What is a pecan? Pecan or Caria is a miracle nut from North America. Anti-cancer properties of pecans

They taste similar, but the pecan kernels are a little softer and more tender. Pecan is a deciduous tree belonging to the nut family, reaching a height of 25 - 40 m.

Required condition for the ripening of this type of nuts is the presence of hot and humid air in the summer, brought from the Gulf of Mexico. The tree can bear fruit for 300 years.

The pecan is native to North America, where it was especially revered Indian tribes. In the USA, pecan is still one of the favorite nuts; pies, breads, cookies are baked with it, and it is also added to salads and hot dishes.

Pecans are best eaten immediately after shelling (they spoil quickly without the shell).

Useful properties of pecans

Pecans are very high in calories. Just 200 g of the edible part of the fruit provides about 1,700 calories, which exceeds half of a person’s daily requirement for them.

Pecans consist of 70% fat, 11% protein, 14% sugars, making pecans recommended for fatigue and lack of appetite. Edible pecan oil, similar in taste and smell to olive oil.

One of the varieties of vitamin E that pecans contain can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

This conclusion was reached by researchers from Purdue University in Indiana. It has been proven that the drug gamma tocopherol, made in the laboratory and containing the mentioned type of vitamin E, kills diseased cells, leaving only healthy ones. Scientists intend to use this discovery to treat lung and prostate cancer.

Pecans are a rich source of tannic acid, vitamin E; Pecans also have anti-cancer properties.

Eating them in small quantities can lower cholesterol levels. Pecans have more calories and polyunsaturated fat than other nuts (70%), so they should be consumed in moderation (a spoonful five times a day) instead of, rather than in addition to, fatty foods.

When consuming pecans, it is worth remembering in moderation. The body can absorb no more than 100 grams of nuts per meal. If you eat more of it, you may experience digestive problems. If you have allergies and fatty liver, as well as with a tendency to obesity, you should generally limit your consumption of nuts.

It is necessary to significantly limit the amount of pecans in the diet for skin diseases and a tendency to constipation.

Pregnant women should use pecans with caution. A significant amount of protein in its composition can cause allergies in a woman and provoke intolerance to this product in a baby. The safe amount of pecans for expectant mothers is 2 kernels three times a week.

Pecans are a difficult product for children's digestion. Pediatricians do not recommend feeding them to children under 3 years of age. When offering nuts to a child, you should carefully monitor how his body will react.

In some babies, these fruits cause severe allergies, including choking. Not everyone has tried pecans, much less know where such a nut grows in Russia. This culture is only gaining popularity in personal plots

. Pecans are grown primarily in the south, but developed frost-resistant varieties allow planting in the northern regions. Exotic is unpretentious in care and reproduces in the same way as a walnut. If you look at the photo, you can see that the plants are similar in appearance. The pecan is native to North America, where it is grown on an industrial scale. The walnut grows in Central Asia, Crimea and the Caucasus, Stavropol Territory and Rostov region

Russia. Some varieties can easily tolerate frosts of thirty degrees, are distinguished by drought resistance, stable fruiting and undemanding to the composition of the soil. pretty pecan
  • unpretentious plant
  • Textan;
  • Success;
  • Indiana;
  • Major;
  • Stewart;


Pecan wood is harder than oak and has an interesting structure - various furniture is made from it. The nuts are used to make nut butter and cosmetics, and are used to make confectionery. Pecans have a higher fat content than other nuts, about 10% pure protein, and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Advice. Pecan is a vigorous, large plant. It reaches a height of 60 m, with a crown diameter of 40 m. Pollination requires several trees, since pollen is carried by the wind.

Planting and propagation

  • The nut is propagated by seeds and vegetatively:
  • cuttings;
  • grafting on white pecan;


Fruits that fall to the ground are considered ripe. Immediately after harvesting, the fruits can be sown in the ground or stratified before planting. Make furrows up to 10 cm deep and sow nuts. A distance of at least 1 m is left between the rows. In the spring, absolutely all the seeds germinate, and the seedlings turn out to be more hardy and resilient.

In spring, nuts are sown at the end of April. Before this they are stratified. Soak for a couple of days in water, then place in wet sawdust or peat and place in cool place for germination. Make sure that the substrate is constantly moist and the room temperature remains at 2 - 4 0C. After two months, they are taken out to a warm room. Sow in furrows, sprinkle with humus and water regularly.

Choose a place for planting that is sunny and protected from the wind without stagnant moisture. If the seeds will be planted immediately in a permanent place, then fill the planting site with compost in advance.

pecan sprout

Pecan grows very slowly in the first years - it builds up its root system. The annual growth of the plant is only about 30 cm, by the age of three it reaches 50 cm and is suitable for transplanting to a permanent place. Prepare planting holes measuring 60 x 60 cm; if the soil is acidic, lime. Fill with a nutrient mixture of compost and soil. The roots must be placed so that they do not tuck and are completely spread out to the sides. They drive in a peg to which the seedling will be tied after planting. The root collar of the plant should be at soil level; after planting, the soil is slightly compacted and watered abundantly. The top is mulched with humus or any organic material. The distance between seedlings is about 15 m.

Young seedlings need watering, fertilizing, and protection from weeds. Fruiting of a seedling grown from a seed occurs in the tenth year of life. Grafted seedlings bear fruit earlier - at 4 - 5 years of age.

Advice. Before sowing, the nuts are soaked in water; any that float are discarded.

Pecan care, diseases and pests

Young plants need plenty of moisture and protection from weeds. Abundant watering is necessary in hot, dry weather. Pecans also need fertilizing and formative pruning. Pruning is carried out to form young trees; adult plants no longer need this procedure. In the spring, dry branches and branches that excessively thicken the crown are cut out.

The culture loves regular watering

Pecan is notable for the fact that it practically does not get sick. Its fruits are not affected by the walnut moth, since the fruit has a solid shell, unlike the walnut, which has a soft layer between the halves of the shell.

Important. The pecan tree is a long-liver, bears fruit up to 300 years of age, and can live 500.

Fertilizer and feeding

In the spring, fertilizers containing an increased dose of nitrogen are applied. Phosphorus and potassium are applied in the fall - they help the wood to ripen and contribute to the formation of the future harvest. Mature trees that have crossed the thirty-year mark can be fed with a mixture of potassium salt, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

Pecans are visually similar to olives, which is why they are called "olive nuts." If you have a lot of space on your plot, feel free to plant a pecan, and the tree will generously thank you with a harvest.

Properties of pecan nut: video

The pecan nut is an exotic representative that grows in North America, Central Asia, Crimea and the southern regions of Russia. This species has many similar features to walnut and is also very useful for the human body. By consuming a small amount of this product, you can prevent the appearance of many dangerous pathologies: hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer or gallstone diseases.

The pecan is an unpretentious plant and can grow in different climates. There are varieties that can withstand low temperatures, prolonged drought, and also grow in soil poor in organic matter and minerals.

Among the most popular pecan varieties you can find: Stuart, Greenriver, Indiana, Textan, Major, Success. The availability of nutrients depends on the type of nut and where the tree grows.

They all have a different composition, but each is useful in its own way, since it may contain more minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

Video “Description”

You will learn a lot from the video interesting facts about the type of pecan nut.

Advice. Pecan is a vigorous, large plant. It reaches a height of 60 m, with a crown diameter of 40 m. Pollination requires several trees, since pollen is carried by the wind.

Pecans are propagated in several ways: grafting, seedlings, budding and seeds.

The seeds are usually collected after the nut is fully ripe - in the fall. After this, they are sown in prepared soil or stratified for several months before spring sowing. First, beds with deep furrows are prepared. It is important that the seeds are immersed in the soil at least 7 centimeters. On average, one and a half to two dozen seeds are sown per meter of bed.

When they are already in the ground, they will need to be covered with it planting material, and then moisten the soil. You need to pour a little water so that it saturates the ground, but does not stagnate on the surface. To make it evaporate more slowly, you can use soil mulching.

As a result, the emergence of seedlings can be observed within a month.

At first, the pecan nut grows quite slowly. Over the course of a year, the stem of the plant can grow up to 30 centimeters. By the age of three, the height will be about 60 centimeters. Strong good seedlings in the first year they can already be transplanted to a permanent place where they will take root. Gardeners leave weaker plants for another 1-2 years until they become stronger.

When seedlings are preparing for planting, the root system should be consistently moistened, and if necessary, they can be fed with fertilizers.

You can grow pecans in a greenhouse, conservatory, and even on the balcony, if the owners are willing to devote time for this. To transplant a grown seedling, you usually take a large, spacious container. A wooden box will do.

It is imperative to take into account what cultivation specifications must be observed for individual nut varieties. For example, caria needs a long period of complete dormancy, and from November until the beginning of spring, the plant should be kept at a temperature of about 10-12 degrees. At this time, the frequency of watering decreases.

Pecans can be grown from seedlings, but owners should note that this method has its own difficulties. The main problem is that the finished seedlings have a very sensitive root system. Even with the slightest damage, which may not be noticed, the plant can die. Therefore, when transporting pecan seedlings, you need to be extremely careful. Root system Caria varieties have lateral and central roots (mixed system). Before planting a seedling in the soil, you need to dig a deep and wide hole so as not to break the shoots. It is desirable that the soil be fertile and soft. If there is an admixture of clay in it, then you can first add a little sand to create drainage. Thus, the water after watering will not stagnate.

After planting the nut in the ground, you will need to install a level support nearby to which the seedling is tied. Then the earth is watered and covered with a small layer of mulch.

If there is no good fertile soil on the site, then before planting you need to prepare it yourself or purchase it from a specialized store.

Good soil increases seed germination and also allows seedlings to grow better. In the future (in a few years) this will no longer be critical, since the plant will take root and take root.


The pecan nut does not require special care measures, since the plant itself is unpretentious. Of course, if you provide favorable conditions for its growth, you can significantly improve productivity, as well as prevent the occurrence of diseases or pests.

Gardeners will need to periodically pull through the weeds that will grow in the area near the nut. When the plants get stronger and begin to stretch upward, you will need to make holes in order to better control the amount of water that goes into irrigation. You will also need to periodically loosen the soil when it is beaten down by rain or trampled underfoot.

Pecan care, in addition to watering and fertilizing, should also include caring for its crown. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to carry out sanitary and formative pruning, removing dry damaged branches. At proper care A self-grown nut from seeds begins to bear fruit no earlier than ten years later.

You can achieve earlier fruiting, at the age of four or five years, if you grow the nut using a scion or budding. But these propagation methods require special knowledge and skills, so most often gardeners use either the seed propagation method or purchase ready-made adult seedlings aged 3-5 years.

Diseases and pests

Pecans are difficult to crack without additional tools. Its shell does not have a single crack or hole (like, for example, a walnut). This is both a plus - various insects cannot penetrate inside, and also a minus - it is difficult to split and remove the kernel due to the dense shell.

The plant is practically not susceptible to diseases compared to walnuts. In damp weather and shade, mold may appear on the trunk, which can lead to rotting of the tree. You can fight pathogenic fungi using chemicals or some folk remedies– a solution of ammonia, baking soda or vinegar.

Fertilizer and feeding

As with any other type of nut, fertilizing the land and feeding plants can be done using organic additives and special preparations.

Fertilizers must be applied carefully. It is important to consult with experienced gardeners regarding the dosage of various substances for each type of nut. When using medications, carefully read the instructions for use.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in small portions, preferably not during the fruiting period, especially if the nut is young. Nitrogenous fertilizers can then cause bacteriosis. But phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are excellent for fertilizing, as they have a beneficial effect on the fruiting of the tree.

The applied fertilizers cannot be left on the soil surface; they must be completely buried in the soil when digging or loosening.

Video “Stratification”

From the video you will learn how to properly carry out stratification.

The pecan nut is widely eaten by residents of the United States, where, by the way, it grows. It is the southern part of the United States that is considered the birthplace of this wood product, where it is most often found off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Pecan fruits resemble walnuts in appearance, but taste slightly different. In this article we will talk in detail about calorie content and beneficial properties about this, as well as how to choose it correctly, clean it and store it for a long time.

Calorie content and chemical composition

In 100 g of this wood product there are 691 kcal, among all calories the protein part is 9.2 g, carbohydrate - 4.3 g, fat - 72.0 g. The composition of this nut includes a wide range of various minerals, micro- and macroelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, food fibers, mono- and disaccharides.
In addition, pecans are rich in a variety of B vitamin compounds, as well as vitamins K, A, E, C, PP. The product also contains choline, beta-carotene and many minerals: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

Beneficial features

This nut is considered similar not only in its biological description, but also in some beneficial properties. In addition, pecans are used to make tasty and healthy oil, even with the taste of chocolate, which can be found on store shelves.


One of the most important beneficial properties of these nuts is the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in them, which can suppress the level of “bad” cholesterol (Omega-6) and increase the level of good cholesterol (Omega-3). Omega-3 contains essential oleic acid, which is not produced by the human body and must be supplied to it from the outside.
Omega-3 is only found in certain types of nuts, flaxseed oil and some types of sea fish. Most people living in our country are deficient in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is why we have always had an increased risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3s can normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, improve the condition of blood vessels, and thus reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. In addition, these fatty acids kill tumor germs in the human body and also normalize the condition of the skin.

Did you know? 80% of the world's pecan reserves are located in the United States.

Pecans are high in calories because they contain a lot of healthy fats. Some of them have antioxidant properties and slow down the aging process. By the way, Omega-3 fatty acids have a significant influence on this factor.
During experiments, scientists found that smokers who eat natural springs Omega-3 wrinkles are much less than in smokers who avoid taking polyunsaturated fatty acids.

This nut is very rich in carotene, which helps maintain normal vision function throughout for long years. Carotene prevents the occurrence of many eye diseases, including cataracts and glaucoma.
In addition, carotene has antitoxic properties and helps remove various toxic substances from the blood, and also prevents the deposition of byproducts of fat oxidation on the walls of blood vessels, which form atherosclerotic plaques. If you still don’t know what pecans are, then keep in mind that they are one of nature’s best gifts against hypertension and arrhythmia.

In addition, pecans help strengthen the body's defenses and improve appetite. They are also able to adjust testosterone levels, which directly affects the quality of sexual life. Regular consumption of such nuts will improve the functioning of many vital organs.


In this section we will talk about the benefits of natural, pressed butter from nuts, rather than a paste that is spread on bread and gives your taste buds the aroma of chocolate. Of course, paste is also useful in some specific cases, but natural oil undoubtedly has many more beneficial properties.

Important! Buy only cold-pressed oil, because when hot-processed, some vitamins in its composition, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, can break down into other constituent substances that no longer benefit the body.

Natural pecan oil has found its use not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Moreover, in the last two areas, this product is used much more often than ordinary nuts, since the oil contains much more various useful substances per unit mass.

The most best oil the concentration of those very useful substances will be if you use the cold-press method in its production.
Natural pecan butter will have a pleasant nutty smell and a soft, delicate taste.

Did you know? Walnut oil can be taken both internally and externally. It all depends on what purposes you are going to use it for. If pecan oil is used to season vegetable or fruit salads, it will help relieve cold symptoms, relieve headaches and strengthen the cardiovascular system. This product can also be applied to the skin. The pecan product will become an indispensable aid for bites, bruises, sunburn, irritations, fungal infections, etc.

A pecan tree can bear fruit for 300 years.

The product made from pecan nuts has also found its application in cosmetology. Here the oil is used to moisturize, soften and protect the skin. This product protects the epidermis well from various external irritants. You can use nut oil for any skin type, but it will have a more beneficial and effective effect on dry and mature skin.

Possible harm
Pecan nuts have many beneficial properties and practically no contraindications. One of the main contraindications to the use of this product is allergic reactions. If you don’t have any, then you can safely eat it. But you should be careful with unlimited consumption, this is especially important for women who are watching their figure.

You need to be careful, because 300 grams of such nuts will cover your entire daily nutritional requirement, as they will give your body about two thousand calories.

These nuts reach their peak ripeness only in the fall, so they should be purchased during this period of the year. When choosing, pay attention to the shell: it must be clean and without mechanical damage. Shake the nuts and listen carefully to the sound; if everything rattles inside, it means the product is old, and quite possibly from last year. It is best to buy pecans unopened. This way you can smell them and examine them carefully. Choose only those nuts that have a natural smell and at the same time a coherent structure.

In what form to use

Pecans can be consumed absolutely in different forms: cheese, dried, fried. In addition, such nuts will become a tasty filling for various salads and baked goods. And some gourmets insist on pecans for elite drinks (cognac, liqueur, etc.). Walnut oil can be used to season salads, rice dishes, and a particularly tasty combination of pecan butter and trout meat.

In the area where pecan grows, it is easily recognized by its large elongated leaves, which reach 50 centimeters in length. They have a smooth structure and slightly shine in the sun. It should be noted that during the flowering period you can find both male and female inflorescences. Women's ones have a more sedentary position and are located side by side in numbers from three to ten pieces. They can be found at the ends of each shoot. The ripening period for flowers in a country with a warm climate lasts from May to June. Just a few gusts of wind are enough for pollination. It is important that trees of different sexes be located nearby.


Pecan is a tall deciduous tree that reaches 40 to 60 meters. The crown is dense and wide. It spans up to 40 m in diameter. The trunk is covered with light brown bark with small cracks. Its diameter ranges from two to three meters. The buds have a characteristic yellow color, which makes it easy to distinguish this plant from others. Shoots of a similar color to the bark are pubescent at the first stage of development, and then become bare.

The pecan tree produces fruit in a knuckle that reaches a length of approximately five centimeters. The weight of each of them ranges from 15 to 20 grams. The leathery, dense shell cracks after the nut is fully ripened. The maximum number of fruits in a bunch is eleven. The nut has an oval shape, which is distinguished by a characteristic point on one side. The tree can be recognized by carefully examining the surface of the nut:

  • smoothness;
  • shine;
  • shallow ribs;
  • small wrinkles;
  • characteristic brown color.

The internal contents are edible and have a slightly sweet taste. Some people note the resemblance to a walnut. The advantage is the absence of partitions that complicate the cleaning procedure. In climates where the pecan tree grows, the tree can bear fruit between September and October. As soon as the fruit is suitable for consumption, it falls away from the shoots on its own.

A good harvest can only be harvested if the tree is more than nine years old. The first fruits will appear only after four years of life. From a young seedling you can collect no more than five kilograms of fruit, while an adult produces about fifteen. You can benefit from the tree for the next two hundred years. On average, the lifespan of a tree ranges from three hundred years.


Not every resident of the CIS countries knows how pecans grow. After all, the plant cannot be found in this territory. North America is considered to be its homeland. Pecans were actively eaten by ancient Indian tribes. Today, large plantations are located in the USA and Asia. They come to our country due to export. The pecan nut, the cultivation of which can be seen in the Caucasus and Crimea, has not acquired industrial scale in our country.

There are some quirks to how the pecan nut grows. It bears fruit only if there is sufficient heat and light. It is noted for its high resistance to frost, so it can be grown even in the northern region. Botanists say that the tree can withstand frost down to -30 degrees. Today there are more than 150 varieties.

Growing procedure

Pecan seedlings quickly adapt to different weather conditions. There are varieties that are grown in cold or severe drought. The plant is unpretentious. However, it is rarely found in our country. This is due to the fact that not many people know exactly how to create the right conditions for growing.

Those who want to plant a pecan nut need to know - planting and growing it can be done from seeds, by grafting, from cuttings or budding. It is important to transplant the resulting sprout into the ground no later than three months after its appearance. The seeds should be buried seven centimeters into the soil. For this, a layer of special mulch is used. The first shoots should appear within a month.

The scheme is similar to how to grow a pecan from a fruit. After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to provide proper care for them. The roots are regularly treated with moisture until the tree gets stronger and takes root. This will take two to three years. If necessary, a layer of fertilizer is applied to the soil.

The procedure for growing a tree from seedlings is more complicated, since they instantly respond to changes in external living conditions. The root system can be damaged at any time by external influences. It is best to root the plant in mixed soil. The seedling is tied near the support, and then covered in a circle with a thick layer of mulch. Some plant growers vaccinate. For this purpose, white pecan rootstock is used. It will be possible to get the first fruits from it no earlier than four years later and only if the necessary care is provided.

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