How to clean the air in an apartment: causes of pollution, solutions, pitfalls. A method for purifying air in cities and large settlements from pollution Air purification in cities examples

Many people dream of living in environmentally friendly conditions. However, not everyone has the opportunity to live in a place where the air is filled with freshness. Most people have to inhale dirty city air, which causes irreparable harm to the body. This problem is especially relevant for residents of industrial cities. Many factories emitting into the atmosphere harmful substances, the mass of cars emitting exhaust gases cannot but affect the health of the population. Why is city air so dangerous?

First of all, a poor environmental situation negatively affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. People who regularly inhale harmful particles in the air develop hypertension. Research shows that even 10 weeks of exposure to hazardous substances is enough to predispose you to hypertension.

Polluted air contains substances that, when ingested by young people, provoke the development of various cardiovascular diseases. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and inflammatory heart diseases, leading to massive cell death of this vital organ, increases significantly.

When coal burns, microparticles of soot enter the air. Penetrating into the body, they often become the cause of the development of venous thrombosis. Blood clots form in the veins of the lower extremities. When they come off, they migrate through the body with the bloodstream, leading to pulmonary embolism. This disease often causes death.

Ultrafine particles contained in dirty air easily enter the human body. They can cause increased platelet formation. These elements are responsible for blood clotting. However, with increased formation, they become the cause of plaques in the blood vessels. This disrupts normal blood flow to the heart muscle. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs and blood circulation is impaired.

Polluted air has a negative impact on the body of people suffering from diabetes, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases internal organs. Polluted air affects the blood, changing its physical and chemical properties and composition. Regular inhalation of harmful particles causes disruption of protein, water and carbohydrate metabolism. Decay products remain in the body in large quantities, their gradual accumulation leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems. Dirty air affects appearance person. The skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, and becomes wrinkled. Young people look much older than their biological age.

Disturbed metabolism cannot but lead to disruption of the endocrine glands. The result is hormonal disorders that cause various diseases. The thyroid gland is most often affected.

Polluted air negatively affects the general condition of a person. With regular inhalation of dangerous microparticles, rapid fatigue, frequent headaches, hearing and vision impairment, decreased mental performance, and a tendency to frequent allergic reactions and colds are observed.

Today, there are devices that are used to purify indoor air. They are able to blow air through a system of filter elements, thereby cleaning it from harmful impurities. Depending on the technical characteristics, air purifiers have varying degrees of purification. Cheap devices remove only large mechanical particles from the air (household dust, animal hair, poplar fluff). More expensive and advanced models provide the function of neutralizing exhaust particles, tobacco smoke and other harmful impurities.

IN household appliances Various filter elements are used. HEPA filters allow you to clean the air from mechanical contaminants. Activated carbon neutralizes unpleasant odors in the room. The electrostatic filter collects particles of smoke, resins, and dust. The photocatalytic filter breaks down harmful substances into harmless ones (under the influence of ultraviolet light).

Household cleaners whose filter element is water are very effective. This device perfectly purifies the air, humidifies it, makes it lighter and fresher. Devices that combine the functions of air purification, humidification and ionization have proven their effectiveness. Negative ions that are released into the atmosphere have a positive effect on the health of people suffering from respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. They strengthen human immunity.

The choice of air purifiers is quite wide. People who care about their health should definitely purchase such a device. After all, clean air is the key to good health.

The method is intended for purifying air from pollutants in cities and large populated areas. The method involves sucking polluted air from the surface of the roadway, purifying it of hydrocarbons and returning it to the environment. Polluted air is sucked into underground city communication networks with filtering and ventilation devices installed from them through external hatches equipped with air intakes. Purified air is discharged through open outlets of communication networks.

The invention relates to the field of environmental protection and, in particular, to the purification of polluted air. There is a known method for purifying air from pollution in cities and large populated areas, which consists in the fact that air containing vehicle exhaust gases is sucked from the surface of the roadway into special channels, where it is purified from hydrocarbons using filters and returned to the surrounding atmosphere. (GB patent N 1113528, class B 08 B 15/00, 1968). This method provides a certain effect on cleaning air on city highways polluted by vehicle exhaust gases, but requires large material costs during its implementation due to the construction of special structures for its absorption and purification and narrows the area for purifying polluted air. The technical result to which the invention is aimed is to reduce material costs for the construction of special structures for implementing the method and expand the areas covered by air purification. The specified technical result is achieved by the fact that in the method of purifying air from pollution in cities and large settlements, which consists in the fact that air containing exhaust gases from vehicles is sucked from the surface of the roadway into special channels, where it is purified using filters from hydrocarbons and returns to the surrounding atmosphere, polluted air is sucked into underground city communication networks with filtering and ventilation devices installed in their underground channels, through their external hatches located in populated areas and equipped with air intakes, and purified air is discharged into the atmosphere through the open outlets of these communications. The proposed method for purifying air from pollutants in populated areas increases the area of ​​air purification, significantly simplifies this process and reduces the material costs of its implementation compared to the known method. The fact is that in the known method, taken as a prototype, specially equipped sidewalks are used, running along urban transport highways, in which special channels are installed, with air-suction and filtering devices installed in each of them, in curb stones Intake holes are made on these sidewalks, and the purified air is discharged into the atmosphere through specially constructed exhaust devices. As you can see, such a solution requires significant material costs and, in addition, the area covered by air purification in a populated area is limited. Suggested technical solution provides for the use of existing underground channels located in populated areas, urban underground communication networks for various purposes having access hatches or sewer grates located throughout the territory of these points, and the outlets of these networks into the atmosphere. It is planned to install fan units or other devices at the nodes of communication networks that create a vacuum of air in the channels approaching from the hatches to the node of the communication, together with the corresponding filtering units that filter the air and remove the purified air through the outlet channels to the outside into the atmosphere. If necessary, air intakes are provided in hatches through which air is supposed to be taken. Given the urgency of the problem of purifying polluted air in large cities, this method of purifying it is the most rational, significantly reduces material costs, since there is no need for the construction of air intake communications, the number of ventilation and filtering units is reduced, the area covered by intake devices in settlements is increased and consumption is reduced. energy to suck air into the line.

Formula of invention

A method for purifying air from pollution in cities and large populated areas, which consists in the fact that air containing vehicle exhaust gases is sucked from the surface of the road surface, cleaned of hydrocarbons and returned to the environment, characterized in that the polluted air is sucked into underground urban communication networks with filtering and ventilation devices installed in them through external hatches equipped with air intakes, and purified air is discharged through open outputs of communication networks.

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Many of us are seriously thinking about improving the quality of our perception of life and trying to change not only the world around us, but also the air that we breathe, which raises an urgent question: how to make the air cleaner?

To solve this problem today there are two main ways: one is to build houses, and the other - complementing or replacing the first - air purifying devices around us through ionization and other technologies, supported by large-scale advertising campaigns, commercials and tempting discounts, which turn into almost a panacea for all possible ills.

Today we will look at them in detail...

It would seem

What kind of air do we breathe at home?

The air we breathe is not at all like that described in smart books and encyclopedias. In addition to the main cast, it contains hundreds of impurities, thousands of smells and aromas, useful and not so...

For example, indoor air may be more polluted than outdoor air, and the degree of pollution may be several times higher than these indicators. And, as a rule, the average person spends fifty to sixty percent of his entire life indoors.

We don’t see all this, but our body senses it very well, we begin to “think worse,” we feel tired, and our internal organs slowly and steadily being poisoned by our own “exhaust” exhalations.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that you periodically ventilate the room where you are, live, work, or sleep. A portion of street air with its not quite pure composition and that is more useful than the air filled with our “exhalations.”

It becomes clear to the naked eye that in order to be healthy, something needs to change, and that “something” is, first of all, air around us.

Here is the time to remember about air conditioners and other air purifiers, the purpose of which is to directly create a microclimate in the room and purify the air.

Devices that make the air clean

1. Air conditioners

2. Air purifiers for home

The basic functions of air purifiers include: dust removal, elimination of allergic pollen, air purification from tobacco smoke, destruction of viruses and bacteria, elimination of unpleasant odors and odors, decomposition of harmful substances, filtration of small particles(animal fur, for example). Sounds tempting, doesn't it? But all this information concerns only quality!!! air purifiers. Otherwise, we are in danger of over-saturating the air around us with both nitrogen and ions, and, as we know, what is excessive is no longer healthy...

Besides There are air purifiers several types - photocatalytic And filter.

Photocatalytic air purifiers

It is considered the most effective photocatalytic air purifiers. The air in them becomes cleaner based on the principle of photo catalysis, harmful substances contained in the air decompose under the influence of ultraviolet radiation until they are completely harmless. The level of purification is constant and consistently high and reaches ninety-five percent. But such an air purifier definitely cannot cope with exhaust gases. In order to somehow rehabilitate this shortcoming, manufacturers of such devices confidently declare that their purifier will certainly cope with viruses and gases. There is an opinion that the efficiency of a photocatalytic purifier is five hundred times higher than that of an ordinary filter. The service life of such a purifier is from four to seven years.

Filter air purifiers

Based on the name, we already understand that the operating principle of such a purifier is based on the use of filters, which can be quite different. For example carbon filter (its main component is activated carbon) performs deodorizing and adsorption functions, and does an excellent job of removing odors and gas impurities. Mechanical filter, looks like a fine mesh, does an excellent job of filtering the air for dust and hair. Nero filters- this is more serious, they are created on the basis of fiberglass, capable clear the air from the smallest impurities by almost ninety-nine percent. But electrostatic filters do their job well clear the air of small dust particles(the operation of such a filter uses the principle of attraction of oppositely charged and polar ions). The filters in such air purifiers are replaced several times a year.

The operation of any air purifier is, of course, limited by the corresponding technical specifications, but as a rule:

  • — the productivity indicator ranges from one hundred eighty to four hundred and twenty cubic meters of clean air per hour (we consider the cubic capacity of a room to be the product of length by width and height, in meters);
  • — limitation of the area of ​​action – thirty-five square meters.

Greetings, friends!

It is no secret that the atmosphere in cities is excessively polluted, which leads to poor health and sometimes causes serious illness.

Did you know that the air in an apartment is 5-6 times dirtier and more toxic than outside the window? How is air purified in an apartment?

Because in nature, purification occurs naturally, with the help of wind, sun, rain and snow, vegetation plays an important role.

And in a living or working space, if the necessary measures are not taken, the microclimate becomes dangerous. Let's find out what devices and other means will help cope with this problem.

Why are closed spaces dangerous?

In fact, we spend most of our time indoors. Unless you work outside, 8 hours a day, 8 hours daily sleep and for several hours while doing housework, people are “clogged in a jar.”

Due to the fact that we spend long periods of time, day after day, month after month, for years in poorly ventilated rooms, our health and well-being can significantly deteriorate.

From the dust that hovers in the atmosphere of a room, people quickly get tired, concentration decreases, and headaches appear.

Over time, irritability, mood swings, insomnia and sleep disturbances appear.

The particles that float in space and are invisible to the human eye contain a lot of toxic compounds that cause allergic reactions and cause diseases respiratory tract.

Viral and cold diseases develop from bacteria in dust. A dirty atmosphere can cause the development of asthma, dermatological diseases and malignant tumors.

To prevent this, you should constantly clean the areas in which you are located.

What is the culprit of pollution?

To cope with the problem, you need to “know the enemy by sight.” So, what factors clog up our space the most:

  • Dust is the main “enemy” of cleanliness. It comes from the street and forms in houses/

It consists of micro particles of our skin, textiles, mold and fungi spores, bacteria, street soot, plant pollen, animal hair, small mites and insects, and their waste products.

Most dust is a strong allergen. They can cause inflammation of the eyes and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and dermatitis.

  • Kitchen fumes - they not only give the apartment a specific smell, but also contain particles of fats and seasonings. In your kitchen, a cleaning system or hood must be installed above the stove.
  • Tobacco smoke is the most powerful toxic and carcinogenic component.
  • The area where you live or where your work office is located is the presence of industrial enterprises and busy roads, which significantly pollute the environment and cause you to suffer from exhaust fumes.
  • Quality of the premises and finishing materials– during landscaping, pay attention to the quality of finishing materials and furniture.

Low-grade materials constantly emit harmful substances, often such that they cause cancer.

Building materials, furniture, cladding, chipboard and other substances used during repairs must be of high quality and have a certificate.

Don't forget that for many years, after you carry out repairs, you will inhale fumes from these materials.

Toxins affect the human body imperceptibly, gradually, and as a result of such constant influence, poisoning of the body occurs. This is why cleaning the air in your apartment is vital and necessary.

Cleaning methods and rules

There are many methods and means that will help make the atmosphere in your apartment healthy.

Let's look at the most effective, simple and affordable ones that you can do yourself without spending a lot of material resources.

  • Ventilation. This is the foundation on which air purity rests. It is necessary to ventilate at least twice a day for 20-30 minutes, regardless of the time of year.

It is advisable to do this more often – 3-4 times. Even if your windows face the highway, do this early in the morning and late in the evening when traffic is minimal.

Clogged windows provoke increased proliferation of fungi, mold and dampness, and the concentration of toxins increases significantly.

Ventilation costs nothing and does not require any expensive equipment, but is of great importance for maintaining a healthy microclimate.

  • Wet cleaning. Modern vacuum cleaners have a large number of useful functions, including wet cleaning.

However, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers and other devices do not remove the bulk of the dust that settles on furniture, windows, curtains and other attributes.

A damp cloth will solve this problem in a few minutes, and it will have enormous health benefits. Wash the curtains more often, periodically spray them with water from a spray bottle - this will serve as additional humidification of the air and remove dust particles from the curtains.

Carpets are notorious for accumulating mites and dirt, so it is important to vacuum them well twice a year, take them outside, beat them, and let them sit for several hours in the sun and frost.

Doing general cleaning for carpets in summer and winter, you will not allow them to become seriously soiled.

  • Purifying flowers are natural air purifiers that kill harmful germs.

An additional positive bonus is the qualities of flowers, such as a positive effect on the psyche and a therapeutic effect.

  • Phytoncides that are released indoor plants, have an antibacterial effect, increase humidity, and cope with toxic substances produced by household chemicals.

Here are seven of the best green helpers:

  1. ficus,
  2. Chinese rose,
  3. Dieffenbachia,
  4. myrtle,
  5. fern,
  6. violet,
  7. cyclamen.

  • Air purifiers are designed to act as an air filter, removing all kinds of harmful impurities and dust. They also disinfect and ionize.

Thanks to the design of such devices, in which a system of filtering devices is installed, the smallest particles of pollen, toxic compounds, spores and microbes are retained there.

This best option for those who suffer from allergic reactions.

I advise you to purchase devices that are equipped with humidifiers. Air purifiers are not cheap, but if you calculate how much health and money you will have to spend on medicine, then such an acquisition is justified.

  • Humidifier - such a device is necessary in order to saturate the atmosphere with moisture.

This, firstly, makes breathing easier, secondly, creates the necessary microclimate, and thirdly, it does not allow weed microparticles to fly in space.

It is also an excellent preventative against colds. You can buy a ready-made device, but if you want, put in some effort and make it yourself.

As you can see, all these activities will not take much time and money, but will bring enormous health benefits. Do not forget that you must constantly monitor the cleanliness and microclimate of the places where you spend your time.

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See you again, friends! Be happy and healthy!

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Every person wants to breathe as much as possible clean air ohm - this is included in the basic needs. If your home is not located in a clean suburban residential complex or on the outskirts of the city near a park area, then most likely, in order to breathe clean air, you will have to choose and purchase air purifiers. Modern companies manufacture air purification devices in huge quantities, equipping them with necessary and sometimes unnecessary functions.

Water devices

There are a lot of different myths regarding air cleanliness today. However, the majority of all cleaning devices are structurally designed as a housing with a fan that takes air from the room and passes it through filters. And here there are a lot of differences. There are two cleaning technologies: using water as a filter and dry.

Air purification systems in an apartment are often combined with humidifiers. You need to understand that traditional humidification devices cannot clean the air in any way - they are only designed to fill the air space in a room with moisture. Among these devices, only the so-called air washer can be considered a purifier.

Liquid cleaners

This device actually “washes” the air by passing it through a special water curtain. Under the influence of water, dust in the air, as well as possible small pollutants, settles on the structural elements of such a sink. The process of air purification with the help of such sinks goes along with humidification, due to which such gadgets have become very popular among consumers.

All air washers on the market have the same operating principle, and the differences between them are in overall dimensions, fan power and various additional functions. Many manufacturers also equip the air purification system with a disinfection system.

In addition to the desire to equip devices with a mass of various attractive functions, manufacturers also use the principle of compensation. A humid environment is very conducive to the growth of various harmful bacteria, mold, and fungal colonies, so the device must be constantly carefully looked after to prevent bad neighbors from appearing there. Therefore, air purification washers must be equipped with ultraviolet lamps.

A sink of this type works quietly; you should not expect super-performance and high sedum speed from these devices; they will not be able to cope with ingrained odors, or quickly remove the smallest particles and especially allergens.

Venta LW25

This model is a water-based air washer. It is designed to work in conditions small rooms. Its capabilities allow it to operate confidently in rooms up to 40 m2. The equipment operates without any replaceable filters. During operation, ordinary water is used, for which there is a special container with a volume of 7 liters. You can also add various flavoring additives to the water. There is a special built-in system to protect against bacteria.

Among the main advantages is the absence of the need to purchase consumables. Air purification with water does not require filters. During operation, no limescale remains on furniture and other surfaces in the room. The device is easy to maintain. If the water runs out, the device has a self-shut-off function. To get even more functions from the device, you can additionally connect a humidity level sensor. Among the disadvantages, there is a lot of noise when this sink operates at maximum speed. You can purchase this model at a price of 23,000 rubles.

Winia AWI-40

This Korean air purification system is also designed for use in rooms, houses, and apartments with an area of ​​up to 40 square meters. m. The volume of the water tank is also 7 liters. Among the features of the device are the functions of automatically maintaining a certain level of humidity. There are five operating modes. 3D discs with a special antibacterial layer are used. In addition, the sink has an air ionization function, which is implemented on the basis of special filters.

Among the advantages, reviews highlight ease of care and maintenance, the ability to control humidity, antibacterial coating on the discs, and high efficiency. Among the disadvantages, for some reason, users first mention the presence of replaceable filters, noise, and inaccuracy of the gyrostat. The price of this device is from 15,000 rubles.

Dry air purifiers

If you need to clean the air from dust, various allergens, unpleasant odors, but water should not be used for it, then there are much more devices to choose from. This group of models differs in dimensions, more high level productivity. The main thing in devices of this class is the filters for air purification and their number.

In general, equipment designed for dry cleaning is more powerful and faster. Structurally, the device consists of a powerful fan, which draws air from an apartment or house with quite a lot of force, as well as a filter system.

Types of filters used

Air purification filters can be different and perform different tasks. Thus, a coarse filter is most often made of mesh or porous materials. It can only retain fairly large particles, such as pet hair, pieces of dust, and the like.

A fine filter is made of fabric or paper materials that are folded like an accordion. These materials have a huge number of pores, which, due to special bending, seem to overlap each other. This creates a sieve with a fine mesh. These filters are capable of retaining a large number of different allergens, as well as small particles and dust. There are also HEPA filters. They are now the most highly effective among others used for air purification. Such devices are capable of retaining not just small, but even the smallest particles that can harm people’s health. This could be PM2.5, tiny allergens such as dust mite excretions and similar pollutants. Taking this into account, we can conclude that such a filter is simply necessary even in the simplest system, since without it the air will only seem clean.

Along with these filters, adsorption-catalytic devices are also used. They are designed to remove odors. Inside the product there are special materials that absorb particles and gas molecules. This material then closes these particles inside itself. Various manufacturers make different options such products. So, we can distinguish a standard and also a reinforced version. The second type of filter is needed if there are very strong sources of odors. Carbon and photocatalytic filters can solve the same problems.

Best Dry Air Purifier

The best air purifiers for home and apartment should be equipped with filters to clean the air space from dust, various allergens, harmful bacteria and particles, as well as odors. Among the disadvantages of devices using dry air purification methods are energy consumption and noise. But in reality, these devices use energy in the same way as other household units, and the noise created by the purifier is aerodynamic. But manufacturers were able to get rid of this noise through the use of new materials. Modern devices so quiet that sometimes many people wonder if they work at all.

Additional features

When choosing a suitable purifier for a home or apartment, many people pay attention not only to the number and types of filters, but also to various additional functions. It is worth considering the most popular of them: ionization, aromatization, moisturizing, disinfection.


Due to this function, the air is saturated with useful ions. They are charged positively and negatively. This is a fairly widely discussed function, but there are no authoritative opinions on ionization today. Some claim that ions are very useful, while others, on the contrary, claim that they are dangerous for humans.


Thanks to this function, the air is filled with various pleasant aromas due to liquids. Fragrance works in the same way as an air freshener. A liquid fragrance or composition in the form of a gas is simply sprayed into the premises of an apartment or house. Is it reasonable to equip air purifiers with aromatization? This question is still open. Since the devices allow you to remove odors, the air purifier itself can handle this without any fragrance.


Through this function, the air is filled with water vapor. This is one of the most popular options. Humidity is very important parameter. It depends on it whether the human body will function normally. On the other hand, excessive humidity near the filters is not advisable. This is where various harmful bacteria settle. By creating a good environment for them, they will soon begin to multiply and the air purifier will turn into a major source of bacteria.


This function is often confused with air purification. This process is the complete destruction of viruses, various bacteria and other microorganisms. Disinfection is very important in everyday life. Even the most technologically advanced air purification methods only capture harmful bacteria, but do not kill them.

Modern cleaners use two disinfection technologies. These are photocatalytic filters and inactivation of microorganisms. This feature is undoubtedly very useful. UV radiation is quite popular and has been used for a long time, but inactivation is a new technology. It deprives bacteria of the ability to reproduce.


These are devices that provide a constant flow of air when the windows to the rooms are closed. Before entering the room, the air is cleaned of dust, harmful bacteria and other elements. In addition, breathers have the function of heating air to certain temperatures. Modern advanced models can be connected to smart climate systems, and they will automatically regulate the supply of fresh air. There are models with a built-in recirculation mode.


Now there are a lot of models for houses and apartments. Manufacturers make devices in modern design and with a wide range of functionality. When choosing, the area for which the device is designed, the air exchange rate, and the presence of several operating modes are important. What is done to clean the air inside the device is not so important. With any device, the air will be as clean as possible. These elements can protect the body from various diseases, which is especially important in large cities.