Does magic really exist? Do magic and witchcraft exist, the basics of magic for beginners Do real magicians exist

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For many people, at one point or another in their lives, the question “does magic really exist” begins to arise? Is this so and is our life really filled with some secret secret knowledge, which is usually spoken about only in a whisper and only in a narrow circle of trusted people? Let's figure it out and clarify all the pros and cons, but what do you think, does magic and witchcraft exist?

From time immemorial, the study of this topic gives us many more questions than answers, perhaps because the world of subtle matters should not be studied and experimented, but felt. With the current rhythm of life, we forget about such eternal concepts and lose the ability to hear and feel ourselves, which already speaks about the world around us.

The phenomenon of “Magic”, how is it expressed in our lives?

  • Coincidences. Has this ever happened to you: you think about a person today, you just remembered someone by chance and you meet him at the checkout in a supermarket or at the next table in a cafe? Or let’s say you need to get from point A to point B, but you don’t have your own transport and you’re standing at a bus stop, and a friend passing by saw you and gave you a ride to your destination. Is it magic or just a little luck? Or maybe you're just a magnet? the right people into your life? But we will talk about this law of “attraction” later.
  • Clairvoyance. Many treatises have been written about this phenomenon, and the seed of such a gift glimmers in each of us, and 99.9% of people have no idea about it and simply consider everything that happens to them to be a coincidence)) (see above). There are many types of predicting future events: clairvoyance, clairaudience and Dreaming (receiving information through dreams). Let's discard all the TV shows in which you saw psychics and sorcerers; this is unlikely to help you in life, but a prophetic dream or a warning dream is quite common for most people. So what happens? Are we all magicians and have supernatural powers? Or are these abilities inherent in us from the very beginning, simply blocked? For what purpose?
  • Miracles. With the development of the Internet, we receive information from everywhere and often see news about how icons cry with myrrh in churches all over the planet, how sick people are cured after communicating with healers, or how life changes dramatically. better side whose life is that by getting rid of “damage, the evil eye” and other bad things. Is it worth believing such statements if they are not advertising in nature and simply convey information to people? Do you believe in miracles? In the power of a person who can influence another and heal him with the power of thought?
  • Dreams. Our readers' favorite part. Turns out. we are all a little magicians and have the power to fulfill our desires and dreams, not just by visualizing them, but also by talking about them at every step)) Well, as usual, the stronger the mental message and desire to fulfill a dream, the better and faster it will be fulfilled. And if, among other things, you also take actions in the direction of making your dreams come true, be sure: everything will come true!!! Here we need to remember: nothing is given to us right away, there is such a concept as “time”, and so it is also needed for some reason. Why do you think?

And the most important conclusion: A person has a huge brain, and it is used at 4-5% of its capabilities. How could a bodybuilder's muscles grow if they were never used??? And how could such a brain develop? Strange evolution...Think about it.

P.S. Today I don’t want to answer all the questions asked in this blog, it’s enough that you learn to ask these questions correctly... this is the first step to getting all the answers. In order to understand your opinion, click a couple of times in the survey or I’m waiting for your thoughts in the comments.

Does magic exist: a real life story + 3 common myths about magic + 5 stages in development + 5 main directions in modern esotericism.

Everyone understands the concept of magic differently. For example, for some it is not at all a chance meeting with someone we just thought about, the fulfillment of secret desires, or a more scientific definition of magic speaks of a purposeful influence on the course of events by supernatural means.

Does magic even exist? Many people ask this question. This is not surprising, because people find it difficult to believe in something that cannot be touched, seen, or even explained.

Yes, yes, this is not for you to grab a cup of hot coffee with your hands and stare at the rainbow after the rain.

A couple of "proofs" that magic exists

Let's remember if something so amazing and even frightening happened to us that we cannot find an explanation for. I think this has happened to many people at least once in their lives. Moreover, it made me dispel doubts that magic exists.

No? Then just listen to what my friend Vera told the author of the article.

“At one time, I had, to put it mildly, strange neighbors who were interested in magic living on the same site. More than once they recited quite audible spells, or cursed the noisy children in the yard.

One day this happened. These people, having moved out of our house, asked to hand over the keys to the tenants who allegedly now live in their apartment. A week later, no one came for the keys and no new tenants were heard of.

Perhaps I would not have attached any importance to this if it had not been for the sudden onset of a “dark streak” in the life of my family. I, a completely healthy eighteen-year-old girl, began to have serious health problems. My sister fell into a terrible depression, and my mother was suddenly fired from work, which was also accompanied by poor health.

It was then that my mother “folded all her cards.” Having grabbed the enemy's keys, we went to the grandmother in our yard. She was also no slouch when it came to magic. Taking this, as it turned out, enchanted object into her hands, the woman was horrified, but soon reassured us that everything could be fixed.

Real horror gripped us when this happened. A former neighbor asked for a candle, saying that the light had gone out in their apartment.

But, fortunately, we were warned and did not fall for the tricks of such magic. The next day, all family members woke up feeling great, and our affairs soon improved too.

Now I don’t wonder if magic exists, I know it does.”

There are quite a lot of such cases. And what, if not magic, can influence people so strangely?
If this example does not convince you, it’s okay - the author of the article still has many “trump cards in his hands.”

Although, as a familiar philosophy teacher used to say, one must doubt everything, including whether magic exists. Then why so much talk about it?

It was in them that many real myths about magic were born. Especially among those who have not yet decided on their attitude towards otherworldly forces.

3 most common misconceptions among those who think that magic really exists

  1. Magic is completely evil, and exists only for a negative purpose (to curse, bewitch, etc.). Associated with witches, Satan and terrible rituals.
  2. Magic exists in white or black. In fact, it is colorless. The only important thing is for what purpose and how you use it.
  3. Magic does not require special knowledge. There is an opinion that having learned one spell, in this sense, it is the same science as, for example, mathematics.

Myths “grow” around practically all interesting things, especially about whether magic exists. And this often happens due to a lack of information in a particular area, or due to the inability to logically prove something, as, indeed, in our case. But some things are worth looking at over time.

Think about water, for example.

Surely everyone has heard from fairy tales about the so-called living and dead water. It was believed that the first was capable of, if, in the literal sense of the word, not reviving, then at least healing. The second, on the contrary, could worsen the state of health.

A few centuries ago, the one who introduced these concepts into our everyday life would simply have been laughed at. And now it has already been fully proven that water has energy and memory. That is, these things really exist! A glass of water charged in some way can work wonders.

Hmm, well, how can one not believe that magic really exists and is friends with science?

And it not only exists, but is also constantly evolving. Here's how it has changed over time.

5 stages in history in exploring the question “Does magic exist?”

  1. Primitive age. At one glance at the strange rock symbols, one can speak of the presence of some kind of belief in the supernatural. Then magic existed in close connection with religion. Items endowed magical abilities bring good luck, and asked nature for help in all matters.
  2. Antiquity. Homer's works describe magical objects, such as the moth flower, which protects from magic, as well as the ritual of necromancy. At this time, curses, potions, and other magical attributes begin to be actively created.
  3. Middle Ages. Whether magic exists is colorfully shown during the Middle Ages. This period was marked by a fierce fight against magic, namely against witches who were accused of witchcraft and performing “black” rituals. Such black magic frightened ordinary people and was punished by the authorities.
  4. Revival.
  5. On the one hand, during the translations of works of antiquity, interest in magic returned, and on the other hand, with the development of science, people tried to interpret the world using a rational approach. But it is interesting that many things that are now supported by evidence were then perceived as something magical. Our days. Now magic exists mainly in cinema and literature and is proudly called the genres of “science fiction” and “fantasy”. But modern people and real life

Such widespread use has led to the fact that magic is divided into several areas, each of which is interesting in its own way.

Magic lessons

5 main directions in which magic exists in our time

In fact, magic is just a kind of abstraction and a very general concept of magic. Depending on its purpose and means of achieving what is desired, magic exists in different forms.

It is interesting that modern people have learned to do without ancient rituals that are harmful
and curses. Recently, this phenomenon (like everything else, however) has progressed quite a lot, and now, basically, magic exists for self-knowledge of a person, studying the peculiarities of his destiny, as well as for searching for secret abilities.

Among all the directions in which current magic exists, there are five main ones:

  • Astrology. This is an old and rather complex science that has found resonance and widespread use in our time. It is based on knowledge about the structure of the Universe and the assertion that man is an integral part of it.

    A skilled astrologer can fully describe your life, which will help you avoid some troubles, as well as correctly distribute your energy resources.

  • Ayurveda. The teaching is known for its amazing life-giving power. Healing a person according to Ayurveda is based on the natural suppression of the disease without the use of artificial excipients.

    The actions of such a doctor are aimed not specifically at the disease, but at the person as a whole, in order to improve and strengthen him physically and spiritually.

  • Divination. Nowadays, magic exists mainly to help us learn about some events from the future. They often tell fortunes using cards and coffee grounds. This type is widely known for its seemingly simplicity of execution.

    But, in fact, fortune telling gives a large error, unless, of course, this is done by an experienced magician who understands not only symbols and meanings, but can also hear clues from the other world in the process, and exist in tune with higher powers.

  • Extrasensory perception. People who are called true conductors of magic have long been a real discovery. They are able to feel things that are inaccessible to an ordinary person, thanks to more developed senses.

    Such “wizards” are able to predict the future, look into the past, see at a distance and heal a person with the power of thought.

  • Numerology.

The magic here exists in numbers. Numerologists believe that each number has its own energy and is capable of influencing a person. Consequently, the numbers from the date of birth carry specific information, after learning which you can get the keys to your happy life.

In general, whether magic exists is a question for everyone to answer for themselves. But still, according to the author of the article, there is no point in denying something supernatural. After all, the miracles that sometimes happen to us are truly amazing.

We should only remember that some connection with otherworldly forces is given to us to help us, to understand certain aspects of our personality and to warn us against danger. So you should use them for your own benefit and not to harm others.

This is one of the eternal questions that has haunted humanity for thousands of years. A mystic or occultist will say that magic exists, that he has experienced its capabilities firsthand. The skeptic will object - where is your magic, show it to me! I only believe in what can be seen or touched! But which of them will be right?

To understand whether magic exists, you need to try to understand this issue as impartially as possible. And we should start with the origins of the origin of magical techniques. I invite you, dear reader, to mentally travel back to prehistoric times.

Why did magic arise?

Once upon a time, a long time ago, the world was truly huge. And frightening... People had to face dangers every day that we cannot even imagine. Predators roamed the earth, stronger than modern tigers and lions. Thunderstorms, storms, hurricanes and other natural phenomena brought superstitious horror to our ancestors.

The man did not know whether he would return from the hunt alive, whether he would be able to survive another attack by a hostile tribe. Any illnesses were perceived as machinations. Of course, a person needed protection that would allow him to feel more comfortable in this huge, hostile world.

Humanity has always been distinguished by an inquisitive mind. Some people began to study the properties of herbs and try to interact with the “forces” and “spirits” that personified the natural elements. This is how the first shamans appeared - cult ministers who devoted themselves to the study of magic.

The sorcerer was responsible for the fate of his tribe. He had to ensure a successful hunt, appease the gods, who could send the people both a bountiful harvest and all sorts of disasters. The shaman was consulted when important decisions had to be made, for example, changing a camp site, starting to prepare provisions, or going on a military campaign.

To receive something, you need to give something equally valuable in return. Ancient sorcerers used this principle in their rituals. They sacrificed part of the harvest and animals obtained from hunting to the gods. The Aztecs and many other tribes widely practiced...

Our ancestors did not question whether magic exists. They believed unconditionally in the power of witchcraft. However, if the shaman was unable to “agree with the gods” and troubles befell the tribe, then he could simply be killed. The position of supreme sorcerer passed to the next candidate.

Mystical practices of the peoples of the world

It would seem that scientific and technological progress should put an end to magical practices and other superstitions. But judge for yourself, magic in one form or another still lives in various parts of the globe:

Shamans of Mexico and Siberia. Their rituals allow the use of hallucinogens - psilocybes, fly agarics, peyote. In a state of trance, the shaman visits other worlds and interacts with their inhabitants, performing rituals. A common technique is ritual using a tambourine.

Yogis of India. These wonderful people completely control the capabilities of their body. For example, a yogi can safely swallow a bag of needles and then force the needles to come out of his fingertips. Yoga by at will stop breathing and fall into . Some are even able to levitate.

Followers of the Voodoo cult. These are mainly inhabitants of the African continent. The Voodoo religion involves turning to the invisible spirits of Loa, who act as an intermediary between man and God. widely known thanks to the volt - a doll made for the death of an enemy.

Rosicrucians (Masons). The Knights of the Rose and Cross, whose descendants now make up the Masonic lodge, possessed sacred knowledge. Their power caused concern among the authorities of that time. To get rid of the Rosicrucians, King Philip IV of France (Philip the Handsome) entered into a secret conspiracy with Pope Clement the Fifth.

Anchorites of Tibet. These mystics are famous for their ability to not freeze in the most severe Himalayan frosts. They practice (inner warmth). Anchorites specially wrap themselves in wet sheets and dry them with the warmth of their bodies. They also perform the tshed sacrament, which is included in the list.

Theosophical lodge. Very common in America, despite the fact that one of the founders of the movement was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, born in the Russian Empire. Theosophists can only conditionally be called magicians, although among their practices there are astral travel and spiritualistic seances.

Village magic is widespread in almost all corners of Russia. Its variety is gypsy dark magic, which includes various methods of inducing damage and the evil eye.

Exists or not?

Still, does magic exist? You can say that there are many historical examples, but this will not convince any skeptic. Come true or Vanga? Manipulation of facts, mere coincidence! The curse of the pharaohs that overtook the tomb robbers? Nonsense, it’s just that stale air has accumulated inside the pyramids! And what's about ? This is just a mass hallucination! And so on…

Dear reader, if you really want to know whether magic exists, then try to study it from the practical side. This is the only way you can buy personal experience, form your own idea about this issue. Indeed, in real life you cannot meet a magician who can summon a dragon or throw a fiery fireball at his opponent. But this does not mean at all that the centuries-old knowledge of shamans, sorcerers, magicians, mystics different countries- it's just a meaningless dummy.

Since ancient times, there has been a lot of debate about whether magic really exists or is just fiction. For centuries, magic has existed on the border between reality and myth. There is probably nothing more ambiguous and mysterious in the world than magic. For centuries, people have been trying to get to the bottom of white and black magic. But to this day no one has been able to figure out what it is. History tells us that in different parts of the world in different time miracles happen. Perhaps all the miracles recorded in world history are just hallucinations, figments of the imagination? So does magic really exist? Disputes in society about this do not subside.

It is hardly possible to attribute the existence at all times of an unshakable belief in the existence of magic to chance alone. Perhaps this belief survived because behind it was not superstition, but knowledge that was based on the life experience of all mankind? Probably today there are an equal number of opinions - both against magic and for it. Even the very definition of magic can be debated for a very long time. What is this? Magic, creativity, certain human skills, art? Those who talk about magic on a professional level define it as a certain set of actions that can change the world around them. And those who do not believe in magic imagine it as something distant and abstract, coming from children's books.

But at the same time, it is quite possible to assume that even those events that are described in fairy tales have some relation to reality, because it is not for nothing that fairy tales are called the first lessons for children. For example, many fairy tales mention water – living and dead. Is this pure fiction or reality? Any person a couple of decades ago would have answered without hesitation that these are all just fairy tales, nothing more. Everyone believed that water, in principle, could not be dead or alive. However, today there are entire scientific treatises that say that water has a very direct effect on the human body. Water can heal a person, but improperly charged water can cause poisoning. It has now been proven that water has the ability to absorb information and can have a significant impact on the world around it. Until recently, scientists simply laughed at the actions of healers who were aimed at jars of water. But today these same scientists invite healers to cooperate and carefully study the contents of these jars. Those. what seemed unthinkable yesterday is today a fact. Therefore, there is a high probability that magic still exists, it’s just that science has not yet found a way to prove it.

It seems that not a single children's fairy tale could arise out of nowhere. Our brain puts together each innovation from “details” already familiar to it, creating its own mosaic. But where did these “details” come from? Every fairy tale has a certain amount of truth, it just so happens that the sharp corners are omitted.

Adherents of materialism claim that magic does not exist, that it is just fiction. They believe that everything in the world is material and that only what we see and what is tangible exists. Everything in this world obeys the laws of chemistry and physics. But the question arises: couldn’t there be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the magic algorithm actually works?

Even at the dawn of human development, people already had a different idea of ​​​​the material world. This was manifested, first of all, in the belief in an afterlife. When a person died, the community took care of the deceased in every possible way. They believed that he continued to live, just in a different form. Therefore, they protected him in every possible way from wild animals, brought him gifts, and performed funeral rituals.

From time immemorial, magic has spread throughout the lands of Rus'; sorcerers and healers lived in all villages. Moreover, there was a clear difference between them. For example, a sorcerer caused damage and the like, i.e. used magic for evil purposes. And the healer could ward off damage and heal people. The sorcerers were natural and involuntary, they practiced love magic. For the Middle Ages, magic was something very scary; magic was condemned at that time. Sorcerers and witches were burned based on just one denunciation. However, even at that time, entire organizations and communities appeared, numbering hundreds of people who practiced magic to one degree or another.

There are such forms of human belief in the existence of something invisible and supernatural, such as totemism and animism. Totemism was a special system of myths and human beliefs in the supernatural community of groups with plants and animals, which were called totems. Animism is a person's belief in the existence of spirits. Fetishism is the endowment of objects with supernatural properties. In addition, as humanity developed, necromancy, shamanism and various kinds of cults of a particular community appeared, depending on the territory of their location.

Therefore, if the question of whether magic exists is answered from the point of view of history, then the answer will definitely be yes. It just obeys different laws. These laws are inevitable, irreversible and universal. Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as the biofield and energy. A person can control circumstances, control the environment. In reality there is no case. The stronger a person’s energy, his willpower, and the stronger he himself, the more chances he has to control circumstances.

You may not fully believe in magic, but you cannot help but remember that for a long time humanity did not believe that our planet was spherical. Previously, those who made such statements were considered heretics. But in the end it turned out that they were right. It may well be that the same situation arises with magic. Science cannot yet give a definite answer to the question of whether magic exists or not.