Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova Nizhny Novgorod University of Foreign Languages

Complete disappointment in NGLU. I applied from another area, fell for the reputation and big words. I entered the paid, fashionable specialty “Public Relations” and was incredibly happy. But happiness quickly gave way to bewilderment, and then irritation.

Firstly, the vast majority of teachers are dinosaurs from the department of philosophy and sociology, who know their subjects perfectly (that’s what it is, that is), but are completely unwilling to develop themselves and share knowledge on a fairly new topic - PR and advertising. When such dynamic, modern subjects as PR, advertising, marketing, entrepreneurship are taught by teachers over 60 using books from the 90s. There is already something to think about. There were only a few young and energetic teachers who really kept up with the times and whose lectures were filled with a full house, but this was a drop in the ocean.

The seminars were simply ridiculous: at home on the Internet we found answers to questions about the seminar, and then read (!) the necessary material in the classroom. That is, 10 minutes of searching for information at home, reading what I found in the classroom, and you’re done. For the seminar you got 4 (if you read a lot) or 5 (if you sometimes took your eyes off the text).

We have never heard of cases. Now all over the world, cases are used to teach students (if you don’t know what they are, Google them). After graduating from university, I had an interview at a large foreign company, where one of the selection stages was solving cases. In general, compared to the graduates of HSE and UNN, I felt like just a first-grader. The level of knowledge and approach to solving cases is much higher there. And don’t think that I’m some kind of loafer - a truant, I graduated from InYaz with honors.

English is a different story. We had 2 couples a week! Can you imagine, 2 pairs of English per week at a linguistic university! Before starting to work in a company that required language skills at an intermediate conversational level, I had to attend courses in English. I was still a student then with an “excellent” grade in language in my record book.

It is unrealistic to transfer to a free place, even if a budget student appears in classes once a semester and changes from C to C and from retake to retake, he will still continue to take his place, and no matter what A’s you have in your record book, you will not see the budget .

What is the result: after graduating from NSLU, I have: a diploma with honors (for which I didn’t really work hard for 5 years), English at a good level, learned in courses and improved at work. That is, nothing: no specialty, no language.

If you are seriously thinking about entering the NSLU, go for translation or teaching, it won’t be easy there. But you will leave the university with a profession and a decent language. InYaz lives out its days on the remnants of its former reputation, charges astronomical sums for training, without providing any knowledge on modern items. At the same time, they will always tell you that you are head and shoulders above graduates of all other universities.

  • 4 faculties
  • 10 cultural and educational language centers
  • 18 partner countries
  • 10 learning languages

Training format

At NSLU there is a list of compulsory disciplines. During their studies, students have the opportunity to master disciplines of their choice, developing in an additional profile. The session system is standard.

Educational Opportunities

  • There are International programs
  • There is a Double Degree

Military training

  • No Military department
  • There is a deferment from the army

Extracurricular activities of NSLU named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova

At NGLU it is customary to celebrate the Day of Foreign Language "Rusin". Ambassadors often come to the university different countries, government representatives who give press conferences for students - there are real opportunity ask them a question. There are also libraries of literature in foreign languages, where not only books, but original magazines published abroad. The student council and trade union committee organize quests for students at the university at night. There is an educational direction where the trade union committee gives lectures on various topics (how to write a resume, goal setting, etc.). There is also a choir, a squad of counselors, and a gymnastics section. You can try yourself as a reporter, photographer or journalist. Participants of the theater studio perform regularly. There are sports sections (tennis, football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, fitness, cheerleading, etc.), and interuniversity competitions are organized. Students can become members of a political club. Every year, beauty contests are held for boys and girls, as well as various quests and games.


  • There is a Dorm
  • 935 - 1,412 ₽ According to budget (month)
  • 1,420 - 1,950 ₽ Under contract (monthly)


  • 2,105 - 3,156 ₽ State scholarship (month)
  • 2,820 - 7,000 ₽ For special academic success (month)
  • 3,156 ₽ For social benefits (month)

Famous graduates

  • Pavlov Evgeniy Translator at Technopromexport in Libya
  • Bykova Olga Ilyinichna Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of German Philology at VSU

    One of four linguistic universities in Russia. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.A. Dobrolyubova traces her chronicle back to the beginning of the last century, when in 1917, at... ... Wikipedia

    Them. R. E. Alekseeva (NSTU named after R. E. Alekseev) Former names Nizhny Novgorod ... Wikipedia

    FSBEI HPE Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after. Kozma Minin (Minin University) (NSPU, Minin University) International name Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical U ... Wikipedia

    Nizhny Novgorod State University National Research University (NNSU) Original name Nizhny Novgorod State University ... Wikipedia

    - (Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N.A. Dobrolyubov (see DOBROLYUBOV Nikolay Aleksandrovich), NGLU), founded in 1937 on the basis of foreign language courses, initially in the form of the Gorky State Pedagogical... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    This article should be Wikified. Please format it according to the rules for formatting articles... Wikipedia

    Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute (FSBEI HPE NKI) ... Wikipedia

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from NGLU

Evgenia Khomenko 00:10 05/09/2013

Main indicator good training (“good” not in the sense of “diversified”, for example, in the sense of “practically useful in the future”) - the number of graduates who work in their specialty or in a related field. Then you believe that you taught correctly, that the lessons were useful and that the investment in training eventually paid off. As far as I know, not all of our graduate journalists have become practicing journalists. But I did. And, in general, they taught me something. I still don't understand why...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova"


No. 02187 valid indefinitely from 06/10/2016


No. 02163 is valid from 08/04/2016 to 05/25/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for NSLU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 4 5 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study72.33 72.25 71.02 68.43 73.83
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget88.2 83.98 83.50 83.31 86.47
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis68.9 67.77 65.55 63.89 69.63
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled40.92 43.75 43.74 39.90 45.75
Number of students3150 2458 2506 2620 2663
Full-time department2043 1928 1901 1959 1949
Part-time department225 160 179 315 319
Extramural882 370 426 346 395
All data

The year when provincial higher courses of foreign languages ​​and literatures were organized at the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Public Education under GUBONO.

Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N. A. Dobrolyubov
(NGLU, NGLU im. ON THE. Dobrolyubova)
International name Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University
Former names Gorky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(GPIFL)
Year of foundation
Year of reorganization
Type state
Rector Nikonova Zhanna Viktorovna
The president Zhigalev Boris Andreevich
Students 3150 ()
Foreign students 52
Teachers 227
Location Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod
Metro Sennaya(projected)
Campus urban
Legal address st. Minina, 31a
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

In everyday life of students and residents of the city, the university is referred to as “Inyaz”.


In 1917, at the Nizhny Novgorod GUBONO, higher provincial courses of foreign languages ​​were organized. In 1937, based on the courses, it was founded Gorky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. The first buildings of the institute (modern buildings No. 1 and No. 2) were built in 1948 on the site of the destroyed Verkhne Posad Trinity Church on Staraya Sennaya (Starosennaya) Square (1844). Before the construction of these two buildings, the institute was located in the building of the former 3rd women's gymnasium in Chernoprudsky Lane (currently the Zhukovsky Library). Currently, the university buildings (4 buildings in total) occupy the entire space of the former Starosennaya Square and the underground space below it.

Initially, the institute trained teachers of English, German, French and Spanish for secondary schools and had, accordingly, three faculties: English, German and Romance languages. Linguists were also trained in the correspondence department.

In 1964, the Translation Faculty of Western European Languages ​​was created.

In the 1990s, a large number of new faculties and departments were created, and the institute was awarded the status of a linguistic university.



  • Faculty of English
  • Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages
  • Translation faculty
  • Faculty of International Relations, Economics and Management
  • Faculty of Additional Professional Education of Specialists


  • Department of English
  • Department of English Philology
  • Department of English and Professional Communication
  • Department of Theory and Practice German language
  • Department of Theory and Practice French
  • Department of English Language, Faculty of Translation
  • Department of Theory and Practice of English Language and Translation
  • Department of Theory and Practice of German Language and Translation
  • Department of Theory and Practice of French Language and Translation
  • Department of International Relations and Political Science
  • Department of Economics, Management and Informatics
  • Department of Valeology
  • Department of Oriental and European Languages
  • Department of History, Regional Studies and Journalism
  • Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Department of Teaching Russian as a Native and Foreign Language
  • Department of Russian Philology, Foreign Literature and Intercultural Communication
  • Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Theory of Social Communication