How to decorate the facade of a house made of aerated concrete - choose building materials for cladding. Economical facade finishing of aerated concrete - personal experience of portal participants The best way to decorate a house from aerated concrete

The widespread use of aerated concrete blocks is due to their affordable price, lightness and strength. But the problems may be due to the fact that this material does not look very good. High-quality exterior finishing of a house or other building helps improve the situation.


Construction of urban and suburban buildings of ready-made industrial parts is becoming more popular year by year. But you should not think that the exterior decoration of the walls of a house made of aerated concrete will negatively affect the overall price of the structure or worsen its practical qualities. As practice shows, it is not at all necessary to make a finishing layer or install hanging screens that completely mask unattractive masonry. Of course, all types of finishing materials and elements are selected taking into account the increased permeability of aerated concrete to water vapor and its tendency to absorb water.

Finishing blocks from the outside, according to experts, does not always require the creation of an insulated layer.

If the elements used are thicker than 40 cm, then under normal climatic conditions of the Russian Federation(except for the northernmost regions), the material itself provides a decent level of thermal protection. Considering that aerated concrete is most often purchased in order to save on construction, any Additional materials and the designs must be cheap. Mechanized application of plaster mixtures (if it is decided to use them) is quite possible. For this purpose, both industrial and home-made devices are used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Anyone who wants to save money as much as possible and simplify their work has a logical question: is it worth finishing aerated concrete or not? In many information materials you can find a statement that the decorative layer has a purely aesthetic purpose and there is no practical need for it. But in fact, there is at least one plus - aerated concrete needs to be finished because it allows a lot of water vapor to pass through. At the same time, the finishing material should be selected with exactly the same level of vapor permeability, which limits the choice. If you violate these rules (do not finish the outside of aerated concrete or do the coating incorrectly), you may encounter a sharp reduction in its shelf life.


It is impossible to veneer an aerated concrete wall with bricks without preparing a mobile sheet, the thickness of which is 4 cm. This sheet will provide a technical gap from the wall to the masonry. Air will begin to circulate in the resulting gap, therefore the problem of the different abilities of the two materials to pass steam is automatically solved. Before covering the outside of a private aerated concrete house with brickwork, you need to make sure that the foundation can withstand the increased load. Ideally, such a decorative element should be included in the working design.

Please note that brick finishing:

  • increases resistance to water;
  • makes the structure stronger;
  • very difficult to implement;
  • costs a lot of money.


Sheathing a house with siding can be much faster and cheaper than finishing it with brick. A wide range of color and texture options will undoubtedly delight home owners. Aerated concrete blocks can be completely protected from water penetration; moreover, this finish is very durable and not subject to combustion. Siding does not create a significant load on the foundation and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. It is not difficult to care for it and keep the surface in good condition.

You can often hear that siding does not tolerate mechanical destruction well. But this is not too important, because replacing damaged blocks with completely new ones can be easily and quickly. Given the relatively low strength, it is worth taking the coating with a reserve. And even if the entire installation went well, there is no need to rush to send this stock to the trash. It may turn out that after a few months or years it will no longer be possible to find sheets of siding with the same color.

Ventilated facades

Facades with an internal ventilation gap are excellent for finishing houses made of aerated concrete. If they are carried out in strict accordance with technical rules, it will be possible to provide both a beautiful appearance and reliable protection basic weatherproof material. Warm-up speed will increase interior spaces, thermal energy will be distributed more evenly through them. Accordingly, the cost of heating resources will be lower. Ventilated facades made of aerated concrete can only be insulated with materials permeable to steam.

In addition to mineral wool, you need to place a membrane that protects from moisture, which should also allow steam to pass through. This solution will ensure timely removal of condensate to the outside. You cannot use polystyrene foam for insulation, because it will interfere with the escape of water vapor, and very soon the wall will begin to deteriorate. The use of ventilated facade technology, along with improved thermal protection, will muffle street noise. But this method is unacceptable near bodies of water or in areas where there is a lot of precipitation.

The ventilated surface immediately changes the appearance of the building. It can be modified in accordance with any chosen design approach. The facade can last up to 70 years, and the absence of “wet” work allows installation regardless of the weather situation. Work should begin only after completion of all internal work that increases moisture concentration.

To attach a ventilated façade to aerated concrete, use:

  • spring-type drop-down dowels;
  • nylon dowel-nails for universal use;
  • chemical anchors;
  • mechanical type anchors.


Facing aerated blocks with clinker tiles is no worse than other finishing options. It is gradually pushing brickwork into the background. It is important to note that simply applying clinker (gluing it to the wall) will not do anything. In a matter of weeks, aerated concrete will dry out the adhesive mixture, no matter what it is, and after this the tiles will begin to crumble to the ground. This cannot be allowed.

The initial layer is applied with reinforcement with a mesh of metal or fiberglass. Then you need to put an additional final layer of plaster and level it. Only after all the plaster has completely dried can the tiles be installed. To do this, use cold- and moisture-resistant adhesives and create a large seam between the tiles. The minimum gap size is ¼ of the area of ​​the facing element.

Intermediate reinforcement with steel or plastic dowels will help improve the bond between aerated concrete and ceramic plates. They can be replaced with ordinary nails or stainless screws. In all four cases, it is necessary to drive fasteners into the masonry and disguise them in the seams between parts of the clinker mass. Experts believe that you need to make 4 or 5 fastening points per 1 square meter. m. Then the cladding will hold securely and will not collapse prematurely.


The plaster layer can be created not only as the basis for a ventilated facade or clinker tiles. With proper selection of the mixture and competent execution of the work, it will become an attractive design solution in itself. It is recommended to use only specialized facade plasters. When working with acrylic compounds, you can count on long-term preservation of beneficial qualities, but you should be wary of open flame (the material can easily ignite).

Silicone plaster, which absorbs little water and is relatively inexpensive, demonstrates a wide variety of textures, but a meager range of colors. It should not be used where a significant amount of dust and dirt will fall on the walls. The gypsum composition dries quickly and is not subject to shrinkage, and only one layer is enough for decoration. But we have to take into account a low level of vapor permeability and accelerated wetting under the influence of precipitation. In addition, the surface of the plaster is often covered with stains, they will have to be painted over immediately - there is simply no other way to deal with it.


But since in this case you will still have to paint the aerated concrete wall, it is logical to look at the use of paint. paints and varnishes this kind is divided into two groups: some contain reinforcing fibers and add texture, while others form an attractive relief. Both types of coloring mixtures can be applied to aerated concrete blocks with a simple roller without additional manipulation. The created layer has a matte tint, the tonality of which can be easily adjusted with color additives. Paints and varnishes for aerated concrete are guaranteed to work for at least 7 years and will absorb some water.

This solution eliminates the occurrence of cracks, and the developers’ refusal to use an organic solvent on water based Helps prevent bad odors. Before applying paintwork, it is necessary to remove all dust and smooth out minor defects using a grater. Painting is carried out either immediately or using façade putty (depending on the complexity of the situation).

Criterias of choice

As is already clear, the external finishing of aerated concrete walls can be performed using a variety of technologies. But the manufacturers of each coating are trying to attract the attention of consumers, telling them that they have the best and most reliable, that their solution is ideal for gas blocks.

  • sand and concrete plaster;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • covering paint that forms a film.

Simple black self-tapping screws should not be used for fastening the sheathing under a ventilated façade. Dowel-nails showed themselves much better in practice. They do not form cold bridges and are not susceptible to the harmful effects of condensing moisture. The installation step is reduced to 0.4 m - this allows for the most uniform distribution of wind impact load. If you decide to finish an aerated concrete wall with bricks, you will have to provide vents in the lower part of the masonry, and also take care of covering them with gratings.

Please note: brick is worse than other options, because its use creates an increased load on the foundation.

Even if the masonry extends ½ brick, a significant mass is still created. You will also have to take care of flexible connections between the main and outer walls. To summarize, we can confidently conclude that the best results are achieved by using a ventilated façade. Only this technology guarantees both external beauty and weather resistance.

When choosing and performing the exterior finishing of a house made of aerated concrete blocks, it is worth taking into account the properties of this material so that the cladding does not contribute to the deterioration of the technical characteristics of this material. Since aerated concrete belongs to the category of cellular lightweight concrete, it has high thermal insulation characteristics, but this material absorbs moisture quite easily, so the exterior decoration of the house must reliably protect wall structures from atmospheric moisture and the formation of condensation. In our article we will list all finishing options aerated concrete block.

Features of the material

When choosing the finishing of a house made of aerated concrete, it is worth considering specifications and properties of this material. So, its advantages include the following:

  • Because the specific gravity aerated concrete is small, when arranging a house you can get by with a lightweight foundation. In addition, the laying of wall blocks can be done independently without the use of construction equipment. Due to its light weight, transportation of this material is facilitated.
  • Cellular concrete is an easy-to-work material. The blocks can be cut and drilled with hand tools. The block can be shaped into the desired shape right on the construction site. In addition, in an already constructed building, you can easily tap walls for laying communications.
  • The high thermal insulation characteristics of the material lead to the fact that a wall with a thickness of 200 mm is equal in thermal conductivity to a brick wall with a thickness of 500 mm.
  • Since the structure of the material is porous, a favorable atmosphere for humans is formed in the house due to air microcirculation and humidity is regulated. With this property, aerated concrete is very similar to wood.
  • A building made of aerated concrete can rightfully be considered environmentally friendly housing.

When choosing how to decorate a house made of aerated concrete blocks, you should take into account the disadvantages of the material:

  • The main disadvantage of this product is its increased fragility. The blocks do not withstand shock loads well, and their compressive strength is low. If the block falls during transportation, it is likely to split or crack.
  • High hygroscopicity means that the material actively absorbs moisture both through direct contact and atmospheric moisture from the air. At the same time, the product becomes heavier, its thermal insulation characteristics deteriorate, and its strength decreases. A wet block may collapse after freezing. During masonry work, the block quickly absorbs moisture from the solution, which reduces the elasticity of the mixture and makes it difficult to work with.

Important: as you can see, the shortcomings of this material confirm the fact that walls made of aerated blocks are a draft version that needs immediate external and interior decoration. Next we will look at the most suitable options external cladding of aerated concrete walls.


Clinker brick is a high-strength material made from special slate clay. A house lined with clinker tiles takes on a finished, respectable appearance. Clinker contains oxide dyes and additives. The mixture is passed through an extruder. The flat blank is then cut into individual tiles. They are fired in a tunnel kiln at a temperature of 1300°C. As a result, the material acquires the following characteristics:

  • high frost resistance;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • the product can be given any color and texture;
  • the material has high strength;
  • tiles are considered environmentally friendly;
  • clinker is resistant to sunlight;
  • it is a chemically neutral material;
  • durability.

Main advantage exterior finishing made of clinker bricks and tiles - a variety of shapes, textures and colors of products. As a result, you will be able to realize any architectural idea in facade decoration, make columns, decorative elements, arches. From clinker you can make not only the outer layer of the house, but also a fence, a gazebo, a canopy, a barbecue, and a fireplace inside the house.

Advice: if it is very important for you to decorate the facade, then better material You won't find anything better than clinker tiles.

However, any material has disadvantages and clinker is no exception. Due to its increased density, it has high thermal conductivity, so it is advisable to additionally insulate the walls of the house before cladding. The second disadvantage is the high price.

There are two ways to tile a house with clinker tiles:

  1. If you want to additionally insulate the facade, then first slabs of thermal insulation material, for example, polystyrene foam, are attached to the walls. Then a vapor barrier membrane is fixed on top of them. It will protect against moisture and condensation. After this, clinker brick cladding is performed at a short distance (3-4 cm). The facing layer must be connected to the aerated concrete masonry walls using anchors, clamps, long nails or dowels with wire. The installation step of these elements is 0.5 m.
  2. If the thickness of the aerated concrete walls is sufficient, then additional insulation will not be needed. In this case, clinker tiles are laid close to the walls. Elements for connecting the cladding layer to the walls can be laid during construction aerated concrete masonry or installed later during the cladding process.


If you decide to plaster the outside of a house made of aerated concrete, then you should know that the finishing process will consist of several stages. The final result depends on the quality of each of them. Thus, the process of plastering aerated concrete walls includes the following steps:

  • First, thermal insulation material (foam or extruded polystyrene foam) is attached to the walls. Usually, a special adhesive composition and dowels with caps are used to fasten insulation boards. This layer will increase the thermal insulation of the house, protect against noise and atmospheric moisture.
  • After this, using the same glue, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is attached to the insulation. It is needed to improve the adhesion of the finishing layer to the heat-insulating material.

Attention: when choosing a mesh, you should give preference to products made from chemically neutral material. This will protect the facade from the appearance of traces of rust.

  • Now you can begin to apply the finishing plaster layer. For better adhesion, the surface of the previous layer is primed with a special compound. Next, the facade is plastered using a high-quality composition with antiseptic additives. After this, the surface of the walls is painted with facade paints.

Vinyl siding

Facing material such as siding is quite popular. On sale you can find cladding panels made from different materials(metal, fiber cement, vinyl, wood). The most popular because of its reasonable price and ease of processing is vinyl siding.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  • Affordable price.
  • Simplicity and speed of installation.
  • Durability.
  • Easy to care for. The facade can be washed with water from a hose.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to fading, damage by microorganisms and insects.
  • Large selection of colors and textures, allowing you to choose required product. In addition, several colors of material can be used in the cladding of one house, which will diversify the facade and give it expressiveness.

However, if you decide to cover your house with siding, it is important to adhere to the rules for installing this product. Otherwise, the panels may fail, they may burst or become deformed. The thing is that the material can expand and contract under the influence of temperature changes. The magnitude of the change in linear dimensions reaches 1%.

Installation of vinyl panels is carried out in the following order:

  1. Before covering a house made of aerated concrete with siding, special brackets must be secured to the walls. Only on them can panels be mounted.
  2. Before installing the guides, the walls of the house must be protected from moisture. To do this, a vapor barrier membrane is attached to them.
  3. After this, the guide profiles are attached.
  4. Then the outer corners are installed on the corners vinyl profiles. Special profile components are installed around windows and doors. The starting profile is fixed at the bottom of the facade, and the finishing strip or internal corner is fixed at the top of the walls.
  5. If the siding length of 3.66 m is not enough to cover one facade in length or height, then a joining profile is additionally used.
  6. After this, installation of the panels begins.

Attention: to compensate for temperature deformations, the siding is attached with a gap of 1 cm at the ends from the additional profiles. In addition, for free expansion and contraction, the material cannot be screwed too tightly to the guides. Self-tapping screws can only be screwed into the center of the oblong hole on the panel.

It is also worth remembering that for ventilation of the building walls, vinyl siding is not attached closely to the facade. Be sure to leave a gap of 3-4 cm. If desired, the walls of the house can be insulated. The insulation is placed between the frame guides. Then a vapor barrier membrane and again guide profiles are attached on top of it. This is the only way to ensure the required ventilation gap.


Cladding a house made of aerated concrete can also be done using facing bricks. This material has a wide color palette, which will allow you to use a successful combination of two colors to decorate your home. For wall cladding, it is better to choose not an ordinary ordinary brick, but a special finishing brick. It has the correct shape, a smooth surface without defects and a reduced width, which will reduce the load on the foundation. Due to their high density, these products have improved technical characteristics.

For cladding the house you can use silicate or ceramic brick, as well as products obtained by semi-dry hyperpressing. The latter option is more expensive, but allows you to achieve better results due to extensive color range, variety of shapes and textures.

Overlay aerated concrete walls facing bricks can be done in two ways:

  • Close to the walls. In this case, when making masonry from aerated blocks, it is worth laying anchors in advance to perform the dressing with the facing layer. If desired, you can lay thermal insulation material between the aerated concrete wall and the facing layer.
  • Ventilated facade. This finishing option will not allow the walls of the house to become damp due to the accumulation of condensation in them. In this case, a layer of facing brick is laid at a short distance (3-4 cm) from the surface of aerated concrete walls or heat-insulating material covered with a vapor barrier membrane.

Types of materials for exterior finishing of aerated concrete blocks

Finishing a house made of aerated concrete from the outside does not require the application of protective coatings. Contact of unprotected aerated concrete with the atmospheric environment leads to a change in the properties of aerated concrete and seriously deteriorates the appearance, so I advise you to protect aerated concrete:

  • facing brick;
  • textured, vapor-permeable paints;
  • siding, ventilated facades;
  • special vapor-permeable plaster mixtures that preserve the ability of aerated concrete to “breathe” and protect it from moisture.

When choosing the type of finish, you need to know that aerated concrete is perfectly permeable to steam and air. If the finish is not air-vapor tight, this will lead to moisture accumulation between the aerated concrete and the finish. This moisture will intensively destroy the material and the structure itself.

I do not recommend protecting aerated concrete with cement-sand mixtures, polystyrene foam boards, film-forming paints or dense adhesives.

Finishing a façade made of aerated concrete with textured special paints and vapor-permeable putty is a simple and inexpensive way. The cheapest is the “Prospectors” paint.

  • The paint is diluted with water, mixed thoroughly and applied with a roller to the gas block. It is convenient to change the color of the paint by adding pigments. I don't recommend saving on paint.
  • Preparation consists of processing the protruding irregularities with a jointer and grouting the seams.
  • I recommend starting painting a month after preparing the base, so that the chemical reactions in the materials are completed.
  • If the aerated concrete is of poor quality, there are a lot of chips and unevenness, you can apply thin-layer vapor-permeable plaster.


Paint consumption is about 0.4-0.6 kg/m2

Finishing the outside of aerated concrete walls with sheet materials is a reliable way to protect the structure. The house can be covered with vinyl siding, clapboard or ceramic, metal sheets, vertical or horizontal installation method.

  • I recommend attaching the sheathing sheets to the sheathing.
  • Install the sheathing on nails or expansion anchors. The sheathing creates a ventilated space of 2...4 cm, which is extremely useful for removing condensation and additional insulation.
  • Vinyl siding is often the best way to protect aerated concrete. Available in sizes 385x25.5 cm, thickness 1 mm.

Calculation of quantity of material

Divide the total surface area by the area of ​​one panel to obtain the number of panels required
Don't forget to add 7% to the resulting number, which will be spent on processing corners and difficult places

Facade thermal panels are a composite of foam plastic, glass wool on extruded polystyrene foam and marble chips on the outer surface.

Thermal panels are lightweight - they do not load the foundation, are attached to aerated concrete using construction adhesive, and are made of high quality material.

Today, thermal panels are the easiest way to protect aerated concrete and provide additional insulation. The sheathing is not installed on the wall; you can glue the thermal panels yourself.

Facing brick finishing

Protection of aerated concrete with facing bricks should be carried out with a gap of 30...40...50 mm. Brick and aerated concrete walls must be connected with flexible connections. This is usually fiberglass or perforated steel.

In new masonry, connections are inserted into the seam between the masonry during the masonry process itself.

“Clinker tile” panels are a two-layer composite of polyurethane and German high-quality clinker tiles Stroеher, Feldhaus Klinker. Attached directly to the facade with dowels without preparatory work on aerated concrete. After installation, the seams are unstitched.

Tile consumption

Divide the surface area by the area of ​​one tile and multiply by 1.07

Preparation of the base, regardless of the type of finish

I advise you to start exterior finishing of aerated concrete walls by preparing the working surface of the wall. First, repair defects in joints, chips, and seams. This is more of an event to insulate the building. It is useful to apply a “warm seam”, seal voids and seams polyurethane foam. Putty the seam.

It will be very good if the primer is covered with a deep penetration waterproofing compound, then fungus is guaranteed not to appear.

Helpful information


The leaders at the lowest cost with a clear advantage are vinyl siding and thermal panels. Using them to protect an aerated concrete wall is half the cost of painting or building a brick wall.

German clinker tiles cost twice as much for aerated concrete cladding Brick wall. The manufacturability of siding and thermal panels allows you to do the work yourself.

This is the most optimal material for protecting aerated concrete on walls.

A frequently asked question on various construction forums: how to decorate the façade of a house made of aerated concrete, became the reason for collecting information on this topic. Having processed it, we offer edited and specific information in which we will tell you what this wall building material is, why it must be covered, what materials are used for this, and how they should be laid in order to obtain a high-quality end result.

What is aerated concrete

This material belongs to the class artificial stone and a group of cellular concretes. The material is based on cement, sand and special substances that, when interacting with water, release gas. The latter forms bubbles inside the solution mass. When dried, a durable stone with a bubbly structure or, as experts say, cellular, is obtained.

It is the gas bubbles that make aerated concrete lightweight with high thermal insulation characteristics. That is, houses made of aerated concrete are very warm. And if you approach their construction correctly, taking into account the width of the blocks, then such a building can not be additionally insulated. There is an opinion that aerated concrete absorbs moisture well, under the influence of which it cracks, crumbles and collapses. That is why the façade of aerated concrete houses must be finished with materials with higher waterproofing qualities.

Video description

In our video we will talk about Japanese facades. Let's take a closer look at what errors happen during the installation process:

This is incorrect information. Autoclaved aerated concrete has a moisture resistance rating that does not exceed 20%. For brick it is 10-16%, that is, not so much better that one could talk about the low performance of the former. And if you build the roof of the house correctly, creating a good overhang that protects the walls from precipitation, then the aerated concrete walls do not need to be finished with anything.

Aerated concrete just doesn’t have the most presentable appearance. Therefore, this wall material must be finished. Let's look at options for finishing the facade of a house made of aerated concrete and what materials are used for this.


This is a traditional way to give a house built from different building materials a presentable appearance. This finishing technology is called “wet”. And since aerated concrete still has increased moisture absorption, ordinary plaster mixtures will not be suitable here. Manufacturers today offer solutions that contain special additives. They retain moisture, preventing it from penetrating into aerated concrete blocks.

The process of applying the plaster mixture to an aerated concrete surface is no different from traditional technology.

    The facade of a house built from aerated concrete blocks cleanse from dust and dirt.

    Apply two layers primers. The first one must be dried before applying the second one. For this process, special primers for aerated concrete are used.

    Installed on the façade surface using self-tapping screws reinforcing mesh, made of either fiberglass or polymer. Such meshes are called synthetic plaster meshes. They are sold in rolls or by the meter.

    The dry mixture is prepared, that is, it is poured into a container of water, where it is thoroughly mixed.

    Apply in an even layer a certain thickness.

    After drying apply the finishing coat, usually painted.

Note that in addition to ordinary plaster, you can use decorative varieties. The application technology is the same.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Brick cladding

Facade blocks for exterior finishing of a house are presented in a fairly wide range on the market. The most commonly used material is facing brick. It is lightweight, that is, there is no need to build a complex base for it, with a smooth front surface, which ensures presentable exterior finishing.

Brick cladding is also a “wet” process. Therefore, two different technologies are used for its claque.

Technology No. 1

To do this, use a cement mortar containing additives that retain moisture. The cladding process itself is carried out using standard technology. Firstly, for this purpose, even at the stage of building the foundation, an area is left for laying bricks. That is, the width of the foundation should be greater than the width of the gas blocks by the width of the brick and mortar.

The brickwork is laid with an offset of half a brick, that is, with a sling. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the thickness of the seams, which should not exceed 10 mm.

Technology No. 2

This method is a type of ventilated facade for a house made of aerated concrete. The essence of the technology is that a small gap is left between the cladding and the walls of the building, in which air flows. The result is a ventilated layer that removes moist air vapor from the walls of the house, thereby preserving them from the negative effects of moisture.

There are several types of structural elements of a ventilated facade. That is brickwork, which is used to line the wall, must somehow be attached to this wall. The simplest option is metal brackets, which are driven into aerated concrete blocks at a certain distance from each other, both in height and along the length of the facade. The brickwork is attached to them. More precisely, part of the staple gets into the seam between the bricks. Therefore, it is very important to install the restraint device correctly.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular aerated concrete house projects from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

The more staples, the stronger the connection between the facade and the cladding. As practice shows, the height of the holders is installed every 4-5 rows of bricks, along the length of the facade every 1-1.5 m. This is considered sufficient for low-rise construction. If the house is more than two floors, then complex base structures are used for the brick ventilated facade, which include:

    brackets, which are attached to a wall made of aerated concrete;

    guides, installed between the brackets;

    horizontal belts for laying bricks.

All elements are made of either galvanized or stainless steel.

There is another option for constructing a ventilated brick facade. Here, the construction of the house and its cladding are carried out in parallel. That is, aerated concrete blocks are laid into the wall and a facing wall is immediately raised next to it. To create a connection between two building structures A metal mesh is laid between the assembled blocks. For example, every third aerated concrete block. The photo below shows the finishing of the facade in this way.

Wall cladding is not just brick. Aerated concrete blocks can be covered with clinker, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware. That is, in this regard, aerated concrete walls are no different from others. The main thing is to use adhesive solutions for aerated concrete.

Ventilated facades

Let’s immediately say that a ventilated facade for a private house made of aerated concrete is an ideal finish. To do this, a sheathing, or frame in other words, is constructed on the wall. It is assembled either from wooden blocks with a cross-section of 40x40 or 50x50 mm, or from galvanized metal profiles, which are used for installing plasterboard boards. The second option is better, because the metal does not warp or change its dimensional parameters under the influence of changing humidity and temperature.

Concerning facing material, then here is a wide range that offers modern market. Here are just a few of the most popular options today: lining, siding, block house, decorative slabs from cement mortar, polyvinyl chloride, mixtures of polymers and wood shavings. Many manufacturers offer cladding as a kit, that is, the finishing material is also accompanied by lathing. This is very convenient in the sense that there is no need to adjust the frame elements to the dimensions of the facing material.

Cladding assembly technology

The frame is assembled quite simply. Essentially, these are guides installed on the wall in a vertical position. The main task of the work producer:

    install profiles vertically and in one plane;

    installation step determined by the length of the finishing material, for example, lining and block house are 3 m long, siding is 1 m.

It is important that the cladding elements are joined only on the guides. Fastening is done with self-tapping screws or clamps.

For example, how siding is used:

    At the very bottom along the sheathing set the starting profile, which is attached to the profiles with self-tapping screws. Installation is carried out strictly horizontally.

    From the corner of the building to the sheathing install a corner element, which is also attached with self-tapping screws to a profile installed near the corner of the house.

    The first siding panel is installed in the lower corner of the facade, inserting directly into the starting and corner profiles. They are fastened here with self-tapping screws.

    Next to him the second panel is being installed. Thus, the bottom row of cladding is assembled.

    Then move on to assembly of the second row. The first panel is inserted into the corner profile, and its tongue into the groove of the bottom panel. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

    The last row It may not fit entirely in height. This means that the siding panels will have to be cut to the required size.

    At the very top, before installing the last row, install finishing profile, which will cover the cut edges of the panels. In addition, this element will add completeness to the finish.

Video description

The video shows in detail how a house built from aerated concrete blocks was lined with siding:

Cladding with decorative panels

This finishing material appeared on the market relatively recently. But he took his place “under the sun” thoroughly. Firstly, there is a huge variety of decorative facade slabs. Secondly, this is a ventilated facade, with all the ensuing advantages. Thirdly, this is the simplicity of construction, plus the low price of the material.

Manufacturers today offer decorative panels, made from different materials and compositions. Here on a cement base, and on a polymer, and on wood. Composite materials are very popular because they have excellent not only decorative qualities, but also strength characteristics: wear resistance, moisture resistance, frost resistance, and others.

The mounting method is exactly the same as for siding. Many manufacturers offer a complete package with sheathing and fasteners, as well as additional elements. There are so-called thermal panels on the market. In essence, this is the same decorative finish, only each of its elements is insulated with heat-insulating material, which is glued to the back of the panels. By the way, this finishing material can be laid “wet” using tile adhesive. The same technology is used here as with ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Flexible stone

This is the most modern version external finishing of houses made of aerated concrete. This material got its name because it bends well, although the upper front side is made of stone veneer or painted sand. The base is fiberglass, which gives the product a certain strength.

It is very easy to work with this material. The main requirements are a dry surface and a special adhesive composition. We will not tell you how to properly install flexible stone. Just watch the video.

Video description

The video shows how easy it is to lay flexible stone:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we have dealt with the exterior finishing of houses made of aerated concrete: its options, materials, installation and installation technologies. From all that has been proposed above, one conclusion can be drawn - the same materials are used for cladding walls made of aerated concrete as for finishing brick or concrete walls. The only difference, if we talk about “wet” technologies, is the use of special masonry and adhesive solutions.

The outer walls of the house are the foundation of the entire structure, so they must be made of a reliable base. Therefore, they are often built from aerated concrete, because this material has high strength and wear resistance, but there is one significant drawback - its unpresentable appearance. In addition, it absorbs moisture like a sponge, so over time it begins to crumble, crack and collapse. It is for this reason that it must be protected. Typically, the finishing of the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks undergoes additional finishing, during which they use various materials. But initially it is worth considering the basic qualities of the materials.

Often, when building houses, cottages, and residential buildings, a block of aerated concrete base is used. Aerated concrete is a type of building material, namely a type of artificial stone, which belongs to the cellular type of concrete. It is made from concrete, which is combined with lime and quartz sand. All this is diluted with aluminum blowing agent. The components are diluted with water, after which a reaction is observed that releases hydrogen and foams the cement mass. The finished solution is poured into special molds. After the entire reaction has taken place and the solution has completely set, it is divided into blocks and dried in intended ovens for this purpose. The result is ready-made aerated concrete for building houses.

Aerated concrete blocks

Houses made from these blocks have the following qualities:

  • houses made of blocks are light in weight, so there is no need to build a massive foundation;
  • due to the fact that this material has an optimal ratio of light weight and size, during construction there is no need to order additional equipment for lifting loads, which as a result saves money and reduces labor costs;
  • the block can be easily cut, sawed, there will be no difficulties when laying the subsystem, communications and other important parts of the house;
  • rapid construction of buildings made of aerated concrete. It will take about 1 month to build one box of a house from this base;
  • no additional finishing for insulation is required, because aerated concrete has excellent thermal insulation properties. For this reason, houses made from this base are always warm and cozy, especially in the cold season.

Options for finishing facades made of aerated concrete blocks

However, despite the high quality of aerated concrete, it still breaks down over time due to various negative impacts of weather conditions. And the appearance is not always pleasing to the eye. Therefore, you should beautifully design the façade of aerated concrete. It can be finished with a variety of materials, from brick to ordinary plaster. But in order for the cladding to be able to protect external walls from negative factors, extend the life of the building, and also give it a presentable appearance, it is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the features of each material for the facade finishing of aerated concrete buildings.


Finishing the external walls of a house made of aerated concrete with bricks greatly improves its appearance, makes it presentable, and makes it much more beautiful and brighter. In addition, various color solutions bricks, will allow you to choose the material that will fit perfectly into the style landscape design. But during finishing it is necessary to use not ordinary bricks, because it can put additional pressure on the blocks.

In addition, in order for the finish to last for a long period, several important rules must be followed during construction work:

  • Before installing the brick on the block, you need to prepare the mortar. To do this, it is thoroughly mixed, this will help to avoid sand settling, all components will be distributed evenly. After installation, the brick will adhere well both to each other and to the gas blocks;
  • The mixture should be spread evenly. This will make the seams stronger;
  • to enhance the strength of the entire structure, the thickness of the seam should be at least 10 mm;
  • If mortar gets on the brick during the laying process, it should be removed immediately, otherwise it will dry out and ruin the entire aesthetic appearance of the building.

Scheme for finishing aerated concrete facade with bricks


When choosing a material for finishing block houses, you should choose siding. This material has good qualities allowing to preserve the quality of the entire structure for a long time. Advantages of siding material:

  • the base of this material is heat-resistant, so this material does not deteriorate as a result of temperature changes, it can withstand severe frosts or extreme heat;
  • has high moisture resistance. Rain, snow, hail will not have a negative impact on this base;
  • When finishing a house with this material, a gap remains between the siding facade and the walls in which an insulating base can be installed.

For insulation, two types of insulation can be used:

  • materials with a soft base – various options mineral wool;
  • products with a solid base - polystyrene foam with an extruded base or polystyrene foam.

By appearance the result is an ordinary ventilated façade, only, unlike a subsystem with ventilation, it has a reduced cost and is no different in properties. In addition, during installation it is necessary to comply with certain requirements, since the aerated concrete block has low strength. For this reason, the “frame-wall” fastening units require additional strengthening.

When strengthening, the dowel should expand with a self-tapping screw, for this reason it must be chosen 1-2 mm smaller than the dowel. The standard dowel size is about 6 mm. The mounting depth must be at least 50 mm.

Scheme for finishing a wall made of aerated concrete with siding


The finishing of aerated concrete walls can be done with a variety of finishing materials, not only siding and brick. Plaster is often used for finishing aerated concrete bases. To decorate a house, you should not choose ordinary cement mixtures, because the block will immediately absorb all the moisture from them, which will ultimately cause the destruction of the material. In addition, after drying, multiple microcracks form on the surface of the plaster. For this reason, you should purchase special mixtures that are used specifically for aerated concrete blocks. These mixtures are based on additives that prevent the absorption of moisture into the aerated concrete material.

Wall finishing with plaster is carried out sequentially:

  • The first step is to prepare the working surface of the walls. It consists of cleaning the surface from dust and excess solution;
  • after this, the walls need to be primed with a special mixture, which is intended for aerated concrete material;
  • the next stage is to create a plaster mesh. To do this, you can use a fiberglass or metal mesh with small cells;
  • install the mesh to the wall using self-tapping screws;
  • the presence of a mesh guarantees high-quality adhesion of the plaster to the wall surface. If it is not installed, then after some time the work will have to be redone again, because the layer of plaster may come off over time;
  • after this you need to knead the solution. Dry ingredients are poured into the container, water is added to them, everything is mixed;
  • after that we proceed to plastering the walls;
  • When the entire finishing process is completed, you can begin cladding the facade. To do this, you can paint it completely or paint individual parts.

Scheme for finishing aerated concrete facade with plaster

Protective painting

After finishing the facade with plaster, it is necessary to paint it. This will give an expressive, bright look to the entire structure. The most economical option would be to use special paints or vapor-permeable plasters.

Features of facade painting are as follows:

  • in order to paint the facade, you should add to the plaster desired color. Then the walls need to be finished with the resulting mixture;
  • if suddenly you don’t like the color, you can dilute the mixture with another color and paint the facade again;
  • the coloring mixture is applied with a special roller or brush;
  • If unevenness, various connecting scars, or seams appear during painting, they must be carefully rubbed down. Next, using a plane, everything should be sanded;
  • If you are already planning painting in advance, then it is better to purchase an already processed block.

Paint protection

The final stage after plastering should be protective covering walls with a special composition. Typically, hydrophobic compounds are used for painting, which contain special water-repellent components. These compounds are called water repellent. But there are special compositions for aerated concrete material. Mixtures that are used for finishing brick and concrete are not suitable for this material.

Treatment of painted facades with hydrophobic mixtures:

  • hydrophobic mixtures can be applied using a regular paint brush or roller;
  • They should be applied to the blocks in a small layer. This layer will be enough to protect the walls from dust adhesion and from the effects of various negative precipitation;
  • Application should be made to the entire surface, including corners and other hard-to-reach places.

Ventilated facades

A ventilated facade is considered the optimal way to finish walls made of aerated concrete. For wall cladding using this method, a large amount of sheet or linear finishing material is used - siding, lining, block house, porcelain stoneware slabs, sheets of plastic or metal base.

Finishing features of the ventilated base:

  • In order to install such cladding on a block, it is necessary to use a system of guides; if necessary, a lath is made. This facing will provide clearance;
  • the entire structure is installed using nails, dowel or anchor type fasteners;
  • When finishing a facade made of aerated concrete blocks, systems with vertical guides with slats made of wooden base. And on the outside they can be sheathed horizontal materials– clapboard made of wooden base, block house, siding;
  • cladding from sheet material usually done together with sheathing, which is nailed to the facade and secured with self-tapping screws;
  • the resulting gap between the cladding and the facade is insulated with mineral wool and basalt thermal insulation.

On sale you can find ready-made facade systems made of sheet material. They are already equipped with everything necessary. Their high reliability makes it possible to use them for the construction of private buildings, as well as for multi-story structures.

Finishing buildings from an aerated concrete base is a mandatory requirement for the structure to last for a long period. You can use various materials for it - brick, plaster, siding. The main thing is that the material is of high quality and wear-resistant. Also, its installation should be done correctly so that in the future it does not move away or crumble.

Scheme of a ventilated facade


Technology for finishing walls made of aerated concrete blocks using various materials.

Photo of the finished facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks

Examples of how you can change the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks using various finishing materials.