How to calculate the volume of water. Calculator for calculating the volume of liquid in a rectangular container. Why are calculations needed?

In order to calculate the volume of a body or substance in liters, you need to know its volume, expressed in other units of measurement. If the volume of a body is previously unknown, then it can be calculated through mass and density. There are special methods and tools for measuring mass and density.

You will need

  • calculator, scales, substance density tables


1. If the volume is given in cubic decimeters (dm?), then the volume is in liters expressed by the same number. Therefore, is it easy to change the unit of measurement dm? per liter (l).Vl=Vdm? To convert a volume given in cubic meters (m?) into liters, multiply the given numerical value by 1000.Vl=Vm?*1000To convert a volume given in cubic centimeters (cm?) into liters ) or milli liters(ml), divide the given numerical value by 1000.Vl=Vcm?/1000=Vml/1000.To calculate the volume in liters, if it is set in deka liters(dl) or buckets, multiply the number of deciliters by 10: Vl = Vdl * 10

2. If the volume is specified in non-metric units of measurement (national or household), use the following instructions: If the unit of measurement of the famous volume is the overseas gallon, then in order to calculate the volume in liters, multiply it by 3.7854. Do the same with other units of volume: overseas quart - multiply by 0.9464; overseas gallon - 3.7854; overseas dry barrel - 115.6270; overseas bushel - 35.2391; overseas liquid barrel - 119.2400; oil barrel - 158 .9873; imperial gallon - 4.5461; imperial quart - 1.1365; imperial pint - 0.5683; imperial ounce - 0.0284; overseas pint - 0.4732; overseas ounce - 0.0296; imperial bushel - 36, 3687; teaspoon - 0.005; tablespoon - 0.0148; mug - 1.23 (relatively); glass - 0.2; cubic inch - 0.0164; cubic foot - 28.3168.

3. If the volume of a body or liquid is unfamiliar, then calculate it using the following formula: V = m*p, where: V is the desired volume, m is the mass of the body, liquid or substance, p is its density. If the mass of the body is unfamiliar, then determine it weighing. Find the density of the substance in density tables. The resulting volume value will be in liters, if the mass is given in grams (g) and the density is given in grams per liter (g/l). In other cases, convert the volume into liters using the instructions above.

When working with small volumes, a unit of volume measurement such as milliliter (ml) is often used. A milliliter is a thousandth of a liter. That is, one liter contains one thousand milliliters. To convert liters to milliliters you don’t even need a calculator – just a simple knowledge of mathematics.

You will need

  • - pencil,
  • - paper.


1. In order to convert liters to milliliters, simply multiply the number of liters by 1000. That is, apply the following primitive formula: Kml = Kl x 1000, where Kml is the number of milliliters, Kl is the number of liters. So, say, one teaspoon contains approximately 0.005 liters of liquid. Consequently, the volume of a teaspoon, expressed in milliliters, will be: 0.005 x 1000 = 5 (ml).

2. If the number of liters is an integer, then to convert liters to milliliters, simply add three zeros to the number of liters on the right. Let's say that one bucket holds approximately 10 liters of water. This means that the volume of this water in milliliters will be: 10 x 1000 = 10,000 (ml).

3. If the number of liters is given as a decimal fraction, then move the decimal point three places to the right. Let's say a kilogram of gasoline occupies a volume of approximately 1.316 liters. Consequently, in milliliters a kilogram of gasoline will have a volume of 1316 (ml).

4. If there are less than 3 digits after the comma, then fill in the missing digits with zeros. So, say, one glass holds 0.2 liters of liquid. In milliliters it will be 200 (ml) (officially it turns out to be 0200 ml, but the insignificant zero on the left can be discarded).

5. If all the initial data of the task are given in liters, and the result needs to be presented in milliliters, then carry out all intermediate calculations in liters, and convert to milliliters only after all calculations are completed. For example, if 1.325 liters of black paint were mixed to prepare paint of the required shade, 0.237 liters of red, 0.587 liters of green and 0.54 liters of blue, then to calculate the total amount of paint in milliliters, add the indicated numbers in liters, and multiply the total by 1000.1.325 + 0.237 + 0.587 + 0.54 = 2.6892.689 x 1000 = 2689 (ml).

Pay attention!
Converting liters to milliliters is often used in calculations related to the preparation of medications and other energetic solutions. When making such calculations, be very careful - if each error is one decimal place, the result will change tenfold.

Useful advice
Please note that the density of water is 1000 g/l or 1 kg/l or 0.001 t/l. Consequently, in order to calculate the known mass of water in liters, it is easy: divide the mass in grams by 1000; multiply the mass in tons by 1000; take the mass of water in kilograms equal to the volume in liters.

These calculations are required to determine the volume of the heating system when choosing an expansion valve membrane tank.
Expansion volume membrane tank is selected based on at least 10% of the total displacement of the system.

Determine the radius of the pipe R . If you need to calculate the internal volume of a pipe, then you need to find the internal radius. If it is necessary to calculate the volume occupied by a pipe, the outer radius should be calculated. By measuring, you can easily obtain the diameter (both internal and external) and circumference of the pipe section. If you know the diameter of the pipe, divide it by two. So, R=D/2, where D is the diameter. If the circumference of the pipe section is known, divide it by 2*Pi, where Pi=3.14159265. So, R=L/6.28318530, where L is the circumference.

Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe. Square the radius and multiply it by Pi. So, S=Pi*R*R, where R is the radius of the pipe. The cross-sectional area will be found in the same system of units in which the radius value was taken. For example, if the radius value is in centimeters, then the cross-sectional area will be calculated in square centimeters.

Calculate the volume of the pipe. Multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe by its length. Pipe volume V=S*L, where S is the cross-sectional area, and L is the length of the pipe.

Program for calculating the volume of water in pipes and radiators

Table of liquid volume in one meter of pipe:

Inner diameter


Inner diameter

Internal volume of 1 m running pipe,

Tanks and tanks are used for transportation and storage various types fuel, oil, water and gas, some building materials, chemicals, and food products. Many people do not know how to calculate the volume of a container, because they can have different geometric shapes:

  • Cone;
  • Cylinder;
  • Spheres;
  • Rectangular parallelepiped.

In our article we will get acquainted with the nuances of calculations for specific geometric bodies.

How to find out the volume of a rectangular container

In the construction industry, all volume indicators are reduced to specific values. Calculations can be carried out in liters or dm 3 , but most often cubic meters are used to determine the amount of a particular material. We will further describe how to calculate the cubic capacity of the simplest rectangular containers using a specific example.

To work, we will need a container, a construction tape measure and a notepad with a pen or pencil for making calculations. From a geometry course we know that the volume of such bodies is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of the product. The calculation formula is as follows

V=a*b*c, where a, b and c are the sides of the container.

For example, the length of our product is 150 centimeters, width 80 centimeters, height 50 centimeters. To correctly calculate the cubic capacity, we convert the indicated values ​​into meters and carry out the necessary calculations V = 1.5 * 0.8 * 0.5 = 0.6 m3.

How to determine the volume of a spherical product

Spherical products are found in our lives almost every day. This could be a bearing element, a soccer ball, or the writing part of a ballpoint pen. In some cases, we need to learn how to calculate the cubic capacity of a sphere to determine the amount of liquid in it.

According to experts, the formula is used to calculate the volume of this figure V=4/3ԉr3, Where:

  • V – calculated volume of the part;
  • R is the radius of the sphere;
  • ԉ is a constant value that is equal to 3.14.

To carry out the necessary calculations, we need to take a tape measure, fix the beginning of the measuring scale and take measurements, and the tape measure should pass along the equator of the ball. After this, find out the diameter of the part by dividing the size by the number ԉ.

Now let’s look at a specific example of a calculation for a sphere if its circumference is 2.5 meters. First, let's determine the diameter 2.5/3.14=0.8 meters. Now we substitute this value into the formula:

V= (4*3.14*0.8³)/3=2.14m³

How to calculate the volume of a tank made in the form of a cylinder

Similar geometric shapes are used for storing food, transporting fuel and other purposes. Many people do not know how to calculate the volume of water, but we will describe the main nuances of this process further in our article.

The height of the liquid in a cylindrical container is determined using a special device called a meter rod. In this case, the tank capacity is calculated using special tables. Products with special volume measurement tables are rare in life, so let’s approach the problem in a different way and describe how to calculate the volume of a cylinder using a special formula - V=S*L, where

  • V is the volume of a geometric body;
  • S – cross-sectional area of ​​the product in specific units of measurement (m³);
  • L is the length of the tank.

The L indicator can be measured using the same tape measure, but the cross-sectional area of ​​the cylinder will have to be calculated. The S indicator is calculated using the formula S=3.14*d*d/4, where d is the diameter of the cylinder circumference.

Now let's look at a specific example. Let's say the length of our tank is 5 meters, its diameter is 2.8 meters. First we calculate the cross-sectional area geometric figure S= 3.14*2.8*2.8/4=6.15m. And now you can start calculating the volume of the tank 6.15 * 5 = 30.75 m³.

Enter the dimensions in millimeters:

X– The width of the container, the transverse distance between the walls.

Y– Tank length, i.e. its length, the largest linear dimension in the longitudinal direction.

L– The height of the container is determined by the height of its walls.

h– The height of the liquid level, it is determined with a measuring ruler (the so-called meter rod); if such a tool is not available, a regular rod of wire or wood of suitable length will do. Observing safety precautions, lower the rod strictly vertically into the tank to the bottom, mark a level on it, remove it and measure with a tape measure. Also define h you can measure the distance from the top point of the tank to the surface of the liquid and subtract this indicator from the height of the tank L.

The online calculator will help you calculate the total volume of the container and find out the maximum capacity of the tank (in m 3 and liters). Find out how much substance is already in the container. The free volume value will give you an idea of ​​how much liquid can still be poured into the container. The program will also calculate the bottom area, side surface area and total area of ​​the tank, which will help you easily calculate the required amount of materials for finishing the entire tank or its parts.

Cardboard boxes are popular containers for packaging goods and various items for the purpose of their transportation or storage. The corrugated packaging market includes both consumer and individual packaging, as well as transport packaging. This type of packaging is ergonomic and environmentally friendly.

The production of cardboard packaging using high-tech equipment makes it possible to produce containers of various sizes and designs. For example, a well-known supplier of cardboard and paper boxes is the company “Container for Goods”, which successfully sells its products throughout Russia.

To correctly determine the capacity and required container dimensions for cargo, you should calculate the volume of the box.

Cutting line :)

How to calculate the volume of a box in M3

When packing and transporting goods, entrepreneurs wonder how to do it correctly in order to save time and money. Calculation of container volume is an important point in delivery. Having studied all the nuances, you can choose the required box size.

Use it to calculate the volume of a box in the shape of a cube or parallelepiped. It will help speed up the settlement process.

The cargo that needs to be placed in the container can be of a simple or complex configuration. The dimensions of the box should be 8-10 mm larger than the most protruding points of the load. This is necessary so that the item fits into the container without difficulty.

External dimensions are used when calculating the volume of boxes in order to correctly fill the space in the back of a vehicle for transportation. They are also needed to calculate the area and volume of the warehouse required to store them.

First, measure the length (a) and width (b) of the box. To do this, we will use a tape measure or ruler. The result can be recorded and converted into meters. We will use the international measurement system SI. According to it, the volume of the container is calculated in cubic meters (m3). For containers whose sides are less than a meter, it is more convenient to take measurements in centimeters or millimeters. It must be taken into account that the dimensions of the cargo and the box must be in the same units of measurement. For square boxes, the length is equal to the width.

Then we will measure the height (h) of the existing container ─ the distance from the bottom flap of the box to the top.

If you made measurements in millimeters, and the result must be obtained in m3, we convert each number into m. For example, there is data:

  • a=300 mm;
  • b=250 mm;
  • h=150 mm.

Considering that 1 m = 1000 m, let’s convert these values ​​into meters and then substitute them into the formula.

  • a=300/1000=0.3 m;
  • b=250/1000=0.25 m;
  • h=150/1000=0.15 m.


  • V=a*b*h, where:
  • a – base length (m),
  • b – base width (m),
  • h – height (m),
  • V - volume (m3).

Using the formula for calculating the volume of a box we get:

V=a*b*h =0.3*0.25*0.15=0.0112 m 3.

This method can be used when calculating the volume of a parallelepiped, that is, for rectangular and square boxes.

Calculating the volume of a box in liters

When transporting small or bulk goods, they are also packed in boxes. Considering that such items and materials occupy the entire volume of the container, you need to know their quantity in liters. If you are interested in how to calculate the volume of a box in liters, determine the displacement as follows:

we find the cubic capacity V=a*b*h =0.3*0.25*0.15=0.0112 m 3 ;

knowing the equality: 1 m 3 = 1000 l, we convert the resulting value into liters: V = 0.0112 * 1000 = 1.2 l.

Box base area

The above formulas are used to calculate the volume of containers in the shape of a parallelepiped. For non-standard shapes, the area and volume of the box is calculated using the formula:

  • V=S*h, where:
  • S – base area (m2)
  • h – height (m),
  • V - volume (m3).

The formula for the area S of the base of the box (container) must be changed depending on the shape of the container.

S=a*b; S=a 2 =a*a we take it in the case when we have a rectangular or square-shaped cardboard product.

Some goods that require transportation have special parameters.

In such cases, it is necessary to pack the goods in cardboard containers of complex configuration, which have a non-standard shape and an exclusive design that can distinguish its contents from similar products. To do this, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​a box of a different configuration. We will use formulas to find the area of ​​a polygon: triangle, hexagon and octagon.


This formula can be used to calculate the area of ​​the base of your container if it has the shape of a triangle. By multiplying the resulting value by the height, you get the volume of the prism-shaped box.

In other cases, look at what shape is at the base of a particular box, take the formula to find its area, and then multiply the result by the height.