Planning for summer paint week. Summer entertainment "Colors of Summer". Forms of work implemented in special moments

Project “Bright Colors of Summer”

Goal for the teacher:

Tasks for the teacher:

1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and the promotion of children’s health, the prevention of morbidity and injury.

2. Implement activities aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activation, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

3. Carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Tasks for children:

1.Formate in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards their health.

2. Promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and intelligence.

3. To promote the accumulation in children of ideas about the world around them (about the objective, social world, the natural world).

4. Instill in children the position of creators and helpers of nature.

5. Develop children's abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activities.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Project type:

information-practice-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.


Preparatory stage:

1. Selection of necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.

4. Development of a project plan.

Main stage:

"Experiment Workshop";

"Summer Fun";

“Me and Summer”;

“Summer is dressed in bright colors”;

"Farewell to summer."

First week

"Experiment Workshop" includes:

Conversations “Where is sand used?”, “Sand and clay in nature.”

Observations “Sandboxes after rain and in dry weather.”

Experiments: “Where did the water disappear?”, “ Magic transformations", "Sun and sand", "Let's paint the water different colors."

Drawing in unconventional ways is a manifestation of a previously applied candle pattern.

Sand modeling.

Games with balloons and soap balloons.

Reading fables “Everything is the other way around” G. Kruzhkov.

P/N: “Find where it’s hidden”, “Get the ring”, “Find your color”.

D/i “Where what grows.”

S/I games": "Hike", "Circus".

Hardening procedures.

Second week

Summer Fun includes:

Conversation “The work of vegetable growers and gardeners.”

Conversation “What do we know about vegetables and fruits?”

Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables, fruits, flowers, labor.

Modeling "Merry vegetable garden".

Drawing "Fruit Salad".

Games: “Ripe - not ripe”, “Edible - not edible”, “What are we taking in the basket?”, “Find out by description”, “Determine the taste”, “Tops-roots”, “Riddle - we will guess”.

P/I, relay games “Harvest the harvest”, “Carry the potatoes”.

S/R games: “Fruit and Vegetable Store”, “Family”, “Toy Store”.

Conversation: “My favorite toy.”

Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers.”

Hardening procedures.

Third week

"Me and Summer" includes:

Conversation about the work of people “Janitor”, “Mower”.

Conversation about clean air in the city.

Ball games: “Catch the ball”, “Roll the hoop”. “Don’t miss the ball”, “Throw it over and catch it”, “My funny, ringing ball”, “Hit the hoop”. “Ride after me”, “Ball on the shoulder blade”, “Who will throw it further”, “Roll the ball along the path”.

Drawing colorful balls.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

P/I: “Magic wand”, “Carousels”, “Take care of the object”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Jump ropes”, “Hide and seek”, “Find a pair”.

Examination of colored candy wrappers. Making crafts from them.

Modeling "Apple Tree".

S/r games “Bakery”, “Visiting Summer”, “Healthy Food Store”.

Hardening procedures.

Fourth week

"Bright Colors of Summer" includes:

Conversation “What vitamins grow on branches and beds.”

Conversation “Diseases of dirty hands.”

P/N: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who gets to the flag faster”, “Do as I do”, “Traps in the circle”.

Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

S/R games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Temper up!”, S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”, A . Barto “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”.

Drawing "Bright Summer".

Modeling “Home for a friend”.

Games with building material"Our kindergarten."

Hardening procedures.

Fifth week

"Farewell to Summer" includes:

Conversation “What do you remember about the summer?”

Songs, games, round dances.

Repetition of poems learned over the summer.

Collective application “Decorate the meadow with flowers” ​​(using different materials: napkins, paper, leather, shavings from colored pencils...)

Design of the stand “How I spent my summer” - together with parents.

Group leisure “Goodbye summer”.

Hardening procedures.

The final stage

Stand - exhibition "Our entertainment for a month."

Essence of the project:

All activities planned for the implementation of this project are aimed at achieving the goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, to fully satisfy the needs of the growing body for rest, creative activity and movement.

By participating in activities, children will be able to develop motor skills and abilities, acquire an interest in acquiring new knowledge about the environment through conversations, and demonstrate existing knowledge in the process of outdoor games and entertainment games.

In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of involvement in games, children are given the opportunity to cooperate with each other and with the teacher, as well as to help, support and empathize.


My first crafts / A. G. Krasichkova. – M.: AST: Astrel: Poligrafizdat, 2011. – 160 pp.: ill.

Our favorite holidays / comp. M. V. Yudaeva. – M.: “Samovar”, 1990. – 96 p.

Funny scenarios for all holidays / S.Yu. Novikov. – M.: AST – PRESS SKD, 2006 – 320 p.

Summer colors.

Target: Repeat the phenomena of summer, features and symptoms.

Tasks: Create motivation for cognitive activity. Learn to work in a group, develop communication skills.

Materials: finger paints, napkins, white paper.

Leading: Hello guys! I am a Fairy, I came to visit you to play with you and draw. Guys, do you like to solve riddles? My first riddle:

The meadows are turning green

Rainbow arc in the sky

The lake is warmed by the sun

Summer invites everyone to swim...(summer).

Leading: That's right, summer. (The artist comes out and looks thoughtfully at the sky.)

Artist: Everything is fine, I found the gate, I saw the sign, but is they waiting for me here? Will they recognize me? Won't they drive you away? I’ll come now and tell you right away what my name is. No, we need to say hello first. Yes, I’ll say this: “Hello, my name is Kras Karandashevich Malertov. (stops, looks at the children and says)

Artist: Hello, my name is Kras Karandashevich Malbertov. I came to visit you because I learned from your parents that there will be a “summer colors” festival here. This is true?

Children: Yes.

Artist: Guys, I have a very big problem. Will you help me solve it?

Leading: What is your problem, dear Kras Kandashevich?

Artist: I accidentally lost my paints, but they are magical: in winter I paint snow. I paint forests and rivers in White color. In autumn in yellow and Orange color nature. My spring is green. And summer is red and beautiful. Well, most importantly, I paint a rainbow with all colors. And imagine what will happen to our world if I don’t find my colors (grabs his head). It will rain and all the colors will be washed away and everything around will become gray and not beautiful.

Leading: Oh, guys, can we help artists find paints?

Children: Yes.

Leading: Kras Karandashevich our children are ready to help you find paints and suggest starting with blue paint.

Child in blue:

My doll has blue eyes

And the sky above us is still bluer

It's blue like a thousand eyes

We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.

Leading: And there are also clouds in the sky, and it rains from them. Guys, let's teach Kras Karandashevich to hide from the rain. Game “Rain” - while the music is playing, children run around, and as soon as thunder rumbles and it starts to rain, everyone hides under an umbrella. After the game, the child brings blue paint to the artist.

Leading: Listen to my next riddle:

In an overturned well

Shaggy clouds round dance

The sun sets there during the day

At night the month will float by... (sky).

Let's start painting our picture. Prepare your palms and dip them in blue paint and leave your fingerprints on the paper. Clear, blue sky.

Now let's look for yellow paint.

Child in yellow:

The yellow sun looks at the earth,

Yellow pears hanging on branches

Yellow leaves they fly from the trees.

The child takes out yellow paint.

Leading: And so my next riddle:

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know tiredness

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you... (sun).

Artist: Well, now we can draw the sun. Let's continue drawing our pictures. We dip our palms. What a radiant sun it turned out to be.

And the most interesting thing is that if I mix two colors, blue and yellow, I get green.

Child in green:

Green leaf and grass

The tree is always green

We will mix yellow and blue

We get green color.

Brings green paint.

Game "Pass it to someone else."

Artist: Do you like apples? Caterpillars also love apples. And birds love caterpillars. And birds are afraid of cats. And the cat is a dog. Let's play the game "Pass to the Other" - an apple, a caterpillar, a bird, a cat and a dog are passed around in a circle. It is necessary to pass quickly without dropping, so that more than one toy does not catch up with the previous one.

Presenter: Listen to my tracking riddle:

She dies in the fall

And comes to life again in spring

The cows are in trouble without her,

She is their main food. (grass)

The grass is green, get your palms ready. Look what a beautiful clearing. What's missing?

Children: Colors.

Presenter: Let's look for paint for flowers.

Child in orange:

And I want to note that the color orange

The best in the world

After all, all oranges are in winter and summer

They burn the most bright color. (the child brings orange).

Leading: Let's draw flowers. Get your palms ready and let's draw them in our clearing.

Artist: Oh, you are so good and cheerful, but I want to learn to dance with you, can you teach me?

Children: Yes.

Game "Dance and freeze."

While the music is playing, everyone dance, the music ends, everyone must freeze.

Artist: Oh, how good it is to be with you guys, it even lifted my spirits. And there are already so many colors.

Leading: Well, almost all the colors have been returned to you guys.

Artist: Yes, of course there are still a few missing, but I’ll probably manage.

Presenter: Don't be sad artist! I think I know how to help you. I will ask riddles and you and the children will solve them.

- Seeing it under the eye,

They want a fighter right away,

And here is the eggplant and plum
They are happy and beautiful with him. (purple)

- Every sighted boy will say

About him that he is girly

If we dunk the stork

He will become like a flamingo. (pink)

- Sign of a talking fish

It was hidden in a box for a while,

There is in the crown and in the ring,

And on the fabulous porch (golden).

- It is found in coffee, lentils,

There is also in chocolate -

You can't eat it without it (brown).

- He lies on the roof with snow,

They draw and write on it,

It's in cow's milk

Both in setan and in flour (white)

- Even though it's hiding in the chimney,

It is always in fashion among panthers,

And the Negro loves him

He carries it with him every day (black).

It looks like your gas is full. And you can already draw whatever you want.

Artist: Yes, thanks guys, and now I want to draw something for you.

Look at the rainbow I got and all my paint friends are together again. Thank you very much for helping me find my friends. Now I will never part with them and will always carry them with me. And you know how to make friends. Show?

Game "Friendship".

An elastic band with tied ends should fit the entire group.

Artist: Guys, it's time for me to return, thank you again for helping me.

Leading: Goodbye Kras Karandoshevich, come see us again!

Guys, our holiday has come to an end. But it's not the end of the day yet. Today is your holiday all day long and for you the yellow sun is shining in the blue sky, the leaves are turning green on the trees, water is splashing in the blue rivers, flowers are blooming colorful flowers and of course the best orange mood. And as we leave, I give you sweetness and a lot of music. Goodbye!


1 Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten 26” Project “Colors of Summer” (senior group) Completed by the teacher of the 1st quarter. cat. Vyazova O.V. Arzamas, 2017

2 Project “Colors of Summer” Project passport. Type of project: research - creative. Duration: medium term. Dates: July-August Participants: teachers, children, parents, music worker. Children's age: 5-6 years. Format: group. Relevance: This project allows, in the conditions of the educational process of a preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, and systematize children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and in people’s everyday life in the summer; introduce summer holidays and their features; introduce experiences and experiments with water, wind, sun, sand, etc. and apply the acquired knowledge and skills with a creative approach in practical visual activities and in independent active activities, while developing the cognitive, communicative and creative abilities of children. Design component. Goal: to create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive, research and creative abilities in the process of developing the child-adult project “Colors of Summer”. Objectives: - Expand and deepen ideas and knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the summer (the life of animals, birds, insects; the ripening of fruits, berries, the appearance of mushrooms; natural phenomena thunderstorms, rainbows, fog, dew; about the work and rest of people in the summer period. - Introduce summer holidays, signs. - Introduce experiments with water, wind, sun. - Develop monologue, dialogic and coherent speech of children, enrich it with new words and expressions, epithets. introduce literary works on a summer theme. - Learn to depict summer nature, natural phenomena using various visual materials (gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, wax crayons, applique, modeling) and in different techniques (graphics, painting, “on a wet sheet”, method “poke”, non-traditional methods: blotography, “magic drawings”, etc.), paying attention to bright and expressive colors, colors of summer - To promote the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice and in independent active activities. - Reflect knowledge gained experimentally in various types of activities (visual, theatrical, gaming, mental).

3 - Contribute to the development of children’s creative abilities, their imagination, logical thinking, the ability to notice changes in nature, independently select color scheme drawing, distinguish between cold and warm shades of paint, and use them correctly in visual arts. - Develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. - To promote a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to take care of birds and animals; contribute to the development of the ability to admire the beauty of nature. - Cultivate interest in healthy image life, desire to play sports, lead an active lifestyle. - Involve parents in the joint creative process. Integration of educational areas: Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world, cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities), communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, socialization, physical education, labor, safety. Preparatory stage: - Selection of methodological literature. - Drawing up scenarios for the summer holidays “Festival of Soap Bubbles” and “In the Land of Balloons.” - Selection of board and printed games. - Preparation of artistic materials ( colored paper, cardboard, glue, pencils, gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, devices for drawing with non-traditional techniques). - Selection of fiction on a summer theme, about the life of birds, animals, insects at this time of year, plants, descriptions of nature, etc. (poems, stories, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, riddles, songs). Preparation of take-out material for practicing various activities on the street during a walk. - Preparation of equipment for celebrations and relay races. Expected result: - Development of research, cognitive and creative activities of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with a teacher. - Expanding children's horizons, repeating and consolidating their knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the summer, about summer holidays, traditions and features of their implementation. - Fruitful results in artistic creativity in different directions (drawing, painting, appliqué, modeling), the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. - Developing children's interest in fiction and educational literature. - Development of monologue, dialogic and coherent speech of children, enriching it with epithets, new words and expressions. - Development of children's creative abilities.

4 Product project activities: - Children’s drawings on given and free themes about summer, summer phenomena and changes in nature, animals, birds, flowers, etc. - Exhibitions of children’s drawings “Colors of Summer”, “Flowers and Butterflies”, “Pets”. - Crafts from plasticine: “Summer Glade”, “Magic Butterflies”, “Pets”. - Photo competition “My Summer!” - Drawing competition “How I spent my summer.” Presentation of the project: - Exhibitions of children's works. - Exhibition of photographs “How I spent the summer” (joint creativity of children and parents) - Photo newspaper “Our Summer” (report on summer work) Organizational component. Project implementation. Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Observations of changes in nature (the most long days and short nights, warm, hot, dew on the grass in the morning; there are thunderstorms, rainbows), behind the beauty of the variety of colors of summer nature. - Observation of birds and insects in the walking area. - Introduction to summer holidays. Informative research activities. - Experiences and experiments with water. - Experiences and experiments with wind and sun. - Games and experiments with sand. Productive (constructive) activity. " Summer cafe"(from building material and from construction set parts) "Zoo" (from building material and from construction set parts) "Circus" (from building material and from construction set parts) Socialization. Role-playing games: “Family”, “Zoo”, “Hospital for Animals”, “Gardeners”, “Shop”, “Mother’s Daughters”. Dramatization games based on the works: “Teremok”. "Little Red Riding Hood". "The wolf and the seven Young goats". "Cat and Fox." "Masha and the Bear". Didactic games: “Wonderful bag” “What’s extra?”

5 “Cheerful artist” “Edible - inedible” “Pick up desired color» “Domestic and wild animals” Reading fiction. - Proverbs, sayings, riddles, signs, folk tales. - Reading and memorizing poems about summer. - Reading stories from children's writers (N. Nosov, E. Uspensky, V. Dragunsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, T. Oseeva, V. Kataev). Communication. - Creative storytelling for children on the topics: “My pet”, “What do I know about animals”, “The beauty of summer”, “My summer”, “Why I love summer”, “Visiting my grandmother”. - Examination of plot paintings. Compiling descriptive stories and narrative stories based on the teacher's model and from personal experience. - Conversations: “Rules of behavior in nature”, “Rules of behavior in public places”, “What is good and what is bad?” Physical Culture. Outdoor games: “Geese and swans” “Frogs and a heron” “Fox in the hen house” “The third wheel” “The sea worries once” “Stream” “Traps with a ball” “Don’t lose the ball” “Fishing rod” “Cat and mouse” Game exercises: “ Flowers and butterflies" "Birds on a branch" "Bugs and spiders" "Breeze" "Poultry yard" "Small and large" "Balls" "The mice came out" "Hen with chicks" "Hares and the wolf" "We are not afraid of the rain!" Artistic creativity. Drawing: “Colors of Summer”

6 “Pets” “Flowers and butterflies” “Colorful fish” “Rainbow soap bubbles” “What a rainbow!” “We’re not afraid of rain!” “Magic crayons” (drawings on the asphalt) “My friend Smesharik” (drawing on balloons) Application: “Flower meadow” “Balloons” “Flower bed” “Sun umbrellas” Modeling: “Flower meadow” “My pet” » “Flower Bed” Music. - Audio recordings “Sounds of Nature”, “Voices of Birds”, “Sound of the Ocean”. - Songs of children's groups "Fidgets", "Wizards of the Courtyard". - Songs by children's composers. - Learning songs about summer. Work. - Watering flowers in flower beds and in a corner of nature. Safety. - A conversation about the rules of staying in the sun. - A conversation about the rules of behavior on the water. - A conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest, in nature. - A conversation about caring for nature, insects, birds and animals. - A conversation about edible and inedible fruits. - A conversation about objects and phenomena that pose a danger to humans (fire, lightning, toxic substances, etc.) - A conversation about road safety rules. - Conversation about the rules of conduct in public places.

7 Project results

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Project in the preparatory group:
"Summer is dressed in bright colors."
Author of the project: teachers of the preparatory group Kurashova K.P., Belykh N.V.
Relevance: Children are really looking forward to the coming of summer, they imagine in their imagination what they will do in the summer, they dream of something new and wonderful. Knowing this and taking into account that in the summer preschoolers spend the maximum amount of time outdoors, it becomes important to organize the summer health period in such a way that it is interesting, exciting and educational. A project was developed for this purpose. The project provides ample opportunities for artistic and aesthetic development, strengthening the physical, mental and social health of students, and the development of their cognitive, communicative, and creative abilities.
Project duration: short-term (1 month).
Duration: from June 1 to June 30, 2016.
Project type: educational and creative.
Project participants: children of the preparatory group - 30 people; group teachers; parents.
Children's age: 6 years.
The goal of the project: the full physical development of children, increasing their emotional and positive mood through the organization of themed holidays and entertainment.
Project objectives:
1.Formate in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards their health.
2. Promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and intelligence.
3. To promote the accumulation in children of ideas about the world around them (about the objective, social world, the natural world).
4. Instill in children the position of creators and helpers of nature.
5. Develop children’s abilities in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities

Implementation plan.
The preparatory stage includes:
1. Selection of necessary literature on the topic.
2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.
3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.
4. Development of a project plan.
The main stage implements weekly themes:
"Experiment Workshop";
"Summer Fun";
“Me and Summer”;
“Summer is dressed in bright colors”;
The first week of the Experiment Workshop includes:
Conversations “Where is sand used?”, “Sand and clay in nature.”
Observations “Sandboxes after rain and in dry weather.”
Experiments: “Where did the water go?”, “Magic transformations”, “Sun and sand”, “Let’s paint the water in different colors”.
Drawing in unconventional ways is a manifestation of a previously applied candle pattern.
Sand modeling.
Games with balloons and soap balloons.
Reading fables “Everything is the other way around” G. Kruzhkov.
P/n: “Find where it’s hidden”, “Get the ring”, “Find your color”.
D/i “Where what grows.”
S/r games": "Hike", "Circus".
Collection of plants for the herbarium.
Week 2 of Summer Fun includes:
Conversation “The work of vegetable growers and gardeners.”
Conversation “What do we know about vegetables and fruits?”
Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables, fruits, flowers, labor.
Modeling "Merry vegetable garden".
Drawing "Fruit Salad".
Games: “Ripe - not ripe”, not edible”, “What are we taking in the basket?”, “Find out by the description”, “Determine the taste”, “Tops-roots”, “Get a guess - we will guess”.
P/games, relay games “Harvest the harvest”, “Carry the potatoes”.
S/r games: “Fruit and Vegetable Store”, “Family”, “Toy Store”.
Conversation: “My favorite toy.”
Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers.”
Going to the cinema to see the cartoon: “Winged Birds”.

Week three “Me and Summer” includes:
Conversation about the work of people “Janitor”, “Mower”.
Conversation about clean air in the city.
Ball games: “Catch the ball”, “Roll the hoop”. “Don’t miss the ball”, “Throw it over, catch it”, “My funny, ringing ball”, “Hit the hoop”. “Ride after me”, “Ball on the shoulder blade”, “Who will throw it further?”, “Roll the ball along the path”.
Drawing colorful balls.
Going on an excursion to the children's library.
Making a baby book (educators and children)
P/n: “Magic wand”, “Carousels”, “Take care of the object”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Jump ropes”, “Hide and seek”, “Find a pair”.
Examination of colored candy wrappers. Making crafts from them.
Modeling "Apple Tree".
S/r games “Bakery”, “Healthy Food Store”.
Tempering procedures after sleep.
The fourth week “Summer dressed in bright colors” includes:
Conversation “What vitamins grow on branches and beds.”
Conversation “Diseases of dirty hands.”
P/n: “We are funny guys”, “Hit the target”, “Knock down the pin”, “Who gets to the flag faster”, “Do as I do”, “Traps”.
Learning proverbs and sayings about health. Memorizing poems about summer.
S/r games: “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.
Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Temper up!”, S. Marshak “Drowsiness and Yawning”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”, A . Barto “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Walk”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”.
Drawing "Bright Summer".
Modeling “Home for a friend”.
Games with building materials “Our kindergarten”.
Making a craft “Summer in a Jar” (children and parents)
Visit to the local history museum.
Essence of the project:
All activities planned for the implementation of this project are aimed at achieving the goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, to fully satisfy the needs of the growing body for rest, creative activity and movement.
By participating in activities, children will be able to develop motor skills and abilities, acquire an interest in acquiring new knowledge about the environment through conversations, and demonstrate existing knowledge in the process of outdoor games and entertainment games.
In a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of involvement in games, children are given the opportunity to cooperate with each other and with the teacher, as well as to help, support and empathize.
The final stage is to create “Summer in a Jar” crafts.

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Planning an educational topic: “Colorful summer”

Target: Organize fun leisure time for children; activate mental activity, develop friendly relations between children.


· Shape cognitive abilities children, ideas about objects and phenomena, develop mental activity with the help of problematic questions, observation, curiosity.

· To consolidate knowledge of the color spectrum in children.

· Teach children to draw a rainbow and name its colors correctly.

· Learn to distinguish colors, compare them with objects

· Teach children to distinguish between warm and cool colors

· Exercise the ability to talk about color

· Teach how to group objects by color and individual color details

· Develop color perception, attention, observation, expand knowledge about the materials that make up objects

Planned results:

· Children have developed cognitive abilities, are able to group objects by color, know the colors of the rainbow and can draw it.

· Preschoolers feel responsible in relation to the rules and norms of behavior.

· Pupils are able to conduct a game dialogue and follow the game rules.

Regime moment

Day of week: Monday"Journey to the Red Kingdom." Children come in red clothes with red attributes, bring toys and red objects for the exhibition

Priority activity: cognitive development Target: Give children knowledge about red objects and their role in human life.

I half day

Incorporating the theme of the week, children come in red clothes and bring red toys, teachers also wear red.

Conversation “What is red?”

Creative storytelling: "Red Fairy Tale";

Guessing “red” riddles;

Musical activity - listening to the song “What color is summer?”

Assignments in a corner of nature: “We are caring children”

Games with stories invented by children.

A festively decorated preschool playground,

works by V. Balashov, E. Blaginina, S. Marshak, I. Maznin

Joint design of the exhibition “Red Kingdom”

Artistic creativity: Drawing: “Red Sun” (junior), “Red Objects” (senior) “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Red”, “Colored Objects”, “Find and name everything red”;

Finger gymnastics with elements of the “Friendly Palms” massage

Whatman, musical material.


Targeted walk to Podgorensky Culture and Recreation Park “Melody”.

Independent motor activity

Outdoor games: "Red Ribbon"

Breathing exercises: "Red Ball" Target: develop speech breathing, develop the ability to exhale smoothly and for a long time.

Games based on ready-made Toy Factory stories.

Caring for plants growing on the site.

Dialogues “We are children.”

Attributes for games.

II half day

(see grid)

Enrichment of the “reader’s” experience, poems by S. Marshak “ All year round. June" (junior groups), I. Maznin "Why is there so much light?" (senior and middle groups), see application No. 2)

Plot-role-playing games “Chauffeurs” (junior groups), “Kindergarten” (middle and senior groups), see Appendix No. 3)

Watching the cartoon “Little Red Riding Hood”;

Reading fiction: Memorizing S. Mikhalkov’s poem “If the light turns red, It means it’s dangerous to move.”

Construction from modules “My kindergarten”.

Games with elements of sports “From bump to bump” (junior groups), “Jump over the stream” (middle groups), “We are funny animals” (senior groups).

Drawing with chalk on asphalt.

Hoops, jump ropes, arc, rope, crayons.

Regime moment

Forms of work implemented in special moments

Individual educational activities(designed in accordance with the theme being implemented)

Design of teaching staff as part of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners

Day of week: Tuesday"Journey to the Yellow Kingdom." Children come in red clothes with yellow attributes, bring toys and yellow objects for the exhibition

communicative Target: To form children’s cognitive abilities, ideas about yellow objects, develop mental activity with the help of problematic questions, observation, curiosity.

I half day

Conversation “What is yellow?”

Game activity: “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Orange, Yellow”, “Find and name everything yellow”, “Find the yellow color on your friend’s clothes”; Cognitive activity: Formation of a holistic picture of the world: “Who needs yellow?”

Guessing “yellow” riddles;

Organized physical activity (morning exercises - see grid)

Ability to maintain order in a group.

Imitation games “We are adults” for younger groups, “We are schoolchildren” for older groups.

Didactic material for games.

Riddles about yellow objects.

Joint design of the exhibition “Yellow Kingdom”

Organized educational activities:: D/I “Fold the pattern” - yellow rug, “Inside, outside” using yellow objects;

Experiments with water “Colored water” - introduce children to the properties of water (transparent, opaque, can be colored yellow, make solutions of different concentrations to see different shades of the same color). Equipment: transparent cups, water, yellow gouache, fabric napkins.

Modeling "Road" - juniors ("Sun" - plasticine - middle), senior groups Modeling from plasticine "Taxi"

Musical activity (motor activity) see grid

Plasticine, musical material.

Walk Target walk “Our Street” for the younger group, “The Street and Its Yellow Objects” for the older groups.

Observation of flowers, younger groups, observation “What flowers grow in our flower beds?” senior groups.

Outdoor games: “Get into the basket” - lift and throw the ball into the basket with both hands, develop coordination of movements. Equipment: yellow basket and yellow balls.

Breathing exercises: “Butterfly and Flowers” ​​- develop speech breathing, develop the ability to exhale smoothly and for a long time. Equipment: butterflies, yellow flowers (according to the number of children). Fine motor skills exercise hands: “Sunny bunnies” - develop the ability to get involved in game actions. Equipment: small mirrors.

Collect twigs from playground, junior groups, water the flowers growing on the site, senior groups.

Creative game "Journey to another planet."

Equipment for walking.

II half day

Organized joint activities(see grid)

Storytelling game "Yellow Fairy Tale".

Learning the poem “Sunny Bunny” Target: teach to understand a work of poetry, develop and activate children’s vocabulary.

Reading “The Tale of the Clear Sun” Tamara Marshalova

Watching the cartoon “Petti Brush – Yellow”

Drawing: experimenting with colors – yellow + red = orange;

Construction from natural material“Pedestrian crossing” for younger groups, “Road signs” for older groups.

Games with sports elements “Who has more balls?” junior groups “Moving target” senior groups.

Collective application “My favorite kindergarten”.

Waste material for construction.

Colored paper, Whatman paper.

Regime moment

Forms of work implemented in special moments

Individual educational activities (designed in accordance with the topic being implemented)

Design of teaching staff as part of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners

Day of week Wednesday"Journey to the Green Kingdom." Children come in green clothes with green attributes, bring toys and green objects for the exhibition

Priority activities: motor Target: Develop independence and responsibility in children; cultivate a conscious attitude towards the rules and norms of behavior in various situations.

I half day

Conversation “Favorite houseplant.” Target: formation of ideas about the role indoor plants In human life.

Reading poems: “Green Poems” by S. Cherny.

Guessing “green” riddles;

Game activity: DI“Let’s get to know each other - I am Green”, “Find and name everything green”

Organized physical activity (morning exercises - see grid)

Hygiene procedures

« We are clean »

Di. “What do dad and mom do?”

Material for making a book corner.

Musical material.

Joint design of the exhibition “Green Kingdom”

Organized educational activities:

Research activity “Where can I do what?” younger groups, “Which, which, which?” senior groups, see Appendix No. 1.

Application “Leaves” - junior “Tree” - medium “Green Forest” (senior) - bend the paper and cut out trees of different shapes.

Listening to the soundtrack “Sounds of Nature”.

Musical activity (motor activity) see grid

Salty dough.


Elementary tourism “To school” for younger groups, “To the forest belt” for older groups.

Educational situation: “Where do mom and dad work?” junior groups, “What do your parents do?”

Outdoor games: “Colorful balls.” Goal: to train the child in throwing a ball into the distance with both hands. Equipment: green balls.

Breathing exercises: “Green Ball” Goal: to develop speech breathing, to develop the ability to exhale smoothly and for a long time.

Outdoor game “Whoever is named catches the ball” for younger groups, “Catch, take the ribbon” for older groups, see Appendix No. 5.

Self-service dressing and undressing "Master's landing".

P. and. “Whoever is named catches the ball” junior groups, “Catcher, take the tape” senior groups,

Balls, ribbon.

II half day

Organized joint activities(see grid)

Fine motor skills exercise hands: finger gymnastics“Tree” (The tree has a trunk, there are many branches on the trunk, and the leaves on the branches are green).

Cognitive activity: Formation of a holistic picture of the world: “In a world of green” Purpose: to teach children to name the main colors of the spectrum. Continue to introduce geometric shape- circle; spatial relationships: above, below.

FEMP: “Count the green toys”, “Small and large Christmas trees”

Creative storytelling: Telling a “Green” fairy tale with theatrical elements.

Memorizing the poem: M. Yanushkevich “Green grass, green leaf.”

Watching the cartoon: “Petit’s brush is green”

View presentations: “Green Planet”.

Sand construction

“Our Sunshine” junior groups, “Merry Summer”.

“Game to imitate movements” junior groups, “Silent dialogue” senior groups, see Appendix No. 11,

Viewing the cartoon “Visiting Summer”, see Appendix No. 9.

Didactic material for role-playing games.

Cartoon "Visiting Summer."

Regime moment

Forms of work implemented in special moments

Individual educational activities (designed in accordance with the topic being implemented)

Design of teaching staff as part of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners

Day of week: Thursday"Journey to the blue (blue) kingdom." Children come in blue (blue) clothes with blue attributes, bring toys and red objects for exhibition

Priority activities: gaming Target: Develop children's gaming skills, teach how to conduct game dialogue in accordance with the role, interact in the game in accordance with the plot, negotiate, follow the game rules.

I half day

Conversation: “The nature of color and the color of nature”, “Where you can find water.” Solving the problem situation “What is indicated in blue on the globe?”

Reading poems: A. Markova “In which of the many colors. Is the whole sky above you colored?

Guessing "blue" riddles

Game activity: D/I: “Find and name everything blue”, “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Blue, Blue”, “Each object in its place”, “One, two, three, four, five let’s help the dolls.”

Organized physical activity (morning exercises - see grid)

Self-service “We play chefs.”

Di. "We draw and play."

Musical instruments.

Pictures about artists.

Joint design of the exhibition “Blue Kingdom”

Organized educational activities:

Constructive game "Blue Town" (younger and middle)

Target: to consolidate the skill of building from bricks, cubes, plates of different sizes, to develop the ability to communicate and help in the process of playing with buildings, to promote the assimilation of words-names to designate building parts.

Equipment: bricks, cubes, blue plates of different sizes.

Construction Blue (ships, butterflies, flowers) - origami - learn to bend and fold paper, getting funny toys and crafts.

Listening to the soundtrack “The Sound of the Sea”.

Musical activity (motor activity) see grid

Colored paper.

Musical material.


Target walk to the school playground - junior groups, target walk to the sports and recreation center - senior groups.

Experimenting “Light and Shadow”, see Appendix No. 12.

Outdoor games “Owl” for younger groups, “Catch up with your mate” for older groups, see Appendix No. 5.

P/I “For the blue”, “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots.” Games for the development of attention and auditory perception “Recognize by voice” junior groups, “Describe a friend” senior groups, see Appendix No. 13.

Maintaining order in the “Play and Clean” area.

Equipment for walking.

For experimentation, self-adhesive paper, sheets.

II half day

Organized joint activities(see grid)

Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands: finger gymnastics “Blue puddles of spring.” (Blue, blue sky and streams, a flock of sparrows splashing in blue puddles).

Cognitive activity: Formation of a holistic picture peace: “Water Sorceress.” Goal: formation of cognitive activity.

FEMP: Game “Greetings from the planet of Accountants”, “In which hand how many?”

Memorizing the poem by Yu. Prokopyev “In the bright blue sky”

Reading the story “Letter from Dunno”, “A Tale about Colors”.

Watching the cartoon “Blue Katya”

View presentations: “Blue Planet”

Construction from “Izba” modules,

View the presentation “Russian Hut”, see Appendix No. 9.

Drawing on the sand “Flowers” ​​junior groups, drawing on the sand “Animals” senior groups

Modules for design.

Presentations "Russian hut".

Regime moment

Forms of work implemented in special moments

Individual educational activities (designed in accordance with the topic being implemented)

Design of teaching staff as part of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners

Day of the week: Friday"Trip to colorful kingdom».

Priority activities: musical Target: Create a positive emotional mood. Create a sense of your own success; bring joy to children.

I half day

Conversation “What comes in different colors?”

Guessing “colorful” riddles;

D/I: “Let’s collect bouquets for the Dwarfs”, “Fold a pattern”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to group objects by color.

Learning the poem “Colored Rain” Purpose: to introduce the content of the poem, to encourage attempts to perform movements according to the text; learn to finish words and phrases.

Organized physical activity (morning exercises - see grid)

Washing toys.

Plot-role-playing games “Can I ride or not?” junior groups, “Show me what I’ll name” senior groups.

Tour of kindergarten for the purpose of viewing the “Colorful Kingdom” exhibitions in other groups

Organized educational activities:

Artistic creativity: Drawing “Festive fireworks” (junior and middle fingers, spray), “Rainbow-arc” (senior)

Target: teach children to draw using non-traditional techniques (develop fine motor skills. Strengthen primary colors.

Musical and theatrical activities. Holiday Colorful Summer" junior groups, "Hello, summer!" senior groups, see Appendix No. 14..

Whatman paper, paints.

Attributes for the holiday “Happy Summer”.


Conversation “Flowers” ​​junior group, conversation “Forest dangers” senior groups, see Appendix No. 4.

Outdoor games: " Multicolored carousel» Goal: develop the ability to run quickly without bumping into each other.

Find your house” for younger groups, “Snake” for older groups, see Appendix No. 5.

Games with sand and water

Collective work “We are not only naughty kids, but also hardworking kids”

Games with sand and water.

Pictures “Flowers”, “Forest dangers”.

II half day

Organized joint activities(see grid)

Theatrical performance “We are funny guys”

Fantasy game.

Reading the story “A Multi-Colored Tale” by S. Ya. Marshak;

Watching the cartoon by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”, “Tangled Stories”.

Reading of the poem “A Multi-Colored Gift” by Pyotr Sinyavsky.

Sand construction “My favorite kindergarten”.

Mobile imitation and imitation games

"Frogs" for younger groups, "Snake" for older groups.

Drawing with crayons “My favorite toys.”

Attributes for the theatrical performance “We are funny guys.”