How to cover pies with a braid. How to make pies from yeast and yeast-free dough

Young housewives often wonder “how to make pies.” And there are many options. The shape of the pie can also be different - from the usual boat to a triangular envelope. And the dough from which it will be made also affects the beauty and quality of the sculpting. Let's figure it out.

How to wrap yeast dough pies

This dough is suitable for a wide variety of pies and buns. The situation is similar with the filling: sweet, savory, vegetable, meat, fruit, etc. The type of filling also determines how best to wrap the pie so that it not only holds tightly, but is also beautiful.

Standard way:

  1. Pinch off a lump of dough from the risen dough. For one pie, a piece the size of 2 will be enough. walnuts. But this value can be changed depending on your wishes.
  2. Let the lumps lie and rise for another 15 minutes.
  3. Now we put it on the palm of our hand (it should be dusted with flour) and with our fingers we turn it into a flat cake.
  4. Place the filling in the center of the resulting flatbread (it should not be wet).
  5. Align the edges of the cake and press them together with your finger.
  6. Place the pie on a table dusted with flour and pull the seam up, further squeezing the edges. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to tear them.
  7. If you plan to fry them in a frying pan, it is better to pull the edges towards the middle and lightly crush the pie in the center. Thus, during the frying process, the dough inside will not be raw. And you need to fry it immediately, seam side down.
  8. If it is a baked pie, then the location of the seam is not important. So, if the seam is ordinary, you can hide it at the bottom and get a beautiful and fluffy pie. And if the seam is twisted (your fingers roll the seam when sculpting, placing a new turn on the previous one), then you can leave it on top. But at the same time, brush with egg yolk beaten with water so that the seam does not come apart during baking.

How to make beautiful pies from puff pastry

A wide variety of baked goods are also made from this dough. From croissants and buns to a variety of filled flatbreads.

Standard way:

  1. This dough is rarely made independently due to the complexity of the process. The store-bought version is sold in the shape of a square or rectangle. The latter is more common. And in order not to damage the layers of dough, it is slightly rolled out without changing the original shape. The table should be well floured.
  2. Cut it with a sharp knife in the center of the long side, and also divide the resulting 2 halves into medium-sized squares. Typically, a medium sheet of dough makes 8 pies.
  3. Place a lump of filling in the middle of each piece.
  4. Then you need to fold the ends of one side to the other and seal them. This can be done with a fork and you will get not only strong, but also beautiful edges.

Triangular method 1:

  1. The first three points are similar to the previous option.
  2. Now you need to mold the edges of one side of the square with its side part, and attach the remaining sides to them, so that you form a pyramid or triangle.
  3. Brush the top with the yolk mixture.

Triangular method 2:

  1. To do this, cut the dough layer in the center of the long side.
  2. Cut the resulting strips into isosceles triangles.
  3. Place the filling in the center of the mold.
  4. Connect the edges and get a flat triangle.

You can press the edges with a fork and make them wavy.

Puff yeast dough

There are also many options for baking, both in terms of filling and shape. Most often, such pies are made square or rectangular (as described above). You can make them a little non-standard, but at the same time incredibly beautiful and tasty.


  1. If you have store-bought dough, the shape is usually similar to puff pastry. Therefore, we also roll it into a layer that needs to be cut in the middle.
  2. Cut long pieces to make 6 squares or rectangles.
  3. Each piece needs to be rolled out, slightly lengthening it.
  4. The filling should be soft, with the texture of plasticine. We spread it over the entire piece, not reaching the edge a few millimeters.
  5. Roll the pie along the long side into a roll and lightly mold its edges.
  6. Wrap the resulting roll into a snail, twisting one end into a spiral towards the other. Protect the junction area.
  7. We put it to proof and after that you can put the pies in the oven.

Open snail:

  1. To do this, the dough is rolled out into a layer, but not cut, but immediately coated with the filling.
  2. After this, roll it into a roll and pinch the long edge.
  3. Use a sharp knife to cut off pieces and place them on a baking sheet with the open side.
  4. The sweet filling can be sprinkled with sugar on top and baked after proofing.

Don't be afraid to use your imagination and deviate a little from the step-by-step instructions.

From shortcrust pastry

This dough is most often used to make cookies, pastries and cakes. Pies from them are made only with sweet filling. And in fact, it looks more like a closed cake than a pie.

There are 4 options:

  1. The standard method of making a pie is based on the principle of yeast dough. It does not require any proofing time; these pies need to be baked right away.
  2. Any of the methods for making flaky and flaky yeast dough will work perfectly. Also without proofing.
  3. Roll into a ball and press lightly in the center. Place, for example, half a peach in the cavity. Sprinkle it with sugar and put it in the oven. The filling can be anything.
  4. Carry out the manipulations in the same way as the previous option, only pull the edges on four sides up and fasten them over the filling. Before baking, brush with yolk mixture.
  1. Puff pastry cannot be fried in oil in a frying pan, otherwise it will completely lose its structure.
  2. You can sprinkle the pies with sugar both before proofing and renew them after it.
  3. If the edges of the pie are poorly formed, then during frying the seam will split and all the filling will fall out.
  4. Puff pastry and shortbread dough do not like long sculpting.
  5. For beginners it is better to start with simple and standard methods making pies. The same applies to the filling. Complex options may not work out the first time and discourage the desire to create.

Wet fillings are the most difficult to work with; before applying them, the placement area must be generously sprinkled with starch so that the juice does not make the dough liquid.

How to make beautiful pies (video)

Pies and their modeling are a flight of your imagination. Having mastered the basic techniques, you can easily begin to create incredible culinary masterpieces, not only in terms of taste, but also in part. appearance.

Even the most experienced chefs do not know what shape the pies should have, and all because there are no strict rules in this regard. Everyone can make the pies they like.

If you prefer oval pies, concentrate on the technique of sculpting them, but if triangular pies are more to your taste, learn to roll the dough into an envelope. In fact, all existing modeling options are easy to implement, but only if you are aware of a couple of subtleties in working with dough.

Secrets of the right test

There are two main secrets to preparing pie dough:

Good mood

Any housewife has in her stock a couple of dough recipes for her favorite pies, despite their abundance in cookbooks. 2-3 recipes were most likely left during long-term experiments. Many confirm that the dough can feel and its quality depends on the mood of the hostess and the motor skills of her hands.

If you are not in the mood today, it is better not to start kneading the dough, it is unlikely to turn out the way it should be. Believe me, in such situations, even a recipe that has not failed before can break this trend.


Before kneading the dough for pies, charge yourself with positivity, this will be facilitated by cheerful music, a humorous channel on TV, etc. When the effect is achieved, you can get down to business.

Fluffy yeast-free dough for pies. How to make pie dough - recipe

Kneading dough

The dough for pies should be moderately thick, you need enough flour so that the mass does not stick to your hands. There is even a joke among professional chefs about this: if your hands get dirty during the process of kneading the dough, it means that a mistake was made somewhere.

Grandma's kefir pies

To guess the amount of flour for the dough, take all the non-liquid ingredients, mix them and place them in a heap on the board, then make a depression in it and fill it with liquid ingredients. Now start lightly, slowly stirring the flour into the liquid until the mass gets rid of stickiness. You can stop mixing at this point.


The dough will not stick to your hands during the modeling process if you grease them with vegetable oil beforehand.

Butter pies and 8 types of filling. Video recipe

Modeling techniques

We present to your attention several of the most popular ways of making pies among housewives. Before starting the process, you first need to form a rope of about 5 cm from the dough. in diameter, then divide it into even parts using a knife.

Take some dough and spread it evenly until it looks like a 5mm cake. in diameter. Press down the center a little and place the filling there. Bring two opposite edges together and pinch with a crescent shape. When baking, place the pie on the seam, lightly pressing down on top.

Round pies

Make the same flat cake from the dough as in the previous case, place the filling in the center, only then pinch the edges in a circle in a different way into a “bag”. Hide the resulting protrusion inside.

Triangular pies

Make a flat cake from the dough, lay out the filling and smooth it over the surface, slightly short of the edges. Lubricate the empty space formed in a circle cold water. Now hook the top two edges and join them at a 45 degree angle to the middle. Connect the remaining edge to the center and pinch the seams. That's all, the cake is ready, you can put it on a baking sheet.

Embossed pies

Form an oval cake and fill the center with sausage-shaped filling. After this, fold two opposite edges a quarter of the length of the cake. Now take the ends of the top edge and place them on top of each other without touching the filling. Now fold the dough crosswise on both sides. From the outside it may seem that you are “swaddled” with a cake. To sculpt one relief pie you will need 4-5 “swaddlings”.

A method for making pies and pies from Irina Moiseeva

Baking pies

After modeling the pies is finished, do not rush to bake them right away. First, place the pieces on a baking sheet, brush them with vegetable oil on top and cover with cling film, let them stand for about 15 minutes. While this is happening, preheat the oven. After the allotted time has passed, brush the pies with the milk-egg mixture. Thanks to this coating, after baking the pies form a shiny, golden-brown crust.


Pies can be sculpted in different ways, everyone has the right to choose the most suitable technique for themselves. However, the taste finished product depends little on the shape of the pie; it is more important to prepare the dough and filling correctly. Good luck! Delicious pies to you!

Pies can bake very quickly. The secret of how to make pies is very simple - ready-made dough, ready-made filling, 5-8 minutes and you are a chef accepting congratulations. Jam, marmalade, boiled condensed milk, chopped ham, cheese, feta cheese, boiled potatoes, sausages or sausages - any products that have already been heat-treated - are suitable as a ready-made filling. Pies with fresh berries and fruits, vegetables or minced meat usually take longer to cook. With one single exception - deep-fried chebureks made from thin puff pastry. Raw minced meat is placed in the chebureks and they are cooked in hot oil in a matter of minutes. But this is the topic of a completely different article.

We will look at several methods that are equally simple to implement, but with different time costs. Spending a lot of time does not always give the most beautiful results. Spectacular puff pastry triangles take 10 minutes to prepare, 3 of which are spent cutting the dough, the rest of the time you watch the pies through the oven window.

Simple kefir pies

The simplest version of hearty kefir pies with meat, potato or onion filling. If you don’t even have semi-finished dough, but have a glass of kefir, flour, an egg, vegetable oil and a little soda, you can already make simple kefir pies without yeast. Boiled potatoes, fried onions, chopped herbs, eggs, or a mixture of all of the above ingredients are suitable fillings.

Advice: any meat recipe The filling benefits from the addition of ham and cheese.

Cooking time for kefir pies is about 20-40 minutes, depending on the frying method and the number of pies.

How to make a simple dough

Mix kefir, egg, a couple of spoons vegetable oil and add flour until you get a sticky, light dough. Finally, add about a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and stir again. There is no need to make any special twists or weavings out of the viscous kefir dough - everything will blur. For simple pies, the simplest elongated shape is optimal. Kefir in this case is the conventional name for a liquid lactic acid product. You can also cook with ayran, yogurt, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. The presence of live lactic acid bacteria is important to ensure the dough rises and fluffiness.

How to make kefir pies

  • Gather the finished dough into a ball directly in the container in which you mixed it, place it on a floured board and form a sausage uniform along the entire length.
  • Cut equal pieces from the sausage and roll or knead with your hands into a round cake.
  • Place the filling exactly in the middle. You can put fillings without sparing. The filling norm for a hearty pie is a heaped tablespoon.
  • Bring opposite edges of the cake together and pinch. This way the pie will turn out even. Finish the seam, you don’t have to worry too much about accuracy. It is important that the filling is inside and does not fall out.
  • Turn the pie seam side down and let rest while you prepare the rest of the patties.
  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the pies on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Kefir pies don’t even have to be cooked in the oven. They can be fried on both sides in a frying pan in oil. Fried pies They are especially tasty immediately after cooking.

Yeast or yeast-free dough for pies

There is a difference temperature conditions and baking time for yeast and non-yeast dough. Yeast-free dough can be safely placed in a preheated oven without the slightest damage to the quality of the final product.

Yeast dough constantly requires time to “rest”. The dough is rolled out - let it rest for half an hour. The pies are sculpted - let them rest. Placed on a baking sheet - rest again. If the dough is not allowed to rest, it will become capricious and the pies will turn out completely different. The yeast dough is placed in the oven, heated to a maximum of 120-150 degrees. Otherwise it will not have time to rise. As you understand, yeast pies require a lot of attention.

Is the form of the test important?

The shape of the dough and the way the pies are made are actually very important for taste. The dough is baked differently, the filling is kept inside or creeps out onto the golden brown crust. As a child, everyone wondered why a puff pastry tastes better than a regular bun and why a sausage in dough tastes better if the dough is wrapped in a strip? Indeed, when wrapping a strip of dough, the contact between the meat filling and the bun increases, and the strip is better saturated with flavor.

Sausages in dough

If you are preparing wieners or sausages in dough, wrap the dough in a spiral strip, twisting it slightly. This applies to both puff pastry and yeast dough. Twisting will prevent the dough from rising too much. A huge bun with a sausage hidden in the depths is not very attractive.
Cooking sausages in dough from ready-made puff pastry takes about 15-25 minutes.

Puff pastry triangles

The most economical way to make pies from ready-made puff pastry is using triangles. Pros - complete absence of scraps, maximum speed of preparation, some elegance in appearance. The elegance and beauty can be easily enhanced by using cuts and notches, which will allow the puff pastry to open up magnificently in the cut areas.

Tip: make simple cuts - you can't go wrong.

Procedure for preparing puff pastry pies:

  • Defrost puff pastry and roll out with a rolling pin. It is more convenient to roll out the dough sheet at once rather than roll out each square one at a time. If you don't have a rolling pin, any smooth glass bottle will do.
  • Cut the dough into squares or rectangles. Perfect accuracy is not needed; measuring the sides of the square with a ruler is not necessary.
  • Place a filling in the middle of each square - cheese, ham, cottage cheese or just a spoonful of jam.
  • Fold the triangle in half and lightly pinch the edges. There is no need to pinch the edges of the puff pastry too much.
  • Apply a notch to the triangles, which will add originality to the baked goods. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Cooking time in a preheated oven is about 7-10 minutes.

How to make square pies

Square pies can be made from puff pastry, yeast-free, regular or shortcrust pastry. Any dense dough makes excellent square envelopes. The main requirement for the filling of square pies is that it should be dense enough, not spread or crumble.

  • Roll out and cut the dough into squares as in the previous recipe.
  • Place the filling in the middle, preferably rolled into a ball.
  • Lift the edges of the square and staple at the top.

Before baking, brush the pies with butter or beaten egg to create a delicious crust.

The pinching often comes apart and the pie opens up. It is important that the pie looks appetizing even when opened. The requirements for the filling are determined precisely by this property.

The same method looks good on larger ones meat pies. Pinching to the top allows you to add a lot of filling to the pie. Chicken or fish pie is best made this way.

Large pies take a long time to bake, at least 20-30 minutes.

How to make croissant-type pies

A regular croissant is quite easy to make. A triangle of puff pastry is rolled into a tube around the hypotenuse - the longest side. Let's consider other, more intricate options that do not require much effort.

Bagel with a notch

A rectangular or rounded piece of puff pastry is cut halfway through with noodles. This can be done with scissors, a knife, or a pizza roller.
Wrap the filling in the uncut half and twist until the end. The resulting bagel with a notch can be bent into an arc or a circle.

Variant of puff croissant in the shape of the sun

Artek pies with butter can be made with minimal time. Place a piece of butter on a round piece of puff pastry. You can sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, ground poppy seeds or add curd filling.
Fold the circle in half, preferably slightly unevenly so that one half protrudes more. Make several ray-cuts and slightly unfold the resulting pie. These pies are baked almost instantly – in 7-10 minutes.

How to make a pie in the shape of a rose

For the base you will need a thick and elastic dough. It can be puff pastry. You can take a circle or square as the initial shape. Make a cut without reaching the middle, place the filling in the center and wrap it with dough petals, stretching and bending the shape. Form a rosette, grease with oil and bake at 180 degrees until done. You can check readiness with a toothpick - if the toothpick you used to pierce the pie is dry, without traces of dough, everything is ready.
A beautiful result will require experience and skill. If you went to art school, you will definitely succeed.


Not everyone can make a rose. Now we will show you how to make pies that will be received with a bang by your household and are superior to any other options in terms of ease of production.

Cut the puff pastry into a triangle. Place a little jam, marmalade or other filling in the center of each triangle. A piece of cheese or a spoonful of cottage cheese is a great option. Fold the sharp corners of the triangle overlapping. Ready! No need to pinch or mold. This is the easiest way to make pies without any effort at all.
The result is quite presentable and original. If you put cheese, ham, a slice of tomato inside, and sprinkle coarsely ground pepper on top, you will get an amazing mini pizza.

Many people think that the secret knowledge of how to make pies is passed down exclusively from a caring mother or grandmother. Making pies was a sacred act and took the whole evening. Pies, loaves, buns, puff pastries were baked for holidays and celebrations. Meanwhile, pies are an excellent food on the road. Good pies usually stay fresh for 3 days. The filling inside the dough shell does not dry out or crumble. With a supply of pies, you can provide tasty and nutritious food, for example, at the dacha or on a hike. If the pies are the same size, there are no problems with portion distribution.

A man who knows how to cook pies is worth his weight in gold among ladies. A basket of croissants, the preparation of which will take at most half an hour, can break any unapproachable beauty.

Making pies is easy, especially if you use store-bought dough. The original folds of the pies look especially appetizing. Curiosity is one of the strengths person, but a pie is always a mystery.

You always want to please and surprise your loved ones with something special. Even if you are preparing everyone’s favorite pie, you can decorate it, for example, with curly edges. This small detail will not go unnoticed and will add personality to your baked goods. The main thing is that the decoration is spectacular, and its production is not too labor-intensive. This page contains simple ways design of open and closed pies, as well as pies and dumplings.

Beautiful edges of the pie can be created using imprints of a fork or spoon. This is done quickly, and looks much more impressive than regular “pinching”.

Scissors are used to create embossed edges of the pies. They can simply cut the edges with a certain frequency, or you can, for example, make a checkerboard pattern by alternately bending pieces of dough in different directions.

To create beautiful edges of the pie by hand, you can pinch the dough diagonally at regular intervals or use your fingers to make a beautiful wave along the edge.

The edge of the pie, decorated with a braid, looks impressive. To do this, you need to set aside a piece of dough in advance, roll it into a long sausage, roll it out with a rolling pin and cut out 3 long thin strips. Make a regular braid right on the edge of the pie, first brushing it with egg so that the element “sticks” better.

You can “blind” the pigtail separately, then coat the edge of the pie with egg and “glue” the element into place.

You can use small cookie cutters. Having left a little dough for decoration in advance, roll it out with a rolling pin and, using molds, cut out the figures. Brush the edge of the pie with egg and place the figures slightly overlapping along the edge of the pie. You can also cover the entire pie with curly elements.

If you cut long strips of dough and lay them in waves along the edge of the pie, greased with egg, you can get this wonderful image.

You can decorate an open pie beautifully using a chef's knife. A thin layer of dough is cut into equal strips. These strips are laid like weaving on the surface of the pie, the edges are brushed with egg and glued to the strips by lightly pinching.

Beautifully decorate the edges of pies, kulebyak, samsa, pasties, etc. You can also use a fork.

You can beautifully pinch the edges of pies or dumplings using a braid. First you just need to pinch the product. Then, holding the product in the air with one hand, we make a pigtail with the other. The thumb (on top) and index finger (under the product) work. With the second hand we twist the product in the desired direction.