Gaillardia is a perennial plant grown from seeds at home. Solar gaillardia: varieties, photos, planting and care in open ground. Description, types and varieties of gaillardia with photos

Plants of the Asteraceae family never cease to amaze us with their diversity. Among the 25 species of asters native to the American continent, Gaillardia stands out for its unique appearance, excellent drought-resistant qualities. This herbaceous plant can be either annual or perennial. It owes its name to the French philanthropist Gaillard de Charentoneau, who in the 18th century patronized botany as a science and was a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences.

Description of Gaillardia

The straight stem of Gaillardia can reach almost a meter in height, or more precisely 90 cm. It has an edge along its entire length and is densely branched. The simple alternate leaves have an oval (or lanceolate) shape, with jagged edges. Quite long peduncles form a single inflorescence-basket at the end. This inflorescence has marginal three-toothed purple petals and middle, dark red, tubular petals.

The basket can be either simple or terry (semi-double). A terry basket differs from a semi-double basket in the number of reed petals. If semi-double petals are characterized by two or three rows of them, then terry petals have strongly fused middle petals that resemble a funnel in shape.

Gaillardia blooms very profusely. Its fruit is an achene with a tuft. The annual culture includes the beautiful Gaillardia, the perennial ones include the hybrid and awned Gaillardia. The Helenium plant, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, is very similar to Gaillardia. We need to take this into account and try not to confuse it.

How to grow gaillardia from seeds

There are 2 methods of growing gaillardia from seeds: the first is by direct sowing in the ground, the second is by using seedlings.

If we sow seedlings at home

  • When to plant gaillardia seeds? Sowing begins in early March.
  • Take a damp substrate and distribute fairly large Gaillardia seeds on its surface.
  • The top can be sprinkled with nutritious soil or vermiculite - an active mineral component that contains a complex of elements for plant growth, such as iron, silicon, potassium-magnesium compounds, etc.
  • The place where the crops are kept should be bright, but not accessible to direct sunlight.
  • The optimal temperature should be from 20 to 22°C. Seed germination time is from one week to two.

  • With the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to move to a place where the temperature will not exceed 18-20°C. A cold greenhouse is well suited, as it will not only provide the desired temperature, but will also create increased humidity, which is so necessary for plant growth.
  • Watering is carried out as the soil surface dries. To avoid the risk of seedlings becoming infected with a disease such as gray rot, which occurs due to very high humidity, do not overwater the plants.
  • If there is poor lighting in the house, it is necessary to equip the room fluorescent lamps to increase daylight hours to 15 hours.
  • The seedlings grow well and form new leaves. In order for them to develop fully, it is important to provide enough space: in a box or container, leave a distance of at least 5 cm between plants and transplant the remaining seedlings into separate cups. Seedlings are transplanted into looser containers when the first pair of true leaves have developed well.
  • After diving, when a couple of weeks have passed and the seedlings are actively developing, do not forget to harden them. Leave plants outside or open balcony an hour or two a day, gradually increasing the time “in the sun” until a full day. When the seedlings are comfortable spending the night outside, they can be safely planted in the ground.

Don't forget about the danger of frost. Only when the temperature reaches above zero at night can you leave the plants outside.

If we sow in open ground

You can simply sow gaillardia seeds into the ground as soon as the weather is good and the soil is ripe. Gaillardia can reproduce by self-sowing, and therefore the seeds are not afraid of low temperatures. Shoots will appear only when favorable conditions occur.

  • We make shallow grooves at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  • Carefully place the seeds in the furrows. They are a little awkward to sow because of their sharp, umbrella-like tips. But try to do it as little as possible.
  • Sprinkle with soil using a rake.
  • We water generously, but so as not to form an earthen crust after drying (the earth should remain loose in appearance).
  • In a couple of weeks you will need to break through the seedlings and remove the weeds.
  • The bed can be used as a future flower bed and a nursery for transplanting excess plants to another place.
  • As a result, we leave a distance between bushes in the row of 20-25 cm.

Perennial gaillardia grows quickly, but will bloom only next year. Be patient!

How to properly plant Gaillardia in open ground

Gaillardia seedlings are already planted in a flowerbed in May. A sunny, open place is selected. Nutritious soil for planting flowers should be light and have good drainage. Gaillardia cannot tolerate heavy acidic soil that retains moisture.

  • To prepare the soil for planting, you need to add one bucket of humus, a couple of handfuls of ash and one handful of complex fertilizers for every 1 m² of land.
  • The distance between seedlings is kept from 20 to 25 cm. After planting, the bed is moistened.

Before the onset of autumn frosts, the plant will take root and for the next 4 years it will delight you with abundant flowering.
In the first year, a 10-15 leaf rosette is formed, which will produce a flower in the spring of the next year.

Caring for perennial gaillardia

Due to the fact that the plant is very unpretentious and needs, basically, only good lighting, caring for it is very difficult.

e will make up.
  • Moderate watering necessary only if the heat lingers for a long time and does not recede. All care for Gaillardia comes down to weeding and loosening the soil.
  • This bright flower will delight you with its bloom for more than 2 months, but if you wish, you can extend it with the help of simple manipulations.
  • Firstly, it is necessary to promptly get rid of wilted inflorescences and tie up the tallest varieties of Gaillardia.
  • Secondly, three times a season (during the appearance of the first buds, during the flowering period and in the fall before the onset of cold weather), you need to feed the plant with granules of a mineral complex fertilizer.
  • Feeding with manure is prohibited.
  • Gaillardia must not only be fed on time, but also replanted. This is done every 4-5 years by dividing the rhizome.

Reproduction of gaillardia by dividing the bush and cuttings

Along with seed, flower propagation can also be done, which is produced, for example,
by dividing the rhizome.

  • After 5 years, the flower clump is dug up and divided into parts, and each part must contain a sufficient volume of roots and shoots: at least three growth points.
  • Each part is moved to a new place.
  • The transplantation procedure is carried out mainly in the spring.

You can also propagate Gaillardia using root cuttings.. In this case, the clump is simply dug up along the perimeter line, the most developed and largest roots are found, which are divided into 5-7 cm segments. They are transferred to a greenhouse for growing.

Diseases and pests of Gaillardia

The plant may be susceptible to attack by insects such as aphids and whitefly butterflies. By using chemicals"Aktellik" or "Decis" can get rid of them. The instructions for the medications will tell you how to do this correctly. There is also a risk of disease if the plant is not properly cared for. Such manifestations known to gardeners as gray rot, powdery mildew, white rust, and spotting are the result of the penetration of fungal infections. These diseases are combated with the help of fungicides, which include: Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur, Khom, Oxychom. White rust is well resisted by the drug "Skor".

The period after flowering of Gaillardia. Collection of seeds and wintering of the plant.

In order not to be left without Gaillardia seeds, it is necessary to leave a small amount of wilted flowers directly on the plant until autumn. To prevent the seeds from falling off, the heads of wilted flowers are tied with gauze. If this is not done, the ripened seeds will fall into the ground and germinate the next year. All that remains is to thin out the seedlings and replant them in another place. Unfortunately, they do not carry information about the varietal characteristics of the parents if you have a hybrid form growing.

As for wintering the plant, there are some nuances here too. If the plant is young, then the first winter must be taken responsibly. To do this, cut all the leaves down to ground level and cover the area with spruce branches and dry leaves. The plant will survive subsequent winters without shelter. This does not apply to those regions that suffer from little snow and cold winters, where plants need to be insulated in any case.

Variety of types and varieties of Gaillardia

Flower growers love to grow both annuals and perennial species Gaillardia. This is a luxurious decor for any flower bed: contrasting combinations with flowers in blue, white, and yellow shades allow you to create truly spectacular compositions that you won’t be able to take your eyes off.

Gaillardia beautiful Gaillardia pulchella

Gaillardia beautiful Lorenziana or Lorenziana Lorenziana Planting and care photo in the garden

Refers to annual plants. During the growing season, a lush, spreading form is formed. Baskets of flowers reaching 7 cm in diameter appear on thin peduncles. The tongue-shaped petals change their color from red at the base to yellow at the end of the petal. The tubular petals are characterized by a red-brown color.

The beautiful Gaillardia has the following varieties:

  1. Painted picta is the owner of double and semi-double bright red or two-color inflorescences.
  2. Lorenza - differs from the others in the size of a double spherical inflorescence, consisting of tubular petals of a yellow or yellow-red hue, funnel-shaped. The most popular varieties of Gaillardia.

Variety "Yellow Plume" with terry baskets in the form of a ball, consisting of tubular yellow petals;
The “Red Plume” variety is the same terry baskets, only the color of the tubular petals is Terracotta.

Two-color gaillardia lollipup flower photo in the garden Planting and care

In addition to these varieties, the following varieties are always popular: Jayeti and Lopipus. But the variety of annual Gaillardia amblyodon is a rare specimen in summer cottages.

Gaillardia aristata aka Gaillardia grandiflora grandiflora Gaillardia grandiflora

Gaillardia grandiflora Gaillardia aristata ‘Gallo Red’ photo in the garden

Is a perennial plant, roots from the North American continent. Its stems are straight with a slight bend in the lower part, which are densely pubescent. As for the height, it can vary from 30 to 75 cm. The shape of the leaf is oblong (lanceolate or oval), the edge of which can be solid or jagged. The leaf is completely pubescent.

The basal leaf is petiolate, while the stem leaf is sessile. The diameter of some inflorescences can reach 12 cm. The reed petals are variegated, bright with shades of yellow and red. The yellow-red color is characteristic of tubular petals.
The first flowers appear in June. Gaillardia has been grown since 1812. The combined name of this type of flower is Gaillardia grandiflora.

Gaillardia dwarf large-flowered fanfare variety Gaillardia Fanfare Gaillardia spinosa cultivation

Its most popular varieties include:

variety "Wirral Flame" - with red reed petals framed by a yellow border;
variety “Dazzer”, the dark red reed petals of the plant turn yellow at the base at the end;
The “Mandarin” variety differs from the others in the rich red-yellow hue of the reed petal.

Gaillardia hybrida

It arose when crossing Gaillardia beautiful with its other varieties. The height of the shoot of Gaillardia reaches 80 cm. Flowering is observed from June to August - the month. The inflorescences can be either simple or semi-double or double, the color of which is in the range of red-yellow-brown shades.
The most commonly grown varieties of Gaillardia hybrida are:

Gaillardia Arizona Sun

Gaillardia spinosa Arizona Sun Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Arizona Sun’ photo in a flower bed

It is distinguished by its short stature (height only 20 cm). It blooms for a very long time and profusely (until frost).

Yellow gaillardia arizona apricot

Gaillardia red Arizona red shades Arizona Red Shades


It is distinguished by the height of the plant, which can reach 50-60 cm, and the yellow-golden hue of the flower. The tubular flowers are dark dark yellow.


Gaillardia primavera planting and care photo of flowering Gaillardia low-growing perennial

A short dwarf, whose height very rarely exceeds 25 cm. Distinctive feature it is that one rosette is capable of forming up to 6-8 peduncles. The diameter of the flower basket reaches 12 cm.

Gaillardia lanceolata

It is not often that you can find another type of Gaillardia in summer cottages - this perennial Gaillardia lanceolata (lat. Gaillardia lanceolata). Few people like slightly inconspicuous flowers with sparse petals emanating from a fluffy center.

Growing this subshrub in a flower garden does not cause much difficulty for gardeners

Gaillardia perennial very similar to garden chamomile, the main difference is the bright yellow-red color of gaillardia petals. This flower grows in many flower beds, but not everyone knows its botanical name - it received the name “gypsy” for the coloring of its petals.

Below is a description gaillardia perennial, told about features of planting and further care for the flowers in the flower beds, oh reproduction and preparation for the winter period.

Description gaillardia perennial

This flowering perennial grows up to 0.5-0.7 cm in height, and the height of the stems depends on the variety. There are both tall plants (with a shoot height of up to 0.9-1.0 m) and low ones - about 0.3 m. In tall varieties, the shoots are usually tied up so that the bushes do not fall apart. They also try to plant such varieties next to flowers that have strong shoots - they can maintain the shape of gaillardia.

The foliage of these perennials flowering plants– narrow, elongated, lanceolate. The leaves are collected in rosettes. The shoots are erect, well branched, and densely leafy. Peduncles are straight, long, and bend well. The plant blooms profusely throughout the season, usually producing one bud on each peduncle, and peduncles growing on almost every stem.

The diameter of the flowers can reach 9-10 cm. The color of the center of double or semi-double buds is usually dark. The color of the center of the flowers can vary from bright yellow to burgundy. A real multi-colored beauty is this perennial with two- and three-color petals and unusual double-shaped inflorescences.

This flowering plant can grow in one place for up to 5 seasons, and then it needs to look for another place in the garden. The first buds of the perennial appear in the first ten days of June, and the last flowers fall off already during the first winter frosts.

Landing rules gaillardia perennial

Growing this subshrub in a flower garden does not pose much difficulty for gardeners. And you have to start with a choice right place for planting these flowers. Gaillardia does well in a sunny location, so it should be planted in places where there is direct sunlight throughout the day. The soil should be light, loose and fertile, but overly acidic soils and groundwater close to the surface of the earth.

The distance between flower bushes should be about 30 cm, but to make the bushes more lush, several flowers should be planted in one hole at a time.

Before planting, fertilizers should be added to the holes: humus, rotted compost, wood ash, a little mineral fertilizers(1.5 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). After planting, all flowers are watered abundantly.

Important! You cannot plant gaillardia in heavy, overly wet soil that contains too much humus.

Features of caring for perennial gaillardia

Caring for these flowers is quite simple and consists of the following:

  • in regular watering;
  • in tying;
  • in shelter during frosts.

This plant needs periodic, rather moderate watering, since the flower cannot tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

But it feels great in dry, hot weather.

Tall types of gaillardia should be tied up, to strong wind or the rain did not break the stems. Usually, flowers planted nearby are used as supports, whose stems are strong and stable, not bending to the ground in any weather.

This perennial tolerates winter cold well and is quite resistant to cold, but on the eve of frost it is necessary to take care of shelter for it.

It should also feed it several times a season:

  • for the first time, fertilizers are applied during the appearance of buds;
  • the next feeding is carried out in the middle of flowering (from the second ten days of July to the second ten days of August);
  • Fertilizers are applied for the last time in late autumn, after all faded parts of the plants have been removed (the last ten days of September - the first ten days of October) several weeks before the onset of cold weather.

Compost, humus, and special fertilizers for flowering plants are used as fertilizers. open ground.

Reproduction gaillardia perennial

These perennials can be propagated in the following way:

  • using seeds;
  • dividing the mother bush.

The easiest and best way to propagate a flower is by vegetative method.: It is enough to divide old bushes when replanting, and plant the already obtained divisions in a new place. This lovely plant grows quite slowly, but once every 5 seasons, changing its place of “habitat”, it can be divided root system into several smaller parts.

It is better to carry out this procedure in mid-April, before the plant begins to actively grow, or in the fall after pruning the flower for the winter. Before planting the cuttings, add at least 5 liters of water to each hole.

This The perennial also reproduces well on its own by seeds., however, new flowers that grow from such seeds may differ from the mother ones in the colors of the buds.

To propagate a perennial with seeds yourself, you need to place several flower stalks under a canopy in the fall to dry them. Then collect the seeds and put them in a cloth bag until spring. When the snow melts and the ground warms up, you can plant seed material in a pre-selected location. You should not plant them deeply - the seeds may not germinate in this case. The depth of their planting is about 0.5 cm. The crops are watered abundantly and covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect inside. Usually the first seedlings appear 1.5-2.0 weeks after planting. When several true leaves grow from them, the seedlings should be picked. Usually, grown seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in early autumn or at the beginning of the next summer season. Gaillardia grown from seeds begins to bloom only in the second season.

Preparing for winter gaillardia perennial

Preparation of this perennial for winter begins in early September.. First, remove all fading flower stalks. A couple of weeks after this procedure, fertilizer is added to the base of the flowers. And just before the onset of frost, it is necessary to cover the soil around the flower and the base of the plant with dry foliage or spruce branches.

Diseases and pests gaillardia perennial

This flower feels good only in dry, loose soil, and if it is over-watered, it may develop diseases such as:

  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spotting.

To prevent the appearance of such fungal diseases in gaillardia, you need to water it in moderation. If the foliage begins to change color, spots appear on it gray, then you must immediately remove and burn the infected parts of the plant and treat the flower with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If the disease has affected many flowers in a flower bed, then appropriate fungicides should be used to treat them.


This flower is a decoration for any flower bed, and its active flowering throughout the summer season is the main reason that gaillardia can be seen in almost any garden plot.

Great( 0 ) Badly( 0 )

Gaillardia is a prominent representative of the Astrov family, whose homeland is Central and South America. It is characterized by numerous odorless flowers that look like chamomile or daisies. Inflorescences - baskets can be painted in any shade of yellow-red, often two and three colors are found. The stems of gaillardia are straight and branch abundantly, forming a spreading bush. The leaves are elongated, serrated at the edges, the peduncles are elongated, flexible and thin.

Gardeners choose it for its good drought resistance and long flowering period: from June to the end of August. Gaillardia looks great in flower beds and flower beds, combining harmoniously with other flowers.

Common types and varieties of gaillardia as well as photographs of flowers

Gaillardia is common both as an annual and perennial species. The following ornamental species are cultivated.

A widespread annual plant that came to Russia from Mexico and Arizona. Forms a bush reaching half a meter. Inflorescences - baskets are 6-7 cm in diameter. The color is usually purple in the middle of the basket, and yellow along the edges of the petals. Abundant flowering lasts all summer. At the end of flowering, many seeds are formed, which germinate well and ensure self-sowing propagation.

Varieties of beautiful gaillardia:

  • Pict. The flowers are garnet-colored or bicolor, double;
  • Lorenz. Inflorescences are yellow-crimson, spherical;
  • Red Plume. Blooms in terracotta-colored baskets;
  • Yellow Plume. Reminiscent of the previous variety, only the baskets are of a juicy yellow hue.

TO garden forms For this species, the applicable name is gaillardia grandiflora. It is an unpretentious, usually tall perennial. The straight stem is densely framed with leaves. It blooms with large yellowish or yellow-purple inflorescences (up to 12 cm in diameter). Flowering begins in June.

Photo. Gaillardia spinosa

The following varieties of spinous gaillardia are common:

  • Mandarin. Characterized by a bright tangerine color;
  • Wirral flame. The flowers are ruby ​​at the base and bright orange at the edges;
  • Dazzer. It has a bright red color at the base and sand along the edges of the petals;
  • Croftwav Yellow. Forms inflorescences the color of the sun.

Bred on the basis of gaillardia spinosa and gaillardia beautiful. The plant is tall, the flowers are yellowish to brown, the baskets are often double. The flowering period is about 60 days.

Hybridia gaillardia is represented by the following varieties, distinguished by large flowers:

  • Bremen. Tall variety (70 cm) wine-colored with a crimson border;
  • Burgundy. The average height of the stem is 55 cm, it is crowned with ten-centimeter wine flowers;
  • Zone. The height is the same as the previous variety, it blooms with yellow-golden baskets;
  • Kobold. The straight branched stem reaches 40 cm. The outer flowers are yellow with red tips, the middle (or tubular) ones are yellow-purple;
  • Golden Goblin - a low-growing compact variety (up to 40 cm), suitable for alpine hills, golden-yellow inflorescences;
  • Tokajer is a tall (up to 75 cm) plant that forms a powerful bush. The inflorescences are bright orange, good for cutting;
  • Primavera is the most compact variety with a bush height of no more than 25 cm, while it has a high flowering density;
  • Arizona Sun is a dwarf variety (20 cm), blooms long and profusely in yellow-red shades.

Photo. Gaillardia spinosa dwarf variety Arizona Sun

Arizona and Primavera are the newest varieties developed for borders, containers and pots.

Important. When buying seeds, pay attention to the plant variety; in addition to the shape and shade of the inflorescences, they differ in the height of the bush.

Gaillardia lanceolate and blunt-toothed

Less common varieties. Gaillardia blunt-toothed is an annual plant up to a meter tall. The leaves are greenish-gray, elongated, the flowers are chestnut, chamomile-shaped. Gaillardia lanceolata is a perennial up to 60 cm high. The stem is branched, the leaves have dissected edges. The flowers are medium-sized (7 cm in diameter), yellow or red, chamomile-shaped.

In addition to those described above, you can find varieties “Red Flame”, “Sunshine Red”, “Red Pom Pom”, from which pure red flowers will grow. Selecting 'Gold Pom Pom', 'Arizona Apricot', 'Yellow Feather', 'Amber' will give you a solid yellow bloom. To date, only about 28 species of gaillardia are known.

Features of growing gaillardia in open ground

In February - March, gaillardia seeds are sown

Growing gaillardia is not difficult even for an inexperienced gardener. The plant is unpretentious and requires minimal care.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The seedling method allows you to get flowering specimens quite early. It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in February - March. The seeds are laid out on the surface of a well-moistened substrate and lightly sprinkled with soil on top. The ideal temperature for storing crops is 20-23 degrees. The soil should be covered with film, thereby creating a greenhouse effect, and placed in a bright place.

Growing gaillardia seedlings

Shoots should appear within one to two weeks, after which the seedlings must be moved to a colder place (18-20 degrees). A cool, humid greenhouse works well. After the first pair of leaves appears, the seedlings are planted more freely, preferably in separate pots. Water moderately, only after the earthen clod has completely dried. It is advisable to additionally illuminate the seedlings to provide at least 14 hours of daylight.

How to plant in the ground

I plant gaillardia seedlings in the ground as usual at the end of May.

Gaillardia seedlings should be planted in open ground at the end of May. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm. Gaillardia loves the sun, so a bright area with nutritious, non-acidic soil is suitable.

Before planting, compost (or humus), wood ash and some mineral fertilizers are added to the soil. After planting, the beds are watered abundantly. The period from sowing to flowering is 17-20 weeks.

Perennial gaillardia can be sown directly into the ground. Some gardeners plant all the seeds in one bed to a depth of no more than 1 cm, and in August they plant the flowers at the required distance (at least 20 cm) so that the bushes do not interfere with each other as they grow. With this planting, the plant will acquire 10-15 leaves over the summer and bloom next summer or at the end of spring.

Necessary watering and fertilizing

The plant is drought-resistant, so further watering is carried out moderately. Water abundantly only during drought. Fertilizing should be done three times a season with mineral fertilizers.

Important. The use of manure as fertilizer is not allowed.

The first feeding is carried out during the budding period, the second during flowering, the third - when flowering ends.

Caring for gaillardia flowers in the open ground

Gaillardia is a low-maintenance plant; you just need to weed it out

Gaillardia does not require excessive care; it is enough to loosen the soil and remove weeds. To make the flower bed look more aesthetically pleasing and for the gaillardia to bloom longer, faded buds should be cut off. Tall varieties need staking.

The plant tolerates winter well. To prepare perennial gaillardia for cold weather, remove all flower stalks about a month before frost. The first-year gaillardia is cut off completely and the area is covered with dry leaves. The next year the plant will overwinter without these procedures, except when the winter is snowless and cold.

Diseases, pests and how to deal with diseases

Overwatering or rainy weather contributes to the development of gray rot, powdery mildew, and white rust. Dangerous insects include aphids, thrips, borers, and whiteflies. At the first signs of disease, the plant is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and special preparations, and if necessary, damaged bushes are removed.

Reproduction and transplantation of gaillardia

Perennial gaillardia is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. Annual varieties are always propagated by seeds. To get the seeds yourself, leave a few flowers until autumn, then collect and sow. Please note that the varietal qualities of the parent plant are often not preserved. The plant actively reproduces by self-seeding and can spread throughout the entire area.

Important. Perennial gaillardia should be replanted every 4-5 years.

Transplantation is performed in the spring, less often in the fall. At the same time, propagation is carried out by dividing the rhizome. To do this, the bush is dug up and divided into several parts, each of which must contain a normal number of roots. On average, 1 bush is divided into 3 parts. Then they are planted in a new bed.

Experienced gardeners propagate the plant from cuttings. To do this, dig around the bush around the perimeter, cut off the thickest healthy root, divide it into pieces of 5-7 cm and root it in a greenhouse.

Decorative use

Gaillardia is used to decorate local areas; it looks good both alone and in combination with daisies and cornflowers. Creates an impressive contrast with green shrubs and lawns. Thanks to its long flower stalks, gaillardia is well suited for cutting.

Gaillardia (lat. Gaillardia) belongs to the genus of the Asteraceae family, numbering approximately 25 species, which, in the wild, grow in South and North America. Gaillardias are drought-resistant herbaceous annuals and perennials, reaching a height of 90 cm. The stems of the plant are straight, pubescent, densely branched. The leaves are simple, oval or lanceolate, toothed, alternate. Single basket inflorescences on long peduncles consist of marginal three-toothed flowers of a red-purple hue and central tubular flowers, usually painted dark red.

Gaillardia baskets can be simple, semi-double or terry. In semi-double baskets, reed flowers are arranged in two or three rows, while double baskets consist of greatly expanded middle flowers, funnel-shaped. Gaillardia blooms profusely. The fruit is an achene with a tuft. Beautiful gaillardia is grown as an annual crop, and hybrid gaillardia and spinous gaillardia are grown as perennials. Beginner flower growers often confuse gaillardia with a plant such as helenium, but despite their similarities, these are completely different plants.

Gaillardia - growing from seeds

Sowing gaillardia
Annual gaillardia is grown by seed seedlings. Sowing is carried out in February or March. Large gaillardia seeds are laid out on the surface of a damp substrate and only lightly sprinkled with vermiculite, although this can be omitted. Keep the crops in a bright place at a temperature of 20-23 ºC, covering them from direct sunlight and moistening the soil as necessary. Shoots appear in about a week or two.

Gaillardia seedlings
As soon as the gaillardia shoots appear, move it to a more cool place- seedlings should grow at a temperature of 18-20 ºC. A cold greenhouse is best suited for this purpose, since the air humidity at which the seedlings will develop successfully must be increased. As soon as the seedlings develop their first pair of true leaves, they are planted more freely. The soil must be moistened after the top layer of soil has dried. Daylight for seedlings should last 14-16 hours, so you will have to install fluorescent lamps, otherwise the lack of light and high air humidity may pose a risk of seedlings becoming infected with gray rot.

Large daisy-shaped inflorescences of a fiery sunny color, framed by the dense foliage of a lush spreading bush - this is the appearance of the gaillardia flower (from the Latin Gaillardia). This is a beautiful and unpretentious plant from the Asteraceae family.

In total, 25 of its species are known, but in landscape design They practice planting spinous gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata or Gaillardia grandiflora), as well as hybrid gaillardia (Gaillardia hubrida).

Description and varieties

The cultivation of hybrid varieties of flowers is the result of breeding work on crossing the annual gaillardia beautifula and gaillardia awn, a perennial plant.

An annual or perennial herbaceous plant can be high up to 90 cm or low (up to 30 cm). As an example, Red Shades gaillardia has flowers similar to large red daisies (10–12 cm in diameter), the stem height reaches 30 cm.

But the Arizona Sun variety is considered the shortest and most compact.. It grows only up to 20–25 cm, but its flowers are large (9 cm in diameter). In open ground, gaillardia begins to bloom earlier than other varieties. The list of its advantages includes that it tolerates winter well. It grows in one place for up to 5 years, then the bush can be divided to be moved to another place, but always sunny.

Most often flowers different varieties Gaillardias are planted along borders or in the foreground of flower beds in containers. And not only because of the beautiful inflorescences (baskets (double and semi-double), consisting of flowers of amazing red-purple shades), but also the attractiveness of the regular leaves of a simple, oval, lanceolate, jagged shape.

The most popular annual sunflower is the gaillardia bicolor variety, which differs harmonious combination two shades and a wide palette of colors - from light yellow to red-brown.

Flower culture is also represented by a large group of beautiful hybrids. These include the famous variety - gaillardia Burgunder with large dark red inflorescences.

All in all, hybrid varieties are so similar to each other that amateur gardeners often have difficulties about this. In addition, it is useful to know that hybrid gaillardia is a perennial flower, but short-lived. For this reason, every 3–4 years the plant needs to be rejuvenated by dividing the mother bush.