! Feed roses with infusion of ash. The ash contains potassium and other trace elements necessary for a flowering plant.

Shoots fattening from excess nitrogen are easy to identify. They have a growing point, they are thick, well leafed, and grow quickly. Due to the fact that all the energy is spent on growth, buds do not form on the bushes. What to do if a climbing rose does not bloom due to excess nitrogen is not difficult to guess. It is necessary to restore the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil. To do this, feed the bush with superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

The reason is diseases

Sometimes it is enough to carefully examine the bush to understand what to do and why climbing roses do not bloom. The most common diseases: powdery mildew, bacterial (bark) cancer. Symptoms of a fungal disease in the initial stage are a gray-white coating on the leaves. In the advanced stage of the disease, the stems and leaves are covered with brown spots with mycelium.

To prevent root disease, bushes in the spring should be treated with preparations containing copper:

  • copper sulfate;
  • Bordeaux mixture.

For greater effect, add shavings of green soap to the working solution. For a bucket (10 liters) of water you will need: 300 g of soap shavings, 15 g of copper sulfate, 50 g of baking soda. The bushes are sprayed before flowering begins in the spring and after all the leaves fall off in the fall.

Root cancer is caused by bacteria that live in the soil. Symptoms of cancer:

  • at the beginning of the disease, light brown growths are soft to the touch;
  • as the disease progresses, the growths darken and harden;
  • at the last stage, the affected areas rot.

A diseased bush cannot be treated. Prevention saves you from cancer:

  • replanting rose bushes every 5th year;
  • only healthy material for planting;
  • When planting and replanting bushes, do not injure the roots.

Change place

Perhaps your climbing rose just needs to be transplanted to another place and it will thank you with abundant flowering.

The place where roses are planted plays an important role for the proper development of the plant. Important nuances:

  • rose bushes should be illuminated by the sun, but on a hot afternoon they need partial shade;
  • bushes growing in a draft bloom worse;
  • you should not plant a flower next to fruit and decorative trees, it will not have enough food to bloom.

There are many reasons why rose bushes do not bloom. Most of them are related to improper landing seedlings and lack of regular care. Roses will decorate the garden with abundant flowering, if no gross mistakes are made during planting, this video will help you avoid them:

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A rose is a royal flower, even if it is just one rose, but what can be compared to a million roses?...How to get a really grand, lush, rich bloom, and not just a few buds? Read about it below.

Flowering dates for garden roses

Climbing roses (in the photo below is a well-known representative of this group - rose) bloom in waves. Flowering starts at early summer. Flowering occurs throughout the month, many shoots grow and at the moment of flowering the entire bush is strewn with flowers, then it declines, and then the flowering gains strength again. There is also a hybrid of a climbing rose and a hybrid tea - Climber, they bloom 1-2 times per season. Climbing roses of Cordes will bloom until late autumn, like.

Climbing rose Rosarium Yuterson. Photo from

Hybrid tea rose begins to bloom from mid-June and continues to bloom until late autumn. Its striking feature is that there is not even the slightest interruption; flowering continues without pause.

Thus, it is necessary to distinguish when a rose has taken a natural break for it (study information about the variety and variety), and when there are some problems in care.

Reasons for the lack of flowers

Here we will look at errors that cannot be solved in one go. Solving these problems will require drastic measures: replanting, digging, time to restore the plant, studying literature, etc.

The very first rule is to buy seedlings from trusted gardeners. Since there are varieties that produce a small number of flowers, capricious and complex varieties, and no matter how you care for such plants, they will not produce abundant flowering.

The main reasons for the lack of flowers:

  • A weak variety or low-quality seedling was selected for planting. A strong seedling is a plant no older than three years. The seedling must have developed root system no signs of rotting. The bush should have from three to four developed shoots. The bark of the shoot should be green.
  • Bad light. You should not expect abundant flowers from roses growing under trees. You may have noticed that the most lush rose bushes can be found in rose gardens. The bushes are planted in a brightly lit place, which is in the shade for three hours a day - this trick will extend the duration of flowering. From the shady and northern sides they are transplanted to a sunny place - after this the plant should be given time to adapt.
  • The soil for planting is not prepared correctly. The soil for planting should be light, well permeable and at the same time retaining air and moisture. Under no circumstances should the soil be dense and prone to acidification. In order to improve poor soil, it is dug up with peat, compost, sand, humus, as well as with the addition of other substrates that can make the soil lighter and more nutritious. If there is too much moisture, grooves are dug for drainage or drainage is organized.
  • Insufficient depth during planting- the rootstock site is not deep enough and the “wild” shoots take nutrients from the cultivated plant.
  • The seedlings are planted on the north side, or the place is too windy- roses don’t like this;
  • Improper removal or pruning of renewal shoots, poor-quality pruning, ignoring blind shoots. For example, a hybrid tea rose blooms only on the shoots of the current year, and blind shoots (that is, those that do not produce flowers) can easily be turned into flowering ones. Let us remind you that pruning roses is almost the most important moment of regular care.
  • Poor insulation of the bush in winter. After a stressful winter, the rose needs time to recover, there is no time for flowering. In winter, the bushes are covered with spruce branches, straw, roofing felt or spunbond. To prevent the weight of the snow from breaking the roses, the shelter is placed on special wooden supports or sticks. Roses should be covered when the leaves are completely dry. It is best to cover when the temperature has already reached -3 and no later.

Low-quality and high-quality seedling. Photo from the site

Do roses bloom in the first year after planting and when can you expect flowers?

Depends on the type of rose and the seedling itself. With proper storage of seedlings in winter, as well as after planting, climbing roses bloom in the first year. As a rule, Rambler roses bloom. If the plant does not bloom, the shoots may have been frozen. But even if a rose does not bloom, and this happens for no apparent reason, it forms a beautiful bush and will definitely bloom next year - this can be explained by the fact that for flowering it needs a set of root and green mass.

The first flowering depends on the moment of planting, for example, if the plant was planted in September, then the growth of buds will already be noticed by the beginning of spring, and if the seedling was planted in the spring, then flowering will begin twenty days later, and care should be more thorough.

After the bush has faded, cut off all flower stalks. Rose hips should not be allowed to develop. You should also cut out all the old shoots, they are not needed and will not produce flowers. You should cut off 2/3 of all old peduncles, leaving 3 shoots.

When properly pruned, hybrid tea roses can bloom three times a year.

Errors in care as the reason for the lack of flowers

Here we will describe the reasons that can be eliminated without replanting the plant.

There are four global reasons:

  1. Incorrect watering. Tea roses require plenty of water. By no means shallow watering, which is the sin of many novice gardeners! On average, they are watered once deeply, once every ten days. In hot weather, water once a week, 15 liters per hole around the bushes. It is best to water in the morning or evening, the main thing is that by night the leaves are completely dry from the water. After watering, the ground is mulched. For irrigation, settled or rainwater is used. The lack of moisture can be determined by the cessation of shoot growth, shedding of leaves and shredding of flowers.
  2. Diseases of roses. The formation of plaque and rot on the stems. To do this, before sheltering in winter, the bush is checked for lesions and all bad shoots are cut off and burned. Spray with a solution of 3% vitriol. In the spring, the affected areas are cleaned, careful pruning is done, and tetracycline ointment is applied to the scraped areas. In summer, you should inspect the bush every two days and cut off the affected areas.
  3. Lack of batteries. To nourish the plant, the following elements are used:
    • Nitrogen. Helps the development of leaves and shoots. Dilute 1 tablespoon per ten liters of water;
    • Phosphorus. Enhances root growth. You can determine that there is a shortage by looking at the leaves; spots and brownish-purple stripes appear. Feed with superphosphate at the rate of a large spoon per 10 liters of water;
    • Potassium. Identified by yellowed leaves. Helps the plant fight fungal diseases. Calculation: a large spoon for ten liters of water;
    • Magnesium. Helps photosynthesis. If there is a deficiency, colorless spots appear.
    • Iron. Yellowing of leaf edges. If there is a lack of iron, peat or acidic fertilizer is added to the soil.
    • Bor. If there is a shortage, the shoots die and the edges of the leaves bend. To feed, scatter ash near the bush and dig it into the ground.
    • Manganese. If the quantity is insufficient, the leaf veins turn yellow. For feeding, prepare a solution of 0.5% manganese sulfate.
  4. Excess batteries. This is also the sin of many novice gardeners, who care for their plants diligently, but without understanding what’s what, and begin to fertilize everything. Overfeeding at random is just as bad as underfeeding! It is important to understand when and what fertilizers are needed:
    • complex - given at the beginning of spring, at the start of growth, during flowering this is of no use;
    • phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied either in spring or autumn during the last feeding;
    • nitrogen promotes the growth of green mass, so it is not appropriate in late summer and autumn;
    • may sometimes be required foliar feeding(during prolonged rains).

What to do if the roses in the garden don't bloom

The procedure depends on the diagnosis. Which of the above reasons applies to your situation?

In its simplest form, you should act like this:

  1. We choose a trusted seller and a good variety.
  2. The rose must be grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock.
  3. At the same time, it is better to immediately discard northern, cold, windy places; choose a bright, warm, calm place for the rose. Roses are planted 50 cm from buildings or arches.
  4. The plant does not bloom in heavy soil, so the soil must be dug up a meter deep in advance. The earth is saturated with peat, manure or humus. The soil must be nutritious, otherwise where will the lush flowers come from?
  5. Professional pruning required. As a rule, the crown is cut with a fan.
  6. After flowering, cut off the lashes and faded shoots. Feed the soil with potassium and phosphorus. When leaving a rose for the winter, be sure to cover it with a thick film and protect all shoots from rodents.

How to stimulate flowering

It happens that roses still bloom, but not as brightly as we would like. Causes:

  1. Illiterate pruning. Not everyone knows that summer pruning allows you to prolong flowering; this is covered in popular and very sensible videos on the blog “Marina Flowers” ​​(for example, video from July 9, 2015, “Medium pruning of roses after the first flowering - for quick re-blooming”) .
  2. Withered flowers remain on the bush. Attention - this is a fairly common reason for weak flowering! Wilted flowers must be removed in time, without pity. In order for the plant to bloom all the time, you need to inspect the bush and cut off dry branches and buds daily.

Photo from


This is actually not such a simple matter. It is difficult to give unambiguous recommendations here, because everyone has different initial conditions. Let's see what practitioners recommend.

A user from the site recommends fertilizing the plant during pauses with potassium monophosphate and an infusion of fermented grass. Forum user stilist advises feeding only until mid-July. He believes that for good growth, a properly laid planting pit with fertilizer plays an important role. In the fall, they are hilled with organic matter, and in the spring they are fed with complex fertilizer. Summer pruning is required.

There is also an opinion that feeding the bush is mandatory when the first shoots bloom.

The bush should grow at a slight slope and have a hole like a hole under the bush so that water does not stagnate. If a climbing rose does not bloom, pruning to form a crown is required; buds will form on the pruned branches. Also, to stimulate, a microclimate is created and the plant is sprayed. They dig a pit and a pool to create humidity.

If the bush is in the shade, it should be transplanted to a bright place. If it is hot, water at least once every two days.

For organic matter, gardeners use rotted horse manure and bury it in the soil. Nitrogen produces green leaf growth. Phosphorus helps the formation of flower stalks. Magnesium helps bud growth. Iron helps prevent rose diseases. Mineral fertilizers are also used for spraying - this is foliar feeding.

Proper planting of seedlings:

Photo from

If you care for a rose correctly, it will bloom for more than 25 years.

About the correct planting of roses

Should the graft be deepened and for how long exactly? About this in the Garden World blog.