Which soldering iron is better to choose for soldering. How to choose a soldering iron once for many years. Soldering iron for working with microcircuits

The answer to the question of which soldering iron is better to choose largely depends on the specifics of the work being performed. The variety of technical characteristics of the tool is quite large, despite the fact that the package does not provide complex parts and accessories.

When choosing soldering irons, pay attention to its power; the lower it is, the longer the soldering iron will last.

Soldering irons: electric and gas

Gas soldering irons are a necessary tool for working in conditions where there is no power supply. They should be refilled with propane, butane or isobutane. The main element of such a soldering iron is the burner, which can quickly provide the required operating temperature. Compact dimensions, light weight and the ability to be used in “field conditions” are understandable reasons for choosing this model. But some consider this solution not the best, especially when working indoors. The use of a gas burner involves the accumulation of substances in the air that are harmful to the body, since the gas rarely burns completely. In addition, in this case, open fire is used for work.

If you need to work without access to the mains, you can choose a soldering iron that operates from an autonomous power source (nickel-cadmium battery). Without recharging, such a tool can work for 2 hours.

Electric soldering irons

The properties that meet the requirements and explain a particular choice are most often the reliability, safety and versatility of the device. The main types of soldering irons can be called rod and pulse tools.

Pulse soldering irons are used in most cases to work with microcircuits. Such devices heat up very quickly and are convenient to operate due to their ergonomic design. But their price is several times higher than the cost of more familiar types of tools.

The rod ones meet all the requirements of practicality and reliability. They are more versatile. But their warming up time is sometimes significant.

It is better to choose electric soldering irons taking into account all the features of this instrument:

  • power;
  • dimensions;
  • operating voltage;
  • type of heating elements used;
  • tip shape and material;
  • additional criteria.

If the soldering iron is not intended to perform any specific work, but should be, as they say, “for the home,” then the problem of choice can be solved in two ways. Either purchase a universal, medium-power tool, or you can have two soldering irons (for small and large objects).

Depending on the goals on this basis, tools can be conditionally distinguished as follows:

  1. 3-10 W – used for working with small parts (microcircuits).
  2. 20-40 W is the most used power for work and can be considered universal.
  3. 60-100 W – used if thick wires need to be soldered.
  4. 100-250 W – required for large metal objects.

Soldering irons that require high power are multifunctional and very reliable. But using them at home is practically impractical.

As for the dimensions and shape of the soldering iron, the ease of use depends on these criteria. The smaller the soldering iron, the more convenient it is. But at the same time, the shorter its handle, the closer the red-hot sting is. Therefore, we choose for quality work the best option for medium size.

The tip must be firmly fixed in the soldering iron and have an even, straight shape. Convenience and high-quality work results largely depend on the shape of the tip. This could be a spatula, cone, needle or other options. The most convenient tool will be one equipped with a set of tips of various sizes and shapes.

The preferred material for manufacturing is dense forged copper.

Tinning the soldering iron tip.

In this case, the sting will be stable, which means it will be comfortable and durable. If long-term work is expected, then the need to select a part from a material that is resistant to prolonged exposure to high temperatures is understandable. There will be no need to replace them frequently.

The necessary design features are:

  1. Tip length adjustment function.
  2. Tip replacement function.

The soldering iron handle is made from various materials. Wood is considered the most heat-insulating. Ebonite handles are too heavy. Plastic ones are much lighter, but get very hot during operation.

In some cases, holes are provided in the housing through which hot air escapes. Models are also equipped with a so-called apron, which does not lengthen the handle, but its surface area becomes larger, and this allows heat to dissipate and avoid discomfort when working.

Operating voltage

The most widely used models of soldering irons are those with operating voltages of 6, 12, 36 and 220 Volts. Unanimous opinion regarding optimal choice in this case no. It seems logical to think that a convenient tool is one that uses a mains voltage of 220 V. It can be connected to a household outlet without any problems. From a safety point of view, it is appropriate to choose the 36 V option. But in this case, it will be necessary to use a step-down transformer.

By the way, the heating element can be spiral or ceramic. The first option is more common. It is reliable and its cost is significantly lower.

Ceramic heaters require careful handling: it is not recommended to drop it, any deformation will lead to breakage. Liquid ingress can also cause a problem: this part of the tool will simply crack, unable to withstand the temperature difference. The advantage of this type of heater is that it takes less time to warm up.

If you have to work with a soldering iron quite often, then it makes sense to purchase a soldering station. This makes it possible to adjust the required heating temperature and help maintain its constant value. This device is equipped with a stand and a cleaning sponge, which in any case will be necessary for work.

Soldering iron for working with microcircuits

You should not start working with a soldering iron without reading the instructions.

The requirements for models of devices for soldering microcircuits are as follows:

  1. The maximum power of the tool should not exceed 25 W.
  2. Supplied with a very thin tip (diameter should be no more than 2.5-3 mm).
  3. The soldering iron must have a temperature control function in order to prevent damage to the microcircuit.
  4. The use of silver solder is not recommended. It is much better to purchase solder with some tin content.

If you often work with microcircuits, it is very important to use grounding. This will help avoid static electricity shock. Even the smallest spark causes irreparable harm to all the work already done.

Soldering iron for working with pipes

When choosing such a soldering iron, you need to pay attention to the equipment included in the device: it should be equipped with a variety of attachments. These devices can be made of metallized or regular Teflon. But the first option is preferable.

Selecting the required power:

  1. Professional devices have a power of 1-2 kW. But if a soldering iron is purchased for home work (repairs, landscaping), then such a tool may be unnecessary.
  2. For small-scale work, you can use models whose power is 680 W. They are great for repairing and installing pipes with a diameter of 16-65 mm.
  3. In order to solder plastic pipes with a diameter of 65-90 mm, you need a soldering iron with a power of 850 W.
  4. In the case where the pipe diameter is more than 100 mm, the master may need a model with a power of more than 1 kW.

The choice of a stand for all tools must be taken with full responsibility, as this will help to avoid injuries and comply with fire safety standards.

Although modern market presented by a wide range of different soldering irons, many do not know how to choose the right tool so that it is convenient to solve the tasks. Sellers in specialized stores cannot always fully describe all the pros and cons of each model, so it is better to look for the answer on the Internet. Before purchasing a soldering iron, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and try to figure out which of them are the most important and which are the least. It is also worth paying attention to the country of origin. So how to choose a soldering iron so as not to make a mistake?

Important parameters

Each tool has its own parameters and characteristics that determine its functional purpose and possibility of use. The soldering iron is also no exception. Choosing specific model, it is necessary to focus on the following parameters:

Power and size

Many people believe that the larger and more powerful the tool, the better. However, it is not. If it is required directly for pipes, then the power and size parameters should be the same, if for microcircuits, then different. There are models with power less than 10 W and higher than 500 W.

Operating voltage

The most popular models have operating voltages of 6, 12, 36 and 220 Volts. Certainly, It is better to choose a soldering iron that operates from the mains with a power of 220 V. Regarding safety, the operating voltage of 36 V is the best option. If you want to purchase a soldering iron for your home with the lowest voltage, you will also have to purchase a step-down transformer.

Type of heating element

Modern devices are mainly produced with built-in spiral heaters, which are wire-coated ceramic or mica tube, located on top. Some models also have ceramic heaters, however, their service life is not very long and the price is quite high.

Shape of the tip

There is a large selection of different stings. It is best to choose a soldering iron that has the ability to change the tip. In this case, you can purchase a tool for yourself, regardless of whether it will be intended for home use or for processing microcircuits.

Adjusting the length of the tip

It is necessary to choose devices that have a similar function. This is explained by the fact that after a while the solder begins to destroy the tip, causing notches, reducing it in size, etc.

Soldering iron type

If you can’t choose the right tool, it’s best to purchase rod or pulse models.

An electric soldering iron is considered the best. It is universal and optimally combines all the necessary parameters.

Selection of soldering irons for home use

According to generally accepted rules, there are no special requirements or recommendations for soldering irons for home use. The main thing is that the tool has a wide range of applications, is reliable and safe. For the home the best option would be rod soldering irons. Their main advantages are reliability, durability and practicality.

The disadvantage of such a tool is that you have to wait until it warms up before using it. There is an alternative - a pulse soldering iron, which heats up instantly, has an ergonomic design and, in addition, it is very convenient to use. However This type of device is mainly used for soldering microcircuits., and its cost is significantly higher than that of ordinary rod models.

When choosing a device for home use, you need to focus on parameters such as practicality and convenience. Therefore, taking them into account, the following requirements are imposed on such instruments:

  • The optimal power should be 25-40 W.
  • The sizes should be small, this makes them convenient to use.
  • Operating voltage - 220 V.
  • Handle material. Tools with plastic handles are quite light, but overheat very quickly, while ebonite handles are very heavy. The best option is a wooden handle. It is very light and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • The electrical cable must have double insulation.
  • The optimal tip is straight, made of high-quality materials and tightly fixed in the soldering iron.
  • Rosin can be purchased dry or in an alcohol solution.
  • Solder for soldering should be lead-tin, having a wire thickness of 34 mm.
  • Preferably purchase phosphoric acid solution, which will be needed for cleaning and tinning oxidized parts and spare parts.

If the soldering iron will be used very often at home, then best choice there will be a soldering station. It costs much more, but its kit includes baths for cleaning the soldering iron and special stands. There is also a tip temperature adjustment.

Choosing a soldering iron for pipes

To install a long-lasting and reliable pipeline, special tools are required. One of them is a soldering iron, which has the following requirements:

When choosing soldering irons for pipes, you should pay attention to the presence various attachments. They are made from both regular and metallized Teflon.

Choosing a soldering iron for microcircuits

Most users prefer to use soldering stations, but some hams prefer to use hand-held IC soldering irons. The following requirements apply to them:

  • The maximum power of the tool should not exceed 25 W.
  • A thin tip with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm should be used.
  • It is necessary to purchase models that have tip temperature adjustment so as not to damage the microcircuits.
  • Experts do not recommend using silver solder. It is better if it has a low tin content.
  • Any flux can be chosen, regardless of the components or manufacturer.

It should be remembered that when working with microcircuits be sure to use grounding to avoid being shocked by static electricity. Even a small spark can cause irreparable damage to microcircuits.

As for the choice of country of manufacture, high-quality devices are represented by the Czech Republic. They have The optimum ratio of price and quality, and the kit includes everything necessary for wide-range work. Quite good models are presented by Turkish manufacturers. However, it should be remembered that there are a lot of Chinese-made fakes of poor quality on the market.

Thus, choosing a soldering iron is not an easy matter. It is not so easy to find a device that meets all the requirements. According to most experts, it is best to purchase soldering stations for work. They are comfortable and practical. However for household use A regular soldering iron will do just fine.

When answering questions about which soldering iron is best to choose and what to pay attention to, you should first of all take into account the specifics of the work being performed. Specifications Soldering tools are quite varied, despite the fact that complex parts and accessories are not included in the package. However, in order to buy a quality product, you need to familiarize yourself with its modifications and design features.

Types of soldering irons

There are two types of soldering irons: gas and electric. The gas soldering iron is necessary tool for carrying out work in places where there is no power supply. To refill this tool, propane, butane or isobutane is used. The main element of a gas soldering iron is the burner, which provides the required operating temperature.

Compact size, light weight and use of the tool in any conditions, regardless of the availability of power supply, are the main criteria for choosing this model. However, this is not the most better solution for work indoors. Apply gas burner in such conditions it is quite dangerous, since substances harmful to the body, gas residues and combustion products accumulate in the air. In addition, the work is carried out with open fire.

In such cases, when you need to work indoors and in conditions where there is no power supply, you can use an electric soldering iron with an autonomous power source (nickel-cadmium battery). With it you can perform work for two hours without recharging.

Electric soldering iron

When choosing a soldering iron, you must be guided by the reliability, safety and universal capabilities of the device. Among the main types of electric soldering irons, rod and pulse models of the tool are distinguished.

Thus, a pulse soldering iron is often used for soldering microcircuits. Such devices heat up quickly enough; they are easy to use due to their ergonomic design. Moreover, the cost of such products is much higher than other soldering tools.

As for the rod ones, we can note their practicality, reliability, and versatility. The models meet all standard operating requirements. However, the time required to warm them up is much greater than that of pulsed models.

It is better to choose electric models taking into account their features and significance:

  • power;
  • dimensions;
  • operating voltage;
  • the type of heating element used;
  • tip shape and material;
  • additional criteria.

If soldering irons are not intended for a specific specific job, but are chosen exclusively for home needs, then the problem of choosing a tool can be solved using two methods:

  1. By purchasing a universal tool that has average power.
  2. Purchasing two different soldering irons for different jobs, for small and large objects.

Based on the intended purpose of the soldering iron, the tool differs in the following power characteristics:

  1. From 3 to 10 W- used for soldering small parts(microcircuits).
  2. 20 to 40 W- universal power. Used for most jobs.
  3. 60 to 100 W- this power is necessary for unsoldering thick cables and other large elements.
  4. 100 to 250 W- used when working with large metal objects.

A characteristic feature of soldering irons that consume high power is versatility and reliability. Using them for household work is inappropriate.

Speaking about the dimensions and shape of the tool, it can be noted that these criteria affect the ease of its use. The smaller the soldering iron, the more convenient it is to use. Moreover, if it has a short handle, then the position of the hand is much closer to the hot iron. This deficiency can cause burns. In this regard, it is necessary to choose the best options that will allow you to perform the work efficiently and eliminate the possibility of injury.

The fastening of the tip in the design of the soldering iron must be strong. It should be smooth and straight. The quality of soldering and ease of use of the tool in most cases are determined by the shape of the tip. It can be made in the form of a spatula, cone, needle and other modifications. A soldering iron will be convenient and practical if it has a set of tips with different sizes and shapes.

A suitable material for making the tip is dense forged copper. There may be nozzles made from other materials on the market, but they are much worse than copper ones.

Copper gives the sting resistance, which affects its comfort and durability. When carrying out long-term work, it is important to choose a material that is resistant to impact. high temperatures over a significant period of time. This will eliminate frequent replacement of the tip and defective products.

Among the necessary features of soldering iron designs are:

  1. A function that allows you to adjust the length of the tip.
  2. A function that allows you to replace the tip.

For the manufacture of soldering iron handles are used various materials. Wood has the best thermal insulation properties. Ebony handles are weighty and heavy. Plastic ones are lighter, but they get very hot during operation.

The body of some models is equipped with openings that allow hot air to escape freely. In addition, an apron is installed on the products, which does not lengthen the handle, but increases its surface, which entails stronger heat dissipation and the elimination of discomfort.

Video “Which soldering iron to choose”

Operating voltage selection

The most common models of soldering irons are products with an operating voltage range of 6, 12, 36 and 220 Volts. There is no consensus on the best options. It is quite logical that the most convenient one may be a soldering iron with a mains voltage of 220 V. It can be used without any restrictions when connecting to household outlets. As for safety, it is worth paying attention to the 36 V option. However, its use requires a step-down transformer.

Heating elements can be spiral or ceramic. The use of the first option is more common because it is more reliable and lower cost.

The operation of a ceramic heater should be as gentle and careful as possible. Damage to the tool, mechanical impact and deformation can damage it. Trapped liquid can also lead to its breakdown: a temperature difference will lead to the destruction of the ceramic element. The advantage due to which soldering irons with a ceramic heater are purchased is the short heating time.

If you work with soldering irons constantly, then it is best to purchase a soldering station. This will provide the ability to regulate the required temperature of the heater and maintain it at a constant value. Such devices are equipped with stands and cleaning sponges that will be needed during the soldering process.

Choosing a soldering iron for microcircuits

A number of requirements for the model of the machine for soldering microcircuits are presented below:

  1. Must have a maximum power of no more than 25 W.
  2. The package should include a very thin tip (diameter from 2.5 to 3 mm).
  3. The soldering iron must have a temperature control function, which will prevent damage to the microcircuit.
  4. Silver solder is highly undesirable for use. It is much more optimal to use solder that contains tin.

If you frequently pack various microcircuits, it is necessary to provide grounding. This will eliminate shock and impact static electricity. Even the smallest spark can damage all the work done.

Soldering iron for soldering plastic pipes

When choosing such a tool, you should pay attention to what equipment it is equipped with and whether it has a variety of attachments. The material for these devices can be metallized or regular Teflon. However, it is more preferable to use metallized.

Selection of required capacities:

  1. The power value of a professional device ranges from 1-2 kW. For work at home (in case of repairs or when performing landscaping work), the use of such a tool is unnecessary.
  2. For not too large-scale work, it is worth using devices with a power of 680 W. They are well suited for the repair and installation of pipes with a diameter of 16-65 mm.
  3. For soldering plastic pipes, with a diameter of 65-90 mm, soldering irons with a power rating of 850 W should be used.
  4. With a diameter of more than 100 mm, craftsmen need models from 1 kW.

Along with the soldering tool, you should take care of purchasing: a stand, a file, wire cutters, tweezers, a scalpel (stationery knife), and an awl of different sizes.

When choosing a stand for any type of tool, you should approach it as responsibly as possible in order to prevent injuries and ensure fire safety.

Popular manufacturing companies

To successfully choose a soldering iron, you need to pay special attention to which company produces this or that model:

  1. The most popular products on the domestic market are those produced by Czech manufacturers. They have excellent quality and price indicators. Quite reliable and durable.
  2. Soldering irons from Turkish manufacturers are quite good devices.
  3. As for Chinese models, not everything is clear here, since in most cases low-quality products predominate.
  4. Russian-made soldering irons are available for sale in a wide range. Due to their low cost, they are in demand among consumers. Speaking about the quality of products, we can note their convenience and reliability. They are well suited for everyday tasks.

There are various models of soldering irons on the market. The most popular and popular models include:

  1. FIT 60502- most cheap option. Presented in price category from 300 rubles. Power indicators – 25 W. The model allows you to perform various household tasks. There is no regulator.
  2. SVETOZAR SV-55316-40-H4– the model is placed on the market as a set. Has a power of 40 W. Suitable for various household works. The soldering iron is equipped with a massive handle. Price from 800 rubles.
  3. DIOLD PP-120– the device is supplied as a set in special boxes. It has a power of 100 W and a temperature of working surfaces within 250 degrees. Costs about 1500 rubles.
  4. SVETOZAR SV-55335– is a soldering station with a power of 48 W. Operating heating temperature – 450 degrees. It is a complex design that allows you to adjust operating parameters. The price of the device exceeds 5,000 rubles. The package includes a special stand.

When choosing one model or another, it is necessary to take into account the frequency and specificity of the work performed. You can also use the following tips:

  1. No matter what you need a soldering iron for, remember that good models won't be cheap.
  2. In addition, the seller, who must provide a guarantee for the purchased product, is of no small importance.

Video “How to choose a soldering iron”

Choosing a soldering iron for radio amateurs is a very important point, since it is a key device for every radio amateur. However, all soldering irons or soldering stations have differences and are selected by radio amateurs individually, depending on the type of intended work and personal preferences.

By design they are:

  • Traditional (straight rod design).
  • Guns (design of a soldering iron in the shape of a gun on which the working part is located at an angle).
  • Soldering stations (complex equipment with a working part and a control unit).

How to choose a soldering iron for soldering microcircuits

Before choosing a soldering iron, let's figure out what they are.

Soldering irons come in gas and electric types.

Gas gas ones are more often used for soldering when installation work, for example, soldering in distribution boxes. They are convenient because they can work autonomously, but during operation they emit harmful substances and working with them for a long time is harmful to the health of both you and those around you. But for soldering microcircuits or other radio components, it would not be wise to choose such a soldering iron. It is extremely difficult to solder any board with it.

Electric ones, in turn, are the most common. Depending on the type of heater, they are divided into:

  • Spiral (nichrome)
  • Ceramic
  • Pulse
  • Induction

Spiral is the most common of all electric heaters. The spiral heater provides reliable and durable operation at an inexpensive pricing policy, but has one drawback - a long heating time.

Ceramic is more expensive and quite fragile, however, it needs less time to heat up.

Pulse, with its rather high price, will be the best option. It heats up quickly and will not become unusable from a small impact.

If you are going to take up soldering seriously, and the range of proposed work will increase, pay attention to soldering stations. Induction heats up due to the inductor coil. This soldering iron does not need a thermostat, but you will have to select the desired temperature by searching through the set of tips.

Selecting the power of the soldering iron

There are soldering irons of different capacities:

  • Low-power (from 3 to 10 W.)
  • Medium power (20-40 W)
  • High power (60-100 W)
  • Industrial (more than 100 W)

Depending on the power, the purpose of the soldering iron changes. Soldering irons with a power of more than 100 W are used for soldering large metal products such as radiators, pots, pipes. Soldering irons with a power of 60-100 W are designed for soldering really thick wires.

Optimal for home - from 20 to 40 W.

Soldering irons up to 10 W are designed mainly for soldering simple microcircuits, SMD elements and other miniature radio components.

So, answering the question of how to choose a soldering iron for soldering radio components and microcircuits good option will choose a low-power soldering iron to avoid overheating of miniature radio components and SMD elements. However, if you are an experienced radio installer, the best option would be a 20-40 W pulse soldering iron, which in capable hands can be used for quick work with miniature radio components and other work around the house.

Soldering iron for microcircuits: how to choose a tip?

Of course, an important factor when choosing any soldering iron is the tip. However, the choice of sting is purely an individual preference. Choose depending on which tip you are comfortable working with; there are only a few recommendations for choosing. It is not recommended to use a tip larger than 3 mm. It is advisable to use a copper tip, as it is easy to clean and process. The copper tip with a layer of aluminum is not processed, but is slightly subject to burning. There are both regular and heat-resistant stings. Heat-resistant ones can more easily withstand long-term work and exposure to high temperatures. If you are a beginner, then a straight sting is the best option. Moreover, an advantage to the soldering iron will be a set of tips of different shapes, the ability to replace the tip and adjust its length.

A good soldering iron for microcircuits should have a flexible power cord and double insulation. Also pay attention to the handle. It must be well protected from possible overheating, therefore, unlike ebonite and plastic, wooden handles are recommended. They are less susceptible to heating, unlike plastic ones, and lighter than ebonite ones, that is, they are more suitable for long-term work. Also an important indicator will be the function of constant temperature support and a thermostat, so as not to burn out the components when soldering. Soldering iron equipment will make the work and maintenance of the soldering iron easier: a soldering iron stand, a sponge for cleaning the tip.


If you have not decided which soldering iron to buy for soldering microcircuits, to summarize, we will emphasize the main recommendations and requirements so that you understand which soldering iron is better for soldering microcircuits and other components when looking at the stands and shop windows for radio amateurs.

For inexperienced radio amateurs, it is advisable to use low-power soldering irons from 3 to 10 W. It is possible to use soldering irons with average power of 20-40 W to work with microcircuits and radio components, but there is a high probability of damaging the component during installation or dismantling. The wire must be flexible, long and double insulated. The tip is selected individually depending on preferences and type of work. It is advisable to buy a soldering iron with a wooden handle. The type of soldering iron heater depends on the funds allocated for the purchase and the type of work expected. It is desirable that the purchased soldering iron has a function of constant temperature control, a temperature regulator, a set of tips, an adjustment of the length of the tip, the ability to replace the tip and an addition, such as a stand for the soldering iron, a storage case, a cleaning sponge, etc.

You can buy a soldering iron on the well-known site - Aliexpress, we have made a selection of popular models

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Electronic microcircuits are installed not only in televisions and music centers. They are equipped with door locks and refrigerators, various drives and lighting devices. They perform the functions of microprocessors, memory, power supplies, and other devices. Current trends indicate a gradual expansion of the scope of their application. Therefore, a soldering iron for microcircuits is useful for equipping a modern personal workshop. With its help, you can quickly make repairs or upgrades, without resorting to the services of expensive specialists and other unnecessary costs.

In a large assortment of offers from specialized stores, it is not difficult to choose tools for successfully solving specific problems

In order not to make a mistake when purchasing tools, you need to clarify the scope and parameters of future work. Characteristics to consider electronic components, conditions in the home workshop and personal preferences. A market overview with the study of new products offered by modern manufacturing enterprises will be useful. Some adaptations for performing individual operations can be made with my own hands. Such an integrated approach will help you choose the optimal equipment package.

Do I need to buy a hair dryer for soldering microcircuits: general requirements for tools

The first criterion that experts recommend considering is power. An electric soldering iron for soldering microcircuits consumes from 3 to 15 W. The group from 15 to 50 W includes universal instruments. They are useful for dismantling and installing diodes, transistors, resistors, and other individual electronic components. If you plan to work with thick conductors (more than 1.5 mm in diameter), you should purchase a heating device with a power of 75-100 W.

After determining the appropriate power, you need to deal with working attachment. Without experience, it is easier to work with a straight tip.

Below is an example of a suitable set. It attracts with its affordable price and good technical characteristics.

The kit contains all the necessary components:

  • Soldering iron (2) with a soft grip on the handle. This element improves insulating properties and makes it easier to securely grip.
  • Removable tip (1) with thread lock.
  • Power supply (3) with built-in heating regulator.
  • Grounding device (4).

Using this example, you can consider in detail the positive and negative nuances. The knowledge gained will be useful for an objective assessment of current offers on the domestic market.

This model has a ceramic element (5). It provides uniform heating and has good efficiency. But its strength is less compared to its nichrome counterpart. However, there is reliable protection(1, 3) from mechanical damage. The knurled nut (4) is convenient for securing and changing the tip (2). This mount is designed for long-term use.

These additional accessories make individual work steps easier.

What does the modern market offer?

When choosing soldering irons for your home, the data from the following table will be useful. The assessment should be made taking into account the above information. It should be noted that some universal models can be used for soldering different parts.

Table 3. Soldering iron models

Brand/ModelPower, Wprice, rub.Notes
REXANT/ 12-01208 110-150 The soldering iron itself costs that much. Additionally, you need to purchase a 12 V power supply suitable for the power.
REXANT/ 12-017050 600-820 This model, powered by 220 V, is equipped with a built-in regulator. With its help, smooth adjustment of the tip temperature is possible in the range from + 200°C to + 400°C.
REXANT/ 12-01598 870-1100 This kit includes a soldering station with a spring-type stand. This is a complete kit for mounting electronic components (temperature adjustment in the range from + 200°C to + 400°C).
REXANT/ 12-01818 310-420 The built-in battery (4.5 V) ensures autonomy. Such a device is useful for performing work operations in hard to reach places, where it is not possible to connect to a stationary power source.
REXANT/ 12-01678 1100-1380 A set of tools with a convenient case for carrying and storage: cordless soldering iron; device for suction of molten solder; stand; Consumables.
Zubr/ 554106 650-820 Cordless soldering iron with backlight (maximum tip temperature – up to + 450°C). Solder and protective cap are included as standard.
Svetozar/ SV-5533148 1100-1400 Soldering station (adjustable from + 100°C to + 450°C). The set includes a spring stand and a sponge for cleaning the tip.
ZD/ 93748 3500-3980 Soldering station with digital settings and temperature display.