Make a magnetic square. Magnetic holder (corner) for DIY welding. Characteristics of welding magnets

Hello to all DIY lovers!
Today I want to show you one of the options for making a simple magnetic corner (holder) for welding work. The idea is certainly not new, there are many modifications of this homemade product, but in terms of functionality they are practically no different, and you can get quite a lot of benefits from this thing, considering that when welding you often have to work alone. Actually, this prompted me to make this holder. I will describe where it can be applied at the end of the article.

Necessary materials

To make a magnetic corner you will need:

Two furniture corners
- three extended nuts
- six bolts
- half a magnet (it’s better to use neodymium, of course)

Manufacturing a welding angle

First of all, we shorten the bolts so that they can fit into the enlarged nut (select the sizes individually). I cut off the bolts with a regular grinder.

Next, I sanded the magnet a little to round off the sharp edges a little and so that it would fit in the corner between the nuts.

Then I slightly drilled holes in the corner for the bolts, and also drilled additional ones in the middle of the corner in order to secure it with three nuts in the future.

Now we need to put everything together.

To make the instrument look beautiful and stand out from other instruments, I painted it bright blue.

It all turned out quite beautiful!

Using the Welding Holder

Now the actual use of the magnetic corner in practice:

Using this homemade product, you can easily and simply weld parts at an angle of 90 degrees alone, without holding the workpiece.
For example, below is the photo. On the first one, a piece of reinforcement was welded simply by hand:

As you can see, the workpiece was beveled and a right angle did not work out.

The next photo shows the same piece of reinforcement, but using a homemade magnetic holder:

As you can see, the result turned out much better!

In addition to this option, you can also use a magnetic holder when welding parts from the side or even from below, and you also don’t have to hold the workpiece.

Of course, this holder is not suitable for any work where large and heavy workpieces are used, but for small household work it simply cannot be replaced. And if you need to secure something large, then you can simply make a larger holder with a neodymium magnet, which has a much higher attractive force. It all depends on your needs.

When carrying out welding work, moments arise when it is necessary to simultaneously grip a part and hold it at a certain angle. This work requires two people or a special tool. The most commonly used is a clamp. With its help, the part is fixed in the desired position. However, the clamp has a lot of disadvantages. Therefore, you need a special magnetic holder that will help you do this work quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Advantages of a magnetic corner for welding

  • Able to hold both metal parts, which frees up your hands to do the main work.
  • It does not block access to the connection point, which makes it better than a clamp.
  • Allows you to create several angle options.
  • Easy to use.
  • Does not require large production costs.

Magnetic corner manufacturing process

To begin with, we need a magnetic disk with a diameter of ~15 cm and an internal diameter of ~5 cm. We also need to have squares of sheet metal 3 mm thick, with a side of 20 cm. It is very important that the sides of the square are perfectly even. It is advisable that the thickness of the magnet does not exceed the material most used in the work. The best option is 1-1.5 cm.

Place the magnet in the center of the square and trace it with a marker to create a marking. Next, we apply cutting lines to the metal that need to be made to create the pattern.

We clamp the workpiece in a vice, and use a turbine to cut off the excess elements.

We apply the resulting part to the second square to outline its contours. Next, we also remove the excess from it with a turbine.

We connect the two resulting blanks together and secure them by welding. Now we can perform one operation on two parts at once.
Next we need two threaded couplings. We install a magnet on the workpiece, applying it to the previously designated location. Then we distribute the couplings along its perimeter, at the same distance from each other. We mark their position with a marker.

We remove the couplings. We mark holes in the center of the location of the couplings. Next, using a drill corresponding to the diameter of the hole in the coupling, we make holes in our workpiece. It is through them that the bolts for fixation will be installed.

After this, we weld a piece of pipe to the workpiece, the diameter of the internal hole of the magnet. We fix it exactly in this place. As a result, we got a part that can be clamped in a lathe chuck.

Using a drill and cutter on a machine, we create a hole equal to the inner diameter of the magnetic ring.

We remove the welded pipe and clean our part. In this case, it is very important to obtain perfectly smooth edges while maintaining compliance with the corners. Therefore, you will have to work not only with a grinding machine, but also with a file. We are making a kind of measuring instrument, which means that the accuracy of the work must be at its best.

At the next stage we will need couplings and bolts for them.

The workpieces are separated and cleaned. Next, install a magnet and couplings on one of them.

Often, to carry out quality work In welding, skill alone is not enough, which is why various auxiliary devices are used, such as a magnetic corner. It is designed for fixing metal parts during welding, soldering or assembling structures, and a good owner will find a dozen more uses for this design.

Welding magnets

  1. Allows you to work with round pipes, rectangular cross-section, with sheet metal and products of complex shapes;
  2. A good device has a number of standard angles - 45, 90, 135, 30 and 60 degrees; there are also universal models that can hold parts at any angle;
  3. Quick fastening, unlike clamps, just lean the corner against the parts and it will fix itself;
  4. Simplification of the welding process occurs due to the absence of the need to use an assistant for the welder, plus the ability to adjust the location of the parts to be welded after they are secured;
  5. The device can work in any planes, at any angle and on any surfaces;
  6. Preset template angles make it easier to work with in-line products.

It is also worth noting that for most welding work, such a part is not just a recommendation, but an integral part of the work process.

Types of magnetic holders for welding

Models existing on the market can be classified both by form factor and operating principle. For example:

1.Magnetic square monolithic design - the simplest type of product, allowing you to position the workpiece at one of the provided angles.

Magnetic square

2. Magnetic clamp– a flexible tool that can be adjusted to any angle.

Magnetic clamp

3. Lock– can have a monolithic shape or a complex design with variable angles; its feature is the function of “disabling” the fasteners. By pressing a button, the magnets are weakened and the device is very easy to rearrange, which is especially useful for powerful magnetic corners for welding.

Magnetic holder

Also, angles are divided according to power into standard ones, in which the simplest magnets are used, and for particularly heavy structures, magnets with a high degree of retention are installed in them.

Reference! Magnet power is expressed in kilograms and is assigned to each similar product.

Cost is not the last parameter, which directly depends on the capabilities and quality of the magnet. For domestic needs, devices of simple monolithic structures with low holding force can cost from 300 rubles. More complex moving products of similar power will cost 500 - 1000 rubles. Finally, the most expensive monolithic, clamp-type holders, with powerful magnets, will cost 3-5 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right model

The first step is to decide how you will use the holder. If it is needed for one-time use, then the most suitable cheap option, which will be useful in the future, but will not hurt your pocket. For those who regularly work with welding equipment, models with a large number of preset angles and inexpensive universal models that allow you to independently set and fix the angle are suitable. For professional use or to complete a small workshop, it is worth purchasing a set of magnets with a high degree of retention. Very often, one magnet is not enough to work with, so having a whole, even minimal, set will greatly facilitate the welder’s work.

The next parameter is the holding force. The stronger the magnet, the heavier the parts can be used in the work, the longer it will retain its holding properties and the better it will fix the parts. When buying magnetic welding devices with a high-quality magnet, make sure that you can remove it yourself, or better yet, that it has the ability to “unstick” on its own, that is, it is switchable.

Magnet quality is a parameter that most young welders forget about. Here it is important for us that the magnet can retain its properties for a long time and, more importantly, does not deteriorate when heated. The operation of a welding magnet occurs in close proximity to the welding site, so the entire product is subject to heating, which deteriorates the quality of the magnets.

A simple DIY magnetic square

Since this device is quite simple, you can easily make it yourself. This option is suitable for those who like to make things on their own, I haven’t found one the desired product on sale or for cases when it is necessary to obtain fasteners for a non-standard template.

Design options may vary; here we will look at two manufacturing methods. The choice depends on your manufacturing capabilities and availability necessary materials and tool.

In the first case we will need:

  1. Metal sheet 2-3 mm thick. It is very important to use non-magnetic materials so as not to weaken the magnetic field;
  2. Round magnet (the kind you can find in acoustic speakers);
  3. Bushings;
  4. Fasteners (screws and nuts).

Manufacturing algorithm:

1. Using a triangle, draw the outline of the future product on a sheet of metal. Try to make the angles as straight as possible; the quality and accuracy of the finished tool will depend on this.

2. Using a grinder, we cut out our blanks and make smooth edges.

3. Prepare plastic bushings (remember that the material must be non-magnetic). You can take pieces of polypropylene pipe. We carefully process the ends, the dimensions of the bushings must be the same. To prevent the magnet from dangling, we select a piece of plastic and securely fix it in the inner diameter.

4. We mark the attachment points of the two plates and assemble them using bolts and nuts.

5. Ready product at work

Magnetic holder for DIY welding

We will need:

  1. Sheet metal (1-3 mm);
  2. Magnets;
  3. Dry board;
  4. Fasteners

First of all, it is worth understanding the diagram of the future product. To begin with, it is better to use monolithic structures. Templates can be found on the Internet or you can create one for your own needs. We apply the template to the sheet metal and cut out two identical blanks. At the same time, it is very important to preserve their geometry.

Aluminum sheet blanks

The next step is to prepare the central part of the magnet. To do this, we cut out a piece of wood in the shape of the metal plates, but do not completely repeat the size, but step back from the edges so much that after assembly the magnet is buried between the steel plates by a couple of millimeters. Its thickness should be 1-2 mm greater than the width of the magnets.

Cutting out a template from wood

The outer part of the product is ready, now you need to make the inside. Here you should start from magnets. We will place them between the plates so that the thickness is in the range of 10 - 50 mm. It is best to use round magnets with a hole inside, called “magnets for self-tapping screws,” but others are also suitable for the job, which should be pre-processed and holes prepared for fastening.

We fasten the magnets using self-tapping screws

The last stage is drilling holes and assembly. First of all, we attach steel plates on both sides of the wooden workpiece, and attach magnets to the grooves. The product is ready - you can test our magnetic welding angle.

Checking magnet geometry

Small metal objects are difficult to hold in one position during the welding process. Fixation is carried out using improvised means so that the products do not move. A magnetic corner is suitable as an auxiliary tool.

It is also called a welding square. It will come in handy home handyman, and a professional welder. This mechanism improves the quality of the weld and the part as a whole. Let's look at how to make a magnetic corner for welding with your own hands.

Types of magnetic holders for welding

A magnetic square is a mechanism for clamping one part or joining two parts, providing support in a given position during welding. It is suitable for single procedure and batch production. The devices differ in design and operating features. There are the following welding magnets:

  • standard square with non-switchable magnet and stationary angles;
  • clamp - a flexible device with the ability to adjust angles, suitable for products of varying complexity;
  • holders with different power - used to hold workpieces with different characteristics: for small ones - low power, for large ones - high power;
  • switchable models - after switching off, the holders detach themselves, the element is released without effort;
  • universal angles – equipped with several angles with frequently used parameters for performing complex and simple work;
  • three-coordinate and quadrilateral devices - suitable for welding in difficult high-temperature conditions, they use ferrite magnets that can withstand temperature changes and cylinders.

For home use, you can assemble a magnetic corner for welding with your own hands. Handicraft tools can withstand mechanical loads. It can fix large parts, permanently hold and join parts of products to obtain high-quality seams.

Angular: permanent

Corner models consist of two plates with a magnet placed between them. These are multi-position devices with an adjustable clamping angle within 30⁰-135⁰. They are suitable for quickly fixing elements to be welded. The plates allow you to hold the object in one of 6 positions. Such mechanisms are acquired when, during the welding process, the workpiece needs to be rotated from several angles.

  • Important! Devices with fixed angles should be selected in situations where welding is carried out in frequently used positions


Switchable models are devices with a magnetic field that is switched off with a special rotary lever. They make it easier to clamp and release the item being welded. Such devices are easily cleaned of metal shavings and small items.

Main selection criteria

For professional work, you should choose a high quality tool. Devices are exposed to high temperatures, which reduce the magnetization coefficient of low-quality specimens. The fixture must be free of chips, gouges and other defects where it touches the clamped product. Irregularities do not allow objects to be firmly fixed at a given angle.

  • Important! The advantage of switchable corners is the ability to turn off the magnetic field both on the entire device and on its individual faces. These devices are suitable for craftsmen who often weld parts of complex configurations

Chinese angles stand out for their budget price, but they cannot withstand temperature changes, so they quickly break. To weld products at different angles, it is recommended to choose a customizable mechanism or purchase a kit containing several types of tools for clamping at certain angles.

Homemade magnetic corner

Home craftsmen will be able to assemble a magnetic corner for welding with their own hands. To make it, you do not need highly specialized knowledge. You must first prepare:

  • magnet - thickness less than 15 mm;
  • steel sheet thickness 2-3 mm;
  • bolts M6 with a set of nuts or rivets;
  • heat resistant glue.
  • Important! The magnet configuration does not matter. Practice shows that it is better to choose a round shape. An option from a powerful speaker is suitable

The sheet of steel is marked in the shape of a triangle for subsequent cutting of the elements of the magnetic corner for welding with your own hands; it is better to take ready-made drawings. Use a grinder to cut out the first element according to the markings. The second part can be marked along the first by attaching it to the steel sheet. Using a file, clean the cut surfaces to a perfectly smooth state. Finished elements must be identical, errors are not allowed.

The triangles are applied to each other and clamped so that the edges completely coincide. They are fixed in a vice. Holes of the same diameter are drilled in the corners as bolts or rivets that will fasten the elements together.

A magnet is placed between the triangular plates. Its size should not exceed the parameters of triangles. The surface is pre-coated with glue. The parts of the holder are fastened with bolts or rivets. Painting with heat-resistant enamel is carried out after the glue has hardened.

  • Important! Your homemade tool with neodymium magnets is capable of holding workpieces weighing over 3 kg. It is recommended to periodically monitor the condition of non-heat-resistant analogues, so it is advisable to fasten their parts with bolts

When making a do-it-yourself magnetic angle for welding, you should take into account the features of the upcoming work. For welding in conditions high temperature Heat-resistant ferrite magnets must be provided. They do not need state monitoring.

Overheating of a mechanism not intended for heating leads to a decrease in its magnetic effect and irreversible failure. In non-removable structures it cannot be replaced.

Magnetic square Designed for fixing metal parts during welding, soldering, and assembly of structures. Used to work with round pipes, rectangular pipes, strips, angles, profiles, sheet, solid and other types of metal. Square quickly and reliably connects parts, reduces work time, facilitates installation and replaces bulky clamps and clamps. Angles: 45°, 90°, 135°.

There are many types and designs welding angles from different manufacturers. For various types Magnetic angles for work are available in different sizes, different strengths, and even with a continuously variable working angle.

Naturally everything welding angles vary in price. But if the brand is not very important to you and appearance, That magnetic square can be done easily with your own hands. A homemade device is quite enough for welding and installation work in a garage or farmstead, and most importantly, a homemade device is nicer and cheaper.

Anyway welding angle will find its application.

Let's start manufacturing. A store sample was taken as a basis magnetic square. Its dimensions have been changed to suit the use magnet, from a speaker, from an old TV. The result is a drawing like this.

The steel grade can be any, in my case it is steel 3. Plates welding angle You can cut it by hand, you can use a grinder, the main thing is to maintain accuracy corners. In my case, the plates were cut from metal using laser cutting. These are the blanks we got.

Now you need to make a spacer between the 2 plates magnetic square it is needed to protect magnet from the adhesion of metal filings and give rigidity to our structure. The simplest thing that was at hand was plywood, we cut out a blank with a hole for magnet and reduce the contour of the part by a couple of mm. This is done so that the spacer does not interfere with fixation magnetic square, such as a water pipe.

Now that we have all the necessary parts, we collect magnetic square using aluminum rivets, having previously coated the parts with glue for greater reliability. The plates must be assembled strictly in parallel.

When the glue dries, all that remains is to paint it homemade magnetic square, first with a primer, and then with paint, in the color you like.

As a result we get welding angle similar in characteristics to store samples. The main thing to remember is that it is undesirable to allow strong heating during operation. magnetic square, since temperature can lead to loss magnetic properties.