Sergey Glushko and Natasha Koroleva intimate life. Sergey Glushko - biography, information, personal life. Filmography of Sergei Glushko

Recently, stripper Sergei Glushko, known under the brutal pseudonym Tarzan, performed at a nightclub in Volgodonsk. They say that the public should not have learned the details of the performance of the singer Natasha Koroleva’s husband, since the party was closed. But that was not the case. One of the spectators literally filmed Tarzan’s passionate dance under the radar and posted it on the Internet.


Now anyone who is already 18 years old can freely evaluate the physical characteristics of Koroleva’s husband. A stripper wearing only a sheet on stage hotly pressed him to himself, laid him on his back, and also put him on all fours, a curvy brunette, who was not inferior in artistry to the curly-haired Glushko.

The stage was so small that the audience, surrounding it, could easily see all the details of the extremely frank erotic dance of the artist and his partner. Visitors to the club, some laughing, some with wide eyes, closely followed the action, and those who were more prudent filmed videos.

You might think that only women were watching Glushko and the magnificent lady, but this is not so. Judging by the video, among the guests of the establishment there were many men who watched this performance with no less curiosity.

In the comments, Internet users noted that the stripper’s dance turned out to be too frank: “It seems too much to me (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved. - Ed.)”, “What a nightmare!!!”, “This is a shame! How does Natasha allow all this??", "Oh God, what a horror :DDDD", "Natasha the queen is no longer the same", "Scum!

In Russian show business, for many years now there has been a tradition according to which those who surprise and dismay the public the most become famous. How this will happen does not matter, the main thing is to shoot and be remembered. We have already experienced Boris Moiseev, Vitas, Glukoza, Dzhigurda, Tatu and many other stars who became more famous for their shocking behavior than for their creativity. Among the artists of this series, one can distinguish another remarkable character under the loud pseudonym Tarzan.


Perhaps Sergei Glushko, and this is the real name of the most popular Russian stripper, would have remained only a sought-after Moscow dancer, if not for a significant meeting with a cheerful, pretty singer. After all, the husband had a better chance of becoming a famous and recognizable person than an artist of the erotic genre.

It’s hard to imagine, but this very cheeky young man was born into a military family and was brought up in great severity. His father served at the Plesetsk military space base and since childhood attended various sports clubs, including bodybuilding classes. Later, this hobby grew into something more and became a way for the young man to find a place in life, as well as a source of good income.

When the romance between Tarzan and the famous Russian singer began, many fans talked about the large age difference between the lovers and wondered how old Tarzan, Natasha Koroleva’s husband, was. In fact, Sergei Glushko is almost four years older than his wife; he was born in 1970. In 2000, Tarzan became a real sex symbol of Russia, an image he maintains even now.

Military career

The young man had already strived for creative recognition since childhood, and at the age of 16, together with his friends, he organized the musical group “Fortune”, where he performed as a vocalist and frontman. The young team became quite successful in the Arkhangelsk region, the guys toured cities with concerts, and their song “City of White Nights and Snowy Springs” even won the audience award at the “Spring Voices” young talent competition, which was held in Mirny. For some time the composition was played on local radio stations.

According to family tradition, after graduating from school, Sergei enters the A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. The training of recruits was tough, the guys were sent to dig trenches, run long cross-country races, and all this along with a serious training base. Later, Sergei will say that his time at the academy helped him overcome the authority of his father, whom his son always wanted to be like.

After graduation, the young man with the rank of lieutenant continued to serve as a power engineer at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. His duties included the rather serious task of preparing launch sites for missile launches. But soon the future husband of Natasha Koroleva realized that a military career was not for him, and, despite the fact that he already had a beautiful wife in the army, Sergei Glushko breaks the contract and goes to Moscow.

Conquest of the capital

Like most limiters who come to this city from different regions of our country, Sergei Glushko did not have any clear plan of action. According to the artist himself, he left for Moscow on an impulse, because there, in Mirny, everything was frozen and tired. Once in the capital, Tarzan, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, was forced to work anywhere just to find money for food and an apartment. He sold furniture, worked as a security guard, and also participated in the advertising business, but did not forget about his original goal - to achieve success and recognition.

And here his youthful passion for bodybuilding helped him a lot; in the evening, after work, Sergei went to the gym, where he created his, now so advertised, body. Very soon his efforts were rewarded; with his cm and courageous appearance, the young man attracted attention, especially from women. Therefore, very soon Sergei Glushko began to receive invitations from modeling agencies with offers to star in commercials or videos of famous performers. For example, he starred in the video of the group “White Eagle” “Because you can’t be so beautiful in the world,” and was also among the models participating in the show when she came to Moscow.

Birth of Tarzan

A new round in his career happened after a meeting with producer Olga Subbotina, she invited him to one of her productions. After the play “Sexual Discovery,” Natasha Koroleva’s future husband took the high-profile pseudonym Tarzan. Now Sergei Glushko is a sought-after artist, whom the most famous stars invite to their shows. In parallel with his performances on the theater stage in the productions of “The Witches of Eastwick”, “The Testament of a Chaste Womanizer”, “Love Without Rules”, etc. Tarzan completed his studies at Russian Academy theatrical art.

The artist is often asked about how and why he began to dance striptease. Natasha Koroleva’s husband usually answers that he didn’t plan the first such outing at all and after publicly undressing he felt insecure, but later he resigned himself and even got involved in the invented image. Moreover, he immediately became recognizable and mega-popular.

Meeting with Natasha Koroleva

Tarzan not only became a welcome guest at closed women's parties, but was also in demand as a participant in concert performances of various Russian stars. It was during one of these jobs that he met the black-haired laughing woman and the public's favorite, Natasha Koroleva. At that time, the singer was experiencing creative and personal failures; after her divorce from Igor Nikolaev, she lost both her husband and producer. But despite the fact that ex-husband Natasha Koroleva no longer wrote hit songs for her; the artist still continued her creative activity with other composers.

According to friends, the romance between Tarzan and the Ukrainian girl developed very rapidly. At first, no one believed in the duration of such a passionate relationship, but the couple surprised everyone with the announcement of an imminent wedding and the singer’s pregnancy. The wedding took place on a grand scale. In her first marriage, Natasha Koroleva never received a white dress and doves in the sky, so she and Sergei had a real celebration.

Creative activity

Despite how old Natasha Koroleva’s husband is, and on March 8 he turned 47, Sergei still looks just as stunning. And even though it was his body that brought him first fame, he did not stop only at this expression of his artistic talent. Although his own “Tarzan show” has been running for several years with undiminished success. A team of professional strippers is in great demand in Moscow and even abroad.

Sergei continues to practice as a musical performer; together with Natasha Koroleva, he recorded several songs, the composition “Do you believe me or not” became especially popular, the video for which was in the top ten in the Muz-TV rating for several weeks.


Tarzan, husband of Natasha Koroleva, became a frequent guest on the set. For the first time, Glushko tried to try on his acting destiny back in 1999 in the film Eight and a Half Dollars by Gregory of Constantinople, however, the film was released only twelve years later. Sergei already had considerable experience in filming commercials and music videos, but all of these were roles purely in the image of Tarzan; no one expected any other performance from him.

He starred in the famous Russian sitcom “Balzac's Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, as well as “My Fair Nanny”, “Happy Together”, “Univer” and others. Despite the episodic nature of his roles, Sergei continues to receive invitations and happily accepts them. No glory can be excessive.

Personal life

The artist met his first wife, Elena Perevedentseva, while serving at the cosmodrome in Plesetsk. The beauty in uniform singled out the young lieutenant from his other colleagues, which, according to Sergei, surprised even him. But the marriage soon broke up, the young people realized that they were not suitable for each other, especially since Glushko was already in a creative search and did not want to stay in the army.

The second marriage turned out to be more successful; his wife was the famous pop singer Natasha Koroleva. Despite the fact that during their marriage there were more than once reports in the press about Tarzan’s infidelities or the unbridled jealousy of his other half, they have been together for more than fifteen years. Natasha Koroleva’s husband Sergei Glushko turned out to be a wonderful father and head of the family; they almost always appear together in public, and their son Arkhip is already sixteen years old.

Great fame accompanies this star couple and, perhaps, is the result of their own initiatives to stir up public interest. Whether this is true or not is difficult to judge, but back in the early 2000s, photographs of the pregnant Queen began to appear in almost all yellow publications with the constant question: who is the father? The singer herself answered evasively, so until the birth of the child and the announcement of the wedding with Tarzan, fans were tormented by the unknown.

A few years later, the star couple again found themselves in the spotlight; intimate photographs of them together appeared on the Internet. Both Koroleva and Glushko claimed that all of this was the systematic actions of attackers who stole Sergei’s phone and later demanded a ransom from him so that the pictures would not be published. Be that as it may, they started talking about the duet again and with redoubled force, especially since the scandal coincided with the release of the singer’s new disc.

Naturally, fans were also interested in Natasha Koroleva’s first husband and their relationship - who left whom, who cheated on whom, etc. However, all this remained in the past.

Tarzan image

Sergei Glushko has come a long way to fame, he chose the right way to please the viewer through a beautiful body and well-groomed appearance. The meeting with Natasha Koroleva only strengthened his position in show business, but the main merit still belongs to him. The image of Tarzan turned out to be very successful for Russia, as the golden-haired muscular giant was so unlike ordinary Russian men.

Glushko, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, created for himself an exceptional role on the Russian stage - handsome and macho. The image was immediately picked up by the entire public, it was parodied in humorous shows, invited to KVN and even jokes were written about it, which is the highest point of popularity in our country.

Serious changes may soon occur in Natasha Koroleva’s personal life. Recently, the star is often seen in the company of not her husband Sergei Glushko, but a handsome brunette. Natasha spends a lot of time with him and has already introduced him to her close people.

Natasha’s new favorite is called German Titov, the stars told us surrounded by. - He is a composer. Natasha has known him for a very long time, but recently they began to communicate more closely. You should see how they look at each other! She has already introduced it to her team. They started making various jokes at him, but Natasha immediately stopped all conversations. “I know a lot about composers!” – said the star. Recently, by the way, she even decided to bring him on stage and recorded the duet song “If we are with you.” We all understood that this would last for a long time.

Now Natasha and German spend a lot of time together. And recently they even starred in a joint photo shoot. During the shooting, the star did not hesitate to show her feelings, gently clinging to his chest.

It should be noted that German is 11 years younger than Natasha. But Natasha is not at all embarrassed by the age difference. But he pays attention to other signs. Herman, like Tarzan, is from Belarus. And according to the horoscope they are the same sign. The star introduced the composer to some of her celebrity friends. Some of them know Herman. For example, Nikolai Baskov, to whom Titov several years ago wrote the hit “Well, who told you that love does not exist?”

“Natasha is now on an unprecedented rise,” our source continues. “Her eyes are shining: she’s ready to move mountains.” We haven't seen her like this for a long time.

At the same time, Korolev has not been seen so often lately with Tarzan. They even rest separately. In September, for example, Tarzan traveled to Miami in splendid isolation and unexpectedly found himself in the midst of Hurricane Irma. At this time, Koroleva decided to go on tour around the Volga region.

When Sergei returned to Moscow, he was invited to take part in a famous talk show on Channel One and talk about the horror he experienced. The TV crews also offered to support Koroleva in the studio. But she, having learned the topic of the conversation, unexpectedly refused, citing lack of time. Although she did not have any performances scheduled on the day of filming.

Don’t call me again about this issue,” Koroleva answered unexpectedly rudely.

Koroleva herself has not yet commented on her connection with the composer. Correspondents of “Light Up!” They called the artist to clarify the situation. But Natasha lost her temper.

I get scammed seven times a year! Am I supposed to react to this every time? Everyone is trying to get into my personal life, but I won’t allow this anymore. Believe me, I don’t need any publicity, I want peace and quiet. I'm tired of people watching my every move. Leave me alone. “I’m now preparing for a concert in the Kremlin, so stop pestering me with all sorts of nonsense,” the singer said and hung up.

By the way

Buzova persuades Korolev to go intimate

The other day Natasha Koroleva visited “House-2”. Rusalka was not bored at the TV set. Seeing Buzova, she began to say that her mother Lyuda was making a career as a singer and went on stage in a teapot. Olga couldn’t stand it.

Natasha Koroleva said that after spending the night with Tarzan she could no longer forget him.

Natalya Koroleva decided to talk about the most intimate thing - about her first sex with her current husband Sergei Glushko. As it turned out, the future spouses did not have any long courtship or a candy-bouquet period: passion overtook them right on the first date. The night they spent together made such a strong impression on the singer that she, without hesitation, moved from her luxurious mansion into the rented two-room apartment of her new stripper boyfriend.

The couple still celebrate May 4, the day of their first date, as a big family holiday. Natasha and Sergey call it “Apricot Jam Day” - it was this dessert that Sergey treated his beloved to when visiting him 16 years ago.

Then Natalya had just separated from her first husband, Igor Nikolaev. In the singer’s life there were courtships and admirers, but the artist did not take any of the men around her seriously.

“I was leafing through my notebook to choose who to while away the evening with, and suddenly I accidentally came across Tarzan’s phone,” recalls Koroleva. – We have already collaborated with him, his guys took part in my concerts. And I hoped they were hanging out in a club somewhere. I call Seryozha, and at this time he is taking a bath. He says: “We’re all going home today, but if you want, then come to me,” says Natasha.

And Natalya made up her mind. Sergei Glushko at that time lived in two-room apartment, filming it with friends: him in one room, a married couple in the other. Having quickly ushered his neighbors out of the living space, Tarzan began feverishly tidying up, hoping that the guest would not pay attention to the mess in his apartment.

“I covered everything, turned off the lights, put out the candles,” says Natalya. “I’m arriving,” he opens the door in all his glory, wearing a robe over his naked body. The table is set in the room: there is a jar of apricot jam that his mother sent him, and hibiscus tea. And I brought whiskey, which turned out to be burnt. But I was in a fog, drunk without wine...”, the Queen continued.

It was difficult for the singer to resist such a temptation. And the first night with her future husband became unforgettable for her.

“I can say that everything happened for us! - she admits. – Did I like it? This is unforgettable! When at six in the morning I got into the car and drove home through empty Moscow, I said to myself: “Everyone, Natasha, calmed down and forgot! So what if it’s beautiful...”, singer Lera Kudryavtseva said in the program “Secret for a Million”

By that time, the Queen had already separated from Nikolaev, but had not yet divorced him. And, while still an officially married woman, the singer moved into a two-room apartment with her new lover. Since then, the couple has been inseparable. Although, as Sergei admits, then, after the first date, he could not even think that the Queen would become his wife.

Sergei Glushko, better known under his creative pseudonym Tarzan, has been married to Russian pop star Natasha Koroleva since 2003. The family has a growing son, Arkhip, who is already 15 years old. He was born in February 2002. There is constant debate about this union, and rumors about a possible divorce often appear in the press. It's time to remember the most scandalous events of 2017 and find out what is really going on in the celebrity family.

Holidays in Miami

In the summer of 2017, the star family vacationed in the States, where Lyudmila Poryvay, Natasha’s mother, permanently lives, and where the artist has a luxurious apartment on the very ocean shore. This allows her to joke about this, calling a paradise in Miami her dacha, where they go on vacation every year. The son of celebrities spends all his holidays overseas. This is the only place where the Queen can relax and not have to watch her appearance. After all, in suburban areas, few people remember glamor. She allows herself to go without makeup, wear comfortable, shapeless clothes and not think about her hair.

Summer photo shoot

The artist’s flamboyant husband constantly takes photographs for his home archive. In them, together with their son, the spouses make faces, make faces, and fool around. They are not shy about those around them and are always able to laugh at themselves. But if such humorous photographs still show the muscular body of a stripper who looks great despite his age, then Natasha without makeup does not look very impressive. Everything would be fine if such photo sessions were carried out only for home use. But Tarzan, who leads an active virtual life, posts pictures on the Internet. This causes a flurry of controversial comments, especially since he often takes family photographs not in the best way. in the best possible way.

Photo with a building and palm trees in the background

One of the photographs, where all three are laughing against the backdrop of a building and palm trees, discussing “Tusim” and “Tusim-2,” as evidenced by Tarzan’s signature, was particularly criticized by the artist’s fans. In their opinion, the performer of the imperishable hit “Yellow Tulips” cannot appear before fans in such a down-to-earth form. For her, this is a shame that her own husband subjected the star to. If the son and the husband himself even look funny in the photo, then Natasha has lost all her glamorous shine and does not look her best. Even ordinary women try to immediately delete such unfortunate pictures from their phones, let alone a star.

Family harmony?

At the same time, if you analyze Instagram, Glushko himself posts his own photographs in which he looks like a macho man. The 47-year-old stripper remains one of the most famous and sought-after in his profession. His path to the modeling business began with participation in the filming of a video for the White Eagle group and led him to the top of show business. The young handsome man with a height of 186 cm, who had experience working as a security guard, insurance agent and administrator for Sergei Zverev, began to be invited to the most famous artists in their programs. Having created his own striptease group, Tarzan often becomes involved in scandalous stories involving the publication of intimate photographs. Every now and then there are reports in the press about the upcoming separation of the star couple. But later they do not find their confirmation. Scandals only strengthen the union of the singer and stripper.

Moreover, if you follow the history of the family duet from photographs posted on the Internet, Tarzan and Koroleva have an absolutely harmonious relationship. The family spends a lot of time together; everyone in the photographs has happy, joyful faces. But still, journalists often ask the same question to Natasha Koroleva: “Doesn’t the spouse’s profession interfere with family happiness? Isn’t the son ashamed of his father’s activities?”

Reply to Natasha Koroleva

The 44-year-old singer is always quite categorical in her interviews. She emphasizes that she is not only not ashamed, but is also proud of her successful husband and his profession. Just like their son. And then she herself asks: “Has the author of the question ever undressed beautifully on stage?” And he offers to try it. In her opinion, many young, handsome, pumped up guys come to striptease shows, but they lack something that her star husband has. They are simply owners of beautiful bodies. Tarzan, who has amazing charisma, currently has no competitors in the profession. He remains the best for a long time. This is what allows Natasha Koroleva to claim that she can be proud of her husband.

This position is worthy of respect. I would like to hope that the 2015 scandal associated with the appearance of obscene videos on the Internet is far in the past. I would like to remind you that then deputy Milonov called for depriving the Queen of her titles and banning her from performing in front of minor spectators.